From d81fa3f89f04f6c3fdcb44c75700cdb7006b7acb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=C2=A1Tengo=20un=20plan!?=
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2024 22:53:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 001/210] Add files via upload
translations/es/pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 2208 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 translations/es/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
diff --git a/translations/es/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/translations/es/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b085f1a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/es/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
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+ {
+ "code": "10501",
+ "name": "Escrito en la roca",
+ "text": "Fácil/Normal - Acto 1\n[skull]: -X. X es el número de la columna de tu Lugar.\n[cultist]: -1. Coloca 1 recurso en esta carta como chatarra.\n[tablet]: -2. Si fracasas, retira 1 de chatarra de esta carta.\n[elder_thing]: -3. Si fracasas, recibe 1 punto de daño.\nChatarra ( __ )",
+ "back_text": "Fácil/Normal - Acto 2\n[skull]: -X. X es el número de la columna de tu Lugar.\n[cultist]: -2. Coloca 1 recurso en esta carta como aguja.\n[tablet]: -2. Si fracasas, mueve la Vagoneta una vez.\n[elder_thing]: -3. Si fracasas, retira 1 aguja de esta carta.\nAgujas ( __ )"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10502",
+ "name": "Escrito en la roca",
+ "text": "Difícil/Experto - Acto 1\n[skull]: -X. X es el doble del número de la columna de tu Lugar.\n[cultist]: -3. Si tienes éxito, coloca 1 recurso en esta carta como chatarra.\n[tablet]: -4. Retira 1 de chatarra de esta carta.\n[elder_thing]: -5. Recibe 1 punto de daño.\nChatarra ( __ )",
+ "back_text": "Difícil/Experto - Acto 2\n[skull]: -X. X es el doble del número de la columna de tu Lugar.\n[cultist]: -3. Si tienes éxito, coloca 1 recurso en esta carta como aguja.\n[tablet]: -4. Mueve la Vagoneta una vez.\n[elder_thing]: -5. Retira 1 aguja de esta carta.\nAgujas ( __ )"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10503",
+ "name": "Exploración subterránea",
+ "text": "Obligado - Cuando este plan avance: Mueve al siguiente plan toda la perdición que tenga.\n[action] Roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros: Mueve 1 recurso de tu Lugar a la carta de referencia de escenario, como chatarra. Si la carta de Encuentro que acabas de robar era una Traición [[Poder]], obtén 5 recursos.",
+ "flavor": "La vieja mina está llena de maquinaria destartalada y cuenta con una antigua vía de ferrocarril. ¿Qué secretos hay escritos en la roca?",
+ "back_name": "Derrumbe",
+ "back_text": "Inflige 2 puntos de daño a cada investigador y 1 punto de daño directo a cada Apoyo [[Aliado]] que controlen.\nRevela el Lugar Puesto de control y mueve todos los investigadores supervivientes a dicho Lugar.\nCada investigador pierde todas sus pistas.\nHaz avanzar el acto.",
+ "back_flavor": "Una viga de madera se comba con un fuerte chasquido y cae sobre vuestros cráneos. El impacto del golpe casi os deja sin sentido. Desde las profundidades de la mina llegan más temblores que hacen vibrar la cueva."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10504",
+ "name": "Viaje peligroso",
+ "text": "Los Lugares con Apoyos de historia no se pueden deslizar ni intercambiar.\nCada Enemigo obtiene la palabra clave Cazador y resuelve su palabra clave Cazador una vez adicional durante la fase de Enemigos.\nCuando un Enemigo se mueve, cada Lugar adyacente se considera conectado a su Lugar.",
+ "flavor": "Ahora sabéis por qué están abandonadas las minas de la Punta Norte. Abominaciones que se retuercen y mineros enajenados merodean por los túneles, hambrientos y en busca de su siguiente comida.",
+ "back_name": "Colapso absoluto",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador superviviente queda derrotado y sufre 1 trauma físico o 1 trauma mental.",
+ "back_flavor": "El túnel se derrumba tras la vagoneta y deja al descubierto una caverna repleta de cristales resplandecientes de color violeta. La vagoneta se estrella contra una roca y salís volando por los aires hacia la oscuridad. Mientras el túnel vibra debido a más temblores, tratáis de manteneros por delante del derrumbamiento, aterrados por lo que podría ocurrir si os quedáis atrapados aquí. Pasáis corriendo junto a un cadáver podrido y con la mandíbula desencajada y estáis a punto de vomitar por el hedor. Unos metros más adelante tropezáis con una roca desprendida y os golpeáis la cabeza.\nDespertáis horas más tarde, con la cabeza como un bombo, y deambuláis aturdidos hasta que encontráis una corriente de aire fresco y la seguís para salir de la mina."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10505",
+ "name": "Descenso a las minas",
+ "text": "Objetivo - Al final de la ronda, si cada investigador superviviente está en el Puesto de control, haz avanzar el acto (Consejo: ¡Llega al Puesto de control antes de que el plan avance!<(i>).",
+ "flavor": "Os dais cuenta de que el siniestro zumbido que flota en el ambiente proviene de las formaciones de cristal, que vibran. Hay algo extraño, pero no sabríais decir el qué…",
+ "back_name": "Sin vuelta atrás",
+ "back_text": "Retira todos los Lugares [[Cueva]] de la partida (descartando todos los Enemigos, fichas y cartas vinculadas de esos Lugares). Si River Hawthorne está en juego, pero no bajo el control de algún investigador, retírala de la partida.\nCada investigador pierde todas sus pistas.\nSi está en juego el plan 1a, haz avanzar el plan inmediatamente al plan 2a (no resuelvas el plan 1b).\nLa búsqueda de suministros resultará útil para lo que venga después. Dale la vuelta a la carta de referencia de escenario y mueve toda la chatarra que tenga a ese otro lado, como agujas.\nLee el Interludio de escenario: El derrumbe (página 10).",
+ "back_flavor": "Un trozo de roca cae del techo y está a punto de golpearos. Empiezan a desprenderse más rocas, lo que os obliga a adentraros más."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10506",
+ "name": "El laberinto subterráneo",
+ "text": "[free] Durante tu turno, los investigadores, como grupo, gastan 1 pista [per_investigator]: Desliza un Lugar a un espacio vacío adyacente o intercambia 2 Lugares.\n[action] Gasta 1 recurso [per_investigator]: Desliza un Lugar revelado a un espacio vacío adyacente. Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.\n[action] Si el Apoyo de historia Esquirla prismática está en tu Lugar: Toma su control.\nObjetivo - ¡Llega a la Salida férrea! Cuando la Vagoneta entre en la Salida férrea, haz avanzar el acto inmediatamente.",
+ "flavor": "La única forma de salir de las minas de la Punta Norte es atravesando el laberinto de túneles férreos.",
+ "back_name": "Por fin a salvo",
+ "back_text": "Comprueba lo siguiente:\n-Si un investigador controla a Simeon Atwood, (→R1).\n-Si un investigador controla a Leah Atwood, (→R2).\n-Si Simeon Atwood está puesto aparte o sigue en juego y no está bajo el control de un investigador, (→R3).\n-Si Leah Atwood está puesta aparte o sigue en juego y no está bajo el control de un investigador, (→R4).\n-Si nada de lo anterior es cierto, (→R5).",
+ "back_flavor": "Saltan chispas de las vías cuando aplicas el freno de la vagoneta hasta que se para."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10507",
+ "name": "Vagoneta",
+ "subname": "Fiable, pero rota",
+ "text": "Obligado - al final de la fase de Enemigos: Mueve la Vagoneta una vez. Si se sale de la línea de ferrocarril, cada investigador queda derrotado y sufre un trauma físico.\n[reaction] Cuando la Vagoneta se mueva, gasta 1 aguja: Cancela el movimiento o bien muévela una vez adicional. Límite de grupo de dos veces por fase.",
+ "flavor": "(⭢)(⭠⭡⭢⭣)",
+ "traits": "Vehículo. Carro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10508",
+ "name": "Puesto de control",
+ "text": "[free] Durante tu turno: Intercambia 2 Lugares [[Ferrocarril]] adyacentes. Límite de grupo de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "La parte de atrás de la estación está llena de cajas de dinamita muy vieja y reservas de pólvora.\n(⭡⭢)",
+ "back_text": "Como coste adicional para entrar en el Puesto de control, los investigadores que estén en un Lugar adyacente deben gastar, como grupo, 2 pistas [per_investigator].",
+ "back_flavor": "El farol del cobertizo está encendido. ¿Quién estuvo aquí antes que vosotros?.\n(⭡⭢)",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril. Estación."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10509",
+ "name": "Salida férrea",
+ "text": "La Salida férrea no se puede deslizar ni intercambiar.",
+ "flavor": "Hay numerosas marcas de arañazos en las paredes y vigas cercanas. Te estremeces sólo de pensar en las frenéticas criaturas que han huido de las minas de la Punta Norte para buscar su próxima comida.\nVictoria 1.\n(⭣).",
+ "back_text": "La Salida férrea no se puede deslizar ni intercambiar.",
+ "back_flavor": "El atrayente resplandor de las lámparas y la corriente de aire fresco seguramente quieren decir que hay otra salida.\n(⭣).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10510",
+ "name": "Curva a la izquierda",
+ "text": "[action][action]: Intercambia 2 Lugares [[Ferrocarril]] adyacentes. Límite de grupo de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "De los cristales emana una extraña luz.\n(⭠⭡).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭠⭡).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10510b",
+ "name": "Curva a la izquierda",
+ "text": "[action]Gasta 2 recursos: Desliza un Lugar a un espacio vacío adyacente a él. Límite de grupo de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "De los cristales emana una extraña luz.\n(⭠⭡).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭠⭡).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10511",
+ "name": "Curva a la derecha",
+ "text": "[action][action]: Intercambia 2 Lugares [[Ferrocarril]] adyacentes. Límite de grupo de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "De los cristales emana una extraña luz.\n(⭢⭣).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭢⭣).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10511b",
+ "name": "Curva a la derecha",
+ "text": "[action]Gasta 2 recursos: Desliza un Lugar a un espacio vacío adyacente a él. Límite de grupo de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "De los cristales emana una extraña luz.\n(⭢⭣).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭢⭣).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10512",
+ "name": "Raíl alcalino",
+ "text": "Obligado - Al final de la ronda: Inflige 1 punto de horror a cada investigador y Apoyo [[Habitante]] que haya en el Raíl alcalino.",
+ "flavor": "El túnel está invadido por una neblina de color rojo sangre. Cada respiración provoca un doloroso acceso de tos.\n(⭠⭢).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭠⭢).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10512b",
+ "name": "Raíl alcalino",
+ "text": "Obligado - Al final de la ronda: Inflige 1 punto de horror a cada investigador y Apoyo [[Habitante]] que haya en el Raíl alcalino.",
+ "flavor": "El túnel está invadido por una neblina de color rojo sangre. Cada respiración provoca un doloroso acceso de tos.\n(⭡⭣).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭡⭣).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10513",
+ "name": "Raíl retorcido",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que la Vagoneta entre en el Raíl retorcido: Mueve la Vagoneta una vez.",
+ "flavor": "Mirar por el túnel espiralado hace que te dé vueltas la cabeza.\nVictoria 1.\n(⭠⭢).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭠⭢).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10513b",
+ "name": "Raíl retorcido",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que la Vagoneta entre en el Raíl retorcido: Mueve la Vagoneta una vez.",
+ "flavor": "Mirar por el túnel espiralado hace que te dé vueltas la cabeza.\nVictoria 1.\n(⭡⭢⭣).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭡⭢⭣).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10514",
+ "name": "Raíl hundido",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que el Raíl hundido sea revelado: Descarta cartas de la parte superior del mazo de Encuentros hasta que sea descartado un Enemigo. El investigador jefe roba ese Enemigo.",
+ "flavor": "¿Qué acecha realmente bajo el agua?\n(⭡⭢⭣).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭡⭢⭣).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10514b",
+ "name": "Raíl hundido",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que el Raíl hundido sea revelado: Descarta cartas de la parte superior del mazo de Encuentros hasta que sea descartado un Enemigo. El investigador jefe roba ese Enemigo.",
+ "flavor": "¿Qué acecha realmente bajo el agua?\n(⭢⭣⭠).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭢⭣⭠).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10515",
+ "name": "Raíl bifurcado",
+ "text": "Obligado - Al final de la ronda, si la Vagoneta está en el Raíl bifurcado: Descarta 1 aguja de la carta de referencia de escenario.",
+ "flavor": "El aire huele menos fétido en dos pasadizos. Pero ¿de verdad deberías seguir tu olfato?\n(⭡⭢⭣⭠).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭡⭢⭣⭠).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10516",
+ "name": "Puente férreo",
+ "text": "X es el número de la columna del Puente férreo.\n[action] Gasta 1 recurso [per_investigator]: Coloca 1 recurso en la carta de referencia de escenario como aguja. Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.",
+ "flavor": "Los minerales de la roca destellan como estrellas.\n(⭡⭣).",
+ "back_name": "Túnel férreo",
+ "back_flavor": "Estas vías no parecen nada seguras.\n(⭡⭣).",
+ "traits": "Ferrocarril."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10517",
+ "name": "Bestia subterránea",
+ "text": "Cazador. Descomunal.\nLa Bestia subterránea recibe +3 de salud [per_investigator].\nSi la Bestia subterránea está preparada y en el Lugar de la Vagoneta, la vagoneta no se puede mover.\n[action] Gasta 1 pista [per_investigator]: Agota la Bestia subterránea. No puede prepararse esta ronda.",
+ "flavor": "Victoria 2.",
+ "traits": "Abominación. Mutado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10518",
+ "name": "Híbrido excavador",
+ "text": "Cazador.\nObligado - Después de que el Híbrido excavador entre en juego, si la Vagoneta mira hacia un Lugar conectado: Desliza ese Lugar a un espacio vacío adyacente. Si no puedes, intercámbialo con un Lugar adyacente a él.",
+ "flavor": "Está claro que no come sólo gusanos.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10519",
+ "name": "Minero enajenado",
+ "text": "Cazador.\nX es el número de la columna del Minero enajenado.\nObligado - Después de que el Minero enajenado te ataque: Inflige 1 punto de daño a cada uno de los demás investigadores y Apoyos [[Habitante]] que haya en este Lugar.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10520",
+ "name": "Derrumbe",
+ "text": "Revelación - Vincula el Derrumbe al Lugar hacia el que mira la Vagoneta. Si no puedes, el Derrumbe obtiene Oleada.\nObligado - Cuando la Vagoneta fuese a moverse al Lugar vinculado: Cancela el movimiento e inflige 2 puntos de daño a cada investigador y Apoyo [[Habitante]] que haya en la Vagoneta.\n[action]: Realiza una prueba de [combat] o de [agility](2). Si tienes éxito, descarta el Derrumbe. Un investigador que esté en un Lugar adyacente puede activar esta capacidad.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10521",
+ "name": "Trayecto salvaje",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [agility](5). Si fracasas, pon el Trayecto salvaje en juego en tu zona de amenaza.\nObligado - Cuando la Vagoneta se mueva: Muévela 2 veces adicionales o bien inflige 1 punto de daño directo y 1 punto de horror directo a cada investigador y a cada Apoyo [[Aliado]] y carta [[Habitante]] que controlen. Descarta el Trayecto salvaje.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10522",
+ "name": "Esquirla prismática",
+ "subname": "Meteorito alienígena",
+ "text": "Usos (4 de fulgor).\n[reaction] Cuando el efecto de una carta de escenario fuese a descartar cualquier cantidad de cartas de tu mano, agota la Esquirla prismática y gasta 1 de fulgor: Ignora ese efecto y roba esa misma cantidad de cartas en su lugar.",
+ "traits": "Objeto. Reliquia. Color."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10523",
+ "name": "La Casa Cicuta",
+ "text": "Fácil/Normal\n[skull]: -X. X es el número de tu piso actual (hasta un mínimo de 1).\n[cultist]: -1. Si tu Lugar es un Enemigo, agótalo.\n[tablet]: -3. Si fracasas, cura 1 punto de daño al Lugar-Enemigo más cercano.\n[elder_thing]: -4. Si fracasas y está en juego el plan 2a o 3a, después de que se resuelva esta prueba, retira esta ficha de la bolsa del caos y añádela a la bolsa de depredación.",
+ "back_text": "Difícil/Experto\n[skull]: -X. X es el doble del número de tu piso actual (hasta un mínimo de 2).\n[cultist]: -2. Si tienes éxito y tu Lugar es un Enemigo, agótalo.\n[tablet]: -4. Si fracasas, cura 1 punto de daño [per_investigator] al Lugar-Enemigo más cercano.\n[elder_thing]: -5. Si está en juego el plan 2a o 3a, después de que se resuelva esta prueba, retira esta ficha de la bolsa del caos y añádela a la bolsa de depredación."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10524",
+ "name": "Prueba de depredación",
+ "text": "Usa estos resultados únicamente al revelar fichas de la bolsa de depredación.\n[cultist]: Pon aparte esta ficha.\n[tablet]: Cada Lugar-Enemigo ataca a cada investigador que esté en ese Lugar. Si no se ha realizado ningún ataque por este efecto, el investigador jefe roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros. Devuelve esta ficha y todas las fichas puestas aparte a la bolsa de depredación.\n[elder_thing]: Pon aparte esta ficha. Busca el Lugar [[Letargo]] no sellado más cercano al investigador jefe. Dale la vuelta a ese Lugar para mostrar su lado de Lugar-Enemigo.",
+ "back_name": "La casa depredadora",
+ "back_text": "Prepara una bolsa aparte que contenga las siguientes fichas: [cultist], [tablet] y [elder_thing] (si no tienes una segunda bolsa, emplea un cubilete, una taza o cualquier otro recipiente opaco). Ésta es la bolsa de depredación, y las fichas son fichas de depredación en lugar de ser fichas de Caos.\nA continuación, añade las siguientes fichas a la bolsa de depredación en función del día actual:\n-Día 1: Añade [cultist], [cultist] a la bolsa de depredación.\n-Día 2: Añade [cultist] a la bolsa de depredación.\n-Día 3: No hay cambios.\nAlgunas capacidades indicarán a los jugadores que realicen una prueba de depredación. Una prueba de depredación puede hacer que la casa cobre vida y ataque a los investigadores. Para resolver una prueba de depredación, revela una ficha aleatoria de la bolsa de depredación y resuelve los efectos de dicha ficha siguiendo las indicaciones del otro lado de esta carta.\bDale la vuelta a esta carta y colócala junto a la carta de referencia de escenario."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10525",
+ "name": "Silencio espectral",
+ "flavor": "Vuestros primeros pasos en la vieja mansión vienen acompañados por un fétido olor y una intensa sensación de que os observan. El aire está demasiado quieto y, para ser una casa abandonada, hay una inquietante falta de polvo en los muebles y suelos. Si aquí hace años que no vive nadie, ¿por qué todo da la impresión de haberse movido recientemente?.",
+ "back_name": "La casa viviente",
+ "back_text": "Añade al mazo de Encuentros la pila de descartes de Encuentros y todas las copias de las Traiciones puestas aparte Salen de las paredes y Atraído y luego barájalo.\nBusca el Lugar [[Letargo]] no sellado más cercano a la mayoría de los investigadores. Dale la vuelta a ese Lugar para mostrar su lado de Lugar-Enemigo.\nBusca la carta de Historia La casa depredadora puesta aparte y resuelve su texto.",
+ "back_flavor": "Cuando oís crujir la madera, os giráis para mirar el pasillo del que veníais. Todo tiene el mismo aspecto que antes, pero no lográis desprenderos de la sensación de que las cosas son sutilmente distintas. Apenas habéis dejado de contener el aliento y reanudado vuestra investigación cuando descubrís que los muebles de la estancia en la que os encontráis se están colocando en su sitio, como niños jugando a las sillas. Un vicioso tentáculo se retira entre un hueco de madera.\nLos rumores sobre la Casa Cicuta sólo eran verdades a medias. Hay algo viviendo entre sus paredes, pero se trata de algo mucho peor de lo que podríais haberos imaginado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10526",
+ "name": "La casa se agita (v.I)",
+ "text": "Obligatorio - Cuando acabe la fase de Mitos: Realiza una prueba de depredación.\n[free] Coloca 1 de tus pistas [per_investigator] en tu Lugar o bien retira un sello de él: Prepáralo y dale la vuelta.",
+ "flavor": "Lo que invade esta decrépita mansión no es una mera infestación de ratas o de criaturas del bosque. Algo vil habita en Casa Cicuta. Excava por el suelo, se retuerce entre sus paredes y os observa con los ojos invisibles y hambrientos.",
+ "back_name": "¡Está viva!",
+ "back_text": "Añade la pila de descartes de Encuentros al mazo de Encuentros y barájalo. Busca el Lugar [[Letargo]] no sellado más cercano a la mayoría de los investigadores. Dale la vuelta a ese Lugar para mostrar su lado de Lugar-Enemigo.",
+ "back_flavor": "La casa gruñe y cruje, como si todavía se estuviera asentando. Veis movimiento por el rabillo de ojo: en el suelo se forman ondas como en el agua mientras algo se mueve bajo las rechinantes tablas viejas."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10527",
+ "name": "La casa se agita (v.II)",
+ "text": "Obligatorio - Cuando acabe la fase de Mitos: Realiza una prueba de depredación.\n[free] Coloca 1 de tus pistas [per_investigator] en tu Lugar o bien retira un sello de él: Prepáralo y dale la vuelta.",
+ "flavor": "Lo que invade esta decrépita mansión no es una mera infestación de ratas o de criaturas del bosque. Algo vil habita en Casa Cicuta. Excava por el suelo, se retuerce entre sus paredes y os observa con los ojos invisibles y hambrientos.",
+ "back_name": "Oscura y tormentosa",
+ "back_text": "Busca el Lugar [[Letargo]] no sellado más cercano a la mayoría de los investigadores. Dale la vuelta a ese Lugar para mostrar su lado de Lugar-Enemigo.\nVincula una Traición ¡Fuego! puesta aparte al Lugar del piso superior que esté más a la izquierda. Añade la pila de descartes de Encuentros y todas las demás copias de ¡Fuego! al mazo de Encuentros y baraja éste.",
+ "back_flavor": "Una violenta lluvia golpea el tejado de la casa. El cielo del exterior está envuelto en nubes negras, tan sólo iluminado por breves destellos de luz a lo lejos. Se os eriza la piel mientras los gruñidos y crujidos quedan ahogados por el rugido de los truenos y el diluvio que choca contra las ventanas. En ese momento, una brillante luz inunda la sala y un estruendoso chasquido resuena en el piso superior de la casa. Un olor a madera quemada baja por las salas. ¡Un relámpago ha impactado en la casa!"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10528",
+ "name": "Paredes vivientes",
+ "text": "Obligatorio - Cuando acabe la fase de Mitos: Realiza una prueba de depredación.\n[free] Coloca 1 de tus pistas [per_investigator] en tu Lugar o bien retira un sello de él: Prepáralo y dale la vuelta.",
+ "flavor": "Una de dos: o la casa está viva o la criatura que mora entre sus paredes ha crecido hasta abarcarla por completo. Vuestra única esperanza ahora es asegurar todas las estancias, convertirla en escombros o huir y aseguraros de que nadie vuelve a acercarse jamás a este sitio.",
+ "back_name": "Las paredes se cierran",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador superviviente que no haya desistido queda derrotado y sufre un trauma mental.",
+ "back_flavor": "La madera cruje y se astilla mientras las paredes se cierran sobre vosotros. Los muebles se vuelven, dejando sitio a más de los tentáculos reptantes de la criatura. Se enroscan en torno a vuestras extremidades y os aprisionan contra el suelo mientras el techo baja, deformado y contorsionado. Es un órgano palpitante, un estómago que devora su comida. Madera, sellador y yeso caen sobre vosotros mientras los ruidos de la casa se disuelven en un rechinar ahogado.\nExperimentáis una descarga de adrenalina que os permite zafaros del agarre de la cosa. Con la cabeza palpitándoos, salís a todo correr de la casa mientras sus puertas se abren y cierran como voraces bocas."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10529",
+ "name": "Infestación extraña",
+ "text": "No se pueden descubrir pistas en Lugares sin investigadores.\n[action]: Si tu Lugar es [[Letargo]] y no sellado, los investigadores que estén en ese Lugar gastan, como grupo, 1 pista [per_investigator]: Coloca 1 recurso sobre él como sello.\nObjetivo - Al final de la ronda, si hay un total de 7 Lugares sellados y/o en la zona de victoria, haz avanzar el acto.",
+ "back_name": "Paredes de carne",
+ "back_text": "Si hay más sellos en juego que Lugares-Enemigo en la zona de victoria:\nVuestro esfuerzo por acabar con la extraña infestación parece haberla enfadado. Un fuerte chirrido hace temblar los cimientos de la casa, y el aire se llena de un fétido hedor de algo terrible que hay abajo.\nPon en juego el Lugar-Enemigo Sótano informe puesto aparte en el sótano, lo más cerca posible de la columna central.\nHaz avanzar el acto al acto 2a \"El corazón de la casa\" puesto aparte y retira de la partida el acto 2a \"Contra la casa\".\n
Si hay más Lugares-Enemigo en la zona de victoria que sellos en juego:\nLos cimientos de la casa tiemblan mientras otra habitación amenaza con venirse abajo. Si lográis derrumbar esta casa, la abominación que habita en su interior no sobrevivirá mucho tiempo.\nHaz avanzar el acto al acto 2a \"Contra la casa\" puesto aparte y retira de la partida el acto 2a \"El corazón de la casa\"."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10530",
+ "name": "Contra la casa",
+ "text": "No se pueden descubrir pistas en Lugares sin investigadores.\nObjetivo - ¡Derriba la casa! Si no hay Lugares en juego, haz avanzar el acto inmediatamente (esto sucede antes de que los investigadores lleguen a ser derrotados por no estar en el Lugar).",
+ "flavor": "Sellar a esta criatura no solucionará nada, Sea cual sea el monstruo que ha invadido la Casa Cicuta, debe ser destruido.",
+ "back_name": "La caída de la Casa Cicuta",
+ "back_flavor": "Huis justo a tiempo mientras lo que queda de la Casa Cicuta se derrumba dejando escombros y ruinas. Entre la nube de tierra y polvo, veis cómo los tentáculos restantes de la criatura se meten en los cimientos y se retiran bajo tierra. Fuera lo que fuera, ya se ha ido.",
+ "back_text": "(→R1) (página 18)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10531",
+ "name": "El corazón de la casa",
+ "text": "No se pueden descubrir pistas en Lugares sin investigadores.\n[action]: Si tu Lugar es [[Letargo]] y no sellado, los investigadores que estén en ese Lugar gastan, como grupo, 1 pista [per_investigator]: Coloca 1 recurso sobre él como sello.\nObligado - Después de que un Lugar-Enemigo ataque: Muévete (de Lugar en Lugar) al Sótano informe.\nObjetivo - Cuando el Sótano informe esté en la zona de victoria, haz avanzar el acto.",
+ "flavor": "Si quieres sellar la casa para siempre, tendréis que adentraros en el repugnante sepulcro de abajo.",
+ "back_name": "Dar reposo",
+ "back_flavor": "La casa se estremece y luego se hace el silencio. Sellar los huecos y recovecos por donde se colaba la criatura por las paredes de la casa parece haberla obligado a retirarse, o quizás a quedar en letargo durante un tiempo. Ojalá no vuelva a aparecer, pero entretanto, el legado de la familia Cicuta sigue en pie, Puede que, con el tiempo, logren encontrar un modo de exterminar a la criatura para siempre.",
+ "back_text": "Dale la vuelta a cada Lugar-Enemigo para mostrar su lado Lugar. Coloca 1 recurso, como sello, sobre cada Lugar [[Letargo]] no sellado.\n(→R1) (página 18)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10532",
+ "name": "Dormitorio",
+ "text": "X es el número del piso de este Lugar más 1.\n[reaction] Después de que coloques un sello en este Lugar: Roba 1 carta u obtén 2 recursos.",
+ "flavor": "La habitación se agita con un suave movimiento; las cortinas de la ventana y las sábanas de la cama se mecen con una brisa que no notas.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10532b",
+ "name": "Dormitorio viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad. El dormitorio viviente recibe +2 de salud [per investigator].\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Coloca 1 ficha de perdición sobre él.",
+ "flavor": "Esta vez sí que hay un monstruo de verdad bajo la cama.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10533",
+ "name": "Dormitorio",
+ "text": "X es el número del piso de este Lugar más 1.\n[reaction] Después de que coloques un sello en este Lugar: Roba 1 carta u obtén 2 recursos.",
+ "flavor": "La habitación se agita con un suave movimiento; las cortinas de la ventana y las sábanas de la cama se mecen con una brisa que no notas.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10533b",
+ "name": "Dormitorio viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad. El dormitorio viviente recibe +2 de salud [per investigator].\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Ataca a cada investigador que esté es este Lugar.",
+ "flavor": "Esta vez sí que hay un monstruo de verdad bajo la cama.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10534",
+ "name": "Dormitorio",
+ "text": "X es el número del piso de este Lugar más 1.\n[reaction] Después de que coloques un sello en este Lugar: Roba 1 carta u obtén 2 recursos.",
+ "flavor": "La habitación se agita con un suave movimiento; las cortinas de la ventana y las sábanas de la cama se mecen con una brisa que no notas.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10534b",
+ "name": "Dormitorio viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad. El dormitorio viviente recibe +2 de salud [per investigator].\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Realiza una prueba de depredación.",
+ "flavor": "Esta vez sí que hay un monstruo de verdad bajo la cama.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10535",
+ "name": "Dormitorio",
+ "text": "X es el número del piso de este Lugar más 1.\n[reaction] Después de que coloques un sello en este Lugar: Roba 1 carta u obtén 2 recursos.",
+ "flavor": "La habitación se agita con un suave movimiento; las cortinas de la ventana y las sábanas de la cama se mecen con una brisa que no notas.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10535b",
+ "name": "Dormitorio viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad. El dormitorio viviente recibe +2 de salud [per investigator].\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Ataca a cada investigador que esté es este Lugar.",
+ "flavor": "Esta vez sí que hay un monstruo de verdad bajo la cama.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10536",
+ "name": "Baño",
+ "text": "[free]: Mueve 1 pista de este Lugar al Lugar que esté directamente por debajo. Límite de una vez por turno.",
+ "flavor": "Un vicioso fluido marrón gotea constantemente del grifo. En la quietud de la estancia las tuberías chirrían de forma antinatural.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10536b",
+ "name": "Baño viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado, si hay 1 o más pistas en él: Ataca a cada investigador que esté en este Lugar.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10537",
+ "name": "Baño",
+ "text": "[free]: Mueve 1 pista de este Lugar al Lugar que esté directamente por debajo. Límite de una vez por turno.",
+ "flavor": "Un vicioso fluido marrón gotea constantemente del grifo. En la quietud de la estancia las tuberías chirrían de forma antinatural.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10537b",
+ "name": "Baño viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado, si hay 1 o más pistas en él: Ataca a cada investigador que esté en este Lugar.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10538",
+ "name": "Baño",
+ "text": "[free]: Mueve 1 pista de este Lugar al Lugar que esté directamente por debajo. Límite de una vez por turno.",
+ "flavor": "Un vicioso fluido marrón gotea constantemente del grifo. En la quietud de la estancia las tuberías chirrían de forma antinatural.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10538b",
+ "name": "Baño viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Cada investigador que esté en este Lugar descarta de su mano una cantidad de cartas al azar igual a la cantidad de pistas que haya en este Lugar.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10539",
+ "name": "Biblioteca",
+ "text": "[reaction]: Después de que descubras la última pista de la Biblioteca: Encuentras un pasadizo secreto. Elige cualquier Lugar y coloca 1 ficha de Horror en él, como pasadizo secreto. Durante el resto del escenario, cada copia de la Biblioteca está conectada al Lugar del pasadizo secreto y viceversa. Máximo de una vez por partida.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10539b",
+ "name": "Biblioteca viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nLa Biblioteca viviente recibe +1 de salud [per investigator].\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Cada investigador que esté en este Lugar y en cada Lugar conectado pierde 2 recursos.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10540",
+ "name": "Biblioteca",
+ "text": "[reaction]: Después de que descubras la última pista de la Biblioteca: Encuentras un pasadizo secreto. Elige cualquier Lugar y coloca 1 ficha de Horror en él, como pasadizo secreto. Durante el resto del escenario, cada copia de la Biblioteca está conectada al Lugar del pasadizo secreto y viceversa. Máximo de una vez por partida.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10540b",
+ "name": "Biblioteca viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nLa Biblioteca viviente recibe +1 de salud [per investigator].\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Cada investigador que esté en este Lugar y en cada Lugar conectado recibe 1 punto de horror.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10541",
+ "name": "Salita",
+ "text": "[action] Gasta 1 pista: Inflige 2 puntos de daño a un Enemigo que esté en un Lugar conectado. Puedes realizar una prueba de [intellect](4). Si tienes éxito, inflige 1 punto de daño adicional a ese Enemigo. Límite de una vez por ronda.",
+ "flavor": "Si hay criaturas dentro de las paredes de la casa, ¿sería posible usar la chimenea para ahumarlas o quemarlas?",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10541b",
+ "name": "Salita viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. Represalia. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nLa Salita viviente recibe +2 de salud [per investigator].\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Ataca a cada investigador que esté en este Lugar.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10542",
+ "name": "Comedor",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que descubras la última pista de este Lugar: Descarta 1 carta de tu mano al azar.",
+ "flavor": "El aparador está repleto de todo tipo de platos descascarillados y cubiertos de plata deslustrados. Los platos y los vasos tintinean precariamente con cada paso que das.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10542b",
+ "name": "Comedor viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nEl Comedor viviente recibe +2 de salud [per investigator].\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Realiza una prueba de depredación.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10543",
+ "name": "Vestíbulo",
+ "text": "[free] Durante tu turno: Movimiento (a un Lugar conectado). Límite de una vez por turno.\nDesistir - Huyes de la casa.",
+ "flavor": "El reloj de pie está parado a las 11:13.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Letargo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10543b",
+ "name": "Vestíbulo viviente",
+ "text": "Descomunal. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nObligado - Cuando este Lugar-Enemigo sea revelado: Ataca a cada investigador que esté en este Lugar.\nDesistir - Huyes de la casa.",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10544",
+ "name": "Engendro apresador",
+ "text": "Cazador. (Noche [night]) Represalia.\nEl Engendro apresador recibe +X de salud, donde X es su piso actual (hasta un mínimo de +1 de salud).",
+ "flavor": "\"¡Me ha atrapado!\"",
+ "traits": "Monstruo. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10545",
+ "name": "Salen de las paredes",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [agility](3). Si fracasas y…\n-…tu Lugar es un Enemigo, recibe 1 punto de daño y un punto de horror.\n-…tu Lugar es [[Letargo]] y no sellado, dale la vuelta.\n-…tu Lugar está sellado, descarta 1 carta de tu mano al azar.",
+ "traits": "Poder."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10546",
+ "name": "Atraído",
+ "text": "Revelación - Si no hay Lugares-Enemigo en juego, Atraído obtiene Oleada. Si no es así, realiza una prueba de [combat](4). Si fracasas y elige el Lugar-Enemigo más cercano y muévete (de Lugar en Lugar) a él. Si fracasaste por 4 o más, el Lugar-Enemigo elegido te ataca.",
+ "flavor": "Deberías tener cuidado por dónde pisas",
+ "traits": "Equivocación."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10547",
+ "name": "Sótano informe",
+ "text": "Descomunal. Represalia. No puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nEl Sótano informe no puede ser sellado ni se le puede dar la vuelta.\nObligado - Después de que fracases en una prueba de habilidad al investigar el Sótano informe: El sótano informe te ataca.\nObligado - Si no hay pistas en el Sótano informe: Añádelo a la zona de victoria..",
+ "traits": "Habitación. Monstruo. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10548",
+ "name": "Pequeña Sylvie",
+ "text": "[reaction] Cuando la Pequeña Sylvie sea descartada de tu mano o mazo: Juégala (pagando su coste).\n[reaction] Cuando el efecto de una carta de escenario fuese a descartar una carta de tu mano o mazo, agota a la Pequeña Sylvie: En vez de eso, coloca esa carta en la parte superior de tu mazo.",
+ "traits": "Objeto. Amuleto. Maldito."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10549",
+ "name": "El páramo silencioso",
+ "text": "Fácil/Normal\n[skull]: -X. X es la mitad de la cantidad de Enemigos [[Insecto]] en juego y en la zona de victoria, redondeando hacia arriba.\n[cultist]: -1. Puedes devolver un Enemigo que no sea [[Élite]] de la zona de victoria al mazo de Encuentros y barajar este.\n[tablet]: -3. Si fracasas, elige un Enemigo [[Insecto]] que esté en tu Lugar. Se enfrenta a ti y realiza un ataque inmediatamente.\n[elder_thing]: -2. Si estás en un Lugar [[Guarida]], revela otra ficha.",
+ "back_text": "Difícil/Experto\n[skull]: -X. X es la cantidad de Enemigos [[Insecto]] en juego y en la zona de victoria.\n[cultist]: -3. Si tienes éxito, puedes devolver un Enemigo que no sea [[Élite]] de la zona de victoria al mazo de Encuentros y barajar este.\n[tablet]: -5. Prepara el Enemigo [[Insecto]] más cercano. Se mueve y ataca como si fuera la fase de Enemigos.\n[elder_thing]: -4. Si estás en un Lugar [[Guarida]], fracasas automáticamente."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10550",
+ "name": "Silencio inquietante",
+ "text": "Obligado - Cuando se coloque perdición en este plan, si el Enemigo Reina de progenie está puesto aparte: Revela una cantidad de fichas de la bolsa de caos igual a la cantidad de Enemigos [[Insecto]] de la zona de victoria. Si es revelada una ficha [skull] o [auto_fail], haz aparecer el Enemigo Reina de progenie puesto aparte.",
+ "flavor": "El seco paisaje está sumido en un silencio perfecto. Un resplandor encantador lo baña todo.",
+ "back_name": "Criaturas extrañas",
+ "back_text": "Descarta cartas de la parte superior del mazo de Encuentros hasta que sea descartado un Enemigo [[Insecto]]. El investigador jefe roba ese Enemigo.\nAñade la pila de descartes de Encuentros al mazo de Encuentros y barájalo.",
+ "back_flavor": "El hedor acre sale de alguna parte de las profundidades. El aire se llena con el correteo de cientos de patas antes de que aparezca un monstruoso insecto. Tiene una piel pálida y translúcida y un par de alas negras marchitas que le cuelgan sin fuerza de la espalda. La criatura se os queda mirando con unos ojos vidriosos y sin emoción mientras agita las antenas para anunciar vuestra presencia."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10551",
+ "name": "Desolación (v.I)",
+ "text": "Cada Enemigo [[Insecto]] pierde Indiferente.\nObligado - Cuando se coloque perdición en este plan, si el Enemigo Reina de progenie está puesto aparte: Revela una cantidad de fichas de la bolsa de caos igual a la cantidad de Enemigos [[Insecto]] de la zona de victoria. Si es revelada una ficha con símbolo, haz aparecer el Enemigo Reina de progenie puesto aparte.",
+ "flavor": "Los insectos corretean de un lado a otro, alarmados por vuestra presencia.",
+ "back_name": "¡Rodeados!",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador que no haya sido eliminado queda derrotado y sufre 1 trauma físico.",
+ "back_flavor": "Un enjambre de insectos cae sobre vosotros y bloquea cualquier posibilidad de huir. Varios de ellos avanzan a toda velocidad con eficiencia casi mecánica y hunden sus probóscides en vuestros torsos. Un agudo dolor os recorre el cuerpo, seguido de un entumecimiento. Los insectos de un blanco lechoso retraen sus negras probóscides, de las que gotea un fluido azul, mientras os empieza a dar vueltas todo. El desmayo llega como una bendición.\nRecuperáis la consciencia horas más tarde, cubiertos de sal, en una seca cámara subterránea. La cabeza os martillea mientras salís tambaleantes de las madrigueras hacia el árido páramo. De las heridas de vuestros costados rezuma un lechoso veneno azul, pero no parece letal…"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10552",
+ "name": "Desolación (v.II)",
+ "text": "Cada Enemigo [[Insecto]] pierde Indiferente y Errante y obtiene Cazador.\nObligado - Cuando se coloque perdición en este plan, si el Enemigo Reina de progenie está puesto aparte: Revela una cantidad de fichas de la bolsa de caos igual a la cantidad de Enemigos [[Insecto]] de la zona de victoria. Si es revelada una ficha con símbolo, haz aparecer el Enemigo Reina de progenie puesto aparte.",
+ "flavor": "Los insectos corretean de un lado a otro, alarmados por vuestra presencia.",
+ "back_name": "¡Rodeados!",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador que no haya sido eliminado queda derrotado y sufre 1 trauma físico.",
+ "back_flavor": "Un enjambre de insectos cae sobre vosotros y bloquea cualquier posibilidad de huir. Varios de ellos avanzan a toda velocidad con eficiencia casi mecánica y hunden sus probóscides en vuestros torsos. Un agudo dolor os recorre el cuerpo, seguido de un entumecimiento. Los insectos de un blanco lechoso retraen sus negras probóscides, de las que gotea un fluido azul, mientras os empieza a dar vueltas todo. El desmayo llega como una bendición.\nRecuperáis la consciencia horas más tarde, cubiertos de sal, en una seca cámara subterránea. La cabeza os martillea mientras salís tambaleantes de las madrigueras hacia el árido páramo. De las heridas de vuestros costados rezuma un lechoso veneno azul, pero no parece letal…"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10553",
+ "name": "Un legado perdido",
+ "text": "Cuando acabe la ronda, los investigadores que estén en las Ruinas de la Finca perla pueden, como grupo, gastar la cantidad necesaria de pistas para hacer avanzar el acto.",
+ "flavor": "El legado de la Cresta Perla es una historia de cierta notoriedad entre los lugareños. Los Perla eran una prominente familia, como los Cicuta y los Atwood, pero desaparecieron tras un curioso incidente en 1906. ¿Qué pudo haber sucedido?",
+ "back_name": "\"Las madrigueras\"",
+ "back_text": "Pon en juego los tres Lugares del conjunto de encuentros Horrores en la roca puestos aparte de forma aleatoria y sin revelar, adyacentes a los tres Lugares iniciales, como se explica en la página 20 de la guía de campaña.\nCoge los Lugares puestos aparte (Cámara de sal, Túnel de larvas y Zona de cría de cristal) junto con las 3 primeras cartas del mazo de Encuentros. Barájalos y pon 1 carta aleatoria boca abajo bajo cada Lugar.",
+ "back_flavor": "Encontráis el diario de Susan Perla entre las ruinas de la Finca Perla. En él se relatan los intentos por explorar los túneles que hay bajo la cresta. Los llamaban \"las madrigueras\" debido a su estructura laberíntica. Es posible que parte de la familia Perla desapareciese en los túneles que rodean la zona, pero ¿por qué? Decidís investigarlo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10554",
+ "name": "Registrando el páramo",
+ "text": "[action] Si no hay pistas en tu Lugar: Roba la primera carta que haya bajo tu Lugar.\n[free] Los investigadores que estén en tu Lugar gastan, como grupo, 1 pista [per_investigator]: Mira la primera carta que haya bajo tu Lugar. Puedes colocar esa carta en la parte inferior de su montón.\nObjetivo - Si todos los investigadores no derrotados han desistido y hay 1 o más Restos cristalinos en la zona de victoria, haz avanzar el acto.",
+ "flavor": "Es probable que las madrigueras sean la última morada de la familia Perla. Estudiar sus restos podría aportar información sobre lo que sucedió realmente.",
+ "back_name": "Dar reposo",
+ "back_text": "Comprueba la cantidad de Restos cristalinos que hay en la zona de victoria.\n-Si hay exactamente 3 Restos cristalinos, (→R1) (página 22).\n-Si no es así, (→R2) (página 22)..",
+ "back_flavor": "El olor a descomposición y las feromonas de las extrañas criaturas crean un almizcle tan único como terrible. Cuando salís de las cavernas, dejáis en el suelo al último miembro de lo que suponéis que debe ser la familia Perla. El residuo ácido de sus extrañas costras cristalinas os quema la piel. Simplemente mirar los cuerpos resulta doloroso. Tienen las caras congeladas en un instante de silenciosa agonía. Una intensa presencia invisible llena el aire sobre los cadáveres, aunque no hay movimiento alguno, ni brisa o polvo. Sólo algo que se mueve en el aire. Notáis una fatiga profunda en los huesos."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10555",
+ "name": "Arboleda de cristal",
+ "text": "[action] Los investigadores que estén en la Arboleda de cristal gastan, como grupo, 1 pista [per_investigator]: Añade 1 Restos cristalinos que controles a la zona de victoria.",
+ "flavor": "El mundo está cambiando a nuestro alrededor. Y de verdad que creo que lo hace para mejor.\n-del diario personal de Susan Perla.",
+ "back_flavor": "Un huerto frutal que antaño estaba vivo ahora parece más bien una delicada galería de obras de cristal. Los manzanos se han cristalizado y reflejan la luz de formas cambiantes.",
+ "traits": "Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10556",
+ "name": "Ruinas de la Finca Perla",
+ "text": "[action]: Desistir. Dejas atrás el páramo. Añade todos los Restos cristalinos que controles a la zona de victoria.",
+ "flavor": "El antiguo huerto y la granja se han convertido en polvo tras años de abandono. Han pasado casi dos décadas, pero la naturaleza no ha reclamado la opulenta finca.",
+ "back_flavor": "Los restos de una casa que antaño fue majestuosa se encuentran de forma precaria en el borde de un acantilado. Los techos hundidos parecen un mosaico vacío.",
+ "traits": "Ruinas."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10557",
+ "name": "Pendiente de ceniza",
+ "text": "Obligado - Cuando reveles la Pendiente de ceniza: Realiza una prueba de [agility](4). Si fracasas, recibe 2 puntos de daño.",
+ "flavor": "La blanda ceniza hace que desplazarse por el empinado terreno sea especialmente traicionero.",
+ "back_flavor": "La interminable extensión de ceniza parece encontrarse desprovista de vida.",
+ "traits": "Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10558",
+ "name": "Cámara de sal",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon la Cámara de sal en juego adyacente al Lugar de la que fue robada ([Codex]Omega) (página 21).\n[action] Los investigadores que estén en la Cámara de sal gastan, como grupo, 1 pista [per_investigator]: Roba la primera carta del montón que hay bajo la Cámara de sal. Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Guarida."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10559",
+ "name": "Túnel de larvas",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon el Túnel de larvas en juego adyacente al Lugar del que fue robado. Busca en el mazo y la pila de descartes de Encuentros una Larva incolora y haz que aparezca en este Lugar ([Codex]Psi) (página 21).\n[reaction] Después de que evites con éxito a un Enemigo en el Túnel de larvas: Roba la primera carta del montón que hay bajo este Lugar. Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Guarida."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10560",
+ "name": "Zona de cría de cristal",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon la Zona de cría de cristal en juego adyacente al Lugar de la que fue robada. ([Codex]Phi) (página 21).\n[reaction] Después de que termines tu turno en la Zona de cría de cristal, recibe 1 punto horror directo: Roba la primera carta del montón que hay bajo la Zona de cría de cristal. Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Guarida. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10561",
+ "name": "Resonancia imperiosa",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [willpower](3). Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, elige una opción distinta de entre las siguientes si es posible:\n-Recibe 1 punto de daño.\n-Descarta 1 carta de tu mano al azar.\n-El Enemigo [[Insecto]] más cercano se prepara, se mueve (de Lugar en Lugar) hasta que llegue a tu Lugar, se enfrenta a ti y realiza un ataque inmediatamente.",
+ "traits": "Maquinación."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10562",
+ "name": "Defender el nido",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [intellect](2). Aumenta la dificultad de esta prueba en 1 por cada Lugar [[Guarida]] en juego. Si fracasas, coloca 1 ficha de perdición en el Enemigo [[Insecto]] más cercano. Si no puedes, en vez de eso recibe 2 puntos de horror.",
+ "flavor": "Estas hormigas pueden convertir los hormigueros en montañas.",
+ "traits": "Maquinación."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10563",
+ "name": "Larva incolora",
+ "text": "Indiferente.\nObligado - Después de que la Larva incolora ataque: Derrótala.",
+ "flavor": "El fluido pálido de los ojos de la larva casi parece lágrimas.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Insecto. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10564",
+ "name": "Soldado de progenie",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Errante (Lugar [[Cueva]] con pistas).\nMientras el Soldado de progenie esté preparado, su Lugar recibe +2 a velo.",
+ "flavor": "\"La talla de las criaturas oscilaba entre los 2 y los 4 metros. Alas vestigiales. Totalmente ciegas. Su veneno quemaba como el fuego.\"\n-Dra. Marquez, Estudio de Miskatonic, 1926",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Insecto. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10565",
+ "name": "Reina de progenie",
+ "subname": "Madre moribunda",
+ "text": "Aparición - ([Codex]Sigma) (página 21).\nDescomunal. Alerta.\nLos Enemigos [[Insecto]] que estén en el Lugar de la Reina de progenie pierden indiferente.\nLa Reina de progenie recibe +1 a combate por cada otro Enemigo [[Insecto]] en juego y +X de salud [per_investigator], donde X es el número de día actual.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Insecto. Mutado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10566",
+ "name": "Restos cristalinos",
+ "subname": "El niño",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon los Restos cristalinos en juego en tu zona de juego.\nSi los Restos cristalinos son derrotados, barájalos con las 2 primeras cartas del mazo de Encuentros y coloca el montón de 3 cartas boca abajo bajo el Lugar [[Guarida]] más cercano.\nObligado - Cuando comience tu turno: Recibe 1 punto de daño o horror.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10567",
+ "name": "Restos cristalinos",
+ "subname": "El padre",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon los Restos cristalinos en juego en tu zona de juego.\nSi los Restos cristalinos son derrotados, barájalos con las 2 primeras cartas del mazo de Encuentros y coloca el montón de 3 cartas boca abajo bajo el Lugar [[Guarida]] más cercano.\nObligado - Cuando comience tu turno: Recibe 1 punto de horror.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10568",
+ "name": "Restos cristalinos",
+ "subname": "La madre",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon los Restos cristalinos en juego en tu zona de juego.\nSi los Restos cristalinos son derrotados, barájalos con las 2 primeras cartas del mazo de Encuentros y coloca el montón de 3 cartas boca abajo bajo el Lugar [[Guarida]] más cercano.\nObligado - Cuando comience tu turno: Recibe 1 punto de daño.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10569",
+ "name": "La hermana perdida",
+ "text": "Fácil/Normal\n[skull]: -X. X es la mitad de la cantidad de Lugares [[Cueva]] revelados en juego (redondeando hacia arriba).\n[cultist]: -1. Si tienes éxito, cúrate 1 punto de horror.\n[tablet]: -2. Si estás em un Lugar [[Cueva]], en vez de eso trata el modificador de esta ficha como -4.\n[elder_thing]: -2. Si hay un Enemigo [[Abominación]] en tu Lugar, revela otra ficha.",
+ "back_text": "Difícil/Experto\n[skull]: -X. X es la cantidad de Lugares [[Cueva]] revelados en juego.\n[cultist]: -1. Si tienes éxito por 2 o más, cúrate 1 punto de horror.\n[tablet]: -4. Si estás en un Lugar [[Cueva]], en vez de eso trata el modificador de esta ficha como -6.\n[elder_thing]: -3. Si hay un Enemigo [[Abominación]] en tu Lugar, en vez de eso esta prueba fracasa automáticamente."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10570",
+ "name": "En las cuevas",
+ "text": "Las cartas que estén en los Lugares [[Oscuro]] usan los efectos (Noche [night]). Las cartas que estén en todos los demás Lugares usan los efectos (Día [day]).",
+ "flavor": "Las olas rompen contra la orilla, amenazando con borrar las huellas que llevan hacia las cuevas de marea. Veis un leve atisbo de un tenue resplandor azul en lo profundo de los túneles.",
+ "back_name": "Cazados",
+ "back_text": "Haz aparecer uno de los Enemigos Híbrido crustáceo puestos aparte en el Lugar [[Costero]] más cercano a la mayoría de investigadores, con el lado (En la luz) boca arriba.\nCada investigador que esté en un Lugar [[Oscuro]] debe descartar 1 carta de su mano al azar.\nColoca el plan 2a una cantidad de perdición igual al número de día actual.",
+ "back_flavor": "Un sonido entre canturreo y un zumbido reverbera en las paredes de los túneles. Una enorme criatura similar a un cangrejo sale de una poza de marea cercana, haciendo oscilar sus antenas en el aire como si os buscara. La cosa se mueve sorprendentemente rápido sobre docenas de patas, y su caparazón está cubierto de afilados percebes y colgajos de diversas algas marinas, incluso podridas. Sea lo que sea, desprende el hedor más fétido y terrible que jamás hayáis olido."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10571",
+ "name": "La oscuridad se cierne",
+ "text": "Las cartas que estén en los Lugares [[Oscuro]] usan los efectos (Noche [night]). Las cartas que estén en todos los demás Lugares usan los efectos (Día [day]).",
+ "flavor": "Las paredes de la caverna están vivas con zonas donde han crecido hongos que se mueven y agitan. Y parecen estar siguiéndoos.",
+ "back_name": "Envueltos en el musgo",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador superviviente que no haya desistido queda derrotado y sufre 1 trauma mental.",
+ "back_flavor": "Os encontráis rodeados en la oscuridad por docenas de formas sombrías que castañetean y emiten sonidos. Lo más inquietante es el musgo que brilla tenuemente y que extiende por las resbaladizas paredes y techo de la cueva de marea. A medida que las criaturas y el musgo cambiante se acercan a una distancia cada vez más sofocante, perdéis el equilibrio y caéis sobre una gruesa alfombra de musgo. De cerca, podéis ver pequeños brotes y protuberancias espinosas en el musgo que palpitan y se giran hacia vosotros como cientos de bocas diminutas.\nSentís que se os duermen las extremidades, pero alguien os saca del musgo. Helen Peters os arrastra fuera de la cueva mientras maldice entre dientes."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10572",
+ "name": "La hermana desaparecida",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que se descubra la última pista de un Lugar [[Cueva]]: Pon la primera carta del mazo de Cavernas en juego adyacente a ese Lugar.\nObjetivo - ¡Encuentra a Elizabeth Peters! Si \"los investigadores han encontrado una correa rota\" y si \"los investigadores han encontrado un rastro de huellas\", haz avanzar el acto inmediatamente.",
+ "flavor": "Elizabeth Peters ha desaparecido en estas cuevas costeras mientras perseguía al perro de la familia. Helen está decidida a traerla de vuelta.",
+ "back_name": "Un rastro brillante",
+ "back_text": "Elige un Lugar [[Costero]] (sin investigadores si es posible). Pon el Lugar Cueva fúngica puesto aparte en juego adyacente al Lugar elegido.\nPon la primera carta del mazo de Cavernas en juego, adyacente a la Cueva fúngica. Repite este proceso hasta que la Cueva fúngica esté conectada a cuatro Lugares o hasta que el mazo de Cavernas esté vacío.",
+ "back_flavor": "-Está viva, pero dudo que Bruce lo esté -dice Helen mientras sujeta con fuerza la correa de perro rota. Vais tras ella mientras sigue un rastro de huellas que se adentra en la oscuridad. Cuando se os acostumbra la vista a la falta de luz, veis que la huellas resplandecen con los restos de los hongos bioluminiscentes que cubren los suelos de la caverna.\n-Es por aquí. Prepárense para cualquier cosa -dice Helen. Os armáis de valor y seguís el paso. A cierta distancia, un movimiento y unos chasquidos inquietantes os dicen que no estáis precisamente solos…"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10573",
+ "name": "Tras el rastro",
+ "text": "[action] gasta 1 pista [per_investigator] y elige un Enemigo que esté en un Lugar [[Oscuro]] conectado: Mueve ese Enemigo a tu Lugar.\nObjetivo - Cuando un investigador entre en la Cueva fúngica, haz avanzar el acto inmediatamente.",
+ "flavor": "Las brillantes pisadas de Lizzie llevan a una cámara inexplorada en las profundidades de las cavernas. Gracias a vuestra exploración, ahora sabéis cómo atraer a las voraces criaturas con musgo brillante para que salgan de la oscuridad y se expongan a la luz.",
+ "back_name": "La monstruosidad crustácea",
+ "back_text": "Haz aparecer el Híbrido límulo puesto aparte en la Cueva fúngica.\nRetira a Helen Peters de la partida. Si Theo Peters está bajo el control de cualquier investigador, ([codex] Sigma) (página 25).",
+ "back_flavor": "-¡Helen!\nEl agudo grito de Elizabeth rompe el silencio. Una joven de rostro redondo y con la ropa desgarrada sale de la oscuridad cojeando para abrazar a su hermana. El abrazo es interrumpido en pocos instantes por un terrible chillido. Un enorme crustáceo del tamaño de una casa avanza con las pinzas levantadas de modo amenazador. La aceitosa y brillante forma de la cosa está iluminada de verde y azul por el musgo de la caverna, y desprende un olor a marisco podrido.\n-¿Puedes andar? -le pregunta Helen a su hermana. Lizzie niega con la cabeza. Cuando la enorme criatura empieza a acercarse, les decís que huyan. Helen parece dudar un momento, pero luego os lo agradece con un asentimiento y se lleva a su hermana."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10574",
+ "name": "Frente al caparazón",
+ "text": "[action] gasta 1 pista [per_investigator] y elige un Enemigo que esté en un Lugar [[Oscuro]] conectado: Mueve ese Enemigo a tu Lugar.\nObjetivo - Si el Híbrido límulo es derrotado, haz avanzar el acto inmediatamente.",
+ "flavor": "La abominación de las profundidades de las cuevas os persigue por los túneles. Sólo podéis esperar conseguirles a Helen y su hermana el tiempo necesario para escapar.",
+ "back_name": "Más dura será la caída…",
+ "back_text": "(→R1) (página 26).",
+ "back_flavor": "La enorme abominación se debate y retuerce mientras su descomunal mole se estremece entre estertores de muerte. Por fin, la monstruosidad deja de moverse. Un lechoso fluido azul mana de sus ojos y caparazón y desprende un olor a marisco podrido todavía más terrible. Emprendéis el regreso a Akwan tapándoos boca y nariz."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10575",
+ "name": "Akwan",
+ "text": "[action]: Desistir. Abandonas la búsqueda.\nSi es el Día 1 o el Día 2, Akwan obtiene: \"[action]: Negociar. Preguntas por el pueblo sobre las cuevas costeras. Mira las 3 primeras cartas del mazo de Cavernas. Devuélvelas a la parte superior del mazo de Cavernas en cualquier orden.\".",
+ "back_flavor": "El pueblo pesquero de Akwan se encuentra en una había rocosa de la costa norte de la Isla de la Cicuta. Algunas personas pasean por los entablados del pueblo.",
+ "traits": "Costero"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10576",
+ "name": "Cementerio suspendido",
+ "text": "[action] Recibe 1 punto de horror: Atraviesas el musgo lleno de huesos que recubre las paredes. Pon la primera carta del mazo de Cavernas en juego adyacente a este Lugar. Límite de grupo de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "Docenas de cráneos sonrientes y brazos esqueléticos extendidos cuelgan de paredes y techo",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El ceremonial\"",
+ "back_traits": "Cueva. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Costero."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10577",
+ "name": "Cala oculta",
+ "text": "[action] Los investigadores que estén en la Cala oculta gastan, como grupo, 2 pistas [per_investigator]: Recuerda que \"los investigadores han encontrado una correa de perro rota\".\nObligado - Después de que fracases en una prueba de habilidad al combatir en la Cala oculta: Recibe 1 punto de daño.",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El ceremonial\"",
+ "back_traits": "Cueva. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Costero."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10578",
+ "name": "Playa invadida de algas",
+ "text": "[Obligado] - Después de que fracases en una prueba de habilidad al intentar evitar en la Playa invadida de algas: Pierde 1 acción.\nObligado - Cuando fueses a abandonar la Playa invadida de algas: Revela una ficha de Caos. Si es revelada una ficha [skull], [tablet], [elder_sign] o [auto_fail], debes cancelar los efectos del movimiento o bien descartar un apoyo [[Objeto]] que controles.",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El ceremonial\"",
+ "back_traits": "Cueva. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Costero."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10579",
+ "name": "Orilla rocosa",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que reveles la Orilla rocosa: haz aparecer un Enemigo Híbrido crustáceo puesto aparte en este Lugar, con el lado (En la luz) boca arriba.",
+ "flavor": "La marea ha traído a esta playa cosas peores que algas y medusas.",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El ceremonial\"",
+ "back_traits": "Cueva. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Costero."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10580",
+ "name": "Charcos subterráneos",
+ "text": "[action] Los investigadores que estén en los Charcos subterráneos gastan, como grupo, 2 pistas [per_investigator]: Recuerda que \"los investigadores han encontrado un rastro de huellas.\".\nObligado - Después de que fracases en una prueba de habilidad al investigar los Charcos subterráneos: Recibe 1 punto de horror.",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El ceremonial\"",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10581",
+ "name": "Cueva abierta",
+ "text": "[free] Durante tu turno: Realiza una prueba de [agility](2). Esta prueba recibe +1 a su dificultad por cada Enemigo preparado que haya en este Lugar. Si tienes éxito, la Cueva abierta pierde el rasgo [[Oscuro]] hasta el comienzo de la siguiente fase de Investigación (todas las cartas que estén en este Lugar usan efectos (Día [day])). Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El ceremonial\"",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10582",
+ "name": "Cueva fúngica",
+ "text": "[reaction] Después de que descubras 1 o más pistas de la Cueva fúngica: Cúrate 1 punto de daño. Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.\nObligado - Al final de la ronda: Cada Enemigo que esté en la Cueva fúngica se cura 2 puntos de daño.",
+ "back_text": "Como coste adicional para que entres en la Cueva fúngica, los investigadores que estén en tu Lugar deben gastar, como grupo, 2 pistas [per_investigator].",
+ "back_flavor": "Los brillantes hongos azules palpitan cuando te acercas a la boca de esta cámara.",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Guarida. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10583",
+ "name": "Híbrido límulo [day]",
+ "subname": "En la luz",
+ "text": "Escurridizo. Descomunal.\nEl Híbrido límulo recibe +3 de salud [per_investigator] y no puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nObligado - Después de que el Híbrido límulo se dé la vuelta a este lado: Inflígele 1 punto de daño [per_investigator].",
+ "traits": "Monstruo. Abominación. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10583b",
+ "name": "Híbrido límulo [night]",
+ "subname": "En la oscuridad",
+ "text": "Cazador. Descomunal. Represalia.\nEl Híbrido límulo recibe +3 de salud [per_investigator].\nObligado - Después de que ataques con éxito al Híbrido límulo con una carta Cuerpo a cuerpo: Recibe 1 punto de daño.",
+ "traits": "Monstruo. Abominación. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10584",
+ "name": "Híbrido crustáceo [day]",
+ "subname": "En la luz",
+ "text": "Escurridizo. Cazador.\nEl Híbrido crustáceo recibe +X de salud, donde X es el número del día actual.\nObligado - Cuando el Híbrido crustáceo fuese a recibir daño de un ataque: Reduce ese daño a 1.",
+ "traits": "Monstruo. Abominación. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10584b",
+ "name": "Híbrido crustáceo [night]",
+ "subname": "En la oscuridad",
+ "text": "Cazador.\nEl Híbrido crustáceo recibe +X de salud, donde X es el número del día actual.\nObligado - Después de que el Híbrido crustáceo se dé la vuelta a este lado: El Híbrido crustáceo inflige 1 punto de daño a cada investigador que esté en su Lugar.",
+ "traits": "Monstruo. Abominación. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10585",
+ "name": "Musgo de caverna",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Cazador.\nMientras el Musgo de caverna esté vinculado a un Apoyo, puede ser atacado como si fuera un Enemigo enfrentamiento a ti. \nObligado - Después de que tengas éxito en una prueba de habilidad al combatir o investigar en el Lugar del Musgo de caverna, si éste está preparado: Vincula el Musgo de caverna a un Apoyo [[Objeto]] que controles. Trata el cuadro de texto de reglas del Apoyo vinculado como si estuviera en blanco (excepto los [[Rasgos]]).",
+ "traits": "Flora. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10586",
+ "name": "Reclamado por la naturaleza",
+ "text": "(Día [day]) Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [combat](3). Si fracasas, debes recibir 2 puntos de daño o bien elegir el Enemigo más cercano. Ese Enemigo te ataca.\n(Noche [night]) Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [willpower](3). Si fracasas, debes recibir 2 puntos de horror o bien cada Enemigo que esté en tu Lugar y en cada Lugar conectado se cura 1 punto de daño.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10587",
+ "name": "Crecimiento luminoso",
+ "text": "Revelación - Vincula el Crecimiento luminoso al Lugar [[Oscuro]] revelado más cercano que no tenga el Crecimiento luminoso vinculado si es posible.\nEl Lugar vinculado pierde el rasgo [[Oscuro]]. Los Enemigos que estén en el Lugar vinculado reciben +1 a combate y +1 de daño.\n[action]: Realiza una prueba de [agility](3). Si tienes éxito, descarta el Crecimiento luminoso.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo. Flora."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10588",
+ "name": "La cosa de las profundidades",
+ "text": "Fácil/Normal\n[skull]: -X. X es la mitad de la cantidad de Lugares [[Hundido]] en juego (redondeando hacia arriba).\n[cultist]: -1. Puedes retirar 1 socavón del Lugar [[Ciénaga]] más cercano.\n[tablet]: -3. Si fracasas, coloca 1 ficha de Daño en el Lugar [[Ciénaga]] más cercano, como socavón.\n[elder_thing]: -4. Si fracasas, busca en el mazo y la pila de descartes de Encuentros un Enemigo Tentáculo aferrador y róbalo, ignorando su palabra clave Oleada.",
+ "back_text": "Difícil/Experto\n[skull]: -X. X es la cantidad de Lugares [[Hundido]] en juego.\n[cultist]: -3. Si tienes éxito, puedes retirar 1 socavón del Lugar [[Ciénaga]] más cercano.\n[tablet]: -5. Coloca 1 ficha de Daño en el Lugar [[Ciénaga]] más cercano, como socavón.\n[elder_thing]: -5. Busca en el mazo y la pila de descartes de Encuentros un Enemigo Tentáculo aferrador y róbalo, ignorando su palabra clave Oleada."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10589",
+ "name": "Terreno en hundimiento",
+ "text": "[action]: Desistir. Huyes de la ciénaga.\nObligado - Cuando acabe tu turno, si estás en un Lugar [[Ciénaga]]: Coloca 1 ficha de Daño en tu Lugar, como socavón, o bien 2 socavones si hay 1 o 2 investigadores en la partida.\nObligado - Si un Lugar tiene 3 o más socavones: Retira todos los socavones de él y dale la vuelta.",
+ "flavor": "Unos ligeros temblores recorren el terreno móvil. La ciénaga es una fecunda jungla de coloridas flores y vidriosos reflejos aceitosos.",
+ "back_name": "Ha faltado poco",
+ "back_text": "Dale la vuelta al Lugar central para mostrar su lado [[Hundido]], descartando todas las fichas y cartas de Jugador vinculadas. Haz aparecer el Enemigo La cosa de las profundidades puesto aparte en él.",
+ "back_flavor": "Un estruendo ensordecedor resuena por toda la ciénaga, seguido de varias ondas que recorren el paisaje flotante. Sentís un temblor sordo bajo vuestros pies y os ponéis a salvo justo antes de que una horrible monstruosidad surja del suelo. Varias hileras de finos dientes afilados como agujas muerden el aire que ocupabais hace un instante, y unos siniestros tallos con ojos se giran para miraros con hambre."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10590",
+ "name": "La cosa de la ciénaga",
+ "text": "Obligado - Cuando acabe tu turno, si estás en un Lugar [[Ciénaga]]: Coloca 1 ficha de Daño en tu Lugar, como socavón, o bien 2 socavones si hay 1 o 2 investigadores en la partida.\nObligado - Si un Lugar tiene 3 o más socavones: Retira todos los socavones de él y dale la vuelta.\nObjetivo - Si La cosa de las profundidades es derrotada, (→R4)",
+ "flavor": "¡La ciénaga se agita con olas descomunales!",
+ "back_name": "Casi el almuerzo",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador superviviente queda derrotado y sufre 1 trauma físico.",
+ "back_flavor": "Cuando os apartáis para evitar un tentáculo que intenta agarraros, dos más se enroscan en vuestras piernas y cuello. La ruidosa monstruosidad surge bajo vuestros pies, resbaladiza de icor, y abre sus tremendas fauces. Os debatís salvajemente y arrancáis el tejido musgoso que acumula en torno a los tentáculos que os sujetan. El repentino movimiento de un brote plateado atrae la atención de la criatura y os suelta para seguir a su nueva presa. Corréis de vuelta a la orilla y os desplomáis al borde del camino."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10591",
+ "name": "Un estudio botánico",
+ "text": "Objetivo - Al final de la ronda, los investigadores que estén en el Lugar de la Orilla norte pueden, como grupo, gastar la cantidad necesaria de pistas para hacer avanzar el acto. (consulta el diagrama de colocación de Lugares de la página 28 de la guía de campaña para ver dónde está el Lugar de la Orilla norte).",
+ "flavor": "Se supone que esta ciénaga es el origen de la muestra que trajo a Dra. Marquez a la isla. Os espera una buena tarea.",
+ "back_name": "El montículo sabio",
+ "back_text": "Haz aparecer el Enemigo Híbrido chelydra puesto aparte en el Lugar de la Orilla norte. Elige un Lugar adyacente al Lugar del Híbrido chelydra y haz aparecer 1 de los Enemigos Tentáculo aferrador puestos aparte en ese Lugar. Añade al mazo de Encuentros la pila de descartes de Encuentros y todos los demás Enemigos Tentáculo aferrador puestos aparte. Luego baraja el mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "back_flavor": "Llegáis a un estanque tranquilo y redondo situado en la orilla noreste de la ciénaga. Sobre un montículo de flores silvestres hay una flor alcaloide plateada muy similar a la muestra que trajo a la Dra. Marquez a la isla de la Cicuta. Al acercaros, la flor se hincha y libera una nube de esporas para luego cerrarse. El aroma de las esporas es agradable, casi como a clavo, pero se va volviendo amargo con el tiempo. De pronto, el montículo de la flor se mueve. Una gran cabeza reptiliana sale del agua y os mira con ojos inteligentes antes de alejarse nadando rápidamente."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10592",
+ "name": "Un descubrimiento irrepetible",
+ "text": "[free] Los investigadores que estén en un mismo Lugar adyacente al Lugar del Híbrido chelydra gastan como grupo, 1 pista [per_investigator]: Durante el resto de la ronda, cambia el Lugar de Errante del Híbrido chelydra a ese Lugar.\nObligado - Al final de la fase de Enemigos: el Híbrido chelydra recibe 1 punto de daño por cada Enemigo [[Abominación]] preparado que haya en su Lugar.\nObjetivo - Al final de la ronda, si el Híbrido chelydra está en el Lugar inicial, haz avanzar el acto inmediatamente.",
+ "flavor": "La enorme criatura con flores y similar a una tortuga se está moviendo. Tal vez podáis conducirla a un lugar seguro.",
+ "back_name": "Anatomía extraña",
+ "back_text": "Arrinconáis a la criatura reptiliana en un brillante estanque, donde se hunde en el barro, visiblemente agotada. Mientras se pone a masticar unas cuantas flores, realizáis varios bocetos y tomáis notas del florido caparazón de la cosa. La flor alcaloide de su dorso parece palpitar. Sacáis unas tijeras y os preparáis para tomar una muestra.
Si es el Día 1, lee lo siguiente. Si no es así,(→R1).\n-¡Alto! -grita la Dra. Marquez-. Esa flor es parasitaria y ahora forma parte de la anatomía de la criatura. Es imposible saber hasta qué punto está integrada. Señala el grueso tallo translúcido de la flor, por el que fluye un viscoso fluido blanco como si fuera una arteria. -Si la flor muere, su huésped también.
