Command | Description |
echo | display string or variables |
file | determine file type |
ls | list directory contents |
ll | list directory contents with long listing format |
ls -a | list directory contents without ignoring files start with "." |
chmod | change mode for file permission, + for adding, - for removing, = for setting |
mkdir | make directories |
rm | remove files |
rm -r | recursively remove files, often use when removing directories |
rm -f | forcely remove files |
cp | copy files |
cp -r | copy directories |
mv | move files |
cat | concatenate files and print all contents |
more | print one screenful contents |
less | similar to more |
head -n | print contents with a certain number of lines at the beginning of file |
tail -n | print contents with a certain number of lines at the end of file |
tail -f | monitoring appending contents |
grep | search and print the contents with the keyword in the file |
ps | report a snapshot of the current processes |
ps aux | report every current processes on the system using BSD syntax |
kill | kill process with pid |
dirname | show the directory name without full path |
Pipe operator: |
- The output of the first command is piped to the second command as its input.
Output redirect operator: > and >>
- The > overwrites the file if it exists or creates it if it doesn't exist.
- The >> appends to a file or creates the file if it doesn't exist.
Command | Description |
-eq | equal |
-ne | not equal |
-gt | greater than |
-ge | greater or equal |
-lt | less than |
-le | less or equal |
# You can also use other interpreters like /usr/bin/python
# If you want the new shell to be executed, you should give it the execution authority
# The command is "chmod +x"
foo=123 # no space between '='
echo $foo # dollar sign for accessing variables
echo ${foo}bar # braces for solving ambiguity in expression
if [ 10 -eq 20 ] # two spaces between the content inside the []
then echo 10 is equal to 20
elif [ 10 -lt 20 ] # else if
then echo 10 is less than 20
else echo 10 is larger than 20
fi # end if
while [ $i -lt 10 ] # while loop
do # begin command
echo i = $i
i=$(($i + 1)) # Use two pairs of parentheses inside dollar sign for expression
i=`expr $i + 1` # Using `` and expr is equivalent to using $(())
# When using 'expr', there must be spaces between operators
# Execute command inside `` first and replace `command...` as its output
done # end while
for var in 0 1 2 3 4 5 # for loop
echo $var # print 0 to 5
done # end for
function_name() { # Use parentheses to declare a function, cannot use parameters inside
echo I am a function
function function_with_params { # Explicitly declare a function, no parentheses
echo hello $1, $2 # Use dollar signs for params
} # Function should be pre-defined before calling
function_with_params sun moon # calling function
lines_in_text () {
cat $1 | wc -l
num_lines=`lines_in_text $1` # use the argument of the calling command in terminal
echo The file $1 has $num_lines lines in it.
hello="hello world"
hello=${hello// /\\ } # change space into backslash space
declare -a array # declare an array
array+=("$hello" "!") # append elements
for i in ${array[@]} # traverse the elements in array
echo $i
mapfile -t files < <(ls pwd) # store the outputs of commands into the array 'files'
# To be continue