\n(→R2) (página 30)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10593",
+ "name": "Lodazal",
+ "flavor": "Por alguna desconocida razón sentía miedo ante la idea de turbar la antigua ciénaga y sus tenebrosos secretos.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"La ciénaga-luna\"",
+ "back_name": "Aguas abiertas",
+ "back_text": "Obligado - Después de que te muevas a este Lugar: Roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "back_flavor": "Las tranquilas ondas ocultan algo siniestro en las profundidades.",
+ "back_traits": "Hundido.",
+ "traits": "Ciénaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10594",
+ "name": "Espesura enmarañada",
+ "text": "Como coste adicional para salir de la Espesura enmarañada, debes gastar una acción.",
+ "flavor": "Era muy oscuro, ya que los árboles eran grotescamente enormes y frondosos, e increíblemente numerosos.\n-H.P. Lovecraft y Winifred V. Jackson, \"La pradera verde\"",
+ "back_name": "Aguas abiertas",
+ "back_text": "Obligado - Después de que te muevas a este Lugar: Roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "back_flavor": "Las tranquilas ondas ocultan algo siniestro en las profundidades.",
+ "back_traits": "Hundido.",
+ "traits": "Ciénaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10595",
+ "name": "Estanque fétido",
+ "text": "Este Lugar recibe +1 a velo por cada socavón que tenga.",
+ "flavor": "Las aguas estancadas, últimamente bastante despobladas de vida animal, ahora hervían de enormes ranas viscosas que croaban aguda e incesantemente…\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"La ciénaga-luna\"",
+ "back_name": "Aguas abiertas",
+ "back_text": "Obligado - Después de que te muevas a este Lugar: Roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "back_flavor": "Las tranquilas ondas ocultan algo siniestro en las profundidades.",
+ "back_traits": "Hundido.",
+ "traits": "Ciénaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10596",
+ "name": "Sendero anegado",
+ "text": "[free] Durante tu turno, coloca 1 punto de daño en este Lugar, como socavón: Movimiento (a un Lugar conectado).",
+ "flavor": "Pasar entre los tablones hundidos te permite recorrer la senda inundada.",
+ "back_name": "Aguas abiertas",
+ "back_text": "Obligado - Después de que te muevas a este Lugar: Roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "back_flavor": "Las tranquilas ondas ocultan algo siniestro en las profundidades.",
+ "back_traits": "Hundido.",
+ "traits": "Ciénaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10597",
+ "name": "Cabaña abandonada",
+ "text": "[free] Gasta 1 pista: Mueve 1 socavón de la Cabaña abandonada a un Enemigo que esté en este Lugar, como daño. Límite de una vez por ronda.",
+ "flavor": "El destartalado hogar flota sobre la superficie del agua.",
+ "back_name": "Aguas abiertas",
+ "back_text": "Obligado - Después de que te muevas a este Lugar: Roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "back_flavor": "Las tranquilas ondas ocultan algo siniestro en las profundidades.",
+ "back_traits": "Hundido.",
+ "traits": "Ciénaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10598",
+ "name": "Puerto podrido",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que descubras 1 o más pistas en el Puerto podrido: Realiza una prueba de [agility](3). Si fracasas, coloca´1 ficha de Daño sobre el Puerto podrido, como socavón.",
+ "flavor": "Deberías ser más prudente.",
+ "back_name": "Aguas abiertas",
+ "back_text": "Obligado - Después de que te muevas a este Lugar: Roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "back_flavor": "Las tranquilas ondas ocultan algo siniestro en las profundidades.",
+ "back_traits": "Hundido.",
+ "traits": "Ciénaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10599",
+ "name": "Puente cubierto",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que reveles una ficha con símbolo al investigar el Puente cubierto: Roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "flavor": "Las fragantes flores huelen a miel y almizcle.",
+ "back_name": "Aguas abiertas",
+ "back_text": "Obligado - Después de que te muevas a este Lugar: Roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "back_flavor": "Las tranquilas ondas ocultan algo siniestro en las profundidades.",
+ "back_traits": "Hundido.",
+ "traits": "Ciénaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10600",
+ "name": "La cosa de las profundidades",
+ "subname": "Emergiendo desde lo profundo",
+ "text": "Escurridizo. Cazador. Descomunal. Represalia.\nLa cosa de las profundidades recibe +5 de salud [per_investigator] y no puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nMientras La cosa de las profundidades se esté moviendo, su Lugar se considera conectado a cada Lugar [[Hundido]].\nObligado - Después de que La cosa de las profundidades ataque en un Lugar [[Ciénaga]]: Cúrale 2 puntos de daño.",
+ "traits": "Abominación. Flora. Mutado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10601",
+ "name": "Híbrido chelydra",
+ "subname": "Anomalía florecida",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Escurridizo. Errante (Lugar vacío más cercano).\nEl Híbrido chelydra no puede moverse si hay un Enemigo [[Abominación]] preparado en su Lugar o si está enfrentado a un investigador.\nObjetivo - Si este Enemigo es derrotado. (→R3).",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Flora. Mutado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10602",
+ "name": "Tentáculo aferrador",
+ "text": "Oleada. (Noche [night]) Indiferente.\nAparición - Lugar del Híbrido chelydra.\nX es el número del día actual.",
+ "flavor": "A decir verdad, el término \"cosa\" es lo mejor que se nos ocurrió para describir lo que sea que había ahí abajo.\nDra. Rosa Marquez, Estudio de Miskatonic, 1926",
+ "traits": "Abominación. Flora. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10603",
+ "name": "Perturbación terrestre",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [intellect] o de [agility](4). Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, debes recibir 1 punto de daño o bien colocar 1 ficha de Daño en el Lugar [[Ciénaga]] más cercano, como socavón.",
+ "flavor": "A los terribles temblores los seguía una estampida de criaturas del bosque aterrorizadas.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10604",
+ "name": "Fango movedizo",
+ "text": "Revelación - Si está en un…\n-…Lugar [[Hundido]], recibe 1 punto de daño directo e inflige 1 punto de daño directo a cada Apoyo [[Aliado]] que controles.\n…Lugar [[Ciénaga]], coloca 1 ficha de Daño en tu Lugar, como socavón.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10605",
+ "name": "La hondonada retorcida",
+ "text": "Fácil/Normal\n[skull]: -X. X es el nivel de oscuridad actual.\n[cultist]: -1. Cura 1 punto de daño de tu investigador.\n[tablet]: -3. Si fracasas, busca el Enemigo en persecución que tenga el mayor valor de evitar. Haz que aparezca en tu Lugar.\n[elder_thing]: -4. Si fracasas, recibe 1 punto de horror.\nNivel de oscuridad ( __ )",
+ "back_text": "Difícil/Experto\n[skull]: -X. X es el doble del nivel de oscuridad actual.\n[cultist]: -3. Si tienes éxito, cura 1 punto de daño de tu investigador.\n[tablet]: -4. Busca el Enemigo en persecución que tenga el mayor valor de evitar. Haz que aparezca en tu Lugar.\n[elder_thing]: -4. Recibe 1 punto de horror.\nNivel de oscuridad ( __ )"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10606",
+ "name": "La oscuridad aumenta",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que un Lugar sea revelado: Pon Lugares de la parte superior del mazo de Bosque en juego por encima, debajo, a la izquierda y a la derecha de ese Lugar.\nObligado - Cuando acabe la fase de Investigación: Cada investigador que esté en un Lugar [[Oscuro]] debe robar un Enemigo en persecución que tenga el mayor valor de evitar o bien recibir 1 punto de horror (no puede ser cancelado).",
+ "flavor": "En el silencio del bosque vibran los sonidos de criaturas hambrientas y sombras al acecho.",
+ "back_name": "Oscuridad creciente",
+ "back_text": "Añade 1 recurso al nivel de oscuridad actual. Si el nivel de oscuridad actual es 6 o más y estás jugando en modo campaña, cada investigador queda derrotado y sufre 1 trauma físico.\nSi no es así, realiza los siguientes pasos:\n-Pon en la zona de persecución cada Enemigo que esté en un Lugar [[Oscuro]] y que no esté enfrentado a un investigador.\n-Baraja todos los Lugares [[Oscuro]] sin revelar junto con las 2 primeras cartas del mazo Bosque y colócalos en la parte superior del mazo de Bosque. Dales la vuelta a todos los Lugares [[Oscuro]] revelados vacíos para mostrar su lado sin revelar, descartando todas las fichas.\n-Pon Lugares de la parte superior del mazo de Bosque en juego por encima, por debajo, a la izquierda y a la derecha de cada Lugar con un investigador.\n-El investigador que tenga el Farol del Valle realiza una prueba de [willpower](X), donde X es el nivel de oscuridad actual. Si fracasa, debe elegir un Enemigo en persecución para que aparezca enfrentado a él.\nDale la vuelta a esta carta para volver a mostrar el plan 1a."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10607",
+ "name": "Búsqeda desesperada",
+ "text": "Cada Enemigo que no tenga instrucciones de aparición obtiene \"Aparición - Cuando se robe este Enemigo del mazo de Encuentros: pon este Enemigo en la zona de persecución.\".\nObjetivo - Al final de la ronda, si todos los investigadores están en el mismo Lugar [[Guarida]] pueden, como grupo, gastar la cantidad necesaria de pistas para hacer avanzar el acto.",
+ "flavor": "Debe de haber algún rastro o pista de Bertie en este bosque. Esperáis no llegar demasiado tarde."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10607b",
+ "name": "Híbrido úrsido",
+ "subname": "Abominación resplandeciente",
+ "text": "Aparición - ([codex] Sigma) (página 37).\nCazador. Represalia.\nEl Híbrido úrsido recibe +2 de salud [per_investigator].\nObligado - Cuando el Híbrido úrsido fuese a ser derrotado, si está en juego el acto 2: Cúrale todo el daño y ponlo en la zona de persecución en lugar de en la zona de victoria."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10608",
+ "name": "¿Dónde está Bertie?",
+ "text": "[free] Gasta 1 pista: Mira el lado revelado de un Lugar adyacente.\nObjetivo - Encuentra a Bertie Musgrave. ¡Se ha perdido en las profundidades del bosque! (no hagas avanzar el acto hasta que se te indique hacerlo).",
+ "flavor": "Los árboles se cierran sobre vosotros mientras seguís el rastro de Bertie adentrándoos cada vez más en el bosque.",
+ "back_name": "Salir de la sartén…",
+ "back_text": "Pon el Apoyo de historia Bertie Musgrave puesto aparte en juego bajo el control de cualquier investigador. Pon cada Enemigo sin enfrentar en la zona de persecución. Baraja todos los demás Lugares, excepto el Lugar La hondonada retorcida, con el mazo de Bosque y ponlos en juego según el diagrama de la página 36.\nBusca el Enemigo Híbrido úrsido en todas las zonas de juego y fuera del juego, cúrale todo el daño y haz que aparezca en La hondonada retorcida. Haz avanzar los mazos de Acto y de Plan al plan especial: \"¡De vuelta al Valle!\", moviendo a él toda la perdición del plan en curso. Es tanto el plan en curso como el acto en curso.",
+ "back_flavor": "-¡Atrás! -chilla una voz conocida. Una piña pasa volando cerca de vuestras cabezas y Bertie se asoma desde el hueco de un enorme tronco.\n-¡Son ustedes! -trina, emocionado-. Pensaba que podía darme por muerto, pero ¡han venido!\nSe le ponen los ojos como platos cuando un familiar rugido jadeante resuena por la hondonada."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10609",
+ "name": "¡De vuelta al Valle!",
+ "text": "[free] Agota el Farol del Valle o bien gastad, como grupo 1 pista [per_investigator]: Mira el lado revelado de un Lugar adyacente. Puedes moverte a ese Lugar.\nObjetivo - Si todos los investigadores no derrotados han desistido, (→R1) (página 38).",
+ "flavor": "Debéis encontrar el camino de vuelta al Valle de la Cicuta con Bertie.",
+ "back_name": "El bosque hambriento",
+ "back_text": "Añade 1 recurso al nivel de oscuridad actual. Si el nivel de oscuridad actual es 6, cada investigador superviviente queda derrotado y sufre 1 trauma físico (→R2) (página 38).\nSi no es así, siguiendo el orden de juego, cada jugador debe elegir un Enemigo de la zona de persecución y hacer que aparezca en el Lugar [[Oscuro]] más cercano. Si no puede, debe descartar cartas de la parte superior del mazo de Encuentros hasta que sea descartado un Enemigo y hacerlo aparecer en el Lugar [[Oscuro]] más cercano.\nDale la vuelta a esta carta.",
+ "back_flavor": "El bosque se os echa encima, y el aire se llena con el sonido de fauces babeantes y colmillos que rechinan. Un aullido enfermizo sale de entre la maleza, y el sonido familiar de una tos jadeante y seca anuncia la llegada del oso."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10610",
+ "name": "Farol del Valle",
+ "subname": "Faro de esperanza",
+ "text": "El Lugar del Farol del Valle y todos los Lugares conectados pierden el rasgo [[Oscuro]].\n[reaction] Cuando un investigador que esté en tu Lugar se mueva a y revele un Lugar Bosque, agota el Farol del Valle: ignora el o los efectos Obligado de ese Lugar.\nObligado - Cuando el Farol del Valle fuese a abandonar el juego: en vez de eso, dale la vuelta y colócalo en el Lugar más cercano.",
+ "traits": "Objeto. Herramienta. Encendido. Ayuda."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10610b",
+ "name": "Farol del Valle",
+ "subname": "Luz extinguida",
+ "text": "[action]: Toma el control del Farol del Valle y luego dale la vuelta. Cualquier investigador que esté en el Lugar del Farol del Valle puede activar esta capacidad.\nObligado - Cuando el Farol del Valle fuese a abandonar el juego: en vez de eso, colócalo en el Lugar más cercano.",
+ "traits": "Objeto. Herramienta. Apagado. Ayuda."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10611",
+ "name": "Farol del Valle",
+ "subname": "Una leve esperanza",
+ "text": "El Lugar del Farol del Valle pierde el rasgo [[Oscuro]].\n[action] Agota el Farol del Valle: Mira el lado revelado de un Lugar conectado. Puedes moverte a ese Lugar, ignorando sus efectos de Obligado.\nObligado - Cuando el Farol del Valle fuese a abandonar el juego: en vez de eso, dale la vuelta y colócalo en el Lugar más cercano.",
+ "traits": "Objeto. Herramienta. Encendido."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10611b",
+ "name": "Farol del Valle",
+ "subname": "Luz extinguida",
+ "text": "[reaction]: Toma el control del Farol del Valle y luego dale la vuelta. Cualquier investigador que esté en el Lugar del Farol del Valle puede activar esta capacidad.\nObligado - Cuando el Farol del Valle fuese a abandonar el juego: en vez de eso, colócalo en el Lugar más cercano.",
+ "traits": "Objeto. Herramienta. Apagado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10612",
+ "name": "Prado destelleante",
+ "text": "[action]: Desistir. \"¡Seguro que Bertie está bien!\".\n[action]: Cúrate 1 punto de horror. Límite de una vez por ronda.",
+ "flavor": "Una leve, aunque visible, fosforescencia parecía surgir de toda la vegetación…\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10613",
+ "name": "Claro afectado por la plaga",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que reveles el Claro afectado por la plaga: Elige el Enemigo en persecución que tenga el menor valor de combate y haz que aparezca en este Lugar.",
+ "flavor": "Las ramas del arce se estaban moviendo y no corría el menor soplo de viento.\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "back_traits": "Bosque. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Plaga. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10614",
+ "name": "Marjal envenenado",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que reveles el Marjal envenenado: Deber recibir 1 punto de daño directo o bien infligir 1 punto de daño a cada Apoyo [[Aliado]] que controles.",
+ "flavor": "\"Se ha observado una intrincada red de micelio que cuenta con un sistema digestivo como el de los animales. Los hongos han convertido la madera en pulpa.\"\n-Dra. Rosa Marquez, Estudio de Miskatonic, 1926",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "back_traits": "Bosque. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Plaga. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10615",
+ "name": "Espesura fecunda",
+ "text": "La Espesura fecunda recibe -X a velo, donde X es el nivel de oscuridad actual.\nObligado - Después de que reveles la Espesura fecunda: Realiza una prueba de [agility](X), donde X es el nivel de oscuridad actual. Si fracasas, busca el Enemigo en persecución que tenga la mayor salud impresa y haz que aparezca en este Lugar.",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10616",
+ "name": "Arboleda de setas",
+ "text": "La Arboleda de setas recibe +2 a velo mientras no sea [[Oscuro]].\nObligado - Después de que reveles la Arboleda de setas: Realiza una prueba de [intellect](X), donde X es el nivel de oscuridad actual. Si fracasas, busca el Enemigo en persecución que tenga el mayor valor de evitar te ataca.",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10617",
+ "name": "Claro bañado por la luna",
+ "text": "Mientras un Enemigo se esté moviendo, su Lugar se considera conectado al Claro bañado por la luna.\nObligado - Después de que reveles el Claro bañado por la luna: Realiza una prueba de [willpower](X), donde X es el nivel de oscuridad actual. Si fracasas, busca el Enemigo en persecución que tenga el mayor valor de combate y haz que aparezca en este Lugar.",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "back_traits": "Bosque. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Guarida. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10618",
+ "name": "Sendero retorcido",
+ "text": "X es el nivel de Oscuridad.\n[reaction] Después de que descubras una pista en este Lugar: Mira el lado revelado de un Lugar conectado. Puedes moverte a ese Lugar.",
+ "flavor": "Los sinuosos senderos acaban volviendo sobre sí mismos.",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10619",
+ "name": "Arboleda de cadáveres",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que reveles la Arboleda de cadáveres: Recibe 1 punto de horror.\nObligado - Después de que investigues con éxito la Arboleda de cadáveres: Recibe 1 punto de horror.",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "back_traits": "Bosque. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Guarida. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10620",
+ "name": "Cubil del oso",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que reveles el Cubil del oso: Busca el Enemigo en persecución que tenga el mayor valor de combate y haz que aparezca enfrentado a ti. Si no puedes, roba la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros.",
+ "flavor": "Sea lo que sea lo que vive aquí, está claro que pasó tanta hambre como para llegar a comerse a sus congéneres.",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "back_traits": "Bosque. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Guarida. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10621",
+ "name": "La hondonada retorcida",
+ "text": "Objetivo - Al final de la ronda, si todos los investigadores supervivientes están en La hondonada retorcida, los investigadores pueden, como grupo, gastar 2 pistas [per_investigator] para hacer avanzar el acto al acto 2b.",
+ "flavor": "El viejo árbol nudoso ha visto mucho más de lo que jamás verás tú.",
+ "back_name": "Bosque oriental",
+ "back_flavor": "Los árboles crecían demasiado juntos, y sus troncos eran demasiado grandes tratándose de árboles de Nueva Inglaterra. En las oscuras avenidas del bosque había demasiado silencio, y el suelo estaba demasiado blando con el húmedo musgo y los restos de infinitos años de descomposición.\n-H.P. Lovecraft<(u>, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Bosque. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10622",
+ "name": "Sombras profundas",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [willpower](3). Esta prueba recibe +2 a la dificultad si tu Lugar es [[Oscuro]]. Si fracasas, debes (elige una opción):\n-Recibir 2 puntos de horror.\n-El investigador que controle el Farol del Valle le da la vuelta a su lado [[Apagado]] y lo coloca en un Lugar conectado.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10623",
+ "name": "Miedo que acecha",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [agility](3). Esta prueba recibe +2 a la dificultad si tu Lugar es [[Oscuro]]. Si fracasas, debes (elige una opción):\n-Recibir 2 puntos de daño.\n-Buscar el Enemigo que tenga el mayor valor de combate y hacer que aparezca enfrentado a ti.",
+ "traits": "Terror."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10625",
+ "name": "Luz robada",
+ "text": "Peligro.\nRevelación - Debes (elige una opción):\n-Colocar 1 ficha de Perdición sobre el plan en curso. Este efecto puede hacer avanzar el plan.\n-Dar la vuelta al Farol del Valle a su lado [[Apagado]]. Coloca el Farol del Valle en el Lugar vacío más alejado de todos los investigadores.",
+ "traits": "Maquinación."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10625",
+ "name": "Híbrido acechante",
+ "text": "Cazador. Alerta.\nX es el nivel de oscuridad actual.\nPresa - Sólo el investigador con el Farol del Valle.\nObligado - Después de que el Híbrido acechante te ataque, si controlas el Farol del Valle: Da la vuelta al Farol del Valle a su lado [[Apagado]] y colócalo en tu Lugar.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10626",
+ "name": "La noche más larga",
+ "text": "Fácil/Normal\n[skull]: -X. X es la mitad de la cantidad de perdición en juego, redondeando hacia arriba.\n[cultist]: -2. Coloca 1 barrera en tu Lugar.\n[tablet]: -1. Revela otra ficha. Si fracasas, el Enemigo más cercano se prepara, se mueve y ataca como si fuera la fase de Enemigos.\n[elder_thing]: -4. Si fracasas, retira 1 barrera, señuelo, o trampa de tu Lugar.",
+ "back_text": "Difícil/Experto\n[skull]: -X. X es cantidad de la perdición en juego.\n[cultist]: -3. Si tienes éxito, coloca 1 barrera en tu Lugar.\n[tablet]: -4. El Enemigo más cercano se prepara, se mueve y ataca como si fuera la fase de Enemigos.\n[elder_thing]: -5. Retira 1 barrera, señuelo, o trampa de tu Lugar."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10627",
+ "name": "Barreras, señuelos y trampas",
+ "text": "Efectos de fichas\nLos Enemigos que ignoran los efectos de una ficha no activan sus capacidades [[Obligado]].\nRecurso: Obligado - Cuando un Enemigo fuese a moverse mediante una palabra clave y hubiera 1 o más barreras entre su Lugar y el Lugar al que se está moviendo: Retira una de esas barreras. Cancela los efectos de movimiento.\nHorror: Obligado - Cuando un Enemigo entre en un Lugar que tenga un señuelo: Retira el señuelo. Inflige 1 punto de daño a ese Enemigo, haz que deje de estar enfrentado a todos los investigadores y agótalo. Ese Enemigo no puede prepararse durante el resto de la ronda.\nDaño: Obligado - Cuando un Enemigo entre en un Lugar que tenga una trampa: Retira la trampa. Inflige 2 puntos de daño a ese Enemigo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10628",
+ "name": "La acometida",
+ "text": "Al comprobar el umbral de perdición, la perdición que haya en cartas que no sean este plan se resta de la perdición total en juego en lugar de sumarse.\nObligado - Cuando el efecto de una carta fuese a colocar perdición en el plan: En lugar de eso, colócala en el Apoyo de historia Los cautivos.\nObligado - Después de que se coloque perdición en este plan: Siguiendo el orden de juego, cada investigador roba la primera carta del mazo de Enemigos.",
+ "flavor": "Vuestra única esperanza es resistir hasta el amanecer.",
+ "back_name": "El sacrificio final",
+ "back_text": "El investigador jefe debe decidir (elige una opción):\n-Cada investigador no derrotado sufre un trauma mental.\n-Elige un habitante que esté bajo el control de un investigador. Ese habitante se sacrifica interponiéndose entre la monstruosidad y vosotros. Tacha en el registro de campaña el nombre del habitante elegido. Anota en las notas de ese habitante que: \"nombre\" se sacrificó por los investigadores.\nHaz avanzar el acto.",
+ "back_flavor": "Los primeros rayos del amanecer trazan haces de color violeta y carmesí por el cielo, tapando las estrellas. Mientras miráis la llegada del alba, una monstruosidad caída se levanta de un montón de cadáveres mutilados y carga contra vosotros. ¡Apenas tenéis tiempo de reaccionar!"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10629",
+ "name": "La noche más larga",
+ "text": "[free] Durante tu turno, gasta 1 pista: Coloca 1 barrera, señuelo o trampa en tu Lugar.\n[action]: Desistir. A continuación, si todos los investigadores no derrotados han desistido, (→R3) (página 50).\nObjetivo - Sobrevive a la noche y protege tantos cautivos como puedas (no hagas avanzar el acto hasta que se te indique hacerlo).",
+ "flavor": "¡Debéis proteger a los cautivos!",
+ "back_name": "Por los pelos",
+ "back_text": "Si hay 4 o menos puntos de daño en Los cautivos:\nPese a la acometida aparentemente sin fin, han sido dañados relativamente pocos cautivos. Mientras examináis el interior destrozado de la casa, algunos de los cautivos lloran con la cara hundida en las manos y otros os miran de forma acusadora. ¿Cómo podéis convencerles de que sus vidas merecían la pena ser salvadas?
\n(→R1) (página 50).\n
Si no es así:\nLa granja es un matadero lleno de víssceras y sangre. Al ver la acometida que se dirigía hacia allí, muchos de los cautivos huyeron entre gritos directos a las fauces de las monstruosidades. La luz de la mañana ilumina una escena que os perseguirá en sueños.
(→R2) (página 50)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10630",
+ "name": "La granja",
+ "text": "La granja no puede tener cartas de Jugador vinculadas, trampas ni señuelos.\n[free] Durante tu turno, gasta 1 recurso [per_investigator]: Movimiento (a un Lugar conectado.\n[action]: Obtén 1 pista (de la reserva de fichas). Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.",
+ "back_text": "La granja no puede tener cartas de Jugador vinculadas, trampas ni señuelos.",
+ "back_fravor": "El aspecto de la granja era impresionante: hierba y hojas grisáceas en el suelo, parras cayéndose a pedazos de arcaicas paredes y aleros.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Santuario."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10631",
+ "name": "Cabaña de ordeñado",
+ "text": "[reaction] Cuando fuese a colocarse un señuelo o una trampa en la Cabaña de ordeñado: En vez de eso, colocalo en un Lugar adyacente.\n[action]: Roba 1 Traición ¡Fuego! puesta aparte. Añade 1 copia de Traición ¡Fuego! puesta aparte al mazo de Encuentros y baraja éste. Límite de una vez por ronda.",
+ "back_name": "Granja Atwood",
+ "back_fravor": "La vieja granja está llena de chatarra, ganado reseco, pienso podrido y equipo agrícola oxidado.",
+ "traits": "Granja."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10632",
+ "name": "Viñedo",
+ "text": "[free] Durante tu turno: Enfréntate a un Enemigo que esté en el Viñedo. Límite de una vez por turno.\nObligado - Cuando un Enemigo entre en el Viñedo: Cúrale 1 punto de daño.",
+ "flavor": "Las uvas son todo piel y se revientan con tan sólo tocarlas.",
+ "back_name": "Granja Atwood",
+ "back_fravor": "La vieja granja está llena de chatarra, ganado reseco, pienso podrido y equipo agrícola oxidado.",
+ "traits": "Granja."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10633",
+ "name": "Corral",
+ "text": "Mientras haya un señuelo en el Corral, este Lugar recibe -2 al velo. Cada Enemigo que esté en el Corral recibe +1 a combate y +1 a Evitar.\n[action]: Roba 1 Traición ¡Fuego! puesta aparte. Añade 1 copia de Traición ¡Fuego! puesta aparte al mazo de Encuentros y baraja éste. Límite de una vez por ronda.",
+ "back_name": "Granja Atwood",
+ "back_fravor": "La vieja granja está llena de chatarra, ganado reseco, pienso podrido y equipo agrícola oxidado.",
+ "traits": "Granja."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10634",
+ "name": "Granero",
+ "text": "Los Enemigos que estén en el Granero reciben +1 a su valor de daño.\n[reaction] Cuando el Granero sea revelado: Coloca el Apoyo de historia Ajax puesto aparte en este Lugar ([codex] Omega).",
+ "flavor": "A juzgar por su aspecto, el granero podría venirse abajo en cualquier momento.",
+ "back_name": "Granja Atwood",
+ "back_fravor": "La vieja granja está llena de chatarra, ganado reseco, pienso podrido y equipo agrícola oxidado.",
+ "traits": "Granja."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10635",
+ "name": "Pastizal",
+ "text": "[free] Durante tu turno, si el Pastizal tiene una trampa: Movimiento (a un Lugar conectado.\nObligado - Después de que un Enemigo preparado y sin enfrentar se mueva al Pastizal mediante una palabra clave, si no hay barreras en el Pastizal: Resuelve esa palabra clave de nuevo.",
+ "back_name": "Granja Atwood",
+ "back_fravor": "La vieja granja está llena de chatarra, ganado reseco, pienso podrido y equipo agrícola oxidado.",
+ "traits": "Granja."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10636",
+ "name": "Campo exterior",
+ "subname": "Senderos ensangrentados",
+ "text": "[action]: Mueve un Enemigo a un Lugar conectado. Límite de grupo de una vez por partida.\n[reaction] Después de que descubras la última pista de este Lugar: Cura 2 puntos de daño a Los cautivos. Límite de grupo de una vez por partida.",
+ "back_name": "Campo exterior",
+ "back_fravor": "Todas las hortalizas adquirieron un color grisáceo y un aspecto quebradizo.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Campo. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10637",
+ "name": "Campo exterior",
+ "subname": "Colinas desoladas",
+ "text": "[free] Durante tu turno: Mira las 1 [per_investigator] primeras cartas del mazo de Enemigos. Descarta cualquier cantidad de ellas y devuelve el resto a la parte superior en cualquier orden. Límite de grupo de una vez por partida.",
+ "back_name": "Campo exterior",
+ "back_fravor": "Todas las hortalizas adquirieron un color grisáceo y un aspecto quebradizo.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Campo. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10638",
+ "name": "Campo exterior",
+ "subname": "Campos de trigo enfermos",
+ "text": "[reaction] Después de que descubras la última pista de este Lugar: Coloca 1 barrera en este Lugar.\n[free] Durante tu turno: Elige una barrera que esté en cualquier Lugar y muévela a cualquier otro Lugar. Límite de una vez por turno.",
+ "back_name": "Campo exterior",
+ "back_fravor": "Todas las hortalizas adquirieron un color grisáceo y un aspecto quebradizo.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Campo. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10639",
+ "name": "Campo exterior",
+ "subname": "Loma calcinada",
+ "text": "[reaction] Después de que descubras la última pista de este Lugar: Coloca 1 trampa en este Lugar.\n[free] Durante tu turno: Elige una trampa que esté en cualquier Lugar y muévela a cualquier otro Lugar. Límite de una vez por turno.",
+ "back_name": "Campo exterior",
+ "back_fravor": "Todas las hortalizas adquirieron un color grisáceo y un aspecto quebradizo.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Campo. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10640",
+ "name": "Campo exterior",
+ "subname": "Cultivos rancios",
+ "text": "[reaction] Después de que descubras la última pista de este Lugar: Coloca 1 señuelo en este Lugar.\n[free] Durante tu turno: Elige un señuelo que esté en cualquier Lugar y muévelo a cualquier otro Lugar. Límite de una vez por turno.",
+ "back_name": "Campo exterior",
+ "back_fravor": "Todas las hortalizas adquirieron un color grisáceo y un aspecto quebradizo.\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Campo. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10641",
+ "name": "Los cautivos",
+ "subname": "Hijos de las estrellas",
+ "text": "Durante la fase de Enemigos, cada Enemigo preparado y sin enfrentar que esté en la granja ataca como si estuviera enfrentado a Los cautivos. El horror infligido a Los cautivos de esta forma se inflige como daño en su lugar.\nObligado - Cuando el Apoyo de historia Los cautivos sea derrotado: (→R3) (página 50).",
+ "traits": "Inocente. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10642",
+ "name": "Ajax",
+ "subname": "Corcel fiel",
+ "text": "Tu primera acción de cada ronda no provoca ataques de oportunidad.\n[action] Agota a Ajax: Movimiento. Muévete dos veces o bien elige cualquier Lugar [[Campo]] y muévete a él.\nSi Ajax está en tu Lugar: Toma su control. Cualquier jugador que esté en el Lugar de Ajax puede activar esta capacidad.",
+ "traits": "Aliado. Criatura."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10643",
+ "name": "Híbrido úrsido",
+ "subname": "Abominación famélica",
+ "text": "Cazador. Descomunal. Represalia.\nPresa - Investigador jefe.\nEl Híbrido úrsido recibe +3 de salud [per_investigator] e ignora barreras y señuelos.\nMientras este Enemigo se esté moviendo, todos los Lugares [[Campo]] se consideran conectados entre sí.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Mutado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10644a",
+ "name": "Híbrido pelechado",
+ "text": "Aparición - Campo exterior (este).\nIndiferente. Errante (La granja).\nEl Híbrido pelechado ignora barreras.\nObligado - Cuando el Híbrido pelechado fuese a recibir cualquier cantidad de daño: Reduce esa cantidad a 1.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10644b",
+ "name": "Híbrido pelechado",
+ "text": "Aparición - Campo exterior (sur).\nIndiferente. Errante (La granja).\nEl Híbrido pelechado ignora barreras.\nObligado - Cuando el Híbrido pelechado fuese a recibir cualquier cantidad de daño: Reduce esa cantidad a 1.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10644c",
+ "name": "Híbrido pelechado",
+ "text": "Aparición - Campo exterior (oeste).\nIndiferente. Errante (La granja).\nEl Híbrido pelechado ignora barreras.\nObligado - Cuando el Híbrido pelechado fuese a recibir cualquier cantidad de daño: Reduce esa cantidad a 1.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10645",
+ "name": "Híbrido lupino",
+ "text": "Aparición - Campo exterior (norte).\nRepresalia. Errante (La granja).\n<>Obligado - Después del que el Híbrido lupino ataque: Cúrale 1 punto de daño.",
+ "flavor": "…extrañamente, no aullaban. Se reían.\n-Dra. Rosa Marquez, Estudio de Miskatonic, 1926",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Mutado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10646",
+ "name": "Híbrido caprino",
+ "text": "Aparición - Lugar Campo exterior con menos Enemigos.\nAlerta. Errante (La granja).\nEl Híbrido caprino ignora señuelos.",
+ "flavor": "Supongo que, como cualquier cabra, se lo come todo.\n-Dra. Rosa Marquez, Estudio de Miskatonic, 1926",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Mutado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10647",
+ "name": "Híbrido equino",
+ "text": "Aparición - Campo exterior (norte).\nErrante (La granja).\nEl Híbrido equino ignora trampas.\nObligado - Cuando el Híbrido equino fuese a recibir cualquier cantidad de daño: Reduce esa cantidad a 1.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10648",
+ "name": "Híbrido reptante",
+ "text": "Aparición - Lugar Campo exterior con más Enemigos.\nIndiferente. Errante (La granja).\nEl Híbrido reptante ignora barreras, señuelos, trampas y el daño de Traiciones ¡Fuego!.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10649",
+ "name": "Noche eterna",
+ "text": "Peligro.\nRevelación - Debes decidir (elige una opción):\n-Retirar 1 ficha de Perdición del Plan.\n-Infligir 2 puntos de daño al Apoyo de historia Los cautivos.\n-Recibir 3 puntos de daño direto y 3 puntos de horror directo.",
+ "traits": "Terror."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10650",
+ "name": "Incursión",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [agility](X). X es la mitad de la cantidad de perdición en juego, redondeando hacia arriba. Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, elige un Enemigo [[Mutado]] distinto que sea el más cercano a La granja y prepáralo. Cada Enemigo elegido se mueve, se enfrenta y ataca como si fuera la fase de Enemigos.",
+ "traits": "Maquinación."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10651",
+ "name": "El destino del Valle",
+ "text": "Fácil/Normal\n[skull]: -X. X es el número del acto en curso más 1.\n[cultist]: -4. Si fracasas, descarta 1 carta de tu mano al azar.\n[tablet]: -5. En vez de eso, puedes colocar 1 ficha de Perdición en tu carta de Investigador para tratar el modificador de esta ficha como 0.\n[elder_thing]: -2. Si esta prueba es un combate o un intento de evitar contra el Emisario cósmico, revela otra ficha.",
+ "back_text": "Difícil/Experto\n[skull]: -X. X es la cantidad de Enemigos [[Color]] en juego.\n[cultist]: -6. Descarta 1 carta de tu mano al azar.\n[tablet]: -8. En vez de eso, puedes colocar 1 ficha de Perdición en tu carta de Investigador para tratar el modificador de esta ficha como 0.\n[elder_thing]: -5. Si esta prueba es un combate o un intento de evitar contra el Emisario cósmico, en vez de eso fracasas automáticamente."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10652",
+ "name": "El silencio",
+ "text": "Si miras el Enemigo Emisario cósmico durante más de 15 segundos seguidos te vuelves loco.\nObligado - Cuando fueses a robar 1 o más cartas del mazo de Encuentros. En vez de eso, revela cartas de la parte inferior de El abismo hasta que sea revelada una carta con dorso de carta de Encuentro y róbala (todas las demás cartas reveladas se colocan en la parte superior de El abismo).",
+ "flavor": "Una silueta ancestral parpadea en un gas espiralado.",
+ "back_name": "Disolución de la mente",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador realiza una prueba de [willpower] o de [intellect](4). Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, debe recibir 1 punto de horror o bien añadir la primera carta de su mazo a El abismo y barajar éste.",
+ "back_flavor": "Sentís susurros en vuestras cabezas que hablan un idioma alienígena de chasquidos y zumbidos y una extraña música melódica. Suena familiar. Una vaga silueta surge de la neblina en movimiento y se estira hacia vosotros. No podéis evitar reíros mientras notáis cómo se os vacía la mente. ¿Qué habéis olvidado exactamente? No sería importante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10653",
+ "name": "La miasma",
+ "text": "Si miras el Enemigo Emisario cósmico durante más de 15 segundos seguidos te vuelves loco.\nObligado - Cuando fueses a robar 1 o más cartas del mazo de Encuentros. En vez de eso, revela cartas de la parte inferior de El abismo hasta que sea revelada una carta con dorso de carta de Encuentro y róbala (todas las demás cartas reveladas se colocan en la parte superior de El abismo).",
+ "flavor": "Unas siluetas de pesadilla toman forma en la niebla.",
+ "back_name": "Disolución del ser",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador realiza una prueba de [combat] o de [agility](4). Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, debe recibir 1 punto de daño o bien añadir la primera carta de su mazo a El abismo y barajar éste.",
+ "back_flavor": "Brotan vapores del suelo que toman forma en siluetas duras y corpóreas. También surge una irregular forma cristalina mientras avanzáis dando tumbos como en un estupor. Cuanto más tiempo respiráis el aire venenoso que os rodea, más débiles os sentís. Os está chupando la vida y el vigor."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10654",
+ "name": "La espiral",
+ "text": "Si miras el Enemigo Emisario cósmico durante más de 15 segundos seguidos te vuelves loco.\nObligado - Cuando fueses a robar 1 o más cartas del mazo de Encuentros. En vez de eso, revela cartas de la parte inferior de El abismo hasta que sea revelada una carta con dorso de carta de Encuentro y róbala (todas las demás cartas reveladas se colocan en la parte superior de El abismo).",
+ "flavor": "Vuestra visión se refracta como un cristal roto.",
+ "back_name": "Vuestra fiesta",
+ "back_text": "Toda la Isla de la Cicuta ha sido transfigurada en la gran ascensión. Cada investigador queda devorado por el color del espacio exterior (mueren).",
+ "back_flavor": "Las ondas del aire se detienen y luego empiezan a girar en forma de multitud de rostros, siluetas y formas. Os cuesta respirar, pues algo extrae el aire de vuestros pulmones y lo lleva hacia una columna de luz. El brillo asciende hacia el cielo nocturno como una estrella fugaz al revés, convirtiendo en polvo cuanto os rodea. Los árboles se ajan y secan, y la fauna que intenta huir se vuelve hueso y cenizas. Vuestros cuerpos se subliman, subiendo hacia el cegador brillo junto con todo lo demás que hay en la Isla de la Cicuta.\nHabéis descubierto vuestro sitio en el infinito."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10655",
+ "name": "Recuerdos fragmentados",
+ "text": "[reaction] Despues de que tengas éxito en una prueba de habilidad en un Lugar [[Guarida]] durante tu turno: Revela una carta de la parte inferior del El abismo por cada punto que tuvieras por encima del valor mínimo de éxito. Roba 1 de ellas, baraja el resto y colócalas en la parte superior de El abismo.\n[free] Gasta 1 pista: Recibes +2 a tu valor de habilidad para esta prueba de habilidad.\nObjetivo - Si cada jugador tiene su carta de Investigador \"verdadera\", haz avanzar el acto.",
+ "flavor": "¿Por qué Ee aiy htant al uz est oy sO Ña ndo?",
+ "back_name": "Ex nihilo",
+ "back_text": "Coloca pistas en cada Lugar revelado hasta su valor de pista.\nComprueba el registro de campaña y reúne el conjunto de Habitantes y los Lugares [[Cueva]] puestos aparte.\n-La madre Rachel ha sido devorada. Tacha el nombre de la madre Rachel.\n-Añade todos los Lugares [[Cueva]] y todos los habitantes cuyos nombres estén tachados a El abismo y baraja éste.\nCada investigador puede elegir 1 habitante que tenga nivel de relación 4 o más para ponerlo en juego bajo su control, con el lado Apoyo boca arriba.\n-Pon aparte, fuera del juego, todas las cartas restantes del conjunto de encuentros Habitantes.",
+ "back_flavor": "Cuando recuperáis la consciencia, levantáis la vista hacia el cielo estrellado y la luna de color rojo sangre que hay en él. Tal vez logréis encontrar un camino de vuelta a la superficie."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10656",
+ "name": "Yo perdido",
+ "text": "[reaction] Despues de que tengas éxito en una prueba de habilidad en un Lugar [[Guarida]] durante tu turno: Revela una carta de la parte inferior del El abismo por cada punto que tuvieras por encima del valor mínimo de éxito. Roba 1 de ellas, baraja el resto y colócalas en la parte superior de El abismo.\n[free] Gasta 1 pista: Recibes +2 a tu valor de habilidad para esta prueba de habilidad.\nObjetivo - Al final de la ronda, si hay 3 o más Lugares [[Cueva]] revelados en juego que no tengan pistas, haz avanzar el acto.",
+ "flavor": "¡Debéis encontrar una forma de volver al Valle.",
+ "back_name": "Una elección transcendental",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador pierde todas sus pistas.\nComprueba el registro de campaña y pasa al Interludio del escenario: El destino del Valle (página 64). Los investigadores deben decidir su curso de acción (elige una acción):\n-\"Acabemos con esto\". (Sólo puedes elegir esta opción si la Dra. Marquez tiene una corazonada y si la Dra. Marquez tiene un plan. También puedes elegir esta opción si Gideon terminó el relato del Annabelle Lee). Pasa a El destino del Valle (v.I).\n-\"¡salvemos el Valle\". (Sólo puedes elegir esta opción si los Cicuta acordaron una tregua y/o si la familia Peters se reunió). Pasa a El destino del Valle (v.II).\n-\"Quemémoslo todo\". (Sólo puedes elegir esta opción si el Valle está lleno de fuegos artificiales). Pasa a El destino del Valle (v.III).\n-\"Huyamos para ponernos a salvo\". Pasa a El destino del Valle (v.IV).",
+ "back_flavor": "La Dra. Marquez señala una precaria plataforma de roca ascendente que lleva de vuelta a la superficie. Ahora que tenéis un camino claro para salir de la resplandeciente cámara, debéis sopesar qué queréis hacer a continuación."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10657",
+ "name": "El destino del Valle (v.I)",
+ "text": "[reaction] Después de que tengas éxito en una prueba de habilidad en un Lugar [[Guarida]] durante tu turno: Revela una carta de la parte inferior del El abismo por cada punto que tuvieras por encima del valor mínimo de éxito. Roba 1 de ellas, baraja el resto y colócalas en la parte superior de El abismo.\n[free] Gasta 1 pista: Recibes +2 a tu valor de habilidad para esta prueba de habilidad.\nObjetivo - Al final de la ronda, si todos los investigadores supervivientes están en El abismo, los investigadores pueden, como grupo, gastar la cantidad necesaria de pistas para hacer avanzar el acto.",
+ "flavor": "¡La Dra. Marquez necesita vuestra ayuda para salvar el Valle.",
+ "back_name": "Ad nihilum",
+ "back_text": "Los investigadores deben decidir (elige una opción:\n-Dejar que la Dra. Marquez lleve a cabo su plan (→R1) (página 66).\nHacerlo vosotros (→R2) (página 66)(sólo puedes elegir esta opción si un investigador controla el Apoyo de historia Esquirla prismática).",
+ "back_flavor": "Os colocáis junto a la Dra. Marquez, en la base de un montículo de cuerpos resecos. Sobre vuestras cabezas, el abismo titila en el frío aire inmóvil. Una difuminada silueta humanoide se estira hacia vosotros mientras el brillo vuelve a resplandecer.\n-No puede ser. Tenemos que desbaratarlo. Darle algo que no pueda \"digerir\" -dice la Dra. Marquez con seriedad. Os entrega su mochila llena de muestras y notas del estudio-. Quiero que se queden con esto.\nCuando le preguntáis el motivo, responde: -Alguien tiene que contarle al Dr. Armitage la historia de este… -Entrecierra los ojos mientras levanta la mirada hacia la iridiscencia parpadeante-. De este color del espacio exterior."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10658",
+ "name": "El destino del Valle (v.II)",
+ "text": "[action] Elige y descarta 1 carta de tu mano: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [willpower] o de [intellect](3). Si tienes éxito, roba la carta [[Habitante]] que haya bajo tu Lugar, con el lado de Enemigo boca arriba. Puedes gastar 1 pista [per_investigator] para ponerla en juego agotada.\nObjetivo - Si no hay Enemigos [[Habitante]] bajo los Lugares o en juego, los investigadores pueden, como grupo, gastar la cantidad necesaria de pistas para hacer avanzar el acto.",
+ "flavor": "Tendréis que convencer a los enajenados habitantes para que entren en razón… o hacerles entrar en razón a golpes.",
+ "back_name": "¡Al faro!",
+ "back_text": "(→R3) (página 67).",
+ "back_flavor": "-¡A la camioneta! -grita un habitante mientras indica a un grupo de aturdidos lugareños que se metan en el vehículo. Los supervivientes restantes se apiñan en camionetas y desgastadas motos para recorrer la sinuosa carretera del sur. Cuando pasáis por el ruinoso puerto, una columna de luz pura brota del centro del pueblo, seguida de una nube viscosa y aceitosa. La caravana de supervivientes se acaba de refugiar en el faro del sur cuando una onda expansiva de aire caliente recorre la isla con fuerza huracanada."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10659",
+ "name": "El destino del Valle (v.III)",
+ "text": "[action] Gasta X pistas [per_investigator]: Coloca X recursos en tu Lugar como yesca (puedes gastar 5 recursos o descartar un Apoyo [[Objeto]] que controles para colocar 1 yesca adicional).\n[action] Si tu Lugar tiene una cantidad de yesca igual o superior a su valor de velo, retira toda las yescas que tenga: Roba 1 Traición ¡Fuego! puesta aparte. Límite de grupo de una vez por Lugar.\nObjetivo - Cuando termine la ronda, si hay 5 copias de ¡Fuego! en juego, haz avanzar el acto inmediatamente.",
+ "flavor": "Vuestra única esperanza de detener esto es quemar esta isla maldita. Quemarla entera.",
+ "back_name": "Ardiendo en llamas",
+ "back_text": "(→R4) (página 67).",
+ "back_flavor": "Los fuegos artificiales salen disparados hacia el cielo mientras el Valle de la Cicuta se ve consumido por las llamas. El zumbido de las luces y las fuertes explosiones casi os distraen del devastador infierno que devora el paisaje. Racimos de fuegos artificiales rojos, amarillos y azules surcan los aires y explotan en el cielo nocturno.\nLa Dra. Marquez y vosotros os unís a los pocos supervivientes restantes en un trayecto hacia la parte sur de la isla para refugiaros en un maltrecho faro. Mientras contempláis el infierno a través de una sucia ventana, un haz de fina luz gris surge del centro del pueblo y luego se apaga. Una pequeña luz fosforescente vuelve a precipitarse hacia las llamas como una estrella fugaz."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10660",
+ "name": "El destino del Valle (v.IV)",
+ "text": "[action] Si se cumplen al menos 5 de las siguientes condiciones (los investigadores encontraron combustible, los investigadores encontraron la camioneta de Theo, la carretera está despejada, los investigadores recuperaron las notas del estudio, Bertie está huyendo, los investigadores encontraron las muestras): Desistir. Huyes del Valle.\nObjetivo - ¡Huye para salvarte! Si todos los investigadores no derrotados han desistido, haz avanzar el acto.",
+ "flavor": "¡Debéis huir para salvaros!",
+ "back_name": "No es más que el principio…",
+ "back_text": "(→R5) (página 67).",
+ "back_flavor": "Seguidos de la Dra. Marquez, reunís a los pocos supervivientes que quedan y os arrinconáis en la camioneta azul cielo de Theo. Los lugareños os dan indicaciones mientras recorréis una sinuosa carretera hacia el punto más al sur de la isla. Temblando por la adrenalina, vuestro grupillo de supervivientes se refugia en el maltrecho faro.\nAntes de entrar, os giráis y veis algo que no olvidaréis nunca. Una columna de luz pura surge del Valle, arrastrando la nube viscosa y aceitosa a su paso. Una onda expansiva recorre la isla, y caéis de rodillas, agotados, como si os hubieran arrebatado años de vida en un solo instante. La deslumbrante luz os cautiva mientras asciende por la estratosfera hacia el espacio."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10661",
+ "name": "Yo fragmentado",
+ "subname": "¿Quién eres?",
+ "text": "Tu tamaño de mano máximo se reduce en 3.\nX es la cantidad de cartas que haya en tu mano (máx. 5).\n[reaction] Después de que asignes una carta a una prueba de habilidad que estés realizando: Duplica los iconos de habilidad de esa carta hasta el final de esta prueba. Límite de una vez por ronda.\nEfecto [elder_sign]: +2. Puedes robar 1 carta.",
+ "flavor": "Yo soy pens snep yos oY",
+ "traits": "Destrozado"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10661b",
+ "name": "Viejo recuerdo",
+ "subname": "Retazo de humanidad",
+ "text": "[reaction] Cuando sea revelada o robada una carta de El abismo, los investigadores pueden, como grupo, gastar 1 pista [per_investigator] y retirar el Viejo recuerdo de la partida: Elige a un investigador para que robe esa carta o bien cancela el efecto de revelación de esa carta y retírala de la partida.",
+ "traits": "Estado. Innato."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10662",
+ "name": "Emisario cósmico",
+ "subname": "El abismo",
+ "text": "Descomunal.\nNo puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nObligado - Cuando combatas o evites con éxito a este Enemigo: En lugar de hacerle daño o agotarlo, este Enemigo no ataca durante la fase de Enemigos de esta ronda.",
+ "traits": "Emisario. Color. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10662b",
+ "name": "Emisario cósmico",
+ "subname": "El abismo",
+ "text": "Descomunal.\nEl Emisario cósmico recibe +2 de salud [per investigator].\nObligado - Cuando este Enemigo sea derrotado: Cada investigador realiza una prueba de [willpower](100). Cada investigador que fracase queda devorado (muere).",
+ "traits": "Emisario. Destrozado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10663",
+ "name": "Emisario cósmico",
+ "subname": "La aparición",
+ "text": "Descomunal. Represalia.\nNo puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nObligado - Cuando combatas o evites con éxito a este Enemigo: En lugar de hacerle daño o agotarlo, este Enemigo no ataca durante la fase de Enemigos de esta ronda.",
+ "traits": "Emisario. Color. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10663b",
+ "name": "Emisario cósmico",
+ "subname": "La aparición",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Cazador. Represalia.\nPresa - Mayor [combat].\nObligado - Después de que reveles una ficha [elder_thing] durante una prueba de habilidad en este Lugar: Esta prueba fracasa automáticamente o bien este Enemigo te ataca.",
+ "traits": "Emisario. Destrozado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10664",
+ "name": "Emisario cósmico",
+ "subname": "La miasma",
+ "text": "Descomunal. Alerta.\nNo puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nObligado - Cuando combatas o evites con éxito a este Enemigo: En lugar de hacerle daño o agotarlo, este Enemigo no ataca durante la fase de Enemigos de esta ronda.",
+ "traits": "Emisario. Color. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10664b",
+ "name": "Emisario cósmico",
+ "subname": "La miasma",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Cazador. Alerta.\nPresa - Mayor [agility].\nObligado - Después de que reveles una ficha [cultist] durante una prueba de habilidad en este Lugar: Esta prueba fracasa automáticamente o bien este Enemigo te ataca.",
+ "traits": "Emisario. Destrozado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10665",
+ "name": "Emisario cósmico",
+ "subname": "El brillo",
+ "text": "Descomunal.\nNo puede realizar ataques de oportunidad.\nObligado - Cuando combatas o evites con éxito a este Enemigo: En lugar de hacerle daño o agotarlo, este Enemigo no ataca durante la fase de Enemigos de esta ronda.",
+ "traits": "Emisario. Color. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10665b",
+ "name": "Emisario cósmico",
+ "subname": "El brillo",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Escurridizo. Cazador.\nPresa - Mayor [willpower].\nObligado - Después de que reveles una ficha [tablet] durante una prueba de habilidad en este Lugar: Esta prueba fracasa automáticamente o bien este Enemigo te ataca.",
+ "traits": "Emisario. Destrozado. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10666",
+ "name": "Nido de espejos",
+ "text": "El Nido de espejos está conectado al Lugar que esté inmediatamente después en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.\nObligado - Cuando termines tu turno en este Lugar, si no combatiste con éxito en esta ronda: Debes colocar 1 de tus pistas en este Lugar o bien descartar 1 carta de tu mano al azar.",
+ "back_text": "El Nido de espejos está conectado al Lugar que esté inmediatamente después en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.",
+ "back_flavor": "osonimul ,otcefrep aíd ese ne los etnallirb le arE .los le are oY son y abreih atla al ne óidnet es odnum le odoT . onelp y ne ojih son y ólbah alle y ,nóisnecsa narg al arap somaraperp …etnemlaer somaré senéiuq ,somaíritrevnoc son seneiuq",
+ "traits": "Destrozado. Guarida."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10667",
+ "name": "Nido de espejos",
+ "text": "El Nido de espejos está conectado al Lugar que esté inmediatamente después en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.\nObligado - Cuando termines tu turno en este Lugar, si no evitaste con éxito en esta ronda: Debes colocar 1 de tus pistas en este Lugar o bien descartar 1 carta de tu mano al azar.",
+ "back_text": "El Nido de espejos está conectado al Lugar que esté inmediatamente después en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.",
+ "back_flavor": "osonimul ,otcefrep aíd ese ne los etnallirb le arE .los le are oY son y abreih atla al ne óidnet es odnum le odoT . onelp y ne ojih son y ólbah alle y ,nóisnecsa narg al arap somaraperp …etnemlaer somaré senéiuq ,somaíritrevnoc son seneiuq",
+ "traits": "Destrozado. Guarida."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10668",
+ "name": "Nido de espejos",
+ "text": "El Nido de espejos está conectado al Lugar que esté inmediatamente después en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.\nObligado - Cuando termines tu turno en este Lugar, si no investigaste con éxito en esta ronda: Debes colocar 1 de tus pistas en este Lugar o bien descartar 1 carta de tu mano al azar.",
+ "back_text": "El Nido de espejos está conectado al Lugar que esté inmediatamente después en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.",
+ "back_flavor": "osonimul ,otcefrep aíd ese ne los etnallirb le arE .los le are oY son y abreih atla al ne óidnet es odnum le odoT . onelp y ne ojih son y ólbah alle y ,nóisnecsa narg al arap somaraperp …etnemlaer somaré senéiuq ,somaíritrevnoc son seneiuq",
+ "traits": "Destrozado. Guarida."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10669",
+ "name": "Nido de espejos",
+ "text": "El Nido de espejos está conectado al Lugar que esté inmediatamente después en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.\nObligado - Cuando termines tu turno en este Lugar: Descarta 1 carta de tu mano al azar.\n[action] Los investigadores gastan, como grupo, 7 pistas [per_investigator]: Busca una carta en El abismo y róbala. Límite de grupo de una vez por acto.",
+ "back_text": "Esta carta siempre debe cubrir la parte superior de El abismo.\nLas cartas siempre se roban y revelan de la parte inferior de El abismo. Cuando se descarte una carta de Encuentro que no sea Debilidad, siempre se coloca en la parte superior de El abismo.\nObligado - Cuando robes una carta de El abismo, si esa carta es…\n…una Traición o un Enemigo: Róbala.\n…una carta [[Habitante]]: Dale la vuelta para mostrar su lado Enemigo. Obtienes \"Revelación - Este Enemigo te ataca (sin enfrentarse a ti. Descarta este Enemigo.\".\n…una carta de Jugador: Añádela a la mano de su propietario.\n…un Lugar: Ponlo en juego, sin revelar, adyacente al Nido de espejos más cercano (si es posible, que no esté ya conectado a un Lugar [[Cueva]]). Durante el resto de este escenario, los dos Lugares están conectados entre sí.\n…la carta de investigador \"verdadera\" de cualquier investigador: Su propietario se cura todo el daño y horror y toma su control. A continuación, da la vuelta a su carta de investigador Yo fragmentado para mostrar su lado Viejo recuerdo y la pone en juego bajo su control.",
+ "traits": "Destrozado. Guarida."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10670",
+ "name": "El abismo",
+ "subname": "Olvido espiralado",
+ "text": "Obligado - Cuando entres en El abismo, si hay cartas en El abismo: Mueres.\nDurante la fase de Enemigos, todos los Enemigos [[Destrozado]] que estén en El abismo pierden Indiferente.\nEl abismo siempre cubre la parte superior del mazo de El abismo.",
+ "back_text": "El Nido de espejos está conectado al Lugar que esté inmediatamente después en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.",
+ "back_flavor": "osonimul ,otcefrep aíd ese ne los etnallirb le arE .los le are oY son y abreih atla al ne óidnet es odnum le odoT . onelp y ne ojih son y ólbah alle y ,nóisnecsa narg al arap somaraperp …etnemlaer somaré senéiuq ,somaíritrevnocson seneiuq",
+ "traits": "Extradimensional. Destrozado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10671",
+ "name": "Mímico cristalino",
+ "text": "Escurridizo. Cazador.\nMientras estés combatiendo o evitando a este Enemigo, X es el número de cartas que haya en tu mano. De otro modo, X es 6.\nObligado - Después de que el Mímico cristalino te ataque: Descarta una carta de tu mano al azar.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Color."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10672",
+ "name": "Sublimación",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [willpower](4). Si fracasas, debes decidir (elige una opción):\n-Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, elige 1 carta de tu mano para colocarla en la parte superior de El abismo.\n-El Enemigo Emisario cósmico más cercano te ataca (incluso si no está en tu Lugar).",
+ "traits": "Poder."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10673",
+ "name": "Fragmentación",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [agility](4). Si fracasas, debes decidir (elige una opción):\n-Elige el Apoyo de tu zona de juego que tenga el coste impreso más alto y colócalo en la parte superior del El abismo.\n-El Enemigo Emisario cósmico más cercano te ataca (incluso si no está en tu Lugar).",
+ "traits": "Poder."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10674",
+ "name": "Euforia",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [intellect](4). Debes recibir 2 puntos de horror o bien colocar un Apoyo que no sea de historia que controles en la parte superior de El abismo. Si fracasas, haz ambas cosas.",
+ "flavor": "\"Hay un corazón / Dentro de la plaga / Todos caeremos / Hacia la luz más pura.\"\n-\"Las tierras del más allá\", Canciones de dicha n.º 235",
+ "traits": "Poder."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10675a",
+ "name": "Día uno",
+ "text": "En el que damos la bienvenida a nuevos amigos al Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10675b",
+ "name": "Noche uno",
+ "text": "En la que el bosque se llena de vida con muchas criaturas, grandes y pequeñas."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10676",
+ "name": "Enjambre",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [agility](3). Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, debes perder 1 recurso o bien recibir 1 punto de daño.",
+ "flavor": "\"La Mayoría de aquellos animales tenían un aspecto insólito y se movían de un modo muy raro…\"\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El color del espacio exterior\"",
+ "traits": "Riesgo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10677a",
+ "name": "Día dos",
+ "text": "En el que nos preparamos para la fiesta bajo un aguacero."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10677b",
+ "name": "Noche dos",
+ "text": "En la que recordamos nuestro sitio en el cosmos."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10678",
+ "name": "Aguacero",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [intellect](3). Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, debes perder 1 acción o bien colocar 1 de tus pistas en tu Lugar.",
+ "flavor": "\"…empezó a caer una lluvia tan intensa y torrencial, que no tuvimos más remedio que buscar refugio.\"\n-H.P. Lovecraft, \"El miedo que acecha\"",
+ "traits": "Riesgo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10679a",
+ "name": "Día tres",
+ "text": "En el que celebramos la dicha de la transfiguración."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10679b",
+ "name": "Noche tres",
+ "text": "En la que tomamos nuestro sitio en el infinito."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10680",
+ "name": "Visiones sobrenaturales",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [willpower](3). Esta prueba recibe +2 a la dificultad si hay un Enemigo [[Color]] en tu Lugar. Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, debes recibir 1 punto de horror o bien descartar 1 carta de tu mano al azar.",
+ "flavor": "nev euq sojos sol sodot yos sojos sol yoS.",
+ "traits": "Terror. Poder."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10681",
+ "name": "¡Bienvenidos al Valle de la Cicuta!",
+ "text": "Obligado - Cuando robes una Debilidad: Cancela su efecto de revelación y descártala.",
+ "flavor": "El estudio de Miskatonic se aloja en el Valle de la Cicuta y realiza los preparativos para la expedición de hoy. Cuantos más lugareños se fíen de vosotros, mejor entenderéis la naturaleza de la Isla de la Cicuta.",
+ "back_name": "¡Hora de ponerse a trabajar!",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador desiste (→R1) (página 9).",
+ "back_flavor": "Bertie se acerca, completamente sin resuello.\n-La Dra. Márquez solicita su presencia inmediata -os dice entre jadeos, interrumpiendo vuestra conversación-. Y créanme que no le gustará que lleguen tarde lo más mínimo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10682",
+ "name": "Alba del primer día",
+ "text": "Los investigadores no pueden recibir daño/horror ni ser derrotados.\nObjetivo - ¡Traba amistad con los lugareños y prepárate para tu primera exploración! (Consulta las reglas de la página 6 para más información sobre los preludios).",
+ "flavor": "¡El pueblo desborda de emoción! Los niños juegan junto a la carretera llevando máscaras de animales, mientras que otros lugareños cuelgan coloridas flores en aleros y vallas.",
+ "back_name": "El brillo",
+ "back_text": "Si le has dado la vuelta a este acto mientras jugabas o después de jugar el preludio ¡Bienvenido al Valle de la Cicuta!, lee el siguiente texto:\nEl aroma dulzón del aire y los vibrantes colores son abrumadores. Tu pulso se vuelve eléctrico, se te ponen los brazos de piel de gallina y te hormiguea la piel, casi como si te hicieran una caricia invisible. No estás solo, nunca estuviste solo, pero quien está contigo eres tú, y tú, y tú, y tú, y tú, y tú, y tú y y y y\n Te descubres mirando fijamente el cristalino cielo, desorientado y ebrio de asombro.\nTú (y sólo tú) obtienes 1 punto de experiencia de bonificación (no lo gastes hasta que se te indique)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10683",
+ "name": "Nubes Oscuras",
+ "text": "Obligado - Cuando robes una Debilidad: Cancela su efecto de revelación y descártala.",
+ "flavor": "Unas lóbregas nubes amenazan lluvia mientras los truenos restallan sobre vuestras cabezas. Los lugareños se afanan con los preparativos.",
+ "back_name": "Hambre de lobo",
+ "back_text": "Comprueba el registro de campaña:\n- Si Bertie fue rescatado, (→R1) (página 42).\n- Si no es así, (→R2) (página 42).",
+ "back_flavor": "Os reunís, de nuevo en la pensión. La Srta. Olmstead sirve pan de maíz caliente con mantequilla, rábanos asados del tamaño de un puño y un montón de huevos grisáceos. El estómago os gruñe mientras mordisqueáis algunas de vuestras raciones de campo en lugar de comer de esa comida."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10684",
+ "name": "Alba del segundo día",
+ "text": "Los investigadores no pueden recibir daño/horror ni ser derrotados.\nObjetivo - ¡Habla con los lugareños y descubre más información sobre la isa de la Cicuta!.",
+ "flavor": "El pueblo continúa con los preparativos con alegre determinación pese al tiempo plomizo.",
+ "back_name": "Un error",
+ "back_text": "Si le has dado la vuelta a este acto mientras jugabas o después de jugar el preludio Nubes Oscuras, lee el siguiente texto:\nMientras caminas por el pueblo, te asalta un mareo que te hace tambalearte hacia delante y que tengas que echar la mano para sujetarte. Te cortas la palma con la esquina de un montón de espejos y gritas de dolor mientras comienza a caer gruesos goterones de lluvia.\n([codex]17) (página 42)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10685",
+ "name": "La maldición Cicuta",
+ "text": "Los iconos de esta Habilidad se restan de tu valor de habilidad en lugar de sumarse.\nSi esta prueba de habilidad fracasa, descarta todas las cartas de tu mano.\nObligado - Al final de tu turno, si La maldición Cicuta está en tu mano: Descarta 1 carta de tu mano al azar.",
+ "traits":"Plaga. Color."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10686",
+ "name": "Todo está lleno de amor",
+ "text": "Obligado - Cuando robes una Debilidad: Cancela su efecto de revelación y descártala.",
+ "flavor": "La gente del Valle baila con una energía casi demencial. El ambiente está lleno de música desenfrenada y de un dulce perfume.",
+ "back_name": "La elección de Bertie",
+ "back_text": "Comprueba el registro de campaña. Si Bertie ha tenido una revelación:\nOs reunís con la Dra. Márquez en la pensión. Bertie se os acerca con un brillo fanático en los ojos y llevando la capa blanca y dorada del Valle.\n-He decidido que hoy me voy a unir a la fiesta. Todo el día. Entiendo que esto puede poner en peligro mi beca, pero…\nAntes de que la Dra. Márquez pueda reprenderlo, el joven se marcha junto a un grupo de danzantes.\n(→R2) (página 54).
\nSi no es así:\nOs reunís con la Dra. Márquez en la pensión. Bertie se os acerca con palpable emoción.\n-He tenido una revelación sobre la Isla de la Cicuta. la cadena alimentaria es puro caos. Depredadores cazados por presas, ¿verdad que es poético? Hay algo en la comida o en el agua que induce un frenesí; de hecho, toda esta celebración es como un frenesí -explica mientras señala con un gesto las exaltadas personas y niños que bailan.\n(→R1) (página 54)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10687",
+ "name": "Alba del último día",
+ "text": "Objetivo - Habla con los lugareños y prepárate para la fiesta.",
+ "flavor": "Un precioso brillo lo recubre todo y centellea en el aire que os rodea.",
+ "back_name": "La dicha",
+ "back_text": "Si le has dado la vuelta a este acto mientras jugabas o después de jugar el preludio Alba del último día, lee el siguiente texto:\nNo sabrías decir por qué pero sabes por qué estás aquí, estás aquí para observar para ver para saber para percibir para sentir para entender para guardar en tu corazón la verdad del cosmos que es que no eres más que una mota de polvo en la brillante luz del infinito y que un solo soplo de aire te mandará al olvido en un instante y dejarás de existir si es que acaso lo hiciste alguna vez por qué miraste el brillo por qué te quedaste tanto tiempo mirando fijamente la resplandeciente y cegadora luminosidad de las estrellas.\nDebes sufrir un trauma mental o bien buscar en la colección una Debilidad [[Locura]] básica aleatoria y añadirla a tu mazo. No cuenta para tu tamaño de mazo. Obtienes 2 puntos de experiencia adicional."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10688",
+ "name": "En torno a la mesa",
+ "text": "Objetivo - ¡Enfréntate a la Madre Rachel! Si la Madre Rachel es derrotada. (→R1).",
+ "flavor": "Los festejantes danzan con una estrepitosa música mientras otros se atiborran de platos rancios de comida aceitosa. Visitantes y lugareños por igual se desploman debido a ataques de risa mientras que otros se arañan los ojos. Todos y cada uno de ellos exhibe una salvaje sonrisa dichosa.",
+ "back_name": "El sueño",
+ "back_text": "Cada investigador queda derrotado y sufre 1 trauma físico o mental.",
+ "back_flavor": "En torno a la efigie hay brillantes esporas que iluminan los espejos y bañan el festival de una luminosidad feérica. Al inspirar, sentís que la boca y garganta os vibran con una leve sensación de cosquilleo. Lo último que oís al desmayaros es el sonido de una melodía de flautas y panderetas."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10689",
+ "name": "Corderos al matadero",
+ "text": "No puedes activar entradas [codex] del códice.\n[reaction] Después de que evites a un Enemigo [[Habitante]] por 2 o más: Añádelo a la zona de victoria.\nObjetivo - Si hay una carta [[Habitante [per_investigator] más 1 en la zona de victoria, (→R3) (página 60).",
+ "flavor": "Los festejantes danzan con una estrepitosa música mientras otros se atiborran de platos rancios de comida aceitosa. Visitantes y lugareños por igual se desploman debido a ataques de risa mientras que otros se arañan los ojos. Todos y cada uno de ellos exhibe una salvaje sonrisa dichosa.",
+ "back_name": "De vuelta al rebaño",
+ "back_text": "Todos los investigadores desisten.",
+ "back_flavor": "-Bien hecho -os dice la madre Rachel. En el cielo bailan luces mientras el último de los habitantes del Valle acude obedientemente a su sitio en la mesa. Algunos os miran con expresiones tristes y verdaderamente traicionadas. Cuando os disponéis a ocupar vuestro sitio en la mesa, la madre Rachel se interpone en vuestro camino.\n-Vuestro sitio no es sentaros con nosotros. Sois invitados de honor -dice con una sonrisa.\nSentís un fuerte golpe en la parte posterior de la cabeza y luego nada."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10690a",
+ "name": "El cruce de caminos",
+ "subname": "Mañana",
+ "text": "[action]: Preguntas a los lugareños sobre el Valle ([codex]10).\n[free] Si hay exactamente 1 o 2 investigadores en la partida, durante tu turno: Movimiento (a un Lugar conectado). Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.",
+ "flavor": "Docenas de visitantes se congregan en torno a la base de la efigie.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta. Central."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10690b",
+ "name": "El cruce de caminos",
+ "subname": "Tarde",
+ "text": "[action]: Negociar. Solicitas ayuda a los lugareños encarecidamente. Realiza una prueba de [willpower](3). Si tienes éxito, mueve 1 punto de daño de tu investigador a un Enemigo [[Habitante]] que esté en El cruce de caminos.",
+ "flavor": "El grupo de festejantes baila en torno a una hoguera ardiente. La madre Rachel está de pie ante ella con una amplia sonrisa.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta. Central."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10691a",
+ "name": "El viejo molino",
+ "subname": "Mañana",
+ "text": "[action][action]: Descubre 1 pista en El viejo molino.",
+ "flavor": "El molino parece haber sido invadido por una fecunda vegetación y por enredaderas duras y nudosas.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10691b",
+ "name": "El viejo molino",
+ "subname": "Tarde",
+ "text": "[action]: Investigas ruidos de algo que se mueve entre la maleza ([codex]12).",
+ "flavor": "La luz del día da paso a largas sombras siniestras.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10692",
+ "name": "Festejante enajenada",
+ "text": "Obligado - Cuando Festejante enajenada sea derrotada: Coloca 1 ficha de Perdición sobre el plan. Este efecto puede hacer que el plan en curso avance.\n[action]:Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [agility](4). Si tienes éxito, retira la Festejante enajenada de la partida.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10693",
+ "name": "Madre Rachel",
+ "subname": "Matrona amable",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a la Madre Rachel, tienes un espacio arcano adicional.\n[action]: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [willpower](2). Si tienes éxito, ([codex] 1).\nObligado - Después de que la Madre Rachel sea derrotada: Ponla aparte, fuera del juego. Reduce su nivel de relación en el registro de campaña.",
+ "traits": "Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10693b",
+ "name": "Madre Rachel",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Represalia.\nLa Madre Rachel recibe +2 de salud [per_investigator].\nObligado - Después de que inflijas 1 o más puntos de daño a la Madre Rachel: Elige un Enemigo [[Habitante]] distinto que esté en su Lugar. Ese Enemigo te ataca.\nVictoria 1.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Habitante. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10694",
+ "name": "Leah Atwood",
+ "subname": "La cocinera del Valle",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a Leah Atwood, recibes +1 [combat].\n[Action]: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [combat](2). Si tienes éxito, ([codex] 2).\nObligado - Después de que Leah Atwood sea derrotada: Ponla aparte, fuera del juego. Reduce su nivel de relación en el registro de campaña.",
+ "traits": "Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10694b",
+ "name": "Leah Atwood",
+ "text": "Represalia.\n[Action]: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [combat](5). Si tienes éxito, pon a Leah Atwood aparte, fuera del juego.\nVictoria 0.",
+ "flavor": "\"Lárguense de aquí. Nadie quiere que estén aquí.\"",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Habitante. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10695",
+ "name": "Simeon Atwood",
+ "subname": "Alborotador dedicado",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a Simeon Atwood, recibes +1 [agility].\n[Action]: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [agility](2). Si tienes éxito, ([codex] 3).\nObligado - Después de que Simeon Atwood sea derrotado: Ponlo aparte, fuera del juego. Reduce su nivel de relación en el registro de campaña.",
+ "traits": "Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10695b",
+ "name": "Simeon Atwood",
+ "text": "Escurridizo. Cazador.\n[Action]: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [agility](5). Si tienes éxito, pon a Simeon Atwood aparte, fuera del juego.\nVictoria 0.",
+ "flavor": "\"¿Quiere que le haga un truco de magia? Puedo hacer que esta hierba desaparezca. Enterita.\"",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Habitante. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10696",
+ "name": "William Cicuta",
+ "subname": "Poeta en ciernes",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a William Cicuta, recibes +1 [intellect].\n[Action]: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [intellect](2). Si tienes éxito, ([codex] 4).\nObligado - Después de que William Cicuta sea derrotado: Ponlo aparte, fuera del juego. Reduce su nivel de relación en el registro de campaña.",
+ "traits": "Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10696b",
+ "name": "William Cicuta",
+ "text": "Escurridizo.\n[action]: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [intellect](5). Si tienes éxito, pon a William Cicuta aparte, fuera del juego.\nVictoria 0.",
+ "flavor": "\"Haré lo que deba para proteger el legado de mi familia.\"",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Habitante. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10697",
+ "name": "River Hawthorne",
+ "subname": "A lo grande en Nueva York",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a River Hawthorne, recibes +1 [willpower].\n[Action]: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [willpower] o de [intellect](3). Si tienes éxito, ([codex] 5).\nObligado - Después de que River Hawthorne sea derrotada: Ponla aparte, fuera del juego. Reduce su nivel de relación en el registro de campaña.",
+ "traits": "Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10697b",
+ "name": "River Hawthorne",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Cazador.\nLa primera Traición robada en el Lugar de River Hawthorne cada ronda obtiene Oleada.\n[action]: Negociar. Realiza una prueba de [willpower](5). Si tienes éxito, pon a River Hawthorne aparte, fuera del juego.\nVictoria 0.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Habitante. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10698",
+ "name": "Gideon Mizrah",
+ "subname": "Marino curtido",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a River Hawthorne, tienes 1 espacio de accesorio adicional.\n[action][action]: Negociar. ([codex] 6).\nObligado - Después de que Gideon Mizrah sea derrotado: Ponlo aparte, fuera del juego. Reduce su nivel de relación en el registro de campaña.",
+ "traits": "Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10698b",
+ "name": "Gideon Mizrah",
+ "text": "Represalia.\nObligado - Después de que Gideon Mizrah te ataque: Descarta 1 carta de tu mano al azar.\n[action][action][action]: Negociar. Pon a Gideon Mizrah aparte, fuera del juego.\nVictoria 0.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Habitante. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10699",
+ "name": "Judith Park",
+ "subname": "El músculo",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a Judith Park, puedes realizar una acción adicional durante tu turno, pero sólo para combatir.\n[action] Gasta X recursos, donde X es el número del día actual: Negociar. ([codex] 7).\nObligado - Después de que Judith Park sea derrotada: Ponla aparte, fuera del juego. Reduce su nivel de relación en el registro de campaña.",
+ "traits": "Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10699b",
+ "name": "Judith Park",
+ "text": "Cazador. Represalia.\n[action] Gasta 5 recursos: Negociar. Pon a Judith Park aparte, fuera del juego.\nVictoria 0.",
+ "flavor": "\"No me obligue a hacer esto.\"",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Habitante. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10700",
+ "name": "Theo Peters",
+ "subname": "Chico para todo",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a Theo Peters, puedes realizar una acción adicional durante tu turno, pero sólo para moverte.\n[action] Elige y descarta X cartas de tu mano, donde X es el número del día actual: Negociar. ([codex] 8).\nObligado - Después de que Theo Peters sea derrotado: Ponlo aparte, fuera del juego. Reduce su nivel de relación en el registro de campaña.",
+ "traits": "Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10700b",
+ "name": "Theo Peters",
+ "text": "Escurridizo. Alerta.\n[action] Gasta 3 cartas de tu mano al azar: Negociar. Pon a Theo Peters aparte, fuera del juego.\nVictoria 0.",
+ "flavor": "\"Aquí somos todos familia. ¡Excepto usted\"",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Habitante. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10701",
+ "name": "Bertie Musgrave",
+ "subname": "Un verdadero esteta",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a Bertie Musgrave, recibes +1 de salud y +1 de cordura.\n[free] Recibe 1 punto de daño o 1 punto de horror y agota a Bertie Musgrave: Negociar. Roba 1 carta ([codex] Ω).\nObligado - Después de que Bertie Musgrave sea derrotado: Ponlo aparte, fuera del juego. Reduce su nivel de relación en el registro de campaña.",
+ "traits": "Habitante."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10701b",
+ "name": "Bertie Musgrave",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Errante. (Lugar de la Madre Rachel).\nObligado - Cuando fuese a asignarse daño a un Enemigo [[Habitante]] que esté en el Lugar de Bertie Musgrave y éste esté preparado: En vez de eso se asigna a Bertie Musgrave.\nObligado - Después de que Bertie Musgrave sea derrotado: ([codex][Omega]).\nVictoria 0.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Miskatonic."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10702",
+ "name": "Dra. Rosa Marquez",
+ "subname": "La mejor en su campo",
+ "text": "Mientras controles a la Dra. Rosa Marquez, recibes +1 [intellect] y +1 [agility].\n[reaction] Después de que descubras la última pista en tu Lugar: ([codex] [Theta]).",
+ "flavor": "\"Si se trata de la supervivencia del más apto, yo pretendo sobrevivir.\"",
+ "traits": "Aliado. Miskatonic. Viajero."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10703",
+ "name": "Helen Peters",
+ "subname": "La hermana mayor",
+ "text": "(Día[day]) Recibes +1 [combat]. (Noche[night]) Recibes +1 [agility].\n[reaction] Después de que entres en un Lugar, agota a Helen Peters e inflígele 1 punto de daño: Elige un Enemigo que no sea [[Élite]] y que esté en tu Lugar y evítalo automáticamente.",
+ "flavor": "\"El cambio es inevitable. La cuestión es cómo lidiamos con él.\"",
+ "traits": "Aliado. Cazador."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10704",
+ "name": "El Valle",
+ "text": "Fácil/Normal\n[skull]: -X. X es el número del día actual.\n[cultist]: +1. Si esta prueba es un intento de negociar, tienes éxito automáticamente.\n[tablet]: -2. Si tienes menos de 3 cartas en la mano, en vez de eso trata el modificador de esta ficha como 0.\n[elder_thing]: -1. Si esta prueba es un intento de negociar, revela otra ficha.",
+ "back_text": "Difícil/Experto\n[skull]: -X. X es el número del día en curso más 1.\n[cultist]: -1. Si esta prueba es un intento de negociar, en vez de eso trata el modificador de esta ficha como +1.\n[tablet]: -4. Si tienes menos de 2 cartas en la mano, en vez de eso trata el modificador de esta ficha como -2.\n[elder_thing]: -3. Si esta prueba es un intento de negociar, revela otra ficha."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10705",
+ "name": "Pensión",
+ "subname": "Día [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: Preguntas por ahí sobre el Valle ([codex]9).\n[action]: Cúrate 1 punto de daño o 1 punto de horror. Límite de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "Dicen que la Srta. Olmstead lleva su negocio con mano dura",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10705b",
+ "name": "Pensión",
+ "subname": "Noche [night]",
+ "text": "La primera carta de Encuentro robada en este Lugar cada ronda obtiene Oleada.\n[action]: Realiza una prueba de [willpower](3), luego de [agility](2) y después de [combat](1). Si tienes éxito en cada una de estas pruebas, roba 3 cartas. A continuación, si el acto en curso es El destino del Valle (v.IV), recuerda que \"los investigadores encontraron combustible\".",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10706",
+ "name": "El cruce de caminos",
+ "subname": "Día [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: Preguntas a los lugareños sobre el Valle ([codex]10).\n[free]: Si hay exactamente 1 o 2 investigadores en la partida, durante tu turno: Movimiento (a un Lugar conectado). Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.",
+ "flavor": "La elaborada efigie es la estructura más alta del Valle.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta. Central."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10706b",
+ "name": "El cruce de caminos",
+ "subname": "Noche [night]",
+ "text": "Durante la fase de Enemigos, todos los Enemigos [[Destrozado]] que estén en El cruce de caminos pierden Indiferente.\n[reaction] Después de que evites con éxito a un Enemigo [[Destrozado]] en El cruce de caminos por 3 o más si el acto en curso es El destino del Valle (v.IV): Recuerda que \"la carretera está despejada\".",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta. Central."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10707",
+ "name": "Capilla Cicuta",
+ "subname": "Día [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: te acercas a la capilla totalmente cubierta de vegetación que hay en lo alto de la colina ([codex]11).\n[action]: Busca entre las 9 primeras cartas de tu mazo una carta [[Hechizo]] y róbala. Baraja tu mazo. Límite de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "La capilla parece sacada de un libro de cuentos.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10707b",
+ "name": "Capilla Cicuta",
+ "subname": "Noche [night]",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que se descubra la última pista de la Capilla Cicuta: Coloca 1 pista en cada Lugar en juego. Máximo de una vez por partida.\n[action]: Cúrate 1 punto de horror. Devuelve una carta [[Hechizo]] de tu pila de descartes a tu mano. Límite de una vez por partida.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10708",
+ "name": "El viejo molino",
+ "subname": "Día [day]",
+ "text": "[reaction] Después de que descubras una pista en El viejo molino ([codex]12).",
+ "flavor": "La brisa matutina trae al Valle el fresco aroma a lupinos, ésteres, milenramas y ulmarias.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10708b",
+ "name": "El viejo molino",
+ "subname": "Noche [night]",
+ "text": "[action]: Realiza una prueba de [agility](8). Si tienes éxito, cúrate 2 puntos de daño (si fracasas, en vez de eso puedes gastar 2 pistas [per_investigator] para tener éxito automáticamente). A continuación, si el acto en curso es El destino del Valle (v.IV), recuerda que \"los investigadores encontraron las muestras\".",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10709",
+ "name": "La Casa Atwood",
+ "subname": "Día [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: Te acercas a la antigua mansión ([codex]13).",
+ "flavor": "La adusta fachada de la vieja casa conserva algún retazo de su antigua gloria. Los lugareños parecen evitar la propiedad.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10709b",
+ "name": "La Casa Atwood",
+ "subname": "Noche [night]",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que fracases en una prueba de habilidad al investigar La Casa Atwood: Recibe 1 punto de horror.\n[action]: Realiza una prueba de [willpower](8). Si tienes éxito, cúrate 2 puntos de horror (si fracasas, en vez de eso puedes gastar 2 pistas [per_investigator] para tener éxito automáticamente). A continuación, si el acto en curso es El destino del Valle (v.IV), recuerda que \"los investigadores recuperaron las notas del estudio\".",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10710",
+ "name": "Almacén general de Tad",
+ "subname": "Día [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: Negociar. Regateas por algunos productos y charlas con los parroquianos ([codex]14).",
+ "flavor": "El almacén general está a reventar de lugareños y visitantes que compran suministros para la fiesta.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10710b",
+ "name": "Almacén general de Tad",
+ "subname": "Noche [night]",
+ "text": "Los Enemigos que estén en el Almacén general de Tad reciben +1 a combate.\n[reaction] Después de colocar yesca en este Lugar: Coloca 1 yesca adicional. Límite de una vez por ronda.",
+ "flavor": "Un hedor putrefacto emana del emporio.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10711",
+ "name": "Escuela del Valle",
+ "subname": "Día [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: Echas un vistazo a la biblioteca de la escuela ([codex]15).\n[action]: Busca en tu mazo un Apoyo [[Tomo]] y róbalo. Baraja tu mazo. Límite de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "Hay varios caminos que pasan junto al edificio de la escuela en dirección a la punta sur de la Isla de la Cicuta.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10711b",
+ "name": "Escuela del Valle",
+ "subname": "Noche [night]",
+ "text": "Los Enemigos que estén en la Escuela del Valle reciben +1 a evitar.\n[action]: Realiza una prueba de [willpower] o de [agility](3). Si tienes éxito, cura 1 punto de daño y 1 punto de horror a un investigador o Apoyo [[Aliado]] que esté en este Lugar. Límite de una vez por ronda.",
+ "flavor": "Las luciérnagas bailan en el aire en torno al edificio de la escuela.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10712",
+ "name": "El salón comunitario",
+ "subname": "Día [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: Inspeccionas El salón comunitario y visitas el servicio de reparto local ([codex]16).",
+ "flavor": "El largo edificio es tan grande como un granero y sirve para celebrar muchas cenas, bailes y eventos comunitarios en el Valle.",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10712b",
+ "name": "El salón comunitario",
+ "subname": "Noche [night]",
+ "text": "Mientras un Enemigo se esté moviendo, su Lugar se considera conectado con El salón comunitario.\n[action]: Realiza una prueba de [intellect](3), luego de [combat](2) y después de [agility](1). Si tienes éxito en cada una de estas pruebas, obtén 5 recursos. A continuación, si el acto en curso es El destino del Valle (v.IV) recuerda que \"los investigadores encontraron la camioneta de Theo\".",
+ "traits": "Valle de la Cicuta."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10713",
+ "name": "Roca de la preocupación",
+ "subname": "Símbolo de seguridad",
+ "text": "Rápido.\n[reaction] Cuando el efecto de una carta de escenario descarte la Roca de la preocupación de tu mano: Roba 3 cartas. Límite de una vez por partida.",
+ "flavor": "La piedra está desgastada y lisa.",
+ "traits": "Objeto. Amuleto. Bendecido."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10714",
+ "name": "Muñeca de hojas de maíz",
+ "subname": "Símbolo de la inocencia",
+ "text": "Rápido. Usos (3 deseos).\n[reaction] Cuando sea revelada una ficha [skull] o [tablet] en tu Lugar, gasta 1 deseo y agota la Muñeca de hojas de maíz: En vez de eso trata esa ficha como una ficha [cultist].",
+ "flavor": "Una muñeca tradicional abenaki con el aspecto de la madre Rachel.",
+ "traits": "Objeto. Amuleto."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10715",
+ "name": "El diario Perla",
+ "subname": "Un siniestro relato",
+ "text": "(Día [day]) Recibes +1[intellect]. (Noche [night]) Recibes +1[willpower]. Usos (3 deseos).\n[reaction] Después de que un investigador que esté en tu Lugar robe una carta [[Plaga]] o [[Poder]] del mazo de Encuentros, agota El diario Perla: Ese investigador roba 1 carta.",
+ "traits": "Objeto. Tomo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10716",
+ "name": "Madriguera seca",
+ "text": "(Día [day]) [reaction]: Movimiento (a un Lugar conectado). Límite de grupo de una vez por ronda.\n(Noche [night]) Obligado - Después de que termines tu turno en la Madriguera seca: Recibe 1 punto de horror.",
+ "flavor": "Los caminos abiertos parecen bastante seguros, pero… ¿lo son?",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft,\"El ceremonial\"",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10717",
+ "name": "Bosque alcalino",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que reveles el Bosque alcalino: Debes recibir 1 punto de horror directo o bien descartar 2 cartas de tu mano al azar.",
+ "flavor": "Las formaciones rocosas se asemejan a un bosque dentado envuelto en un venenoso gas rojo.",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft,\"El ceremonial\"",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10718",
+ "name": "Pasadizo iridiscente",
+ "text": "Obligado - Después de que fracases en una prueba de habilidad al investigar el Pasadizo iridiscente: Elige y descarta 1 carta de tu mano.",
+ "flavor": "Las paredes similares a espejos reflejan tu rostro fracturado.",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft,\"El ceremonial\"",
+ "back_traits": "Cueva. Oscuro.",
+ "traits": "Cueva."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10719",
+ "name": "Túnel invadido de vegetación",
+ "text": "Mientras el Túnel invadido de vegetación tenga pistas, debes gastar 1 acción adicional para salir del Túnel invadido de vegetación.",
+ "flavor": "Los túneles circundantes están sofocados con gruesas raíces correosas.",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft,\"El ceremonial\"",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10720",
+ "name": "Túnel mineral",
+ "text": "Mientras estés investigando el Túnel mineral, éste recibe +1 a velo por cada carta de tu mano (máx. +6 a velo en dificultad fácil/normal).",
+ "flavor": "Las formaciones se parecen a las muchas hileras de dientes de un tiburón y son igual de afiladas.",
+ "back_name": "Caverna",
+ "back_flavor": "Después de un descenso que duró una eternidad, vi unos pasadizos laterales o túneles que, desde ignorados nichos de tinieblas, conducían a este misterioso acceso vertical.\n-H.P. Lovecraft,\"El ceremonial\"",
+ "traits": "Cueva. Oscuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10721",
+ "name": "Parásito de cristal",
+ "text": "(Día [day]) Obligado - Después de que el Parásito de cristal ataque: Cúrale 2 puntos de daño.\n(Noche [night]) El Parásito de cristal recibe +2 a combate y +1 a su valor de daño por cada 2 puntos de daño que tenga.\nVictoria 1.",
+ "traits": "Monstruo. Insecto. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10722",
+ "name": "Plaga cromática",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon la Plaga cromática en juego en tu zona de amenaza. Límite de 1 por investigador.\nObligado - Después de que robes 1 o más cartas de tu mazo. Coloca 1 recurso en la Plaga cromática, como brillo.\n>Obligado - Si hay un total de 6 brillos en la Plaga cromática: Pon una copia puesta aparte del Parásito de cristal en juego en tu Lugar: Retira la Plaga cromática de la partida.",
+ "traits": "Poder. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10723",
+ "name": "Calcificación",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon la Calcificación en juego en tu zona de amenaza. Límite de 1 por investigador.\nObligado - La primera vez que te muevas en cada ronda: Recibe 1 punto de daño directo.\n[action]: Realiza una prueba de [agility](3). Si tienes éxito, descarta la Calcificación (puedes recibir 1 punto de daño directo para que esta prueba tenga éxito automáticamente).",
+ "traits": "Riesgo. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10724",
+ "name": "Sombra miasmática",
+ "text": "Indiferente. Cazador. (Noche [night]) Escurridizo.\nNo puede ser dañado excepto por cartas [Hechizo], [Reliquia], [Ciencia] o de Encuentro.\nObligado - Cuando descartes 1 o más cartas de la mano en el Lugar de la Sombra miasmática, si ésta está preparada: Se enfrenta a ti y realiza un ataque inmediatamente.",
+ "traits": "Monstruo. Color."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10725",
+ "name": "Susurros alienígenas",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [willpower](3). Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, debes (elige una opción):\n-Recibir 1 punto de daño, que sólo puede asignarse a un Apoyo que controles.\n-Recibir 1 punto de horror, que sólo puede asignarse a un Apoyo que controles.\n-Descartar 1 carta de tu mano al azar.",
+ "traits": "Poder. Color."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10726",
+ "name": "Mutaciones extrañas",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [willpower](5). Reduce la dificultad de esta prueba en 1 por cada punto de horror que tengas. Si fracasas, debes recibir 2 puntos de horror o bien descartar 2 cartas de tu mano al azar.",
+ "flavor": "En la piel brotan nudosas protuberancias escamosas que parecen escamas o uñas vestigiales.",
+ "traits": "Poder."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10727",
+ "name": "Putrefacción fúngica",
+ "text": "Revelación - Vincula la Putrefacción fúngica a un Apoyo [[Objeto]] que controles y que no tenga la Putrefacción fúngica vinculada. Si no puedes, la Putrefacción fúngica obtiene Oleada.\nTrata el cuadro de texto de las reglas del Apoyo vinculado como si estuviera en blanco (excepto los [[Rasgos]]).\n[action]: Realiza una prueba de [combat](3). Si tiene éxito, descarta la Putrefacción fúngica. Si no es así, recibe 1 punto de daño.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10728",
+ "name": "Enervación",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [combat](5). Reduce la dificultad de esta prueba en 1 por cada punto de daño que tengas. Si fracasas, debes recibir 2 puntos de daño o bien elegir la carta con el mayor coste impreso de tu mano y descartarla.",
+ "flavor": "Las úlceras no se curan solas y emiten un intenso olor químico.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo. Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10729",
+ "name": "Desecación",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon la Desecación en juego junto al mazo de Plan.\nComo coste adicional para que un investigador juegue una carta, debe recibir 1 punto de daño.\nObligado - Al final de la ronda: Descarta 1 copia de la Desecación del juego. Máximo de una vez por ronda.",
+ "traits": "Plaga."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10730",
+ "name": "Brillo empíreo",
+ "text": "(Día [day]) Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [willpower](2). Aumenta la dificultad de esta prueba en 2 si tienes 5 o más cartas en la mano. Si fracasas, elige y descarta 2 cartas de tu mano.\n(Noche [night]) Revelación - Descarta 1 carta de tu mano al azar. Realiza una prueba de [willpower](X). X es el coste impreso de esa carta. Si fracasas, recibe 2 puntos de horror.",
+ "traits": "Poder. Color."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10731",
+ "name": "Resplandor cautivador",
+ "text": "Oleada.\nRevelación - Pon el Resplandor cautivador en juego en tu zona de amenaza. Límite de 1 por investigador.\nObligado - Si no tienes cartas en la mano: Recibe 5 puntos de horror y descarta el Resplandor cautivador.",
+ "tflavor": "?olev led álla sám sev éuQ¿",
+ "traits": "Poder. Color."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10732",
+ "name": "Broteponzoña",
+ "text": "Represalia.\n(Día [day]) El Broteponzoña recibe +1 a salud y +1 a su valor de daño por cada exuberancia que tenga.\n(Noche [night]) El Broteponzoña recibe +1 a combate y +1 a su valor de daño por cada exuberancia que tenga.\nObligado - Al final de la ronda: Coloca 1 recurso en el Broteponzoña, como exuberancia.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Flora. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10733",
+ "name": "Vigilante del bosque",
+ "text": "Indiferente. (Noche [night]) Escurridizo.\nAparición - Cualquier Lugar (vacío si es posible).\nObligado - Después de que el Vigilante del bosque entre en juego: Coloca 1 ficha de Perdición sobre él.",
+ "flavor": "Ni se te ocurra intentar acariciarlo.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Flora. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10734",
+ "name": "Venado coclear",
+ "text": "Escurridizo. (Noche [night]) Cazador.\nCada investigador que esté en el Lugar del Venado coclear y en cada Lugar conectado recibe -2 a todas las habilidades durante la fase de Mitos.",
+ "flavor": "La mitad de la carne de la majestuosa criatura había sido reemplazada por un tejido vascular similar a la corteza de los árboles.",
+ "traits": "Criatura. Monstruo. Flora. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10735",
+ "name": "Florecimiento",
+ "text": "Revelación - Elige el Enemigo [[Flora]] más cercano y cúrale todo el daño, o bien cúrale 2 puntos de daño [per_investigator] si ese Enemigo es [[Élite]]. Si no se ha curado daño por este efecto, descarta cartas de la parte superior del mazo de Encuentros hasta que sea descartada una carta de [[Flora]] y róbala.",
+ "traits": "Poder."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10736",
+ "name": "Muro de espinas",
+ "text": "Revelación - Vincula el Muro de espinas al Lugar más cercano que no tenga ningún Muro de espinas vinculado.\n(Día [day]) Obligado - Cuando te muevas al Lugar vinculado: Recibe 2 puntos de daño. Descarta el Muro de espinas.\n(Noche [night]) - Cuando te muevas al Lugar vinculado o salgas de él: Recibe 1 punto de daño.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo. Flora."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10737",
+ "name": "Llamada de lo salvaje",
+ "text": "Revelación - Realiza una prueba de [agility](3). Si fracasas, elige el Enemigo más cercano. Ese Enemigo te ataca. Si fracasaste y no se eligió ningún Enemigo, en vez de eso recibe 2 puntos de daño.",
+ "flavor": "\"…hasta los herbívoros parecen haber desarrollado una capacidad poco común de planificar, coordinarse y cazar.\"\n-Dra. Rosa Marquez, Estudio de Miskatonic, 1926",
+ "traits": "Terror."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10738",
+ "name": "Amanita negra",
+ "text": "(Día [day]) Indiferente. (Noche [night]) Descomunal.\nObligado - Después de que descubras una pista en el Lugar de Amanita negra o en un Lugar conectado, si ésta está preparada: Recibe 1 punto de horror directo.",
+ "flavor": "\"…y sus esporas huelen a carne podrida.\"\n-Dra. Rosa Marquez, Estudio de Miskatonic, 1926",
+ "traits": "Flora. Mutado"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10739",
+ "name": "Liquen de cadáver",
+ "text": "(Día [day]) El Liquen de cadáver no puede moverse. (Noche [night]) Cazador. Alerta.\nObligado - Después de que el Liquen de cadáver ataque: Cúrale 1 punto de daño.",
+ "flavor": "Los líquenes animan los huesos sin carne.",
+ "traits": "Humanoide. Monstruo. Flora. Mutado."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10740",
+ "name": "Esporas psicotrópicas",
+ "text": "Revelación - Pon las Esporas psicotrópicas en juego en tu zona de amenaza. Límite de 1 por investigador.\nObligado - La primera vez que robes 1 o más cartas de tu mazo en cada ronda: Recibe 1 punto de horror directo.\n[action]: Realiza una prueba de [intellect](3). Si tienes éxito, descarta las Esporas psicotrópicas (puedes recibir 1 punto de horror directo para que esta prueba tenga éxito automáticamente).",
+ "traits": "Riesgo. Flora."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10741",
+ "name": "Mutación repentina",
+ "text": "Revelación - Vincula esta carta al Enemigo más cercano que no sea [[Élite]]. Si no puedes, busca en el mazo y la pila de descartes de Encuentros un Enemigo [[Mutado]] y róbalo.\nObligado - Cuando el Enemigo vinculado sea derrotado: Descarta cartas de la parte superior del mazo de Encuentros hasta que sea descartado un Enemigo y haz que aparezca en este Lugar.",
+ "traits": "Poder. Color."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10742",
+ "name": "Crecimiento antinatural",
+ "text": "Revelación - Coloca 1 ficha de Perdición en el Enemigo más cercano que no tenga perdición. Si no se ha colocado perdición por este efecto, descarta 2 cartas de tu mano al azar.",
+ "tflavor": "\"No es el más fuerte de las especies el que sobrevive, tampoco es el más inteligente el que sobrevive. Es aquel que es más adaptable al cambio.\"- Charles Darwin",
+ "traits": "Maldición."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10743",
+ "name": "¡Fuego!",
+ "text": "Revelación - Vincula ¡Fuego! al Lugar más cercano que no tenga ninguna copìa de ¡Fuego! vinculada (conectado a un Lugar que tenga ¡Fuego! vinculado si es posible).\n[action] Realiza una prueba de [agility](4). Si tienes éxito, descarta ¡Fuego!.\nObligado - Al final de la ronda: Cada carta que tenga salud y que esté en este Lugar recibe 1 punto de daño directo.",
+ "traits": "Riesgo."
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
From 7acb696339cbd34d0696a7c44af2e3bf0501cfa6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=ED=91=B8=EB=A5=B8=EC=9D=B4=20=28derornos=29?=
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 14:48:23 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 002/210] [ko] fix typo
translations/ko/pack/parallel/ltr.json | 2 +-
translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json | 4 ++--
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/parallel/ltr.json b/translations/ko/pack/parallel/ltr.json
index 8bc46bf2d..95eb77695 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/parallel/ltr.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/parallel/ltr.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"code": "90050",
"name": "짐의 트럼펫",
"subname": "망자가 말한다",
- "text": "짐 컬버 덱 전용. 강화된.\n[reaction] 당신이 수행하는 능력 테스트 동안, [skull] 또는 [curse] 토큰 하나를 공개했을 때, ‘짐의 트럼펫’을 소진합니다: 당신이 위치한 장소 및 이어진 각 장소에 있는 모든 조사자와 조력자 자산에게서 공포를 1씩 회복시킵니다.",
+ "text": "짐 컬버 덱 전용. 강화된.\n[reaction] 당신이 수행하는 능력 테스트 동안, [skull] 또는 [curse] 토큰 하나를 공개했을 때, ‘짐의 트럼펫’을 소진합니다: 당신이 위치한 장소 및 이어진 각 장소에 있는 모든 조사자와 [[조력자]] 자산에게서 공포를 1씩 회복시킵니다.",
"traits": "물품. 악기. 유물.",
"slot": "손"
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
index 8dc715595..021e1bda0 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
"code": "09027",
"flavor": "꽤나 아플 거다.",
"name": "중상",
- "text": "신속. 당신이 근접 자산을 사용해서 [[정예]]가 아닌 적을 공격하는 데 성공한 후 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n공격받은 적에게 ‘중상’을 부착합니다.\n강제 - 라운드 끝에: 부착된 적에게 피해를 1 줍니다.",
+ "text": "신속. 당신이 [[근접]] 자산을 사용해서 [[정예]]가 아닌 적을 공격하는 데 성공한 후 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n공격받은 적에게 ‘중상’을 부착합니다.\n강제 - 라운드 끝에: 부착된 적에게 피해를 1 줍니다.",
"traits": "전술."
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@
"code": "09067",
"name": "\"그건 내가 가져가겠어!\"",
- "text": "신속. 당신이 조사하는 데 성공했을 때 (또는) 당신이 [[인간형]] 적 하나를 회피하는 데 성공했을 때 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신의 손에서 [[물품]] 물품 자산 하나를, 비용을 X만큼 낮춰 플레이합니다. X는 난이도를 넘어선 차이입니다. ‘그건 내가 가져가겠어!’를 그 자산에 부착합니다. 부착된 자산은 [[불법]] 특성을 획득합니다.",
+ "text": "신속. 당신이 조사하는 데 성공했을 때 (또는) 당신이 [[인간형]] 적 하나를 회피하는 데 성공했을 때 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신의 손에서 [[물품]] 자산 하나를, 비용을 X만큼 낮춰 플레이합니다. X는 난이도를 넘어선 차이입니다. ‘그건 내가 가져가겠어!’를 그 자산에 부착합니다. 부착된 자산은 [[불법]] 특성을 획득합니다.",
"traits": "속임수. 향상. 불법."
From 7a598921298dc9ada42411c02e98dd76eac5b9f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=ED=91=B8=EB=A5=B8=EC=9D=B4=20=28derornos=29?=
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 15:32:22 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 003/210] [ko] update for mtt
translations/ko/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json | 198 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json b/translations/ko/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json
index 099d161b9..ed097ed15 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
"code": "87001",
- "name": "Machinations Through Time",
- "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 plus the number of story cards in the victory display.\n[cultist]: -1. If you are at Tindalos, you automatically fail.\n[tablet]: -2 (-4 instead if a [[Scientist]] asset is at your location).\n[elder_thing]: -3. If you fail, deal 1 damage or 1 horror to an [[Ally]] asset at your location.",
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 2 plus the number of story cards in the victory display.\n[cultist]: -2. If you are at Tindalos, you automatically fail.\n[tablet]: -3 (-6 instead of a [[Scientist]] asset is at your location).\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, deal 1 damange or 1 horror to an [[Ally]] asset at your location."
+ "name": "시간을 초월한 음모",
+ "text": "쉬움 / 보통\n[skull]: -X. X는 승점 더미에 있는 이야기 카드 수 +1입니다.\n[cultist]: -1. 당신이 ‘틴달로스’에 있다면, 당신은 자동 실패합니다.\n[tablet]: -2 (당신이 위치한 장소에 [[과학자]] 자산이 있다면, -2 대신 -4).\n[elder_thing]: -3. 실패하면, 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 [[조력자]] 자산 하나에게 피해 1 또는 공포 1을 줍니다.",
+ "back_text": "어려움 / 전문가\n[skull]: -X. X는 승점 더미에 있는 이야기 카드 수 +2입니다.\n[cultist]: -2. 당신이 ‘틴달로스’에 있다면, 당신은 자동 실패합니다.\n[tablet]: -3 (당신이 위치한 장소에 [[과학자]] 자산이 있다면, -3 대신 -6).\n[elder_thing]: -4. 실패하면, 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 [[조력자]] 자산 하나에게 피해 1 또는 공포 1을 줍니다."
"code": "87002",
"flavor": "In order to mend time, you must traverse the maze of winding pathways to rescue those trapped within Tindalos, then reconstruct the significant events of Thomas and Mary's journey.",
- "name": "Into the Void",
+ "name": "공허 속으로",
"text": "Forced - When a [[Scientist]] asset would be defeated: It is abducted instead (set it aside, out of play).",
- "back_name": "Time Bends",
+ "back_name": "휘어지는 시간",
"back_flavor": "Traveling through time may cause unintended consequences...",
"back_text": "If the Anomalies in Spacetime story card is in play:\nPlace 1 [per_investigator] horror on a River Docks location, as anomalies. Then, add 1 anomaly to each location with an anomaly.
If the Mob Troubles story card is in play:\nFlip it over. Shuffle all 3 set-aside Sheldon Gang enemies into the encounter deck. If the [[Present]] Tick-Tock Club is in play, spawn the set-aside Old Sadie Sheldon enemy at it.
If the Unspeakable Abomination story card is in play:\nFlip it over. Spawn the set aside Tyr'thrha enemy at Tindalos.
If the A Bitter Rivalry story card is in play:\nFlip it over. If you are playing the past era, spawn the set-aside Edwin Bennet enemy at the lead investigator's location."
"code": "87003",
"flavor": "The more you travel through Tindalos, the more likely its minions are to take notice and pursue you. If you don't complete your mission in time, you might become permanent guests of Tindalos.",
- "name": "Time Marches On",
+ "name": "흘러가는 시간",
"text": "Forced - When a [[Scientist]] asset would be defeated: It is abducted instead (set it aside, out of play).",
- "back_name": "Imprisoned in Tindalos",
+ "back_name": "틴달로스에 갇히다",
"back_flavor": "No matter what you do, no matter where you go, packs of Hounds harry and pursue you. They emerge from angular space to snatch you up and drag you to their realm of hellish torment. You can go on no further. You have failed to fix the broken timeline.",
"back_text": "Each remaining investigator in all eras is defeated and suffers 1 mental trauma.\nIf the Edwin Bennet asset is in play in any era, proceed to (→R2).\nIf the Edwin Bennet enemy is in play in any era, proceed to (→R3).\nOtherwise, proceed to (→R4)."
"code": "87004",
"flavor": "Nervously, you step through a portal and enter the realm of angular time and infinite depths.",
- "name": "Walking Through Time",
+ "name": "시간을 가로질러 걸으며",
"text": "Abilities on [[Scientist]] assets can be triggered by any investigator at that asset's location.\n[reaction] When you move to a location, if one or more [[Scientist]] assets are at your location: Move any number of them with you.\nObjective - Restore the timeline by completing the objective on each story card. If Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski are at non-Tindalos locations in all 3 eras, and each era has no story cards in play, advance.",
- "back_name": "Time Mends",
+ "back_name": "바로잡힌 시간",
"back_flavor": "You breathe a sigh of relief as you watch Thomas and Mary receive their well-earned award. The timeline appears to have been stitched back together, and things are as they should be. They thank you profusely, forever grateful for your integral contributions to their legacy. You wonder with cautious hope whether Edwin's machinations are truly over. The forces of Tindalos may never be defanged. You can only remain vigilant and hope that your meddling has caused no further paradox.",
"back_text": "(→R1)"
"code": "87005a",
- "name": "Tindalos",
- "subname": "Realm of Angular Time",
+ "name": "틴달로스",
+ "subname": "모서리진 시간의 영역",
"text": "Tindalos is connected to each [[Portal]] location, and vice versa.\n[fast] If it is your turn: Move to a [[Portal]] location.\n[action]: Test [combat] (2) or [agility] (2). If you succeed, rescue an abducted [[Scientist]] asset and put it into play at Tindalos, exhausted.",
"traits": "과거. 현재. 미래."
"code": "87005b",
- "name": "Tindalos",
- "subname": "Maze of Infinite Depths",
+ "name": "틴달로스",
+ "subname": "무한히 깊은 미궁",
"text": "Tindalos is connected to each [[Portal]] location, and vice versa.\n[fast]: Place 1 of your clues on Tindalos, or take control of 1 clue on a Tindalos location in any era.\n[action]: Test [combat] (3) or [agility] (3). If you succeed, rescue an abducted [[Scientist]] asset and put it into play at Tindalos, exhausted.",
"traits": "과거. 현재. 미래."
"code": "87006",
"flavor": "Thomas and Mary met as promising undergraduate students attending Miskatonic University. It is paramount that these two gifted minds meet and form an everlasting friendship.\nFamed inventor Nikola Tesla is touring America and has arrived in Arkham by sea. You know Thomas and Mary witnessed Tesla's electrifying demonstration and regarded it as highly inspirational in their pursuit of science.\nIn its devotion to the sciences, the Universtiy is looking to upgrade and expand its campus. High on the wish list is an observatory, but a lack of funding makes such an exorbitant facility unlikely. A sizable donation would surely get the momentum started on such a notable project.",
- "name": "A Noble Legacy (Past)",
+ "name": "숭고한 유산 (과거)",
"text": "Setup: Place the Nikola Tesla asset at the [[Past]] River Docks. Flip this story card over.",
"back_text": "[action] If you, Thomas Corrigan, and Mary Zielinski are all at the [[Past]] Miskatonic University: Announce \"Thomas and Mary have met.\"\n[action] If Thomas Corrigan, Mary Zielinski, and Nikola Tesla are all at the same location, spend 2 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Announce \"Thomas and Mary are inspired by Nikola Tesla.\"\n[fast] If you are at the [[Past]] Miskatonic University, spend 2 [per_investigator] resources: Announce \"funding for an observatory has begun.\"\nObjective - If all 3 abilities on this story card have been triggered, add it to the victory display (Place a resource token over each ability when it is triggered)."
"code": "87007",
- "name": "Arkham Gazette",
+ "name": "아컴 가제트",
"text": "[action]: Test any skill (4). If you succeed, gain 1 clue (from the token pool).\n[fast] Remove 1 newspaper from this location: Place 1 [per_investigator] clues (from the token pool) on this location. Look at the top 5 cards of the encounter deck, add 1 to the victory display, and put the rest on the top and/or bottom of that deck in any order.",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 과거.",
- "back_flavor": "The Arkham Gazette goes all the way back to the Revolutionary era, when the newspaper was a single handsheet publicizing local notices and businesses. Industrialization led to the Gazette's first automated printing press, and the newspaper's influence quickly spread beyond 아컴."
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 과거.",
+ "back_flavor": "The Arkham Gazette goes all the way back to the Revolutionary era, when the newspaper was a single handsheet publicizing local notices and businesses. Industrialization led to the Gazette's first automated printing press, and the newspaper's influence quickly spread beyond Arkham."
"code": "87008",
- "name": "O'Malley's Watch Shop",
+ "name": "오말리의 시계방",
"text": "[action] Remove 1 time from this location: Remove 1 doom from an agenda in any era. If Thomas Corrigan is at this location, you may exhaust him to place 1 resource (from the token pool) on the [[Present]] Tick-Tock Club, as time.",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 과거.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 과거.",
"back_flavor": "Exquisitely crafted timepieces of all shapes, sizes, and styles adorn the walls of O'Malley's Watch Shop. Each clock is unique and displays a different time, causing the serence ringing of various bells and chimes every few minutes."
"code": "87009",
- "name": "River Docks",
+ "name": "강변 부두",
"text": "[action] Spend 2 resources or exhaust a [[Scientist]] asset at this location: Place 1 resource (from the token pool) on the [[Present]] or [[Future]] River Docks, as a shipment. (Limit once per turn.)",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 과거.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 과거.",
"back_flavor": "Whirling with activity at all hours, the River Docks along the banks of the Miskatonic are the heart of the Merchant District. Numerous goods and travelers from across the Eastern Seaboard pass through the harbor every day."
"code": "87010",
"flavor": "The brilliant minds of Miskatonic's College of Sciences motivate one another to ever-ascending heights.",
- "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "name": "미스캐토닉 대학",
"text": "[action] [action] Remove 1 seed from this location: Announce \"a tree seed has been planted.\" Gain 1 resource for each [[Scientist]] asset at this location.",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 과거.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 과거.",
"back_flavor": "Founded in 1690, the prestigious Miskatonic University is one of New England's most notable institutions of higher learning. The university's lauded academic disciplines attract promising students from across the country and abroad."
"code": "87011",
- "name": "Childhood Home",
+ "name": "유년기 시절의 집",
"text": "[action] If \"Thomas and Mary have met\" and Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski are at this location: Announce \"Thomas and Mary have married.\"\n[action] [action] If \"Corrigan Industries has been founded:\" Place 1 resource (from the token pool) on Corrigan Industries, as a time capsule. (Group limit once per game.)",
"traits": "아컴. 과거.",
"back_flavor": "Born and raised in a small yet cozy house built in 1858 by his father, Thomas Corrigan and his love for science grew rapidly as the ever changing seasons of New England passed."
@@ -92,16 +92,16 @@
"code": "87012",
"flavor": "Ever since he was a toddler exploring the woods and creek near his home, Thomas has had an abundance of curiosity and the drive to satiate it.",
- "name": "Thomas Corrigan",
- "subname": "Physics Student",
+ "name": "토머스 코리건",
+ "subname": "물리학과 학생",
"text": "[reaction] When you initiate a skill test, exhaust Thomas Corrigan: If you succeed, draw 1 card.",
"traits": "과학자. 조력자. 과거."
"code": "87013",
"flavor": "Born in Warsaw, Poland, Mary's intense passion for the Sciences led her across the world to Miskatonic University.",
- "name": "Mary Zielinski",
- "subname": "Chemistry Student",
+ "name": "메리 질린스키",
+ "subname": "화학과 학생",
"text": "[action] Exhaust Mary Zielinski: Investigate. If you succeed, instead of discovering a clue at your location, gain 1 clue (from the token pool).",
"traits": "과학자. 조력자. 과거."
@@ -117,57 +117,57 @@
"code": "87015",
"flavor": "When funding is reached and construction is completed, Miskatonic University's newest building, the Gerald Warren Astronomical Observatory, will sit high atop Crane Hill. The facility will feature state-of-the-art equipment, such as a high-powered telescope, that will be able to explore the depths of the universe. The new data it provides could be invaluable to the research of Thomas and Mary.\nWhile brief, the fortuitous collaboration with a professor of the arcane, Ezra Graves, was vital in steering Thomas and Mary down the right path. You'll have to ensure this chance encounter occurs.",
- "name": "A Noble Legacy (Present)",
+ "name": "숭고한 유산 (현재)",
"text": "Setup: Place the Ezra Graves asset at the [[Present]] Arkham Advertiser. Flip this story card over.",
"back_text": "[action] If you are at the [[Present]] Miskatonic University and \"funding for an observatory has begun:\" Announce \"the observatory is built.\"\n[action] If \"the observatory is built,\" \"Thomas and Mary are inspired by Nikola Tesla,\" and Thomas Corrigan, Mary Zielinski and Ezra Graves are at the [[Present]] Miskatonic University, spend 2 [per_investigator] clues, as a group (4 [per_investigator] clues, as a group, instead if you are playing in Epic Multiplayer Mode): Announce \"teleportation research has begun.\"\n[fast] If \"Thomas and Mary have met\" and Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski are at Ye Olde Magick Shoppe, spend 1 [per_investigator] resources: Announce \"Corrigan Industries has been founded\" and put the set-aside Corrigan Industries location into play in the future era.\nObjective - If all 3 abilities on this story card have been triggered, add it to the victory display (place a resource token over each ability when it is triggered)."
"code": "87016",
- "name": "Arkham Advertiser",
+ "name": "아컴 애드버타이저",
"text": "[fast] Spend 1 resource: Ready a [[Scientist]] asset at this location. (Limit once per round.)\n[action] Remove 1 newspaper from this location: Place 1 [per_investigator] clues (from the token pool) on this location. Take 4 additional actions this turn.",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 현재.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 현재.",
"back_flavor": "Situated north of the Miskatonic River, the Arkham Advertiser's headquarters is home to a crack team of investigative reporters and photographers committed to uncovering the truth. Readers consider the newspaper a trusted source filled with exclusive stories and information."
"code": "87017",
- "name": "Tick-Tock Club",
+ "name": "틱톡 클럽",
"text": "[action] Remove 1 time from this location: Remove 1 doom from an agenda in any era. If Thomas Corrigan is at this location, you may exhaust him to place 1 resource (from the token pool) on the [[Future]] Tick-Tock Club, as time.",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 현재.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 현재.",
"back_flavor": "Tucked away in the back alley next to an old watch shop, the Tick-Tock Club is a popular speakeasy where jazz, laughter, and drinks flow. It's always midnight at the Tick-Tock Club."
"code": "87018",
- "name": "River Docks",
+ "name": "강변 부두",
"text": "[fast] Remove 1 shipment from this location: Gain 4 resources or 1 clue (from the token pool).\n[action] Spend 3 resources or exhaust 2 [[Scientist]] assets at this location: Place 1 resource (from the token pool) on the [[Future]] River Docks, as a shipment.",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 현재.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 현재.",
"back_flavor": "Whirling with activity at all hours, the River Docks along the banks of the Miskatonic are the heart of the Merchant District. Numerous goods and travelers from around the country pass through the harbor every day, creating ideal circumstances for bootleggers and smugglers to move contraband unnoticed."
"code": "87019",
"flavor": "The new facilities on campus have attracted additional prominent researchers to Miskatonic University.",
- "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "name": "미스캐토닉 대학",
"text": "[action] If \"a tree seed has been planted:\" Gain 1 clue (from the token pool) for each [[Scientist]] asset at this location. (Group limit once per game.)",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 현재.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 현재.",
"back_flavor": "An increase in donations has led to the funding of a multitude of projects at Miskatonic University. Most notable among these has been the construction of the state-of-the-art Warren Observatory, perched high atop the eastern hill on campus."
"code": "87020",
- "name": "Ye Olde Magick Shoppe",
+ "name": "예 올디 매지크 샵",
"text": "[fast] If Ezra Graves is at this location, exhaust him and spend 1 clue: Defeat a non-[[Elite]] enemy in any era. (Group limit once per game.)",
"traits": "아컴. 현재.",
"back_flavor": "Just south of Miskatonic University in Uptown, Miriam Beecher's novelty shop is filled with various arcane oddities the likes of which science cannot explain. After many years of work, Miriam ponders retirement and perhaps the sale of her store."
"code": "87021",
- "name": "Thomas Corrigan",
- "subname": "Preeminent Astrophysicist",
+ "name": "토머스 코리건",
+ "subname": "걸출한 천체물리학자",
"text": "[fast] Exhaust Thomas Corrigan: You get +2 [willpower] for this skill test.\n[reaction] When you initiate a skill test, exhaust Thomas Corrigan: If you succeed, draw 1 card.",
"traits": "과학자. 조력자. 현재."
"code": "87022",
- "name": "Mary Zielinski",
- "subname": "Distinguished Chemist",
+ "name": "메리 질린스키",
+ "subname": "저명한 화학자",
"text": "[fast] Exhaust Mary Zielinski: You get +2 [intellect] for this skill test.\n[action] Exhaust Mary Zielinski: Investigate. If you succeed, instead of discovering a clue at your location, gain 1 clue (from the token pool).",
"traits": "과학자. 조력자. 현재."
@@ -182,56 +182,56 @@
"code": "87024",
"flavor": "Once all of the necessary pieces are in place, it could take countless years of researching - if it is possible at all - to make a significant breakthrough on one of the greatest mysteries of the universe: teleportation - the moving of matter from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. Thomas and Mary believe they are on the verge of sending a human through spacetime.\nSuch a momentous discovery should have occurred - Thomas and Mary's Nobel Prize, their worldwide acclaim, the event at the Arkham Advertiser, the two of them holding up the newspaper celebrating their accomplishments - and yet, there is no trace of such events happening. Unless you intervene...",
- "name": "A Noble Legacy (Future)",
+ "name": "숭고한 유산 (미래)",
"text": "Setup: Set the Dimensional Beam Machine asset aside, out of play. Flip this story card over.",
"back_text": "[action] If Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski are at Corrigan Industries: Put the set-aside Dimensional Beam Machine asset into play under your control (if you are eliminated, set it aside, out of play).\n[action] If \"teleportation research has begun\" and Thomas Corrigan, Mary Zielinski, and the Dimensional Beam Machine are at the [[Future]] Miskatonic University: Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, spend 2 [per_investigator] clues, as a group (8 [per_investigator] clues, as a group, instead if you are playing in Epic Multiplayer Mode) and announce \"Thomas and Mary have made a historic discovery.\"\n[action] If \"Thomas and Mary have made a historic discovery\" and Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski are at the [[Future]] Arkham Advertiser: Announce \"Thomas and Mary have won a Nobel Prize.\"\nObjective - If all 3 abilities on this story card have been triggered, add it to the victory display (place a resource token over each ability when it is triggered)."
"code": "87025",
- "name": "Arkham Advertiser",
+ "name": "아컴 애드버타이저",
"text": "[action]: Place 1 resource (from the token pool) on the Arkham Gazette or on an Arkham Advertiser in any era, as a newspaper. (Group limit twice per game.)\n[fast] Remove 1 newspaper from this location: Place 1 [per_investigator] clues (from the token pool) on this location. Remove 1 [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] token from the chaos bag for the remainder of the game.",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 미래.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 미래.",
"back_flavor": "As the buildings and factories of Arkham's Northside grow in size over the years, all but one is relatively silent by nightfall: the Arkham Advertiser. Even the witching hour is filled with the constant bustling of reporters, editors, and operators as the latest edition comes off the humming presses."
"code": "87026",
- "name": "Tick-Tock Club",
+ "name": "틱톡 클럽",
"text": "[action] If Thomas Corrigan is at this location, exhaust him and spend 1 [per_investigator] clues: Place 1 resource (from the token pool) on O'Malley's Watch Shop, as time. (Group limit once per game.)\n[action] Remove 1 time from this location: Remove 1 doom from an agenda in any era.",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 미래.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 미래.",
"back_flavor": "Located in the Merchant District, the Tick-Tock Club is a popular nightclub where jazz, rock-n-roll, laughter, and drinks flow. It's always midnight at the Tick-Tock Club."
"code": "87027",
- "name": "River Docks",
+ "name": "강변 부두",
"text": "[fast] Remove 1 shipment from this location: Gain 4 resources or 1 clue (from the token pool).\n[fast] Spend 3 resources or exhaust 2 [[Scientist]] assets at this location: Place 1 resource (from the token pool) on the [[Present]] River Docks, as a shipment. (Limit once per round.)",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 미래.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 미래.",
"back_flavor": "Whirling with activity at all hours, the River Docks along the banks of the Miskatonic are the heart of the Merchant District. Numerous goods and travelers from around the world pass through the harbor every day."
"code": "87028",
- "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "name": "미스캐토닉 대학",
"text": "[action] If Mary Zielinski is at this location: Place 1 resource (from the token pool) on the [[Past]] Miskatonic University, as a seed. (Group limit once per game.)\n[fast]: If \"a tree seed has been planted:\" Gain 1 clue (from the token pool) for each [[Scientist]] asset at this location. (Group limit once per game.)",
- "traits": "아컴. Portal. 미래.",
+ "traits": "아컴. 차원문. 미래.",
"back_flavor": "In time, continued donations and construction have led to a sprawling campus at Miskatonic University, with record-high enrollment. But by twilight, eerie shadows blanket the quiet campus, and rumors mount of late-night taboo experiments within the laboratories."
"code": "87029",
- "name": "Corrigan Industries",
+ "name": "코리건 산업",
"text": "[action] Remove 1 time capsule from this location: Choose up to 4 cards in your discard pile and add them to your hand.\n[action] [action] If \"Thomas and Mary have married:\" Their children inherit Corrigan Industries. Gain 10 resources. (Group limit once per game.)",
"traits": "아컴. 미래.",
"back_flavor": "Built on the site of Thomas Corrigan's childhood home, Corrigan Industries is a dream come to fruition. Innovation and discovery are the hallmarks of the company as it uses science to improve society."
"code": "87030",
- "name": "Thomas Corrigan",
- "subname": "Cofounder of Corrigan Industries",
+ "name": "토머스 코리건",
+ "subname": "코리건 산업의 공동 설립자",
"text": "Each investigator at Thomas Corrigan's location gets +1 [willpower].\n[reaction] When you initiate a skill test, exhaust Thomas Corrigan: If you succeed, draw 1 card.",
"traits": "과학자. 조력자. 미래."
"code": "87031",
- "name": "Mary Zielinski",
- "subname": "Cofounder of Corrigan Industries",
+ "name": "메리 질린스키",
+ "subname": "코리건 산업의 공동 설립자",
"text": "Each investigator at Mary Zielinski's location gets +1 [intellect].\n[action] Exhaust Mary Zielinski: Investigate. If you succeed, instead of discovering a clue at your location, gain 1 clue (from the token pool).",
"traits": "과학자. 조력자. 미래."
@@ -244,184 +244,184 @@
"code": "87033",
"flavor": "There's no sign of Edwin Bennet but you know he could appear anywhere at any moment. Deranged and obsessed, he swears revenge on those who \"betrayed\" him. The fame and glory will be his alone. Nothing will convince him otherwise.",
- "name": "A Bitter Rivalry",
+ "name": "격렬한 경쟁",
"text": "Setup: Follow the instructions for your relevant era(s), below.
Past: Set Thoman Corrigan aside, out of play; he has been abducted. Place Mary Zielinski at Arkham Gazette. Set the Edwin Bennet enemy aside, out of play.
Present and Future: Set Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski aside, out of play; they have been abducted. If you are playing in Epic Multiplayer Mode, set the Edwin Bennet enemy aside, out of play.",
- "traits": "Machination.",
+ "traits": "계략.",
"back_text": "[action] [action]: Ready and move Edwin Bennet to your location (even if he is in another era).\n[action] If Edwin Bennet is at your location: Fight/Evade. Either attack or attempt to evade Edwin Bennet. If you succeed, spend X clues as a group, where X is the global number of players. Then, place 1 resource on him, as a target. (Group limit once per round.)\nObjective - If Edwin Bennet has 3 targets on him and he is at Tindalos, the forces of Tindalos seize him. Remove Edwin Bennet from the game and add all copies of this story card in each era to the victory display."
"code": "87034",
"flavor": "Edwin Bennet's grudge for his former colleagues has spiraled out of control and he must be swiftly subdued. Undaunted, you're determined to restore his sanity and dissolve his vendetta.",
- "name": "Redeem a Former Colleague",
+ "name": "옛 동료에게 속죄를",
"text": "Setup: Follow the instructions for your relevant era(s), below. Then, flip this story card over.
Past: Set Mary Zielinski aside, out of play; she has been abducted. Place Thomas Corrigan at Childhood Home. If you are playing in Epic Multiplayer Mode, set the Edwin Bennet enemy aside, out of play.
Present: Set Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinsky aside, out of play: they have been abducted. Spawn the Edwin Bennet enemy at Miskatonic University.
Future: Set Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski aside, out of play; they have been abducted. If you are playing in Epic Multiplayer Mode, set the Edwin Bennet enemy aside, out of play.",
- "traits": "Machination.",
+ "traits": "계략.",
"back_text": "[action] [action]: Ready and move Edwin Bennet to your location (even if he is in another era).\n[action] If Edwin Bennet is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3) or [intellect] (3). If you succeed, spend X clues, as a group where X is the global number of players. Then, place 1 resource on him, as a redemption.\nObjective - If Edwin Bennet has 3 or more redemption on him and he is at any Miskatonic University with Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski, he is redeemed. Remove all redemption from him and flip him over. Add all copies of this story card in each era to the victory display."
"code": "87035",
"flavor": "Nothing in the past appears to be out of the ordinary. You wonder if Edwin Bennet is trustworthy. Surely his vast knowledge could prove extremely useful in aiding you. Reluctantly, you convince yourself the payoff is worth the risk, but it will take a great deal of persuasion to keep Edwin from betraying you.",
- "name": "Uneasy Alliance",
+ "name": "뒤숭숭한 동맹",
"text": "Setup: Follow the instructions for your relevant era(s), below. Then, flip this story card over.
Past: Place Thomas Corrigan at Childhood Home. Place Mary Zielinski at O'Malley's Watch Shop. Place the Edwin Bennet asset at Arkham Gazette with 12 clues on him, then remove 3 [per_investigator] clues from him.
Present and Future: Set Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinsky aside, out of play: they have been abducted. If you are playing in Epic Multiplayer Mode, set the Edwin Bennet asset aside, out of play.",
- "traits": "Machination.",
+ "traits": "계략.",
"back_text": "[action] If Edwin Bennet is at your location and he is ready: Parley. Place 1 of your clues on him. You may test [intellect] (4). If you succeed, place 1 more of your clues on him. If you fail, exhaust him.\n[action]: Ready and move Edwin Bennet to your loaction (even if he is in another era).\nForced - At the end of the round: Remove 1 clue from Edwin Bennet (2 clues instead if you are playing in Epic Multiplayer Mode). If you cannot, place 1 doom on the current agenda. This effect can cause the current agenda to advance.\nForced - When Edwin Bennet would be abducted: Remove all damage and horror from him and place 2 doom on the current agenda instead.\nObjective - If \"Thomas and Mary have won a Nobel Prize\" and there is no [[Plot]] story card in play in any era, add this story card to the victory display."
"code": "87036a",
- "name": "Edwin Bennet",
- "subname": "Bitter Adversary",
+ "name": "에드윈 베넷",
+ "subname": "지독한 적수",
"text": "Patrol (nearest location with a [[Scientist]] asset).\nEdwin Bennet cannot be damaged.\nClues cannot be discovered from Edwin Bennet's location.\nForced - At the end of the mythos phase: Deal 1 damage to a [[Scientist]] asset at Edwin Bennet's location.",
"traits": "인간형. 정예."
"code": "87036b",
"flavor": "A truly brilliant, yet unstable, mastermind.",
- "name": "Edwin Bennet",
- "subname": "Astute Associate",
- "text": "[fast] If it is your turn and you are at a [[Portal]] location, exhaust Edwin Bennet and spend 2 resources: Move to 틴달로스.",
+ "name": "에드윈 베넷",
+ "subname": "교활한 부교수",
+ "text": "[fast] If it is your turn and you are at a [[Portal]] location, exhaust Edwin Bennet and spend 2 resources: Move to Tindalos.",
"traits": "과학자. 조력자."
"code": "87037a",
- "name": "Edwin Bennet",
- "subname": "Envious Rival",
+ "name": "에드윈 베넷",
+ "subname": "시기심 많은 경쟁자",
"text": "Patrol (nearest location with a [[Scientist]] asset).\nEdwin Bennet cannot be damaged.\nClues cannot be discovered from Edwin Bennet's location.\nForced - At the end of the mythos phase: Deal 1 damage to each [[Scientist]] asset at Edwin Bennet's location. Then, choose an investigator to draw the top card of the encounter deck.",
"traits": "인간형. 정예."
"code": "87037b",
- "name": "Edwin Bennet",
- "subname": "Esteemed Colleague",
+ "name": "에드윈 베넷",
+ "subname": "존중해 마땅한 동료",
"text": "Forced - After Edwin Bennet exhausts: Choose an investigator to draw the top card of the encounter deck.\n[reaction] When you draw an encounter card, exhaust Edwin Bennet: Cancel all of that card's effects and discard it.",
"traits": "과학자. 조력자."
"code": "87038",
"flavor": "Seemingly random peculiarities are affecting spacetime. Strange hotspots in Arkham disrupt day-to-day life and terrify residents. Apparently, these aberrations began at Miskatonic University, and some blame the distortions on taboo experiments in the Science Building's laboratories.",
- "name": "Anomalies in Spacetime",
+ "name": "시공간 이상현상",
"text": "Setup: Place 1 [per_investigator] horror on each Miskatonic University location, as anomalies. If you are playing in Epic Multiplayer Mode, also place 1 [per_investigator] horror on the following locations, as anomalies: Arkham Gazette, Arkham Advertiser, O'Malley's Watch Shop, and Tick-Tock Club.\nRemove the following enemies from the game: Tyr'thrha, Old Sadie Sheldon, and all 3 copies of Sheldon Gang. Flip this story card over.",
- "traits": "Plot.",
+ "traits": "모의.",
"back_text": "Abilities on locations with an anomaly cannot be triggered.\n[action] Spend any number of clues: Test [willpower] (3) or [agility] (3). You get +3 skill value to this test for each clue spent this way. If you succeed, remove 1 anomaly from your location (2 anomalies instead if you succeed by 3 or more). Then, if you succeed by 4 or more and \"Corrigan Industries has been founded,\" remove 1 anomaly from a location with the same title as your location, in any era.\nObjective - If it is agenda 2a and each location has no anomalies, add this story card to the victory display."
"code": "87039",
"flavor": "Desperate times call for desperate measures. Out of options, you go to the infamous crime boss, Old Sadie Sheldon. Notorious for bottlegging large quantities of Canadian whiskey, Sheldon and his gang maintain a vast reserve of cash for those in need of an urgent loan. Just be sure you reimburse the short-tempered kingpin in a timely fashion...",
- "name": "Mob Troubles",
+ "name": "갱단과의 갈등",
"text": "Setup: Set the Old Sadie Sheldon enemy and all 3 copies of the Sheldon Gang enemy aside, out of play. Remove the Tyr'thrha enemy from the game. You make a deal with Old Sadie Sheldon: each investigator playing the present era gains 2 resources.",
- "traits": "Plot.",
+ "traits": "모의.",
"back_text": "[action] If \"the debt has been paid,\" spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Search the play area, encounter deck, or encounter discard pile for a Sheldon Gang enemy and add it to the victory display. If you searched the encounter deck, shuffle it. This action does not cause attacks of opportunity.\nObjective - If all 3 Sheldon Gang enemies are in the victory display, add this story card to the victory display."
"code": "87040",
- "name": "Old Sadie Sheldon",
- "subname": "Bootlegging Kingpin",
+ "name": "세이디 셸던 노인",
+ "subname": "밀수 거물",
"text": "Aloof.\nEach Sheldon Gang enemy gets +1 fight and +1 evade.\n[action]: Parley. Test [intellect] (2). If you succeed, spend 3 [per_investigator] resources, as a group, to add Old Sadie Sheldon to the victory display and announce \"the debt has been paid.\"",
"traits": "인간형. 범죄자. 조직원."
"code": "87041",
- "name": "Sheldon Gang",
+ "name": "셸던 갱단원",
"text": "Surge. Hunter. Massive.\nSheldon Gang gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nForced - After an investigator at Sheldon Gang's location plays a card: Ready Sheldon Gang and discard the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Put each [[Criminal]] enemy discarded this way into play at that location.",
"traits": "인간형. 범죄자. 조직원. 정예."
"code": "87042",
- "flavor": "The extreme warping of spacetime in Tindalos has affected everything within. The satyrs and Hounds of Tindalos aren't the only beings to stalk about the realm of angular time - a being exponentially larger and more powerful twists spacetime itself.\nThose who continually walk the paths of this vast maze are bound to draw the ire of those who call it home, andnothing compares to the wrath of the Arch-Lord of 틴달로스.",
- "name": "Unspeakable Abomination",
+ "flavor": "The extreme warping of spacetime in Tindalos has affected everything within. The satyrs and Hounds of Tindalos aren't the only beings to stalk about the realm of angular time - a being exponentially larger and more powerful twists spacetime itself.\nThose who continually walk the paths of this vast maze are bound to draw the ire of those who call it home, andnothing compares to the wrath of the Arch-Lord of Tindalos.",
+ "name": "형언할 수 없는 흉물",
"text": "Setup: Set the Tyr'thrha enemy aside, out of play. Remove the Old Sadie Sheldon enemy and all 3 copies of the Sheldon Gang enemy from the game.",
- "traits": "Plot.",
+ "traits": "모의.",
"back_text": "[action] If Tyr'thrha is at your location, spend 1 clue: Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, deal 2 damage to Tyr'thrha (3 damage instead if you succeed by 3 or more). This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity.\nObjective - If Tyr'thrha is defeated, add this story card to the victory display."
"code": "87043",
- "name": "Tyr'thrha",
- "subname": "Arch-Lord of Tindalos",
+ "name": "티르트라",
+ "subname": "틴달로스의 대군주",
"text": "Massive. Retaliate. Patrol (nearest location with a [[Scientist]] asset).\n*Tyr'thrha has a global health pool of 6 [per_investigator].\nForced - When Tyr'thrha enters a location: Each [[Scientist]] asset at that location is abducted.",
"traits": "고대의 존재. 틴달로스. 정예."
"code": "87044",
- "name": "Ghastly Satyr",
+ "name": "무시무시한 사티로스",
"text": "Patrol (nearest location with a [[Scientist]] asset).\nGhastly Satyr gets +1 fight while it is at a [[Past]] location and +2 fight while it is at a [[Present]] location.\nForced - At the end of the enemy phase, if Ghastly Satyr is ready: Deal 1 damage to each [[Scientist]] asset at its location.",
"traits": "괴물. 초차원. 틴달로스."
"code": "87045",
- "name": "Hound of Tindalos",
- "text": "Patrol (nearest location with a [[Scientist]] asset).\nHound of Tindalos gets +1 health while it is at a [[Present]] location and +2 health while it is at a [[Future]] location.\nForced - At the end of the enemy phase, if Hound of Tindalos is ready: Deal 1 horror to each [[Scientist]] asset at its location, and move each [[Scientist]] asset and investigator at its location to 틴달로스.",
+ "name": "틴달로스의 사냥개",
+ "text": "Patrol (nearest location with a [[Scientist]] asset).\nHound of Tindalos gets +1 health while it is at a [[Present]] location and +2 health while it is at a [[Future]] location.\nForced - At the end of the enemy phase, if Hound of Tindalos is ready: Deal 1 horror to each [[Scientist]] asset at its location, and move each [[Scientist]] asset and investigator at its location to Tindalos.",
"traits": "괴물. 초차원. 틴달로스."
"code": "87046",
- "name": "Many-Angled Thing",
- "text": "Spawn - 틴달로스.\nHunter. While Many-Angled Thing is at a...\n- ...[[Past]] location, it gets +1 evade and gains alert.\n- ...[[Present]] location, it gets +1 damage and +1 horror.\n- ...[[Future]] location, it gets +1 fight and gains retaliate.",
+ "name": "수많은 모서리로 된 존재",
+ "text": "Spawn - Tindalos.\nHunter. While Many-Angled Thing is at a...\n- ...[[Past]] location, it gets +1 evade and gains alert.\n- ...[[Present]] location, it gets +1 damage and +1 horror.\n- ...[[Future]] location, it gets +1 fight and gains retaliate.",
"traits": "괴물. 초차원. 틴달로스. 정예."
"code": "87047",
- "name": "Tindalos Alpha",
+ "name": "틴달로스의 우두머리",
"text": "Alert. Retaliate.\nForced - After Tindalos Alpha attacks you: Shuffle a non-story asset you control into your deck, moving all damage and horror from that asset to your investigator. Discard Tindalos Alpha.\nForced - At the end of the enemy phase: Discard Tindalos Alpha.",
"traits": "괴물. 초차원. 틴달로스."
"code": "87048",
"flavor": "We've been conceptualizing time as if it were a straight line, moving forward from one point to the next. The truth is quite different.",
- "name": "A Tear in Time",
+ "name": "시간의 균열",
"text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). For each point you fail by, you must either lose 1 action or take 1 horror.",
"traits": "사술."
"code": "87049",
"flavor": "One risks becoming hunted down when traveling into and out of the domain of the Hounds.",
- "name": "Abducted",
+ "name": "시공간을 초월한 납치",
"text": "Peril.\nRevelation - If there are no [[Ally]] assets at your location, Abducted gains surge. Otherwise, test [willpower] (5). If you fail, exhaust all [[Ally]] assets at your location and deal 5 horror to one of them.",
"traits": "모략."
"code": "87050",
- "name": "Broken Space",
+ "name": "부서진 공간",
"text": "Revelation - If you are at a...\n- ...[[Past]] location, lose 3 resources.\n- ...[[Present]] location, place 2 of your clues on it.\n- ...[[Future]] location, lose 1 action.",
"traits": "사술."
"code": "87051",
- "name": "Dimensional Breach",
+ "name": "차원 침습",
"text": "Revelation - Attach to the nearest [[Portal]] location. Place 1 doom on Dimensional Breach.\nEach enemy at attached location gets +1 fight, +1 evade, and +1 health.\n[action]: Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, discard Dimensional Breach.",
"traits": "위기. 권능."
"code": "87052",
- "name": "From All Angles",
+ "name": "모든 모서리에서",
"text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (4). If you fail and you are at a...\n- ...[[Past]] location, exhaust all assets at it.\n- ...[[Present]] location, take 1 direct damage. Deal 1 damage to each [[Ally]] asset at your location.\n- ...[[Future]] location, take 1 direct horror. Deal 1 horror to each [[Ally]] asset at your location.",
"traits": "두려움."
"code": "87053",
- "name": "Lost in Time",
+ "name": "시간의 흐름 속에서 잃어버리다",
"text": "Revelation - Shuffle a non-story asset you control into your deck, moving all damage and horror from that asset to your investigator. If no asset is shuffled into your deck by this effect, choose and discard 3 cards from your hand.",
"traits": "사술."
"code": "87054",
- "name": "Merging Timelines",
+ "name": "합쳐지는 시간선",
"text": "Revelation - Discard the top 5 cards of your deck. For each card in your hand that matches one of the discarded cards (by title), discard that card from your hand and lose 1 action. Shuffle each weakness discarded by this effect into your deck.",
"traits": "사술."
"code": "87055",
"flavor": "An alluring destination awaits on the other side... or the snarling jaws of a fearsome Hound.",
- "name": "Open Portal",
+ "name": "차원문 개방",
"text": "Revelation - Take 1 damage. Test [agility] (3). If you fail, take 1 additional damage and move to Tindalos.",
"traits": "위기."
"code": "87056",
- "name": "Temporal Distortion",
+ "name": "시간 왜곡 현상",
"text": "Revelation - Attach to the current agenda.\nAbilities on story cards cannot be triggered.\n[action]: If you are at a [[Past]] location, you may test [willpower] (2). If you are at a [[Present]] location, you may test [agility] (3). If you are at a [[Future]] location, you may test [combat] (4). If you succeed at 1 or more of these tests, discard Temporal Distortion.",
"traits": "위기."
"code": "87057",
- "name": "Vanishing History",
+ "name": "말소된 역사",
"text": "Revelation - You must decide (choose one):\n- Discard a non-story [[Item]] asset you control.\n- Choose and discard 3 non-weakness cards from your hand.",
"traits": "사술."
From 4dc70793de265027684449e72fca5e270777114a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=ED=91=B8=EB=A5=B8=EC=9D=B4=20=28derornos=29?=
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 09:44:10 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 004/210] [ko] missing text: 09068
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- 벌집 들쑤시기 텍스트 누락 수정
translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
index 021e1bda0..cdb29345e 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
"code": "09068",
"name": "벌집 들쑤시기",
- "text": "조우 덱 맨 위 카드 9장 중에서 [[정예]]가 아닌 적 하나를 찾아서, 그 적을 (일반적인 출현 장소 대신). 그런 다음, 당신이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견하고 자원을 X개 획득합니다. X는 그 적의 체력값입니다. 조우 덱을 섞습니다.",
+ "text": "조우 덱 맨 위 카드 9장 중에서 [[정예]]가 아닌 적 하나를 찾아서, 그 적을 (일반적인 출현 장소 대신) 당신과 교전한 상태로 출현시킵니다. 그런 다음, 당신이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견하고 자원을 X개 획득합니다. X는 그 적의 체력값입니다. 조우 덱을 섞습니다.",
"traits": "도박수. 전술."
From 32555df6f99ccf8f8f93deb5f2857b4cfef89f2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=ED=91=B8=EB=A5=B8=EC=9D=B4=20=28derornos=29?=
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 09:44:57 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 005/210] =?UTF-8?q?[ko]=20update=20text:=20\"~~~\"=20->=20?=
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translations/ko/pack/eoe/eoec.json | 6 +--
translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskc.json | 6 +--
translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json | 72 +++++++++++++++---------------
3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/eoe/eoec.json b/translations/ko/pack/eoe/eoec.json
index cf5f44ac7..dc6d085e7 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/eoe/eoec.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/eoe/eoec.json
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"code": "08540",
- "name": "제임스 \"쿠키\" 프레드릭스",
+ "name": "제임스 “쿠키” 프레드릭스",
"subname": "탐사대에 적절한 인물일까",
"text": "Retaliate.\n[action]: Parley. Test [combat] (2) to wrestle the gun away from Cookie. For each point you succeed by, place 1 resource on him (from the token pool). If you fail, he attacks you. If there are 2 [per_investigator] resources on him, add him to the victory display.\nForced – If James \"Cookie\" Fredericks is defeated: Cross his name off in the Campaign Log.",
"traits": "인간형. 홀린. 정예."
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@
"code": "08592",
"flavor": "\"Next thing that moves is gettin' a lead hole through its teeth.\"",
- "name": "제임스 \"쿠키\" 프레드릭스",
+ "name": "제임스 “쿠키” 프레드릭스",
"subname": "탐사대에 적절한 인물일까",
"text": "Partner. Uses (3 ammo).\n[fast] during your turn, spend 1 ammo and exhaust James \"Cookie\" Fredericks: Fight. Fight with a base [combat] skill of 6. If you succceed and the attacked enemy is non-[[Elite]], it cannot attack for the remainder of the round.",
"traits": "조력자. 참전용사. 여행자. 결연한."
@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@
"code": "08719",
"flavor": "\"No I ain't leavin' my damn gun back at camp!\"",
- "name": "제임스 \"쿠키\" 프레드릭스",
+ "name": "제임스 “쿠키” 프레드릭스",
"subname": "탐사대에 적절한 인물일까",
"text": "Partner. Uses (3 ammo).\n[action] Spend 1 ammo and exhaust James \"Cookie\" Fredericks: Fight. Fight with a base [combat] skill of 5. If you succceed and the attacked enemy is non-[[Elite]], it cannot attack for the remainder of the round.",
"traits": "조력자. 참전용사. 여행자."
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskc.json b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskc.json
index c47ce60fc..8e68fde10 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskc.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskc.json
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@
"flavor": "Tzu San Niang smiles sweetly as she bears down on you. Behind her, a massive shadow moves of its own accord, writhing in fulminant patterns on the wall. \"This will be quick,\" she coos.",
"name": "수확자를 두려워할지어다",
"text": "Each [[Geist]] enemy gain hunter and retaliate and cannot be flipped over.\nForced - When doom is placed on this agenda: Remove 1 [[Geist]] enemy from beneath Tzu San Niang and spawn it faceup at her location.",
- "back_name": "\"두려워하지 말아요\"",
+ "back_name": "“두려워하지 말아요”",
"back_flavor": "Tzu San Niang corners you in a narrow alley, her face heavily shadowed in the harsh evening light. \"Don't be afraid,\" her voice worms its way into your mind. \"I do not wish you hard. Quite the opposite, I think we should be friends.\" She grins and snaps her parasol shut, pointing it directly at you. \"Well, 'friend' is a little too kind. You're my new pet.\" The tip dances with crackling, silvery light, and a torrent of energy tears through the air toward you. As waves of pain wash over you, you fall to your knees, wracked with agony. Tzu San Niang laughs as you lose consciousness.",
"back_text": "Each investigator is defeated and suffers 1 mental trauma.\n(→R3)"
@@ -1676,7 +1676,7 @@
"code": "09693",
- "flavor": "\"... ... ...\"",
+ "flavor": "“... ... ...”",
"name": "알리키 조니 우페레트리아",
"subname": "진홍색 허리띠를 두른 소녀",
"text": "[reaction] After a concealed mini-card is exposed, exhaust Aliki Zoni Uperetria: Choose a set-aside hollow. Its owner draws it.",
@@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@
"code": "09761",
- "flavor": "\"... ... ...\"",
+ "flavor": "“... ... ...”",
"name": "알리키 조니 우페레트리아",
"subname": "죽음으로 말한다",
"text": "Aloof.\nForced - At the end of the enemy phase: Each investigator looks at the top card of their deck. Set each non-weakness card looked at in this way aside, out of play, as a hollow. If there is already a copy of that card set aside as a hollow, Aliki Zoni Uperetria shifts each of her attached keys.",
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
index cdb29345e..5bcb8833b 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
"text": "당신의 차례 동안, 당신은 행동을 1번 추가로 해도 됩니다. 단, 이 추가 행동은 아래의 [action] 기능에만 사용할 수 있습니다.\n[action]: 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자 한 명을 선택합니다. 그 조사자는 마치 자신의 차례인 것처럼 즉시 행동을 1번 수행합니다. (라운드당 각 조사자마다 1번 한정.)\n[elder_sign] 효과: +0. 카드를 1장 뽑습니다. 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자가 그 조사자의 [elder_sign] 효과를 해결할 때마다, 당신은 이 효과를 해결해도 됩니다.",
"traits": "조수.",
"back_flavor": "카슨 싱클레어는 아컴에서 3대에 걸쳐 웹 가문을 충실히 섬겨왔다. 가장 마지막 고용주였던 에르큘 웹은 사업 관리자인 뒤피라는 자의 꼬드김에 넘어가 기괴한 유물과 불경한 서적을 집으로 들여왔고, 카슨은 그 모습을 불만스럽게 지켜볼 수밖에 없었다. 그러던 어느 날, 에르큘 웹이 차원 균열에 삼켜졌지만, 당연히 이 참사에 대한 카슨의 진술을 믿는 사람은 단 한 명도 없었다. 카슨은 이 일에 뒤피가 관여했다는 것을 입증하고, 웹 가문의 아이들이 정당하게 상속받을 수 있도록 헌신해오고 있다.",
- "back_text": "덱 크기: 30장.\n보조 역할군 선택: 덱 구성 시, 탐구자([seeker])/신비주의자([mystic])/생존자([survivor]) 중 하나 선택.\n덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-5 수호자 카드([guardian]), 레벨 0-5 중립 카드, 레벨 0-1 당신이 선택한 보조 역할군의 이벤트 그리고/또는 능력 카드 최대 10장.\n덱 구성 요구조건 (덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): \"분부대로 하겠소\" 사본 2장, 지나친 이타심, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장."
+ "back_text": "덱 크기: 30장.\n보조 역할군 선택: 덱 구성 시, 탐구자([seeker])/신비주의자([mystic])/생존자([survivor]) 중 하나 선택.\n덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-5 수호자 카드([guardian]), 레벨 0-5 중립 카드, 레벨 0-1 당신이 선택한 보조 역할군의 이벤트 그리고/또는 능력 카드 최대 10장.\n덱 구성 요구조건 (덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): “분부대로 하겠소” 사본 2장, 지나친 이타심, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장."
"code": "09002",
- "name": "\"분부대로 하겠소\"",
+ "name": "“분부대로 하겠소”",
"text": "카슨 싱클레어 덱 전용.\n다른 조사자가 수행하는 능력 테스트에만 소모할 수 있습니다.\n이번 테스트가 성공하면, 능력 테스트를 수행한 조사자는 카드를 1장 뽑습니다. 이번 테스트가 실패하면, 당신은 카드를 1장 뽑습니다.",
"traits": "숙련. 전문화."
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
"code": "09004",
- "flavor": "\"난 답을 찾아야 하네. 설령 그 답이 내 목숨을 앗아간다 해도.\"",
+ "flavor": "“난 답을 찾아야 하네. 설령 그 답이 내 목숨을 앗아간다 해도.”",
"name": "빈센트 리",
"subname": "의사",
"text": "[reaction] 당신의 카드 효과로 조사자 한 명 또는 어떤 조사자의 [[조력자]] 자산 하나가 피해를 회복한 후: 치워 두었던 당신의 ‘회복세’ 능력 카드 1장을 그 조사자의 손으로 줍니다.\n[elder_sign] 효과: +1. 당신은 자신이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자 한 명 또는 [[조력자]] 자산 하나에게서 피해를 1 회복시켜도 됩니다.",
"traits": "치료사.",
"back_flavor": "아컴의 세인트 메리 병원에서 수련의 과정을 밟고 있던 빈센트 리는 세 번째인지 네 번째일지 모를 훼손된 시신이 이송되어 왔을 때 이것이 단순한 야생 동물의 공격이 아니라고 의심하기 시작했다. 어느 날 한 청년이 자다가 비명을 내지르며 심장 파열로 죽은 후, 빈센트는 암울한 시기가 닥쳐왔음을 비로소 이해하게 되었다. 빈센트는 이제 휴직계를 내고서, 시신의 흔적이 그가 그토록 갈망하는 해답으로 이어지기를 바라며 조사에 나선다. 퍼져나가는 혼란으로 괴로워하는 사람들의 고통을 조금이라도 덜어주기 위하여.",
- "back_text": "덱 크기: 30장.\n덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-3 탐구자 카드([seeker]), 레벨 0-5 중립 카드, 레벨 0-5 \"피해를 회복\"하는/시키는 카드, 이외의 레벨 0-1 다른 수호자 그리고/또는 생존자([guardian] 그리고/또는 [survivor]) 카드 최대 15장.\n덱 구성 요구조건 (덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): 골절삭 톱, 회복세 사본 1 [per_investigator]장, 부상당한 행인, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장.\n추가 게임 준비: 당신은 매 게임마다 ‘회복세’ 사본 1 [per_investigator] 장을 비플레이 상태로 치워 두고서 시작합니다."
+ "back_text": "덱 크기: 30장.\n덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-3 탐구자 카드([seeker]), 레벨 0-5 중립 카드, 레벨 0-5 “피해를 회복”하는/시키는 카드, 이외의 레벨 0-1 다른 수호자 그리고/또는 생존자([guardian] 그리고/또는 [survivor]) 카드 최대 15장.\n덱 구성 요구조건 (덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): 골절삭 톱, 회복세 사본 1 [per_investigator]장, 부상당한 행인, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장.\n추가 게임 준비: 당신은 매 게임마다 ‘회복세’ 사본 1 [per_investigator] 장을 비플레이 상태로 치워 두고서 시작합니다."
"code": "09005",
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"code": "09008",
- "flavor": "\"그건 네 것이 아닐 텐데.\"",
+ "flavor": "“그건 네 것이 아닐 텐데.”",
"name": "카이마니 존스",
"subname": "보안 상담사",
"text": "[fast]: 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 소진 상태인 적 하나와 교전합니다.\n[reaction] 당신이 [[정예]]가 아니고 소진 상태인 적을 회피 시도할 때: 이번 회피 시도에서 당신의 능력값에 당신의 [intellect]을 추가합니다. 난이도를 넘어선 차이 X 이상으로 성공하면, 그 적을 버립니다. X는 그 적의 남은 체력입니다.\n[elder_sign] 효과: +1. 당신이 위치한 장소에 소진 상태인 적이 있다면, 그 대신 당신은 자동 성공합니다.",
@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@
"code": "09010",
- "flavor": "\"존스, 난 네 실체를 알고 있어.\"",
+ "flavor": "“존스, 난 네 실체를 알고 있어.”",
"name": "플레처 요원",
"text": "경계. 사냥꾼.\n먹잇감 - 오직 ‘카이마니 존스’만 쫓습니다.\n‘카이마니 존스’가 ‘플레처 요원’을 회피하는 동안, ‘카이마니 존스’의 [intellect] 값을 0으로 낮춥니다.",
"traits": "인간형. 동지회. 탐정."
"code": "09011",
- "flavor": "\"저건 제게 무슨 말을 하려는 걸까요?\"",
+ "flavor": "“저건 제게 무슨 말을 하려는 걸까요?”",
"name": "아미나 지단",
"subname": "전화 교환원",
"text": "[reaction] 당신이 자산 하나를 플레이할 때: 그 자산의 자원 비용을 3만큼 낮춥니다. 그 자산은 파멸이 1개 놓인 상태로 플레이 영역에 들어옵니다. (라운드당 1번 한정.)\n[elder_sign] 효과: +2. 당신은 자신이 위치한 장소에 있는 카드 하나에 놓인 모든 파멸을, 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 카드 하나에게로 이동시켜도 됩니다.",
@@ -98,14 +98,14 @@
"code": "09014",
- "flavor": "\"이해불가능한 글귀\"",
+ "flavor": "“이해불가능한 글귀”",
"name": "귀가 멀 듯한 정적",
"text": "폭로 - 당신이 조종하는 자산 하나에서 파멸 1개를 현재 주요사건으로 이동시킵니다. 이 효과는 현재 주요사건을 진행시킬 수 있습니다. 이 효과로 이동된 파멸이 없다면, ‘귀가 멀 듯한 정적’을 당신의 덱에 다시 섞어넣습니다.",
"traits": "징조."
"code": "09015",
- "flavor": "\"진실은 우리 모두가 아는 것보다 암울한 법이지.\"",
+ "flavor": "“진실은 우리 모두가 아는 것보다 암울한 법이지.”",
"name": "대럴 시몬스",
"subname": "사진기자",
"text": "당신은 ‘대럴의 코닥 사진기’를 플레이 영역에 두고 게임을 시작합니다.\n[fast] 당신이 위치한 장소에서의 능력 테스트 동안, 당신이 조종하는 자산 하나에서 증거를 1개 소비합니다: 이번 테스트의 난이도를 2만큼 낮춥니다. (테스트당 1번 한정.)\n[elder_sign] 효과: +1. 당신이 조종하는 자산 하나에 증거를 1개 놓습니다.",
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"code": "09018",
- "flavor": "\"그 정도야 처리해줄 수 있지. 그저 합리적인 조건이냐 아니냐의 문제지만 말이오.\"",
+ "flavor": "“그 정도야 처리해줄 수 있지. 그저 합리적인 조건이냐 아니냐의 문제지만 말이오.”",
"name": "찰리 케인",
"subname": "정치가",
"text": "당신에게 조력자 슬롯이 3칸 추가됩니다.\n[fast] 당신이 수행하는 능력 테스트 동안, 당신이 조종하는 [[조력자]] 자산 하나를 소진합니다: 이번 테스트에서, 당신은 +1 능력값을 얻고, 추가로 ‘해당 [[조력자]] 자산이 가진 아이콘 중에 이번 테스트 종류와 일치하는 것’마다 +1 능력값을 얻습니다.\n[elder_sign] 효과: +3. 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 [[조력자]] 자산 하나를 준비시킵니다.",
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
"code": "09019",
- "flavor": "\"오늘 오후 9시에 샌포드 씨와 약속 잡아두신 거 까먹지 마세요. 라 벨라 루나에 늘 예약하시던 테이블로 잡아 드릴까요? 아 그리고, 제 생일 선물로는 손목시계를 사주셨군요. 정말 고마워요.\"",
+ "flavor": "“오늘 오후 9시에 샌포드 씨와 약속 잡아두신 거 까먹지 마세요. 라 벨라 루나에 늘 예약하시던 테이블로 잡아 드릴까요? 아 그리고, 제 생일 선물로는 손목시계를 사주셨군요. 정말 고마워요.”",
"name": "보니 월시",
"subname": "충직한 비서",
"text": "찰리 케인 덱 전용.\n[reaction] 당신이 ‘보니 월시’를 소진한 후: 당신이 조종하는 다른 [[조력자]] 자산을 하나 준비시킵니다. (라운드당 1번 한정.)",
@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@
"code": "09020",
- "flavor": "\"내 나름대로는 그게 대의를 위한 일이었다고 믿었다네. 보니, 자네가 보기엔 안 그런가?\"",
+ "flavor": "“내 나름대로는 그게 대의를 위한 일이었다고 믿었다네. 보니, 자네가 보기엔 안 그런가?”",
"name": "지도자의 부담감",
"text": "폭로 - 당신이 조종하는 [[조력자]] 자산이 없다면, ‘지도자의 부담감’을 당신의 덱에 섞어넣습니다. 그 외의 경우, 당신이 조종하는 [[조력자]] 자산마다 각기 해당 자산을 소진시키거나 해당 자산에게 직접적인 피해 1과 직접적인 공포 1을 줘야 합니다.",
"traits": "결함."
"code": "09021",
- "flavor": "당신은 세계 대전에서 사용된 \"방탄판\"과 고대 갑옷의 일부를 엮어서 직접 이 갑옷을 만들었습니다. 아직은 볼품 없지만, 약간만 손본다면 충분히 제 기능을 해낼 것입니다.",
+ "flavor": "당신은 세계 대전에서 사용된 “방탄판”과 고대 갑옷의 일부를 엮어서 직접 이 갑옷을 만들었습니다. 아직은 볼품 없지만, 약간만 손본다면 충분히 제 기능을 해낼 것입니다.",
"name": "사냥꾼의 갑옷",
"customization_text": "□ 마법 부여. ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’은 [[유물]] 특성을 획득하고, 신체 슬롯 1칸이 아니라 그 대신 마법 슬롯 1칸을 차지합니다.\n□□ 수호의 룬. 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자가 받는 피해 그리고/또는 공포를 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’에 할당해도 됩니다.\n□□ 견고화. ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’은 +2 체력을 얻습니다.\n□□ 신성화. ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’은 +2 정신력을 얻습니다.\n□□ 경량화. ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’은 -1 비용을 얻고, ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’을 플레이하는 것은 틈새 공격을 유발하지 않습니다.\n□□□ 사술 포식자. 음모 효과로 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’에 피해 또는 공포를 1 이상 할당한 후, 당신은 카드를 1장 뽑기 위해 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’을 소진해도 됩니다.\n□□□ 가시 갑옷. 적의 공격으로 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’에 피해 또는 공포를 1 이상 할당한 후, 당신은 그 적에게 피해를 1 주기 위해 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’을 소진해도 됩니다.",
"customization_change": "물품. 방어구. 유물.\n당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자가 받는 피해 그리고/또는 공포를 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’에 할당해도 됩니다.\n\n\n‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’을 플레이하는 것은 틈새 공격을 유발하지 않습니다.\n음모 효과로 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’에 피해 또는 공포를 1 이상 할당한 후, 당신은 카드를 1장 뽑기 위해 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’을 소진해도 됩니다.\n적의 공격으로 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’에 피해 또는 공포를 1 이상 할당한 후, 당신은 그 적에게 피해를 1 주기 위해 ‘사냥꾼의 갑옷’을 소진해도 됩니다.",
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
"code": "09023",
"flavor": "손에 쥐고 있자면 오랜 친구처럼 느껴진다.",
"name": "맞춤형 개조",
- "customization_text": "□ 개방형 가늠자. 당신이 부착된 자산으로 다른 조사자와 교전 중인 적 하나를 대상으로 공격을 실시했으나 그 공격이 실패했다면, 당신은 피해를 주지 않습니다.\n□□ 맞춤형 개머리판. 부착된 자산으로 공격하는 동안 당신은 +2 [combat] 을 얻습니다.\n□□ 균형 잡힌 무게. 당신이 부착된 자산에 ‘맞춤형 개조’가 아닌 다른 [[향상]] 카드를 1장 부착한 후, 카드를 1장 뽑습니다.\n□□□ 가죽 손잡이. ‘맞춤형 개조’는 -1 비용을 얻고 다음 기능을 획득합니다: \"신속. 당신의 차례 동안에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\"\n□□□ 확장 탄창. 다른 이벤트로 인해 부착된 자산에서 탄약을 소비하거나 부착된 자산에 탄약을 놓은 후, 부착된 자산에 탄약을 1발 놓습니다.\n□□□□ 수은탄. 부착된 자산으로 공격하는 동안 난이도를 넘어선 차이 3 이상으로 성공하면, 이번 공격은 +1 피해를 줍니다.",
+ "customization_text": "□ 개방형 가늠자. 당신이 부착된 자산으로 다른 조사자와 교전 중인 적 하나를 대상으로 공격을 실시했으나 그 공격이 실패했다면, 당신은 피해를 주지 않습니다.\n□□ 맞춤형 개머리판. 부착된 자산으로 공격하는 동안 당신은 +2 [combat] 을 얻습니다.\n□□ 균형 잡힌 무게. 당신이 부착된 자산에 ‘맞춤형 개조’가 아닌 다른 [[향상]] 카드를 1장 부착한 후, 카드를 1장 뽑습니다.\n□□□ 가죽 손잡이. ‘맞춤형 개조’는 -1 비용을 얻고 다음 기능을 획득합니다: “신속. 당신의 차례 동안에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.”\n□□□ 확장 탄창. 다른 이벤트로 인해 부착된 자산에서 탄약을 소비하거나 부착된 자산에 탄약을 놓은 후, 부착된 자산에 탄약을 1발 놓습니다.\n□□□□ 수은탄. 부착된 자산으로 공격하는 동안 난이도를 넘어선 차이 3 이상으로 성공하면, 이번 공격은 +1 피해를 줍니다.",
"customization_change": "당신이 부착된 자산으로 다른 조사자와 교전 중인 적 하나를 대상으로 공격을 실시했으나 그 공격이 실패했다면, 당신은 피해를 주지 않습니다.\n부착된 자산으로 공격하는 동안 당신은 +2 [combat] 을 얻습니다.\n당신이 부착된 자산에 ‘맞춤형 개조’가 아닌 다른 [[향상]] 카드를 1장 부착한 후, 카드를 1장 뽑습니다.\n신속. 당신의 차례 동안에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n다른 이벤트로 인해 부착된 자산에서 탄약을 소비하거나 부착된 자산에 탄약을 놓은 후, 부착된 자산에 탄약을 1발 놓습니다.\n부착된 자산으로 공격하는 동안 난이도를 넘어선 차이 3 이상으로 성공하면, 이번 공격은 +1 피해를 줍니다.",
"text": "맞춤형.\n당신이 조종하는 [[총]] 자산 하나에 부착합니다. 자산당 1장 한정.\n[reaction] 부착된 자산으로 공격하는 동안, 당신이 [auto_fail]가 아닌 혼돈 토큰 하나를 공개할 때, ‘맞춤형 개조’를 소진합니다: 그 혼돈 토큰을 취소하고 혼돈 주머니에 되돌려놓고, 새로운 혼돈 토큰을 하나 공개합니다.",
"traits": "향상. 보급."
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
"code": "09026",
- "flavor": "\"당장 나와!\"",
+ "flavor": "“당장 나와!”",
"name": "출입문 돌파",
"text": "[combat] (1)을 테스트합니다. 성공하면, ‘출입문 돌파’를당신이 위치한 장소에 부착하고, 난이도를 넘어선 차이마다 이 카드에 자원을 1개씩 놓습니다(이 자원 토큰은 ‘실마리’로 간주합니다).\n‘출입문 돌파’에 놓인 실마리마다 부착된 장소의 장막값을 1씩 낮춥니다.",
"traits": "통찰. 전술. 경찰."
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
"code": "09028",
- "flavor": "\"저들이 믿어줄 것 같나?\"\n\"그럼요, 케인 씨. 누구도 세상이 끝장날 거라고는 생각하지 않을 겁니다.\"",
+ "flavor": "“저들이 믿어줄 것 같나?”\n“그럼요, 케인 씨. 누구도 세상이 끝장날 거라고는 생각하지 않을 겁니다.”",
"name": "고무적인 연설",
"text": "협상. 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자 한 명을 선택합니다. 그 조사자는 자신의 손에서 [[조력자]] 자산 하나를, 비용을 3 낮춰 플레이해도 됩니다.",
"traits": "영혼."
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
"code": "09030",
- "flavor": "\"꼬맹아, 조준하고 빌어먹을 방아쇠 좀 당겨 봐. 어려울 거 없다니까.\"",
+ "flavor": "“꼬맹아, 조준하고 빌어먹을 방아쇠 좀 당겨 봐. 어려울 거 없다니까.”",
"name": "전투 특훈",
"text": "회피 시도 또는 공격 동안 수행되는 능력 테스트에만 소모할 수 있습니다.\n당신은 이 능력 카드를 아무 장소 한 곳에 있는 조사자의 테스트에 소모할 수 있습니다.",
"traits": "숙련."
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
"code": "09040",
"name": "연금술 증류물",
- "customization_text": "□ 치유의 증류물. 이 선택지를 추가합니다: \"─ 피해를 2 회복합니다.\"\n□ 진정의 증류물. 이 선택지를 추가합니다: \"─ 공포를 2 회복합니다.\"\n□ 계몽의 증류물. 이 선택지를 추가합니다: \"─ 당신이 조종하는 자산 하나에 충전 1회 또는 비밀 1개를 놓습니다.\"\n□ 활력의 증류물. 이 선택지를 추가합니다: \"─ 최대 2칸까지 이동합니다.\"\n□□ 정제. ‘연금술 증류물’은 추가로 소모품 2개가 더 놓인 상태로 플레이 영역에 들어옵니다.\n□□□□ 증강. 당신이 이 능력 테스트를 개시할 때, 당신은 테스트 난이도를 2만큼 높여도 됩니다. 그렇게 한다면, 이번 테스트에서 각각의 선택지가 제공하는 효과값이 1씩 높아집니다.\n□□□□□ 완벽함. 난이도를 넘어선 차이 2 이상으로 성공하면, 선택된 조사자는 한 가지 선택지가 아니라, 그 대신 서로 다른 두 가지 선택지를 수행해도 됩니다.",
+ "customization_text": "□ 치유의 증류물. 이 선택지를 추가합니다: “─ 피해를 2 회복합니다.”\n□ 진정의 증류물. 이 선택지를 추가합니다: “─ 공포를 2 회복합니다.”\n□ 계몽의 증류물. 이 선택지를 추가합니다: “─ 당신이 조종하는 자산 하나에 충전 1회 또는 비밀 1개를 놓습니다.”\n□ 활력의 증류물. 이 선택지를 추가합니다: “─ 최대 2칸까지 이동합니다.”\n□□ 정제. ‘연금술 증류물’은 추가로 소모품 2개가 더 놓인 상태로 플레이 영역에 들어옵니다.\n□□□□ 증강. 당신이 이 능력 테스트를 개시할 때, 당신은 테스트 난이도를 2만큼 높여도 됩니다. 그렇게 한다면, 이번 테스트에서 각각의 선택지가 제공하는 효과값이 1씩 높아집니다.\n□□□□□ 완벽함. 난이도를 넘어선 차이 2 이상으로 성공하면, 선택된 조사자는 한 가지 선택지가 아니라, 그 대신 서로 다른 두 가지 선택지를 수행해도 됩니다.",
"customization_change": "─ 피해를 2 회복합니다.\n─ 공포를 2 회복합니다.\n─ 당신이 조종하는 자산 하나에 충전 1회 또는 비밀 1개를 놓습니다.\n─ 최대 2칸까지 이동합니다.\n맞춤형. 사용(소모품 5개).\n당신이 이 능력 테스트를 개시할 때, 당신은 테스트 난이도를 2만큼 높여도 됩니다. 그렇게 한다면, 이번 테스트에서 각각의 선택지가 제공하는 효과값이 1씩 높아집니다.\n[action] 소모품을 1개 소비합니다: 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자 한 명을 선택하고 [intellect] (1)을 테스트합니다. 성공하면 그 조사자는 다음 선택지 중 하나를 실시합니다(난이도를 넘어선 차이 2 이상으로 성공하면, 한 가지 대신 두 가지 가능) -",
"text": "맞춤형. 사용(소모품 3개).\n[action] 소모품을 1개 소비합니다: 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자 한 명을 선택하고 [intellect] (1)을 테스트합니다. 성공하면 그 조사자는 다음 선택지 중 하나를 실시합니다 -\n─ 카드를 2장 뽑습니다.\n─ 자원을 2개 획득합니다.",
"traits": "물품. 과학.",
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
"code": "09041",
"name": "실험적 가설",
- "customization_text": "□ 비관적인 전망. 다음과 같은 준거를 추가합니다: \"당신의 손에 있는 카드가 다 떨어짐.\"\n□ 시행착오. 다음과 같은 준거를 추가합니다: \"당신이 피해 또는 공포를 받음.\"\n□ 독립변인. 다음과 같은 준거를 추가합니다: \"당신이 플레이 영역에서 음모나 적 하나를 버림.\"\n□ 현장 연구. 다음과 같은 준거를 추가합니다: \"당신이 장막값이 3 이상인 장소 한 곳에 들어감.\"\n□□ 동료 심사. 선택한 준거는 오직 당신만이 아니라, 그 대신 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 아무 조사자나 충족시킬 수 있습니다. 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자 역시 ‘실험적 가설’에 있는 [fast] 기능을 격발해도 됩니다.\n□□ 연구 보조금. ‘실험적 가설’은 다음 기능을 획득합니다: \"[fast] 증거를 2개 소비합니다: 당신이 이번 단계 동안 플레이하는 다음 카드 1장에 한해, 그 비용을 3만큼 낮춥니다.\"\n□□□ 반박할 수 없는 증거. ‘실험적 가설’은 다음 기능을 획득합니다: \"[fast] 증거를 3개 소비합니다: 당신이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견합니다.\"\n□□□□ 대립가설. 당신이 ‘실험적 가설’을 소진한 후, 당신은 그 카드의 강제 효과를 해결해도 됩니다(단, 이번 라운드에 선택하지 않은 준거를 선택해야 합니다). 그런 다음, 그 카드를 준비시킵니다.",
+ "customization_text": "□ 비관적인 전망. 다음과 같은 준거를 추가합니다: “당신의 손에 있는 카드가 다 떨어짐.”\n□ 시행착오. 다음과 같은 준거를 추가합니다: “당신이 피해 또는 공포를 받음.”\n□ 독립변인. 다음과 같은 준거를 추가합니다: “당신이 플레이 영역에서 음모나 적 하나를 버림.”\n□ 현장 연구. 다음과 같은 준거를 추가합니다: “당신이 장막값이 3 이상인 장소 한 곳에 들어감.”\n□□ 동료 심사. 선택한 준거는 오직 당신만이 아니라, 그 대신 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 아무 조사자나 충족시킬 수 있습니다. 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자 역시 ‘실험적 가설’에 있는 [fast] 기능을 격발해도 됩니다.\n□□ 연구 보조금. ‘실험적 가설’은 다음 기능을 획득합니다: \"[fast] 증거를 2개 소비합니다: 당신이 이번 단계 동안 플레이하는 다음 카드 1장에 한해, 그 비용을 3만큼 낮춥니다.\"\n□□□ 반박할 수 없는 증거. ‘실험적 가설’은 다음 기능을 획득합니다: \"[fast] 증거를 3개 소비합니다: 당신이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견합니다.\"\n□□□□ 대립가설. 당신이 ‘실험적 가설’을 소진한 후, 당신은 그 카드의 강제 효과를 해결해도 됩니다(단, 이번 라운드에 선택하지 않은 준거를 선택해야 합니다). 그런 다음, 그 카드를 준비시킵니다.",
"customization_change": "- 당신의 손에 있는 카드가 다 떨어짐.\n─ 당신이 피해 또는 공포를 받음.\n─ 당신이 플레이 영역에서 음모나 적 하나를 버림.\n─ 당신이 장막값이 3 이상인 장소 한 곳에 들어감.\n선택한 준거를 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 아무 조사자 한 명이 충족시켰을 때, 이 카드에 증거를 1개 추가하기 위해 당신은 ‘실험적 가설’을 소진해도 됩니다. 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자 역시 ‘실험적 가설’에 있는 [fast] 기능을 격발해도 됩니다.\n[fast] 증거를 2개 소비합니다: 당신이 이번 단계 동안 플레이하는 다음 카드 1장에 한해, 그 비용을 3만큼 낮춥니다.\n[fast] 증거를 3개 소비합니다: 당신이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견합니다.\n당신이 ‘실험적 가설’을 소진한 후, 당신은 그 카드의 강제 효과를 해결해도 됩니다(단, 이번 라운드에 선택하지 않은 준거를 선택해야 합니다). 그런 다음, 그 카드를 준비시킵니다.",
"text": "맞춤형. 조사자당 1장 한정.\n강제 - 라운드 시작에: 다음 중에서 이번 라운드에 적용될 준거를 하나 선택합니다. \n─ 난이도에 모자란 차이 2 이상으로 실패함.\n─ 난이도를 넘어선 차이 3 이상으로 성공함.\n선택한 준거가 충족될 때, 이 카드에 증거를 1개 추가하기 위해 당신은 ‘실험적 가설’을 소진해도 됩니다.\n[fast] 증거를 1개 소비합니다: 카드를 1장 뽑습니다.",
"traits": "재능. 과학."
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
"code": "09047",
- "flavor": "\"아니들어나봐요이게정말얼마나대단한발견인지모르시겠어요?\"\n\"일단 좀 진정하고 천.천.히. 말해 볼래요?\"",
+ "flavor": "“아니들어나봐요이게정말얼마나대단한발견인지모르시겠어요?”\n“일단 좀 진정하고 천.천.히. 말해 볼래요?”",
"name": "매혹적인 발견",
"text": "당신의 덱 맨 위 카드 6장을 찾아 봅니다. 당신이 가진 단서 최대 3개까지를 당신이 위치한 장소에 놓아도 됩니다. 이렇게 놓은 단서 1개마다, 찾아본 카드 중에 2장을 선택해 당신의 손으로 가져옵니다. 당신의 덱을 섞습니다.",
"traits": "통찰."
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
"code": "09060",
- "flavor": "\"나오미 오베니언 씨, 함께 일하게 되어 기쁘군요.\"",
+ "flavor": "“나오미 오베니언 씨, 함께 일하게 되어 기쁘군요.”",
"name": "암흑가의 연줄",
"customization_text": "선택한 [[특성]]: _____\n□ 조력. 당신이 ‘암흑가의 연줄’을 플레이할 때, 당신은 자신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자 한 명을 선택해서 그 카드의 효과를 해결하게 해도 됩니다.\n□□ 다재다능. 다른 [[특성]]을 하나 더 선택합니다: _____. 당신이 ‘암흑가의 연줄’을 플레이할 때, 당신은 확인해 본 카드 가운데 선택한 [[특성]] 둘 다를 가진 카드를 1장 선택해서, 자원을 1개 소비하지 않고 당신의 손으로 가져와도 됩니다.\n□□ 지원. ‘암흑가의 연줄’을 통해 당신의 손으로 가져온 모든 카드는 이번 단계가 끝날 때까지 각기 [wild] 아이콘을 1개씩 획득합니다.\n□□ 영리함. 나머지 카드들을 당신의 덱에 섞어넣는 것이 아니라, 그 대신 당신은 그 카드들을 자신의 덱 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓아도 됩니다.\n□□ 속행. ‘암흑가의 연줄’은 \"신속. 아무 [fast] ‘플레이어의 행동 기회’에 플레이할 수 있습니다.\" 기능을 획득합니다.\n□□□ 숙달. 확인해 보는 카드 수를 3장 늘립니다.\n□□□ 잽싼 솜씨. 당신의 손으로 가져온 카드 중 1장을 플레이해도 됩니다(비용은 지불해야 합니다).",
"customization_change": "맞춤형. 선택한 [[특성]]: _____\n당신이 ‘암흑가의 연줄’을 플레이할 때, 당신은 자신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 조사자 한 명을 선택해서 그 카드의 효과를 해결하게 해도 됩니다.\n다른 특성을 하나 더 선택합니다: _____. 당신이 ‘암흑가의 연줄’을 플레이할 때, 당신은 확인해 본 카드 가운데 선택한 [[특성]] 둘 다를 가진 카드를 1장 선택해서, 자원을 1개 소비하지 않고 당신의 손으로 가져와도 됩니다.\n‘암흑가의 연줄’을 통해 당신의 손으로 가져온 모든 카드는 이번 단계가 끝날 때까지 각기 [wild] 아이콘을 1개씩 획득합니다.\n나머지 카드들을 당신의 덱에 섞어넣는 것이 아니라, 그 대신 당신은 그 카드들을 자신의 덱 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓아도 됩니다.\n신속. 아무 [fast] ‘플레이어의 행동 기회’에 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신의 덱 맨 위 카드를 9장 확인해 봅니다. 이렇게 확인해 본 카드 가운데 선택한 [[특성]](들)을 가진 카드마다, 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 가져오기 위해 당신은 자원을 1개 소비해도 됩니다. 나머지 카드는 당신의 덱에 섞어넣습니다.\n당신의 손으로 가져온 카드 중 1장을 플레이해도 됩니다(비용은 지불해야 합니다).",
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
"code": "09061",
"name": "갈고 닦은 본능",
- "customization_text": "□ 반사적 행동. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: \"─ 당신이 피해 또는 공포를 받음.\"\n□ 상황 인식. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: \"─ 장소 하나가 플레이 영역에 들어오거나 공개됨.\"\n□ 살해 본능. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: \"─ 적 하나가 당신과 교전함.\"\n□ 본능적 반응. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: \"─ 당신의 위협 영역에 음모 하나가 들어옴.\"\n□ 체화. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: \"─ 당신이 자산 하나를 플레이함.\"\n□□ 재능 연마. ‘갈고 닦은 본능’으로 행동을 수행하는 동안, 당신은 자신의 모든 능력에 +2를 얻습니다.\n□□□ 충동 억제. 당신은 ‘갈고 닦은 본능’ 사본을 최대 3장까지 당신의 덱에 포함시킬 수 있습니다. ‘갈고 닦은 본능’은 -1 비용을 얻습니다.\n□□□□□ 습관의 힘. 당신이 ‘갈고 닦은 본능’을 플레이할 때, 당신은 행동 1번이 아니라 그 대신 행동 2번을 수행해도 됩니다(한 번에 하나씩). 그런 다음, 그 카드를 게임에서 제거합니다.",
+ "customization_text": "□ 반사적 행동. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: “─ 당신이 피해 또는 공포를 받음.”\n□ 상황 인식. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: “─ 장소 하나가 플레이 영역에 들어오거나 공개됨.”\n□ 살해 본능. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: “─ 적 하나가 당신과 교전함.”\n□ 본능적 반응. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: “─ 당신의 위협 영역에 음모 하나가 들어옴.”\n□ 체화. 다음과 같은 플레이 조건을 추가합니다: “─ 당신이 자산 하나를 플레이함.”\n□□ 재능 연마. ‘갈고 닦은 본능’으로 행동을 수행하는 동안, 당신은 자신의 모든 능력에 +2를 얻습니다.\n□□□ 충동 억제. 당신은 ‘갈고 닦은 본능’ 사본을 최대 3장까지 당신의 덱에 포함시킬 수 있습니다. ‘갈고 닦은 본능’은 -1 비용을 얻습니다.\n□□□□□ 습관의 힘. 당신이 ‘갈고 닦은 본능’을 플레이할 때, 당신은 행동 1번이 아니라 그 대신 행동 2번을 수행해도 됩니다(한 번에 하나씩). 그런 다음, 그 카드를 게임에서 제거합니다.",
"customization_change": "─ 당신이 피해 또는 공포를 받음.\n─ 장소 하나가 플레이 영역에 들어오거나 공개됨.\n─ 적 하나가 당신과 교전함.\n─ 당신의 위협 영역에 음모 하나가 들어옴.\n─ 당신이 자산 하나를 플레이함.\n‘갈고 닦은 본능’으로 행동을 수행하는 동안, 당신은 자신의 모든 능력에 +2를 얻습니다.\n\n당신은 마치 자신의 차례인 것처럼 즉시 (한 번에 하나씩) 행동을 2번 수행합니다. (라운드당 최대 1번.)",
"text": "맞춤형. 신속. 다음 조건 중 하나를 충족한 후에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n─ 주요목적 또는 주요사건이 진행.\n─ 당신이 난이도를 넘어선 차이 3 이상으로 능력 테스트에 성공함.\n당신은 마치 자신의 차례인 것처럼 즉시 행동을 1번 수행합니다. (라운드당 최대 1번.)",
"traits": "도박수."
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
"code": "09064",
- "flavor": "\"왜 이런 걸 갖고 다니냐고요? 그야 예술품 도둑들의 수법을 직접 연구하기 위해서죠.\"",
+ "flavor": "“왜 이런 걸 갖고 다니냐고요? 그야 예술품 도둑들의 수법을 직접 연구하기 위해서죠.”",
"name": "도둑질 도구",
"text": "사용(소모품 6개).\n[action] 소모품을 1개 소비합니다: 조사. 당신은 이번 조사에서 [intellect] 대신 [agility]을 사용해도 됩니다. 성공하면, 자원을 1개 획득합니다.",
"traits": "물품. 도구. 불법.",
@@ -477,21 +477,21 @@
"code": "09065",
- "flavor": "\"멋진 옷인걸! 고마워! 게다가 여기 봐, 주머니도 달렸어!\"",
+ "flavor": "“멋진 옷인걸! 고마워! 게다가 여기 봐, 주머니도 달렸어!”",
"name": "비밀 주머니",
- "text": "신속. 당신의 차례 동안에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신이 조종하는 [[옷]] 또는 [[방어구]] 자산 하나에 부착합니다.\n부착된 자산은 다음 기능을 획득합니다: \"당신에게 손 또는 액세서리 슬롯이 1칸 추가됩니다(당신이 둘 중 하나를 선택). 이 슬롯에는 [[불법]] 자산만 놓을 수 있습니다.\"",
+ "text": "신속. 당신의 차례 동안에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신이 조종하는 [[옷]] 또는 [[방어구]] 자산 하나에 부착합니다.\n부착된 자산은 다음 기능을 획득합니다: “당신에게 손 또는 액세서리 슬롯이 1칸 추가됩니다(당신이 둘 중 하나를 선택). 이 슬롯에는 [[불법]] 자산만 놓을 수 있습니다.”",
"traits": "향상. 불법."
"code": "09066",
- "flavor": "\"퍼거스 씨, 타이밍 한번 완벽하군요!\"",
+ "flavor": "“퍼거스 씨, 타이밍 한번 완벽하군요!”",
"name": "치고 빠지기",
"text": "신속. 당신의 차례 동안에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신의 손에 있는 [[조력자]] 자산 하나를 플레이 영역에 둡니다. 당신의 차례 끝에, 그 자산이 여전히 플레이 상태라면 그 자산을 당신의 손으로 가져옵니다.",
"traits": "전술. 속임수."
"code": "09067",
- "name": "\"그건 내가 가져가겠어!\"",
+ "name": "“그건 내가 가져가겠어!”",
"text": "신속. 당신이 조사하는 데 성공했을 때 (또는) 당신이 [[인간형]] 적 하나를 회피하는 데 성공했을 때 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신의 손에서 [[물품]] 자산 하나를, 비용을 X만큼 낮춰 플레이합니다. X는 난이도를 넘어선 차이입니다. ‘그건 내가 가져가겠어!’를 그 자산에 부착합니다. 부착된 자산은 [[불법]] 특성을 획득합니다.",
"traits": "속임수. 향상. 불법."
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
"code": "09071",
- "flavor": "\"원하는 일에 맞게 옷차림을 하라고 하셨죠? 제가 그쪽 일을 뺏고 싶은데 어쩌죠?\"",
+ "flavor": "“원하는 일에 맞게 옷차림을 하라고 하셨죠? 제가 그쪽 일을 뺏고 싶은데 어쩌죠?”",
"name": "세련된 코트",
"text": "[reaction] 당신이 자신의 차례 동안 이 카드 외의 플레이어 카드 효과로 자원을 1개 이상 획득할 때, ‘세련된 코트’를 소진합니다: 자원을 추가로 1개 더 획득합니다.",
"traits": "물품. 옷.",
@@ -538,14 +538,14 @@
"code": "09074",
- "flavor": "\"조심만 한다면, 무단까진 아니라니까?\"",
+ "flavor": "“조심만 한다면, 무단까진 아니라니까?”",
"name": "무단 침입",
"text": "조사. 이번 조사에서 당신의 능력값에 당신의 [agility] 값을 추가합니다. 난이도를 넘어선 차이 1 이상으로 성공하면, 당신은 이 장소에 있는 적 하나를 자동 회피해도 됩니다. 난이도를 넘어선 차이 3 이상으로 성공하면, 당신의 차례 끝에 ‘무단 침입’을 당신의 손으로 가져옵니다. 이 행동은 틈새 공격을 유발하지 않습니다.",
"traits": "속임수."
"code": "09075",
- "flavor": "\"...그래요, 알았어요 알았다고요. 제 거 맞아요.\"",
+ "flavor": "“...그래요, 알았어요 알았다고요. 제 거 맞아요.”",
"name": "도둑질 도구",
"text": "사용(소모품 6개).\n[action] 소모품을 1개 소비합니다: 조사. 당신은 이번 조사에서 [intellect] 대신 [agility]을 사용해도 되며, 당신은 +1 능력값을 얻습니다. 성공하면, 자원을 1개 획득합니다(난이도를 넘어선 차이 2 이상으로 성공하면, 자원을 1개 대신 2개 획득합니다).",
"traits": "물품. 도구. 불법.",
@@ -592,8 +592,8 @@
"code": "09081",
"name": "지배의 언령",
"customization_text": "□ 배신하라. 이 명령을 추가합니다: \"─ '배신하라.' 이 적이 위치한 장소에 있는 적 가운데, 이 적의 전투값 이하인 적 하나에게 피해를 1 줍니다.\"\n□ 자비를 베풀어라. 이 명령을 추가합니다: \"─ '자비를 베풀어라.' 이 적이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자 한 명은, 이 적의 피해값만큼 피해를 회복하거나 공포값만큼 공포를 회복합니다.\"\n□ 고하라. 이 명령을 추가합니다: \"─ '고하라.' 이 적의 체력값이 이 적이 위치한 장소의 장막값 이상이면, 이 적이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견합니다.\"\n□ 주의를 돌려라. 이 명령을 추가합니다: \"─ '주의를 돌려라.' 이 적이 위치한 장소에 있는 적 가운데, 이 적의 회피값 이하인 적 하나를 자동 회피합니다.\"\n□□ 제어권 강화. ‘지배의 언령’은 다음 기능을 획득합니다 \"[fast]: ‘지배의 언령’을 당신의 손으로 가져옵니다.\"\n□□□ 속박. 당신은 ‘지배의 언령’이 부착된 적으로부터 최대 1칸 떨어져 있더라도 그 카드의 협상 기능을 활성화해도 됩니다.\n□□□ 복잡한 발음. 당신이 ‘지배의 언령’으로 협상할 때, 서로 다른 명령을 최대 둘까지 내려도 됩니다.\n□□□ 삼중 주문. 당신은 ‘지배의 언령’ 사본을 최대 3장까지 당신의 덱에 포함시킬 수 있습니다. 당신이 사본 하나로 명령을 내릴 때, 당신의 ‘지배의 언령’ 사본이 부착된 다른 모든 적에게도 같은 명령을 내립니다.",
- "customization_change": "─ \"배신하라.\" 이 적이 위치한 장소에 있는 적 가운데, 이 적의 전투값 이하인 적 하나에게 피해를 1 줍니다.\n─ \"자비를 베풀어라.\" 이 적이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자 한 명은, 이 적의 피해값만큼 피해를 회복하거나 공포값만큼 공포를 회복합니다.\n─ \"고하라.\" 이 적의 체력값이 이 적이 위치한 장소의 장막값 이상이면, 이 적이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견합니다.\n─ \"주의를 돌려라.\" 이 적이 위치한 장소에 있는 적 가운데, 이 적의 회피값 이하인 적 하나를 자동 회피합니다.\n[fast]: ‘지배의 언령’을 당신의 손으로 가져옵니다.\n당신은 ‘지배의 언령’이 부착된 적으로부터 최대 1칸 떨어져 있더라도 그 카드의 협상 기능을 활성화해도 됩니다.\n[action] 부착된 적이 당신이 위치한 장소에 있다면: 협상. 그 적에게 서로 다른 두 가지 명령을 내립니다(각각의 명령마다 라운드당 1번 한정) -\n당신은 ‘지배의 언령’ 사본을 최대 3장까지 당신의 덱에 포함시킬 수 있습니다. 당신이 사본 하나로 명령을 내릴 때, 당신의 ‘지배의 언령’ 사본이 부착된 다른 모든 적에게도 같은 명령을 내립니다.",
- "text": "맞춤형. 신속. 당신의 차례 동안에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 [[정예]]가 아닌 적 하나에게 부착합니다.\n[action] 부착된 적이 당신이 위치한 장소에 있다면: 협상. 그 적에게 명령을 내립니다(각각의 명령마다 라운드당 1번 한정) -\n─ \"가라.\" 이 적은 당신이 선택한 방향으로 1칸 이동합니다.\n─ \"두려워하라.\" 이 적은 소진됩니다.",
+ "customization_change": "─ “배신하라.” 이 적이 위치한 장소에 있는 적 가운데, 이 적의 전투값 이하인 적 하나에게 피해를 1 줍니다.\n─ “자비를 베풀어라.” 이 적이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자 한 명은, 이 적의 피해값만큼 피해를 회복하거나 공포값만큼 공포를 회복합니다.\n─ “고하라.” 이 적의 체력값이 이 적이 위치한 장소의 장막값 이상이면, 이 적이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견합니다.\n─ “주의를 돌려라.” 이 적이 위치한 장소에 있는 적 가운데, 이 적의 회피값 이하인 적 하나를 자동 회피합니다.\n[fast]: ‘지배의 언령’을 당신의 손으로 가져옵니다.\n당신은 ‘지배의 언령’이 부착된 적으로부터 최대 1칸 떨어져 있더라도 그 카드의 협상 기능을 활성화해도 됩니다.\n[action] 부착된 적이 당신이 위치한 장소에 있다면: 협상. 그 적에게 서로 다른 두 가지 명령을 내립니다(각각의 명령마다 라운드당 1번 한정) -\n당신은 ‘지배의 언령’ 사본을 최대 3장까지 당신의 덱에 포함시킬 수 있습니다. 당신이 사본 하나로 명령을 내릴 때, 당신의 ‘지배의 언령’ 사본이 부착된 다른 모든 적에게도 같은 명령을 내립니다.",
+ "text": "맞춤형. 신속. 당신의 차례 동안에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 [[정예]]가 아닌 적 하나에게 부착합니다.\n[action] 부착된 적이 당신이 위치한 장소에 있다면: 협상. 그 적에게 명령을 내립니다(각각의 명령마다 라운드당 1번 한정) -\n─ “가라.” 이 적은 당신이 선택한 방향으로 1칸 이동합니다.\n─ “두려워하라.” 이 적은 소진됩니다.",
"traits": "마법."
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
"code": "09093",
- "flavor": "\"달의 이름으로...\"",
+ "flavor": "“달의 이름으로...”",
"name": "월광 의식",
"text": "신속. 당신의 차례 동안에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 [[정예]]가 아닌 카드 하나에서 파멸을 모두 제거합니다.",
"traits": "마법. 통찰."
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@
"code": "09104",
- "flavor": "\"그럼... 여기서 돌아가야 할까?\"",
+ "flavor": "“그럼... 여기서 돌아가야 할까?”",
"name": "막다른 길",
"text": "신속. 당신의 차례 동안, 마지막 주요사건이 플레이 상태인 경우에만 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n카드를 1장 뽑고, 자원을 1개 획득하고, 추가 행동을 1번 획득합니다. ‘막다른 길’을 게임에서 제거합니다.",
"traits": "통찰. 영혼."
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@
"code": "09112",
- "flavor": "\"이봐요 아저씨, 이제 제 말 좀 들어보시라고요!\"",
+ "flavor": "“이봐요 아저씨, 이제 제 말 좀 들어보시라고요!”",
"name": "상황 대처",
"text": "능력 테스트당 최대 1장 소모할 수 있습니다.\n당신은 ‘상황 대처’를 아무 종류의 능력 테스트에 소모해도 됩니다.\n‘상황 대처’가 능력 테스트에 소모된 동안, 그 능력 테스트는 -2 난이도를 얻습니다.",
"traits": "본성."
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@
"code": "09114",
- "flavor": "\"나중을 위해서라도 책갈피를 끼워 두지.\"",
+ "flavor": "“나중을 위해서라도 책갈피를 끼워 두지.”",
"name": "카챠 이스트뱅크",
"subname": "비전 지식의 수호자",
"text": "[reaction] 당신이 자신의 덱 맨 위에서 약점이 아닌 카드를 1장 뽑을 때, 그 카드의 어떠한 효과도 해결하기 전, ‘카챠 이스트뱅크’를 소진합니다: 그 카드를 ‘카챠 이스트뱅크’ 밑에 놓습니다(‘카챠 이스트뱅크’ 밑에 있는 카드는 5장 한정). 그 카드를 대체할 카드를 1장 새로 뽑습니다.\n[action]: ‘카챠 이스트뱅크’ 밑에 있는 카드를 1장 뽑습니다.",
From 2f89cb09b0e42a7f3be7d4fea32ffcc2dd59f9b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 16:10:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 006/210] Add pack definitions
encounters.json | 8 ++++++--
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 1 +
packs.json | 8 ++++++++
3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
diff --git a/encounters.json b/encounters.json
index 7ea84d334..9faddaed3 100644
--- a/encounters.json
+++ b/encounters.json
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@
"code": "relics_of_the_past",
"name": "Relics of the Past"
- },
+ },
"code": "the_first_day",
"name": "The First Day"
@@ -1266,5 +1266,9 @@
"code": "written_in_rock",
"name": "Written in Rock"
- }
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "name": "The Midwinter Gala"
+ }
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0967ef424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/packs.json b/packs.json
index 6898b60f9..b0e64c3f3 100644
--- a/packs.json
+++ b/packs.json
@@ -759,5 +759,13 @@
"name": "Hunting for Answers",
"position": 10,
"size": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "tmg",
+ "cycle_code": "side_stories",
+ "date_release": "2024-08-23",
+ "name": "The Midwinter Gala",
+ "position": 11,
+ "size": 78
From 6b8ccfa30cfd9e631e4e0c88a3d0d18c959c0d55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 23:55:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 007/210] feat: add `the_midwinter_gala`
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 1412 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 1411 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index 0967ef424..29caa1b04 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -1 +1,1411 @@
+ {
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 plus the current agenda number.\n[cultist]: -X. X is the number of story assets at your location.\n[tablet]: -3. (-5 instead if you are at a [[Private]] location).\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail or if The Bloodless Man is at your location, take ? horror.",
+ "code": "71001",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "name": "The Midwinter Gala",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 1,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is the current agenda number.\n[cultist]: -X. X is the number of [[Guest]] assets at your location (to a maximum of 5).\n[tablet]: -2. (-4 instead if you are at a [[Private]] location).\n[elder_thing]: -3. If you fail or if The Bloodless Man is at your location, take 1 horror.",
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A crash resounds from somewhere deeper in the manor, followed by a scream. Declan Pearce emerges to calm the crowd in the ballroom, but you can't help but notice the masked attendants have positioned themselves in front of each of the manor's many exits.",
+ "back_name": "Who Let the Gugs Out?",
+ "back_text": "Shuffle each set-aside [[Monster]] enemy, both copies of the Vicious Ambush treachery, and the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.",
+ "code": "71002",
+ "doom": 4,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Promising to be a night of intrigue and wonder, the gala is expected to be filled with secrets and whispers that are as much a part of the entertainment as the drinks and music.",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "name": "Masked Revelers",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 2,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Each [[Lantern Club]] enemy cannot be dealt damage.\nDoom cannot be removed from this agenda by card effects.\nForced - When a single-sided [[Guest]] asset would leave play: It becomes spellbound instead (flip it facedown, lose control of it, and heal all damage and horror from it).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_name": "Mayhem Ensues",
+ "back_text": "If The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) is in play:\nYou turn around to see the Bloodless Man striding toward you with murderous intent. Before you can react, the imposing figure staggers, then falls face first onto the red carpet.
\nMoments later, a sharp sound of ripping cloth breaks the silence. Glistening appendages erupt from the Bloodless Man's torn suit and limbs, blossoming into a grotesque amalgam of flesh and writhing tentacles. Your stomach churns as the creature's bone-white mask stares down at you, set in a maw of nightmarish limbs and gnashing fangs.
\nFlip The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) to his (Unleashed) side.\n
\nOtherwise:\nThe clamor around you seems to quiet for a moment.
\nEach investigator may heal 1 horror from an investigator or [[Guest]] asset at their location.",
+ "code": "71003",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Commotion stirs deeper within the manor as various guests ask the attendants to be let out. Other guests shuffle through the manor with dead eyes and blank stares.",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "name": "Unexpected Guests",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 3,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Parley abilities on each [[Lantern Club]] enemy cannot be triggered.\nDoom cannot be removed from this agenda by card effects.\nForced - When a single-sided [[Guest]] asset would leave play: It becomes spellbound instead (flip it facedown, lose control of it, and heal all damage and horror from it).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "",
+ "back_name": "A Kingsport Goodbye",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator is defeated and suffers 1 mental trauma.",
+ "code": "71004",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The party descends into utter mayhem, with guests throwing themselves out of glass doors and windows to escape the otherworldly monstrosities.",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "name": "A Killer Party",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 4,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "Parley abilities on each [[Lantern Club]] enemy cannot be triggered.\nDoom cannot be removed from this agenda by card effects.\nForced - When a single-sided [[Guest]] asset would leave play: It becomes spellbound instead (flip it facedown, lose control of it, and heal all damage and horror from it).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "You and your contact meet with several guests, who each confirm that the Jewel was taken by Declan Pearce from the display case in the Ballroom. Furthermore, strange sounds have begun to emanate from the second floor of the manor...",
+ "back_name": "Contacts Acquired",
+ "back_text": "Choose one of the set-aside [[Second Floor]] locations at random and put it into play directly above the Lobby. For the rest of the game, that location is connected to the Lobby, and vice versa. Put the other 2 set-aside locations into play in a row to the right of the previously placed [[Second Floor]] location.\nPut the set-aside rival story card into play next to the agenda, [[Rival]] side faceup, and follow its Setup text.\nRead Interlude: The Fabled Jewel (page 13).",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "71005",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You notice the Jewel is no longer in the ballroom. Maybe a guest saw someone move it?",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Meet and Greet",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 5,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "[[Guest]] assets do not take up ally slots.\n[action] Choose a [[Guest]] asset and a skill icon on it at your location: Parley. Test that skill (3). If you succeed, take control of that asset.\n[action] If you control a [[Guest]] asset: Give control of it to another investigator at your location.\nObjective - If each undefeated investigator controls a [[Guest]] asset and the current agenda is 2a or 3a, they may spend the requisite amount of clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "You take a deep breath as you stagger out into the cold night air. Snow falls thickly on the once-pristine lawn, now stained red with blood. The manor is dead silent behind you. The Jewel of Sarnath pulses with an unearthly light in your palm, and for a moment you feel a balmy breeze, the scent of another place both familiar and dreamlike. Was the gem worth all this devastation?",
+ "back_name": "The Party's Over",
+ "back_text": "(→R1).",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "71006",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You must help your contact and their associates, no matter the cost.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Finding the Jewel",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 6,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "[[Guest]] assets do not take up ally slots.\n[action] Choose a [[Guest]] asset and a skill icon on it at your location: Parley. Test that skill (3). If you succeed, take control of that asset.\nObjective - Complete the objective on your faction story card, and try to accomplish as many tasks as you can (see page 24 of the rulebook).",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The front door of the mansion leads to a room filled with art, attendees, and a beautiful chandelier. Grab yourself a drink; it could be a long night.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "71007",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The winter chill lingers in your bones. Something feels wrong.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Lobby",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 7,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "[fast] If the current agenda is 2a or 3a, spend 1 [per_investigator] resources: Someone is fashionably late. Reveal the top card of the Guest deck and put it into play at this location. (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Manor. Ground Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "You feel an icy chill when you put your hand on the knob to the silent sanctum.",
+ "back_text": "As an additional cost to enter this location, you must take 1 horror.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "71008",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Lantern Chamber",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 8,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn, name a card: Draw the top card of the encounter deck. If it is the named card, cancel its effects and discard it. Discover 1 clue at this location. (Limit once per turn.)\n[action] If this location has no clues: Test [willpower] (4). If you succeed, flip over any spellbound card.",
+ "traits": "Manor. Private. Basement.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The stately halls are filled with the sound of music and laughter.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Ground-Floor Room",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "71009",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "There's nothing quite like the pieces on display here.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Art Gallery",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 9,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[action]: There's more to be discovered in this room full of strange works of art. Place up to 2 clues (from the token pool) on this location. Gain 2 resources. (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Manor. Ground Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The stately halls are filled with the sound of music and laughter.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Ground-Floor Room",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "71010",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "They're playing \"Sogno e Follia in D Minor\" by a little known composer named E. Zann.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Ballroom",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 10,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "[action]: Parley. You persuade two of the guests to have a dance. Exhaust 2 [[Guest]] assets at this location. Then, heal 1 horror from each of them.",
+ "traits": "Manor. Ground Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The stately halls are filled with the sound of music and laughter.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Ground-Floor Room",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "71011",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "This jag juice has a nice kick!",
+ "illustrator": "Drazenka Kimpel",
+ "name": "Barroom",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 11,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[fast] Spend 1 resource: Buy a drink! Heal 1 damage or 1 horror from an investigator or [[Guest]] asset at this location. (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Manor. Ground Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "code": "71012",
+ "position": 12,
+ "back_name": "Second-Floor Room",
+ "back_flavor": "The second floor is eerily silent.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Bedroom",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[action] Choose an enemy at any [[Second Floor]] location: Fight. You may use [agility] instead of [combat] for this attack. If you succeed, you may spend 1 clue for this attack to deal +2 damage. (Limit once per turn.)",
+ "traits": "Manor. Private. Second Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "code": "71013",
+ "position": 13,
+ "back_name": "Second-Floor Room",
+ "back_flavor": "The second floor is eerily silent.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Library",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "You get +1 skill value while parleying at this location.\n[fast] If the Jewel of Sarnath is at this location: Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, either place 1 damage on the Jewel of Sarnath or remove 1 token from it. (Group limit once per game.)",
+ "traits": "Manor. Private. Second Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "code": "71014",
+ "position": 14,
+ "back_name": "Second-Floor Room",
+ "back_flavor": "The second floor is eerily silent.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "A moon-beast in a bottle? How bizarre.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Parlor",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 6,
+ "text": "This location gets -1 shroud for each [[Guest]] asset at it (to a minimum of 1 shroud).\n[fast] If you control the Jewel of Sarnath: Exhaust an enemy at any location. (Group limit once per game.)",
+ "traits": "Manor. Private. Second Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71015b",
+ "code": "71015a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The 'authorities' seem to want you to acquire the Jewel by force. Good luck taking it from the Bloodless Man.",
+ "name": "The Foundation",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 15,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - When The Bloodless Man (Unleashed) is defeated: If the Jewel of Sarnath is attached to him, attach it to his location.\n[action] If the Jewel of Sarnath is at your location and The Bloodless Man is not in play: Take control of the Jewel of Sarnath and place 1 damage on it.\nObjective - At the end of the round, if the investigators control the Jewel of Sarnath, they may spend 2 [per_investigator] clues, as a group, to advance the act.\nEnd of game scoring:\n4 points if no non-weakness enemies are in play (2 points instead if exactly one non-weakness enemy is in play).",
+ "traits": "Allied.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71015b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The Foundation doesn't take kindly to your interest in the Jewel. If you make a show of force, you might convince them to back down.",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "name": "The Foundation",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 15,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Setup: Shuffle the set-aside Rookie Cop enemy into the encounter deck. Put the set-aside Valeriya Antonova card into play at the lead investigator's location, enemy side faceup.\n[action] If Valeriya Antonova is at your location: Parley. Test [combat] (3). If you succeed, place 1 of your clues on this story card.\nForced - When there are 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] clues on this story card: Add it and Valeriya Antonova to the victory display. Search the encounter deck, encounter discard pile, and all play areas for Rookie Cop and remove it from the game. If the encounter deck was searched, shuffle it.",
+ "traits": "Rival.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71016b",
+ "code": "71016a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Valeriya Antonova",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 16,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 3,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "subname": "Wants Out of Here",
+ "text": "You get +1 [combat].\n[action] Exhaust Valeriya Antonova: Ready another [[Guest]] asset at your location. You get +1 to your next skill test this round for each [[Guest]] asset at your location.\nForced - When Valeriya Antonova leaves play: Remove her from the game.",
+ "traits": "Leader. Guest. Agency.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71016b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": null,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Valeriya Antonova",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 16,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Don't Mess With Her",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter.\nValeriya Antonova cannot be damaged.\nEach investigator at this location gets -1 to each of their skills if they control an exhausted [[Guest]] asset.\nForced - When the round ends: Exhaust each [[Guest]] asset at this location.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Leader. Rival. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71017",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Archibald Hudson",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 17,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Astute Agent",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn, exhaust Archibald Hudson: Search the top 9 cards of the encounter deck for an enemy, draw it, and shuffle the encounter deck. Then, exhaust that enemy and gain 3 resources.\n[action] Spend 1 resource: Move 1 damage from an asset at our location to a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Agency.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71018",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "flavor": "\"Say hello to my lil' boy, Tommy!\"",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Special Agent Callahan",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 18,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Weapons Expert",
+ "text": "[action]: Fight. Reduce the difficulty of this test by 1.\n[reaction] After you trigger an [action] ability on an [[Ally]] or [[Weapon]] asset, exhaust Special Agent Callahan: Deal 1 damage to an enemy at your location.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Agency.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71019",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "David Hovey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Horacio Martinez",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 19,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Brash Bodyguard",
+ "text": "While you control Horacio Martinez, he may be assigned damage dealt to other investigators at your location.\n[reaction] After a non-[[Elite]] enemy attacks you, exhaust Horacio Martinez: Exhaust that enemy and it cannot ready this round (do not disengage from it).",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Agency.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71020",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Nicholas Elias",
+ "name": "Rookie Cop",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 20,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Surge. Aloof. Hunter.\nForced - After an investigator at this location attacks another enemy: Deal 1 damage to that investigator.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Police. Rival.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71021b",
+ "code": "71021a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You are assisting Dean Caldwell with \"acquiring\" the Jewel, but first you will have to persuade Declan Pearce to give it up.",
+ "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 21,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Declan Pearce cannot be damaged or leave play while the Jewel of Sarnath is attached to him.\n[action] If Declan Pearce is at your location: Parley. Place up to 2 of your clues on Declan Pearce. Then, if 3 [per_investigator] or more clues are on him, take control of the Jewel of Sarnath and add Declan Pearce to the victory display.\nObjective - At the end of the round, if the investigators control the Jewel of Sarnath, they may advance the act.\nEnd of game scoring:\n1 point per 2 [per_investigator] total cards in hand among all investigators (to a maximum of 4 points).",
+ "traits": "Allied.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71021b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The eggheads at Miskatonic University seem to think this Jewel belongs in their museum. Perhaps you can help them see reason.",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 21,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Setup: Shuffle the set-aside Confusion treachery into the encounter deck. Put the set-aside Caldwell Philips card into play at the lead investigator's location, enemy side faceup.\n[action] If Caldwell Philips is at your location: Parley. Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, place\n1 of your clues on this story card.\nForced - When there are 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] clues on this story card: Add it and Caldwell Philips to the victory display. Search the encounter deck and discard pile for Confusion and remove it from the game. Shuffle the encounter deck.",
+ "traits": "Rival.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71022b",
+ "code": "71022a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Caldwell Philips",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 22,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 3,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "subname": "Enthralled by Legends",
+ "text": "You get +1 [intellect].\n[reaction] After you discover 1 or more clues, exhaust Caldwell Philips: Draw that number of cards (to a maximum of 3).\nForced - When Caldwell Philips leaves play: Remove him from the game.",
+ "traits": "Leader. Guest. Miskatonic.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71022b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": null,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Caldwell Philips",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 22,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Compelled by Dreains",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter.\nCaldwell Philips cannot be damaged.\nForced - When you end your turn at this location: Choose and discard a non-weakness card from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Leader. Rival. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71023",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "flavor": "\"Disturbingly lifelike, isn't it?\"",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Dr. Mya Badry",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 23,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Medical Examiner",
+ "text": "Your maximum hand size is increased by 2.\n[action] Exhaust Dr. Mya Badry: Investigate. Your base value for this investigation is equal to the number of cards in your hand.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Miskatonic.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71024",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 24,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Lucas Tetlow",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 24,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Faculty Curator",
+ "text": "[reaction] After the last clue is discovered at your location, exhaust Lucas Tetlow: Search the top ? cards of your deck for an [[Item]] asset and draw it. ?If it is? a [[Relic]], gain 2 resources. If it is a [[Tome]], you ?may? play it (paying its cost). If it is a [[Tool]], discover ?? at a connecting location. Shuffle your deck.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Miskatonic.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71025",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 25,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "flavor": "\"Has anyone else tried the giggle juice? It's fantastic!\"",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Elizabeth Conrad",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 25,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 3,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Completely Zozzled",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you draw a card during your turn, exhaust Elizabeth Conrad: Choose an investigator at your location to move to a connecting location.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Miskatonic.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71026",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "What is this???",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "name": "Confusion",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 26,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Surge. Confusion cannot be canceled.\nRevelation - Place 2 of your clues on your location. For each clue you cannot place, take 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Blunder. Rival.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71027b",
+ "code": "71027a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 27,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "It's a job, and nothing more. If you can abscond with the Jewel, you know you'll be handsomely rewarded.",
+ "name": "The Syndicate",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 27,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "[action] Spend 1 [per_investigator] clues: Look at a mystery (a facedown card) beneath your location.\n[fast] During your turn, if there are 1 [per_investigator] or fewer clues on a location with a mystery: Draw that mystery.\nObjective - Find the Jewel of Sarnath and escape. At the end of the round, if an investigator at the Lobby controls the Jewel of Sarnath, the investigators may spend 4 [per_investigator] clues, as a group, to advance the act.\nEnd of game scoring:\n1 point per 3 [per_investigator] resources among all investigators (to a maximum of 4 points).",
+ "traits": "Allied.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71027b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 27,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The mob are easily angered, but you might be able to convince Johnny Valone that giving up the Jewel is in his best interest...",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "name": "The Syndicate",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 27,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Setup: Shuffle the set-aside Cold Streak treachery into the encounter deck. Put the set-aside Johnny Valone card into play at the lead investigator's location, enemy side faceup.\n[action] If Johnny Valone is at your location: Parley. Test [agility] (3). If you succeed, place 1 of your clues on this story card.\nForced - When there are 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] clues on this story card: Add it and Johnny Valone to the victory display. Search the encounter deck and discard pile for Cold Streak and remove it from the game. Shuffle the encounter deck.",
+ "traits": "Rival.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71028b",
+ "code": "71028a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "flavor": "\"Fifty clams when the job's done.\"",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Jeff Lee Johnson",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Johnny Valone",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 28,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "subname": "Ready to Make a Deal",
+ "text": "You get +1 [agility].\n[reaction] After you gain 1 or more resources via a card effect, exhaust Johnny Valone: Draw 1 card and gain 1 resource.\nForced - When Johnny Valone leaves play: Remove him from the game.",
+ "traits": "Leader. Guest. Syndicate.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71028b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"The debt must be paid!\"",
+ "health": null,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Jeff Lee Johnson",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Johnny Valone",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 28,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Here to Collect",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter.\nJohnny Valone cannot be damaged.\nForced - When you end your turn at Johnny Valone's location: Lose 2 resources.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Leader. Rival. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71029",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 29,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "flavor": "You slay me.",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Alexandre Dainche",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Miranda Keeper",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 29,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Antiquities \"Trader\"",
+ "text": "Uses (3 supplies).\n[fast] Spend 1 supply: Place 1 resource on your location, as an antiquity. You get +2 to your next skill test this round.\n[reaction] After you succeed at a skill test by 2 or more, remove an antiquity from your location: Gain 2 resources.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Syndicate.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71030",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 30,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Arsène Renard",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 30,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": null,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Gentleman Thief",
+ "text": "[fast]: Place 1 resource on each location, as an antiquity. (Group limit once per game.)\n[fast]: If there is an exhausted enemy at your location, remove an antiquity from your location: Either draw 1 card or gain 2 resources.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Syndicate.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71031",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 31,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Nova Malone",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 31,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Commanding Gangster",
+ "text": "[action] Exhaust Nova Malone: Fight. Your base [combat] value for this fight is equal to the number of resources in your resource pool (to a maximum of 7). This attack deals +1 damage.\n[reaction] After you defeat an enemy: Gain 1 resource. (Limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Syndicate.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71032",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 32,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "It's just not your night.",
+ "illustrator": "Sara Biddle",
+ "name": "Cold Streak",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 32,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Surge. Cold Streak cannot be canceled.\nRevelation - Lose 4 resources. For each resource you cannot lose, take either 1 damage or 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Misfortune. Rival.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71033b",
+ "code": "71033a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 33,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Carl Sanford has promised you a lavish reward for acquiring the Jewel. But can you really trust him?",
+ "name": "Silver Twilight Lodge",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 33,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "[action]: You try to sense the Jewel's presence. Discard the top card of the encounter deck. You may draw that card. (Group limit twice per round.)\nObjective - Find the Jewel of Sarnath. At the end of the round, if the investigators control the Jewel of Sarnath, they may spend 5 [per_investigator] clues, as a group, to advance the act.\nEnd of game scoring:\n1 point for each treachery with no victory points in the victory display (to a maximum of 4 points).",
+ "traits": "Allied.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71033b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 33,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Perhaps you can gently convince Sanford and the Lodge to leave well enough alone.",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "name": "Silver Twilight Lodge",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 33,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Setup: Shuffle the set-aside Ward of Preservation treachery into the encounter deck. Put the set-aside Carl Sanford card into play at the lead investigator's location, enemy side faceup.\n[action] If Carl Sanford is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, place 1 of your clues on this story card.\nForced - When there are 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] clues on this story card: Add it and Carl Sanford to the victory display. Search the encounter deck, encounter discard pile, and all play areas for Ward of Preservation and remove it from the game. Shuffle the encounter deck.",
+ "traits": "Rival.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71034b",
+ "code": "71034a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 34,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Nicholas Elias",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Carl Sanford",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 34,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 3,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "subname": "Lusting for Power",
+ "text": "You get +1 [willpower]. You have one additional arcane slot.\n[reaction] After a revelation effect on a non-weakness treachery is canceled, exhaust Carl Sanford: Add that treachery to the victory display. Draw 1 card.\nForced - When Carl Sanford leaves play: Remove him from the game.",
+ "traits": "Leader. Guest. Silver Twilight.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71034b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 34,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"The Jewel is mine.\"",
+ "health": null,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Nicholas Elias",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Cari Sanford",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 34,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Intimidating Presence",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter.\nCarl Sanford cannot be damaged.\nEach investigator at this location gets -1 [willpower].",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Leader. Rival. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71035",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 35,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Prudence Douglas",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 35,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Pragmatic Occultist",
+ "text": "Uses (3 portents).\n[fast] During your turn, spend 1 portent and exhaust Prudence Douglas: Look at the top 4 cards of the encounter deck. Discard up to 2 non-[[Elite]] cards from among them and put the rest back on top in any order.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Sorcerer. Silver Twilight.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71036",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 36,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "flavor": "\"Ares, Hades, heel. Good boys!\"",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Mark Winters",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Sarah Van Shaw",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 36,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Lodge Warden",
+ "text": "[action] Spend up to 2 resources and exhaust Sarah Van Shaw: Fight. Add your [willpower] value to your skill value for this attack. For each resource spent, this attack deals +1 damage.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Silver Twilight.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71037",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 37,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Raymond Loggins",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 37,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Mysterious Benefactor",
+ "text": "Uses (4 truths).\n[reaction] When you draw a non-weakness treachery, spend 1 truth: Cancel that card's revelation effect and discard it. Then, take 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Sorcerer. Silver Twilight.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71038",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 38,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandr Elichev",
+ "name": "Ward of Preservation",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 38,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Surge. Ward of Preservation cannot be canceled.\nRevelation - Put Ward of Preservation into play in your threat area.\nForced - When you play an event: Cancel its effects and take 1 horror. Then, discard Ward of Preservation.",
+ "traits": "Spell. Rival.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71039b",
+ "code": "71039a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 39,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Bain has hinted at the dangerous power of the Jewel. Perhaps if you can wrest control of it from Declan Pearce, this nightmare will end.",
+ "name": "Locals of Kingsport",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 39,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - When Declan Pearce is defeated: Attach the Jewel of Sarnath to his location.\n[action] If the Jewel of Sarnath is attached to your location: You attempt to purge the corruption from the Jewel. Test [combat] or [agility] (3). If you succeed, remove 1 token from it. You may take control of it.\nObjective - At the end of the round, if the investigators control the Jewel of Sarnath and it has no tokens on it, they may spend 3 [per_investigator] clues, as a group, to advance the act.\nEnd of game scoring:\n4 points, minus 1 point for each card in the guest deck (to a minimum of 0 points).",
+ "traits": "Allied.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71039b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 39,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The locals don't seem to have taken kindly to your involvement. Perhaps you can show them you don't mean any harm.",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "name": "Locals of Kingsport",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 39,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Setup: Shuffle the set-aside Unlucky treachery into the encounter deck. Put the set-aside William Bain card into play at the lead investigator's location, enemy side faceup.\n[action] If William Bain is at your location: Parley. Test any skill (4). If you succeed, place 1 of your clues on this story card.\nForced - When there are 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] clues on this story card: Add it and William Bain to the victory display. Search the encounter deck, encounter discard pile, and all play areas for Unlucky and remove it from the game. Shuffle the encounter deck.",
+ "traits": "Rival.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71040b",
+ "code": "71040a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 40,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Felicia Cano",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "William Bain",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 40,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 4,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "subname": "Looking for Those Lost",
+ "text": "While there are 1 or more cards committed to a skill test you are performing, you get +1 to each of your skills.\n[reaction] After you commit 1 or more cards to a skill test, spend 1 [per_investigator] resources and exhaust William Bain: Reveal the top card of the Guest deck and put it into play at the Lobby.\nForced - When William Bain leaves play: Remove him from the game.",
+ "traits": "Leader. Guest. Kingsport.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71040b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 40,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": null,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Felicia Cano",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "William Bain",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 40,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Defiant to the Last",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter.\nWilliam Bain cannot be damaged.\nEach investigator at this location cannot commit cards to skill tests.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Leader. Rival. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71041",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 41,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "flavor": "\"That club made me do terrible things. We must stop them.\"",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Drazenka Kimpel",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Delores Gadling",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 41,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 3,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Lantern Club Infiltrator",
+ "text": "While investigating and parleying, you get +1 for each [[Humanoid]] enemy at your location.\nYou may ignore each attack of opportunity made by [[Humanoid]], non-[[Elite]] enemies against you.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Kingsport.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71042",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 42,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Thomas Olney",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 42,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Inquisitive Adventurer",
+ "text": "[fast] Name a [[Trait]] and exhaust Thomas Olney: Discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card has the named [[Trait]], gain 2 resources.\n[fast] During a skill test at your location, exhaust Thomas Olney: Discard the top card of your deck. You may commit that card to this skill test, if able.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Wayfarer.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71043",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 43,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "flavor": "\"I should've stayed home.\"",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Claire Wilson",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 43,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Entirely Unimpressed",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you commit 1 or more cards to a skill test you are performing, exhaust Claire Wilson: You get +1 skill value for this test.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Guest. Kingsport.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71044",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 44,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator":"David Auden Nash",
+ "name": "Unlucky",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 44,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Surge. Unlucky cannot be canceled.\nRevelation - Put Unlucky into play in your threat area. You get -2 to each of your skills.\nForced - When the round ends: Discard Unlucky.",
+ "traits": "Misfortune. Rival.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71045b",
+ "code": "71045a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 45,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health_per_investigator": true,
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "The Bloodless Man",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 45,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Silent Lurker",
+ "text": "Aloof. Patrol (nearest location with a [[Guest]]).\nForced - When this enemy is defeated: Instead flip him over, exhaust him, and heal all but 3 [per_investigator] damage from him.\nForced - When the investigation phase ends, if this enemy is ready: Deal 1 horror to each investigator and [[Guest]] asset at this location. If The Pale Lantern is attached to this enemy, each [[Guest]] asset at this location becomes spellbound.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Lantern Club. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71045b",
+ "code": "71045b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 45,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health_per_investigator": true,
+ "health": 6,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "The Bloodless Man",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 45,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Unleashed",
+ "text": "Hunter. Massive.\nForced - After this enemy attacks you: Remove a [[Guest]] asset you control from the game, ignoring the agenda's [[Forced]] effect.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Abomination. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "71046b",
+ "code": "71046a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 46,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "The Pale Lantern",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 46,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Hypnotic Glow",
+ "text": "[action] If The Bloodless Man has 1 or more damage on him or is in the victory display: Test [combat] or [agility] (3). If you succeed, take control of The Pale Lantern and flip it over. Any investigator at this location may trigger this ability.\nForced - When The Pale Lantern would leave play: Attach it to its location instead.",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71046b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 46,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "The Pale Lantern",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 46,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Beguiling Aura",
+ "text": "[action]: Flip over a spellbound card at your location.\n[action] Exhaust The Pale Lantern: Test [combat] or [agility] (2). If you succeed, place 1 damage on it. Then, if there is 4 damage on it, you break it; add it to the victory display (ignoring its Forced effect) and flip over each spellbound card.\nForced - When The Pale Lantern would leave play: Flip it over and attach it to its location instead.",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71047",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 47,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"I wasn't expecting this kind of entertainment!\" - Elizabeth Conrad",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "??",
+ "name": "Enraged Gug",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 47,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Alert. Hunter.\nHorror dealt by this enemy must be assigned to [[Guest]] assets you control, if able.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Dreamlands. Gug.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71048",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 49,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life.\" - Oscar Wilde",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Chelyshev",
+ "name": "Abhorrent Moon-Beast",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 48,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Hunter. Retaliate.\nDamage dealt by this enemy must be assigned to [[Guest]] assets you control, if able.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Dreamlands. Servitor.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71049",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 51,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 1,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "And they whispered also that the rumoured Shantak-birds are no wholesome things... - H.P. Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Chelyshev",
+ "name": "Savage Shantak",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 49,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Hunter.\nSavage Shantak gets +1 fight and +1 evade for each [[Guest]] asset at its location.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Dreamlands. Shantak.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71050",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 52,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "??",
+ "name": "Vicious Ambush",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 50,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - If no [[Monster]] enemies are in play, Vicious Ambush gains surge. Otherwise, the nearest [[Monster]] enemy readies, moves (one location at a time) until it reaches your location, engages you, and makes an immediate attack.",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71051",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 54,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Declan Pearce",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 51,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Lantern Club Nomarch",
+ "text": "Hunter.\nDeclan Pearce gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nWhile Declan Pearce is engaged with you, you get 1 fewer action during your turn.\nForced - At the end of the enemy phase, if Declan Pearce is ready: Heal 1 damage from each enemy in play.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Lantern Club. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71052",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 55,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Drazenka Kimpel",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Jewel of Sarnath",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 52,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Turning Dreams into Reality",
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Jewel of Sarnath into play under your control with 3 damage and 1 doom on it.\nForced - When Jewel of Sarnath leaves play: Shuffle it into the encounter deck.\n[fast] Exhaust Jewel of Sarnath: Test [willpower] or [agility] (1). If you succeed, move 1 token on it to an enemy at your location.",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71053",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 56,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"I hear Nomarch Pearce has quite the evening in store.\"",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "name": "Lantern Club Member",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 53,
+ "quantity": 4,
+ "text": "[action] Spend 1 resource: Parley. Automatically evade this enemy (you may spend 2 additional resources to discard it instead).",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Lantern Club.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71054",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 60,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "They needed redecorating anyway.",
+ "illustrator": "Rafał Hrynkiewicz",
+ "name": "Bleeding Walls",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 54,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (X). X is the shroud value of your location. If you fail, lose 1 action and take 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71055",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 62,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "David Hovey",
+ "name": "Entrap",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 55,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (3). If you fail and...\n- ... The Bloodless Man is at your location, a [[Guest]] asset you control becomes spellbound.\n- ... The Bloodless Man is at another location, he readies, moves (one location at a time) until he reaches your location, and engages you.\n- ... The Bloodless Man is not in play, Entrap gains surge.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71056",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 65,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Arden Beckwith",
+ "name": "Inexplicable Cold",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 56,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (4). For each point you fail by, you must choose one:\n- Choose and discard 1 card from your play area.\n- Choose and discard 1 card from your hand.\n- Take 1 damage.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71057",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 67,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "name": "Mind Extraction",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 57,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (X). X is 1 plus the current agenda number. If you fail, take 2 horror. Then, if The Bloodless Man is in play and an investigator controls The Pale Lantern, flip it over and attach it to The Bloodless Man (leaving all tokens on it).",
+ "traits": "Power.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71058",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 69,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ethan Patrick Harris",
+ "name": "Noxious Fumes",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 58,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Revelation - In player order, each investigator at your location must choose:\n- Test [agility] (3) to attempt to flee before the gas fills the room. If you succeed, move to a connecting location. If you fail, take 2 damage.\n- Test [combat] (3) to attempt to hold your breath. For each point you fail by, take 1 damage.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71059",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 70,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Push it.",
+ "illustrator": "Igor Kieryluk",
+ "name": "Pushed into the Beyond",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 59,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Revelation - Choose and shuffle a non-story asset you control into its owner's deck. Discard the top 3 cards of that deck. If a copy of that asset is discarded, take 2 horror.",
+ "traits": "Hex.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71060",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 71,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "name": "Secret Door",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 60,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Attach to the location with the most investigators, and without a Secret Door attached.\nInvestigators cannot leave this location.\n[action]: Test [willpower] (3) to search for the passage or [intellect] (3) to discern the way out. If you succeed, discard Secret Door.",
+ "traits": "Obstacle.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71061",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 73,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Anders Finer",
+ "name": "Terror Gate",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 61,
+ "quantity": 4,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (2). This test gets +2 difficulty if a [[Rival]] enemy is in play. If you fail and you allied with...\n- ... the [guardian] faction, take 2 damage.\n- ... the [seeker] faction, discard 2 cards from your hand.\n- ... the [rogue] faction, lose 3 resources.\n- ... the [mystic] faction, take 2 horror.\n- ... the [survivor] faction, lose 1 action.",
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "71062",
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 77,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
+ "name": "Violent Commands",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 62,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Violent Commands into play in your threat area.\n[action]: Deal 2 damage to an investigator at your location and discard Violent Commands.\nForced - At the end of your turn: Test [willpower] (3). If you fail, take 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ }
From c654938daed537dda7d5a46245193eb7204762a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=ED=91=B8=EB=A5=B8=EC=9D=B4=20=28derornos=29?=
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 10:10:23 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 008/210] [ko] fix typo
translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
index 5bcb8833b..0b2d688fc 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
"code": "09100",
"name": "급조 함정",
- "customization_text": "□ 향상된 초시계. 당신이 ‘급조 함정’을 플레이할 때, 당신은 그 카드의 이용물을 1개 늘리거나 1개 줄여도 됩니다.\n□ 인계철선. 부착된 장소에 적이 하나 이상 있을 경우에만 ‘급조 함정’의 강제 기능을 격발합니다.\n□□ 간결화. ‘급조 함정’은 “신속. 아무 \"[fast] ‘플레이어의 행동 기회’에 플레이할 수 있습니다.\" 기능을 획득합니다.\n□□ 유독성. 당신이 ‘급조 함정’에서 시간을 1개 이상 제거할 때, 부착된 장소에 있는 적 하나에게 피해를 1 줍니다.\n□□ 원격 조정. 당신이 ‘급조 함정’을 플레이할 때, 이어진 공개된 장소 한 곳에 그 카드를 부착해도 됩니다.\n□□□ 그물. 부착된 장소에 있는 [[정예]]정예가 아닌 적은 이동할 수도 틈새 공격을 할 수도 없습니다.\n□□□□ 폭발 장치. ‘급조 함정’에 시간이 없는 상황에서 버려질 때, 부착된 장소에 있는 모든 적과 조사자에게 피해를 3씩 줍니다.",
+ "customization_text": "□ 향상된 초시계. 당신이 ‘급조 함정’을 플레이할 때, 당신은 그 카드의 이용물을 1개 늘리거나 1개 줄여도 됩니다.\n□ 인계철선. 부착된 장소에 적이 하나 이상 있을 경우에만 ‘급조 함정’의 강제 기능을 격발합니다.\n□□ 간결화. ‘급조 함정’은 “신속. 아무 \"[fast] ‘플레이어의 행동 기회’에 플레이할 수 있습니다.\" 기능을 획득합니다.\n□□ 유독성. 당신이 ‘급조 함정’에서 시간을 1개 이상 제거할 때, 부착된 장소에 있는 적 하나에게 피해를 1 줍니다.\n□□ 원격 조정. 당신이 ‘급조 함정’을 플레이할 때, 이어진 공개된 장소 한 곳에 그 카드를 부착해도 됩니다.\n□□□ 그물. 부착된 장소에 있는 [[정예]]가 아닌 적은 이동할 수도 틈새 공격을 할 수도 없습니다.\n□□□□ 폭발 장치. ‘급조 함정’에 시간이 없는 상황에서 버려질 때, 부착된 장소에 있는 모든 적과 조사자에게 피해를 3씩 줍니다.",
"customization_change": "당신이 ‘급조 함정’을 플레이할 때, 당신은 그 카드의 이용물을 1개 늘리거나 1개 줄여도 됩니다.\n강제 - 라운드 끝에, 부착된 장소에 적이 하나 이상 있다면: ‘급조 함정’에서 시간을 1개 제거합니다.\n신속. 아무 \"[fast] ‘플레이어의 행동 기회’에 플레이할 수 있습니다.\n당신이 ‘급조 함정’에서 시간을 1개 이상 제거할 때, 부착된 장소에 있는 적 하나에게 피해를 1 줍니다.\n당신이 위치한 장소에 부착하거나 이어진 공개된 장소 한 곳에 부착합니다.\n부착된 장소에 있는 [[정예]]가 아닌 모든 적은 -1 전투값과 -1 회피값을 얻고 이동할 수도 틈새 공격을 할 수도 없습니다.\n맞춤형. 사용(시간 2개). ‘급조 함정’에 시간이 없을 때, ‘급조 함정’을 버리고 부착된 장소에 있는 모든 적과 조사자에게 피해를 3씩 줍니다.",
"text": "맞춤형. 사용(시간 2개). ‘급조 함정’에 시간이 없으면, 이 카드를 버립니다.\n당신이 위치한 장소에 부착합니다.\n부착된 장소에 있는 [[정예]]가 아닌 모든 적은 -1 전투값과 -1 회피값을 얻습니다.\n강제 - 라운드 끝에: ‘급조 함정’에서 시간을 1개 제거합니다.",
"traits": "즉흥. 함정."
From ceade1d10614c9c114b1ad9128f5a13c6f122dd4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=ED=91=B8=EB=A5=B8=EC=9D=B4=20=28derornos=29?=
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 12:42:15 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 009/210] [ko] fix typo
translations/ko/pack/tde/tde.json | 2 +-
translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json | 10 +++++-----
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/tde/tde.json b/translations/ko/pack/tde/tde.json
index 025cf877d..aa73176e6 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/tde/tde.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/tde/tde.json
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"code": "06013",
"name": "차원문 상자",
"subname": "세상 안의 세상",
- "text": "루크 로빈슨 덱 전용. 사용(충전 3회).\n‘차원문 상자’를 소진하고 충전을 1회 소비합니다: 당신과 교전 중인 모든 적으로부터 교전을 풀며, 당신의 결속 카드에서 ‘꿈 관문(경이로운 여정)’을 찾아서 플레이 영역에 두고 그 장소로 이동합니다.",
+ "text": "루크 로빈슨 덱 전용. 사용(충전 3회).\n[free] ‘차원문 상자’를 소진하고 충전을 1회 소비합니다: 당신과 교전 중인 모든 적으로부터 교전을 풀며, 당신의 결속 카드에서 ‘꿈 관문(경이로운 여정)’을 찾아서 플레이 영역에 두고 그 장소로 이동합니다.",
"traits": "물품. 유물."
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
index 0b2d688fc..1b4ec09d8 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"code": "09009",
"name": "그래플링 훅",
- "text": "카이마니 존스 덱 전용.\n‘그래플링 훅’을 사용하여 실시하는 행동은 틈새 공격을 유발하지 않습니다.\n[action][action] ‘그래플링 훅’을 소진합니다: (교전/회피/조사/이동) 중 최대 3가지의 서로 다른 기본 행동을 원하는 순서대로 수행합니다. 조사를 한다면, 당신의 [intellect] 대신 [agility]을 사용합니다..",
+ "text": "카이마니 존스 덱 전용.\n‘그래플링 훅’을 사용하여 실시하는 행동은 틈새 공격을 유발하지 않습니다.\n[action][action] ‘그래플링 훅’을 소진합니다: (교전/회피/조사/이동) 중 최대 3가지의 서로 다른 기본 행동을 원하는 순서대로 수행합니다. 조사를 한다면, 당신의 [intellect] 대신 [agility]을 사용합니다.",
"traits": "물품. 도구.",
"slot": "손"
@@ -192,14 +192,14 @@
"code": "09025",
"name": "팔맷돌",
- "text": "회피. 회피. 이번 회피 시도는 [agility] 대신 [combat]을 사용합니다. 회피한 적이 [[정예]]가 아니고 성공했다면, 그 적에게 ‘팔맷돌’을 부착합니다.\n부착된 적은 -1 회피값을 얻습니다.\n강제 - 부착된 적이 이동한 후: 그 적을 소진시킵니다.",
+ "text": "회피. 이번 회피 시도는 [agility] 대신 [combat]을 사용합니다. 회피한 적이 [[정예]]가 아니고 성공했다면, 그 적에게 ‘팔맷돌’을 부착합니다.\n부착된 적은 -1 회피값을 얻습니다.\n강제 - 부착된 적이 이동한 후: 그 적을 소진시킵니다.",
"traits": "전술."
"code": "09026",
"flavor": "“당장 나와!”",
"name": "출입문 돌파",
- "text": "[combat] (1)을 테스트합니다. 성공하면, ‘출입문 돌파’를당신이 위치한 장소에 부착하고, 난이도를 넘어선 차이마다 이 카드에 자원을 1개씩 놓습니다(이 자원 토큰은 ‘실마리’로 간주합니다).\n‘출입문 돌파’에 놓인 실마리마다 부착된 장소의 장막값을 1씩 낮춥니다.",
+ "text": "[combat] (1)을 테스트합니다. 성공하면, ‘출입문 돌파’를 당신이 위치한 장소에 부착하고, 난이도를 넘어선 차이마다 이 카드에 자원을 1개씩 놓습니다(이 자원 토큰은 ‘실마리’로 간주합니다).\n‘출입문 돌파’에 놓인 실마리마다 부착된 장소의 장막값을 1씩 낮춥니다.",
"traits": "통찰. 전술. 경찰."
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
"code": "09082",
"name": "의례용 낫",
- "text": "[action]: 전투. 전투. 이번 공격에서 당신의 [willpower] 를 사용하거나 +1 [combat]을 얻습니다. 당신이 이 기능을 개시할 때, 다음 중 하나를 선택합니다 –\n─ 이번 공격에서 +1 능력값을 얻고 +1 피해를 주기 위해, ‘의례용 낫’을 소진하고 이 카드에 파멸을 1개 놓습니다.\n─ 이번 공격이 적 하나를 쓰러뜨리면, ‘의례용 낫’에서 파멸을 1개 제거합니다.",
+ "text": "[action]: 전투. 이번 공격에서 당신의 [willpower] 를 사용하거나 +1 [combat]을 얻습니다. 당신이 이 기능을 개시할 때, 다음 중 하나를 선택합니다 –\n─ 이번 공격에서 +1 능력값을 얻고 +1 피해를 주기 위해, ‘의례용 낫’을 소진하고 이 카드에 파멸을 1개 놓습니다.\n─ 이번 공격이 적 하나를 쓰러뜨리면, ‘의례용 낫’에서 파멸을 1개 제거합니다.",
"traits": "물품. 부적. 무기. 근접.",
"slot": "손"
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@
"code": "09113",
"name": "야구 방망이",
- "text": "[action]: 전투.당신은 이번 공격에서 +2 [combat]을 얻습니다. 이번 공격은 +1 피해를 줍니다. 이번 공격에서 [skull] 또는 [auto_fail] 기호가 공개되면, 다음 중 하나를 선택합니다:\n─ 이번 공격 후 ‘야구 방망이’를 당신의 손으로 가져옵니다.\n─ 이번 공격은 추가로 +1 피해를 줍니다. 이번 공격 후 ‘야구 방망이’를 버립니다.",
+ "text": "[action]: 전투. 당신은 이번 공격에서 +2 [combat]을 얻습니다. 이번 공격은 +1 피해를 줍니다. 이번 공격에서 [skull] 또는 [auto_fail] 기호가 공개되면, 다음 중 하나를 선택합니다:\n─ 이번 공격 후 ‘야구 방망이’를 당신의 손으로 가져옵니다.\n─ 이번 공격은 추가로 +1 피해를 줍니다. 이번 공격 후 ‘야구 방망이’를 버립니다.",
"traits": "물품. 무기. 근접.",
"slot": "손 x2"
From 527c1b485f19db84f05f34eb5f9cd7c10188ac3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 15:10:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 010/210] Add text gaps
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index 29caa1b04..37817e730 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 plus the current agenda number.\n[cultist]: -X. X is the number of story assets at your location.\n[tablet]: -3. (-5 instead if you are at a [[Private]] location).\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail or if The Bloodless Man is at your location, take ? horror.",
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 plus the current agenda number.\n[cultist]: -X. X is the number of story assets at your location.\n[tablet]: -3. (-5 instead if you are at a [[Private]] location).\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail or if The Bloodless Man is at your location, take 1 horror.",
"code": "71001",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@
"skill_intellect": 2,
"slot": "Ally",
"subname": "Faculty Curator",
- "text": "[reaction] After the last clue is discovered at your location, exhaust Lucas Tetlow: Search the top ? cards of your deck for an [[Item]] asset and draw it. ?If it is? a [[Relic]], gain 2 resources. If it is a [[Tome]], you ?may? play it (paying its cost). If it is a [[Tool]], discover ?? at a connecting location. Shuffle your deck.",
+ "text": "[reaction] After the last clue is discovered at your location, exhaust Lucas Tetlow: Search the top 9 cards of your deck for an [[Item]] asset and draw it. If it is a [[Relic]], gain 2 resources. If it is a [[Tome]], you may play it (paying its cost). If it is a [[Tool]], discover 1 clue at a connecting location. Shuffle your deck.",
"traits": "Ally. Guest. Miskatonic.",
"type_code": "asset"
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"I wasn't expecting this kind of entertainment!\" - Elizabeth Conrad",
"health": 3,
- "illustrator": "??",
+ "illustrator": "Anders Finer",
"name": "Enraged Gug",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 47,
@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 52,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "??",
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
"name": "Vicious Ambush",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 50,
From 477e750cbca1a4bcca346d8e4b41f8c2692c079d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 15:15:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 011/210] Remove unnecessary `a` id postfixes
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 24 ++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index 37817e730..87ab5e213 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
"back_link": "71015b",
- "code": "71015a",
+ "code": "71015",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 15,
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
"back_link": "71016b",
- "code": "71016a",
+ "code": "71016",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 16,
"faction_code": "guardian",
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
"back_link": "71021b",
- "code": "71021a",
+ "code": "71021",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 21,
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
"back_link": "71022b",
- "code": "71022a",
+ "code": "71022",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 22,
"faction_code": "seeker",
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@
"back_link": "71027b",
- "code": "71027a",
+ "code": "71027",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 27,
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
"back_link": "71028b",
- "code": "71028a",
+ "code": "71028",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 28,
"faction_code": "rogue",
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
"back_link": "71033b",
- "code": "71033a",
+ "code": "71033",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 33,
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@
"back_link": "71034b",
- "code": "71034a",
+ "code": "71034",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 34,
"faction_code": "mystic",
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
"back_link": "71039b",
- "code": "71039a",
+ "code": "71039",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 39,
"faction_code": "mythos",
@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@
"back_link": "71040b",
- "code": "71040a",
+ "code": "71040",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 40,
"faction_code": "survivor",
@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@
"back_link": "71045b",
- "code": "71045a",
+ "code": "71045",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 45,
"enemy_damage": 1,
@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@
"back_link": "71046b",
- "code": "71046a",
+ "code": "71046",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 46,
"faction_code": "neutral",
From 25641576c3e31ad38e43db742a8ba8b4b2405032 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=ED=91=B8=EB=A5=B8=EC=9D=B4=20=28derornos=29?=
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 11:13:41 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 012/210] [ko] missing <
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- b> →
translations/ko/pack/parallel/otr.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/parallel/otr.json b/translations/ko/pack/parallel/otr.json
index 7d4391371..56d155fb4 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/parallel/otr.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/parallel/otr.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"text": "당신은 ‘피트의 기타’를 플레이 영역에 두고 게임을 시작합니다.\n[reaction] 당신이 소유한 카드 중에서, 시나리오 카드에 부착된 카드 1장이 버려지려 할 때: 그 대신, 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 가져옵니다. (라운드당 1번 한정.)\n[elder_sign] 효과: +1. 당신이 소유한 카드 중에서, 시나리오 카드에 부착된 카드를 1장 선택합니다. 당신은 선택한 카드를 당신의 손으로 가져와도 됩니다.",
"traits": "방랑자.",
"back_flavor": "“재떨이” 피트는 정처 없이 떠돌다 밤이 되면 어디서든 잠을 청한다. 그곳이 들밭이든, 기차 위든… 운이 좋다면 빈 농가의 헛간에서 하룻밤을 보낼 때도 있다. 피트 자신이 데리고 다니는 충직한 사냥개 듀크를 한쪽 팔에 안고, 다른 팔로는 낡디 낡은 기타를 껴안고 자는 것이다. “재떨이” 피트는 자는 동안 종종 끔찍한 괴물과 황량한 장소가 나오는 꿈을 꾼다. 잠에서 깨고 나면, 피트는 곤경에 처한 누군가를 도와주러 갈 준비를 한다. 그의 꿈은 언제나 현실로 나타났기 때문이다. 피트가 자신의 몸뚱아리 하나만 믿고 길거리 생활을 시작한 지 얼마나 되었는지는 그 자신도 모른다. 하지만 도움을 필요로 하는 사람이 있다면, 아무리 먼 곳이라도 개의치 않고 피트는 즉시 발걸음을 옮길 것이다. 피트가 다른 누군가를 도울 수 있는 한, 그가 방랑을 멈추는 일은 없을 것이다.",
- "back_text": "덱 크기: 30장.\n덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-3 생존자 카드([survivor]), 레벨 0-4 [[즉흥]] 카드, 레벨 0-4 [[전술]] 카드, 레벨 0-5 중립, 이외의 레벨 0 수호자 카드([guardian]) 최대 5장.\nb>덱 구성 요구조건(덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): 듀크, 악몽에 무너지다, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장."
+ "back_text": "덱 크기: 30장.\n덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-3 생존자 카드([survivor]), 레벨 0-4 [[즉흥]] 카드, 레벨 0-4 [[전술]] 카드, 레벨 0-5 중립, 이외의 레벨 0 수호자 카드([guardian]) 최대 5장.\n덱 구성 요구조건(덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): 듀크, 악몽에 무너지다, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장."
"code": "90047",
From f538d5afd60d4ca0a3675c3c346973ad759accac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=ED=91=B8=EB=A5=B8=EC=9D=B4=20=28derornos=29?=
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 15:26:16 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 013/210] [ko] fix typo
translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
index 1b4ec09d8..4a38b55b5 100644
--- a/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
+++ b/translations/ko/pack/tsk/tskp.json
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@
"code": "09076",
"name": "조직 암살자",
- "text": "[reaction] ‘조직 암살자’가 플레이 영역에 들어온 후: 당신의 손에서 [[불법]] 자산 하나를 ‘조직 암살자’에 부착합니다(부착된 자산은 플레이 상태이며 당신이 조종하는 것으로 간주합니다)..\n[fast] ‘조직 암살자’를 소진하고 자원을 1개 소비합니다: 부착된 자산카드에 있는 [action] 기능 하나를 [action] 비용을 지불하지 않고 해결합니다. 그 기능을 기본 능력값 4로 해결합니다.",
+ "text": "[reaction] ‘조직 암살자’가 플레이 영역에 들어온 후: 당신의 손에서 [[불법]] 자산 하나를 ‘조직 암살자’에 부착합니다(부착된 자산은 플레이 상태이며 당신이 조종하는 것으로 간주합니다).\n[fast] ‘조직 암살자’를 소진하고 자원을 1개 소비합니다: 부착된 자산카드에 있는 [action] 기능 하나를 [action] 비용을 지불하지 않고 해결합니다. 그 기능을 기본 능력값 4로 해결합니다.",
"traits": "조력자. 범죄자.",
"slot": "조력자"
From 0c552751085960ef3b8617138ea92070d7f71689 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 19:04:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 014/210] fix: some minor issues
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index 87ab5e213..4ce17f419 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 plus the current agenda number.\n[cultist]: -X. X is the number of story assets at your location.\n[tablet]: -3. (-5 instead if you are at a [[Private]] location).\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail or if The Bloodless Man is at your location, take 1 horror.",
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 plus the current agenda number.\n[cultist]: -X. X is the number of story assets at your location.\n[tablet]: -3 (-5 instead if you are at a [[Private]] location).\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail or if The Bloodless Man is at your location, take 1 horror.",
"code": "71001",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"back_name": "Mayhem Ensues",
- "back_text": "If The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) is in play:\nYou turn around to see the Bloodless Man striding toward you with murderous intent. Before you can react, the imposing figure staggers, then falls face first onto the red carpet.
\nMoments later, a sharp sound of ripping cloth breaks the silence. Glistening appendages erupt from the Bloodless Man's torn suit and limbs, blossoming into a grotesque amalgam of flesh and writhing tentacles. Your stomach churns as the creature's bone-white mask stares down at you, set in a maw of nightmarish limbs and gnashing fangs.
\nFlip The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) to his (Unleashed) side.\n
\nOtherwise:\nThe clamor around you seems to quiet for a moment.
\nEach investigator may heal 1 horror from an investigator or [[Guest]] asset at their location.",
+ "back_text": "If The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) is in play:\nYou turn around to see the Bloodless Man striding toward you with murderous intent. Before you can react, the imposing figure staggers, then falls face first onto the red carpet.
Moments later, a sharp sound of ripping cloth breaks the silence. Glistening appendages erupt from the Bloodless Man's torn suit and limbs, blossoming into a grotesque amalgam of flesh and writhing tentacles. Your stomach churns as the creature's bone-white mask stares down at you, set in a maw of nightmarish limbs and gnashing fangs.
\nFlip The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) to his (Unleashed) side.\n
\nOtherwise:\nThe clamor around you seems to quiet for a moment.
\nEach investigator may heal 1 horror from an investigator or [[Guest]] asset at their location.",
"code": "71003",
"doom": 6,
"double_sided": true,
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"type_code": "agenda"
- "back_flavor": "",
+ "back_flavor": "A rank stench pervades the once-stately manor. As more and more nightmarish creatures overtake wounded or dazed guests, you dash out from a hiding place to make a beeline for the exit. A ravenous creature, the stuff of nightmares, catches wind of your scent and pursues you doggedly to the exit. You feel its claws on your throat as you throw yourself through the solid pane of glass, straight onto a gory pile of bodies covered in lightly falling snow.",
"back_name": "A Kingsport Goodbye",
"back_text": "Each investigator is defeated and suffers 1 mental trauma.",
"code": "71004",
From d9021f455b3d55c9dc94362e155f357bb6c3c264 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 08:23:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 015/210] fix: remove self back_link
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index 4ce17f419..9fbe7b00e 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -1091,7 +1091,6 @@
"type_code": "enemy"
- "back_link": "71045b",
"code": "71045b",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 45,
From 3fa759ce17d1a1698cf3b4d8263b66427cc460f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 08:40:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 016/210] fix: remove double_sided for back_link cards
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 4 ----
1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index 9fbe7b00e..f37e06f32 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -280,7 +280,6 @@
"back_link": "71015b",
"code": "71015",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 15,
"faction_code": "mythos",
@@ -440,7 +439,6 @@
"back_link": "71021b",
"code": "71021",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 21,
"faction_code": "mythos",
@@ -598,7 +596,6 @@
"back_link": "71027b",
"code": "71027",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 27,
"faction_code": "mythos",
@@ -757,7 +754,6 @@
"back_link": "71033b",
"code": "71033",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 33,
"faction_code": "mythos",
From 54839ffabf2fadd5cb85c6363198fa54f7eba1e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 09:05:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 017/210] fix: typos
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 12 ++++++------
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index f37e06f32..d42691c3b 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 21,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Setup: Shuffle the set-aside Confusion treachery into the encounter deck. Put the set-aside Caldwell Philips card into play at the lead investigator's location, enemy side faceup.\n[action] If Caldwell Philips is at your location: Parley. Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, place\n1 of your clues on this story card.\nForced - When there are 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] clues on this story card: Add it and Caldwell Philips to the victory display. Search the encounter deck and discard pile for Confusion and remove it from the game. Shuffle the encounter deck.",
+ "text": "Setup: Shuffle the set-aside Confusion treachery into the encounter deck. Put the set-aside Caldwell Philips card into play at the lead investigator's location, enemy side faceup.\n[action] If Caldwell Philips is at your location: Parley. Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, place 1 of your clues on this story card.\nForced - When there are 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] clues on this story card: Add it and Caldwell Philips to the victory display. Search the encounter deck and discard pile for Confusion and remove it from the game. Shuffle the encounter deck.",
"traits": "Rival.",
"type_code": "story"
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
"skill_intellect": 2,
"slot": "Ally",
"subname": "Medical Examiner",
- "text": "Your maximum hand size is increased by 2.\n[action] Exhaust Dr. Mya Badry: Investigate. Your base value for this investigation is equal to the number of cards in your hand.",
+ "text": "Your maximum hand size is increased by 2.\n[action] Exhaust Dr. Mya Badry: Investigate. Your base [intellect] value for this investigation is equal to the number of cards in your hand.",
"traits": "Ally. Guest. Miskatonic.",
"type_code": "asset"
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 30,
"quantity": 1,
- "sanity": null,
+ "sanity": 3,
"skill_agility": 2,
"skill_intellect": 2,
"slot": "Ally",
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@
"code": "71037",
- "cost": 2,
+ "cost": 4,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 37,
"faction_code": "mystic",
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@
"skill_combat": 2,
"slot": "Ally",
"subname": "Lantern Club Infiltrator",
- "text": "While investigating and parleying, you get +1 for each [[Humanoid]] enemy at your location.\nYou may ignore each attack of opportunity made by [[Humanoid]], non-[[Elite]] enemies against you.",
+ "text": "While investigating and parleying, you get +1 [intellect] for each [[Humanoid]] enemy at your location.\nYou may ignore each attack of opportunity made by [[Humanoid]], non-[[Elite]] enemies against you.",
"traits": "Ally. Guest. Kingsport.",
"type_code": "asset"
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@
"enemy_damage": 1,
"enemy_evade": 2,
"enemy_fight": 3,
- "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"I wasn't expecting this kind of entertainment!\" - Elizabeth Conrad",
"health": 3,
From 5c9fc73f6351303b2907fb6baefc7274bd425824 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 14:38:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 018/210] fix: add deck_limits
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 18 +++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index d42691c3b..ebc1a74b2 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -354,6 +354,7 @@
"code": "71017",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 17,
"faction_code": "guardian",
@@ -376,6 +377,7 @@
"code": "71018",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 18,
"faction_code": "guardian",
@@ -399,6 +401,7 @@
"code": "71019",
"cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 19,
"faction_code": "guardian",
@@ -504,7 +507,7 @@
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 22,
"quantity": 1,
- "subname": "Compelled by Dreains",
+ "subname": "Compelled by Dreams",
"text": "Aloof. Hunter.\nCaldwell Philips cannot be damaged.\nForced - When you end your turn at this location: Choose and discard a non-weakness card from your hand.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Leader. Rival. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
@@ -513,6 +516,7 @@
"code": "71023",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 23,
"faction_code": "seeker",
@@ -536,6 +540,7 @@
"code": "71024",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 24,
"faction_code": "seeker",
@@ -558,6 +563,7 @@
"code": "71025",
"cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 25,
"faction_code": "seeker",
@@ -672,6 +678,7 @@
"code": "71029",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 29,
"faction_code": "rogue",
@@ -695,6 +702,7 @@
"code": "71030",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 30,
"faction_code": "rogue",
@@ -717,6 +725,7 @@
"code": "71031",
"cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 31,
"faction_code": "rogue",
@@ -829,6 +838,7 @@
"code": "71035",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 35,
"faction_code": "mystic",
@@ -851,6 +861,7 @@
"code": "71036",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 36,
"faction_code": "mystic",
@@ -874,6 +885,7 @@
"code": "71037",
"cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 37,
"faction_code": "mystic",
@@ -984,6 +996,7 @@
"code": "71041",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 41,
"faction_code": "survivor",
@@ -1007,6 +1020,7 @@
"code": "71042",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 42,
"faction_code": "survivor",
@@ -1029,6 +1043,7 @@
"code": "71043",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 43,
"faction_code": "survivor",
@@ -1242,6 +1257,7 @@
"code": "71052",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 55,
"faction_code": "neutral",
From 8583e5e33dbf7b829bf3120f04204c771032d996 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 19:33:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 019/210] fix: remove deck_limit from jewel
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index ebc1a74b2..7ff398004 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -1257,7 +1257,6 @@
"code": "71052",
- "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 55,
"faction_code": "neutral",
From 4c662f4af95fe148d6be674cc91226e8d747308b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matteo
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 20:00:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 020/210] Some Fixes
translations/it/cycles.json | 4 ++++
translations/it/pack/dwl/dwl_encounter.json | 1 +
translations/it/pack/ptc/bsr.json | 2 +-
translations/it/pack/ptc/tuo.json | 2 +-
translations/it/pack/return/rtptc.json | 2 +-
translations/it/pack/tcu/icc.json | 2 +-
6 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/it/cycles.json b/translations/it/cycles.json
index 8c139ea83..d71ccae86 100644
--- a/translations/it/cycles.json
+++ b/translations/it/cycles.json
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
"code": "eoe",
"name": "Ai Confini della Terra"
+ {
+ "code": "fhv",
+ "name": "La Festa di Hemlock Vale"
+ },
"code": "investigator",
"name": "Mazzi Precostruiti"
diff --git a/translations/it/pack/dwl/dwl_encounter.json b/translations/it/pack/dwl/dwl_encounter.json
index b7a9452ce..89a2376dc 100644
--- a/translations/it/pack/dwl/dwl_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/it/pack/dwl/dwl_encounter.json
@@ -394,6 +394,7 @@
"code": "02091",
+ "flavor": "Se riescono a catturare l'anima che fugge abbandonando il corpo, volano via all'istante emettendo una risata demoniaca…\nH. P. Lovecraft, “L'Orrore di Dunwich”",
"name": "In Attesa della Morte",
"text": "Rivelazione - Effettua una prova di [willpower] (2); per ogni danno che possiedi, aumenta di 1 la difficoltà della prova. Se fallisci, subisci 2 orrori.",
"traits": "Presagio."
diff --git a/translations/it/pack/ptc/bsr.json b/translations/it/pack/ptc/bsr.json
index 794942110..de6c23190 100644
--- a/translations/it/pack/ptc/bsr.json
+++ b/translations/it/pack/ptc/bsr.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"code": "03264",
"name": "Attenersi ai Piani",
- "text": "Permanente. Straordinario.\n[reaction] Prima di pescare la tua mano di partenza: Cerca nel tuo mazzo fino a 3 eventi [[Tattica]] e/o [[Scorta]] diversi e assegnali ad Attenersi ai Piani.\nLe carte assegnate ad Attenersi ai Piani possono essere giocate come se fossero nella tua mano. Come costo aggiuntivo per giocare 1 carta assegnata, esaurisci Attenersi ai Piani.",
+ "text": "Permanente. Straordinario.\n[reaction] Prima di pescare la tua mano di partenza: Cerca nel tuo mazzo fino a 3 eventi [[Tattica]] e/o [[Scorta]] diversi e assegnali a faccia in giù ad Attenersi ai Piani.\nLe carte assegnate ad Attenersi ai Piani possono essere giocate come se fossero nella tua mano. Come costo aggiuntivo per giocare 1 carta assegnata, esaurisci Attenersi ai Piani.",
"traits": "Talento."
diff --git a/translations/it/pack/ptc/tuo.json b/translations/it/pack/ptc/tuo.json
index dc5c35b0e..89ce7b400 100644
--- a/translations/it/pack/ptc/tuo.json
+++ b/translations/it/pack/ptc/tuo.json
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"code": "03153",
"name": "Tempesta di Spiriti",
- "text": "Combatti. Usa [willpower] invece di [combat]. Se hai successo, invece dei danni standard, infliggi 2 danni a ogni nemico nel tuo luogo (gli eventuali danni aggiuntivi sono inflitti al nemico attaccato). Se riveli un simbolo [skull], [cultist]. [tablet], [elder_thing] o [auto_fail], infliggi 1 danno a ogni investigatore nel tuo luogo.",
+ "text": "Combatti. Usa [willpower] invece di [combat]. Se hai successo, invece dei danni standard, infliggi 2 danni a ogni nemico nel luogo del nemico attaccato (gli eventuali danni aggiuntivi sono inflitti al nemico attaccato). Se riveli un simbolo [skull], [cultist]. [tablet], [elder_thing] o [auto_fail], infliggi 1 danno a ogni investigatore nel luogo del nemico attaccato.",
"traits": "Incantesimo."
diff --git a/translations/it/pack/return/rtptc.json b/translations/it/pack/return/rtptc.json
index b85f030d4..016e3d733 100644
--- a/translations/it/pack/return/rtptc.json
+++ b/translations/it/pack/return/rtptc.json
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"code": "52008",
"name": "Tempesta di Spiriti",
- "text": "Combatti. Usa [willpower] invece di [combat]. Ricevi +2 [willpower] in questo attacco. Se hai successo, invece dei danni standard, infliggi 3 danni a ogni nemico nel tuo luogo (gli eventuali danni aggiuntivi sono inflitti al nemico attaccato). Se riveli un simbolo [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing] o [auto_fail], infliggi 2 danni a ogni investigatore nel tuo luogo.",
+ "text": "Combatti. Usa [willpower] invece di [combat]. Ricevi +2 [willpower] in questo attacco. Se hai successo, invece dei danni standard, infliggi 3 danni a ogni nemico nel luogo del nemico attaccato (gli eventuali danni aggiuntivi sono inflitti al nemico attaccato). Se riveli un simbolo [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing] o [auto_fail], infliggi 2 danni a ogni investigatore nel luogo del nemico attaccato.",
"traits": "Incantesimo."
diff --git a/translations/it/pack/tcu/icc.json b/translations/it/pack/tcu/icc.json
index 79a256fa9..d4f4260aa 100644
--- a/translations/it/pack/tcu/icc.json
+++ b/translations/it/pack/tcu/icc.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"code": "05273",
"name": "Granate Mk 1",
- "text": "Utilizzo (3 scorte). Se non ci sono scorte sulle Granate Mk 1, scartale.\n[action] Spendi 1 scorta: Combatti. Ricevi +2 [combat] in questo attacco. Se questo attacco ha successo, invece dei danni standard, infliggi 2 danni a ogni nemico e a ogni altro investigatore nel tuo luogo (gli eventuali danni aggiuntivi sono inflitti al nemico attaccato).",
+ "text": "Utilizzo (3 scorte). Se non ci sono scorte sulle Granate Mk 1, scartale.\n[action] Spendi 1 scorta: Combatti. Ricevi +2 [combat] in questo attacco. Se questo attacco ha successo, invece dei danni standard, infliggi 2 danni a ogni nemico e a ogni altro investigatore nel luogo del nemico attaccato (gli eventuali danni aggiuntivi sono inflitti al nemico attaccato).",
"traits": "Oggetto. Arma. Distanza."
From 852f5f3292b92c61e2f6c011b327237b1f2c64c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: matteopic
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 20:49:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 021/210] Update
Added some missing text tags
--- | 6 ++++++
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
diff --git a/ b/
index 1183f24be..eaab3ad9e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -96,6 +96,12 @@ These can be used in a card's `text` section.
* `[health]`
* `[sanity]`
* `[per_investigator]`
+* `[frost]`
+* `[seal_a]`
+* `[seal_b]`
+* `[seal_c]`
+* `[seal_d]`
+* `[seal_e]`
#### Translations
From 07a36dc1e50247dc4890863af6f6ce62022a341e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Dominik=20Derwi=C5=84ski?=
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 09:40:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 022/210] Cards with back_link should not have double_sided
05264 Penny's Fate 06258 Crag of the Ghouls
pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json | 1 -
pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json | 1 -
2 files changed, 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json b/pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json
index b211ed5b0..158351071 100644
--- a/pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json
@@ -558,7 +558,6 @@
"back_link": "05264b",
"code": "05264",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "union_and_disillusion",
"encounter_position": 27,
"faction_code": "mythos",
diff --git a/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json b/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json
index c0f13d403..9ceecbd99 100644
--- a/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json
@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@
"back_link": "06258b",
"clues": 2,
"code": "06258",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "point_of_no_return",
"encounter_position": 12,
"faction_code": "mythos",
From e9928a774b7ffd9c59d1fd2a3e72d049fb7681d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matteo
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 18:16:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 023/210] IT translation for Machinations Through Time
translations/it/encounters.json | 8 +
translations/it/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json | 427 ++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 423 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/it/encounters.json b/translations/it/encounters.json
index e74f8c559..16fe2f72e 100644
--- a/translations/it/encounters.json
+++ b/translations/it/encounters.json
@@ -511,6 +511,14 @@
"code": "machinations_through_time",
"name": "Macchinazioni Temporali"
+ {
+ "code": "machinations_through_time_epic_multiplayer",
+ "name": "Multiplayer Epico"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "machinations_through_time_single_group",
+ "name": "Gruppo Singolo"
+ },
"code": "maddening_delusions",
"name": "Delirio Esasperante"
diff --git a/translations/it/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json b/translations/it/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json
index 85647c41c..410842069 100644
--- a/translations/it/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/it/pack/side/mtt_encounter.json
@@ -1,25 +1,428 @@
+ {
+ "code": "87001",
+ "name": "Macchinazioni Temporali",
+ "text": "FACILE/STANDARD\n[skull] -X, dove X è il numero di carte storia nella galleria delle vittorie +1.\n[cultist] -1. Se ti trovi a Tindalos, fallisci automaticamente.\n[tablet] -2 (-4 se invece ci sono supporti [[Scienziato]] nel tuo luogo).\n[elder_thing] -3. Se fallisci, infliggi 1 danno o 1 orrore a un supporto [[Alleato]] nel tuo luogo.",
+ "back_text": "DIFFICILE/ESPERTO\n[skull] -X, dove X è il numero di carte storia nella galleria delle vittorie +2.\n[cultist] -2. Se ti trovi a Tindalos, fallisci automaticamente.\n[tablet] -3 (-6 se invece ci sono supporti [[Scienziato]] nel tuo luogo).\n[elder_thing] -4. Se fallisci, infliggi 1 danno o 1 orrore a un supporto [[Alleato]] nel tuo luogo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87002",
+ "flavor": "Per poter riparare la linea temporale, dovrete attraversare un labirinto di sentieri tortuosi per salvare chi è stato imprigionato a Tindalos e ricreare gli eventi più importanti della storia di Thomas e Mary.",
+ "name": "Nel Vuoto",
+ "text": "Obbligo - Quando un supporto [[Scienziato]] sta per essere sconfitto: Esso viene invece rapito (mettetelo da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco).",
+ "back_name": "Il Tempo si Piega",
+ "back_flavor": "Viaggiare attraverso il tempo potrebbe creare conseguenze inaspettate…",
+ "back_text": "Se la carta storia Anomalie nello Spaziotempo è in gioco:\nCollocate 1[per_investigator] orrori su un luogo Moli del Fiume (trasformandoli in anomalie). Poi aggiungete 1 anomalia su ogni luogo con anomalie.\n
\nSe la carta storia Guai con la Mala è in gioco:\nGiratela. Mescolate nel mazzo degli incontri i 3 nemici Banda degli Sheldon messi da parte. Se il Tick-Tock Club [[Presente]] è in gioco, generate il nemico Vecchio Sadie Sheldon messo da parte in quel luogo.\n
\nSe la carta storia Abominio Indicibile è in gioco:\nGiratela. Generate il nemico Tyr'thrha messo da parte a Tindalos.\n
\nSe la carta storia Un'Aspra Rivalità è in gioco:\nGiratela. Se state giocando nell'era passata, generate il nemico Edwin Bennet messo da parte nel luogo dell'investigatore capo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87003",
+ "flavor": "Più viaggiate attraverso Tindalos, più sarà facile per i suoi servitori rintracciarvi e mettersi alle vostre calcagna. Se non completerete la vostra missione per tempo, potreste diventare ospiti a tempo indeterminato di quel luogo infernale.",
+ "name": "Il Tempo Scorre",
+ "text": "Obbligo - Quando un supporto [[Scienziato]] sta per essere sconfitto: Esso viene invece rapito (mettetelo da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco).",
+ "back_name": "Imprigionati a Tindalos",
+ "back_flavor": "Non importa cosa facciate né dove andiate: branchi di segugi vi tormentano e vi danno la caccia. Emergono dallo spazio angolare per afferrarvi e trascinarvi nel loro reame di sofferenze infernali. Non potete andare avanti così… Non siete riusciti a riparare la linea temporale infranta.",
+ "back_text": "Ogni investigatore rimanente in tutte le ere è sconfitto e subisce 1 trauma mentale.\nSe il supporto Edwin Bennet è in gioco in una qualsiasi era, proseguite con (→R2).\nSe il nemico Edwin Bennet è in gioco in una qualsiasi era, proseguite con (→R3).\nAltrimenti, proseguite con (→R4)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87004",
+ "flavor": "Attraversate nervosamente un portale ed entrate nel reame del tempo angolare e delle profondità infinite.",
+ "name": "A Spasso nel Tempo",
+ "text": "Le capacità di ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] possono essere innescate da un qualsiasi investigatore nel luogo di quel supporto.\n[reaction] Quando ti muovi fino a un luogo, se ci sono supporti [[Scienziato]] nel tuo luogo: Muovi con te un qualsiasi numero di quei supporti.\nObiettivo - Riparate la linea temporale completando l'obiettivo di ogni carta storia. Se Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski si trovano in luoghi non Tindalos in tutte e 3 le ere e ogni era non ha carte storia in gioco, proseguite con i capitoli.",
+ "back_name": "Il Tempo si Ripara",
+ "back_flavor": "Tirate un sospiro di sollievo mentre osservate Thomas e Mary ricevere il loro meritato riconoscimento. Sembra che la linea temporale sia stata ripristinata e tutto pare essere al proprio posto. La coppia vi ringrazia profusamente e vi sarà eternamente grata per il contributo che avete dato alla loro eredità. Vi chiedete con cauta speranza se abbiate davvero posto fine alle macchinazioni di Edwin. Non riuscirete mai davvero strappare le zanne alle forze di Tindalos: potete solo restare vigili e augurarvi che le vostre azioni non abbiano creato ulteriori paradossi.",
+ "back_text": "(→R1)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87005a",
+ "name": "Tindalos",
+ "subname": "Reame del Tempo Angolare",
+ "text": "Tindalos è collegato a ogni luogo [[Portale]] e viceversa.\n[free] Se è il tuo turno: Muoviti fino a un luogo [[Portale]].\n[action]: Effettua una prova di [combat] o [agility] (2). Se hai successo, salva 1 supporto [[Scienziato]] rapito e mettilo in gioco esaurito a Tindalos.",
+ "traits": "Passato. Presente. Futuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87005b",
+ "name": "Tindalos",
+ "subname": "Labirinto di Infinite Profondità",
+ "text": "Tindalos è collegato a ogni luogo [[Portale]] e viceversa. luogo Portale e viceversa.\n[free]: Colloca 1 tuo indizio su Tindalos oppure prendi il controllo di 1 indizio su un luogo Tindalos in una qualsiasi era.\n[action]: Effettua una prova di [combat] o [agility] (3). Se hai successo, salva 1 supporto [[Scienziato]] rapito e mettilo in gioco esaurito a Tindalos.",
+ "traits": "Passato. Presente. Futuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87006",
+ "flavor": "Thomas e Mary si sono conosciuti quando erano degli studenti prodigio della Miskatonic University. È fondamentale che queste due menti eccelse si incontrino e stringano una solida amicizia.\nIl famoso inventore Nikola Tesla sta svolgendo un tour in tutta l'America ed è appena sbarcato ad Arkham. Sapete che Thomas e Mary hanno assistito all'esibizione elettrica di Tesla e che l'hanno considerata una delle loro più grandi fonti di ispirazione.\nNella sua devozione alla scienza, l'università sta cercando di migliorare ed espandere il suo campus. Una delle priorità è un osservatorio, ma la mancanza di fondi ne rende improbabile la costruzione. Una ragguardevole donazione potrebbe sicuramente aiutare a dare il via a un progetto di tale rilievo.",
+ "name": "Una Nobile Eredità (Passato)",
+ "text": "Preparazione: Collocate il supporto Nikola Tesla nei Moli del Fiume [[Passato]]. Girate questa carta storia.",
+ "back_text": "[action] Se tu, Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski vi trovate nella Miskatonic University [[Passato]]: Annuncia che \"Thomas e Mary si sono incontrati\".\n[action] Se Thomas Corrigan, Mary Zielinski e Nikola Tesla si trovano nello stesso luogo, gli investigatori spendono un totale di 2[per_investigator] indizi: Annuncia che “Thomas e Mary sono stati ispirati da Nikola Tesla”.\n[free] Se ti trovi nella Miskatonic University [[Passato]], spendi 2[per_investigator] risorse: Annuncia che “è partito il finanziamento per un osservatorio”.\nObiettivo - Se le 3 capacità di questa carta storia sono state innescate, collocate questa carta storia nella galleria delle vittorie (collocate 1 segnalino risorsa sopra ogni capacità quando viene innescata)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87007",
+ "name": "Gazetta di Arkham",
+ "text": "[action]: Effettua una prova di una qualsiasi abilità (4). Se hai successo, ottieni 1 indizio (dalla riserva dei segnalini).\n[free] Rimuovi 1 giornale da questo luogo: Colloca 1[per_investigator] indizi (dalla riserva dei segnalini) su questo luogo. Guarda 5 carte dalla cima del mazzo degli incontri, collocane 1 nella galleria delle vittorie e metti le altre in cima e/o in fondo a quel mazzo in qualsiasi ordine.",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Passato.",
+ "back_flavor": "La Gazzetta di Arkham risale all'epoca rivoluzionaria, periodo in cui il giornale non era che una singola pagina su cui venivano pubblicate notizie e offerte locali. L'industrializzazione ha portato alla prima macchina da stampa della Gazzetta e l'influenza del giornale si è diffusa rapidamente anche oltre i confini di Arkham."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87008",
+ "name": "Orologeria O'Malley",
+ "text": "[action] Rimuovi 1 tempo da questo luogo: Rimuovi 1 destino da una trama in una qualsiasi era. Se Thomas Corrigan si trova in questo luogo, puoi esaurirlo per collocare 1 risorsa (dalla riserva dei segnalini) sul Tick-Tock Club [[Presente]] (trasformandola in tempo).",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Passato.",
+ "back_flavor": "Le pareti dell'Orologeria O'Malley sono disseminate di orologi di fattura sopraffina di ogni forma, dimensione e stile. Ogni orologio è unico e segna un orario differente, cosa che provoca un delicato trillare di campanelli e rintocchi a intervalli irregolari."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87009",
+ "name": "Moli del Fiume",
+ "text": "[action] Spendi 2 risorse oppure esaurisci 1 supporto [[Scienziato]] in questo luogo: Colloca 1 risorsa (dalla riserva dei segnalini) su un luogo Moli del Fiume [[Presente]] o [[Futuro]] (trasformandola in spedizione). (Limite di una volta per turno.)",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Passato.",
+ "back_flavor": "Brulicanti di attività a tutte le ore, i moli sulle rive del Miskatonic sono il cuore del Quartiere Mercantile. C'è un quotidiano viavai di merci di ogni genere e viaggiatori provenienti dall'intera costa orientale."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87010",
+ "flavor": "Le menti più brillanti della Facoltà di Scienze della Miskatonic si sostengono a vicenda per raggiungere traguardi sempre più importanti.",
+ "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "text": "[action] [action] Rimuovi 1 seme da questo luogo: Annuncia che “il seme di un albero è stato piantato”. Ottieni 1 risorsa per ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] in questo luogo.",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Passato.",
+ "back_flavor": "Fondata nel 1690, la prestigiosa Miskatonic University è una delle istituzioni di istruzione superiore più importanti del New England. I rinomati corsi accademici dell'università attraggono studenti promettenti che provengono da tutto il paese e non solo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87011",
+ "name": "Casa d'Infanzia",
+ "text": "[action] Se “Thomas e Mary si sono incontrati” e Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski si trovano in questo luogo: Annuncia che “Thomas e Mary si sono sposati”.\n\n[action] [action] Se “le Industrie Corrigan sono state fondate”: Colloca 1 risorsa (dalla riserva dei segnalini) sulle Industrie Corrigan (trasformandola in capsula temporale). (Limite di una volta in totale per partita.)",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Passato.",
+ "back_flavor": "Nato e cresciuto in una casa piccola ma accogliente costruita nel 1858 da suo padre, Thomas Corrigan e il suo amore per la scienza crebbero rapidi quanto il mutare delle stagioni del New England."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87012",
+ "flavor": "Sin da quando era un bambino che esplorava i boschi e il fiume vicino casa, Thomas ha sempre dimostrato un'incredibile curiosità e la determinazione a saziarla.",
+ "name": "Thomas Corrigan",
+ "subname": "Studente di Fisica",
+ "text": "[reaction] Quando lanci una prova di abilità, esaurisci Thomas Corrigan: Se hai successo, pesca 1 carta.",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato. Passato."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87013",
+ "flavor": "Nata a Varsavia, la grande passione di Mary verso la scienza la condusse dall'altra parte del mondo fino alla Miskatonic University.",
+ "name": "Mary Zielinski",
+ "subname": "Studentessa di Chimica",
+ "text": "[action] Esaurisci Mary Zielinski: Indaga. Se hai successo, invece di scoprire 1 indizio nel tuo luogo, ottieni 1 indizio (dalla riserva dei segnalini).",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato. Passato."
+ },
"code": "87014",
- "flavor": "The high-voltage demonstrations performed by Tesla throughout America and Europe were truly awe-inspiring.",
+ "flavor": "Le dimostrazioni con l'alta tensione messe in scena da Tesla in tutta l'America e l'Europa lasciavano chiunque a bocca aperta.",
"name": "Nikola Tesla",
- "subname": "Renowned Inventor",
- "text": "[fast] Exhaust Nikola Tesla: Parley. Test [intellect] (1). If you succeed, either gain 1 clue (from the token pool), draw 2 cards, or gain 3 resources. (Max once per game per option.)",
- "traits": "Scientist. Ally. Past.",
- "slot": "Ally"
+ "subname": "Inventore Famoso",
+ "text": "[free] Esaurisci Nikola Tesla: Negozia. Effettua una prova di [intellect] (1). Se hai successo, puoi scegliere se ottenere 1 indizio (dalla riserva dei segnalini), pescare 2 carte oppure ottenere 3 risorse. (Massimo una volta per partita per opzione.)",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato. Passato.",
+ "slot": "Alleato"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87015",
+ "flavor": "Una volta finanziata e completata la sua costruzione sul Colle della Gru, l'Osservatorio Astronomico Gerald Warren arricchirà la Miskatonic University di strumentazioni all'avanguardia, quali il telescopio ad alta potenza, consentendo agli scienziati di esplorare le profondità dell'universo. I nuovi dati forniti si dimostreranno inestimabili per le ricerche di Thomas e Mary.\n\nPer quanto breve, la fruttuosa collaborazione con un professore dell'arcano, tale Ezra Graves, è stata fondamentale per portare Thomas e Mary sulla giusta strada. Dovrete assicurarvi che questo incontro casuale avvenga davvero.",
+ "name": "Una Nobile Eredità (Presente)",
+ "text": "Preparazione: Collocate il supporto Ezra Graves nell'Arkham Advertiser [[Presente]]. Girate questa carta storia.",
+ "back_text": "[action] Se ti trovi nella Miskatonic University Presente e “è partito il finanziamento per un osservatorio”: Annuncia che “l'osservatorio è stato costruito”.\n[action] Se “l'osservatorio è stato costruito”, “Thomas e Mary sono stati ispirati da Nikola Tesla” e Thomas Corrigan, Mary Zielinski ed Ezra Graves si trovano nella Miskatonic University [[Presente]], gli investigatori spendono un totale di 2[per_investigator] indizi (un totale di 4 indizi se invece state giocando in modalità multiplayer epico): Annuncia che “le ricerche sul teletrasporto hanno avuto inizio”.\n[free] Se “Thomas e Mary si sono incontrati” e Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski si trovano nella Vecchia Bottega di Magia, spendi 1[per_investigator] risorse: Annuncia che “le Industrie Corrigan sono state fondate” e metti in gioco il luogo Industrie Corrigan messo da parte nell'era futura.\nObiettivo - Se le 3 capacità di questa carta storia sono state innescate, collocate questa carta storia nella galleria delle vittorie (collocate 1 segnalino risorsa sopra ogni capacità quando viene innescata)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87016",
+ "name": "Arkham Advertiser",
+ "text": "[free] Spendi 1 risorsa: Ripristina 1 supporto [[Scienziato]] in questo luogo. (Limite di una volta per round.)\n[action] Rimuovi 1 giornale da questo luogo: Colloca 1[per_investigator] indizi (dalla riserva dei segnalini) su questo luogo. Effettua 4 azioni aggiuntive in questo turno.",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Presente.",
+ "back_flavor": "Situata a nord del fiume Miskatonic, la sede dell'Arkham Advertiser ospita una formidabile squadra di giornalisti investigativi e fotografi impegnati a portare a galla la verità. I lettori considerano il giornale una fonte affidabile ricca di storie e informazioni esclusive."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87017",
+ "name": "Tick-Tock Club",
+ "text": "[action] Rimuovi 1 tempo da questo luogo: Rimuovi 1 destino da una trama in una qualsiasi era. Se Thomas Corrigan si trova in questo luogo, puoi esaurirlo per collocare 1 risorsa (dalla riserva dei segnalini) sul Tick-Tock Club [[Futuro]] (trasformandola in tempo).",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Presente.",
+ "back_flavor": "Nascosto in un vicolo sotto una vecchia orologeria, il Tick-Tock Club è un famoso speakeasy dove abbondano jazz, risate e drink. È sempre mezzanotte al Tick-Tock Club."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87018",
+ "name": "Moli del Fiume",
+ "text": "[free] Rimuovi 1 spedizione da questo luogo: Ottieni 4 risorse oppure 1 indizio (dalla riserva dei segnalini).\n[action] Spendi 3 risorse oppure esaurisci 2 supporti [[Scienziato]] in questo luogo: Colloca 1 risorsa (dalla riserva dei segnalini) sui Moli del Fiume [[Futuro]] (trasformandola in spedizione).",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Presente.",
+ "back_flavor": "Brulicanti di attività a tutte le ore, i moli sulle rive del Miskatonic sono il cuore del Quartiere Mercantile. C'è un quotidiano viavai di merci di ogni genere e viaggiatori provenienti da ogni angolo del paese, grazie al quale contrabbandieri e trafficanti riescono a muoversi indisturbati."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87019",
+ "flavor": "Le nuove strutture del campus hanno attirato ricercatori illustri alla Miskatonic University.",
+ "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "text": "[action] Se “il seme di un albero è stato piantato”: Ottieni 1 indizio (dalla riserva dei segnalini) per ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] in questo luogo. (Limite di una volta in totale per partita.)",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Presente.",
+ "back_flavor": "L'aumento delle donazioni ha portato al finanziamento di una moltitudine di progetti alla Miskatonic University.\nIl più importante di tutti è stata la costruzione dell'Osservatorio Warren, una struttura all'avanguardia situata in cima al colle orientale del campus."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87020",
+ "name": "Vecchia Bottega di Magia",
+ "text": "[free] Se Ezra Graves si trova in questo luogo, esaurisci Ezra Graves e spendi 1 indizio: Sconfiggi 1 nemico non [[Elite]] in una qualsiasi era. (Limite di una volta in totale per partita.)",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Presente.",
+ "back_flavor": "Appena a sud della Miskatonic University nei Quartieri Residenziali, il negozietto di Miriam Beecher è zeppo di chincaglierie arcane che la scienza avrebbe difficoltà a spiegare. Dopo tanti anni di lavoro, Miriam sta considerando l'idea di andare in pensione e forse di vendere l'attività."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87021",
+ "name": "Thomas Corrigan",
+ "subname": "Astrofisico Autorevole",
+ "text": "[free] Esaurisci Thomas Corrigan: Ricevi +2 in questa prova di abilità.\n[reaction] Quando lanci una prova di abilità, esaurisci Thomas Corrigan: Se hai successo, pesca 1 carta.",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato. Presente."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87022",
+ "name": "Mary Zielinski",
+ "subname": "Chimica Insigne",
+ "text": "[free] Esaurisci Mary Zielinski: Ricevi +2 [intellect] in questa prova di abilità.\n[action] Esaurisci Mary Zielinski: Indaga. Se hai successo, invece di scoprire 1 indizio nel tuo luogo, ottieni 1 indizio (dalla riserva dei segnalini).",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato. Presente."
"code": "87023",
"name": "Ezra Graves",
- "subname": "Professor of the Arcane",
- "text": "[fast] During any investigator's turn, exhaust Ezra Graves and spend 1 resource: Immediately take an action as if it were your turn.\n[action]: Choose an [[Ally]] asset in your discard pile and put it into play under your control (Max once per game.)",
- "traits": "Scientist. Ally. Present.",
- "slot": "Ally"
+ "subname": "Professore dell'Arcano",
+ "text": "[free] Durante il turno di un investigatore, esaurisci Ezra Graves e spendi 1 risorsa: Effettua immediatamente 1 azione come se fosse il tuo turno\n[action]: Scegli 1 supporto [[Alleato]] nella tua pila degli scarti e mettilo in gioco sotto il tuo controllo. (Massimo una volta per partita.)",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato. Presente.",
+ "slot": "Alleato"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87024",
+ "flavor": "Una volta messi al loro posto tutti i pezzi necessari, nella migliore delle ipotesi potrebbero volerci anni di ricerche per ottenere una svolta decisiva su uno dei più grandi misteri dell'universo: il teletrasporto, ovvero la capacità di spostare la materia da un luogo a un altro senza attraversare lo spazio fisico che li separa. Thomas e Mary credono di essere sul punto di inviare un essere umano attraverso lo spaziotempo.\nTale scoperta avrebbe dovuto essere già avvenuta: il Nobel di Thomas e Mary, la loro fama mondiale, l'evento all'Arkham Advertiser, la foto in cui tengono in mano il giornale con l'articolo che avete letto… Eppure non c'è traccia di tutto ciò. A meno che non interveniate…",
+ "name": "Una Nobile Eredità (Futuro)",
+ "text": "Preparazione: Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, il supporto Macchina del Raggio Dimensionale. Girate questa carta storia.",
+ "back_text": "[action] Se Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski si trovano nelle Industrie Corrigan: Metti in gioco il supporto Macchina del Raggio Dimensionale messo da parte sotto il tuo controllo (se sei eliminato, mettilo da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco).\n[action] Se “le ricerche sul teletrasporto hanno avuto inizio” e Thomas Corrigan, Mary Zielinski e la Macchina del Raggio Dimensionale si trovano nella Miskatonic University [[Futuro]]: Effettua una prova di [intellect] (3). Se hai successo, gli investigatori spendono un totale di 2[per_investigator] indizi (un totale di 8[per_investigator] indizi se invece state giocando in modalità multiplayer epico) e annuncia che “Thomas e Mary hanno compiuto una scoperta storica”.\n[action] Se “Thomas e Mary hanno compiuto una scoperta storica” e Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski si trovano nell'Arkham Advertiser [[Futuro]]: Annuncia che “Thomas e Mary hanno vinto un premio Nobel”.\nObiettivo - Se le 3 capacità di questa carta storia sono state innescate, collocate questa carta storia nella galleria delle vittorie (collocate 1 segnalino risorsa sopra ogni capacità quando viene innescata)."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87025",
+ "name": "Arkham Advertiser",
+ "text": "[action]: Colloca 1 risorsa (dalla riserva dei segnalini) sulla Gazzetta di Arkham o su un luogo Arkham Advertiser in una qualsiasi era (trasformandola in giornale). (Limite di due volte in totale per partita.)\n[free] Rimuovi 1 giornale da questo luogo: Colloca 1[per_investigator] indizi (dalla riserva dei segnalini) su questo luogo. Rimuovi 1 segnalino [skull], [cultist], [tablet] o [elder_thing] dal sacchetto del caos per il resto della partita.",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Futuro.",
+ "back_flavor": "Gli edifici e le fabbriche del Northside di Arkham diventano sempre più grandi di anno in anno e di notte piombano nel silenzio. Tutti tranne l'Arkham Advertiser: persino l'ora delle streghe è disturbata dal costante brusio di giornalisti, redattori e operatori, tutti impegnati a far uscire dalle macchine ronzanti il nuovo numero."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87026",
+ "name": "Tick-Tock Club",
+ "text": "[action] Se Thomas Corrigan si trova in questo luogo, esauriscilo e spendi 1[per_investigator] indizi: Colloca 1 risorsa (dalla riserva dei segnalini) sull'Orologeria O'Malley (trasformandola in tempo). (Limite di una volta in totale per partita.)\n[action] Rimuovi 1 tempo da questo luogo: Rimuovi 1 destino da una trama in una qualsiasi era.",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Futuro.",
+ "back_flavor": "Situato nel Quartiere Mercantile, il Tick-Tock Club è un famoso nightclub dove abbondano jazz, rock-n-roll, risate e drink. È sempre mezzanotte al Tick-Tock Club."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87027",
+ "name": "Moli del Fiume",
+ "text": "[free] Rimuovi 1 spedizione da questo luogo: Ottieni 4 risorse oppure 1 indizio (dalla riserva dei segnalini).\n[free] Spendi 3 risorse oppure esaurisci 2 supporti [[Scienziato]] in questo luogo: Colloca 1 risorsa (dalla riserva dei segnalini) sui Moli del Fiume [[Presente]] (trasformandola in spedizione). (Limite di una volta per round.)",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Futuro.",
+ "back_flavor": "Brulicanti di attività a tutte le ore, i moli sulle rive del Miskatonic sono il cuore del Quartiere Mercantile. C'è un quotidiano viavai di merci di ogni genere e viaggiatori provenienti da tutto il mondo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87028",
+ "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "text": "[action] Se Mary Zielinski si trova in questo luogo: Colloca 1 risorsa (dalla riserva dei segnalini) sulla Miskatonic University [[Passato]] (trasformandola in seme). (Limite di una volta in totale per partita.)\n[free] Se “il seme di un albero è stato piantato”: Ottieni 1 indizio (dalla riserva dei segnalini) per ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] in questo luogo. (Limite di una volta in totale per partita.)",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Portale. Futuro.",
+ "back_flavor": "Col tempo, le continue donazioni e le nuove costruzioni hanno portato la Miskatonic University a diventare un campus gigantesco, con un numero di iscritti mai visto prima. Al tramonto, inquietanti ombre si allungano sulla silenziosa facoltà: si dice che a tarda notte vengano svolti esperimenti proibiti nei laboratori."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87029",
+ "name": "Industrie Corrigan",
+ "text": "[action] Rimuovi 1 capsula temporale da questo luogo: Scegli fino a 4 carte nella tua pila degli scarti e aggiungile alla tua mano.\n[action] [action] Se “Thomas e Mary si sono sposati”: I loro figli ereditano le Industrie Corrigan. Ottieni 10 risorse. (Limite di una volta in totale per partita.)",
+ "traits": "Arkham. Futuro.",
+ "back_flavor": "Costruite dove un tempo sorgeva la casa d'infanzia di Thomas Corrigan, le Industrie Corrigan sono un sogno diventato realtà. Innovazione e scoperta sono i cavalli di battaglia di questa azienda, che si affida alla scienza per migliorare la società."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87030",
+ "name": "Thomas Corrigan",
+ "subname": "Cofondatore delle Industrie Corrigan",
+ "text": "Ogni investigatore nel luogo di Thomas Corrigan riceve + 1[willpower].\n[reaction] Quando lanci una prova di abilità, esaurisci Thomas Corrigan: Se hai successo, pesca 1 carta.",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato. Futuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87031",
+ "name": "Mary Zielinski",
+ "subname": "Cofondatore delle Industrie Corrigan",
+ "text": "Ogni investigatore nel luogo di Mary Zielinski riceve +1[intellect].\n[action] Esaurisci Mary Zielinski: Indaga. Se hai successo, invece di scoprire 1 indizio nel tuo luogo, ottieni 1 indizio (dalla riserva dei segnalini).",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato. Futuro."
"code": "87032",
- "name": "Dimensional Beam Machine",
- "text": "Uses (2 charges).\n[fast] During your turn, exhaust Dimensional Beam Machine and spend 1 charge: Move an investigator or a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location to any revealed location.",
- "traits": "Item. Science. Tool. Future."
+ "name": "Macchina del Raggio Dimensionale",
+ "text": "Utilizzo (2 cariche).\n[free] Durante il tuo turno, esaurisci la Macchina del Raggio Dimensionale e spendi 1 carica: Muovi 1 investigatore o 1 nemico non [[Elite]] nel tuo luogo fino a un qualsiasi luogo aperto.",
+ "traits": "Oggetto. Scienza. Strumento. Futuro."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87033",
+ "flavor": "Non c'è traccia di Edwin Bennet, ma sapete che potrebbe comparire ovunque in qualsiasi momento. Folle e ossessionato, l'uomo giura vendetta su coloro che lo hanno “tradito”. La fama e la gloria saranno soltanto sue… Nulla lo convincerà del contrario!",
+ "name": "Un'Aspra Rivalità",
+ "text": "Preparazione: Seguite le istruzioni sottostanti per le vostre rispettive ere.\n
\nPassato: Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, Thomas Corrigan; è stato rapito. Collocate Mary Zielinski nella Gazzetta di Arkham. Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, il nemico Edwin Bennet.\n
\nPresente e Futuro: Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski; sono stati rapiti. Se state giocando in modalità multiplayer epico, mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, il nemico Edwin Bennet.",
+ "traits": "Macchinazione.",
+ "back_text": "[action] [action]: Ripristina e muovi Edwin Bennet fino al tuo luogo (anche se si trova in un'altra era).\n[action] Se Edwin Bennet si trova nel tuo luogo: Combatti/Eludi. Puoi scegliere se attaccare oppure tentare di eludere Edwin Bennet. Se hai successo, gli investigatori spendono un totale di X indizi, dove X è il numero globale di giocatori. Poi colloca 1 risorsa su di esso (trasformandola in bersaglio). (Limite di una volta in totale per round.)\nObiettivo - Se Edwin Bennet si trova a Tindalos e ci sono 3 bersagli su di esso, le forze di Tindalos lo catturano. Rimuovete dal gioco Edwin Bennet e collocate nella galleria delle vittorie tutte le copie di questa carta storia in ogni era."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87034",
+ "flavor": "Il rancore di Edwin Bennet per i suoi ex colleghi è ormai fuori controllo: bisogna arginarlo rapidamente. Imperterriti, siete determinati a ripristinare la sua sanità mentale e a mettere fine alla sua vendetta.",
+ "name": "Redimere un Ex Collega",
+ "text": "Preparazione: Seguite le istruzioni sottostanti per le vostre rispettive ere. Poi girate questa carta storia.\n
\nPassato: Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, Mary Zielinski; è stata rapida. Collocate Thomas Corrigan nella Casa d'Infanzia. Se state giocando in modalità multiplayer epico, mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, il nemico Edwin Bennet.\n
\nPresente: Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski; sono stati rapiti. Generate il nemico Edwin Bennet nella Miskatonic University.\n
\nFuturo: Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski; sono stati rapiti. Se state giocando in modalità multiplayer epico, mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, il nemico Edwin Bennet.",
+ "traits": "Macchinazione.",
+ "back_text": "[action] [action]: Ripristina e muovi Edwin Bennet fino al tuo luogo (anche se si trova in un'altra era).\n[action] Se Edwin Bennet si trova nel tuo luogo: Negozia. Effettua una prova di [intellect] o [willpower] (3). Se hai successo, gli investigatori spendono un totale di X indizi, dove X è il numero globale di giocatori. Poi colloca 1 risorsa su di esso (trasformandola in redenzione).\nObiettivo - Se Edwin Bennet si trova nella Miskatonic University con Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski e ci sono 3 o più redenzioni su di esso, Edwin Bennet è redento. Rimuovete tutte le redenzioni da esso e giratelo. Collocate nella galleria delle vittorie tutte le copie di questa carta storia in ogni era."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87035",
+ "flavor": "Nel passato non sembra esserci nulla fuori posto e vi domandate se Edwin Bennet sia affidabile. Di certo la sua vasta conoscenza potrebbe tornarvi estremamente utile. Riluttanti, vi convincete che il gioco valga la candela, ma ci vorrà una grande persuasione per evitare che Edwin vi tradisca.",
+ "name": "Alleanza Scomoda",
+ "text": "Preparazione: Seguite le istruzioni sottostanti per le vostre rispettive ere. Poi girate questa carta storia.\n
\nPassato: Collocate Thomas Corrigan nella Casa d'Infanzia. Collocate Mary Zielinski nell'Orologeria O'Malley. Collocate il supporto Edwin Bennet nella Gazzetta di Arkham con 12 indizi su di esso, poi rimuovete 3[per_investigator] indizi da esso.\n
\nPresente e Futuro: Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, Thomas Corrigan e Mary Zielinski; sono stati rapiti. Se state giocando in modalità multiplayer epico, mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, il supporto Edwin Bennet.",
+ "traits": "Macchinazione.",
+ "back_text": "[action] Se Edwin Bennet si trova nel tuo luogo ed è pronto: Negozia. Colloca 1 tuo indizio su di esso. Puoi effettuare una prova di [intellect] (4). Se hai successo, colloca 1 altro tuo indizio su di esso. Se fallisci, esauriscilo.\n[action]: Ripristina e muovi Edwin Bennet fino al tuo luogo (anche se si trova in un'altra era).\nObbligo - Alla fine del round: Rimuovete 1 indizio da Edwin Bennet (2 indizi se invece state giocando in modalità multiplayer epico). Se non potete farlo, collocate 1 destino sulla trama attuale. Questo effetto può far proseguire con la trama.\nObbligo - Quando Edwin Bennet sta per essere rapito: Rimuovete tutti i danni e gli orrori da esso e collocate invece 2 destini sulla trama attuale.\nObiettivo - Se “Thomas e Mary hanno vinto un premio Nobel” e non ci sono carte storia [[Sviluppo]] in gioco in alcuna era, collocate questa carta storia nella galleria delle vittorie."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87036a",
+ "name": "Edwin Bennet",
+ "subname": "Avversario Rancoroso",
+ "text": "Pattuglia (il luogo più vicino con supporti [[Scienziato]]).\nEdwin Bennet non può essere danneggiato.\nNon possono essere scoperti indizi nel luogo di Edwin Bennet.\nObbligo - Alla fine della Fase dei Miti: Infliggete 1 danno a ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] nel luogo di Edwin Bennet.",
+ "traits": "Umanoide. Elite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87036b",
+ "flavor": "Una mente davvero brillante, per quanto instabile.",
+ "name": "Edwin Bennet",
+ "subname": "Associato Astuto",
+ "text": "[free] Se è il tuo turno e ti trovi in un luogo [[Portale]], esaurisci Edwin Bennet e spendi 2 risorse: Muoviti fino a Tindalos.",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87037a",
+ "name": "Edwin Bennet",
+ "subname": "Rivale Invidioso",
+ "text": "Pattuglia (il luogo più vicino con supporti [[Scienziato]]).\nEdwin Bennet non può essere danneggiato.\nNon possono essere scoperti indizi nel luogo di Edwin Bennet.\nObbligo - Alla fine della Fase dei Miti: Infliggete 1 danno a ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] nel luogo di Edwin Bennet. Poi un investigatore a vostra scelta pesca 1 carta dalla cima del mazzo degli incontri.",
+ "traits": "Umanoide. Elite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87037b",
+ "name": "Edwin Bennet",
+ "subname": "Collega Stimato",
+ "text": "Obbligo - Dopo che Edwin Bennet è stato esaurito: Un investigatore a vostra scelta pesca 1 carta dalla cima del mazzo degli incontri.\n[reaction] Quando peschi una carta incontro, esaurisci Edwin Bennet: Annulla tutti gli effetti di quella carta e scartala.",
+ "traits": "Scienziato. Alleato."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87038",
+ "flavor": "Alcune peculiarità apparentemente casuali stanno influendo sullo spaziotempo. Bizzarri focolai in tutta Arkham interferiscono con la vita quotidiana dei terrorizzati abitanti. Pare che queste aberrazioni abbiano avuto inizio alla Miskatonic University e alcuni sostengono siano state provocate dagli esperimenti proibiti condotti nei laboratori della Facoltà di Scienze.",
+ "name": "Anomalie nello Spaziotempo",
+ "text": "Preparazione: Collocate 1[per_investigator] orrori su ogni luogo Miskatonic University (trasformandoli in anomalie). Se state giocando in modalità multiplayer epico, collocate anche 1[per_investigator] orrori su ognuno dei luoghi seguenti (trasformandoli in anomalie): Gazzetta di Arkham, Arkham Advertiser, Orologeria O'Malley e Tick-Tock Club.\nRimuovete dal gioco i nemici seguenti: Tyr'thrha, Vecchio Sadie Sheldon e le 3 copie della Banda degli Sheldon. Girate questa carta storia.",
+ "traits": "Sviluppo.",
+ "back_text": "Le capacità dei luoghi con anomalie non possono essere innescate.\n[action] Spendi un qualsiasi numero di indizi: Effettua una prova di [willpower] o [agility] (3). Ricevi +3 al valore di abilità in questa prova per ogni indizio speso in questo modo. Se hai successo, rimuovi 1 anomalia dal tuo luogo (2 anomalie se invece hai successo di 3 o più punti). Poi, se hai avuto successo di 4 o più punti e “le Industrie Corrigan sono state fondate”, rimuovi 1 anomalia da un luogo in una qualsiasi era con lo stesso nome del tuo luogo.\nObiettivo - Se siete alla Trama 2a e non ci sono anomalie sui luoghi, collocate questa carta storia nella galleria delle vittorie"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87039",
+ "flavor": "A mali estremi, estremi rimedi. A corto di possibilità, vi rivolgete a un famigerato boss del crimine: il Vecchio Sadie Sheldon. Noto per il contrabbando di grandi quantità di whiskey canadese, Sheldon e la sua banda possiedono un'enorme riserva di denaro per chiunque abbia bisogno di un prestito urgente. Dovete solo assicurarvi di essere tempestivi a rimborsare l'irascibile criminale…",
+ "name": "Guai con la Mala",
+ "text": "Preparazione: Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, il nemico Vecchio Sadie Sheldon e le 3 copie del nemico Banda degli Sheldon. Rimuovete dal gioco il nemico Tyr'thrha. Stringete un accordo con il Vecchio Sadie Sheldon: ogni investigatore che gioca nell'era presente ottiene 2 risorse.",
+ "traits": "Sviluppo.",
+ "back_text": "[action] Se “il debito è stato ripagato”, gli investigatori spendono un totale di 1[per_investigator] indizi: Cerca nell'area di gioco, nel mazzo degli incontri e nella pila degli scarti degli incontri 1 nemico Banda degli Sheldon e collocalo nella galleria delle vittorie. Questa azione non provoca attacchi di opportunità.\nObiettivo - Se i 3 nemici Banda degli Sheldon si trovano nella galleria delle vittorie, collocate questa carta storia nella galleria delle vittorie."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87040",
+ "name": "Vecchio Sadie Sheldon",
+ "subname": "Boss del Contrabbando",
+ "text": "Sfuggente.\nOgni nemico Banda degli Sheldon riceve +1 Scontro e +1 Agilità.\n[action] Negozia. Effettua una prova di [intellect] (2). Se hai successo, gli investigatori spendono un totale di 3[per_investigator] risorse per collocare il Vecchio Sadie Sheldon nella galleria delle vittorie e annunciare che “il debito è stato ripagato”.",
+ "traits": "Umanoide. Criminale. Consorzio."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87041",
+ "name": "Banda degli Sheldon",
+ "text": "Impulso. Cacciatore. Massiccio.\nLa Banda degli Sheldon riceve +2[per_investigator] Salute.\nObbligo - Dopo che un investigatore nel luogo della Banda degli Sheldon ha giocato una carta: Ripristinate la Banda degli Sheldon e scartate 3 carte dalla cima del mazzo degli incontri. Mettete in gioco ogni nemico [[Criminale]] scartato in questo modo nel luogo della Banda degli Sheldon.",
+ "traits": "Umanoide. Criminale. Consorzio. Elite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87042",
+ "flavor": "L'estrema distorsione dello spaziotempo a Tindalos ha effetto su qualsiasi cosa al suo interno. I satiri e i segugi di Tindalos non sono gli unici esseri a cacciare nel reame del tempo angolare: c'è un'entità esponenzialmente più grande e potente che ha il potere di piegare lo spaziotempo.\nChiunque si trovi ad aggirarsi per i sentieri di questo immenso labirinto è destinato ad attirare l'ira di coloro che hanno fatto di Tindalos la propria dimora… Ma nulla può essere paragonato alla furia del signore supremo di Tindalos.",
+ "name": "Abominio Indicibile",
+ "text": "Preparazione: Mettete da parte, temporaneamente fuori dal gioco, il nemico Tyr'thrha. Rimuovete dal gioco il nemico Vecchio Sadie Sheldon e le 3 copie del nemico Banda degli Sheldon.",
+ "traits": "Sviluppo.",
+ "back_text": "[action] Se Tyr'thrha si trova nel tuo luogo, spendi 1 indizio: Effettua una prova di [intellect] (3). Se hai successo, infliggi 2 danni a Tyr'thrha (3 danni se invece hai successo di 3 o più punti). Questa azione non provoca attacchi di opportunità.\nObiettivo - Se Tyr'thrha è sconfitto, collocate questa carta storia nella galleria delle vittorie."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87043",
+ "name": "Tyr'thrha",
+ "subname": "Signore Supremo di Tindalos",
+ "text": "Massiccio. Ritorsione. Pattuglia (il luogo più vicino con supporti [[Scienziato]]).\n*Tyr'thrha possiede una riserva di Salute globale pari a 6[per_investigator].\nObbligo - Quando Tyr'thrha entra in un luogo: Ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] in quel luogo viene rapito.",
+ "traits": "Grande Antico. Tindalos. Elite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87044",
+ "name": "Satiro Terrificante",
+ "text": "Pattuglia (il luogo più vicino con supporti [[Scienziato]]).\nIl Satiro Terrificante riceve +1 Scontro mentre si trova in un luogo [[Passato]] e +2 Scontro mentre si trova in un luogo [[Presente]].\nObbligo - Alla fine della Fase dei Nemici, se il Satiro Terrificante è pronto: Infliggete 1 danno a ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] nel suo luogo.",
+ "traits": "Mostro. Extradimensione. Tindalos."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87045",
+ "name": "Segugio di Tindalos",
+ "text": "Pattuglia (il luogo più vicino con supporti [[Scienziato]]).\nIl Segugio di Tindalos riceve +1 Salute mentre si trova in un luogo [[Presente]] e +2 Salute mentre si trova in un luogo [[Futuro]].\nObbligo - Alla fine della Fase dei Nemici, se il Segugio di Tindalos è pronto: Infliggete 1 orrore a ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] nel suo luogo e muovete ogni supporto [[Scienziato]] e ogni investigatore nel suo luogo fino a Tindalos.",
+ "traits": "Mostro. Extradimensione. Tindalos."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87046",
+ "name": "Cosa Multiangolare",
+ "text": "Generazione - Tindalos.\nCacciatore. Mentre la Cosa Multiangolare si trova in un luogo:\n* [[Passato]], riceve +1 Agilità e ottiene Allerta.\n* [[Presente]], riceve +1 al valore di Danno e +1 al valore di Orrore.\n* [[Futuro]], riceve +1 Scontro e ottiene Ritorsione.",
+ "traits": "Mostro. Extradimensione. Tindalos. Elite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87047",
+ "name": "Tindalos Alfa",
+ "text": "Allerta. Ritorsione.\nObbligo - Dopo che il Tindalos Alfa ti ha attaccato: Mescola nel tuo mazzo 1 supporto non storia che controlli, spostando tutti i danni e gli orrori da quel supporto al tuo investigatore. Scarta il Tindalos Alfa.\nObbligo - Alla fine della Fase dei Nemici: Scartate il Tindalos Alfa.",
+ "traits": "Mostro. Extradimensione. Tindalos."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87048",
+ "flavor": "“Abbiamo concettualizzato il tempo come se fosse una linea retta su cui ci si muove da un punto all'altro. La verità è alquanto diversa.”",
+ "name": "Squarcio nel Tempo",
+ "text": "Rivelazione - Effettua una prova di [willpower] (3). Per ogni punto di cui fallisci, scegli se perdere 1 azione oppure subire 1 orrore.",
+ "traits": "Sortilegio."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87049",
+ "flavor": "Chiunque entri ed esca dal dominio dei segugi rischia di diventare un bersaglio a vita.",
+ "name": "Rapito",
+ "text": "Isolamento.\nRivelazione - Se non ci sono supporti [[Alleato]] nel tuo luogo, Rapito ottiene Impulso. Altrimenti, effettua una prova di [willpower] (5). Se fallisci, esaurisci tutti i supporti [[Alleato]] nel tuo luogo e infliggi 5 orrori a uno di essi.",
+ "traits": "Complotto."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87050",
+ "name": "Spazio Infranto",
+ "text": "Rivelazione - Se ti trovi in un luogo:\n* [[Passato]], perdi 3 risorse.\n* [[Presente]], colloca 2 tuoi indizi su di esso.\n* [[Futuro]], perdi 1 azione.",
+ "traits": "Sortilegio."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87051",
+ "name": "Breccia Dimensionale",
+ "text": "[[Rivelazione]] - Assegna la Breccia Dimensionale al luogo [[Portale]] più vicino. Colloca 1 destino sulla Breccia Dimensionale.\nOgni nemico nel luogo con questa sventura riceve +1 Scontro, +1 Agilità e +1 Salute.\n[action]: Effettua una prova di [willpower] (3). Se hai successo, scarta la Breccia Dimensionale.",
+ "traits": "Pericolo. Potere."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87052",
+ "name": "Da Ogni Angolo",
+ "text": "Rivelazione - Effettua una prova di (4). Se fallisci e ti trovi in un luogo:\n* [[Passato]], esaurisci tutti i supporti in quel luogo.\n* [[Presente]], subisci 1 danno diretto. Infliggi 1 danno a ogni supporto [[Alleato]] nel tuo luogo.\n* [[Futuro]], subisci 1 orrore diretto. Infliggi 1 orrore a ogni supporto [[Alleato]] nel tuo luogo.",
+ "traits": "Terrore."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87053",
+ "name": "Smarrito nel Tempo",
+ "text": "Rivelazione - Rimescola 1 supporto non storia che controlli nel tuo mazzo, spostando tutti i danni e gli orrori da quel supporto al tuo investigatore. Se non rimescoli alcun supporto nel tuo mazzo con questo effetto, scegli e scarta 3 carte dalla tua mano.",
+ "traits": "Sortilegio."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87054",
+ "name": "Linee Temporali Sovrapposte",
+ "text": "Rivelazione - Scarta 5 carte dalla cima del tuo mazzo. Per ogni carta nella tua mano con lo stesso nome di una delle carte scartate, scarta quella carta dalla tua mano e perdi 1 azione.\nRimescola nel tuo mazzo ogni debolezza scartata con questo effetto.",
+ "traits": "Sortilegio."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87055",
+ "flavor": "Ciò che attende oltre la soglia è forse una destinazione allettante? O sono le fauci latranti di un tremendo segugio?",
+ "name": "Varco Aperto",
+ "text": "Rivelazione - Subisci 1 danno. Effettua una prova di [agility] (3). Se fallisci, subisci 1 danno aggiuntivo e muoviti fino a Tindalos.",
+ "traits": "Pericolo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87056",
+ "name": "Distorzione Spaziotemporale",
+ "text": "Rivelazione - Assegna la Distorsione Spaziotemporale alla trama attuale.\nLe capacità delle carte storia non possono essere innescate.\n[action]: Se ti trovi in un luogo [[Passato]], puoi effettuare una prova di [willpower] (2). Se ti trovi in un luogo [[Presente]], puoi effettuare una prova di [agility] (3). Se ti trovi in un luogo [[Futuro]], puoi effettuare una prova di [combat] (4). Se hai successo in 1 o più di queste prove, scarta la Distorsione Spaziotemporale.",
+ "traits": "Pericolo."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "87057",
+ "name": "Storia Evanescente",
+ "text": "Rivelazione - Scegli 1 degli effetti seguenti:\n* Scarta 1 supporto [[Oggetto]] non storia che controlli.\n* Scegli e scarta 3 carte non debolezza dalla tua mano.",
+ "traits": "Sortilegio."
From d727cb860be1ba564698fdb92036f3b088e0296c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matteo
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 17:53:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 024/210] fix card 04265
translations/it/pack/tfa/tdoy.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/it/pack/tfa/tdoy.json b/translations/it/pack/tfa/tdoy.json
index f615eb49d..0b4d0722e 100644
--- a/translations/it/pack/tfa/tdoy.json
+++ b/translations/it/pack/tfa/tdoy.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"code": "04265",
"name": "Manette",
- "text": "[action] Se le Manette non sono assegnate a un nemico: Eludi. Utilizzabile solo conto un nemico [[Umanoide]]. Usa [combat] invece di [agility]. Se hai successo, assegna le Manette al nemico che hai appena eluso.\nSe il nemico con le Manette è non [[Elite]], non può essere ripristinato e non si possono collocare destini su di esso.",
+ "text": "[action] Se le Manette non sono assegnate a un nemico: Eludi. Utilizzabile solo contro un nemico [[Umanoide]]. Usa [combat] invece di [agility]. Se hai successo, assegna le Manette al nemico che hai appena eluso.\nSe il nemico con le Manette è non [[Elite]], non può essere ripristinato e non si possono collocare destini su di esso.",
"traits": "Oggetto. Polizia."
From 4123ce0edd60e2e098f2d2d8394aa67133dda515 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gabriel Rauter
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 11:00:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 025/210] [De] typo fix nat.json
translations/de/pack/investigator/nat.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/de/pack/investigator/nat.json b/translations/de/pack/investigator/nat.json
index 7ab76d051..d30a0783d 100644
--- a/translations/de/pack/investigator/nat.json
+++ b/translations/de/pack/investigator/nat.json
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"code": "60105",
"name": "Boxhandschuhe",
- "text": "Du bekommst +1 [combat], solange du kämpfst.\n[reaction] Nachdem du einen Gegner besiegt hast, erschöpfe Boxhandschuhe: Durchsuche die obersten 6 Karten deines Decks nach einer [[Geist]]-Ereigniskarte und füge sie deiner Hand hinzu. Miche dein Deck.",
+ "text": "Du bekommst +1 [combat], solange du kämpfst.\n[reaction] Nachdem du einen Gegner besiegt hast, erschöpfe Boxhandschuhe: Durchsuche die obersten 6 Karten deines Decks nach einer [[Geist]]-Ereigniskarte und füge sie deiner Hand hinzu. Mische dein Deck.",
"traits": "Gegenstand. Waffe.",
"slot": "Hand x2"
From 806ccfbc319bcce85b5d5af810b5d314a19137a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christophe Fergeau
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 11:54:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 026/210] fr: tcu: Remove unneeded \n
translations/fr/pack/tcu/fgg.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/fr/pack/tcu/fgg.json b/translations/fr/pack/tcu/fgg.json
index 2965dde83..da6804071 100644
--- a/translations/fr/pack/tcu/fgg.json
+++ b/translations/fr/pack/tcu/fgg.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"code": "05186",
"name": "Thompson .45",
- "text": "Utilisations (5 munitions).\nLes munitions dépensées depuis la \nThompson .45 sont placées dans votre réserve de ressources en tant que ressources.\n[action] Dépensez 1 munition : Combattre. Vous gagnez +2 [combat] et infligez +1 dégât pour cette attaque.",
+ "text": "Utilisations (5 munitions).\nLes munitions dépensées depuis la Thompson .45 sont placées dans votre réserve de ressources en tant que ressource.\n[action] Dépensez 1 munition : Combattre. Vous gagnez +2 [combat] et infligez +1 dégât pour cette attaque.",
"traits": "Objet. Arme. Arme à feu. Illicite.",
"slot": "Main x2"
From a2003c8a81921abb93a9681125f80140e742ca89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christophe Fergeau
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 11:56:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 027/210] fr: blbe: Add missing >
tag is not properly closed.
translations/fr/pack/side/blbe.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/fr/pack/side/blbe.json b/translations/fr/pack/side/blbe.json
index 1f33d2496..56f2fad81 100644
--- a/translations/fr/pack/side/blbe.json
+++ b/translations/fr/pack/side/blbe.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "back_text": "Taille du Deck : 50.\nConstruction du Deck: cartes neutres de niveau 0 à 5, cartes de niveau 0 prises dans n'importe quelle classe.\n (ne comptent pas dans la limite de taille du deck): Vorace, 3 exemplaires de Régurgitation, 3 exemplaires d'Acide de Réalité, 2 faiblesses de base au hasard.\nRestrictions du Deck : pas de permanent sauf les permanents d'histoire ou signature.\nExigences supplémentaires :Votre deck doit inclure au moins 7 cartes de chaque classe ([guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], et [survivor]).\nAméliorations supplémentaires : Quand chaque scénario se termine, séparez par classe chaque carte dévorée (placées sous Vorace et mises de côté). Avant le prochain scénario dans cette campagne, vous pouvez dépenser de l'expérience pour acheter ou améliorer 1 ou plusieurs cartes de n'importe quel niveau de la classe avec le plus de cartes dévorées (En cas d'égalité, choisissez-en une).",
+ "back_text": "Taille du Deck : 50.\nConstruction du Deck: cartes neutres de niveau 0 à 5, cartes de niveau 0 prises dans n'importe quelle classe.\nExigences du Deck (ne comptent pas dans la limite de taille du deck): Vorace, 3 exemplaires de Régurgitation, 3 exemplaires d'Acide de Réalité, 2 faiblesses de base au hasard.\nRestrictions du Deck : pas de permanent sauf les permanents d'histoire ou signature.\nExigences supplémentaires :Votre deck doit inclure au moins 7 cartes de chaque classe ([guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], et [survivor]).\nAméliorations supplémentaires : Quand chaque scénario se termine, séparez par classe chaque carte dévorée (placées sous Vorace et mises de côté). Avant le prochain scénario dans cette campagne, vous pouvez dépenser de l'expérience pour acheter ou améliorer 1 ou plusieurs cartes de n'importe quel niveau de la classe avec le plus de cartes dévorées (En cas d'égalité, choisissez-en une).",
"code": "89001",
"deck_limit": 1,
"deck_options": [
From 579adbcee6afc5508c9530fc1fb84e626f6a917f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 22:22:08 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 028/210] [Ru] FAQ 2.2
translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json | 6 +++---
translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoep.json | 4 ++--
translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvp.json | 6 +++---
translations/ru/pack/ptc/tuo.json | 2 +-
translations/ru/pack/return/rtnotz_encounter.json | 2 +-
translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc.json | 2 +-
translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json | 2 +-
translations/ru/pack/tcu/icc.json | 2 +-
translations/ru/pack/tcu/uad.json | 2 +-
translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json | 12 ++++++------
translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskp.json | 6 +++---
11 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json b/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json
index 9a00ef42e..7e1234928 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json
@@ -836,8 +836,8 @@
"code": "08596",
"name": "К запретным вершинам",
- "text": "Лёгкий / Обычный\n[skull]: −X. X равен уровню вашей локации.\n[cultist]: −1. При провале переместитесь в локацию уровнем ниже.\n[tablet]: −3. При провале положите в свою локацию 1 [[экспедиционный]] актив под вашим контролем (вы теряете контроль над ним).\n[elder_thing]: −4. При провале ближайший враг-[[Старец]] единожды перемещается в вашу сторону. Если он сражается с вами, он атакует вас.",
- "back_text": "Сложный / Экстремальный\n[skull]: −X. X на 2 больше уровня вашей локации.\n[cultist]: −1. Переместитесь в локацию уровнем ниже.\n[tablet]: −4. При провале положите в свою локацию 1 [[экспедиционный]] актив под вашим контролем (вы теряете контроль над ним).\n[elder_thing]: −5. При провале ближайший враг-[[Старец]] единожды перемещается в вашу сторону. Если он сражается с вами, он атакует вас."
+ "text": "Лёгкий / Обычный\n[skull]: −X. X равен уровню вашей локации.\n[cultist]: −1. При провале после окончания этой проверки переместитесь в локацию уровнем ниже.\n[tablet]: −3. При провале положите в свою локацию 1 [[экспедиционный]] актив под вашим контролем (вы теряете контроль над ним).\n[elder_thing]: −4. При провале ближайший враг-[[Старец]] единожды перемещается в вашу сторону. Если он сражается с вами, он атакует вас.",
+ "back_text": "Сложный / Экстремальный\n[skull]: −X. X на 2 больше уровня вашей локации.\n[cultist]: −1. После окончания этой проверки переместитесь в локацию уровнем ниже.\n[tablet]: −4. При провале положите в свою локацию 1 [[экспедиционный]] актив под вашим контролем (вы теряете контроль над ним).\n[elder_thing]: −5. При провале ближайший враг-[[Старец]] единожды перемещается в вашу сторону. Если он сражается с вами, он атакует вас."
"code": "08597",
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@
"code": "08635",
"name": "Зал с картой",
- "text": "[action] Потратьте 2 ключа «−3»: Выберите 3 локации и откройте их. Найдите 1 улику в каждой из этих локаций. Запишите в журнал кампании, что команда изучила карту.",
+ "text": "[action] Потратьте 2 ключа «−3»: Выберите 3 локации (кроме «Тайного хода») и откройте их. Найдите 1 улику в каждой из этих локаций. Запишите в журнал кампании, что команда изучила карту.",
"traits": "Город.",
"back_name": "Городские улицы",
"back_flavor": "Теперь же разум оказался бессилен: циклопический лабиринт из квадратных, закруглённых, остроугольных кварталов не оставлял места для сколь-нибудь приемлемого объяснения. Это был, несомненно, он, богохульный город из миража, — только в явной, объективной, неизбежной реальности.\nГовард Ф. Лавкрафт «Хребты Безумия»"
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoep.json b/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoep.json
index e6269d445..8b03cd276 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoep.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoep.json
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@
"code": "08100",
"name": "Схема эонов",
- "text": "Многоразовая (3 тайны).\n[fast] В свой ход поверните «Схему эонов» и потратьте 1 тайну: Выберите и совершите два разных действия из следующих — «Движение», «Уход» или «Исследование».",
+ "text": "Многоразовая (3 тайны).\n[fast] В свой ход поверните «Схему эонов» и потратьте 1 тайну: Выберите и в любом порядке совершите два разных действия из следующих — «Движение», «Уход» или «Исследование».",
"traits": "Вещь. Редкая.",
"slot": "Аксессуар"
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@
"code": "08118",
"name": "Зачарованный лук",
- "text": "Многоразовый (3 заряда).\n[action] Поверните эту карту: Бой. В этой атаке вы должны использовать [willpower] или [agility] вместо [combat], у вас +1 к навыку и вы наносите +1 рану. В качестве дополнительной цены активации этого свойства можете потратить 1 заряд, чтобы провести эту атаку против не [[элитного]] врага в соседней локации, игнорируя при этом ключевые слова «Осторожный» и «Мститель».",
+ "text": "Многоразовый (3 заряда).\n[action] Поверните эту карту: Бой. В этой атаке вы должны использовать [willpower] или [agility] вместо [combat], у вас +1 к навыку и вы наносите +1 рану. В качестве дополнительной цены активации этого свойства можете потратить 1 заряд, чтобы провести эту атаку против не [[элитного]] врага в связанной локации, игнорируя при этом ключевые слова «Осторожный» и «Мститель».",
"traits": "Заклинание. Благословенное. Оружие. Дальнобойное.",
"slot": "Рука ×2. Магический"
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvp.json b/translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvp.json
index d2d1e0d32..3310b198d 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvp.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvp.json
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
"code": "10049",
"flavor": "«Получилось… весьма буквально».",
"name": "«Задави их интеллектом!»",
- "text": "Бой. Выберите актив-[[книгу]] под вашим контролем. У вас +X [combat] в этой атаке, где X равен напечатанной стоимости выбранного актива. При успехе вы можете автоматически уйти от атакованного врага либо после окончания атаки разыграть свойство [action] или [fast] на выбранном активе, игнорируя его цену (включая 1 [action], если есть).",
+ "text": "Бой. Выберите актив-[[книгу]] под вашим контролем. У вас +X [combat] в этой атаке, где X равен напечатанной стоимости выбранного актива. При успехе вы можете автоматически уйти от атакованного врага либо после окончания этой атаки разыграть свойство [action] или [fast] на выбранном активе, игнорируя его цену (включая 1 [action], если есть).",
"traits": "Авантюра. Экспромт."
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
"code": "10080",
"name": "Грязные делишки",
- "text": "В качестве дополнительной цены розыгрыша «Грязных делишек» потратьте 1 действие.\nНайдите в своей колоде [[незаконный]] актив и сыграйте его (заплатив цену). Затем можете разыграть свойство [action] или [fast] с того актива, игнорируя его цену (включая 1 [action], если есть). Розыгрыш этой карты не вызывает внеочередных атак.",
+ "text": "В качестве дополнительной цены розыгрыша «Грязных делишек» потратьте 1 действие.\nНайдите в своей колоде [[незаконный]] актив и сыграйте его (заплатив цену). Затем можете разыграть свойство [action] или [fast] с того актива, игнорируя его цены. Розыгрыш этой карты не вызывает внеочередных атак.",
"traits": "Одолжение. Незаконное. Дуплет."
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@
"code": "10113",
"name": "На пределе",
- "text": "Выберите актив-[[оружие]] или [[инструмент]] в своём сбросе. Разыграйте свойство [action] с того актива, игнорируя его цену (включая 1 [action], если есть).\nПосле розыгрыша этого эффекта замешайте выбранный актив в свою колоду. Розыгрыш этой карты не вызывает внеочередных атак.",
+ "text": "Выберите актив-[[оружие]] или [[инструмент]] в своём сбросе. Разыграйте свойство [action] с того актива, игнорируя его цены.\nПосле розыгрыша этого эффекта замешайте выбранный актив в свою колоду. Розыгрыш этой карты не вызывает внеочередных атак.",
"traits": "Тактика. Экспромт."
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/ptc/tuo.json b/translations/ru/pack/ptc/tuo.json
index 96e9079e6..77a3a2f14 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/ptc/tuo.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/ptc/tuo.json
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"code": "03153",
"name": "Буря духов",
- "text": "Бой. Эта атака использует [willpower] вместо [combat]. При успехе вместо обычных ран эта атака наносит 2 раны каждому врагу в локации атакованного врага (любые дополнительные раны наносятся атакованному врагу). Если при этой атаке вытянут [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing] или [auto_fail], также нанесите 1 рану каждому сыщику в вашей локации.",
+ "text": "Бой. Эта атака использует [willpower] вместо [combat]. При успехе вместо обычных ран эта атака наносит 2 раны каждому врагу в локации атакованного врага (любые дополнительные раны наносятся атакованному врагу). Если при этой атаке вытянут [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing] или [auto_fail], также нанесите 1 рану каждому сыщику в локации атакованного врага.",
"traits": "Заклинание."
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/return/rtnotz_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/return/rtnotz_encounter.json
index a861f75cf..8220457f1 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/return/rtnotz_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/return/rtnotz_encounter.json
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"code": "50016",
"flavor": "Гостевая ванная выглядит так, будто здесь годами не убирались. Вязкая зелёная жидкость заполняет ванну в дальнем углу комнаты, а на стенах разрослась плесень.",
"name": "Ванная",
- "text": "Обязательно — После того как вы вытянули [skull], [cultist], [tablet] или [auto_fail] при исследовании в «Ванной»: Потеряйте все оставшиеся действия и немедленно завершите свой ход.",
+ "text": "Обязательно — После того как вы вытянули [skull], [cultist], [tablet] или [auto_fail] при исследовании в «Ванной»: Потеряйте все оставшиеся действия и завершите свой ход.",
"back_flavor": "У двери ванной вас едва не выворачивает наизнанку от тяжёлого, гнилого воздуха."
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc.json b/translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc.json
index fa605734c..4e6148c55 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc.json
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"code": "52008",
"name": "Буря духов",
- "text": "Бой. Эта атака использует [willpower] вместо [combat]. У вас +2 [willpower] в этой атаке. При успехе вместо обычных ран эта атака наносит 3 раны каждому врагу в вашей локации (любые дополнительные раны наносятся атакованному врагу). Если при этой атаке вытянут [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing] или [auto_fail], также нанесите 2 раны каждому сыщику в вашей локации.",
+ "text": "Бой. Эта атака использует [willpower] вместо [combat]. У вас +2 [willpower] в этой атаке. При успехе вместо обычных ран эта атака наносит 3 раны каждому врагу в локации атакованного врага (любые дополнительные раны наносятся атакованному врагу). Если при этой атаке вытянут [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing] или [auto_fail], также нанесите 2 раны каждому сыщику в локации атакованного врага.",
"traits": "Заклинание."
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json
index 56ef539ab..6e4998c58 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
"code": "52039",
"name": "Спутанные воспоминания",
- "text": "Опасность.\nРаскрытие — Вы должны выбрать одно:\n- Забудьте что-то, что сыщик вспомнил по свойству локации. (Это уже не так.)\n- Получите 1 ужас и считайте, что у «Спутанных воспоминаний» есть Наплыв.",
+ "text": "Опасность.\nРаскрытие — Вы должны выбрать одно:\n- Забудьте что-то, что сыщик запомнил по свойству локации. (Это уже не так.)\n- Получите 1 ужас и считайте, что у «Спутанных воспоминаний» есть Наплыв.",
"traits": "Жуть."
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tcu/icc.json b/translations/ru/pack/tcu/icc.json
index 08c7e3342..68b1ce0b8 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tcu/icc.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tcu/icc.json
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
"code": "05282",
"name": "Заманить и обмануть",
- "text": "Выберите одно:\n- Уход. При успехе, если этот враг не [[элитный]], уйдите от него и переместите его в связанную локацию.\n- Уход. (только от не [[элитного]] врага в соседней локации). При успехе уйдите от того врага и поменяйтесь с ним локациями.",
+ "text": "Выберите одно:\n- Уход. При успехе, если этот враг не [[элитный]], уйдите от него и переместите его в связанную локацию.\n- Уход. (только от не [[элитного]] врага в связанной локации). При успехе уйдите от того врага и поменяйтесь с ним локациями.",
"traits": "Уловка."
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tcu/uad.json b/translations/ru/pack/tcu/uad.json
index 2c493ddff..7742aacf1 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tcu/uad.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tcu/uad.json
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"code": "05231",
"flavor": "…А сила развращает.",
"name": "Знания — сила",
- "text": "Быстрое. Играйте только в свой ход.\nВыберите актив-[[книгу]] или [[заклинание]] под вашим контролем либо покажите со своей руки актив-[[книгу]] или [[заклинание]]. Разыграйте свойство [action] или [free] с того актива, игнорируя его цену (в том числе цену в [action]). Затем, если тот актив был у вас на руке, можете сбросить его, чтобы взять 1 карту.",
+ "text": "Быстрое. Играйте только в свой ход.\nВыберите актив-[[книгу]] или [[заклинание]] под вашим контролем либо покажите со своей руки актив-[[книгу]] или [[заклинание]]. Разыграйте свойство [action] или [free] с того актива, игнорируя его цены. Затем, если тот актив был у вас на руке, можете сбросить его, чтобы взять 1 карту.",
"traits": "Интуиция."
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json b/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json
index e8172cb2e..200b620bf 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
"text": "Считайте, что на каждом враге-[[упыре]] и каждом враге-[[восставшем]] указано: «Выходит — в случайную локацию».",
"back_name": "Восставшие мертвецы",
"back_flavor": "С наступлением ночи ощущение слежки становится только сильнее. Обернувшись, вы видите три худые долговязые фигуры, медленно идущие к вам. Темнота скрывает их черты, но проблеск света отражается на влажных красных челюстях и пустых глазах. Вы ускоряетесь, они тоже прибавляют шагу. Когда трио почти настигает вас, вы ныряете в переулок и удираете что есть мочи. После нескольких минут бега вы слышите позади хриплый гортанный вой, а потом звук, как будто рвётся ткань.",
- "back_text": "За каждых 1 [per_investigator] убитых горожан найдите в колоде и сбросе контактов 1 врага-[[восставшего]] или врага-[[упыря]] и введите его в игру. Замешайте сброс контактов в колоду контактов.\nКаждый сыщик должен выбрать одно:\n- Вылечите 2 раны каждому [[элитному]] врагу в игре.\n- 1 горожанин в вашей локации убит."
+ "back_text": "За каждых 1 [per_investigator] убитых горожан найдите в колоде и сбросе контактов 1 врага-[[восставшего]] или врага-[[упыря]] и введите его в игру в случайную локацию. Замешайте сброс контактов в колоду контактов.\nКаждый сыщик должен выбрать одно:\n- Вылечите 2 раны каждому [[элитному]] врагу в игре.\n- 1 горожанин в вашей локации убит."
"code": "09522",
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
"code": "09562",
"flavor": "Алый свет заливает город. Где-то там затаился заклятый враг Девицы в красном, надеясь прибрать к рукам оставшиеся части ключа.",
"name": "Кровавая пелена",
- "text": "Обязательно — После того как разоблачена ложная цель: Положите 1 безысходность на текущий замысел.\nЦель — Если «Сангиновый Страж» побеждён, продвиньтесь.",
+ "text": "Обязательно — После того как разоблачена ложная цель: Положите 1 безысходность на текущий замысел.\nОбязательно — Когда этот замысел должен продвинуться из-за достижения требуемой безысходности: Каждый сыщик побеждён и получает 1 ментальную травму.\nЦель — Если «Сангиновый Страж» побеждён, продвиньтесь.",
"back_name": "Истина в красном",
"back_flavor": "После долгих поисков и нечеловеческих испытаний вы с вашей новой союзницей смогли одолеть одного из старейших членов Клики, известного как Сангиновый Страж. Заклятие, защищавшее его тело, развеялось, и теперь он в вашей власти. Бессердечные пустые глаза смотрят на вас сквозь рубиновые очки. «Я знал, что не стоило принимать тебя в наши ряды, — ворчит он на девушку в красном. — Ты юна и нахальна. Паяц в одеждах королевы. Позор нашего славного сообщества».\n«Это ты нас позоришь, — рявкает она в ответ. — Мы должны защищать людей, а не издеваться над ними. Будь моя воля, тебя бы уже давно изгнали».\n«Это мы ещё посмотрим. — Он спускает рубиновые очки на кончик носа, обнажая тёмные пустые глазницы. Алый блик сверкает на зловещих линзах. — Берегись, девочка. Против меня твои фокусы не помогут». Затем его подхватывает вихрем кошмарных чёрных крыльев и уносит в ночь.",
"back_text": "(→И2)"
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@
"text": "Считайте, что у каждого врага-[[культиста]] (кроме слабостей) есть ключевое слово Сокрытый 1.\nОбязательно — После того как вы ушли от врага-[[культиста]], верните его в тень и разыграйте его ключевое слово Сокрытый: Возьмите под контроль 1 его улику.",
"back_name": "В тени света из пустоты",
"back_flavor": "Дневной свет тускнеет, и вы щуритесь, чтобы посмотреть, что происходит. На солнце наползает странная чёрная тень. Затмение? Что бы ни замышлял этот культ, лучше поскорее остановить их…",
- "back_text": "В порядке игроков каждый сыщик должен выбрать: либо положить на «Обнаруженные улики» 1 улику из резерва, либо найти в колоде и сбросе контактов 1 врага-[[культиста]] и взять его (если по этому эффекту не найдено ни одного врага-[[культиста]], вместо этого положите на «Обнаруженные улики» 1 улику). Перемешайте колоду контактов, если искали в ней.\nЗа каждое затмение, лежавшее на этом замысле, когда он продвинулся, любой сыщик должен ещё раз разыграть вышеуказанный эффект.\nПереверните этот замысел обратно, положив на него 1 ресурс в качестве затмения. (Затмения, лежавшие на этом замысле ранее, остаются на нём.)"
+ "back_text": "В порядке игроков каждый сыщик должен выбрать: либо положить на «Обнаруженные улики» 1 улику из резерва, либо найти в колоде и сбросе контактов 1 врага-[[культиста]] и взять его (считайте его Сокрытым 1) (если по этому эффекту не найдено ни одного врага-[[культиста]], вместо этого положите на «Обнаруженные улики» 1 улику). Перемешайте колоду контактов, если искали в ней.\nЗа каждое затмение, лежавшее на этом замысле, когда он продвинулся, любой сыщик должен ещё раз разыграть вышеуказанный эффект.\nПереверните этот замысел обратно, положив на него 1 ресурс в качестве затмения. (Затмения, лежавшие на этом замысле ранее, остаются на нём.)"
"code": "09568",
@@ -570,12 +570,12 @@
"name": "В поисках талисмана",
"text": "Цель — Найдите талисман прежде, чем это сделает культ! Если либо у культа (суммарно), либо у сыщиков (совместно в локации восточных врат) есть необходимое число улик, продвиньтесь. (Не тратьте улики при продвижении этой сцены.)",
"back_name": "Талисман найден",
- "back_text": "Если сыщики первыми набрали необходимое число улик, прикрепите «Искажённую антипризму» к любому сыщику в восточных вратах.\nЕсли культ первым набрал необходимое число улик, прикрепите «Искажённую антипризму» ко врагу-[[культисту]] с наибольшим числом улик.\nОткройте каждую сокрытую мини-карту в игре. За каждую мини-карту врага переместите того врага из тени в локацию его мини-карты. Удалите все сокрытые мини-карты из игры.\nВведите отложенные локации из сцены 1 обратно в игру так, чтобы «Собор Святой Софии» находился слева от входа на Гранд-базар. Эти две локации считаются связанными до конца сценария. Введите в игру «Доки Галаты».\nЗа каждые 1 [per_investigator] улики, которых у культа больше, чем у сыщиков, единожды переместите врага-[[культиста]] с «Искажённой антипризмой» в сторону «Доков Галаты».\nКаждый сыщик и каждый враг-[[культист]] теряет все свои улики. Переверните карту сюжета «Обнаружение», удалив с неё все улики. Продвиньте замысел и сцену сразу к «Погоне». Эта карта считается и замыслом 2, и сценой 3."
+ "back_text": "Если сыщики первыми набрали необходимое число улик, прикрепите «Искажённую антипризму» к любому сыщику в восточных вратах.\nЕсли культ первым набрал необходимое число улик, прикрепите «Искажённую антипризму» ко врагу-[[культисту]] с наибольшим числом улик.\nОткройте каждую сокрытую мини-карту в игре. За каждую мини-карту врага переместите того врага из тени в локацию его мини-карты. Отложите все сокрытые мини-карты в сторону, вне игры.\nВведите отложенные локации из сцены 1 обратно в игру так, чтобы «Собор Святой Софии» находился слева от входа на Гранд-базар. Эти две локации считаются связанными до конца сценария. Введите в игру «Доки Галаты».\nЗа каждые 1 [per_investigator] улики, которых у культа больше, чем у сыщиков, единожды переместите врага-[[культиста]] с «Искажённой антипризмой» в сторону «Доков Галаты».\nКаждый сыщик и каждый враг-[[культист]] теряет все свои улики. Переверните карту сюжета «Обнаружение», удалив с неё все улики. Продвиньте замысел и сцену сразу к «Погоне». Эта карта считается и замыслом 2, и сценой 3."
"code": "09570",
"name": "Погоня",
- "text": "Цель — «Нужно увезти его отсюда!» Если сыщик с «Искажённой антипризмой» находится в «Доках Галаты», можете перейти к (→И1) (стр. 25).\nЦель — «Не дайте им сбежать с ключом!» Если враг с «Искажённой антипризмой» находится в «Доках Галаты», (→И6) (стр. 25).",
+ "text": "Цель — «Нужно увезти его отсюда!» Если сыщик с «Искажённой антипризмой» находится в «Доках Галаты», можете перейти к (→И1) (стр. 25).\nЦель — «Не дайте им сбежать с ключом!» Если враг с «Искажённой антипризмой» находится в «Доках Галаты» или сыщик, контролирующий «Искажённую антипризму», побеждён, (→И6) (стр. 25).",
"back_name": "Гонка за ключом",
"back_flavor": "В тёмном свете неземной луны ваши враги пытаются скрыться с талисманом в руках.",
"back_text": "Каждый враг в игре перемещается и атакует, как будто сейчас фаза врагов (не поворачиваясь).\nЕсли врагов в игре меньше, чем число сыщиков, в порядке игроков сбрасывайте карты с верха колоды контактов, пока не сбросите врага-[[культиста]], и возьмите его (перемешайте сброс контактов и используйте его как колоду, если необходимо). Повторяйте этот процесс, пока число врагов в игре не сравняется с числом сыщиков.\nПереверните эту карту обратно."
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@
"text": "[action] Сыщики в вашей локации совместно кладут на врага с чертой [[Клика]] в вашей локации столько улик под своим контролем, сколько у него осталось здоровья: Переговоры. Вы начинаете кое-что понимать. Удалите всю безысходность с этого врага и автоматически уйдите от него.\n[action]: Побег. «Мне казалось, мы договорились!» Вы убираетесь из города, пока целы.\nЦель – Выясните, почему на вас охотятся. Если на врагах в игре суммарно 4 [per_investigator] улик, продвиньтесь.",
"back_name": "Невысказанные истины",
"back_flavor": "После нескольких столкновений с людьми Дези вы приходите к пугающему выводу. Их поведение не выглядит естественным, а их враждебность слишком дикая и нечеловеческая. Последним доводом становится едва заметное искажение реальности, которое иногда сопровождает их появление. Те, кто преследует вас, вовсе не Дези и его люди. Их похитили те самые сущности, о которых пытались разузнать вы с Флинтом, и подменили смертельно опасными самозванцами. Но, может быть, настоящий Дези всё ещё где-то здесь. Если так, то он в опасности!",
- "back_text": "Откройте каждую сокрытую мини-карту в игре. За каждую мини-карту врага переместите того врага из тени в локацию его мини-карты. Затем удалите из игры все сокрытые мини-карты.\nРазверните врага «Дезидерио Дельгадо Альварес», удалите с него все жетоны и сбросьте все прикреплённые к нему карты. Выложите другого отложенного врага «Дезидерио Дельгадо Альварес» в локацию одноимённого врага, перемешав их так, чтобы вы не знали, какой где.\nУдалите все улики с каждого врага в игре. За каждую улику, удалённую таким образом с врага, вылечите ему 1 рану."
+ "back_text": "Откройте каждую сокрытую мини-карту в игре. За каждую мини-карту врага переместите того врага из тени в локацию его мини-карты. Затем отложите все сокрытые мини-карты в сторону, вне игры.\nРазверните врага «Дезидерио Дельгадо Альварес», удалите с него все жетоны и сбросьте все прикреплённые к нему карты. Выложите другого отложенного врага «Дезидерио Дельгадо Альварес» в локацию одноимённого врага, перемешав их так, чтобы вы не знали, какой где.\nУдалите все улики с каждого врага в игре. За каждую улику, удалённую таким образом с врага, вылечите ему 1 рану."
"code": "09599",
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskp.json b/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskp.json
index fce08c898..fd7fd1fd6 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskp.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskp.json
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"code": "09012",
"name": "Злое слово",
- "text": "Только в колоду Амины Зидан.\nБыстрое. Играйте только в свой ход.\nПоложите 1 безысходность на актив под вашим контролем, чтобы разыграть его свойство [action], игнорируя его цену (включая цену в [action]). Затем, если «Благое слово» в вашем сбросе, можете замешать его в свою колоду.",
+ "text": "Только в колоду Амины Зидан.\nБыстрое. Играйте только в свой ход.\nПоложите 1 безысходность на актив под вашим контролем, чтобы разыграть его свойство [action], игнорируя его цены. Затем, если «Благое слово» в вашем сбросе, можете замешать его в свою колоду.",
"traits": "Сделка."
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
"code": "09020",
"flavor": "«Я убеждаю себя, что это было ради высшего блага. Так ведь, Бонни?»",
"name": "Бремя лидера",
- "text": "Раскрытие — Если под вашим контролем нет активов-[[союзников]], замешайте «Бремя лидера» обратно в свою колоду. В противном случае за каждый актив-[[союзника]] под вашим контролем либо поверните его, либо нанесите ему 1 направленную рану и 1 направленный ужас.",
+ "text": "Раскрытие — Если под вашим контролем нет активов-[[союзников]], замешайте «Бремя лидера» обратно в свою колоду. В противном случае за каждый актив-[[союзника]] под вашим контролем вы должны либо повернуть его, либо нанести ему 1 направленную рану и 1 направленный ужас.",
"traits": "Изъян."
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
"name": "Вороново перо",
"customization_text": "Названный актив ([[книга]] или [[заклинание]]):\n□ Живое перо. Использование свойств [action] прикреплённого актива не вызывает внеочередных атак.\n□ Призрачная связь. Прикреплённый актив не занимает слотов.\n□□ Мистический флюгер. У вас +2 к навыку при прохождении проверок с прикреплённого актива.\n□□ Бездонная чернильница. Назовите ещё два актива ([[книги]] или [[заклинания]]):\n□□ Подпитка энергией. Считайте, что на «Вороновом пере» указано: «[fast] Поверните эту карту: Переместите на прикреплённый актив 1 тайну или 1 заряд с актива под вашим контролем».\n□□□ Сплетение чернил. После того как вы разыграли свойство [action] с прикреплённого актива, можете повернуть «Вороново перо», чтобы развернуть другой актив под вашим контролем.\n□□□□ Сверхъествественная запись. Когда играете «Вороново перо», вместо того чтобы прикрепить его к названному активу под вашим контролем, можете найти экземпляр названного актива в своей колоде, сбросе и руке и сыграть его (заплатив цену). Затем прикрепите к нему «Вороново перо».",
"customization_change": "Названный актив:\nИспользование свойств [action] прикреплённого актива не вызывает внеочередных атак.\nПрикреплённый актив не занимает слотов.\nУ вас +2 к навыку при прохождении проверок с прикреплённого актива.\nДополнительные названные активы:\n[fast] Поверните эту карту: Переместите на прикреплённый актив 1 тайну или 1 заряд с актива под вашим контролем.\nПосле того как вы разыграли свойство [action] с прикреплённого актива, можете повернуть «Вороново перо», чтобы развернуть другой актив под вашим контролем.\nПрикрепите к названному активу под вашим контролем или можете найти экземпляр названного актива в своей колоде, сбросе и руке и сыграть его (заплатив цену). Затем прикрепите к нему «Вороново перо».",
- "text": "Адаптация. Когда приобретаете эту карту, назовите актив ([[книгу]] или [[заклинание]]) и запишите его название на листе улучшений «Воронова пера».\nПрикрепите к названному активу под вашим контролем.\n[reaction] Когда совершаете побег или игра окончена: Либо поставьте 1 отметку на листе улучшений этой карты, либо до следующего сценария снизьте цену улучшения названного актива на 1 очко опыта.",
+ "text": "Адаптация. Когда приобретаете эту карту, назовите актив ([[книгу]] или [[заклинание]]) и запишите его название на листе улучшений «Воронова пера».\nПрикрепите к названному активу под вашим контролем.\n[reaction] Когда совершаете побег или игра окончена: Либо поставьте 1 отметку на листе улучшений этой карты, либо до следующего сценария снизьте цену улучшения прикреплённого актива на 1 очко опыта.",
"traits": "Вещь. Редкая. Улучшение."
From 46b15480488fecd4f7457fbc9795bdfa3d4188d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny Karelin <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 17:14:41 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 029/210] [Ru] typo fix
translations/ru/pack/tcu/tcu.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tcu/tcu.json b/translations/ru/pack/tcu/tcu.json
index 0355e0836..3b3f0fb1e 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tcu/tcu.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tcu/tcu.json
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"code": "05017",
"flavor": "«Всегда лица закрываете, трусы проклятые. Вы как чёртов Клан: вечно боитесь, что люди увидят, кто вы такие…»\nГрэм Макнилл, «Мискатоникские упыри»",
"name": "Капюшоны",
- "text": "Добыча — только Рита Янг.\nБдительный. Охотник.\nОбязательно — После того как вы успешно ушли от «Капюшонов»: Они атакуют вас.",
+ "text": "Добыча — только Рита Янг.\nБдительный. Охотник.\nОбязательно — После того как вы ушли от «Капюшонов»: Они атакуют вас.",
"traits": "Гуманоид. Культист."
From c19c7ba4f83a111c2ceae780df0f9c1271d3227e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: drawntotheflame
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2024 09:47:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 030/210] Small typos
Small typos with easy fixes
pack/core/core_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/core/core_encounter.json b/pack/core/core_encounter.json
index 9d0622894..d86b8ed2f 100644
--- a/pack/core/core_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/core/core_encounter.json
@@ -1457,7 +1457,7 @@
"pack_code": "core",
"position": 180,
"quantity": 3,
- "text": "Hunter. Retaliate.\nForced - After Goat Spawn is defeated: Each investigator at this location takes 1 horror.",
+ "text": "Hunter. Retaliate.\nForced - When Goat Spawn is defeated: Each investigator at this location takes 1 horror.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Monster.",
"type_code": "enemy"
From 2cefc4f2e768cf23d8ea57c24b57fe05e98f8eae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: drawntotheflame
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2024 09:48:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 031/210] Drain essence
pack/fhv/fhvp.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvp.json b/pack/fhv/fhvp.json
index 30494a91e..034fddfdd 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvp.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvp.json
@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@
"skill_intellect": 1,
"skill_willpower": 1,
"tags": "pa.",
- "text": "Parley. Choose an enemy at your location and test [willpower](X), where X is the chosen enemy's fight value. If you succeed, move 1 damage from your investigator to the chosen enemy (up to 2 damage instead if the chosen enemy is non-[[Elite]]).",
+ "text": "Parley. Choose an enemy at your location and test [willpower] (X), where X is the chosen enemy's fight value. If you succeed, move 1 damage from your investigator to the chosen enemy (up to 2 damage instead if the chosen enemy is non-[[Elite]]).",
"traits": "Spell.",
"type_code": "event",
"xp": 0
From bb18b0d633eaad092340bbe5d6c2ac00136321b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: drawntotheflame
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2024 15:32:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 032/210] Lair of dagon
pack/tic/lod_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json b/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json
index df4ac1898..90b3215cc 100644
--- a/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
"encounter_position": 6,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "\"We all hed to take the Oath o' Dagon, an' later on they was secon' an' third Oaths that some of us took.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "flavor": "\"We all hed to take the Oath o' Dagon, an' later on they was secon' an' third Oaths that some of us took.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
"illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
"name": "The First Oath",
"pack_code": "lod",
From 622cdb2fca02a6009b804f4832047a5627042327 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Dominik=20Derwi=C5=84ski?=
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 11:23:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 033/210] Fixed encounter position of Lit by Death-Fire and
Unexpected Ambush
pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json b/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json
index 9ceecbd99..108b11042 100644
--- a/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
"code": "06269",
"encounter_code": "point_of_no_return",
- "encounter_position": 23,
+ "encounter_position": 24,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"illustrator": "Shane Tyree",
"name": "Lit by Death-Fire",
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
"code": "06270",
"encounter_code": "point_of_no_return",
- "encounter_position": 24,
+ "encounter_position": 26,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"illustrator": "Andrew Johanson",
"name": "Unexpected Ambush",
From 922ec339875fd535ac711e3956587de8a2a4e260 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Dominik=20Derwi=C5=84ski?=
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2024 16:34:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 034/210] Added missing encounter set info to 90023b
pack/parallel/bad_encounter.json | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/bad_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/bad_encounter.json
index 29a29e419..fd525ad73 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/bad_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/bad_encounter.json
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
"code": "90023b",
+ "encounter_code": "bad_blood",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Light crashes against the night sky as your magic and Elspeth's intersect. A blaring peal - like an otherworldly siren, calling for judgment - sends you and Elspeth both to your knees. She reels in pain, digging her nails into her temples. You reach out with your power, grasp at her memories, and pull with all your strength.",
"hidden": true,
From 99d8375fa302fe1cdbc4498484db8292b5288e93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 11:05:00 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 035/210] [Ru] typo fix
translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json b/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json
index 200b620bf..ae94e6a6b 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tsk/tskc.json
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"code": "09511",
"name": "Биг-Бен",
- "text": "[fast]: Выберите сокрытую мини-карту в этой или в связанной локации и пройдите проверку [agility] (2). (2). При успехе посмотрите открытую сторону выбранной сокрытой мини-карты (не разоблачая её). При провале получите 1 ужас. (Не чаще 1 раза в ход.)",
+ "text": "[fast]: Выберите сокрытую мини-карту в этой или в связанной локации и пройдите проверку [agility] (2). При успехе посмотрите открытую сторону выбранной сокрытой мини-карты (не разоблачая её). При провале получите 1 ужас. (Не чаще 1 раза в ход.)",
"traits": "Лондон.",
"back_flavor": "Неотъемлемая принадлежность лондонского ландшафта, часовая башня в северной части Вестминстерского дворца нависает над городом, а её циферблат напоминает глаз бдительного стража."
From a0015adb7eb42032c90b108a18f85c068f67cce5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 09:58:48 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 036/210] add twisted hollow encounter cards
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 442 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 442 insertions(+)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index f58fdc75f..ceb336e62 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -135,6 +135,448 @@
"text": "East / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is the current darkness level.\n[cultist]: -1. Heal 1 damage from your investigator.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, find the enemy in pursuit with the highest evade. Spawn it at your location.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, take 1 horror.",
"type_code": "scenario"
+ {
+ "back_name": "Gathering Darkness",
+ "back_text": "Add 1 resource to the current darkness level. If the current darkness level is 6+ and you are playing in Campaign Mode, each surviving investigator is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.\nOtherwise, perform the following:\n- Put each enemy at a [[Dark]] location and not engaged with an investigator into the pursuit area.\n- Shuffle each unrevealed [[Dark]] location along with the top 2 cards of the Woods deck and place them on top of the Woods deck. Flip each unrevealed empty [[Dark]] location to its unrevealed side, discarding all tokens.\n- Put locations from the top of the Woods deck intp play above, below, to the left, and to the right of each location with an investigator.\n- The investigator with the Vale Lantern tests [willpower] (X), where X is the current darkness level.If they fail, they must choose an enemy in the prsuit area to spawn engaged with them.\n Flip this card back to agenda 1a.",
+ "code": "10606",
+ "doom": 3,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The silent woods thrum with the sounds of hungry creatures and stalking shadows.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Deepening Dark",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 106,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - After a location is revealed: Put locations from the top of the Woods deck into play above, below, to the left, and to the right of that location.\nForced<\b> - When the investigation phase ends: Each investigator at a [Dark]] location must either draw an enemy in pursuit with the highest evade or take 1 horror (cannot be canceled).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10607b",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "10607a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "There must be some trace or clue of Bertie in these woods. You only hope you aren't already too late.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Desperate Search",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 107,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Each enemy without spawn instructions gains \"Spawn - When this enemy is drawn from the encounter deck: Put this enemy in the pursuit area.\"\nObjective - At the end of the round, if each investigator is at the same [[Lair]] location, they must spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10607b",
+ "enemy_damage": 3,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 5,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Ursine Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 107,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Glowing Abomination",
+ "text": "Spawn - ([codex] Σ) (page 237).\nHunter. Retaliate.\nUrsine Hybrid gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nForced - When Ursine Hybrid would be defeated, if it is act 2: Heal all damage from it and put it in the pursuit area instead of the victory display.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"Stay back!\" squeaks a familiar voice. A pinecone whizzes past your ear. Bertie peers out from a hollow in the massive trank. \"It's you!\" he chirps excitedly. \"I thought I was done for - but here you are!\" His eyes go wide as a familiar wheezing roar echoes through the hollow.",
+ "back_name": "Out of the Frying Pan...",
+ "back_text": "Put the set-aside Bertie Musgrave story asset into play under the control of any investigator. Put each unengaged enemy in the pursuit area. Shuffle each other location except for The Twisted Hollow location into the Woods deck and put them into play according to the diagram on page 36.\nSearch all in- and out-of-play areas for the Ursine hybrid enemy, heal all damage from it, and spawn it at The Twisted Hollow. Advance the act and agenda deck to the \"Back to Vale!\" special agenda, moving all doom from the current agenda to it. It is both the current act and the current agenda.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "10608",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees close in as you follow Bertie's trail deeper into the forest.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Where's Bertie?",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 108,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "[fast] Spend 1 clue: Look at the revealed side of an adjacent location.\nObjective - Find Bertie Musgrave. He is lost deep in the forest! (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The forest closes in and the sound of slavering jaws and gnashing fangs fills the air. A sickly howl calls out from the underbrush and the familiar sound of a wheezing, hacking cough telegraphs the bear's approach.",
+ "back_name": "The Hungering Forest",
+ "back_text": "Add 1 resource to the current darkness level. If the current darkness level is 6, each surviving investigator is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.\nOtherwise, in player order, each player must choose an enemy in the pursuit area and spawn it at the nearest [[Dark]] location. If they cannot, they must discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded and spawn it at the nearest [[Dark]] location.\nFlip this card.",
+ "code": "10609",
+ "doom": 3,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "With Bertie in tow, you must find your way back to Hemlock Vale.",
+ "illustrator": "Ignacio Bazan Lazcano",
+ "name": "Back to the Vale!",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 109,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "[fast] Either exhaust the Vale Lantern or spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the revealed side of an adjacent location. You may move to that location.\nObjective - If each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R1) (page 38).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10610b",
+ "code": "10610a",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Vale Lantern",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 110,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
+ "subname": "Beacon of Hope",
+ "text": "Vale Lantern's location and each connecting location lose the [[Dark]] trait.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location moves into and reveals a [[Forst]] location, exhaust Vale Lantern: They ignore that location's forced effect(s).\nForced - When Vale Lantern would leave play: Flip it over and place it at the nearest location, instead.",
+ "traits": "Item. Tool. Lit. Boon.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10610b",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Vale Lantern",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 110,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
+ "subname": "Extinguished Light",
+ "text": "[action]: Take control of Vale Lantern, then flip it over. Any investigator at Vale Lantern's location may trigger this ability.\nForced - When Vale Lantern would leave play: Place it at the nearest location, instead.",
+ "traits": "Item. Tool. Unlit. Boon.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10611b",
+ "code": "10611a",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Vale Lantern",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 111,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
+ "subname": "A Faint Hope",
+ "text": "Vale Lantern's location loses the [[Dark]] trait.\n[action] Exhaust Vale Lantern: Look at the revealed side of a connecting location. You may move to that location, ignoring its forced effect(s).\nForced - When Vale Lantern would leave play: Flip it over and place it at the nearest location, instead.",
+ "traits": "Item. Tool. Lit.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10611b",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Vale Lantern",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 111,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
+ "subname": "Extinguished Light",
+ "text": "[fast]: Take control of Vale Lantern, then flip it over. Any investigator at Vale Lantern's location may trigger this ability.\nForced - When Vale Lantern would leave play: Place it at the nearest location, instead.",
+ "traits": "Item. Tool. Unlit.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A dim distinct luminosity seemed to inhere in all the vegetation, grass, leaves, and blossoms alike...\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "back_name": "Glimmering Meadow",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "10612",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 112,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "[action]: Resign. \"I'm sure Bertie's fine!\"\n[action]: Heal 1 horror. (Limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The boughs surely moved, and there was no wind.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_illustrator": "David Frasheski",
+ "back_name": "Blighted Glade",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10613",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 113,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Forced - After you reveal Blighted Glade: Choose the enemy in pursuit with the lowest fight and spawn it at this location.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"Observed an intricate mycelium network with an animal-like digestive system. Fungus has reduced the wood to pulp.\"\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "back_name": "Poisoned Marsh",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10614",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 114,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Forced - After you reveal Poisoned Marsh: You must either take 1 direct damage, or deal 1 damage to each [[Ally]] asset you control.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "back_name": "Fecund Thicket",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10615",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 115,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 6,
+ "text": "Fecund Thicket gets -X shroud, where X is the current darkness level.\nForced<\b> - After you reveal Fecund Thicket: Test [agility] (X), where X is the current darkness level. If you fail, find the enemey in pursuit with the highest printed health and spawn it at this location.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "back_name": "Mushroom Grove",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10616",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 116,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Mushroom Grove gets +2 shroud while it is not [[Dark]].\nForced - After you reveal Mushroom Grove: Test [intellect] (X), where X is the current darkness level. If you fail, the enemy in pursuit with the highest evade attacks you.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_illustrator": "Simon Dominic",
+ "back_name": "Moonlit Clearing",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10617",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 117,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
+ "text": "While an enemy is moving, its location is considered to be connected to Moonlit Clearing.\nForced<\b> - After you reveal Moonlit Clearing: Test [willpower] (X), where X is the current darkness level. If you fail, find the enemy in pursuit with the highest fight and spawn it at this location.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The winding paths loop back on themselves.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "back_name": "Crooked Path",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
+ "code": "10618",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 118,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "shroud": -2,
+ "text": "X is the current darkness level.\n[reaction] After you discover a clue at this location: Look at the revealed side of a connecting location. You may move to that location.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "back_name": "Corpse Grove",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10619",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 119,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Forced - After you reveal Corpse Grove: Take 1 horror.\nForced - After you successfully investigate Corpse Grove: Take 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Whatever lives here is clearly starved to the point of eating its own kind.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "back_name": "Bear Den",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10620",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 120,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Forced - After you reveal Bear Den: Find the enemy in pursuit with the highest fight and spawn it engaged with you. If you cannot, draw the top card of the encounter deck.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The knotted old tree has seen far more than you ever will.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "back_name": "The Twisted Hollow",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10621",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Western Woods",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 121,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Objective - At the end of the round, if each surviving investigator is at The Twisted Hollow, investigators may spend 2 [per_investigator] clues, as a group, to advance to act 2b.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10622",
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Igor Kieryluk",
+ "name": "Deep Shadows",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 122,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "test": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). This test gets +2 difficulty if your location is [[Dark]]. If you fail, you must either (choose one):\n- Take 2 horror.\n- The investigator who controls the Vale Lantern flips it to its [[Unlit]] side and places it at a connecting location.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10623",
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 25,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Lurking Fear",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 123,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (3). This test gets +2 difficulty if your location is [[Dark]]. If you fail, you must either (choose one):\n- Take 2 damage.\n- Find the enemy in pursuit with the highest fight and spawn it engaged with you.",
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10624",
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 27,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Stolen Light",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 124,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must either (choose one):\n- Place 1 doom on the current agenda. This effect can cause the agenda to advance.\n- Flip the Vale Lantern to its [[Unlit]] side. Place the Vale Lantern at the empty location farthest from all investigators.",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10625",
+ "encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": -2,
+ "illustrator": "Chun Lo",
+ "name": "Stalking Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 125,
+ "quantity": 4,
+ "text": "Hunter. Alert.\nX is the current darkness level.\nPrey Investigator with the Vale Lantern only.\nForced - After Stalking Hybrid attacks you, if you control the Vale Lantern: Flip the Vale Lantern to its [[Unlit]] side and place it at your location.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
"back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is the number of doom in play.\n[cultist]: -3. If you succeed, place 1 barrier at your location.\n[tablet]: -4. The nearest enemy readies, moves, and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.\n[elder_thing]: -5. Remove a barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.",
"code": "10626",
From 959d6fccd240f5d5e542092d42309749b29517c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Felix Lampe
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 20:02:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 037/210] Fix some GER typos
translations/de/pack/core/core.json | 2 +-
translations/de/pack/dwl/wda.json | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/de/pack/core/core.json b/translations/de/pack/core/core.json
index 5b6519e8f..b09074fc7 100644
--- a/translations/de/pack/core/core.json
+++ b/translations/de/pack/core/core.json
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"code": "01009",
"name": "Das Necronomicon",
"subname": "Übersetzung von John Dee",
- "text": "Enthüllung - Bringe Das Necronomicon mir 3 Horror in deiner Bedrohungszone ins Spiel. Diese Karte kann das Spiel nicht verlassen, solange sich 1 oder mehr Horror darauf befinden.\nBehandle jedes [elder_sign], das du auf einem Chaosmarker enthüllst, als [auto_fail].\n[action]: Bewege 1 Horror von Das Necronomicon auf Daisy Walker. Falls sich dann kein Horror auf Das Necronomicon befindet, lege diese Karte ab.",
+ "text": "Enthüllung - Bringe Das Necronomicon mit 3 Horror in deiner Bedrohungszone ins Spiel. Diese Karte kann das Spiel nicht verlassen, solange sich 1 oder mehr Horror darauf befinden.\nBehandle jedes [elder_sign], das du auf einem Chaosmarker enthüllst, als [auto_fail].\n[action]: Bewege 1 Horror von Das Necronomicon auf Daisy Walker. Falls sich dann kein Horror auf Das Necronomicon befindet, lege diese Karte ab.",
"traits": "Gegenstand. Buch.",
"slot": "Hand"
diff --git a/translations/de/pack/dwl/wda.json b/translations/de/pack/dwl/wda.json
index 6672d37ec..9e7931494 100644
--- a/translations/de/pack/dwl/wda.json
+++ b/translations/de/pack/dwl/wda.json
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
"code": "02269",
"name": "Juwel von Aureolus",
"subname": "Geschenk des Homunkuli",
- "text": "[reaction] Nachdem ein [skull]-, [cultist]-, [tablet]-, [elder_thing]-, oder [auto_fail]-Symbol während einer Fertigkeitsprobe enthüllt worden ist, erschöpfe Juwel von Aureolus: Ziehe 1 Karte oder erhalte 2 Ressourcen.",
+ "text": "[reaction] Nachdem ein [skull]-, [cultist]-, [tablet]-, [elder_thing]-, oder [auto_fail]-Symbol während einer Fertigkeitsprobe an deinem Ort enthüllt worden ist, erschöpfe Juwel von Aureolus: Ziehe 1 Karte oder erhalte 2 Ressourcen.",
"traits": "Gegenstand. Relikt.",
"slot": "Zubehör"
From 305c747e1ce15442d0179efa1619c92af4af18dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 13:56:37 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 038/210] Oct 23 taboo list
taboos.json | 3059 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 1779 insertions(+), 1280 deletions(-)
diff --git a/taboos.json b/taboos.json
index 816c04045..98c35dd4a 100644
--- a/taboos.json
+++ b/taboos.json
@@ -1,1391 +1,1890 @@
- {
- "code": "001",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2019-04-20",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01020",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 5
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 5
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max 1 committed per skill test.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put an [[Item]] asset that takes up fewer than 2 hand slots into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "002",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2019-09-27",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01020",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 5
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 5
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "xp": -1
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max 1 committed per skill test.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put an [[Item]] asset that takes up fewer than 2 hand slots into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "003",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2020-10-15",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01020",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "xp": -1
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "xp": 4
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "06021",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
+ {
+ "code": "001",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2019-04-20",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01020",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max 1 committed per skill test.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put an [[Item]] asset that takes up fewer than 2 hand slots into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "002",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2019-09-27",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01020",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max 1 committed per skill test.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put an [[Item]] asset that takes up fewer than 2 hand slots into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "003",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2020-10-15",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01020",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "xp": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06021",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "004",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2021-06-28",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01020",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "xp": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "005",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2022-08-26",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03112",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07197",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07308",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08032",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08099",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02029",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02269",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60416",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02263",
+ "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03006",
+ "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03019",
+ "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04032",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04110",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06002",
+ "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": [
+ "seeker",
+ "neutral"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 5
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "004",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2021-06-28",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01020",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "xp": 4
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05230",
- "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "05324",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06022",
- "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06199",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "07269",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07301",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Secondary Class",
+ "faction_select": [
+ "mystic",
+ "rogue",
+ "survivor"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 1
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
+ "type": [
+ "event",
+ "skill"
+ ],
+ "limit": 10
+ }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": {
+ "size": 50,
+ "card": {
+ "06008": {
+ "06008": "06008"
+ },
+ "06009": {
+ "06009": "06009"
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "005",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2022-08-26",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05230",
- "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "05324",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06022",
- "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06199",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "03112",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "07197",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "07308",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "08032",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "08099",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "07269",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07301",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
- },
- {
- "code": "02029",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02269",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60416",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02263",
- "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03006",
- "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03019",
- "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04032",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04110",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06002",
- "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
- "deck_options": [
- {
- "faction": ["seeker","neutral"],
- "level": { "min":0,"max":5 }
- },
- {
- "name": "Secondary Class",
- "faction_select": ["mystic","rogue","survivor"],"level": { "min":0,"max":1 },
- "type":["event","skill"],
- "limit":10
- }
- ],
- "deck_requirements":{
- "size": 50,
- "card": {
- "06008": { "06008": "06008" },
- "06009": { "06009": "06009" }
- },
- "random":[
- {
- "target":"subtype",
- "value":"basicweakness"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "code": "07268",
- "exceptional": false,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08045",
- "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08055",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08098",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08100",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
+ },
+ "random": [
- "code": "08093",
- "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
+ "target": "subtype",
+ "value": "basicweakness"
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "006",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2023-08-30",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05230",
- "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
- },
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07268",
+ "exceptional": false,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08045",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08055",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08098",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08100",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08093",
+ "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "006",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2023-08-30",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60318",
+ "text": "Instead of “Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…”, this card’s ability now reads: “After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07003",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07122",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07197",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03112",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability now reads: “…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07308",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60327",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08099",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09022",
+ "customization_options": [
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
+ "xp": 1,
+ "cost": -1,
+ "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
+ "text_change": "trait"
- "code": "05324",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
+ "tags": "hd.hh.",
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "06022",
- "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "06199",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "60318",
- "text": "Instead of “Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…”, this card’s ability now reads: “After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "07003",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- "code": "07122",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 0
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
+ "xp": 4,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
+ "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08019",
+ "text": "This card’s Forced effect now reads: “Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08032",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05020",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02029",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02153",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02269",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60416",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05113",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02263",
+ "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03006",
+ "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03019",
+ "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04032",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04105",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04110",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06002",
+ "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
+ "deck_options": [
- "code": "07197",
- "xp": -2
+ "faction": [
+ "seeker",
+ "neutral"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 5
+ }
- "code": "03112",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability now reads: “…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).”"
+ "name": "Secondary Class",
+ "faction_select": [
+ "mystic",
+ "rogue",
+ "survivor"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 1
+ },
+ "type": [
+ "event",
+ "skill"
+ ],
+ "limit": 10
+ }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": {
+ "size": 50,
+ "card": {
+ "06008": {
+ "06008": "06008"
+ },
+ "06009": {
+ "06009": "06009"
+ }
+ "random": [
+ {
+ "target": "subtype",
+ "value": "basicweakness"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07268",
+ "exceptional": false,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08045",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08055",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08076",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08098",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08100",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08093",
+ "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09045",
+ "text": "This card’s second ability gains: “(max 3 evidence spent per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09081",
+ "text": "This card’s text box now reads: “[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – “Go.” This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.”\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the “Mercy” ability and gains“☐Cower. Add the command: “- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.”",
+ "customization_options": [
- "code": "07308",
- "xp": -2
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "60327",
- "xp": -1
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "08099",
- "xp": 2
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "09022",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "cost": -1,
- "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
- "text_change": "trait"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
- "tags": "hd.hh.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 0
- },
- {
- "xp": 4,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
- "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "09108",
- "xp": 2
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- "code": "07269",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- "code": "07301",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 2
- "code": "08019",
- "text": "This card’s Forced effect now reads: “Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…”"
- },
+ "xp": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
+ "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "007",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2024-02-20",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01073",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01573",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06332",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60318",
+ "text": "Instead of “Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…”, this card’s ability now reads: “After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07003",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07122",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07197",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03112",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability now reads: “…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07308",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60327",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08099",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09117",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09022",
+ "customization_options": [
- "code": "08032",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "cost": -1,
+ "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
+ "text_change": "trait"
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
+ "tags": "hd.hh.",
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 0
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
+ "xp": 4,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
+ "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08019",
+ "text": "This card’s Forced effect now reads: “Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08032",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05020",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02029",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02153",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60414",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60423",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02269",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60416",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05113",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02263",
+ "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03006",
+ "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03019",
+ "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04032",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04105",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04110",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04233",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Gain 1 resource for each action you spent this turn…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06002",
+ "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
+ "deck_options": [
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ "faction": [
+ "seeker",
+ "neutral"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 5
+ }
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ "name": "Secondary Class",
+ "faction_select": [
+ "mystic",
+ "rogue",
+ "survivor"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 1
+ },
+ "type": [
+ "event",
+ "skill"
+ ],
+ "limit": 10
+ }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": {
+ "size": 50,
+ "card": {
+ "06008": {
+ "06008": "06008"
+ },
+ "06009": {
+ "06009": "06009"
+ }
+ "random": [
+ {
+ "target": "subtype",
+ "value": "basicweakness"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07268",
+ "exceptional": false,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08045",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08055",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08076",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08098",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08100",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08093",
+ "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09045",
+ "text": "This card’s second ability gains: “(max 3 evidence spent per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09081",
+ "text": "This card’s text box now reads: “[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – “Go.” This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.”\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the “Mercy” ability and gains“☐Cower. Add the command: “- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.”",
+ "customization_options": [
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "05020",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- "code": "02029",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- "code": "02153",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 2
- "code": "02269",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
+ "xp": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
+ "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8,
+ "code": "008",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2024-10-23",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01073",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01573",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06332",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: \"Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability gains: \"This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "text": "This card's [fast] ability is now a [action] ability.",
+ "replacement_text": "Mutated. Uses (3 secrets).\n[action] Exhaust Mr. \"Rook\" and spend 1 secret: Search the top 3, 6, or 9 cards of your deck for any card and draw it. If at least 1 weakness is among the searched cards, draw 1 of them, as well. Shuffle your deck."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: \"Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: \"If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60318",
+ "text": "Instead of \"Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…\", this card's ability now reads: \"After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07003",
+ "text": "This card's [reaction] ability now reads: \"After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07122",
+ "text": "This card's [reaction] ability now reads: \"When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07197",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03112",
+ "text": "This card's [fast] ability now reads: \"…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07308",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60327",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08099",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09117",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10059",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10060",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09022",
+ "customization_options": [
- "code": "60416",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ "xp": 1,
+ "cost": -1,
+ "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
+ "text_change": "trait"
- "code": "05113",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
+ "tags": "hd.hh.",
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "02263",
- "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "03006",
- "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "03019",
- "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "04032",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- "code": "04105",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…”"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 0
- "code": "04110",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
- },
+ "xp": 4,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
+ "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09077",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove Hallow from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08019",
+ "text": "This card's Forced effect now reads: \"Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08032",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"(Max twice per game.)\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card's [reaction] ability now reads: \"After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card's [reaction] ability gains: \"(Limit once per round.)\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: \"Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: \"(max once per round).\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: \"Max once per round.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card's ability now reads: \"Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": true,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: \"Remove All In from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05020",
+ "text": "This card's ability now reads \"Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability now reads: \"[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02029",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02153",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60414",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60423",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02269",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60416",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05113",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02263",
+ "text": "This card's fight ability now reads \"+1 damage\" instead of \"+2 damage.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03006",
+ "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: \"Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).\"\nThis card's front side additionally gains: \"[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03019",
+ "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: \"Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04032",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a non-[elder_sign] symbol\" instead of \"a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04105",
+ "text": "This card's ability now reads \"Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04110",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a non-[auto_fail] symbol\" instead of \"a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04233",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Gain 1 resource for each action you spent this turn…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06002",
+ "text": "This investigator now reads: \"Deck Size: 50\" and \"Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...\"",
+ "deck_options": [
- "code": "06002",
- "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
- "deck_options": [
- {
- "faction": ["seeker","neutral"],
- "level": { "min":0,"max":5 }
- },
- {
- "name": "Secondary Class",
- "faction_select": ["mystic","rogue","survivor"],"level": { "min":0,"max":1 },
- "type":["event","skill"],
- "limit":10
- }
- ],
- "deck_requirements":{
- "size": 50,
- "card": {
- "06008": { "06008": "06008" },
- "06009": { "06009": "06009" }
- },
- "random":[
- {
- "target":"subtype",
- "value":"basicweakness"
- }
- ]
- }
+ "faction": [
+ "seeker",
+ "neutral"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 5
+ }
- "code": "07268",
- "exceptional": false,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
+ "name": "Secondary Class",
+ "faction_select": [
+ "mystic",
+ "rogue",
+ "survivor"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 1
+ },
+ "type": [
+ "event",
+ "skill"
+ ],
+ "limit": 10
+ }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": {
+ "size": 50,
+ "card": {
+ "06008": {
+ "06008": "06008"
+ },
+ "06009": {
+ "06009": "06009"
+ }
+ "random": [
+ {
+ "target": "subtype",
+ "value": "basicweakness"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07268",
+ "exceptional": false,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains \"Limit 1 per deck.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08045",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: \" get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08055",
+ "text": "This card gains: \"Max once per round.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08076",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains \"(Max twice per game.)\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08098",
+ "text": "This card should read \"following basic actions\" instead of \"following actions.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08100",
+ "text": "This card should read \"following basic actions\" instead of \"following actions.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08113",
+ "text": "The first line of this card gains: \"Campaign Mode only.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08093",
+ "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: \"...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09045",
+ "text": "This card's second ability gains: \"(max 3 evidence spent per round).\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09081",
+ "text": "This card’s text box now reads: \"[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower](3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – \"Go.\" This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.\"\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the \"Mercy\" ability and gains\"☐Cower. Add the command: \"- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.\"",
+ "customization_options": [
- "code": "08045",
- "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "08055",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "08076",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "08098",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
- "code": "08100",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- "code": "08093",
- "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- "code": "09045",
- "text": "This card’s second ability gains: “(max 3 evidence spent per round).”"
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 2
- "code": "09081",
- "text": "This card’s text box now reads: “[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – “Go.” This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.”\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the “Mercy” ability and gains“☐Cower. Add the command: “- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.”",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 2
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "deck_limit": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
- "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
+ "xp": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "007",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2024-02-20",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01073",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01573",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "06332",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05230",
- "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "05324",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06022",
- "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06199",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "60318",
- "text": "Instead of “Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…”, this card’s ability now reads: “After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07003",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
- },
- {
- "code": "07122",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "07197",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "03112",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability now reads: “…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07308",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "60327",
- "xp": -1
- },
- {
- "code": "08099",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "09117",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "09022",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "cost": -1,
- "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
- "text_change": "trait"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
- "tags": "hd.hh.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 0
- },
- {
- "xp": 4,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
- "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
- },
- {
- "code": "09108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "07269",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07301",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08019",
- "text": "This card’s Forced effect now reads: “Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08032",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “(Max twice per game.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05020",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
- },
- {
- "code": "02029",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02153",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60414",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60423",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02269",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60416",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "05113",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02263",
- "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03006",
- "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03019",
- "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04032",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04105",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04110",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04233",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Gain 1 resource for each action you spent this turn…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06002",
- "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
- "deck_options": [
- {
- "faction": ["seeker","neutral"],
- "level": { "min":0,"max":5 }
- },
- {
- "name": "Secondary Class",
- "faction_select": ["mystic","rogue","survivor"],"level": { "min":0,"max":1 },
- "type":["event","skill"],
- "limit":10
- }
- ],
- "deck_requirements":{
- "size": 50,
- "card": {
- "06008": { "06008": "06008" },
- "06009": { "06009": "06009" }
- },
- "random":[
- {
- "target":"subtype",
- "value":"basicweakness"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "code": "07268",
- "exceptional": false,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08045",
- "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08055",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08076",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains “(Max twice per game.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08098",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08100",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08093",
- "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "09045",
- "text": "This card’s second ability gains: “(max 3 evidence spent per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "09081",
- "text": "This card’s text box now reads: “[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – “Go.” This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.”\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the “Mercy” ability and gains“☐Cower. Add the command: “- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.”",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 2
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "deck_limit": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
- "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
- }
+ ],
+ "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
+ "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09041",
+ "text": "This card's [fast] ability gains \"(Limit twice per round.)\""
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
From 3781a159589c531e9e62df80262e0014f039380d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 13:59:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 039/210] Update taboos
taboos.json | 3748 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
1 file changed, 1874 insertions(+), 1874 deletions(-)
diff --git a/taboos.json b/taboos.json
index 98c35dd4a..605b84b2e 100644
--- a/taboos.json
+++ b/taboos.json
@@ -1,1890 +1,1890 @@
- {
- "code": "001",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2019-04-20",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01020",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 5
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 5
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max 1 committed per skill test.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put an [[Item]] asset that takes up fewer than 2 hand slots into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "002",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2019-09-27",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01020",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 5
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 5
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "xp": -1
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max 1 committed per skill test.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put an [[Item]] asset that takes up fewer than 2 hand slots into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "003",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2020-10-15",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01020",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "xp": -1
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "xp": 4
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "06021",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "004",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2021-06-28",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01020",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "xp": 4
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05230",
- "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "05324",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06022",
- "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06199",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "07269",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07301",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "005",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2022-08-26",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "02152",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02187",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02189",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "02193",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05230",
- "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "05324",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06022",
- "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06199",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "03112",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "07197",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "07308",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "08032",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "08099",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "07269",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07301",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
- },
- {
- "code": "02029",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02269",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60416",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02263",
- "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03006",
- "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03019",
- "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04032",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04110",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06002",
- "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
- "deck_options": [
- {
- "faction": [
- "seeker",
- "neutral"
+ {
+ "code": "001",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2019-04-20",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01020",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max 1 committed per skill test.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put an [[Item]] asset that takes up fewer than 2 hand slots into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "002",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2019-09-27",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01020",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max 1 committed per skill test.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put an [[Item]] asset that takes up fewer than 2 hand slots into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "003",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2020-10-15",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01020",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "xp": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06021",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "004",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2021-06-28",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01020",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "xp": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "005",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2022-08-26",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02152",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02187",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02189",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02193",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03112",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07197",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07308",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08032",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08099",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02029",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02269",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60416",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02263",
+ "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03006",
+ "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03019",
+ "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04032",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04110",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06002",
+ "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": [
+ "seeker",
+ "neutral"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 5
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Secondary Class",
+ "faction_select": [
+ "mystic",
+ "rogue",
+ "survivor"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 1
+ },
+ "type": [
+ "event",
+ "skill"
+ ],
+ "limit": 10
+ }
- "level": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 5
+ "deck_requirements": {
+ "size": 50,
+ "card": {
+ "06008": {
+ "06008": "06008"
+ },
+ "06009": {
+ "06009": "06009"
+ }
+ },
+ "random": [
+ {
+ "target": "subtype",
+ "value": "basicweakness"
+ }
+ ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Secondary Class",
- "faction_select": [
- "mystic",
- "rogue",
- "survivor"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07268",
+ "exceptional": false,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08045",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08055",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08098",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08100",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08093",
+ "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "006",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2023-08-30",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60318",
+ "text": "Instead of “Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…”, this card’s ability now reads: “After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07003",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07122",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07197",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03112",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability now reads: “…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07308",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60327",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08099",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09022",
+ "customization_options": [
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "cost": -1,
+ "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
+ "text_change": "trait"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
+ "tags": "hd.hh.",
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 4,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 1
+ }
- "level": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 1
- },
- "type": [
- "event",
- "skill"
+ "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
+ "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08019",
+ "text": "This card’s Forced effect now reads: “Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08032",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05020",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02029",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02153",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02269",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60416",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05113",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02263",
+ "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03006",
+ "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03019",
+ "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04032",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04105",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04110",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06002",
+ "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": [
+ "seeker",
+ "neutral"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 5
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Secondary Class",
+ "faction_select": [
+ "mystic",
+ "rogue",
+ "survivor"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 1
+ },
+ "type": [
+ "event",
+ "skill"
+ ],
+ "limit": 10
+ }
- "limit": 10
- }
- ],
- "deck_requirements": {
- "size": 50,
- "card": {
- "06008": {
- "06008": "06008"
- },
- "06009": {
- "06009": "06009"
+ "deck_requirements": {
+ "size": 50,
+ "card": {
+ "06008": {
+ "06008": "06008"
+ },
+ "06009": {
+ "06009": "06009"
+ }
+ },
+ "random": [
+ {
+ "target": "subtype",
+ "value": "basicweakness"
+ }
+ ]
- },
- "random": [
- {
- "target": "subtype",
- "value": "basicweakness"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "code": "07268",
- "exceptional": false,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08045",
- "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08055",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08098",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08100",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08093",
- "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "006",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2023-08-30",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05230",
- "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "05324",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06022",
- "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06199",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "60318",
- "text": "Instead of “Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…”, this card’s ability now reads: “After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07003",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
- },
- {
- "code": "07122",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "07197",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "03112",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability now reads: “…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07308",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "60327",
- "xp": -1
- },
- {
- "code": "08099",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "09022",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "cost": -1,
- "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
- "text_change": "trait"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
- "tags": "hd.hh.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 0
- },
- {
- "xp": 4,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
- "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
- },
- {
- "code": "09108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "07269",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07301",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08019",
- "text": "This card’s Forced effect now reads: “Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08032",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “(Max twice per game.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05020",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
- },
- {
- "code": "02029",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02153",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02269",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60416",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "05113",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02263",
- "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03006",
- "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03019",
- "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04032",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04105",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04110",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06002",
- "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
- "deck_options": [
- {
- "faction": [
- "seeker",
- "neutral"
- ],
- "level": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 5
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "Secondary Class",
- "faction_select": [
- "mystic",
- "rogue",
- "survivor"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07268",
+ "exceptional": false,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08045",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08055",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08076",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08098",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08100",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08093",
+ "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09045",
+ "text": "This card’s second ability gains: “(max 3 evidence spent per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09081",
+ "text": "This card’s text box now reads: “[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – “Go.” This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.”\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the “Mercy” ability and gains“☐Cower. Add the command: “- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.”",
+ "customization_options": [
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ }
- "level": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 1
- },
- "type": [
- "event",
- "skill"
+ "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
+ "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "007",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2024-02-20",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01073",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01573",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06332",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60318",
+ "text": "Instead of “Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…”, this card’s ability now reads: “After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07003",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07122",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07197",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03112",
+ "text": "This card’s [fast] ability now reads: “…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07308",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60327",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08099",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09117",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09022",
+ "customization_options": [
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "cost": -1,
+ "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
+ "text_change": "trait"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
+ "tags": "hd.hh.",
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 4,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 1
+ }
- "limit": 10
- }
- ],
- "deck_requirements": {
- "size": 50,
- "card": {
- "06008": {
- "06008": "06008"
- },
- "06009": {
- "06009": "06009"
- }
- },
- "random": [
- {
- "target": "subtype",
- "value": "basicweakness"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "code": "07268",
- "exceptional": false,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08045",
- "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08055",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08076",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains “(Max twice per game.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08098",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08100",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08093",
- "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "09045",
- "text": "This card’s second ability gains: “(max 3 evidence spent per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "09081",
- "text": "This card’s text box now reads: “[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – “Go.” This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.”\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the “Mercy” ability and gains“☐Cower. Add the command: “- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.”",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 2
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "deck_limit": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
- "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "code": "007",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2024-02-20",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01073",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01573",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "06332",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "text": "This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability gains: “This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability is now a [action] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05230",
- "text": "This card loses the text: “Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "05324",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06022",
- "text": "This card’s constant ability now reads: “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06199",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "60318",
- "text": "Instead of “Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…”, this card’s ability now reads: “After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07003",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
- },
- {
- "code": "07122",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "07197",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "03112",
- "text": "This card’s [fast] ability now reads: “…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07308",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "60327",
- "xp": -1
- },
- {
- "code": "08099",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "09117",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "09022",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "cost": -1,
- "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
- "text_change": "trait"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
- "tags": "hd.hh.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 0
- },
- {
- "xp": 4,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
- "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
- },
- {
- "code": "09108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "07269",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "07301",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08019",
- "text": "This card’s Forced effect now reads: “Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08032",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains: “(Max twice per game.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": 1,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05020",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
- },
- {
- "code": "02029",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02153",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60414",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60423",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02269",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60416",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "05113",
- "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02263",
- "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03006",
- "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "03019",
- "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04032",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04105",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04110",
- "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "04233",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Gain 1 resource for each action you spent this turn…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06002",
- "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
- "deck_options": [
- {
- "faction": [
- "seeker",
- "neutral"
+ "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
+ "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08019",
+ "text": "This card’s Forced effect now reads: “Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08032",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains: “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability now reads: “After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card’s [reaction] ability gains: “(Limit once per round.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “(max once per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": 1,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In from the game.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05020",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card’s [action] ability now reads: “[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02029",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02153",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60414",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60423",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02269",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60416",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05113",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02263",
+ "text": "This card's fight ability now reads “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03006",
+ "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).”\nThis card's front side additionally gains: “[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03019",
+ "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: “Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04032",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[elder_sign] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04105",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04110",
+ "text": "This card now reads “a non-[auto_fail] symbol” instead of “a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04233",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Gain 1 resource for each action you spent this turn…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06002",
+ "text": "This investigator now reads: “Deck Size: 50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...”",
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": [
+ "seeker",
+ "neutral"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 5
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Secondary Class",
+ "faction_select": [
+ "mystic",
+ "rogue",
+ "survivor"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 1
+ },
+ "type": [
+ "event",
+ "skill"
+ ],
+ "limit": 10
+ }
- "level": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 5
+ "deck_requirements": {
+ "size": 50,
+ "card": {
+ "06008": {
+ "06008": "06008"
+ },
+ "06009": {
+ "06009": "06009"
+ }
+ },
+ "random": [
+ {
+ "target": "subtype",
+ "value": "basicweakness"
+ }
+ ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Secondary Class",
- "faction_select": [
- "mystic",
- "rogue",
- "survivor"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07268",
+ "exceptional": false,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08045",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08055",
+ "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08076",
+ "text": "This card’s ability gains “(Max twice per game.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08098",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08100",
+ "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08093",
+ "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09045",
+ "text": "This card’s second ability gains: “(max 3 evidence spent per round).”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09081",
+ "text": "This card’s text box now reads: “[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – “Go.” This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.”\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the “Mercy” ability and gains“☐Cower. Add the command: “- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.”",
+ "customization_options": [
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ }
- "level": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 1
- },
- "type": [
- "event",
- "skill"
+ "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
+ "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8,
+ "code": "008",
+ "name": "Taboo List",
+ "active": 1,
+ "date_start": "2024-10-23",
+ "cards": [
+ {
+ "code": "01073",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01573",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06332",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01050",
+ "text": "This card now reads: \"Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02108",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02226",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability gains: \"This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04305",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05153",
+ "text": "This card's [fast] ability is now a [action] ability.",
+ "replacement_text": "Mutated. Uses (3 secrets).\n[action] Exhaust Mr. \"Rook\" and spend 1 secret: Search the top 3, 6, or 9 cards of your deck for any card and draw it. If at least 1 weakness is among the searched cards, draw 1 of them, as well. Shuffle your deck."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05159",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05230",
+ "text": "This card loses the text: \"Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05231",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05324",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06022",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: \"If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06199",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60318",
+ "text": "Instead of \"Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…\", this card's ability now reads: \"After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07003",
+ "text": "This card's [reaction] ability now reads: \"After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07122",
+ "text": "This card's [reaction] ability now reads: \"When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60233",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07197",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03112",
+ "text": "This card's [fast] ability now reads: \"…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07308",
+ "xp": -2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60327",
+ "xp": -1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08099",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09117",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10059",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10060",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09022",
+ "customization_options": [
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "cost": -1,
+ "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
+ "text_change": "trait"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
+ "tags": "hd.hh.",
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 4,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 1
+ }
- "limit": 10
- }
- ],
- "deck_requirements": {
- "size": 50,
- "card": {
- "06008": {
- "06008": "06008"
- },
- "06009": {
- "06009": "06009"
- }
- },
- "random": [
- {
- "target": "subtype",
- "value": "basicweakness"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "code": "07268",
- "exceptional": false,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08045",
- "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: “ get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08055",
- "text": "This card gains: “Max once per round.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08076",
- "text": "This card’s ability gains “(Max twice per game.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08098",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08100",
- "text": "This card should read “following basic actions” instead of “following actions.”"
- },
- {
- "code": "08093",
- "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: “...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)”"
- },
- {
- "code": "09045",
- "text": "This card’s second ability gains: “(max 3 evidence spent per round).”"
- },
- {
- "code": "09081",
- "text": "This card’s text box now reads: “[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – “Go.” This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.”\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the “Mercy” ability and gains“☐Cower. Add the command: “- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.”",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 2
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "deck_limit": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
- "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": 8,
- "code": "008",
- "name": "Taboo List",
- "active": 1,
- "date_start": "2024-10-23",
- "cards": [
- {
- "code": "01073",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01573",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "06332",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "01050",
- "text": "This card now reads: \"Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "02108",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "02226",
- "text": "This card's [action] ability gains: \"This attack may target a non-[[Elite]] enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "04305",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "05153",
- "text": "This card's [fast] ability is now a [action] ability.",
- "replacement_text": "Mutated. Uses (3 secrets).\n[action] Exhaust Mr. \"Rook\" and spend 1 secret: Search the top 3, 6, or 9 cards of your deck for any card and draw it. If at least 1 weakness is among the searched cards, draw 1 of them, as well. Shuffle your deck."
- },
- {
- "code": "05159",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "05230",
- "text": "This card loses the text: \"Attached asset cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "05231",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "05324",
- "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove Eucatastrophe from the game.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "06022",
- "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: \"If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "06199",
- "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "60318",
- "text": "Instead of \"Shuffle each weakness that was discarded…\", this card's ability now reads: \"After this skill test resolves, draw each weakness discarded by this effect.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "07003",
- "text": "This card's [reaction] ability now reads: \"After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is non-[[Elite]]. (Limit once per round.)"
- },
- {
- "code": "07122",
- "text": "This card's [reaction] ability now reads: \"When you resolve a [bless] token during a skill test…"
- },
- {
- "code": "60233",
- "xp": 3
- },
- {
- "code": "07197",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "03112",
- "text": "This card's [fast] ability now reads: \"…Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of 3 resources).\""
- },
- {
- "code": "07308",
- "xp": -2
- },
- {
- "code": "60327",
- "xp": -1
- },
- {
- "code": "08099",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "09117",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "10059",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "10060",
- "xp": 1
- },
- {
- "code": "09022",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "cost": -1,
- "real_traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Relic.",
- "text_change": "trait"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.",
- "tags": "hd.hh.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 0
- },
- {
- "xp": 4,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
- "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
- },
- {
- "code": "09077",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "09108",
- "xp": 2
- },
- {
- "code": "07269",
- "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "07301",
- "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove Hallow from the game.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "08019",
- "text": "This card's Forced effect now reads: \"Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…\""
- },
- {
- "code": "08032",
- "text": "This card's ability gains: \"(Max twice per game.)\""
- },
- {
- "code": "01033",
- "text": "This card's [reaction] ability now reads: \"After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...\""
- },
- {
- "code": "02002",
- "text": "This card's [reaction] ability gains: \"(Limit once per round.)\""
- },
- {
- "code": "02111",
- "text": "This card gains: \"Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "02229",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: \"(max once per round).\""
- },
- {
- "code": "02266",
- "text": "This card gains: \"Max once per round.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "03029",
- "text": "This card's ability now reads: \"Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "03315",
- "exceptional": true,
- "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
- },
- {
- "code": "04309",
- "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: \"Remove All In from the game.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "05116",
- "text": "This card's [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05188",
- "text": "This card's [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05189",
- "text": "This card's [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
- },
- {
- "code": "05020",
- "text": "This card's ability now reads \"Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…\""
- },
- {
- "code": "06195",
- "text": "This card's [action] ability now reads: \"[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "02026",
- "deck_limit": 0,
- "text": "Forbidden."
- },
- {
- "code": "02029",
- "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02153",
- "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60414",
- "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60423",
- "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02269",
- "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "60416",
- "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "05113",
- "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
- },
- {
- "code": "02263",
- "text": "This card's fight ability now reads \"+1 damage\" instead of \"+2 damage.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "03006",
- "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: \"Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).\"\nThis card's front side additionally gains: \"[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "03019",
- "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: \"Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...\""
- },
- {
- "code": "04032",
- "text": "This card now reads \"a non-[elder_sign] symbol\" instead of \"a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "04105",
- "text": "This card's ability now reads \"Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…\""
- },
- {
- "code": "04110",
- "text": "This card now reads \"a non-[auto_fail] symbol\" instead of \"a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "04233",
- "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Gain 1 resource for each action you spent this turn…”"
- },
- {
- "code": "06002",
- "text": "This investigator now reads: \"Deck Size: 50\" and \"Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...\"",
- "deck_options": [
- {
- "faction": [
- "seeker",
- "neutral"
+ "customization_text": "□ Heirloom. This asset gets -1 cost and gains the [[Relic]] trait.\n□ Inscription of Glory. Add this inscription: \"- Glory - If this attack defeats an enemy, choose one: draw 1 card, heal 1 damage, or heal 1 horror.\"\n□ Inscription of the Elders. Add this inscription: \"- Elders - If this attack succeeds by an amount equal to or greater than your location's shroud, discover 1 clue at your location.\"\n□□ Inscription of the Hunt. Add this inscription: \"- Hunt - Immediately move to a connecting location or engage an enemy at your location.\"\n□ Inscription of Fury. Add this inscription: \"- Fury - If this attack is successful, in addition to its standard damage, deal 1 damage to each other enemy engaged with you.\"\n□□□ Ancient Power. You may imbue the same inscription up to three times.\n□□□ Saga. Replenish 2 of Runic Axe's charges at the start of each round, instead of only 1.\n□□□□ Scriptweaver. For every charge spent, you may imbue the axe with up to two different inscriptions.",
+ "text": "Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09077",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09108",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove A Watchful Peace from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"Remove Hallow from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08019",
+ "text": "This card's Forced effect now reads: \"Forced – When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 [[Item]] assets…\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08032",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains: \"(Max twice per game.)\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "01033",
+ "text": "This card's [reaction] ability now reads: \"After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02002",
+ "text": "This card's [reaction] ability gains: \"(Limit once per round.)\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02111",
+ "text": "This card gains: \"Group limit 2 copies of Delve Too Deep in the victory display.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02229",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: \"(max once per round).\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02266",
+ "text": "This card gains: \"Max once per round.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03029",
+ "text": "This card's ability now reads: \"Put a level 0-3 [[Item]] asset into play from your hand.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03315",
+ "exceptional": true,
+ "text": "This card gains the Exceptional keyword."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04309",
+ "text": "At the end of its ability, this card gains: \"Remove All In from the game.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05116",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05188",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05189",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability is now a [fast] ability."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05020",
+ "text": "This card's ability now reads \"Parley. Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location…\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06195",
+ "text": "This card's [action] ability now reads: \"[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2 [combat] for this attack. If a chaos token with a non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +2 damage.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02026",
+ "deck_limit": 0,
+ "text": "Forbidden."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02029",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02153",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60414",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60423",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02269",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "60416",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "05113",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a symbol\" instead of the list of indicated symbols."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "02263",
+ "text": "This card's fight ability now reads \"+1 damage\" instead of \"+2 damage.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03006",
+ "text": "This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: \"Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role ([survivor], [guardian], [seeker], [rogue], [mystic], or Neutral).\"\nThis card's front side additionally gains: \"[action]: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "03019",
+ "text": "This card's revelation ability now reads: \"Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04032",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a non-[elder_sign] symbol\" instead of \"a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04105",
+ "text": "This card's ability now reads \"Parley. Choose a non-weakness enemy at your location…\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04110",
+ "text": "This card now reads \"a non-[auto_fail] symbol\" instead of \"a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] chaos token.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "04233",
+ "text": "This card’s ability now reads: “Gain 1 resource for each action you spent this turn…”"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "06002",
+ "text": "This investigator now reads: \"Deck Size: 50\" and \"Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count towards deck size): 3 copies of Occult Evidence...\"",
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": [
+ "seeker",
+ "neutral"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 5
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Secondary Class",
+ "faction_select": [
+ "mystic",
+ "rogue",
+ "survivor"
+ ],
+ "level": {
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": 1
+ },
+ "type": [
+ "event",
+ "skill"
+ ],
+ "limit": 10
+ }
- "level": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 5
+ "deck_requirements": {
+ "size": 50,
+ "card": {
+ "06008": {
+ "06008": "06008"
+ },
+ "06009": {
+ "06009": "06009"
+ }
+ },
+ "random": [
+ {
+ "target": "subtype",
+ "value": "basicweakness"
+ }
+ ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Secondary Class",
- "faction_select": [
- "mystic",
- "rogue",
- "survivor"
- ],
- "level": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 1
- },
- "type": [
- "event",
- "skill"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07268",
+ "exceptional": false,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains \"Limit 1 per deck.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08045",
+ "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: \" get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08055",
+ "text": "This card gains: \"Max once per round.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08076",
+ "text": "This card's ability gains \"(Max twice per game.)\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08098",
+ "text": "This card should read \"following basic actions\" instead of \"following actions.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08100",
+ "text": "This card should read \"following basic actions\" instead of \"following actions.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08113",
+ "text": "The first line of this card gains: \"Campaign Mode only.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "08093",
+ "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: \"...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09045",
+ "text": "This card's second ability gains: \"(max 3 evidence spent per round).\""
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09081",
+ "text": "This card’s text box now reads: \"[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower](3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – \"Go.\" This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.\"\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the \"Mercy\" ability and gains\"☐Cower. Add the command: \"- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.\"",
+ "customization_options": [
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 1,
+ "text_change": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 2,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "text_change": "replace",
+ "position": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "xp": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 3,
+ "text_change": "insert",
+ "position": 1
+ }
- "limit": 10
- }
- ],
- "deck_requirements": {
- "size": 50,
- "card": {
- "06008": {
- "06008": "06008"
- },
- "06009": {
- "06009": "06009"
- }
- },
- "random": [
- {
- "target": "subtype",
- "value": "basicweakness"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "code": "07268",
- "exceptional": false,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "text": "This card loses the exceptional keyword and gains \"Limit 1 per deck.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "08045",
- "text": "This card's constant ability now reads: \" get +1 [intellect], +1 [agility], and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "08055",
- "text": "This card gains: \"Max once per round.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "08076",
- "text": "This card's ability gains \"(Max twice per game.)\""
- },
- {
- "code": "08098",
- "text": "This card should read \"following basic actions\" instead of \"following actions.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "08100",
- "text": "This card should read \"following basic actions\" instead of \"following actions.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "08113",
- "text": "The first line of this card gains: \"Campaign Mode only.\""
- },
- {
- "code": "08093",
- "text": "This card's parenthetical now reads: \"...(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away from you.)\""
- },
- {
- "code": "09045",
- "text": "This card's second ability gains: \"(max 3 evidence spent per round).\""
- },
- {
- "code": "09081",
- "text": "This card’s text box now reads: \"[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Test [willpower](3). If you succeed, give it a command (limit once per round per command) – \"Go.\" This enemy moves once in a direction of your choice.\"\nThis card’s customizable sheet loses the \"Mercy\" ability and gains\"☐Cower. Add the command: \"- ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.\"",
- "customization_options": [
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "real_text": "- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.",
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 1,
- "text_change": "append"
- },
- {
- "xp": 2,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "text_change": "replace",
- "position": 2
- },
- {
- "xp": 3,
- "deck_limit": 3,
- "text_change": "insert",
- "position": 1
- }
- ],
- "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
- "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
- },
- {
- "code": "09041",
- "text": "This card's [fast] ability gains \"(Limit twice per round.)\""
- }
- ]
- }
+ "customization_change": "- \"Betray.\" Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\n- \"Cower.\" This enemy exhausts.\n- \"Confess.\" Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\n- \"Distract.\" Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\n[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\nYou may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n[action] If attached enemy is at your location: Parley. Give it up to two different commands (limit once per round per command) -\nYou may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached.",
+ "customization_text": "□ Betray. Add the command: \"- 'Betray.' Deal 1 damage to any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower fight value than this enemy.\"\n□ Cower. Add the command: \"- 'Cower.' This enemy exhausts.\"\n□ Confess. Add the command: \"- 'Confess.' Discover 1 clue at this enemy's location if its health is equal to or higher than its location's shroud.\"\n□ Distract. Add the command: \"- 'Distract.' Automatically evade any enemy at this enemy's location with an equal or lower evade value than this enemy.\"\n□□ Greater Control. Power Word gains \"[fast]: Return Power Word to your hand.\"\n□□□ Bonded. You may activate the parley ability on Power Word from up to one location away from the attached enemy.\n□□□ Tonguetwister. When you parley with Power Word, you may give up to two different commands.\n□□□ Thrice Spoken. You may include three copies of Power Word in your deck. When you give a command using one copy, also give that command to each other enemy with one of your copies of Power Word attached."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "09041",
+ "text": "This card's [fast] ability gains \"(Limit twice per round.)\""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
From e4958f5da11ba92662bba579bf17192e139cc1b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 14:00:32 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 040/210] Update errata
pack/side/coh_encounter.json | 1494 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
pack/tsk/tskc.json | 87 +-
2 files changed, 788 insertions(+), 793 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/coh_encounter.json b/pack/side/coh_encounter.json
index 64047fe68..7e701597c 100644
--- a/pack/side/coh_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/coh_encounter.json
@@ -1,748 +1,748 @@
- {
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2. This token has an additional -1 for each Innocent Reveler underneath the act or agenda decks.\n[cultist]: Reveal another token. If you fail this test, draw the top card of the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -4. Deal 1 damage or 1 horror to the nearest Innocent Reveler in play.\n[elder_thing]: -6. If you fail and Cnidathqua is in play, it attacks you.",
- "code": "82001",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 1,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "name": "Carnevale of Horrors",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 1,
- "quantity": 1,
- "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -2. This token has an additional -1 for each Innocent Reveler underneath the agenda deck.\n[cultist]: Reveal another token. If you fail this test, draw the top card of the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, deal 1 damage or 1 horror to the nearest Innocent Reveler in play.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail and Cnidathqua is in play, it attacks you.",
- "type_code": "scenario"
- },
- {
- "back_link": "82002b",
- "code": "82002",
- "doom": 8,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 2,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "Last-minute ocean liner tickets from Boston to Italy set you back a fair bit of dough, but after a tense journey, you arrive in Venice. The Carnevale has already begun, and the city is in celebration. Colorful confetti rains from above, covering the streets. Many revelers throng in Piazza San Marco, the square outside of Basilica. The parade is to begin shortly. You find the nearest uniformed Carabinieri and show him a copy of the symbol you'd transcribed from \"Zanni's\" mask. He pauses to decide your trustworthiness, nods, and escorts you into the basilica to see the Abbess Allegria Di Biase.",
- "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
- "name": "The Festivities Begin",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 2,
- "quantity": 1,
- "stage": 1,
- "type_code": "agenda"
- },
- {
- "code": "82002b",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 2,
- "enemy_damage": 2,
- "enemy_evade": 3,
- "enemy_fight": 4,
- "enemy_horror": 2,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "health": 5,
- "health_per_investigator": true,
- "hidden": true,
- "illustrator": "Adam Schumpert",
- "is_unique": true,
- "name": "Baleful Reveler",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 2,
- "quantity": 1,
- "subname": "Spreading Chaos",
- "text": "Spawn - The nearest location with no investigators counter-clockwise from the lead investigator.\nHunter. Retaliate.\nForced - After Baleful Reveler moves from the hunter keyword, reveal a random token from the chaos bag. If you reveal a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol, resolve its hunter keyword again. (Limit once per round.)",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist. Elite.",
- "type_code": "enemy",
- "victory": 2
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "The shadow of the eclipse is unrelenting. Throughout the city, a dull chant overtakes the screaming and the chaos, its language ancient and morbid. Tentacles course through the canals from the south, weaving beneath bridges and trapping entire islands within their grasp.",
- "back_name": "A Sacrifice To Be Made",
- "back_text": "If there are 1 or more Masked Carnevale-Goers in play, the lead investigator chooses 1 and flips it to its other side. If its other side is an Innocent Reveler, place it underneath the agenda deck.\nIf there is still a Masked Carnevale-Goer in play, flip this agenda back to agenda 2a.\nOtherwise, advance to agenda 3a.",
- "code": "82003",
- "doom": 3,
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 3,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The clamor and celebration of the Carnevale has for the most part drowned out the terrors you've seen in the city... Until now. The sun vanishes behind the moon, and darkness overtakes the sky. There is a solitary cry and the sound of crashing water. Within moments, screams erupt throughout the city. And yet, somehow, you see revelers still celebrating with wide, crazed smiles.",
- "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
- "name": "The Shadow of the Eclipse",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 3,
- "quantity": 1,
- "stage": 2,
- "type_code": "agenda"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "Great tentacle-arms, covered with acrid slime, rise from the canals and lash at you and anyone else unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity.",
- "back_name": "Cnidathqua Attacks!",
- "back_text": "In player order, Cnidathqua attacks each investigator in play, regardless of their location. Damage and horror from these attacks must be assigned to an Innocent Reveler first, if able. Then, flip this agenda back to agenda 3a.",
- "code": "82004",
- "doom": 3,
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 4,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "In the lagoon, an ancient terror stirs. The creature's tentacles coil around the city, and the water level begins to rise. As if in response, the chanting you hear throughout the city grows louder.",
- "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
- "name": "Chaos at the Carnevale",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 4,
- "quantity": 1,
- "stage": 3,
- "text": "Forced - After a Writhing Appendage enters play: Place 2 doom on it.",
- "type_code": "agenda"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "Many of the revelers are under the sway of a foul spell, and they cannot see the danger emerging around them. You push your way through the crowded streets, gathering what few sane revelers you can find and guiding them toward the relative safety of the Basilica. As the last of them is escorted inside, the ground shakes violently, and a watery shape looms above the island to the south from deep within the lagoon. Their ritual nearly finished, the \"revelers\" in the streets begin to unmask...",
- "back_name": "The Beast Emerges",
- "back_text": "Put the set-aside Cnidathqua enemy into play in the center of all of the locations. For the remainder of the scenario, Cnidathqua is considered to be in play but is not at any location.\nThe lead investigator chooses a Masked Carnevale-Goer in play and flips it to its other side.",
- "clues": null,
- "code": "82005",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 5,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The abbess addresses you privately: \"So, you know what is coming?\" You nod. \"Then you know what must be done. They are using the celebration as a sacrifice for their wretched master. Bring as many innocents as you can here, where I can protect them. But beware - the creature's servants will try to blend into the crowd with their false masks.\"",
- "illustrator": "Julepe",
- "name": "The Carnevale Conspiracy",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 5,
- "quantity": 1,
- "stage": 1,
- "text": "[action] The investigators spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the other side of a Masked Carnevale-Goer at any location.\nObjective - If there are a total of 3 Innocent Revelers underneath the act and/or agenda decks, advance.",
- "type_code": "act"
- },
- {
- "back_link": "82006b",
- "clues": null,
- "code": "82006",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 6,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The civilians in the Basilica are safe for now, but Venice is doomed if you don't act quickly. The only way to ensure the safety of the sacrifices is to draw the creature in the lagoon away from the city. Sweat beads down your forehead as you realize this decision may be your last. Legs trembling, you head towards the moored boats docked by the canals.",
- "illustrator": "Julepe",
- "name": "Get to the Boats!",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 6,
- "quantity": 1,
- "stage": 2,
- "text": "Forced - After the mythos phase begins: Choose a Masked Carnevale-Goer in play and flip it to its other side.\nObjective - If each undefeated investigator is at Canal-side, advance.",
- "type_code": "act"
- },
- {
- "clues": 0,
- "code": "82006b",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 6,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "hidden": true,
- "illustrator": "Matt Bradbury",
- "name": "Gondola",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 6,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 5,
- "text": "Revelation - Put Gondola into play and move each investigator to it. Then, remove all other locations from the game. Remove from the game each enemy and asset at those locations, as well.\n[action]: Test [combat] or [agility] (2) to row as hard as you can. If you succeed, place 1 resource from the token bank on this location.",
- "traits": "Venice. Boat.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "The skin on your hands blisters, rubbed raw by the oar, and your arms ache with pain. The creature movement is slow, its body covered in acrid slime, but its countless tentacles lash at you from the dark waters, coiling around your gondola and attempting to pry the oar out of your hands. With a heart-wrenching snap, the oar splinters into two pieces, the bottom half splashing into the lagoon. You desperately try to propel the gondola forward using any means you can, but it is futile. The beast gains on you, looming over the boat with an impossible feathery shape, its tendrils reaching for you. Above it, the black shape of the moon begins to slide. A thin crescent of sunlight pierces through the mist as the eclipse ends, and the creature's tendrils recoil to surround its body. Slowly it sinks into the lagoon, its body melting as the sun escapes its prison.",
- "back_name": "Blood of the Lagoon",
- "back_text": "(→R1)",
- "clues": null,
- "code": "82007",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 7,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "Relief turns to desperation as the creature draws its attention to your gondola. You have only one chance if you are to survive.",
- "illustrator": "Julepe",
- "name": "Row!",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 7,
- "quantity": 1,
- "stage": 3,
- "text": "Forced - When you would draw the top card of the encounter deck: Instead look at the top 5 cards of the encounter deck and put each Writhing Appendage among those cards into play, engaged with you. Discard the rest of those cards.\nObjective - If there are 4 [per_investigator] resources on Gondola, advance.",
- "type_code": "act"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "You cannot help but marvel at the Basilica's opulence and towering presence. In the piazza outside, revelers dance and celebrate, oblivious to their peril.",
- "back_text": "San Marco Basilica is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
- "clues": 0,
- "code": "82008",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 8,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "Blessed and warded by the abbess, the Basilica is about as safe a place as you can find in Venice. But it is not safe enough.",
- "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
- "name": "San Marco Basilica",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 8,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 3,
- "text": "San Marco Basilica is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[action]: Place an Innocent Reveler you control underneath the act deck, out of play.",
- "traits": "Venice.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "Canals course through the city's many islands, lined with gondole, traghetti, and other boats. The redolence of the festival clashes with the pungent odor of the water. Here the music of the Carnevale is faded, replaced by the sound of gentle sloshing against the docks and canal walls.",
- "back_text": "Canal-side is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
- "clues": 1,
- "clues_fixed": true,
- "code": "82009",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 9,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The water ripples and swells, causing some boats to sway and even capsize. You made a mental note to stay away from the docks.",
- "illustrator": "Ignacio Bazán Lazcano",
- "name": "Canal-side",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 9,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 2,
- "text": "Canal-side is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[reaction] After you enter Canal-side: Place 1 clue on Canal-side from the token bank.",
- "traits": "Venice.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "The parade of masks follows a circuitous route through the city, through the canal-side walkways and over more bridges than you can count. Streamers and confetti litter the streets where the parade has already passed by.",
- "back_text": "Streets of Venice is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
- "clues": 2,
- "clues_fixed": true,
- "code": "82010",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 10,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Chris Ostrowski",
- "name": "Streets of Venice",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 10,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 2,
- "text": "Streets of Venice is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[free]: Move (to the location in the clockwise direction).",
- "traits": "Venice.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "The Ponte di Rialto is the oldest bridge spanning the Grand Canal. It has endured for centuries, but even its stone may crumble should you fail.",
- "back_text": "Rialto Bridge is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
- "clues": 1,
- "clues_fixed": true,
- "code": "82011",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 11,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Chris Ostrowski",
- "name": "Rialto Bridge",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 11,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 2,
- "text": "Rialto Bridge is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\nForced - After you leave Rialto Bridge: Lose 1 action.",
- "traits": "Venice. Bridge.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "The parade's path meanders away from the canals and winds through a beautiful garden. Moonlight streams through the leaves, dappling the ancient marble statues.",
- "back_text": "Venetian Garden is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
- "clues": 1,
- "code": "82012",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 12,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The garden's quiet elegance stands in stark contrast to the raucous celebrations throughout the city.",
- "illustrator": "Chris Ostrowski",
- "name": "Venetian Garden",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 12,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 3,
- "text": "Venetian Garden is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[action] [action] Spend 2 resources: Heal 2 horror. (Limit once per game.)",
- "traits": "Venice.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "With a pang of discomfort, you imagine how disheartening the view would be from inside the enclosed bridge, looking out of its cramped windows.",
- "back_text": "Bridge of Sighs is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
- "clues": 2,
- "clues_fixed": true,
- "code": "82013",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 13,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Jon Bosco",
- "name": "Bridge of Sighs",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 13,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 1,
- "text": "Bridge of Sighs is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\nForced - After you leave Bridge of Sighs: Take 1 horror.",
- "traits": "Venice. Bridge.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "As the rising tide of the acqua alta floods the square, you trudge through the numbingly cold water. The parade continues across a makeshift wooden bridge that spans the square, too narrow for your comfort.",
- "back_text": "Flooded Square is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
- "clues": 1,
- "code": "82014",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 14,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Matt Bradbury",
- "name": "Flooded Square",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 14,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 4,
- "text": "Flooded Square is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[action]: Automatically evade a non-[[Elite]] enemy at the location in the counter-clockwise direction. (Group limit once per turn.)",
- "traits": "Venice.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "The long and narrow Ponte dell'Accademia is one of only four bridges that span the Grand Canal. Many pairs of yellow eyes gaze at the bridge from the academy's high windows, seemingly waiting for you to cross...",
- "back_text": "Accademia Bridge is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
- "clues": 1,
- "code": "82015",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 15,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Matt Bradbury",
- "name": "Accademia Bridge",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 15,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 2,
- "text": "Accademia Bridge is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\nForced - After you leave Accademia Bridge: Lose 2 resources.",
- "traits": "Venice. Bridge.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "back_flavor": "The statue's eyes seem to glow with the light of the moon.",
- "back_text": "The Guardian is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
- "clues": 2,
- "code": "82016",
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 16,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "You're sure it's made of stone. Why does it seem so alive?",
- "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
- "name": "The Guardian",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 16,
- "quantity": 1,
- "shroud": 3,
- "text": "The Guardian is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[reaction] After you enter The Guardian: Draw 1 card.",
- "traits": "Venice.",
- "type_code": "location"
- },
- {
- "code": "82017b",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "faction_code": "neutral",
- "hidden": true,
- "illustrator": "Jarreau Wimberly",
- "name": "Masked Carnevale-Goer",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 17,
- "quantity": 7,
- "text": "[action] Spend 1 clue: Flip Masked Carnevale-Goer. If its other side is an enemy, it attacks each investigator in its location.",
- "traits": "Carnevale.",
- "type_code": "asset"
- },
- {
- "back_link": "82017b",
- "code": "82017",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 17,
- "enemy_damage": 2,
- "enemy_evade": 3,
- "enemy_fight": 4,
- "enemy_horror": 0,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "health": 4,
- "illustrator": "Jon Bosco",
- "is_unique": true,
- "name": "Don Lagorio",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 17,
- "quantity": 1,
- "subname": "Secret Servant",
- "text": "Hunter.\nWhile resolving the hunter keyword on Don Lagorio, his location is connected to the location in the counter-clockwise direction, as well as the clockwise direction.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Servitor. Elite.",
- "type_code": "enemy",
- "victory": 1
- },
- {
- "back_link": "82017b",
- "code": "82018",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 18,
- "enemy_damage": 1,
- "enemy_evade": 4,
- "enemy_fight": 3,
- "enemy_horror": 1,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "health": 4,
- "illustrator": "Sebastian Giacobino",
- "is_unique": true,
- "name": "Elisabetta Magro",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 18,
- "quantity": 1,
- "subname": "High Servant of the Order",
- "text": "Aloof.\nForced - When you look at Elisabetta Magro using the ability on Act 1a: Flip her to this side.\nForced - When the mythos phase ends: Place 1 doom on Elisabetta Magro.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Lodge. Elite.",
- "type_code": "enemy",
- "victory": 1
- },
- {
- "back_link": "82017b",
- "code": "82019",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 19,
- "enemy_damage": 0,
- "enemy_evade": -2,
- "enemy_fight": -2,
- "enemy_horror": 2,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "health": 3,
- "illustrator": "Sebastian Giacobino",
- "is_unique": true,
- "name": "Salvatore Neri",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 19,
- "quantity": 1,
- "subname": "Master of Illusions",
- "text": "Retaliate.\nSalvatore Neri's fight value is equal to the attacking investigator's base [combat].\nSalvatore Neri's evade value is equal to the evading investigator's base [agility].",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Sorcerer. Elite.",
- "type_code": "enemy",
- "victory": 1
- },
- {
- "back_link": "82017b",
- "code": "82020",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 20,
- "enemy_damage": 1,
- "enemy_evade": 3,
- "enemy_fight": 3,
- "enemy_horror": 1,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "health": 5,
- "illustrator": "Sebastian Giacobino",
- "is_unique": true,
- "name": "Savio Corvi",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 20,
- "quantity": 1,
- "subname": "Dark Lurker",
- "text": "Hunter.\nWhile resolving the hunter keyword on Savio Corvi, his location is connected to the location across from him, as well as in the clockwise direction.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist. Elite.",
- "type_code": "enemy",
- "victory": 1
- },
- {
- "back_link": "82017b",
- "code": "82021",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 21,
- "faction_code": "neutral",
- "health": 2,
- "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
- "name": "Innocent Reveler",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 21,
- "quantity": 3,
- "sanity": 2,
- "text": "[action]: Parley. Test [intellect] (2) to convince the reveler to follow you to safety. If you succeed, take control of Innocent Reveler.\nForced - When Innocent Reveler would be discarded: Place it underneath the agenda deck, out of play. Each investigator takes 1 horror.",
- "traits": "Ally. Bystander. Carnevale.",
- "type_code": "asset"
- },
- {
- "code": "82022",
- "cost": 4,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 24,
- "faction_code": "neutral",
- "health": 2,
- "illustrator": "Sara Biddle",
- "is_unique": true,
- "name": "Abbess Allegria Di Biase",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 22,
- "quantity": 1,
- "sanity": 2,
- "skill_intellect": 1,
- "skill_wild": 1,
- "skill_willpower": 1,
- "slot": "Ally",
- "subname": "Most Blessed",
- "text": "[free]: Exhaust Abbess Allegria Di Biase: Move from her location to a connecting location, or to her location from a location connected to it. Any investigator may trigger this ability.",
- "traits": "Ally. Believer.",
- "type_code": "asset"
- },
- {
- "code": "82023",
- "cost": 1,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 25,
- "faction_code": "neutral",
- "illustrator": "Nicholas Gregory",
- "name": "Bauta",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 23,
- "quantity": 1,
- "skill_combat": 1,
- "skill_wild": 1,
- "text": "Limit 1 [[Mask]] in play.\n[reaction] After Bauta enters play: Gain 2 resources.\n[reaction] When you initiate a non-[combat] test, discard Bauta: Use [combat] for this test, instead of the skill indicated.",
- "traits": "Item. Mask.",
- "type_code": "asset"
- },
- {
- "code": "82024",
- "cost": 1,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 26,
- "faction_code": "neutral",
- "illustrator": "Julepe",
- "name": "Medico Della Peste",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 24,
- "quantity": 1,
- "skill_willpower": 1,
- "skill_wild": 1,
- "text": "Limit 1 [[Mask]] in play.\n[reaction] After Medico Della Peste enters play: You heal 1 damage or 1 horror.\n[reaction] When you initiate a non-[willpower] test, discard Medico Della Peste: Use [willpower] for this test, instead of the skill indicated.",
- "traits": "Item. Mask.",
- "type_code": "asset"
- },
- {
- "code": "82025",
- "cost": 1,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 27,
- "faction_code": "neutral",
- "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
- "name": "Pantalone",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 25,
- "quantity": 1,
- "skill_intellect": 1,
- "skill_wild": 1,
- "text": "Limit 1 [[Mask]] in play.\n[reaction] After Pantalone enters play: Draw 2 cards.\n[reaction] When you initiate a non-[intellect] test, discard Pantalone: Use [intellect] for this test, instead of the skill indicated.",
- "traits": "Item. Mask.",
- "type_code": "asset"
- },
- {
- "code": "82026",
- "cost": 1,
- "deck_limit": 1,
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 28,
- "faction_code": "neutral",
- "illustrator": "Anthony Devine",
- "name": "Gilded Volto",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 26,
- "quantity": 1,
- "skill_agility": 1,
- "skill_wild": 1,
- "text": "Limit 1 [[Mask]] in play.\n[reaction] After Gilded Volto enters play: Treat the next asset you play this turn as if it has fast.\n[reaction] When you initiate a non-[agility] test, discard Gilded Volto: Use [agility] for this test, instead of the skill indicated.",
- "traits": "Item. Mask.",
- "type_code": "asset"
- },
- {
- "code": "82027",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 29,
- "enemy_damage": 2,
- "enemy_evade": null,
- "enemy_fight": 4,
- "enemy_horror": 2,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "health": 8,
- "health_per_investigator": true,
- "illustrator": "Mathias Kollros",
- "is_unique": true,
- "name": "Cnidathqua",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 27,
- "quantity": 1,
- "subname": "The Many-armed Beast",
- "text": "You may fight Cnidathqua as if it were at your location (it is not engaged with you).\nCnidathqua cannot be evaded.\nForced - After you fail a test while attacking Cnidathqua: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Writhing Appendage and spawn it engaged with you.\nObjective - If Cnidathqua is defeated, (→R2).",
- "traits": "Monster. Ancient One. Elite.",
- "type_code": "enemy"
- },
- {
- "code": "82028",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 30,
- "enemy_damage": 1,
- "enemy_evade": 2,
- "enemy_fight": 4,
- "enemy_horror": 1,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "Dark waters hold darker secrets.",
- "health": 4,
- "illustrator": "Ilich Henriquez",
- "name": "Poleman",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 28,
- "quantity": 2,
- "text": "Spawn - Canal-side.\nPrey - Most Innocent Revelers controlled.\nHunter.",
- "traits": "Monster. Deep One.",
- "type_code": "enemy"
- },
- {
- "code": "82029",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 32,
- "enemy_damage": 2,
- "enemy_evade": 3,
- "enemy_fight": 3,
- "enemy_horror": 0,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "Uninvited guests are not welcome.",
- "health": 3,
- "illustrator": "Thomas Wievegg",
- "name": "Carnevale Sentinel",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 29,
- "quantity": 3,
- "text": "Spawn - The location across from you.\nRetaliate.\nYou cannot look at the other side of Masked Carnevale-Goers at Carnevale Sentinel's location using the ability on Act 1a.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist.",
- "type_code": "enemy"
- },
- {
- "code": "82030",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 35,
- "enemy_damage": 1,
- "enemy_evade": 4,
- "enemy_fight": 2,
- "enemy_horror": 0,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "health": 2,
- "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
- "name": "Writhing Appendage",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 30,
- "quantity": 3,
- "text": "Retaliate.\nForced - After Writhing Appendage attacks you: Discard a random card from your hand.\nForced - When Writhing Appendage is defeated, if Cnidathqua is in play: Deal 1 damage to Cnidathqua.",
- "traits": "Monster. Tentacle.",
- "type_code": "enemy"
- },
- {
- "code": "82031",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 38,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Adam Schumpert",
- "name": "Mass Hysteria",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 31,
- "quantity": 3,
- "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must either take 2 damage or take each Masked Carnevale-Goer, shuffle them so the investigators do not know which is which, and place 1 in each location, starting with the location clockwise from you (Masked Carnevale-Goer side face-up).",
- "traits": "Hazard.",
- "type_code": "treachery"
- },
- {
- "code": "82032",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 41,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "How exactly did you end up here?",
- "illustrator": "Alexandre Dainche",
- "name": "Lost in Venice",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 32,
- "quantity": 3,
- "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must either take 2 horror or move to the location across from you.",
- "traits": "Blunder.",
- "type_code": "treachery"
- },
- {
- "code": "82033",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 44,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Nicholas Gregory",
- "name": "Watchers' Gaze",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 33,
- "quantity": 3,
- "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (4). Each investigator who controls an Innocent Reveler must also perform this skill test. Each investigator who fails takes 1 horror, which must be assigned to Innocent Reveler first, if able.",
- "traits": "Terror.",
- "type_code": "treachery"
- },
- {
- "code": "82034",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 47,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Ignacio Bazán Lazcano",
- "name": "Chaos in the Water",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 34,
- "quantity": 3,
- "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (4). Each investigator who controls an Innocent Reveler must also perform this skill test. Each investigator who fails takes 1 damage, which must be assigned to an Innocent Reveler first, if able.",
- "traits": "Hazard.",
- "type_code": "treachery"
- },
- {
- "code": "82035",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 50,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Chris Peuler",
- "name": "Mesmerize",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 35,
- "quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation - If there are no Masked Carnevale-Goers at your location, Mesmerize gains surge. If there is a Masked Carnevale-Goer at your location, flip it. If it is an Innocent Reveler, move it to the farthest location clockwise from you with no investigators, then deal it 1 damage and 1 horror.",
- "traits": "Hex.",
- "type_code": "treachery"
- },
- {
- "code": "82036",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 52,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "When the revelers come out to celebrate, they come out to feed.",
- "illustrator": "Scott Purdy",
- "name": "Abduction",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 36,
- "quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). If you fail, you must either lose all of your resources or choose and discard an [[Ally]] asset you control.",
- "traits": "Scheme.",
- "type_code": "treachery"
- },
- {
- "code": "82037",
- "encounter_code": "venice",
- "encounter_position": 54,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "illustrator": "Cristina Vela",
- "name": "Acrid Miasma",
- "pack_code": "coh",
- "position": 37,
- "quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation - Attach to the nearest location in the clockwise direction with no Acrid Miasma.\nForced - After an investigator enters attached location, he or she tests [willpower] (2). If failed, that investigator must either take 1 damage and 1 horror, or resolve the hunter keyword on each enemy in play.",
- "traits": "Hazard.",
- "type_code": "treachery"
- }
+ {
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2. This token has an additional -1 for each Innocent Reveler underneath the act or agenda decks.\n[cultist]: Reveal another token. If you fail this test, draw the top card of the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -4. Deal 1 damage or 1 horror to the nearest Innocent Reveler in play.\n[elder_thing]: -6. If you fail and Cnidathqua is in play, it attacks you.",
+ "code": "82001",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "name": "Carnevale of Horrors",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 1,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -2. This token has an additional -1 for each Innocent Reveler underneath the agenda deck.\n[cultist]: Reveal another token. If you fail this test, draw the top card of the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, deal 1 damage or 1 horror to the nearest Innocent Reveler in play.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail and Cnidathqua is in play, it attacks you.",
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "82002b",
+ "code": "82002",
+ "doom": 8,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Last-minute ocean liner tickets from Boston to Italy set you back a fair bit of dough, but after a tense journey, you arrive in Venice. The Carnevale has already begun, and the city is in celebration. Colorful confetti rains from above, covering the streets. Many revelers throng in Piazza San Marco, the square outside of Basilica. The parade is to begin shortly. You find the nearest uniformed Carabinieri and show him a copy of the symbol you'd transcribed from \"Zanni's\" mask. He pauses to decide your trustworthiness, nods, and escorts you into the basilica to see the Abbess Allegria Di Biase.",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
+ "name": "The Festivities Begin",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 2,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82002b",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "health_per_investigator": true,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Adam Schumpert",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Baleful Reveler",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 2,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Spreading Chaos",
+ "text": "Spawn - The nearest location with no investigators counter-clockwise from the lead investigator.\nHunter. Retaliate.\nForced - After Baleful Reveler moves from the hunter keyword, reveal a random token from the chaos bag. If you reveal a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], [elder_thing], or [auto_fail] symbol, resolve its hunter keyword again. (Limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The shadow of the eclipse is unrelenting. Throughout the city, a dull chant overtakes the screaming and the chaos, its language ancient and morbid. Tentacles course through the canals from the south, weaving beneath bridges and trapping entire islands within their grasp.",
+ "back_name": "A Sacrifice To Be Made",
+ "back_text": "If there are 1 or more Masked Carnevale-Goers in play, the lead investigator chooses 1 and flips it to its other side. If its other side is an Innocent Reveler, place it underneath the agenda deck.\nIf there is still a Masked Carnevale-Goer in play, flip this agenda back to agenda 2a.\nOtherwise, advance to agenda 3a.",
+ "code": "82003",
+ "doom": 3,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The clamor and celebration of the Carnevale has for the most part drowned out the terrors you've seen in the city... Until now. The sun vanishes behind the moon, and darkness overtakes the sky. There is a solitary cry and the sound of crashing water. Within moments, screams erupt throughout the city. And yet, somehow, you see revelers still celebrating with wide, crazed smiles.",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
+ "name": "The Shadow of the Eclipse",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 3,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Great tentacle-arms, covered with acrid slime, rise from the canals and lash at you and anyone else unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity.",
+ "back_name": "Cnidathqua Attacks!",
+ "back_text": "In player order, Cnidathqua attacks each investigator in play, regardless of their location. Damage and horror from these attacks must be assigned to an Innocent Reveler first, if able. Then, flip this agenda back to agenda 3a.",
+ "code": "82004",
+ "doom": 3,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "In the lagoon, an ancient terror stirs. The creature's tentacles coil around the city, and the water level begins to rise. As if in response, the chanting you hear throughout the city grows louder.",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
+ "name": "Chaos at the Carnevale",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 4,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "Forced - After a Writhing Appendage enters play: Place 2 doom on it.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Many of the revelers are under the sway of a foul spell, and they cannot see the danger emerging around them. You push your way through the crowded streets, gathering what few sane revelers you can find and guiding them toward the relative safety of the Basilica. As the last of them is escorted inside, the ground shakes violently, and a watery shape looms above the island to the south from deep within the lagoon. Their ritual nearly finished, the \"revelers\" in the streets begin to unmask...",
+ "back_name": "The Beast Emerges",
+ "back_text": "Put the set-aside Cnidathqua enemy into play in the center of all of the locations. For the remainder of the scenario, Cnidathqua is considered to be in play but is not at any location.\nThe lead investigator chooses a Masked Carnevale-Goer in play and flips it to its other side.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "82005",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The abbess addresses you privately: \"So, you know what is coming?\" You nod. \"Then you know what must be done. They are using the celebration as a sacrifice for their wretched master. Bring as many innocents as you can here, where I can protect them. But beware - the creature's servants will try to blend into the crowd with their false masks.\"",
+ "illustrator": "Julepe",
+ "name": "The Carnevale Conspiracy",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 5,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "[action] The investigators spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the other side of a Masked Carnevale-Goer at any location.\nObjective - If there are a total of 3 Innocent Revelers underneath the act and/or agenda decks, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "82006b",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "82006",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The civilians in the Basilica are safe for now, but Venice is doomed if you don't act quickly. The only way to ensure the safety of the sacrifices is to draw the creature in the lagoon away from the city. Sweat beads down your forehead as you realize this decision may be your last. Legs trembling, you head towards the moored boats docked by the canals.",
+ "illustrator": "Julepe",
+ "name": "Get to the Boats!",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 6,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Forced - After the mythos phase begins: Choose a Masked Carnevale-Goer in play and flip it to its other side.\nObjective - If each undefeated investigator is at Canal-side, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "82006b",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Matt Bradbury",
+ "name": "Gondola",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 6,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Gondola into play and move each investigator to it. Then, remove all other locations from the game. Remove from the game each enemy and asset at those locations, as well.\n[action]: Test [combat] or [agility] (2) to row as hard as you can. If you succeed, place 1 resource from the token bank on this location.",
+ "traits": "Venice. Boat.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The skin on your hands blisters, rubbed raw by the oar, and your arms ache with pain. The creature movement is slow, its body covered in acrid slime, but its countless tentacles lash at you from the dark waters, coiling around your gondola and attempting to pry the oar out of your hands. With a heart-wrenching snap, the oar splinters into two pieces, the bottom half splashing into the lagoon. You desperately try to propel the gondola forward using any means you can, but it is futile. The beast gains on you, looming over the boat with an impossible feathery shape, its tendrils reaching for you. Above it, the black shape of the moon begins to slide. A thin crescent of sunlight pierces through the mist as the eclipse ends, and the creature's tendrils recoil to surround its body. Slowly it sinks into the lagoon, its body melting as the sun escapes its prison.",
+ "back_name": "Blood of the Lagoon",
+ "back_text": "(→R1)",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "82007",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Relief turns to desperation as the creature draws its attention to your gondola. You have only one chance if you are to survive.",
+ "illustrator": "Julepe",
+ "name": "Row!",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 7,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "Forced - When you would draw the top card of the encounter deck: Instead look at the top 5 cards of the encounter deck and put each Writhing Appendage among those cards into play, engaged with you. Discard the rest of those cards.\nObjective - If there are 4 [per_investigator] resources on Gondola, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "You cannot help but marvel at the Basilica's opulence and towering presence. In the piazza outside, revelers dance and celebrate, oblivious to their peril.",
+ "back_text": "San Marco Basilica is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "82008",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Blessed and warded by the abbess, the Basilica is about as safe a place as you can find in Venice. But it is not safe enough.",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
+ "name": "San Marco Basilica",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 8,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "San Marco Basilica is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[action]: Place an Innocent Reveler you control underneath the act deck, out of play.",
+ "traits": "Venice.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Canals course through the city's many islands, lined with gondole, traghetti, and other boats. The redolence of the festival clashes with the pungent odor of the water. Here the music of the Carnevale is faded, replaced by the sound of gentle sloshing against the docks and canal walls.",
+ "back_text": "Canal-side is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
+ "code": "82009",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The water ripples and swells, causing some boats to sway and even capsize. You made a mental note to stay away from the docks.",
+ "illustrator": "Ignacio Bazán Lazcano",
+ "name": "Canal-side",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 9,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Canal-side is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[reaction] After you enter Canal-side: Place 1 clue on Canal-side from the token bank.",
+ "traits": "Venice.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The parade of masks follows a circuitous route through the city, through the canal-side walkways and over more bridges than you can count. Streamers and confetti litter the streets where the parade has already passed by.",
+ "back_text": "Streets of Venice is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
+ "code": "82010",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Chris Ostrowski",
+ "name": "Streets of Venice",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 10,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Streets of Venice is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[free]: Move (to the location in the clockwise direction).",
+ "traits": "Venice.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The Ponte di Rialto is the oldest bridge spanning the Grand Canal. It has endured for centuries, but even its stone may crumble should you fail.",
+ "back_text": "Rialto Bridge is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
+ "code": "82011",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Chris Ostrowski",
+ "name": "Rialto Bridge",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 11,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Rialto Bridge is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\nForced - After you leave Rialto Bridge: Lose 1 action.",
+ "traits": "Venice. Bridge.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The parade's path meanders away from the canals and winds through a beautiful garden. Moonlight streams through the leaves, dappling the ancient marble statues.",
+ "back_text": "Venetian Garden is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "82012",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The garden's quiet elegance stands in stark contrast to the raucous celebrations throughout the city.",
+ "illustrator": "Chris Ostrowski",
+ "name": "Venetian Garden",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 12,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Venetian Garden is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[action] [action] Spend 2 resources: Heal 2 horror. (Limit once per game.)",
+ "traits": "Venice.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "With a pang of discomfort, you imagine how disheartening the view would be from inside the enclosed bridge, looking out of its cramped windows.",
+ "back_text": "Bridge of Sighs is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
+ "code": "82013",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Jon Bosco",
+ "name": "Bridge of Sighs",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 13,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
+ "text": "Bridge of Sighs is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\nForced - After you leave Bridge of Sighs: Take 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Venice. Bridge.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "As the rising tide of the acqua alta floods the square, you trudge through the numbingly cold water. The parade continues across a makeshift wooden bridge that spans the square, too narrow for your comfort.",
+ "back_text": "Flooded Square is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "82014",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Matt Bradbury",
+ "name": "Flooded Square",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 14,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Flooded Square is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[action]: Automatically evade a non-[[Elite]] enemy at the location in the counter-clockwise direction. (Group limit once per turn.)",
+ "traits": "Venice.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The long and narrow Ponte dell'Accademia is one of only four bridges that span the Grand Canal. Many pairs of yellow eyes gaze at the bridge from the academy's high windows, seemingly waiting for you to cross...",
+ "back_text": "Accademia Bridge is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "82015",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Matt Bradbury",
+ "name": "Accademia Bridge",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 15,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Accademia Bridge is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\nForced - After you leave Accademia Bridge: Lose 2 resources.",
+ "traits": "Venice. Bridge.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The statue's eyes seem to glow with the light of the moon.",
+ "back_text": "The Guardian is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "82016",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You're sure it's made of stone. Why does it seem so alive?",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
+ "name": "The Guardian",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 16,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "The Guardian is connected to the location in the clockwise direction.\n[reaction] After you enter The Guardian: Draw 1 card.",
+ "traits": "Venice.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82017b",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Jarreau Wimberly",
+ "name": "Masked Carnevale-Goer",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 17,
+ "quantity": 7,
+ "text": "[action] Spend 1 clue: Flip Masked Carnevale-Goer. If its other side is an enemy, it attacks each investigator in its location.",
+ "traits": "Carnevale.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "82017b",
+ "code": "82017",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 0,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Jon Bosco",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Don Lagorio",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 17,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Secret Servant",
+ "text": "Hunter.\nWhile resolving the hunter keyword on Don Lagorio, his location is connected to the location in the counter-clockwise direction, as well as the clockwise direction.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Servitor. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "82017b",
+ "code": "82018",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Sebastian Giacobino",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Elisabetta Magro",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 18,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "High Servant of the Order",
+ "text": "Aloof.\nForced - When you look at Elisabetta Magro using the ability on Act 1a: Flip her to this side.\nForced - When the mythos phase ends: Place 1 doom on Elisabetta Magro.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Lodge. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "82017b",
+ "code": "82019",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "enemy_damage": 0,
+ "enemy_evade": -2,
+ "enemy_fight": -2,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Sebastian Giacobino",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Salvatore Neri",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 19,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Master of Illusions",
+ "text": "Retaliate.\nSalvatore Neri's fight value is equal to the attacking investigator's base [combat].\nSalvatore Neri's evade value is equal to the evading investigator's base [agility].",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Sorcerer. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "82017b",
+ "code": "82020",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Sebastian Giacobino",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Savio Corvi",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 20,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Dark Lurker",
+ "text": "Hunter.\nWhile resolving the hunter keyword on Savio Corvi, his location is connected to the location across from him, as well as in the clockwise direction.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "82017b",
+ "code": "82021",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
+ "name": "Innocent Reveler",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 21,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "text": "[action]: Parley. Test [intellect] (2) to convince the reveler to follow you to safety. If you succeed, take control of Innocent Reveler.\nForced - When Innocent Reveler would be discarded: Place it underneath the agenda deck, out of play. Each investigator takes 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Bystander. Carnevale.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82022",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 24,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Sara Biddle",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Abbess Allegria Di Biase",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 22,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Most Blessed",
+ "text": "[free]: Exhaust Abbess Allegria Di Biase: Move from her location to a connecting location, or to her location from a location connected to it. Any investigator may trigger this ability.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Believer.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82023",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 25,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Nicholas Gregory",
+ "name": "Bauta",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 23,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "text": "Limit 1 [[Mask]] per investigator.\n[reaction] After Bauta enters play: Gain 2 resources.\n[reaction] When you initiate a non-[combat] test, discard Bauta: Use [combat] for this test, instead of the skill indicated.",
+ "traits": "Item. Mask.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82024",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Julepe",
+ "name": "Medico Della Peste",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 24,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "text": "Limit 1 [[Mask]] per investigator.\n[reaction] After Medico Della Peste enters play: You heal 1 damage or 1 horror.\n[reaction] When you initiate a non-[willpower] test, discard Medico Della Peste: Use [willpower] for this test, instead of the skill indicated.",
+ "traits": "Item. Mask.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82025",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 27,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
+ "name": "Pantalone",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 25,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "text": "Limit 1 [[Mask]] per investigator.\n[reaction] After Pantalone enters play: Draw 2 cards.\n[reaction] When you initiate a non-[intellect] test, discard Pantalone: Use [intellect] for this test, instead of the skill indicated.",
+ "traits": "Item. Mask.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82026",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Anthony Devine",
+ "name": "Gilded Volto",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 26,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "text": "Limit 1 [[Mask]] per investigator.\n[reaction] After Gilded Volto enters play: Treat the next asset you play this turn as if it has fast.\n[reaction] When you initiate a non-[agility] test, discard Gilded Volto: Use [agility] for this test, instead of the skill indicated.",
+ "traits": "Item. Mask.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82027",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 29,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": null,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 8,
+ "health_per_investigator": true,
+ "illustrator": "Mathias Kollros",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Cnidathqua",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 27,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "The Many-armed Beast",
+ "text": "You may fight Cnidathqua as if it were at your location (it is not engaged with you).\nCnidathqua cannot be evaded.\nForced - After you fail a test while attacking Cnidathqua: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Writhing Appendage and spawn it engaged with you.\nObjective - If Cnidathqua is defeated, (→R2).",
+ "traits": "Monster. Ancient One. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82028",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 30,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Dark waters hold darker secrets.",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Ilich Henriquez",
+ "name": "Poleman",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 28,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Spawn - Canal-side.\nPrey - Most Innocent Revelers controlled.\nHunter.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82029",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 32,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 0,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Uninvited guests are not welcome.",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Thomas Wievegg",
+ "name": "Carnevale Sentinel",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 29,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Spawn - The location across from you.\nRetaliate.\nYou cannot look at the other side of Masked Carnevale-Goers at Carnevale Sentinel's location using the ability on Act 1a.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82030",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 35,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 0,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
+ "name": "Writhing Appendage",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 30,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Retaliate.\nForced - After Writhing Appendage attacks you: Discard a random card from your hand.\nForced - When Writhing Appendage is defeated, if Cnidathqua is in play: Deal 1 damage to Cnidathqua.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Tentacle.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82031",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 38,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Adam Schumpert",
+ "name": "Mass Hysteria",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 31,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must either take 2 damage or take each Masked Carnevale-Goer, shuffle them so the investigators do not know which is which, and place 1 in each location, starting with the location clockwise from you (Masked Carnevale-Goer side face-up).",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82032",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 41,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "How exactly did you end up here?",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandre Dainche",
+ "name": "Lost in Venice",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 32,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must either take 2 horror or move to the location across from you.",
+ "traits": "Blunder.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82033",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 44,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nicholas Gregory",
+ "name": "Watchers' Gaze",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 33,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (4). Each investigator who controls an Innocent Reveler must also perform this skill test. Each investigator who fails takes 1 horror, which must be assigned to Innocent Reveler first, if able.",
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82034",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 47,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ignacio Bazán Lazcano",
+ "name": "Chaos in the Water",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 34,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (4). Each investigator who controls an Innocent Reveler must also perform this skill test. Each investigator who fails takes 1 damage, which must be assigned to an Innocent Reveler first, if able.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82035",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 50,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Chris Peuler",
+ "name": "Mesmerize",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 35,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - If there are no Masked Carnevale-Goers at your location, Mesmerize gains surge. If there is a Masked Carnevale-Goer at your location, flip it. If it is an Innocent Reveler, move it to the farthest location clockwise from you with no investigators, then deal it 1 damage and 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Hex.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82036",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 52,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "When the revelers come out to celebrate, they come out to feed.",
+ "illustrator": "Scott Purdy",
+ "name": "Abduction",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 36,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). If you fail, you must either lose all of your resources or choose and discard an [[Ally]] asset you control.",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "82037",
+ "encounter_code": "venice",
+ "encounter_position": 54,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Cristina Vela",
+ "name": "Acrid Miasma",
+ "pack_code": "coh",
+ "position": 37,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Attach to the nearest location in the clockwise direction with no Acrid Miasma.\nForced - After an investigator enters attached location, he or she tests [willpower] (2). If failed, that investigator must either take 1 damage and 1 horror, or resolve the hunter keyword on each enemy in play.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pack/tsk/tskc.json b/pack/tsk/tskc.json
index b7befec9f..46c913b7a 100644
--- a/pack/tsk/tskc.json
+++ b/pack/tsk/tskc.json
@@ -14,24 +14,24 @@
"type_code": "scenario"
- "back_flavor": "Eventually, you notice the tail. The figure stalks you through the rainy streets, pretending to have some other pressing task at hand. For once, you believe your paranoia may have paid off. But there is only one way to know for sure. So you test your theory - walking faster, moving aimlessly through the streets, and doubling back to see what they do. Every time, there they are. Watching you. It's a tail, all right. You flip the script and begin to give chase, instead. If they work for the man with the red gloves, you are going to find out.",
- "back_name": "Just Out of Reach",
- "back_text": "Each investigator takes 1 horror. Put the set-aside Kensington Gardens, Westminster Abbey, and Big Ben locations into play.\nThe lead investigator draws the set-aside The Red-Gloved Man enemy and resolves his concealed keyword. (Spawn The Red-Gloved Man in the shadows. Take his mini-card and 1 [per_investigator] decoys, shuffle them facedown, and put them into play divided as evenly as possible among the locations nearest to the lead investigator.)\nEach investigator loses each of their clues. Advance the act directly to act 2a (do not resolve act 1b).",
- "code": "09502",
- "doom": 2,
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "riddles_and_rain",
- "encounter_position": 2,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "Arriving in London, you patiently await your contact... but none arrives. Inspector Flint - or one of his proxies - was supposed to meet you at a quiet teahouse tucked away in a narrow storefront just outside Trafalgar Square. Wondering what could have gone wrong, and suspecting the worst, you set off to investigate.",
- "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
- "name": "When It Rains...",
- "pack_code": "tskc",
- "position": 2,
- "quantity": 1,
- "stage": 1,
- "text": "Forced - When this agenda advances: Move all doom on it to the next agenda.",
- "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "Eventually, you notice the tail. The figure stalks you through the rainy streets, pretending to have some other pressing task at hand. For once, you believe your paranoia may have paid off. But there is only one way to know for sure. So you test your theory - walking faster, moving aimlessly through the streets, and doubling back to see what they do. Every time, there they are. Watching you. It's a tail, all right. You flip the script and begin to give chase, instead. If they work for the man with the red gloves, you are going to find out.",
+ "back_name": "Just Out of Reach",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator takes 1 horror. Put the set-aside Kensington Gardens, Westminster Abbey, and Big Ben locations into play.\nThe lead investigator draws the set-aside The Red-Gloved Man enemy and resolves his concealed keyword. (Spawn The Red-Gloved Man in the shadows. Take his mini-card and 1 [per_investigator] decoys, shuffle them facedown, and put them into play divided as evenly as possible among the locations nearest to the lead investigator.)\nEach investigator loses each of their clues. Advance the act directly to act 2a (do not resolve act 1b).",
+ "code": "09502",
+ "doom": 2,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "riddles_and_rain",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Arriving in London, you patiently await your contact... but none arrives. Inspector Flint - or one of his proxies - was supposed to meet you at a quiet teahouse tucked away in a narrow storefront just outside Trafalgar Square. Wondering what could have gone wrong, and suspecting the worst, you set off to investigate.",
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
+ "name": "When It Rains...",
+ "pack_code": "tskc",
+ "position": 2,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - When this agenda advances: Move all doom on it to the next agenda.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
"back_flavor": "Through the rainy streets and dense fog you give chase, but no matter what you do, the man you seek constantly eludes your grasp. All you catch is the barest hint of the color red as he slips out of view once more. Then, fast as a flash of lightning and gone just as swiftly, a formless shape ducks out of view. A chunk of a nearby telephone booth goes along with it. After a moment of trepidation, you inch forward and examine what remains of the booth. All that remains is an ectoplasmic substance, appearing like the negative of an undeveloped photo. It takes you a while to pick up the trail once more. When you do, you find that your quarry has fled to the east, where the Tower Bridge looms over the skyline.",
@@ -685,8 +685,6 @@
"traits": "Marrakesh. Ritual Site. Abandoned.",
"type_code": "location"
"back_link": "09536b",
"code": "09536",
@@ -1354,24 +1352,24 @@
"type_code": "scenario"
- "back_flavor": "The daylight dims, and you strain your eyes to examine why. A strange, black shape has begun to crawl its way over the outline of the sun. An eclipse? Whatever the cult is up to, you better stop it soon...",
- "back_name": "In a Shadow of Voidlight",
- "back_text": "In player order, each investigator must choose: Either place 1 clue (from the token pool) on Clues Unveiled, or search the encounter deck and discard pile for a [[Cultist]] enemy and draw it; it gains concealed 1 (if no [[Cultist]] enemy is found, place 1 clue on Clues Unveiled, instead). Shuffle the encounter deck if it is searched.\nFor each eclipse that was on the agenda when it advanced, an investigator must resolve the above effect an additional time.\nFlip this agenda back over, adding 1 resource to it, as an eclipse. (It keeps each other eclipse it had, as well.)",
- "code": "09567",
- "doom": 4,
- "double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "dealings_in_the_dark",
- "encounter_position": 2,
- "faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The cult operating in Istanbul is secretive and deadly, with eyes everywhere and ears in every dark corner of the city.",
- "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
- "name": "Agents of the Dark",
- "pack_code": "tskc",
- "position": 67,
- "quantity": 1,
- "stage": 1,
- "text": "Each non-weakness [[Cultist]] enemy gains concealed 1.\nForced - After you evade a [[Cultist]] enemy, return it to the shadows and resolve its concealed keyword: Take control of 1 of its clues.",
- "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "The daylight dims, and you strain your eyes to examine why. A strange, black shape has begun to crawl its way over the outline of the sun. An eclipse? Whatever the cult is up to, you better stop it soon...",
+ "back_name": "In a Shadow of Voidlight",
+ "back_text": "In player order, each investigator must choose: Either place 1 clue (from the token pool) on Clues Unveiled, or search the encounter deck and discard pile for a [[Cultist]] enemy and draw it; it gains concealed 1 (if no [[Cultist]] enemy is found, place 1 clue on Clues Unveiled, instead). Shuffle the encounter deck if it is searched.\nFor each eclipse that was on the agenda when it advanced, an investigator must resolve the above effect an additional time.\nFlip this agenda back over, adding 1 resource to it, as an eclipse. (It keeps each other eclipse it had, as well.)",
+ "code": "09567",
+ "doom": 4,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "dealings_in_the_dark",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The cult operating in Istanbul is secretive and deadly, with eyes everywhere and ears in every dark corner of the city.",
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "name": "Agents of the Dark",
+ "pack_code": "tskc",
+ "position": 67,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Each non-weakness [[Cultist]] enemy gains concealed 1.\nForced - After you evade a [[Cultist]] enemy, return it to the shadows and resolve its concealed keyword: Take control of 1 of its clues.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
"back_name": "Manuscript Discovered",
@@ -3337,7 +3335,6 @@
"traits": "Hex.",
"type_code": "treachery"
"back_link": "09659b",
"code": "09659a",
@@ -3426,7 +3423,7 @@
"text": "If there is only one investigator in the game, this agenda gets +1 doom threshold.\nForced - When you engage Tzu San Niang: Investigators at your location must spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group. If they cannot, draw the top card of the encounter deck instead.\n(Hint: When this agenda advances, Tzu San Niang will harvest a nearby spirit if her location is unknown!)",
"type_code": "agenda"
+ {
"back_flavor": "Tzu San Niang corners you in a narrow alley, her face heavily shadowed in the harsh evening light. \"Don't be afraid,\" her voice worms its way into your mind. \"I do not wish you hard. Quite the opposite, I think we should be friends.\" She grins and snaps her parasol shut, pointing it directly at you. \"Well, 'friend' is a little too kind. You're my new pet.\" The tip dances with crackling, silvery light, and a torrent of energy tears through the air toward you. As waves of pain wash over you, you fall to your knees, wracked with agony. Tzu San Niang laughs as you lose consciousness.",
"back_name": "\"Don't Be Afraid\"",
"back_text": "Each investigator is defeated and suffers 1 mental trauma.\n(→R3)",
@@ -4218,7 +4215,8 @@
"text": "[reaction] After a concealed mini-card is exposed, exhaust Aliki Zoni Uperetria: Choose a set-aside hollow. Its owner draws it.",
"traits": "Ally. Conspirator.",
"type_code": "asset"
- },{
+ },
+ {
"back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: –X. X is 1 more than the current act number.\n[cultist]: –7. You may flip a [[Stable]] key you control to its [[Unstable]] side to treat this token's modifier as –4, instead.\n[tablet]: –2. If there is a ready [[Outsider]] enemy at your location, you automatically fail, instead.\n[elder_thing]: –4. Cancel the effects and icons of each card committed to this test and set each of them aside, out of play, as hollows.",
"code": "09694",
"double_sided": true,
@@ -4763,7 +4761,7 @@
"pack_code": "tskc",
"position": 220,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Aloof. Patrol (nearest location with a concealed mini-card and no Coterie Envoy)\nWhile Coterie Envoy is ready, concealed mini-cards at its location cannot be exposed.\n[reaction] After you defeat Coterie Envoy: Look at the revealed side of any concealed mini-card in play.",
+ "text": "Aloof. Patrol (nearest location with a concealed mini-card and no Coterie Envoy)\nWhile Coterie Envoy is ready, concealed mini-cards at its location cannot be exposed via player card effects.\n[reaction] After you defeat Coterie Envoy: Look at the revealed side of any concealed mini-card in play.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Coterie.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -5230,7 +5228,6 @@
"traits": "Otherworld.",
"type_code": "location"
"back_illustrator": "Emilio Rodriguez",
"back_name": "City of Remnants",
@@ -5271,7 +5268,6 @@
"traits": "Otherworld.",
"type_code": "location"
"back_illustrator": "Emilio Rodriguez",
"back_name": "City of Remnants",
@@ -5292,7 +5288,6 @@
"traits": "Otherworld.",
"type_code": "location"
"back_illustrator": "Emilio Rodriguez",
"back_name": "City of Remnants",
@@ -5847,4 +5842,4 @@
"traits": "Unstable.",
"type_code": "key"
\ No newline at end of file
From 89a5b0bed6a32befe5a2061bbaa610eab8256870 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 12:25:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 041/210] Fix some backside inconsistencies
pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json | 2 +-
pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json | 1 -
pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json | 1 -
pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json | 1 -
pack/tic/lod_encounter.json | 2 +-
5 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json b/pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json
index 7fac4f5b6..ee1162a83 100644
--- a/pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/return/rtptc_encounter.json
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
"illustrator": "Andreia Ugrai",
"name": "Crazed Guest",
"pack_code": "rtptc",
- "position": 23,
+ "position": 24,
"quantity": 2,
"text": "Hunter.\n[action]: Parley. Test [intellect] (4). If you succeed, you manage to get through to them for just a moment; automatically evade Crazed Guest. If you fail, your words fall on deaf ears.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Possessed.",
diff --git a/pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json b/pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json
index b211ed5b0..158351071 100644
--- a/pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/tcu/uad_encounter.json
@@ -558,7 +558,6 @@
"back_link": "05264b",
"code": "05264",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "union_and_disillusion",
"encounter_position": 27,
"faction_code": "mythos",
diff --git a/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json b/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json
index c0f13d403..9ceecbd99 100644
--- a/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/tde/pnr_encounter.json
@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@
"back_link": "06258b",
"clues": 2,
"code": "06258",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "point_of_no_return",
"encounter_position": 12,
"faction_code": "mythos",
diff --git a/pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json b/pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json
index b73a6e6c8..51c6eff88 100644
--- a/pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json
@@ -479,7 +479,6 @@
"back_link": "07212b",
"code": "07212a",
"cost": null,
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
"encounter_position": 28,
"faction_code": "neutral",
diff --git a/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json b/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json
index df4ac1898..90b3215cc 100644
--- a/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
"encounter_position": 6,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "\"We all hed to take the Oath o' Dagon, an' later on they was secon' an' third Oaths that some of us took.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "flavor": "\"We all hed to take the Oath o' Dagon, an' later on they was secon' an' third Oaths that some of us took.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
"illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
"name": "The First Oath",
"pack_code": "lod",
From 56367f0789f173ddb8d35182745e0390c52eb5f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:47:19 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 042/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index ceb336e62..6112ce6c3 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
"back_name": "Gathering Darkness",
- "back_text": "Add 1 resource to the current darkness level. If the current darkness level is 6+ and you are playing in Campaign Mode, each surviving investigator is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.\nOtherwise, perform the following:\n- Put each enemy at a [[Dark]] location and not engaged with an investigator into the pursuit area.\n- Shuffle each unrevealed [[Dark]] location along with the top 2 cards of the Woods deck and place them on top of the Woods deck. Flip each unrevealed empty [[Dark]] location to its unrevealed side, discarding all tokens.\n- Put locations from the top of the Woods deck intp play above, below, to the left, and to the right of each location with an investigator.\n- The investigator with the Vale Lantern tests [willpower] (X), where X is the current darkness level.If they fail, they must choose an enemy in the prsuit area to spawn engaged with them.\n Flip this card back to agenda 1a.",
+ "back_text": "Add 1 resource to the current darkness level. If the current darkness level is 6+ and you are playing in Campaign Mode, each surviving investigator is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.\nOtherwise, perform the following:\n- Put each enemy at a [[Dark]] location and not engaged with an investigator into the pursuit area.\n- Shuffle each unrevealed [[Dark]] location along with the top 2 cards of the Woods deck and place them on top of the Woods deck. Flip each revealed empty [[Dark]] location to its unrevealed side, discarding all tokens.\n- Put locations from the top of the Woods deck into play above, below, to the left, and to the right of each location with an investigator.\n- The investigator with the Vale Lantern tests [willpower] (X), where X is the current darkness level. If they fail, they must choose an enemy in the pursuit area to spawn engaged with them.\nFlip this card back to agenda 1a.",
"code": "10606",
"doom": 3,
"double_sided": true,
From 1686779308a95c311038979071178f674e01574b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:47:39 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 043/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 6112ce6c3..926dcddc3 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
"position": 106,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "Forced - After a location is revealed: Put locations from the top of the Woods deck into play above, below, to the left, and to the right of that location.\nForced<\b> - When the investigation phase ends: Each investigator at a [Dark]] location must either draw an enemy in pursuit with the highest evade or take 1 horror (cannot be canceled).",
+ "text": "Forced - After a location is revealed: Put locations from the top of the Woods deck into play above, below, to the left, and to the right of that location.\nForced<\b> - When the investigation phase ends: Each investigator at a [Dark]] location must either draw an enemy in pursuit with the highest evade or take 1 horror (cannot be canceled).",
"type_code": "agenda"
From c17ac3b0b9033b34c58f367e131216d3f84a3e62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:47:54 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 044/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 926dcddc3..99d15a129 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
"position": 107,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "Each enemy without spawn instructions gains \"Spawn - When this enemy is drawn from the encounter deck: Put this enemy in the pursuit area.\"\nObjective - At the end of the round, if each investigator is at the same [[Lair]] location, they must spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "text": "Each enemy without spawn instructions gains \"Spawn - When this enemy is drawn from the encounter deck: Put this enemy in the pursuit area.\"\nObjective - At the end of the round, if each investigator is at the same [[Lair]] location, they may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.",
"type_code": "act"
From 5e9ecbc5e486587633a8b4933f1b17ee5c79002f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:48:13 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 045/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 99d15a129..3e5814668 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
"position": 107,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Glowing Abomination",
- "text": "Spawn - ([codex] Σ) (page 237).\nHunter. Retaliate.\nUrsine Hybrid gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nForced - When Ursine Hybrid would be defeated, if it is act 2: Heal all damage from it and put it in the pursuit area instead of the victory display.",
+ "text": "Spawn - ([codex] Σ) (page 37).\nHunter. Retaliate.\nUrsine Hybrid gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nForced - When Ursine Hybrid would be defeated, if it is act 2: Heal all damage from it and put it in the pursuit area instead of the victory display.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 2
From 32494e7d7f48b5da8b3874db050ede5f1ae88ab0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:48:28 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 046/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 3e5814668..ace9c9dfd 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
"victory": 2
- "back_flavor": "\"Stay back!\" squeaks a familiar voice. A pinecone whizzes past your ear. Bertie peers out from a hollow in the massive trank. \"It's you!\" he chirps excitedly. \"I thought I was done for - but here you are!\" His eyes go wide as a familiar wheezing roar echoes through the hollow.",
+ "back_flavor": "\"Stay back!\" squeaks a familiar voice. A pinecone whizzes past your ear. Bertie peers out from a hollow in the massive trunk. \"It's you!\" he chirps excitedly. \"I thought I was done for - but here you are!\" His eyes go wide as a familiar wheezing roar echoes through the hollow.",
"back_name": "Out of the Frying Pan...",
"back_text": "Put the set-aside Bertie Musgrave story asset into play under the control of any investigator. Put each unengaged enemy in the pursuit area. Shuffle each other location except for The Twisted Hollow location into the Woods deck and put them into play according to the diagram on page 36.\nSearch all in- and out-of-play areas for the Ursine hybrid enemy, heal all damage from it, and spawn it at The Twisted Hollow. Advance the act and agenda deck to the \"Back to Vale!\" special agenda, moving all doom from the current agenda to it. It is both the current act and the current agenda.",
"clues": null,
From ce06eae7ce8eb9004a7013fc63d584a7d5e8a0e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:49:00 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 047/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index ace9c9dfd..f49f5a03f 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
"back_flavor": "\"Stay back!\" squeaks a familiar voice. A pinecone whizzes past your ear. Bertie peers out from a hollow in the massive trunk. \"It's you!\" he chirps excitedly. \"I thought I was done for - but here you are!\" His eyes go wide as a familiar wheezing roar echoes through the hollow.",
"back_name": "Out of the Frying Pan...",
- "back_text": "Put the set-aside Bertie Musgrave story asset into play under the control of any investigator. Put each unengaged enemy in the pursuit area. Shuffle each other location except for The Twisted Hollow location into the Woods deck and put them into play according to the diagram on page 36.\nSearch all in- and out-of-play areas for the Ursine hybrid enemy, heal all damage from it, and spawn it at The Twisted Hollow. Advance the act and agenda deck to the \"Back to Vale!\" special agenda, moving all doom from the current agenda to it. It is both the current act and the current agenda.",
+ "back_text": "Put the set-aside Bertie Musgrave story asset into play under the control of any investigator. Put each unengaged enemy in the pursuit area. Shuffle each other location except for The Twisted Hollow location into the Woods deck and put them into play according to the diagram on page 36.\nSearch all in- and out-of-play areas for the Ursine Hybrid enemy, heal all damage from it, and spawn it at The Twisted Hollow. Advance the act and agenda deck to the \"Back to the Vale!\" special agenda, moving all doom from the current agenda to it. It is both the current act and the current agenda.",
"clues": null,
"code": "10608",
"double_sided": true,
From c5fd65343b40559510b9247e2e1c4533520b89ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:49:27 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 048/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index f49f5a03f..a0ae4c07b 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The forest closes in and the sound of slavering jaws and gnashing fangs fills the air. A sickly howl calls out from the underbrush and the familiar sound of a wheezing, hacking cough telegraphs the bear's approach.",
"back_name": "The Hungering Forest",
- "back_text": "Add 1 resource to the current darkness level. If the current darkness level is 6, each surviving investigator is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.\nOtherwise, in player order, each player must choose an enemy in the pursuit area and spawn it at the nearest [[Dark]] location. If they cannot, they must discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded and spawn it at the nearest [[Dark]] location.\nFlip this card.",
+ "back_text": "Add 1 resource to the current darkness level. If the current darkness level is 6, each surviving investigator is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma (→R2) (page 38.\nOtherwise, in player order, each player must choose an enemy in the pursuit area and spawn it at the nearest [[Dark]] location. If they cannot, they must discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded and spawn it at the nearest [[Dark]] location.\nFlip this card.",
"code": "10609",
"doom": 3,
"double_sided": true,
From efdbd987e14e2381feaeef5ac83608f499af4983 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:49:44 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 049/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index a0ae4c07b..22f4ba71b 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"slot": "Hand",
"subname": "Beacon of Hope",
- "text": "Vale Lantern's location and each connecting location lose the [[Dark]] trait.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location moves into and reveals a [[Forst]] location, exhaust Vale Lantern: They ignore that location's forced effect(s).\nForced - When Vale Lantern would leave play: Flip it over and place it at the nearest location, instead.",
+ "text": "Vale Lantern's location and each connecting location lose the [[Dark]] trait.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location moves into and reveals a [[Forest]] location, exhaust Vale Lantern: They ignore that location's forced effect(s).\nForced - When Vale Lantern would leave play: Flip it over and place it at the nearest location, instead.",
"traits": "Item. Tool. Lit. Boon.",
"type_code": "asset"
From 53465756afe4c41836e046a439be157c57edab8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:50:25 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 050/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 22f4ba71b..6c955b69f 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
"position": 115,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 6,
- "text": "Fecund Thicket gets -X shroud, where X is the current darkness level.\nForced<\b> - After you reveal Fecund Thicket: Test [agility] (X), where X is the current darkness level. If you fail, find the enemey in pursuit with the highest printed health and spawn it at this location.",
+ "text": "Fecund Thicket gets -X shroud, where X is the current darkness level.\nForced<\b> - After you reveal Fecund Thicket: Test [agility] (X), where X is the current darkness level. If you fail, find the enemy in pursuit with the highest printed health and spawn it at this location.",
"traits": "Forest. Dark.",
"type_code": "location"
From 38bceb5bbccc58398e54864de2c5b9aa22ccfdfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:50:46 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 051/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 6c955b69f..430e156d8 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 8,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "flavor": "A dim though distinct luminosity seemed to inhere in all the vegetation, grass, leaves, and blossoms alike...\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
From d89833b846f1b04dc9ed4706a83ebab716a39c80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:51:03 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 052/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 430e156d8..b223c435c 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
"type_code": "asset"
- "back_flavor": "A dim distinct luminosity seemed to inhere in all the vegetation, grass, leaves, and blossoms alike...\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"back_name": "Glimmering Meadow",
"clues": 0,
From 891b53fb59aef28528c11194353cdcb8872ecf17 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:51:22 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 053/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index b223c435c..c3927e793 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Glimmering Meadow",
"clues": 0,
"code": "10612",
From cafbd9b08450d720a53af0840cb423318a4d6a19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:51:40 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 054/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index c3927e793..9b3f03aeb 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "Glimmering Meadow",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"clues": 0,
"code": "10612",
"double_sided": true,
From bcfccb318d6af49317ea8a34546a8e5c1bee6c26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:52:43 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 055/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 9b3f03aeb..e66d17ac1 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
"encounter_position": 8,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "A dim though distinct luminosity seemed to inhere in all the vegetation, grass, leaves, and blossoms alike...\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 112,
From 44c4838fca05fae2719dcc1931e563ef6d688f16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:53:01 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 056/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index e66d17ac1..d0a7cff8a 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "A dim though distinct luminosity seemed to inhere in all the vegetation, grass, leaves, and blossoms alike...\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Nele Diel",
- "name": "Western Woods",
+ "name": "Glimmering Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 112,
"quantity": 1,
From f7c3604348d7a2fe50b4fbd4aabbd0be7fc97860 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:53:19 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 057/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index d0a7cff8a..3edd0bbf7 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 9,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "flavor": "The boughs surely moved, and there was no wind.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
From 38928a4d01c9fdbb3d43c8eb738f04326a467a52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:53:32 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 058/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 3edd0bbf7..e97854c5d 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "The boughs surely moved, and there was no wind.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "David Frasheski",
"back_name": "Blighted Glade",
"back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
From 98a61380b6fc3821682e1cbeac2417bc7c2d6898 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:53:45 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 059/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index e97854c5d..913d4aadd 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "back_illustrator": "David Frasheski",
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Blighted Glade",
"back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
From 80c1b9c7fa866b788bdc7b04cc4964aa454474e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:53:58 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 060/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 913d4aadd..1080d3cf6 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "Blighted Glade",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10613",
From 9f63867c9c0fede8b9ad2a795fcf3314eedd38fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:54:09 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 061/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 1080d3cf6..e1d4d892e 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
- "back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10613",
"double_sided": true,
From c68099dbe9f90c65f38d1355fa2e5a6e26ff4a1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:54:19 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 062/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index e1d4d892e..98c2346dd 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
"encounter_position": 9,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The boughs surely moved, and there was no wind.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "illustrator": "David Frasheski",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 113,
From 5533905baed04ce1f5a18051942c729b0b3ada08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:54:28 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 063/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 98c2346dd..0a3a959f4 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The boughs surely moved, and there was no wind.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "David Frasheski",
- "name": "Western Woods",
+ "name": "Blighted Glade",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 113,
"quantity": 2,
From 3b7154ecd7a6452bf243b61768f015ef66247897 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:54:47 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 064/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 0a3a959f4..43b094560 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"shroud": 2,
"text": "Forced - After you reveal Blighted Glade: Choose the enemy in pursuit with the lowest fight and spawn it at this location.",
- "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
"type_code": "location"
From fa89f485714c84577fb5bd529bdbbab3e71e1016 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:55:29 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 065/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 43b094560..3088682d2 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 11,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "flavor": "\"Observed an intricate mycelium network with an animal-like digestive system. Fungus has reduced the wood to pulp.\"\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
From 5eba641d26ef9feedfe28596b43319f9e394075b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:55:47 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 066/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 3088682d2..8017b5077 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "\"Observed an intricate mycelium network with an animal-like digestive system. Fungus has reduced the wood to pulp.\"\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"back_name": "Poisoned Marsh",
"back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
From 6dcee650d5b1d6020a69774a9d5bbe2bd3109940 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:56:04 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 067/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 8017b5077..3640553ed 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Poisoned Marsh",
"back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
From 4de98c38a65e317f60540ca6c0549ccb3f28a072 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:56:46 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 068/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 3640553ed..902ea4957 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "Poisoned Marsh",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10614",
From cda39e34382c70fb4ee9d4ff4de93c4fbb085f91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:57:03 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 069/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 902ea4957..8eb93ce52 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
- "back_traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10614",
"double_sided": true,
From 57364ee5e0ddde6b0766209a598e3d42356ea8e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:57:21 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 070/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 8eb93ce52..63a561b8c 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
"encounter_position": 11,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"Observed an intricate mycelium network with an animal-like digestive system. Fungus has reduced the wood to pulp.\"\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
- "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 114,
From 5c228269d31dcdb24da46db97bd73551a7942806 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:57:40 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 071/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 63a561b8c..834158bd6 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"Observed an intricate mycelium network with an animal-like digestive system. Fungus has reduced the wood to pulp.\"\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
"illustrator": "Nele Diel",
- "name": "Western Woods",
+ "name": "Poisoned Marsh",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 114,
"quantity": 2,
From 5d23cc5966494cda7d4585051749361b6efc8ce1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:57:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 072/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 834158bd6..31d6fa58f 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After you reveal Poisoned Marsh: You must either take 1 direct damage, or deal 1 damage to each [[Ally]] asset you control.",
- "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Blight. Dark.",
"type_code": "location"
From b929d9ab6ff117acafe5eeb186e493cebd221c12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:58:30 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 073/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 31d6fa58f..fd1cea728 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "Fecund Thicket",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10615",
"double_sided": true,
From f12a535e6d0e175fcf8fa56567704ba40280f661 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:59:00 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 074/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index fd1cea728..732f42aca 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "name": "Western Woods",
+ "name": "Fecund Thicket",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 115,
"quantity": 1,
From 8a4c79d2decccad338439c6a615904dad42dd593 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:59:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 075/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 732f42aca..e823189a2 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Mushroom Grove",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10616",
From a198e2f57ca8b5079f0cce8be2e1d83c6f36b179 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:59:40 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 076/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index e823189a2..42ef502da 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "Mushroom Grove",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10616",
"double_sided": true,
From 9d357ec27b54f99c6747da8a4b5bd5721162b2ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 17:59:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 077/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 42ef502da..628f2cf92 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
"encounter_position": 14,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 116,
From bed95f2018022ff875a562dcbaaab4e16fcfb15c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:00:24 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 078/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 628f2cf92..499237ebc 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Nele Diel",
- "name": "Western Woods",
+ "name": "Mushroom Grove",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 116,
"quantity": 2,
From 0cf2cc3170d2ca8cb37ea90b9002f4a8a7862395 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:00:56 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 079/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 499237ebc..14be26738 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_illustrator": "Simon Dominic",
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Moonlit Clearing",
"back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
From 716bcde9c59c5fc9cfc303a35797476fbe21ad53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:01:16 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 080/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 14be26738..9ce45d37f 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "Moonlit Clearing",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10617",
From 4db3c199be8632acfa91c8b951213c389eb79a5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:01:44 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 081/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 9ce45d37f..2f344a9f7 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
- "back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10617",
"double_sided": true,
From 0586ee9fdda2abc95b039fa43faac5e69ad96c70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:02:11 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 082/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 2f344a9f7..6d05318db 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
"encounter_position": 16,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "illustrator": "Simon Dominic",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 117,
From b4e1d0032ea6cd916f5e53495d344dd46f4fa3a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:02:36 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 083/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 6d05318db..9aeeda4e7 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Simon Dominic",
- "name": "Western Woods",
+ "name": "Moonlit Clearing",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 117,
"quantity": 1,
From b9fe84f96616e2d55ed66a96dce084fc4a8f5df8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:03:01 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 084/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 9aeeda4e7..4ac09107d 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 1,
"text": "While an enemy is moving, its location is considered to be connected to Moonlit Clearing.\nForced<\b> - After you reveal Moonlit Clearing: Test [willpower] (X), where X is the current darkness level. If you fail, find the enemy in pursuit with the highest fight and spawn it at this location.",
- "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
"type_code": "location"
From 989e13912d9948d986e9e238820e4e43653d9783 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:03:32 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 085/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 4ac09107d..44e6c089b 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 17,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "flavor": "The winding paths loop back on themselves.",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
From 7ab717e3cb3c694cfab388e8ac211f93e5ba5934 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:03:56 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 086/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 44e6c089b..868e6a216 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "The winding paths loop back on themselves.",
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Crooked Path",
"clues": 1,
From 23d1eefba28f556d2393594feb632e8b52df40e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:05:12 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 087/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 868e6a216..04aa6d91e 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "Crooked Path",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"clues": 1,
"clues_fixed": true,
"code": "10618",
From 1184aeca25739226e3f2cbc1c3f7485bf3a5409e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:05:36 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 088/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 04aa6d91e..c8ab96ba4 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The winding paths loop back on themselves.",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "name": "Western Woods",
+ "name": "Crooked Path",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 118,
"quantity": 3,
From 82f9129f49e579806817d35f65b4c0cf9f364739 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:05:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 089/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index c8ab96ba4..747235f8b 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Corpse Grove",
"back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
From ed2a75851bc0f09a2ba5dc74093a0f08589665d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:06:27 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 090/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 747235f8b..c7b075fbe 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "Corpse Grove",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10619",
From 3aee84f18a19e76452b7b1961c385a948dc88351 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:06:54 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 091/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index c7b075fbe..7a87d82d3 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
- "back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10619",
"double_sided": true,
From 9122d901a493d04090e1b0637a3edc1b3fc11094 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:07:18 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 092/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 7a87d82d3..b9f19bd9c 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
"encounter_position": 20,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 119,
From 6e9e00d9d38a2d39ff6d075189f91cbb75dd86c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:07:42 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 093/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index b9f19bd9c..c685f65f6 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After you reveal Corpse Grove: Take 1 horror.\nForced - After you successfully investigate Corpse Grove: Take 1 horror.",
- "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
"type_code": "location"
From e4b6b5530cf08503e17b2c177a77c4295502dc7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:08:07 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 094/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index c685f65f6..79ea79cc1 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 21,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "flavor": "Whatever lives here is clearly starved to the point of eating its own kind.",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
From de6374282229530927507b1aa4f04735f77da097 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:08:33 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 095/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 79ea79cc1..3c4831a07 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "Whatever lives here is clearly starved to the point of eating its own kind.",
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
"back_name": "Bear Den",
"back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
From d7b36ba3c9079e5b8d2733cf2ba56ad3aa14d436 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:09:00 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 096/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 3c4831a07..62ebb7067 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "back_illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Bear Den",
"back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
From 52def64bf1cf5889302c9bbd89f403c3a6d6dddf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:09:29 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 097/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 62ebb7067..da5fd7b25 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "Bear Den",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10620",
From 1e1f216c747b23e1d84bd0303f57c4ea7a2375af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:09:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 098/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index da5fd7b25..431b3cc1a 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
- "back_traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
+ "back_traits": "Forest. Dark.",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10620",
"double_sided": true,
From e90768d3c1917faaabbdf91a4b684fbad16780a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:10:21 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 099/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 431b3cc1a..b86f35b83 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
"encounter_position": 21,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Whatever lives here is clearly starved to the point of eating its own kind.",
- "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 120,
From 6cb4e23a9156bc2943704537626fa2b4178e4351 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:10:50 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 100/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index b86f35b83..427c0c9ec 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Whatever lives here is clearly starved to the point of eating its own kind.",
"illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
- "name": "Western Woods",
+ "name": "Bear Den",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 120,
"quantity": 1,
From ef2bd86bdcaccd0cf37f335562019c70665622c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:11:15 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 101/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 427c0c9ec..0ae55c38c 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After you reveal Bear Den: Find the enemy in pursuit with the highest fight and spawn it engaged with you. If you cannot, draw the top card of the encounter deck.",
- "traits": "Forest. Dark.",
+ "traits": "Forest. Lair. Dark.",
"type_code": "location"
From a2fe84c2172c24e4a0abbe02caf3d6cf8355b56f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:11:38 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 102/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 0ae55c38c..3bc14413e 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 22,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "flavor": "The knotted old tree has seen far more than you ever will.",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
From e66c3e224b9027541596f594e8c227df147ad940 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:12:03 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 103/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 3bc14413e..8a0ae2b53 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "The knotted old tree has seen far more than you ever will.",
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "The Twisted Hollow",
"clues": 2,
From b95cf9dff01914f5768fba8e4d60f35791c009ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:12:27 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 104/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 8a0ae2b53..06a8eb000 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "back_name": "The Twisted Hollow",
+ "back_name": "Western Woods",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10621",
"double_sided": true,
From b55e1320c411445038db8d56e4acdd8c9debefba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:12:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 105/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 06a8eb000..fff1f50ed 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
- "clues": 2,
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "10621",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
From d217c3de5a215f032517ec149d2b1341fea3fc54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:13:09 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 106/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index fff1f50ed..87358edc9 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The knotted old tree has seen far more than you ever will.",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
- "name": "Western Woods",
+ "name": "The Twisted Hollow",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 121,
"quantity": 1,
From f9919f97cf703505a5307154e9ae5a6ef30b4365 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:13:19 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 107/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 87358edc9..382684feb 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 122,
"quantity": 2,
- "test": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). This test gets +2 difficulty if your location is [[Dark]]. If you fail, you must either (choose one):\n- Take 2 horror.\n- The investigator who controls the Vale Lantern flips it to its [[Unlit]] side and places it at a connecting location.",
+ "test": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). This test gets +2 difficulty if your location is [[Dark]]. If you fail, you must either (choose one):\n- Take 2 horror.\n- The investigator who controls the Vale Lantern flips it to its [[Unlit]] side and places it at a connecting location.",
"traits": "Hazard.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From 0ab25f99cf6da9f91829823fd0c86aad92daf3ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:13:26 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 108/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 382684feb..a71534ba7 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 123,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (3). This test gets +2 difficulty if your location is [[Dark]]. If you fail, you must either (choose one):\n- Take 2 damage.\n- Find the enemy in pursuit with the highest fight and spawn it engaged with you.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (3). This test gets +2 difficulty if your location is [[Dark]]. If you fail, you must either (choose one):\n- Take 2 damage.\n- Find the enemy in pursuit with the highest fight and spawn it engaged with you.",
"traits": "Terror.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From d520e192587090e7002fa4b1f6aa886b60e7248f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:13:34 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 109/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index a71534ba7..b3decfa2b 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 124,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must either (choose one):\n- Place 1 doom on the current agenda. This effect can cause the agenda to advance.\n- Flip the Vale Lantern to its [[Unlit]] side. Place the Vale Lantern at the empty location farthest from all investigators.",
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must either (choose one):\n- Place 1 doom on the current agenda. This effect can cause the agenda to advance.\n- Flip the Vale Lantern to its [[Unlit]] side. Place the Vale Lantern at the empty location farthest from all investigators.",
"traits": "Scheme.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From 8a37397a3ad5cd5aeee6b34cc3d65c82982d7127 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:25:30 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 110/210] address review comments
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 13 +++++--------
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index b3decfa2b..5cfbbc016 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 105,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "East / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is the current darkness level.\n[cultist]: -1. Heal 1 damage from your investigator.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, find the enemy in pursuit with the highest evade. Spawn it at your location.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, take 1 horror.",
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is the current darkness level.\n[cultist]: -1. Heal 1 damage from your investigator.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, find the enemy in pursuit with the highest evade. Spawn it at your location.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, take 1 horror.",
"type_code": "scenario"
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10615",
@@ -379,7 +379,6 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 13,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"name": "Fecund Thicket",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
@@ -391,6 +390,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
"clues": 1,
@@ -399,7 +399,6 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 14,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"name": "Mushroom Grove",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
@@ -411,6 +410,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
"back_traits": "Forest. Dark.",
@@ -420,7 +420,6 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 16,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Simon Dominic",
"name": "Moonlit Clearing",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
@@ -433,7 +432,6 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
"clues": 1,
"clues_fixed": true,
@@ -454,6 +452,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
"back_traits": "Forest. Dark.",
@@ -463,7 +462,6 @@
"encounter_code": "the_twisted_hollow",
"encounter_position": 20,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
"name": "Western Woods",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
@@ -498,7 +496,6 @@
"back_flavor": "The trees grew too thickly, and their trunks were too big for any healthy New England wood. There was too much silence in the dim alleys between them, and the floor was too soft with the dank moss and mattings of infinite years of decay.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
- "back_illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
"back_name": "Western Woods",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10621",
From ba22612deecbc2512d164aaa5d34d67b544497fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 11:25:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 111/210] More fixes
pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json | 5 ++++-
pack/side/fof_encounter.json | 3 ---
pack/tsk/tskc.json | 2 ++
3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json
index 02dfa17a0..62713f11e 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
"back_text": "Spawn the set-aside Angry Mob enemy at Innsmouth Square, exhausted.\nPlace 1 [per_investigator] clues on each [[Suspect]] enemy and [[Hideout]] location in play.",
"code": "90042",
"doom": 3,
+ "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "red_tide_rising",
"encounter_position": 2,
"faction_code": "mythos",
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@
"back_text": "(→R2)",
"code": "90043",
"doom": 9,
+ "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "red_tide_rising",
"encounter_position": 3,
"faction_code": "mythos",
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@
"pack_code": "rtr",
"position": 43,
"quantity": 1,
- "stage": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
"text": "Angry Mob cannot be defeated.\n[reaction] After Wendy Adams evades Angry Mob: She may discover 1 clue from its location.\nEach [[Suspect]] enemy loses aloof and enters play with +1 [per_investigator] clues.\nEach [[Hideout]] location gets +1 [per_investigator] clue value.",
"type_code": "agenda"
@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@
"back_text": "(→R2)",
"code": "90044",
"clues": null,
+ "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "red_tide_rising",
"encounter_position": 4,
"faction_code": "mythos",
diff --git a/pack/side/fof_encounter.json b/pack/side/fof_encounter.json
index ce40128b2..59e69409a 100644
--- a/pack/side/fof_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/fof_encounter.json
@@ -571,7 +571,6 @@
"code": "88028b",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "fortune_and_folly",
"encounter_position": 28,
"faction_code": "mythos",
@@ -664,7 +663,6 @@
"code": "88031b",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "fortune_and_folly",
"encounter_position": 31,
"faction_code": "mythos",
@@ -697,7 +695,6 @@
"code": "88032b",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "fortune_and_folly",
"encounter_position": 32,
"faction_code": "neutral",
diff --git a/pack/tsk/tskc.json b/pack/tsk/tskc.json
index b7befec9f..7c48acf82 100644
--- a/pack/tsk/tskc.json
+++ b/pack/tsk/tskc.json
@@ -2221,12 +2221,14 @@
"encounter_code": "dancing_mad",
"encounter_position": 17,
"faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
"hidden": true,
"is_unique": true,
"name": "Desiderio Delgado Álvarez",
"pack_code": "tskc",
"position": 107,
"quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
"subname": "In Your Debt, Despite it All",
"text": "[reaction] When an attack from a [[Monster]] enemy deals damage to Desiderio Delgado Álvarez, exhaust him: Cancel 1 of that damage and deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy.",
"traits": "Ally. Conspirator.",
From 4aefc94cc8b7d12d43e921e778417a394d25f3e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 11:27:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 112/210] Fix
pack/side/fof_encounter.json | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/fof_encounter.json b/pack/side/fof_encounter.json
index 59e69409a..6fe5a469a 100644
--- a/pack/side/fof_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/fof_encounter.json
@@ -601,7 +601,6 @@
"code": "88029b",
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "fortune_and_folly",
"encounter_position": 29,
"faction_code": "mythos",
From ac88314a49c7507ed6ef1917e9a41e40812bd524 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 21:49:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 113/210] Add || Father Mateo
--- | 14 +++++++
pack/parallel/aof.json | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
pack/parallel/pap.json | 4 +-
pack/return/rttfa.json | 1 +
pack/tfa/hote.json | 1 +
pack/tfa/sha.json | 2 +
pack/tfa/tcoa.json | 1 +
pack/tfa/tfa.json | 5 ++-
pack/tic/def.json | 1 +
pack/tic/hhg.json | 1 +
pack/tic/itm.json | 1 +
pack/tic/lif.json | 1 +
pack/tic/lod.json | 3 ++
pack/tic/tic.json | 2 +
packs.json | 8 ++++
15 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 pack/parallel/aof.json
diff --git a/ b/
index eaab3ad9e..c06ae3431 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -103,6 +103,20 @@ These can be used in a card's `text` section.
* `[seal_d]`
* `[seal_e]`
+#### Cards tags
+Some cards have a `tags` fields that is used to relate these cards to certain deckbuilding rules that are otherwise too hard to parse. When new content is released, `tags` need to be reflected on added cards.
+The available tags are:
+- `hh` => _Heals horror_, used for Carolyn Fern.
+- `hd` => _Heals damage_, used for Vincent Lee.
+- `pa` => _Parley_, used for Alessandra Zorzi.
+- `se` => _Seals token_, used for ||Father Mateo.
+These tags have been used in the past but are unused right now:
+- `st` => _Spell trait_, unused right now.
#### Translations
To merge new changes in default language in all locales, run the CoffeeScript script `update_locales`.
diff --git a/pack/parallel/aof.json b/pack/parallel/aof.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f72c672f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pack/parallel/aof.json
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ {
+ "alternate_of": "04004",
+ "back_flavor": "Mateo Castile's life has not been easy since he became a priest. Recent decades in Mexico have been wracked with instability and conflict. Father Mateo struggled to balance his faith with the pragmatic concerns of preaching when the law told him he must not. But this is not what has assaulted Mateo's faith at its core. The nearby murders and kidnappings were not politically motivated, as he had suspected. A gruesome and horrid cult thrives at the heart of the brewing war. How, Mateo wonders, could a kind and loving God allow what he saw that night to exist?",
+ "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Mystic cards ([mystic]) level 0-3, [[Blessed]] cards level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, up to 5 other cards with \"seal\" level 0-5.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): The Codex of Ages, Serpents of Yig, 1 random basic weakness.\n",
+ "code": "90081",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": ["mystic"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 3 }
+ },
+ {
+ "trait": ["blessed"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ "faction": ["neutral"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ "tag": ["se"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 5 },
+ "limit": 5
+ }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": "size:30, card:04013:90082, card:04014:90083, random:subtype:basicweakness",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "health": 6,
+ "illustrator": "Magali Villeneuve",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Father Mateo",
+ "pack_code": "aof",
+ "position": 1,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 8,
+ "skill_agility": 3,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 3,
+ "skill_willpower": 4,
+ "subname": "The Priest",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn: Seal a token on an investigator at your location with no [bless] token sealed on them. (Limit once per round.)\n[reaction] When an investigator would reveal a chaos token: Resolve the [bless] token sealed on them instead. Release that token.\n[elder_sign] effect: +1. Resolve Father Mateo's [fast] ability, ignoring its limit.",
+ "traits": "Believer. Warden.",
+ "type_code": "investigator"
+ },
+ {
+ "alternate_of": "04013",
+ "code": "90082",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Andreia Ugrai",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "The Codex of Ages",
+ "pack_code": "aof",
+ "position": 82,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:04004",
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
+ "subname": "finis omnium nunc est",
+ "tags": "se.",
+ "text": "Father Mateo deck only. Advanced. Seal ([elder_sign] or up to 3 [bless]).\nYou get +1 to each of your skills while there is a token is sealed here.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location would reveal a chaos token from the chaos bag: That investigator resolves a token sealed here instead, then releases that token. (Limit once per test.)",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic. Tome. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "alternate_of": "04014",
+ "code": "90083",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Matthew Cowdery",
+ "name": "Serpents of Yig",
+ "pack_code": "aof",
+ "position": 83,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:04004",
+ "subtype_code": "weakness",
+ "text": "Advanced. Prey - Father Mateo only. Hunter.\nRevelation - Search the chaos bag and all play areas for the [elder_sign] token and each [bless] token and seal them on Serpents of Yig.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Serpent.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ }
diff --git a/pack/parallel/pap.json b/pack/parallel/pap.json
index 51256739d..6b32714c6 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/pap.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/pap.json
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Rogue cards ([rogue]) level 0-3, Neutral cards level 0-5, up to 10 other non-permanent [[Talent]] cards level 0-5.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Jenny's Twin .45s, Searching for Izzie, 1 random basic weakness.",
"code": "90084",
"deck_limit": 1,
- "deck_options": [
+ "deck_options": [
"faction": ["neutral"],
"level": { "min": 0, "max": 5 }
@@ -77,4 +77,4 @@
"traits": "Task.",
"type_code": "treachery"
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ ]
diff --git a/pack/return/rttfa.json b/pack/return/rttfa.json
index 0ca1606cb..b12b8dafe 100644
--- a/pack/return/rttfa.json
+++ b/pack/return/rttfa.json
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
"skill_willpower": 1,
"slot": "Hand",
"subname": "Stygian Waymark",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal ([skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing]). Uses (3 charges). If The Chthonian Stone has no charges, return it to your hand.\nForced - After you reveal an [auto_fail] symbol during a skill test: Remove 1 charge from The Chthonian Stone.",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Cursed.",
"type_code": "asset",
diff --git a/pack/tfa/hote.json b/pack/tfa/hote.json
index a0b3cc113..265e07ecf 100644
--- a/pack/tfa/hote.json
+++ b/pack/tfa/hote.json
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"skill_agility": 1,
"skill_intellect": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Fast. Play during any [free] player window.\nPut Premonition into play, reveal a random chaos token from the chaos bag, and seal it on Premonition.\nForced - When a chaos token would be revealed from the chaos bag: Resolve the token sealed here as if it were just revealed from the chaos bag, instead. Then, discard Premonition.",
"traits": "Augury.",
"type_code": "event",
diff --git a/pack/tfa/sha.json b/pack/tfa/sha.json
index f6680d3f3..2403099ad 100644
--- a/pack/tfa/sha.json
+++ b/pack/tfa/sha.json
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
"skill_combat": 1,
"skill_willpower": 1,
"slot": "Arcane",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal (0). Uses (3 charges).\n[action] Spend 1 charge or release a chaos token sealed here: Fight. This attack uses [willpower] instead of [combat] and deals +1 damage. You get +2 [willpower] for this attack for each \"0\" token sealed on Shards of the Void. For each \"0\" token revealed during this attack, seal that token on Shards of the Void and this attack deals 1 additional damage.",
"traits": "Spell.",
"type_code": "asset",
@@ -137,6 +138,7 @@
"skill_willpower": 1,
"slot": "Arcane",
"subname": "Over the Threshold and Beyond",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal ([auto_fail]). Uses (7 charges). If Seal of the Seventh Sign has no charges, or if it leaves play, remove it from the game.\nForced - After a [skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing] token is revealed during any skill test: Remove 1 charge from Seal of the Seventh Sign.",
"traits": "Spell. Ritual.",
"type_code": "asset",
diff --git a/pack/tfa/tcoa.json b/pack/tfa/tcoa.json
index 2fafd9148..1959e1e62 100644
--- a/pack/tfa/tcoa.json
+++ b/pack/tfa/tcoa.json
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"skill_wild": 1,
"slot": "Accessory",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal (+1 or [elder_sign]).\nYou get +1 [willpower], +1 [intellect], +1 [combat], and +1 [agility].",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Blessed.",
"type_code": "asset",
diff --git a/pack/tfa/tfa.json b/pack/tfa/tfa.json
index 5b780f51a..15a776c04 100644
--- a/pack/tfa/tfa.json
+++ b/pack/tfa/tfa.json
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
{ "trait": ["blessed"], "level": { "min": 0, "max": 3 } }
- "deck_requirements": "size:30, card:04013, card:04014, random:subtype:basicweakness",
+ "deck_requirements": "size:30, card:04013:90082, card:04014:90083, random:subtype:basicweakness",
"double_sided": true,
"errata_date": "2018-09-01",
"faction_code": "mystic",
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@
"skill_willpower": 1,
"slot": "Hand",
"subname": "finis omnium nunc est",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Father Mateo deck only. Seal ([elder_sign]).\nYou get +1 [willpower] while there is a token sealed here.\n[reaction] When you would reveal a chaos token from the chaos bag, discard The Codex of Ages: Resolve the [elder_sign] token that was sealed here as if it were just revealed from the chaos bag (instead of revealing a token from the chaos bag).",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Tome. Blessed.",
"type_code": "asset"
@@ -615,6 +616,7 @@
"skill_intellect": 1,
"slot": "Hand",
"subname": "Stygian Waymark",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal ([skull], [cultist], [tablet], or [elder_thing]).\nForced - After you reveal an [auto_fail] symbol during a skill test: Return The Chthonian Stone to your hand.",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Cursed.",
"type_code": "asset",
@@ -632,6 +634,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"skill_willpower": 1,
"slot": "Arcane",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Group limit 2 copies of Protective Incantation in play.\nSeal (any except [auto_fail]).\nForced - At the end of your turn: You must either spend 1 resource or discard Protective Incantation.",
"traits": "Ritual. Blessed.",
"type_code": "asset",
diff --git a/pack/tic/def.json b/pack/tic/def.json
index 8e49acbde..0618ae973 100644
--- a/pack/tic/def.json
+++ b/pack/tic/def.json
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"skill_combat": 1,
"skill_willpower": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Fight. You may use [willpower] instead of [combat] for this attack. When you initiate this attack, search the chaos bag for up to 3 [bless] tokens, and seal them here. For each [bless] token sealed on Radiant Smite, you get +1 skill value and deal +1 damage for this attack. If this attack defeats the attacked enemy, return the sealed tokens to the token pool. Otherwise, release them.",
"traits": "Spell. Spirit. Blessed.",
"type_code": "event",
diff --git a/pack/tic/hhg.json b/pack/tic/hhg.json
index 563feeb2d..8d6e38b3b 100644
--- a/pack/tic/hhg.json
+++ b/pack/tic/hhg.json
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@
"position": 196,
"quantity": 2,
"skill_wild": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Max 1 committed per test.\nAfter you commit Unrelenting to a skill test, search the chaos bag for up to 3 non-[auto_fail] chaos tokens of your choice, and seal them on Unrelenting. If all 3 tokens sealed on Unrelenting are \"+1,\", \"0,\" [bless], and/or [elder_sign] tokens, draw 2 cards. Release all tokens sealed here after this test ends.",
"traits": "Practiced.",
"type_code": "skill",
diff --git a/pack/tic/itm.json b/pack/tic/itm.json
index 47a969abc..750eb1bae 100644
--- a/pack/tic/itm.json
+++ b/pack/tic/itm.json
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
"slot": "Hand x2",
"skill_combat": 2,
"skill_willpower": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "[action]: Fight. You get +2 [combat] and deal +1 damage for this attack. When you initiate this ability, you may release a [bless] token sealed on Holy Spear.\n[action] Search the chaos bag for 2 [bless] tokens and seal them on Holy Spear: Fight. You get +4 [combat] and deal +2 damage for this attack.",
"traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Blessed.",
"type_code": "asset",
diff --git a/pack/tic/lif.json b/pack/tic/lif.json
index db3218141..8383cc4ae 100644
--- a/pack/tic/lif.json
+++ b/pack/tic/lif.json
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"skill_willpower": 2,
"slot": "Arcane",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal (up to 5 [bless]). If Shield of Faith has no tokens sealed on it, discard it.\n[reaction] When an enemy attacks an investigator at your location, exhaust Shield of Faith and release a chaos token sealed here: Cancel that attack.",
"traits": "Spell. Blessed.",
"type_code": "asset",
diff --git a/pack/tic/lod.json b/pack/tic/lod.json
index 2969b4966..ec79c81b8 100644
--- a/pack/tic/lod.json
+++ b/pack/tic/lod.json
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@
"skill_combat": 1,
"skill_willpower": 1,
"slot": "Hand",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Exceptional. Seal (up to X [curse]).\n[action] Exhaust Flute of the Outer Gods and release 1 [curse] token sealed on it: Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location. Either move the chosen enemy to a connecting location, or deal its damage to any enemy at its location. This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity.",
"traits": "Item. Instrument. Relic. Cursed.",
"type_code": "asset",
@@ -194,6 +195,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"skill_combat": 1,
"skill_intellect": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Fast. Seal (up to 3 [curse]). If there are no tokens sealed on Favor of the Moon, discard it.\n[reaction] When you would reveal a chaos token from the chaos bag, exhaust Favor of the Moon: Resolve a token sealed here instead, as if it were just revealed from the chaos bag. Then, gain 1 resource.",
"traits": "Pact. Cursed.",
"type_code": "asset",
@@ -212,6 +214,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"skill_agility": 1,
"skill_willpower": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Fast. Seal (up to 3 [bless]). If there are no tokens sealed on Favor of the Sun, discard it.\n[reaction] When you would reveal a chaos token from the chaos bag, exhaust Favor of the Sun: Resolve a token sealed here instead, as if it were just revealed from the chaos bag.",
"traits": "Pact. Blessed.",
"type_code": "asset",
diff --git a/pack/tic/tic.json b/pack/tic/tic.json
index fcfd6258d..a258a3a49 100644
--- a/pack/tic/tic.json
+++ b/pack/tic/tic.json
@@ -403,6 +403,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"skill_intellect": 1,
"slot": "Arcane",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal (up to 5 [bless]). If Rite of Sanctification has no tokens sealed on it, discard it.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location plays a card, exhaust Rite of Sanctification and release a chaos token sealed on it: Reduce the cost of that card by 2.",
"traits": "Ritual. Blessed.",
"type_code": "asset",
@@ -521,6 +522,7 @@
"quantity": 2,
"skill_intellect": 1,
"slot": "Arcane",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal (up to 5 [curse]).\nForced - At the end of the mythos phase: You must either spend 1 resource or discard Dark Ritual.",
"traits": "Ritual. Cursed.",
"type_code": "asset",
diff --git a/packs.json b/packs.json
index c77abba25..29a725cf4 100644
--- a/packs.json
+++ b/packs.json
@@ -767,5 +767,13 @@
"name": "Pistols and Pearls",
"position": 11,
"size": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "aof",
+ "cycle_code": "parallel",
+ "date_release": "2025-10-30",
+ "name": "Aura of Faith",
+ "position": 12,
+ "size": 3
From 345b8bc78f5e613d23ecd5702f0fbd40d9e73ef0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 21:53:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 114/210] Update card tags docs
--- | 3 +--
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index c06ae3431..dfd91c6db 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ The available tags are:
- `se` => _Seals token_, used for ||Father Mateo.
These tags have been used in the past but are unused right now:
-- `st` => _Spell trait_, unused right now.
+- `st` => _Spell trait_, used to mark whether a card had bonded spells for Marie Lambeau, which is no longer relevant, but still part of the deckbuilding rules.
#### Translations
From 03a72aec6eddb9bfd1d1695626fbd564b1c9f84c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 21:55:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 115/210] Tag weaknesses that seal
pack/parallel/aof.json | 1 +
pack/tfa/tfa.json | 1 +
pack/tic/tic.json | 1 +
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/aof.json b/pack/parallel/aof.json
index 9f72c672f..f99e1346c 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/aof.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/aof.json
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"restrictions": "investigator:04004",
"subtype_code": "weakness",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Advanced. Prey - Father Mateo only. Hunter.\nRevelation - Search the chaos bag and all play areas for the [elder_sign] token and each [bless] token and seal them on Serpents of Yig.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Serpent.",
"type_code": "enemy"
diff --git a/pack/tfa/tfa.json b/pack/tfa/tfa.json
index 15a776c04..d77a41b1f 100644
--- a/pack/tfa/tfa.json
+++ b/pack/tfa/tfa.json
@@ -333,6 +333,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"restrictions": "investigator:04004",
"subtype_code": "weakness",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Prey - Father Mateo only.\nHunter.\nRevelation - Search the chaos bag for the [elder_sign] chaos token and seal it on Serpents of Yig.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Serpent.",
"type_code": "enemy"
diff --git a/pack/tic/tic.json b/pack/tic/tic.json
index a258a3a49..e20a5651e 100644
--- a/pack/tic/tic.json
+++ b/pack/tic/tic.json
@@ -753,6 +753,7 @@
"position": 40,
"quantity": 1,
"subtype_code": "basicweakness",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Revelation - Attach Day of Reckoning to the current agenda. Then, search the chaos bag for an [elder_sign] token and seal it on Day of Reckoning.\nCard design inspired by the events of Arkham Nights 2018.",
"traits": "Endtimes.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From 7224e953a305c7bc9e5b72d8186328eefcc8f0fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 20:04:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 116/210] Relics of the Past Encounter Cards
Adding the rest of the encounter cards for this scenario
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 241 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 239 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 1464b614e..4be02964e 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 more than the number of locations with 1 or more doom on them.\n[cultist]: -2. If you are poisoned, reveal another token.\n[tablet]: -4. Place 1 doom on your location.\n[elder_thing]: -5. After this test resolves, the nearest ready, unengaged [[Serpent]] enemy moves once toward your location.",
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 more than the number of locations with 1 or more doom on them.\n[cultist]: -2. If you are poisoned, reveal another token.\n[tablet]: -4. Place 1 doom on your location.\n[elder_thing]: -5. After this test resolves, the nearest ready unengaged [[Serpent]] enemy moves once toward your location.",
"code": "90065",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
@@ -12,5 +12,242 @@
"quantity": 1,
"text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is the number of locations with 1 or more doom on them.\n[cultist]: -1. If you are poisoned, reveal another token.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, place 1 doom on your location.\n[elder_thing]: -3. If you fail, the nearest ready unengaged [[Serpent]] enemy moves once toward your location.",
"type_code": "scenario"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "90066b",
+ "code": "90066a",
+ "doom": 4,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You've made your way to the Eztli ruins in search of ancient artifacts.",
+ "illustrator": "Logan Feliciano",
+ "name": "Something Else Stirs...",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 66,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "This agenda gets +1 [player] doom threshold.\nForced - When this agenda advances: Do not remove doom from locations in play.\nForced - When an investigator is defeated: That investigator shuffles each [[Ancient]] story asset they control into the exploration deck.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "90066b",
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 6,
+ "illustrator": "John Moriarty",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Dweller in the Pit",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 66,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Hunter. Retaliate. Spawn – Engaged with Monterey Jack.\nDweller in the Pit gets +1 [player] health and +1 fight for each vengeance point in the victory display (max +3 fight).\nForced – After Dweller in the Pit deals damage to you, check your supplies: Id you do not have the satchel, shuffle each [[Ancient]] asset you control into the exploration deck.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The constant hissing echoes throughout the ruin. Snakes and serpentine humanoids close in on you, fangs beared and blades raised. Delving into these ruins has proved too dangerous to continue. You throw what few objects you had recovered at your pursuers, and then turn to flee back the way you came. At least, you think it was the way you came...",
+ "back_name": "Catastrophic Ruin",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator who has not been eliminated is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.",
+ "code": "90067",
+ "doom": 12,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "From the darkness of the tunnel before you, the creature lumbers forward with a reptilian hiss.",
+ "illustrator": "Logan Feliciano",
+ "name": "Guardian of the Relics",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 67,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "This agenda gets +1 [player] doom threshold.\nForced - When an investigator is defeated: That investigator shuffles each [[Ancient]] story asset they control into the exploration deck.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "You cautiously step into the inner chamber, a room that has been sealed away for untold ages. As you look around at the various markings covering the floor and walls, you hear the grinding of stone on stone behind you. You wheel about to see the secret passage sliding closed. With a resounding thud, it slams shut, leaving only an unmarked wall in its place. You’re trapped!",
+ "back_name": "Trapped in the Tombs",
+ "back_text": "Move each unengaged Elite enemy directly to Inner Chamber.\nShuffle each of the following cards into the exploration deck: Each of the set-aside [[Ancient]] story assets, the set-aside Vengeant Past treachery, each single-sided location in play, and 1 copy of the set-aside Brood of Yig enemy for each vengeance point in the victory display.\nPlace 1 [player] clues on each revealed location (up to a maximum of its clue threshold).",
+ "clues": 4,
+ "code": "90068",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "As you traverse the tight corridors of the ruin, you feel a deep rumbling beneath your feet.",
+ "illustrator": "Vlad Ricean",
+ "name": "Crumbling Ruin",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 68,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "[action] If there are no clues on your location: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.\nObjective – When each surviving investigator is at Inner Chamber, they may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "At long last, you have found your way back to the entrance of the tomb and have left the creatures in the darkness behind you.",
+ "back_name": "Escape at Last",
+ "back_text": "(→R1)",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "90069",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Vlad Ricean",
+ "name": "Find the Way Out!",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 69,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "[action] If there are no clues on your location: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.\nObjective – Get out with as many [[Ancient]] relics as you can! If each surviving investigator has resigned, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "90070",
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Andreas Rocha",
+ "name": "Secret Passage",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 70,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
+ "text": "Revelation – If Secret Passage is connected to your location, put it and the set-aside Inner Chamber into play. Otherwise, shuffle it into the exploration deck.\nForced – After you enter Secret Passage: Check your supplies. If you have the compass, discover 1 clue from Secret Passage.",
+ "traits": "Ancient. Ruins.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The floor of this central chamber is intricately carved and glows strangely. The walls and floor are scuffed with signs of some past struggle.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "90071",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Andreas Zafiratos",
+ "name": "Inner Chamber",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 71,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "[action] Spend X clues: Reveal the top X cards of the exploration deck. Draw 1 of the revealed cards and check your supplies. If you have chalk, you may choose 1 additional card and draw it. Shuffle the remaining cards into the exploration deck.",
+ "traits": "Forgotten. Ruins.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "90072",
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The crumbling hall dares you to venture deeper.",
+ "illustrator": "Jose Vega",
+ "name": "Ancient Hall",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 72,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Forced – After doom is placed on Ancient Hall: Shuffle the top card of the encounter deck into the exploration deck. Any investigator at Ancient Hall may spend 3 resources to cancel this effect.",
+ "traits": "Ancient. Ruins.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "90073",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Jade Crocodile",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 73,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Effigy of the Guardian",
+ "text": "Revelation – Put Jade Crocodile into play under your control. You must either place 1 doom on your location, or take 2 damage.\nForced – When you resign: Add Jade Crocodile to the victory display.",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic. Ancient.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "90074",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Obsidian Jaguar",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 74,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Effigy of the Huntress",
+ "text": "Revelation – Put Obsidian Jaguar into play under your control. You must either place 1 doom on your location, or the nearest enemy attacks you.\nForced – When you resign: Add Obsidian Jaguar to the victory display.",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic. Ancient.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "90075",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Citrine Snake",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 75,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Effigy of the Child",
+ "text": "Revelation – Put Citrine Snake into play under your control. If you are poisoned, take 1 direct damage. If you are not poisoned, put a set-aside Poisoned weakness into play in your threat area.\nForced – When you resign: Add Citrine Snake to the victory display.",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic. Ancient.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "90076",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Turquoise Eagle",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 76,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Effigy of the Watcher",
+ "text": "Revelation – Put Turquoise Eagle into play under your control. You must either place 1 doom on your location, or take 2 horror.\nForced – When you resign: Add Turquoise Eagle to the victory display.",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic. Ancient.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "90077",
+ "encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Vengeant Past",
+ "pack_code": "rop",
+ "position": 77,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation – For each [[Ancient]] story asset controlled by an investigator, you must either choose one):\n- Deal 1 damage or horror to that asset's controller.\n-Shuffle that asset into the exploration deck.\nAfter this effect resolves, shuffle Vengeant Past into the exploration deck.",
+ "traits": "Power.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
\ No newline at end of file
From 789d4f66b7c7f7837181c1ddd326adc695e89c85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:44:26 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 117/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 4be02964e..6d0ee1141 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
"back_link": "90066b",
"code": "90066a",
"doom": 4,
- "double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "relics_of_the_past",
"encounter_position": 2,
"faction_code": "mythos",
From a0959c47560cdf4aa157fe7ef1dc3cd8cbbf42cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:44:38 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 118/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 6d0ee1141..8f43b8923 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"position": 66,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "This agenda gets +1 [player] doom threshold.\nForced - When this agenda advances: Do not remove doom from locations in play.\nForced - When an investigator is defeated: That investigator shuffles each [[Ancient]] story asset they control into the exploration deck.",
+ "text": "*This agenda gets +1 [per_investigator] doom threshold.\nForced - When this agenda advances: Do not remove doom from locations in play.\nForced - When an investigator is defeated: That investigator shuffles each [[Ancient]] story asset they control into the exploration deck.",
"type_code": "agenda"
From 9408a8906b7bf7106b7eeb29fa65c8da60205d2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:44:48 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 119/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 8f43b8923..7c7143a19 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"pack_code": "rop",
"position": 66,
"quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Guardian of the Past",
"text": "Hunter. Retaliate. Spawn – Engaged with Monterey Jack.\nDweller in the Pit gets +1 [player] health and +1 fight for each vengeance point in the victory display (max +3 fight).\nForced – After Dweller in the Pit deals damage to you, check your supplies: Id you do not have the satchel, shuffle each [[Ancient]] asset you control into the exploration deck.",
"traits": "Creature. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
From 4740f0b43fc7c94139715a0f118551f096cdc0d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:44:55 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 120/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 7c7143a19..4a111aee0 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"position": 66,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Guardian of the Past",
- "text": "Hunter. Retaliate. Spawn – Engaged with Monterey Jack.\nDweller in the Pit gets +1 [player] health and +1 fight for each vengeance point in the victory display (max +3 fight).\nForced – After Dweller in the Pit deals damage to you, check your supplies: Id you do not have the satchel, shuffle each [[Ancient]] asset you control into the exploration deck.",
+ "text": "Hunter. Retaliate. Spawn - Engaged with Monterey Jack.\nDweller in the Pit gets +1 [per_investigator] health and +1 fight for each vengeance point in the victory display (max +3 fight).\nForced - After Dweller in the Pit deals damage to you, check your supplies: If you do not have the satchel, shuffle each [[Ancient]] asset you control into the exploration deck.",
"traits": "Creature. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 1
From e6b4d6d871636707bd9fc3afe35489326fc6064b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:45:03 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 121/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 4a111aee0..7db79f8c7 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"position": 67,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 2,
- "text": "This agenda gets +1 [player] doom threshold.\nForced - When an investigator is defeated: That investigator shuffles each [[Ancient]] story asset they control into the exploration deck.",
+ "text": "*This agenda gets +1 [per_investigator] doom threshold.\nForced - When an investigator is defeated: That investigator shuffles each [[Ancient]] story asset they control into the exploration deck.",
"type_code": "agenda"
From 45a34e0a5cb07152878392c8a7dd3bb27680f2bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:45:21 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 122/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 7db79f8c7..cc8a6a9f5 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"back_flavor": "You cautiously step into the inner chamber, a room that has been sealed away for untold ages. As you look around at the various markings covering the floor and walls, you hear the grinding of stone on stone behind you. You wheel about to see the secret passage sliding closed. With a resounding thud, it slams shut, leaving only an unmarked wall in its place. You’re trapped!",
"back_name": "Trapped in the Tombs",
- "back_text": "Move each unengaged Elite enemy directly to Inner Chamber.\nShuffle each of the following cards into the exploration deck: Each of the set-aside [[Ancient]] story assets, the set-aside Vengeant Past treachery, each single-sided location in play, and 1 copy of the set-aside Brood of Yig enemy for each vengeance point in the victory display.\nPlace 1 [player] clues on each revealed location (up to a maximum of its clue threshold).",
+ "back_text": "Move each unengaged [[Elite]] enemy directly to Inner Chamber.\nShuffle each of the following cards into the exploration deck: Each of the set-aside [[Ancient]] story assets, the set-aside Vengeant Past treachery, each single-sided location in play, and 1 copy of the set-aside Brood of Yig enemy for each vengeance point in the victory display.\nPlace 1 [per_investigator] clues on each revealed location (up to a maximum of its clue threshold).",
"clues": 4,
"code": "90068",
"double_sided": true,
From ae8c4a9783612627be7426d97e1d2698fcaabc3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:45:30 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 123/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index cc8a6a9f5..55b9787d0 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"position": 68,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "[action] If there are no clues on your location: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.\nObjective – When each surviving investigator is at Inner Chamber, they may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "text": "[action] If there are no clues on your location: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.\nObjective - When each surviving investigator is at Inner Chamber, they may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.",
"type_code": "act"
From a447ffbab9c09d6f32ed99d4986689ece5a6908b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:45:39 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 124/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 55b9787d0..f67735452 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
"position": 69,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 2,
- "text": "[action] If there are no clues on your location: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.\nObjective – Get out with as many [[Ancient]] relics as you can! If each surviving investigator has resigned, advance.",
+ "text": "[action] If there are no clues on your location: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.\nObjective - Get out with as many [[Ancient]] relics as you can! If each surviving investigator has resigned, advance.",
"type_code": "act"
From 3f1453864e2d3246327a8a64ffbcfcaf5761ab97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:45:48 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 125/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index f67735452..85e7e95c3 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
"position": 70,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 5,
- "text": "Revelation – If Secret Passage is connected to your location, put it and the set-aside Inner Chamber into play. Otherwise, shuffle it into the exploration deck.\nForced – After you enter Secret Passage: Check your supplies. If you have the compass, discover 1 clue from Secret Passage.",
+ "text": "Revelation - If Secret Passage is connected to your location, put it and the set-aside Inner Chamber into play. Otherwise, shuffle it into the exploration deck.\nForced - After you enter Secret Passage: Check your supplies. If you have the compass, discover 1 clue from Secret Passage.",
"traits": "Ancient. Ruins.",
"type_code": "location",
"victory": 1
From 1f7ce17251b710650f8fc799e1b619bfc73148c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:45:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 126/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 85e7e95c3..a6e542c27 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
"position": 72,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "Forced – After doom is placed on Ancient Hall: Shuffle the top card of the encounter deck into the exploration deck. Any investigator at Ancient Hall may spend 3 resources to cancel this effect.",
+ "text": "Forced - After doom is placed on Ancient Hall: Shuffle the top card of the encounter deck into the exploration deck. Any investigator at Ancient Hall may spend 3 resources to cancel this effect.",
"traits": "Ancient. Ruins.",
"type_code": "location"
From d33f691068c36d735a956fd8d38757cce402165e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:46:05 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 127/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index a6e542c27..4186e529f 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
"position": 73,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Effigy of the Guardian",
- "text": "Revelation – Put Jade Crocodile into play under your control. You must either place 1 doom on your location, or take 2 damage.\nForced – When you resign: Add Jade Crocodile to the victory display.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Jade Crocodile into play under your control. You must either place 1 doom on your location, or take 2 damage.\nForced - When you resign: Add Jade Crocodile to the victory display.",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Ancient.",
"type_code": "asset",
"victory": 1
From 69bbd9d76896c22d78797c91267934592e3fe241 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:46:13 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 128/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 4186e529f..f63faf0e3 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
"position": 74,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Effigy of the Huntress",
- "text": "Revelation – Put Obsidian Jaguar into play under your control. You must either place 1 doom on your location, or the nearest enemy attacks you.\nForced – When you resign: Add Obsidian Jaguar to the victory display.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Obsidian Jaguar into play under your control. You must either place 1 doom on your location, or the nearest enemy attacks you.\nForced - When you resign: Add Obsidian Jaguar to the victory display.",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Ancient.",
"type_code": "asset",
"victory": 1
From 25ca1e2827647f4d88f25e44e8bfba4e8a25beb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:46:21 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 129/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index f63faf0e3..bf02cdb35 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
"position": 75,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Effigy of the Child",
- "text": "Revelation – Put Citrine Snake into play under your control. If you are poisoned, take 1 direct damage. If you are not poisoned, put a set-aside Poisoned weakness into play in your threat area.\nForced – When you resign: Add Citrine Snake to the victory display.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Citrine Snake into play under your control. If you are poisoned, take 1 direct damage. If you are not poisoned, put a set-aside Poisoned weakness into play in your threat area.\nForced - When you resign: Add Citrine Snake to the victory display.",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Ancient.",
"type_code": "asset",
"victory": 1
From 5da698e9d27c5f0a43b36c6b25c88f102a01f6c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:46:29 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 130/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index bf02cdb35..84c02498f 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
"position": 76,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Effigy of the Watcher",
- "text": "Revelation – Put Turquoise Eagle into play under your control. You must either place 1 doom on your location, or take 2 horror.\nForced – When you resign: Add Turquoise Eagle to the victory display.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Turquoise Eagle into play under your control. You must either place 1 doom on your location, or take 2 horror.\nForced - When you resign: Add Turquoise Eagle to the victory display.",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Ancient.",
"type_code": "asset",
"victory": 1
From f8c1a1b482b022ed6991d886cff5a8ae35e51408 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: somethingtemporaryarkham
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:46:38 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 131/210] Update pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Co-authored-by: Felix Spöttel <>
pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
index 84c02498f..d21d90a7b 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rop_encounter.json
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
"pack_code": "rop",
"position": 77,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Peril.\nRevelation – For each [[Ancient]] story asset controlled by an investigator, you must either choose one):\n- Deal 1 damage or horror to that asset's controller.\n-Shuffle that asset into the exploration deck.\nAfter this effect resolves, shuffle Vengeant Past into the exploration deck.",
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - For each [[Ancient]] story asset controlled by an investigator, you must either (choose one):\n- Deal 1 damage or horror to that asset's controller.\n- Shuffle that asset into the exploration deck.\nAfter this effect resolves, shuffle Vengeant Past into the exploration deck.",
"traits": "Power.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From ad0c3523283129d5d19b482beda9884a4004f464 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2024 14:00:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 132/210] fix
pack/parallel/aof.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/aof.json b/pack/parallel/aof.json
index f99e1346c..2cdde8017 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/aof.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/aof.json
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"skill_intellect": 3,
"skill_willpower": 4,
"subname": "The Priest",
- "text": "[fast] During your turn: Seal a token on an investigator at your location with no [bless] token sealed on them. (Limit once per round.)\n[reaction] When an investigator would reveal a chaos token: Resolve the [bless] token sealed on them instead. Release that token.\n[elder_sign] effect: +1. Resolve Father Mateo's [fast] ability, ignoring its limit.",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn: Seal a [bless] token on an investigator at your location with no [bless] token sealed on them. (Limit once per round.)\n[reaction] When an investigator would reveal a chaos token: Resolve the [bless] token sealed on them instead. Release that token.\n[elder_sign] effect: +1. Resolve Father Mateo's [fast] ability, ignoring its limit.",
"traits": "Believer. Warden.",
"type_code": "investigator"
From c337b5a5ae65fdf0faeb391ce390b7785616cd33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2024 14:12:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 133/210] typo
pack/parallel/aof.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/aof.json b/pack/parallel/aof.json
index 2cdde8017..f6c65c113 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/aof.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/aof.json
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"slot": "Hand",
"subname": "finis omnium nunc est",
"tags": "se.",
- "text": "Father Mateo deck only. Advanced. Seal ([elder_sign] or up to 3 [bless]).\nYou get +1 to each of your skills while there is a token is sealed here.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location would reveal a chaos token from the chaos bag: That investigator resolves a token sealed here instead, then releases that token. (Limit once per test.)",
+ "text": "Father Mateo deck only. Advanced. Seal ([elder_sign] or up to 3 [bless]).\nYou get +1 to each of your skills while there is a token sealed here.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location would reveal a chaos token from the chaos bag: That investigator resolves a token sealed here instead, then releases that token. (Limit once per test.)",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Tome. Blessed.",
"type_code": "asset"
From 40c816e58688029229347c048f723a4af209937c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2024 13:01:47 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 134/210] Add french jenny
translations/fr/pack/parallel/pap.json | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 translations/fr/pack/parallel/pap.json
diff --git a/translations/fr/pack/parallel/pap.json b/translations/fr/pack/parallel/pap.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8467c232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/fr/pack/parallel/pap.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Jenny Barnes a passé la majorité de sa jeune vie à rechercher le confort matériel, les mets les plus fins et les derniers vêtements à la mode. Mais tout changea lorsqu'elle reçut une lettre de sa sœur, Isabelle. Cette dernière lui confiait que des forces mystérieuses étaient en train de se liguer contre elle, et qu'elle craignait de disparaitre, victime de quelque menace paranormale. C'est la dernière lettre que Jenny reçut de sa sœur adorée. Depuis, elle est rentrée aux Etats-Unis afin d enquêter sur tous les phénomènes occultes dont elle entend parler. Loin de se laisser abattre, elle s'est révélée être une tireuse hors pair doublée d'une enquêtrice intrépide et intelligente. Jusqu'à ce que le mystère de la disparition d'Isabelle soit résolu, Jenny n' arrêtera jamais ses recherches.",
+ "back_text": "Taille du Deck: 30.\nConstruction du Deck: cartes Truand ([rogue]) de niveau 0 à 3, cartes neutres de niveau 0 à 5, jusqu'à 10 autres cartes non-permanentes [[Talent]] de niveau 0 à 5.\nRestrictions de Deck (ne comptent pas dans la limite de taille du deck) : Les .45 Jumeaux de Jenny, À la Recherche d'Izzie, 1 faiblesse de base au hasard.",
+ "code": "90084",
+ "flavor": "« Hé chéri, je le ferais jusqu'à ce que j'arrive au bout. »",
+ "name": "Jenny Barnes",
+ "subname": "La Dilettante",
+ "text": "[reaction] Au début de votre tour, jouez un soutien [[Talent]] en réduisant de 1 son coût.\n[free]Défaussez un soutien Talent que vous contrôlez : gagnez un nombre de ressources égal au cout imprimé de ce soutien. Limite de 5 ressources par round.)\n[elder_sign] effet : +0. En cas de réussite, gagnez 3 ressources.",
+ "traits": "Vagabond. Mondain."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "90085",
+ "name": "*Les .45 Jumeaux de Jenny",
+ "subname": "Une Association Parfaite",
+ "text": "Deck de Jenny Barnes uniquement. Avancée. Utilisations (X munitions).\n[action] Dépensez 1 munition: Combattre. Vous gagnez +2 [combat] pour cette attaque. Cette attaque inflige + 1 dégât.\n[reaction]Après avoir vaincu un ennemi en utilisant cette capacité, inclinez Les .45 Jumeaux de Jenny : gagnez un nombre de ressources égal à la vie imprimée de cet ennemi.",
+ "traits": "Objet. Arme. Arme à feu."
+ "code": "90086",
+ "flavor": "",
+ "name": "A la Recherche d'Izzie",
+ "text": "Avancée.\nRévélation - Attachez À la Recherche d'Izzie au lieu le plus éloigné de vous. Le lieu attaché gagne +2 de valeur occulte.\n[action] [action] : Enquêter.En cas de réussite, au lieu de découvrirdes indices, défaussez À la Recherche d'Izzie.\nForcé - -Quand la partie se termine, si À la Recherche d'Izzie est en jeu : Jenny Barnes subit 1 traumatisme Mental.",
+ "traits": "Tâche."
+ }
From 5b09c825f948f613d1f0d98822eea77bde60d6a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2024 10:42:00 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 135/210] Add mateo
translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json
diff --git a/translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json b/translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2428232c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "La vie de Mateo Castile n'a pas été de tout repos depuis qu'il est devenu prêtre. Cela fait plusieurs décennies que le Mexique est rongé par l'instabilité et les conflits. Père Mateo a lutté pour concilier sa foi avec la difficulté de prêcher quand la loi le lui interdisait. Mais ce n'est pas ce qui a le plus ébranlé sa foi. Les meurtres et les enlèvements récents n'étaient pas de nature politique comme il l'avait d'abord supposé. Un culte hideux et macabre prospère au cœur du conflit naissant. Comment un Dieu bon et aimant permettrait-il à ce dont il a été témoin cette nuit-là d'exister? Mateo se le demande encore.",
+ "back_text": "Taille du Deck: 30.\nConstruction du Deck: cartes ([mystic]) de niveaux 0 à 5, cartes [[Béni]] de niveaux 0 à 3, cartes neutres de niveaux 0 à 5, jusqu'à 5 autres cartes "sceller" de niveaux 0 à 5.\nRestrictions de Deck (ne comptent pas dans la limite de taille du deck) : Le Codex des Âges, Serpents de Yig, 1 faiblesse de base au hasard.",
+ "code": "90081",
+ "flavor": "",
+ "name": "Père Mateo",
+ "subname": "Le Prêtre",
+ "text": "[free] Durant votre tour : scellez un pion [bless] sur un investigateur dans votre lieu sans pion scellé sur lui. (Limite d'une fois par round.)\n[reaction]Quand un investigateur devrait révéler un pion Chaos : résolvez à la place le pion [bless] scellé sur lui. Libérez ce pion.\n[elder_sign] effet : ++1. Résolvez la capacité [free] de Père Mateo, en ignorant sa limite.",
+ "traits": "Croyant. Veilleur."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "90082",
+ "name": "*Le Codex des Âges",
+ "subname": "finis omnium nunc est",
+ "text": "Deck du Père Mateo uniquement. Avancée. Sceller (elder_sign] ou jusqu'à 3 pions [bless]).\nVous gagnez +1 à chacune de vos compétences tant qu'il y a un pion scellé sur cette carte.\n[reaction]Quand un investigateur devrait révéler un pion Chaos de la réserve du Chaos, cet investigateur résout un pion scellé sur cette carte à la place, ensuite libérez ce pion. (Limite d'une fois par test.)",
+ "traits": "Objet. Relique. Livre. Béni."
+ "code": "90083",
+ "flavor": "",
+ "name": "Serpents de Yig",
+ "text": "Avancée.\nProie - Père Mateo uniquement. Chasseur.\nRévélation -: Cherchez dans la réserve du Chaos et toutes les zones de jeu le pion (elder_sign] et chaque pion [bless]. Scellez-les sur les Serpents de Yig.",
+ "traits": "Tâche."
+ }
From 3d5c283b67f7ec1e595b5e3a15e41dc06858e7e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 08:42:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 136/210] remove alternate_of from assets
pack/parallel/aof.json | 2 --
1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/aof.json b/pack/parallel/aof.json
index f6c65c113..e3002006c 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/aof.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/aof.json
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
"type_code": "investigator"
- "alternate_of": "04013",
"code": "90082",
"cost": 2,
"deck_limit": 1,
@@ -68,7 +67,6 @@
"type_code": "asset"
- "alternate_of": "04014",
"code": "90083",
"deck_limit": 1,
"enemy_damage": 1,
From 5e963ff8ae1755cb1e515cf799b805225ecefade Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 11:45:36 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 137/210] fix: parallel mateo release date
packs.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/packs.json b/packs.json
index 29a725cf4..37a136075 100644
--- a/packs.json
+++ b/packs.json
@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@
"code": "aof",
"cycle_code": "parallel",
- "date_release": "2025-10-30",
+ "date_release": "2024-10-30",
"name": "Aura of Faith",
"position": 12,
"size": 3
From 6cd58be7143c79e9c9ac0cfc6f328926e353c0fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2024 12:45:44 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 138/210] [Ru] typo fixes
translations/ru/pack/side/guardians_encounter.json | 2 +-
translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/side/guardians_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/side/guardians_encounter.json
index f7ffa7a52..0a1aeb0f8 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/side/guardians_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/side/guardians_encounter.json
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
"code": "83051",
"name": "Сонливость",
- "text": "Раскрытие — Введите «Сонливость» в игру в свою зону угрозы, если там ещё нет экземпляра этой карты (если есть, то сбросьте «Сонливость» и считайте, что у неё есть Наплыв).\nОбязательно — Когда начинается ваш ход: Пройдите проверку (2). При провале потеряйте 1 действие.\n[reaction] После того как сила Бездны снижена: Сбросьте «Сонливость».",
+ "text": "Раскрытие — Введите «Сонливость» в игру в свою зону угрозы, если там ещё нет экземпляра этой карты (если есть, то сбросьте «Сонливость» и считайте, что у неё есть Наплыв).\nОбязательно — Когда начинается ваш ход: Пройдите проверку [willpower] (2). При провале потеряйте 1 действие.\n[reaction] После того как сила Бездны снижена: Сбросьте «Сонливость».",
"traits": "Проклятие. Бездна."
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json
index e4771f9fa..a9cd009cc 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"flavor": "«Оставьте свои страхи на суше, парни».",
"name": "Сайлас Марш",
"subname": "Моряк",
- "text": "[reaction] После того как при проверке, которую вы проходите, вытянут жетон хаоса. Верните на руку 1 карту навыка, добавленную вами к этой проверке. (Не чаще 1 раза в раунд.)\n[elder_sign] +0. Можете добавить к этой проверке карту навыка из вашего сброса. После этой проверки верните этот навык себе на руку, вместо того чтобы сбрасывать.",
+ "text": "[reaction] После того как при проверке, которую вы проходите, вытянут жетон хаоса: Верните на руку 1 карту навыка, добавленную вами к этой проверке. (Не чаще 1 раза в раунд.)\n[elder_sign] +0. Можете добавить к этой проверке карту навыка из вашего сброса. После этой проверки верните этот навык себе на руку, вместо того чтобы сбрасывать.",
"traits": "Скиталец.",
"back_flavor": "Silas Marsh has loved the sea ever since he was old enough to toddle through its briny shallows. Becoming a sailor was the easiest decision he ever made, and his sturdy frame and excellent sense for the weather have given him a good reputation aboard any vessel. There is only one thing troubling Silas: over and over again, he dreams of unsettling cities hidden beneath the waves and inhabited by bizarre creatures. These dreams call to him, stirring something deep within him that he thought he had left behind in his hometown of Innsmouth.",
"back_text": "Размер колоды: 30.\nВозможные карты: карты Выжившего ([survivor]) уровня 0-5, нейтральные карты уровня 0-5, [[врождённые]] навыки уровня 0-2.\nОбязательные карты (не идут в счёт размера колоды): «Гарпун с „Ветра перемен“», «Сеть Сайласа», «Зов моря», 1 случайная базовая слабость."
From 89d3b8106661e44a032d481006733da583c61997 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: garion-s
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 22:42:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 139/210] [uk] Update core_encounter.json for UA translation
Changed card names and keywords mostly, didn't touch flavor text.
Updated translation that came with the release of the "Revised core set" and will be carried into all future expansion releases including upcoming Edge of the Earth campaign.
Full details (including eng-new-old changelog breakdown) from the publisher can be found here:
translations/uk/pack/core/core_encounter.json | 168 +++++++++---------
1 file changed, 84 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translations/uk/pack/core/core_encounter.json b/translations/uk/pack/core/core_encounter.json
index 125b839f2..442a80f92 100644
--- a/translations/uk/pack/core/core_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/uk/pack/core/core_encounter.json
@@ -35,23 +35,23 @@
"flavor": "Схопившись з місця, ви прямуєте дізнатись, що коїться, але двері вашого кабінету зникають прямо у вас на очах, лишаючи за собою суцільну стіну. Ви опиняєтесь замкнені у своєму кабінеті, доки не знайдете інший вихід.",
"name": "У Пастці",
"back_name": "Двері у Підлозі",
- "back_flavor": "Ви помічаєте, що краї вашого нещодавно придбаного килима подрані і забруднені. Щоб з'ясувати, в чому річ, ви відсуваєте меблі і відтягуєте килим. На свій подив, ви бачите під ним двері. Ви повільно повертаєте ручку і двері відчиняються, а внизу виявляється ваш передпокій.\nВи стрибаєте крізь дверний отвір і приземляєтеся на м'який ґрунт. Двері до кабінету над вами зачиняються. Вузький коридор заповнює запах горілого дерева, змішаний зі смородом гнилі і плісняви.",
- "back_text": "Введіть у гру відкладені локації \"Передпокій\", \"Підвал\", \"Горище\" та \"Вітальню\".\nСкиньте усіх ворогів з Кабінету.\nПомістіть усіх дослідників у Передпокій.\nПриберіть Кабінет з гри."
+ "back_flavor": "Ви помічаєте, що краї вашого нещодавно придбаного килима подрані і забруднені. Щоб з'ясувати, в чому річ, ви відсуваєте меблі і відтягуєте килим. На свій подив, ви бачите під ним двері. Ви повільно повертаєте ручку і двері відчиняються, а внизу виявляється ваш коридор.\nВи стрибаєте крізь дверний отвір і приземляєтеся на м'який ґрунт. Двері до кабінету над вами зачиняються. Вузький коридор заповнює запах горілого дерева, змішаний зі смородом гнилі і плісняви.",
+ "back_text": "Введіть у гру відкладені локації \"Коридор\", \"Підвал\", \"Горище\" та \"Вітальню\".\nСкиньте усіх ворогів з Кабінету.\nПомістіть усіх дослідників у Коридор.\nПриберіть Кабінет з гри."
"code": "01109",
"flavor": "Сяючий бар'єр загороджує шлях до вашої Вітальні. Коли ви наближаєтесь до нього, надмірний жар змушує вас відійти назад. Взявши жменьку землі, ви жбурляєте її і з жахом бачите, як вона спалахує. Можливо, у підвалі чи на горищі ви знайдете щось, що могло б допомогти.",
"name": "Бар'єр",
- "text": "Ціль - Коли раунд закінчується, дослідники у передпокої можуть спільно витратити необхідне число здогадок, щоб просунутись далі.",
+ "text": "Мета - Коли раунд закінчується, дослідники у передпокої можуть спільно витратити необхідне число здогадок, щоб просунутись далі.",
"back_name": "Бар'єр Зруйновано",
"back_flavor": "Взявши бочку з горища, ви приносите в ній лід та сніг з підвалу і жбурляєте її щосили у бар'єр. Бар'єр починає іскрити і дрижати, поглинаючи лід, а потім шипить і зникає геть.",
- "back_text": "Бар'єр, який загороджував прохід до Вітальні, зник.\nВідкрийте локацію \"Вітальня\".\nВведіть у гру відкладену карту \"Літа Чентлер\" і помістіть її у Вітальню.\nРозмістіть у Передпокої відкладену карту \"Гуль-Жрець\"."
+ "back_text": "Бар'єр, який загороджував прохід до Вітальні, зник.\nВідкрийте локацію \"Вітальня\".\nВведіть у гру відкладену карту \"Літа Чантлер\" і помістіть її у Вітальню.\nРозмістіть у Передпокої відкладену карту \"Гуль-Жрець\"."
"code": "01110",
"flavor": "У вашій вітальні стоїть жінка зі смолоскипом і її очі сповнені гніву. \"Що ви зробили з моїм бар'єром?\" - розлючено вигукує вона. Перш, ніж ви встигаєте відповісти, позаду вас лунає моторошне виття, і істота у мантії та масці у вигляді черепа оленя проривається крізь стіну і прямує до вас.",
"name": "Що Ви Накоїли?",
- "text": "Ціль - Якщо Гуль-Жрець переможений, просувайтесь далі.",
+ "text": "Мета - Якщо Гуль-Жрець переможений, просувайтесь далі.",
"back_name": "Захистити Дім",
"back_flavor": "Коли істота у мантії падає, диявольська зграя заривається назад у землю і хаос у будинку затихає. Але незнайомку у вашій вітальні це не заспокоює.\n\"Ви зруйнували мою печатку, яка утримувала гулів всередині, - вона піднімає смолоскип. - Тепер ми змушені вжити більш радикальних заходів і спалити цю бісову діру дотла!.\"",
"back_text": "Провідний дослідник повинен вирішити (оберіть одне):\n— Це місце ніколи не було мені домом. Підпалюй! (→Р1)\n— Ця \"бісова діра\" - мій дім! Я не дозволю його спалити! (→Р2)"
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"code": "01112",
"flavor": "Стіни вашого будинку заляпані брудом, а замість дерев'яної підлоги простягається доріжка із землі.",
- "name": "Передпокій",
+ "name": "Коридор",
"back_flavor": "Приземлившись на підлогу передпокою, на якусь мить ви втрачаєте рівновагу і вас охоплює страх. Світ крутиться перед очима, наче усе перевернулося з ніг на голову."
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"code": "01115",
"name": "Вітальня",
- "text": "[action] Відступ. \"Для мене це вже занадто!\" Ви вибігаєте через вхідні двері і в паніці тікаєте.\nЯкщо жоден гравець не розпоряджається картою \"Літа Чентлер\", вважайте, що на ній вказано: \"[action]: Перемовини. Перевірте [intellect] (4). У разі успіху ви розпоряджаєтеся картою \"Літа Чентлер\".",
+ "text": "[action] Відступ. \"Для мене це вже занадто!\" Ви вибігаєте через вхідні двері і в паніці тікаєте.\nЯкщо жоден гравець не розпоряджається картою \"Літа Чантлер\", вважайте, що на ній вказано: \"[action]: Перемовини. Перевірте [intellect] (4). У разі успіху ви розпоряджаєтеся картою \"Літа Чантлер\".",
"back_flavor": "Ви невпевнені, що трапиться, якщо ви спробуєте пройти крізь дивний бар'єр, та через його надмірний жар ви до біса впевнені, що не хочете навіть пробувати.",
"back_text": "Вхід у Вітальню загороджує незрозумілий бар'єр, який сяє тьмяним світлом. Ви не можете переміститись у Вітальню."
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@
"code": "01117",
- "name": "Літа Чентлер",
+ "name": "Літа Чантлер",
"subname": "Одержима",
- "text": "Поки ви розпоряджаєтеся картою \"Літа Чентлер\", вважайте, що на ній вказано:\n\"У кожного дослідника у вашій локації +1 [combat].\n[reaction] Коли дослідник у вашій локації успішно атакує ворога [[Монстра]]: Цей дослідник наносить +1 рану.\"",
+ "text": "Поки ви розпоряджаєтеся картою \"Літа Чантлер\", вважайте, що на ній вказано:\n\"У кожного дослідника у вашій локації +1 [combat].\n[reaction] Коли дослідник у вашій локації успішно атакує ворога [[Монстра]]: Цей дослідник наносить +1 рану.\"",
"traits": "Союзник.",
"slot": "Союзник"
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@
"code": "01118",
"flavor": "Потворна істота пожирає гнилу плоть на горищі.",
"name": "Пожирач Плоті",
- "text": "Розміщення - Горище.",
+ "text": "Поява - Горище.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Монстр. Гуль."
"code": "01119",
"flavor": "В одному з тунелів під будинком масивний звір виривається з-під льоду. Він вкритий товстим шаром інею і в морозному повітрі видно його дихання.",
- "name": "Крижаний Гуль",
- "text": "Розміщення - Підвал.",
+ "name": "Льодяний гуль",
+ "text": "Поява - Підвал.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Монстр. Гуль."
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@
"code": "01121b",
- "name": "Мисливець у Масці",
+ "name": "Переслідувач у масці",
"subname": "Мовчазний Переслідувач",
- "text": "Розміщення - Зона боротьби жертви.\nЖертва - З найбільшим числом здогадок.\nМисливець.\n\"Мисливець у Масці\" отримує +2 до здоров'я за дослідника.\nПоки ви б'єтесь із \"Мисливцем у Масці\", ви не можете знаходити чи витрачати здогадки.",
+ "text": "Поява - Зона боротьби жертви.\nЖертва - З найбільшим числом здогадок.\nМисливець.\n\"Переслідувач у масці\" отримує +2 до здоров'я за дослідника.\nПоки ви б'єтесь із \"Мисливцем у Масці\", ви не можете знаходити чи витрачати здогадки.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Культист. Елітний."
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
"code": "01123",
"flavor": "У вас лишилась остання ніч, щоб знайти членів культу та викрити їхні наміри. Що більше культистів ви зможете знайти і допитати до півночі, то краще.",
"name": "Викрити Змову",
- "text": "[action] Дослідники спільно витрачають 2 здогадки за дослідника: Візьміть верхню карту з колоди Культистів.\nЦіль – Знайдіть якомога більше унікальних [[Культистів]] і додайте їх на переможний рахунок. Якщо на переможному рахунку 6 унікальних [[Культистів]], просувайтесь далі. (Примітка: Не всі 6 із них в колоді Культистів.)",
+ "text": "[action] Дослідники спільно витрачають 2 здогадки за дослідника: Візьміть верхню карту з колоди Культистів.\nМета – Знайдіть якомога більше унікальних [[Культистів]] і додайте їх на переможний рахунок. Якщо на переможному рахунку 6 унікальних [[Культистів]], просувайтесь далі. (Примітка: Не всі 6 із них в колоді Культистів.)",
"back_name": "Таємниці Розкриті",
"back_flavor": "Ви успішно розкрили особистості високопоставлених членів культу в Аркгемі. Чоловік, який переслідував вас по всьому місту був вірний своїм переконанням, як і Герман, могильник цвинтаря. Інші ж, здається, допомагали культу вимушено. Працівниці моргу, Рут, погрожували розправою над сім'єю, якщо вона не буде постачати гулям свіжі трупи. На щастя, вам вдалося допомогти їй безпечно втекти з лікарні. Професора Пітера Уоррена довелось переконати, що його участь в культі принесе більше шкоди, ніж добра. Вікторія потрапила в тенета культу через свою одержимість окультними артефактами. Коли ви зіткнулись з Дрю в лікарні, він напав на вас, але як з'ясувалося, він зробив це, прийнявши вас за одного з членів культу. Що глибше ви занурюєтеся у цю змову, то зрозуміліше те, як багато життів вона занапастила.",
"back_text": "(→Р1)"
@@ -177,28 +177,28 @@
"subname": "Історичне Товариство",
"text": "[action]: Візьміть 3 карти. (Ліміт: 1 раз на гру.)",
"traits": "Аркгем.",
- "back_flavor": "Будинки для середнього класу з мансардними дахами тісняться між вулицями Саузсайду. Тут розташовані культурні об'єкти і громадські будівлі, як-от Південна церква, пансіон Матінки та Історичне товариство."
+ "back_flavor": "Будинки для середнього класу з мансардними дахами тісняться між вулицями Саузсайду. Тут розташовані культурні об'єкти і громадські будівлі, як-от Південна церква, Пансіон Ма та Історичне товариство."
"code": "01127",
- "flavor": "Пансіон Матінки славиться своїми дешевими номерами та \"Понеділками Загадкового М'яса\". Тут завжди можна зустріти найрізноманітніших відвідувачів.",
+ "flavor": "Пансіон Ма славиться своїми дешевими номерами та \"Понеділками Загадкового М'яса\". Тут завжди можна зустріти найрізноманітніших відвідувачів.",
"name": "Саузсайд",
- "subname": "Пансіонат Матінки",
+ "subname": "Пансіон Ма",
"text": "[action]: Знайдіть у своїй колоді здобуток [[Союзник]] і додайте собі на руку. Перетасуйте свою колоду. (Ліміт: 1 раз за гру.)",
"traits": "Аркгем.",
- "back_flavor": "Будинки для середнього класу з мансардними дахами тісняться між вулицями Саузсайду. Тут розташовані культурні об'єкти і громадські будівлі, як-от Південна церква, пансіон Матінки та Історичне товариство."
+ "back_flavor": "Будинки для середнього класу з мансардними дахами тісняться між вулицями Саузсайду. Тут розташовані культурні об'єкти і громадські будівлі, як-от Південна церква, пансіон Ма та Історичне товариство."
"code": "01128",
"flavor": "Тривале перебування в лікарні Св. Марії може творити з тілом дива, проте його вплив на психіку - неоднозначний.",
- "name": "Лікарня Св. Марії",
+ "name": "Лікарня святої Марії",
"text": "[action]: Вилікуйте 3 рани. (Ліміт: 1 раз за гру.)",
"traits": "Аркгем.",
"back_flavor": "Єдина лікарня в Аркгемі, має цілодобову приймальню і робота тут кипить всю ніч. Останнім часом лікар Мортімор та медсестра Шерон працюють в особливо напружених умовах, частково і через недавні події."
"code": "01129",
- "flavor": "Міскатонікський Університет - один з найпрестижніших учбових закладів на північно-східному узбережжі. Його бібліотека славиться своєю збіркою книг з окультизму, якою завідує поважний Др. Генрі Ермітедж.",
+ "flavor": "Міскатонікський Університет - один з найпрестижніших учбових закладів на північно-східному узбережжі. Його бібліотека славиться своєю збіркою книг з окультизму, якою завідує поважний Др. Генрі Армітедж.",
"name": "Міскатонікський Університет",
"text": "[action]: Знайдіть серед 6 верхніх карт вашої колоди [[Книгу]] або [[Заклинання]] і візьміть собі на руку. Перетасуйте колоду.",
"traits": "Аркгем.",
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
"code": "01131",
"flavor": "Притулок для розуму чи в'язниця для душі?",
"name": "Даунтаун",
- "subname": "Аркгемська Клініка",
+ "subname": "Психіатрична клініка",
"text": "[action]: Вилікуйте 3 жахи. (Ліміт: 1 раз за гру.)",
"traits": "Аркгем.",
"back_flavor": "Центр міста заповнений урядовими будівлями, включно з міською мерією. Тут також знаходиться Перший банк Аркгема, площа Незалежності та Аркгемська психіатрична клініка. Це найжвавіший район міста."
@@ -238,46 +238,46 @@
"code": "01134",
- "flavor": "У Норзсайді ніщо так швидко не змусить людей говорити, як гроші.",
- "name": "Норзсайд",
+ "flavor": "У Нортсайді ніщо так швидко не змусить людей говорити, як гроші.",
+ "name": "Нортсайд",
"text": "[action] Витратьте 5 ресурсів: Отримайте 2 знахідки із загального сховища. (Спільний ліміт: 1 раз за гру.)",
"traits": "Аркгем.",
- "back_flavor": "Норзсайд - це комерційний район, де знаходиться багато офісів та фабрик, а також залізнична станція."
+ "back_flavor": "Нортсайд - це комерційний район, де знаходиться багато офісів та фабрик, а також залізнична станція."
"code": "01135",
"flavor": "Примарна постать переслідує вас під дощем. Коли ви обертаєтесь, щоб подивитися на неї, у вас перед очима все пливе, а голова розколюється від болю.",
- "name": "Тінь, що Переслідує",
+ "name": "Тінь-переслідувач",
"text": "Небезпека.\nРозкриття - Ви повинні (оберіть одне): Витратити 1 здогадку або отримайте 2 рани.",
"traits": "Прокляття."
"code": "01136",
- "name": "Хибний Слід",
- "text": "Розкриття - Якщо у вас немає здогадок, \"Хибний Слід\" отримує навалу. Якщо у вас є хоча б 1 здогадка, перевірте [intellect] (4). За кожну одиницю провалу покладіть 1 вашу здогадку у вашу локацію."
+ "name": "Глухий кут",
+ "text": "Розкриття - Якщо у вас немає здогадок, \"Глухий кут\" отримує навалу. Якщо у вас є хоча б 1 здогадка, перевірте [intellect] (4). За кожну одиницю провалу покладіть 1 вашу здогадку у вашу локацію."
"code": "01137",
"flavor": "Дрю є давнім пацієнтом Аркгемської клініки. Подейкують, що його помістили туди декілька років тому за канібалізм. Вважається надзвичайно небезпечним.",
"name": "\"Людина-Вовк\" Дрю",
"subname": "Людожер",
- "text": "Розміщення - Даунтаун.\nПримусово - Коли \"Людина-Вовк\" Дрю атакує: Вилікуйте йому 1 рану.",
+ "text": "Поява - Даунтаун.\nПримусово - Коли \"Людина-Вовк\" Дрю атакує: Вилікуйте йому 1 рану.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Культист."
"code": "01138",
"flavor": "На місцевому цвинтарі могильник копав під склепом якісь дивні тунелі... але з якою метою?",
- "name": "Герман Коллінз",
+ "name": "Герман Коллінс",
"subname": "Могильник",
- "text": "Розміщення - Цвинтар.\n[action] Скиньте з руки 4 карти на свій вибір: Перемовини. Додайте \"Германа Коллінза\" до переможного рахунку.",
+ "text": "Поява - Цвинтар.\n[action] Скиньте з руки 4 карти на свій вибір: Перемовини. Додайте \"Германа Коллінса\" до переможного рахунку.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Культист."
"code": "01139",
"flavor": "Професор окультизму був помічений за читанням дивних книг, присвячених канібалізму. Можливо, йому відомо більше, ніж нам?",
- "name": "Пітер Уоррен",
+ "name": "Пітер Воррен",
"subname": "Професор Окультизму",
- "text": "Розміщення - Міскатонікський Університет.\n[action] Витратьте 2 здогадки: Перемовини. Додайте \"Пітера Уоррена\" до переможного рахунку.",
+ "text": "Поява - Міскатонікський Університет.\n[action] Витратьте 2 здогадки: Перемовини. Додайте \"Пітера Уоррена\" до переможного рахунку.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Культист."
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
"flavor": "Олівер Томас, власник антикварного магазинчику, повідомив вас про те, що один новий клієнт неабияк зацікавився таємничою маскою...",
"name": "Вікторія Деверо",
"subname": "Колекціонер",
- "text": "Розміщення - Норзсайд.\n[action] Витратьте 5 ресурсів: Перемовини. Додайте \"Вікторію Деверо\" до переможного рахунку.",
+ "text": "Поява - Нортсайд.\n[action] Витратьте 5 ресурсів: Перемовини. Додайте \"Вікторію Деверо\" до переможного рахунку.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Культист."
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"flavor": "З моргу при таємничих обставинах зникло декілька трупів. Можливо, до цього причетна співробітниця моргу лікарні Св. Марії.",
"name": "Рут Тернер",
"subname": "Працівник Моргу",
- "text": "Розміщення - Лікарня Св. Марії.\nПримусово - Після того, як від Рут Тернер втекли: Додайте її до переможного рахунку.",
+ "text": "Поява - Лікарня святої Марії.\nПримусово - Після того, як від Рут Тернер втекли: Додайте її до переможного рахунку.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Культист."
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
"name": "Помста Чекає",
"text": "Примусово - Коли ця загроза просувається:\n– Якщо дослідники у Справі 1, введіть у гру відкладену карту \"Місце Ритуалу\" і розмістіть там відкладену карту \"Умордхот\".\n– Якщо дослідники у Справі 2 або 3, скиньте усіх ворогів з \"Місця Ритуалу\" і розмістіть там відкладену карту \"Умордхот\".",
"back_name": "Пожирач із Глибин",
- "back_text": "Розкриття - Замініть поточну Справу і Загрозу на \"Пожирач із Глибин\". Ця карта стає і поточною Справою, і поточною Загрозою.\nЦіль - Якщо Умордхот переможений, (→Р2)."
+ "back_text": "Розкриття - Замініть поточну Справу і Загрозу на \"Пожирач із Глибин\". Ця карта стає і поточною Справою, і поточною Загрозою.\nМета - Якщо Умордхот переможений, (→Р2)."
"code": "01146",
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"code": "01147",
"flavor": "Решта культистів пішла за вами в ліс, щоб спробувати зупинити вас, і тепер вони перекрили вам шлях до цілі. Безмовні вартові ночі стоять зловісною стіною під нависаючими деревами. Ви повинні здолати їх або прокрастися повз них, щоб дістатись до місця ритуалу.",
"name": "У Темряу",
- "text": "Ціль - Якщо дослідник входить у \"Місце Ритуалу\", просувайтесь далі.",
+ "text": "Мета - Якщо дослідник входить у \"Місце Ритуалу\", просувайтесь далі.",
"back_name": "Останні Приготування",
"back_flavor": "Коли ви входите у печеру, повітря холоднішає і у ваші ніздрі проникає різкий запах крові та гнилі.",
"back_text": "Затасуйте відбій контактів у колоду контактів. Скидайте карти згори колоди контактів, доки не скинете 1 ворога (якщо гравців 3 або більше, замість цього скиньте 2 ворогів). Розмістіть кожного скинутого ворога в \"Місце Ритуалу\"."
@@ -348,15 +348,15 @@
"code": "01148",
"flavor": "Місце ритуалу знаходиться у великій печері в темному закутку лісу. В центрі зали у світлі палаючих свічок видно коло із каменів та магічних руні.",
"name": "Зірвати Ритуал",
- "text": "[action] Витратьте 1 здогадку: Перевірте [willpower] (3) або [agility] (3). У разі успіху покладіть на цю справу 1 здогадку.\nЦіль - Якщо на цій справі 2 здогадки за дослідника, просувайтесь далі.",
+ "text": "[action] Витратьте 1 здогадку: Перевірте [willpower] (3) або [agility] (3). У разі успіху покладіть на цю справу 1 здогадку.\nМета - Якщо на цій справі 2 здогадки за дослідника, просувайтесь далі.",
"back_name": "Ритуал Зірвано",
"back_flavor": "Переборовши неприродній холод, ви пробиваєтесь крізь містичні символи і перетинаєте лінію кола. Ви знищуєте малюнки на підлозі, засипаючи їх землею, і розвалюєте старанно викладену будову із гладких каменів. Раптом ваші вуха пронизує гучний виск і повітря одразу теплішає, а світ навколо вас змінюється, набуваючи нормального вигляду.",
"back_text": "(→Р1)"
"code": "01149",
- "name": "Головна Стежка",
- "text": "Головна стежка сполучена з кожною локацією [[Ліси]].\n[action]: Відступ. \"Ми нічого не можемо вдіяти, щоб зупинити їх!\" Ви тікаєте з лісу, прирікаючи Аркгем на жахливу долю.",
+ "name": "Головна дорога",
+ "text": "Головна дорога сполучена з кожною локацією [[Ліси]].\n[action]: Відступ. \"Ми нічого не можемо вдіяти, щоб зупинити їх!\" Ви тікаєте з лісу, прирікаючи Аркгем на жахливу долю.",
"traits": "Ліси.",
"back_flavor": "Струмок Шибеника відділяє Аптаун від лісів на півдні Аркгема. Перетнувши маленький місток, ви прямуєте головною стежкою глибше у ліс."
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
"code": "01150",
"flavor": "Ця галявина була місцем проведення темних ритуалів із часів прибуття на цю землю перших колоністів більше двох століть тому.",
"name": "Аркгемські Ліси",
- "subname": "Неосвячена Земля",
+ "subname": "Осквернена земля",
"text": "Примусово - Після того, як ви увійшли в цю локацію: Перевірте [willpower] (4). У разі провалу отримайте 1 рану і 1 жах.",
"traits": "Ліси.",
"back_flavor": "В дитинстві вас завжди застерігали не ходити в ліс вночі. Тепер ви знаєте чому."
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
"code": "01151",
"flavor": "Ця стежка ніби сама вигинає і повертає себе, немовби вона жива.",
"name": "Аркгемські Ліси",
- "subname": "Звивисті Стежки",
+ "subname": "Заплутана стежка",
"text": "Примусово - Коли ви покидаєте цю локацію: Перевірте [intellect] (3). У разі провалу відмініть переміщення.",
"traits": "Ліси.",
"back_flavor": "В дитинстві вас завжди застерігали не ходити в ліс вночі. Тепер ви знаєте чому."
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
"code": "01155",
"flavor": "Чудове місце для пікніку - якби не всі ці монстри.",
"name": "Аркгемські Ліси",
- "subname": "Затишна Галявина",
+ "subname": "Тиха галявина",
"text": "[action]: Вилікуйте 1 рану або 1 жах. (Ліміт: 1 раз за хід.)",
"traits": "Ліси.",
"back_flavor": "В дитинстві вас завжди застерігали не ходити в ліс вночі. Тепер ви знаєте чому."
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
"code": "01157",
"name": "Умордхот",
"subname": "Пожирач Із Глибин",
- "text": "Мисливець. Масивний.\nУ Умордхота +4 здоров'я за дослідника.\nПримусово - Наприкінці ходу кожного дослідника: Відновіть Умордхота.\n[action] Якщо ви розпоряджаєтеся картою \"Літа Чентлер\": \"Тільки після неї!\" Ви штовхаєте Літу до Умордхота, щоб врятувати свої життя. (→Р3)",
+ "text": "Мисливець. Масивний.\nУ Умордхота +4 здоров'я за дослідника.\nПримусово - Наприкінці ходу кожного дослідника: Відновіть Умордхота.\n[action] Якщо ви розпоряджаєтеся картою \"Літа Чантлер\": \"Тільки після неї!\" Ви штовхаєте Літу до Умордхота, щоб врятувати свої життя. (→Р3)",
"traits": "Прадавній. Елітний."
@@ -441,18 +441,18 @@
"flavor": "Орда скажених щурів несеться вперед, зливаючись в однорідну хвилю кігтів, зубів і строкатої шерсті.",
"name": "Зграя Щурів",
"text": "Мисливець.",
- "traits": "Істота."
+ "traits": "Створіння."
"code": "01160",
"flavor": "Це було колосальне і невимовне блюзнірство з палаючими червоними очима, яке тримало в кістлявих кігтях те, що колись було людиною, і обгризало її голову, наче дитина, яка ласує льодяником. Г.Ф. Лавкрафт, \"Натура для Пікмана\"",
- "name": "Гуль Прислужник",
+ "name": "Гуль-прислужник",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Монстр. Гуль."
"code": "01161",
"flavor": "Вигляд потвори викликав питання: Ми їмо, щоб жити чи живемо, щоб їсти?",
- "name": "Зголоднілий Гуль",
+ "name": "Ненажерливий гуль",
"text": "Жертва - З найменшим залишком здоров'я.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Монстр. Гуль."
@@ -461,123 +461,123 @@
"flavor": "З-під ваших ніг виринають гниючі руки, які хапають і дряпають вас за щиколотки.",
"name": "Чіпкі Руки",
"text": "Розкриття - Перевірте [agility] (3). За кожну одиницю провалу отримайте 1 рану.",
- "traits": "Ризик."
+ "traits": "Лихо."
"code": "01163",
"flavor": "Вас нудить від вигляду кривавого місива. На щастя, це сталося не з вами.",
- "name": "Гниючі Рештки",
+ "name": "Гнилі рештки",
"text": "Розкриття - Перевірте [willpower] (3). За кожну одиницю провалу отримайте 1 жах.",
- "traits": "Жахіття."
+ "traits": "Терор."
"code": "01164",
- "name": "Завмерти Від Страху",
- "text": "Розкриття - Введіть \"Завмерти Від Страху\" у гру в свою зону боротьби.\nКожен раунд, коли ви вперше виконуєте одну з таких дій (переміщення, атака або втеча), це коштує 1 додаткову дію.\nПримусово - Наприкінці вашого ходу: Перевірте [willpower] (3). У разі успіху скиньте \"Завмерти Від Страху\".",
- "traits": "Жахіття."
+ "name": "Закляк від жаху",
+ "text": "Розкриття - Введіть \"Закляк від жаху\" у гру в свою зону боротьби.\nКожен раунд, коли ви вперше виконуєте одну з таких дій (переміщення, атака або втеча), це коштує 1 додаткову дію.\nПримусово - Наприкінці вашого ходу: Перевірте [willpower] (3). У разі успіху скиньте \"Закляк від жаху\".",
+ "traits": "Терор."
"code": "01165",
- "name": "Невгамовні Голоси",
- "text": "Розкриття - Введіть \"Невгамовні Голоси\" у гру в свою зону боротьби.\nВи не можете грати здобутки і події.\nПримусово - Наприкінці раунду: Скиньте \"Невгамовні Голоси\".",
- "traits": "Жахіття."
+ "name": "Голоси в голові",
+ "text": "Розкриття - Введіть \"Голоси в голові\" у гру в свою зону боротьби.\nВи не можете грати здобутки і події.\nПримусово - Наприкінці раунду: Скиньте \"Голоси в голові\".",
+ "traits": "Терор."
"code": "01166",
"flavor": "Темні сили повстали проти вас. Якщо ви не поквапитесь, зловісний план буде втілено в життя.",
"name": "Прадавнє Зло",
"text": "Розкриття - Покладіть 1 приреченість на поточну загрозу. Це може призвести до просування поточної загрози.",
- "traits": "Знамення."
+ "traits": "Передвістя."
"code": "01167",
"flavor": "Надприродній холод загрожує заморозити вашу душу.",
- "name": "Вбивчий Холод",
+ "name": "Могильний холод",
"text": "Розкриття - Перевірте [willpower] (4). У разі провалу скиньте 1 здобуток, яким розпоряджаєтесь, на свій вибір (якщо не можете, замість цього отримайте 2 рани).",
- "traits": "Ризик."
+ "traits": "Лихо."
"code": "01168",
- "name": "Щільний Туман",
- "text": "Розкриття - Приєднайте цю карту до вашої локації. Ліміт: 1 така карта на локацію.\nУ приєднаної локації +2 до мороку.\nПримусово - Після успішного дослідження в приєднаній локації: Скиньте \"Щільний Туман\".",
- "traits": "Ризик."
+ "name": "Непроглядний туман",
+ "text": "Розкриття - Приєднайте цю карту до вашої локації. Ліміт: 1 така карта на локацію.\nУ приєднаної локації +2 до мороку.\nПримусово - Після успішного дослідження в приєднаній локації: Скиньте \"Непроглядний туман\".",
+ "traits": "Лихо."
"code": "01169",
"flavor": "Це було лише маленьке жертвоприношення.",
- "name": "Прислужник",
- "text": "Розміщення - Будь-яка порожня локація.\nПримусово - Після того, як \"Прислужник\" ввійшов у гру: Покладіть на нього 1 приреченість.",
+ "name": "Аколіт",
+ "text": "Поява - Будь-яка порожня локація.\nПримусово - Після того, як \"Аколіт\" ввійшов у гру: Покладіть на нього 1 приреченість.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Культист."
"code": "01170",
- "name": "Чаклун Ордеру",
- "text": "Розміщення - Будь-яка порожня локація.\nМесник.\nПримусово - Наприкінці фази міфу: Покладіть 1 приреченість на цю карту.",
+ "name": "Чарівник ордену",
+ "text": "Поява - Будь-яка порожня локація.\nМесник.\nПримусово - Наприкінці фази міфу: Покладіть 1 приреченість на цю карту.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Культист."
"code": "01171",
- "name": "Таємниче Наспівування",
+ "name": "Загадковий наспів",
"text": "Розкриття - Покладіть 2 приреченості на найближчого ворога [[Культиста]]. Якщо у грі немає ворогів [[Культистів]], знайдіть в колоді або відбої контактів карту ворога [[Культиста]] і візьміть її.\nПеретасуйте колоду контактів.",
- "traits": "Чаклунство."
+ "traits": "Чари."
"code": "01172",
"flavor": "... у них не було облич, які б могли посміхатися, лише безлика пляма на тому місці, де мало бути обличчя. Г.Ф. Лавкрафт",
- "name": "Нічна Примара, яка Полює",
+ "name": "Нічвида-мисливець",
"text": "Мисливець.\nПри спробі втекти від \"Нічної Примари, яка Полює\" подвойте від'ємний модифікатор кожного витягнутого жетона хаосу.",
"traits": "Монстр. Нічна примара."
"code": "01173",
"flavor": "Нічна примара стрімко пікірує з неба, хапає вас кігтястими лапами і несе в пітьму ночі.",
- "name": "На Крилах Темряви",
+ "name": "На крилах пітьми",
"text": "Розкриття - Перевірте [agility] (4). У разі провалу отримайте 1 рану і 1 жах. Потім припиніть битися з усіма ворогами, з якими б'єтесь (окрім [[Ніних примар]]), і перемістіться в локацію [[Центр]]."
"code": "01174",
- "name": "Замкнені Двері",
- "text": "Розкриття - Приєднайте до локації з найбільшою кількістю здогадок і до якої не приєднані \"Замкнені Двері\".\nПриєднану локацію не можна досліджувати.\n[action]: Перевірте [combat] (4), щоб виламати двері або [agility] (4), щоб відімкнути замок. У разі успіху скиньте \"Замкнені Двері\".",
+ "name": "Замкнені двері",
+ "text": "Розкриття - Приєднайте до локації з найбільшою кількістю здогадок і до якої не приєднані \"Замкнені двері\".\nПриєднану локацію не можна досліджувати.\n[action]: Перевірте [combat] (4), щоб виламати двері або [agility] (4), щоб відімкнути замок. У разі успіху скиньте \"Замкнені двері\".",
"traits": "Перешкода."
"code": "01175",
- "name": "Верескливий Б'якхі",
- "text": "Жертва - З найменшим залишком розуму.\nМисливець.\nУ \"Верескливого Б'якхі\" +1 до сили і +1 до спритності, поки він б'ється з дослідником, у якого залишок розуму 4 або менше.",
- "traits": "Монстр. Б'якхі."
+ "name": "Верескливий Б'якгі",
+ "text": "Жертва - З найменшим залишком розсудку.\nМисливець.\nУ \"Верескливого Б'якгі\" +1 до сили і +1 до спритності, поки він б'ється з дослідником, у якого залишок розсудку 4 або менше.",
+ "traits": "Монстр. Б'якгі."
"code": "01176",
"flavor": "Слова доходили до мене дуже повільно, немовби я їх забув, а тепер насилу пригадав їхнє значення. І ось що я почув: \"Ти знайшов Жовтий Знак?\" Роберт В. Чемберс, \"Жовтий Знак\"",
"name": "Жовтий Знак",
"text": "Розкриття - Перевірте [willpower] (4). У разі провалу отримайте 2 жахи і знайдіть в своїй колоді слабкість [[Божевілля]]. Візьміть цю карту і перетасуйте колоду.",
- "traits": "Знамення."
+ "traits": "Передвістя."
"code": "01177",
"name": "Йітіанський Спостерігач",
"text": "Жертва – З найменшою кількістю карт на руці.\nПримусово - Коли \"Йітіанський Спостерігач\" атакує вас: Скиньте 1 випадкову карту з руки. Якщо не можете, \"Йітіанський Спостерігач\" наносить +1 рану і +1 жах в цій атаці.",
- "traits": "Монстр. Йітіанин."
+ "traits": "Монстр. Йітіанець."
"code": "01178",
"flavor": "Голос у вашій голові пропонує вам силу... За певну ціну.",
"name": "Пропозиція Сили",
"text": "Небезпека.\nРозкриття - Ви повинні (оберіть одне): Взяти 2 карти і покласти 2 приреченості на поточну загрозу (це може призвести до її просування) або отримати 2 жахи.",
- "traits": "Угода."
+ "traits": "Пакт."
"code": "01179",
"flavor": "Дерева здригались, обсипаючи нас листям. Земля тремтіла під ударами велетенських копит, що наближалися...",
- "name": "Безжалісна Темна Памолодь",
+ "name": "Лютий темний нащадок",
"text": "Жертва - З найменши [agility].\nПримусово - Наприкінці раунду: Вилікуйте 2 рани \"Безжалісній Темній Памолоді\".",
- "traits": "Монстр. Темна Памолодь."
+ "traits": "Монстр. Темний нащадок."
"code": "01180",
"flavor": "Істота була водночас відразливою і витонченою - результат блюзнірського зв'язку з якимось потойбічним жахом.",
- "name": "Козлине Поріддя",
- "text": "Мисливець. Месник.\nПримусово - Після того, як \"Козлине Поріддя\" переможене: Кожен дослідник в цій локації отримує 1 жах.",
+ "name": "Козяче поріддя",
+ "text": "Мисливець. Месник.\nПримусово - Після того, як \"Козяче поріддя\" переможене: Кожен дослідник в цій локації отримує 1 жах.",
"traits": "Гуманоїд. Монстр."
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@
"code": "01182",
"name": "Сни про Р'льєх",
- "text": "Розкриття - Введіть \"Сни про Р'льєх\" у гру в свою зону боротьби.\nУ вас -1 [willpower] і -1 до розуму.\n[action]: Перевірте [willpower] (3). У разі успіху скиньте \"Сни про Р'льєх\".",
- "traits": "Знамення."
+ "text": "Розкриття - Введіть \"Сни про Р'льєх\" у гру в свою зону боротьби.\nУ вас -1 [willpower] і -1 до розсудку.\n[action]: Перевірте [willpower] (3). У разі успіху скиньте \"Сни про Р'льєх\".",
+ "traits": "Передвістя."
From 647e388a16ef2fdd58532921171bf12d99046b63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 15:17:12 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 140/210] [Ru] typo fix
translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json
index 1cd4dabdf..c577cb02c 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"code": "06168",
"name": "Тысяча кошмарных форм",
"text": "Лёгкий / Обычный\n[skull]: -1 (или −3, если вы в локации-[[кладбище]]).\n[cultist]: Вытяните ещё один жетон. При провале, если «Неименуемое» в игре, оно вас атакует (в какой локации оно бы ни находилось).\n[tablet]: +2. Чёрный кот устраивает переполох. Если эта проверка успешна, выберите в любой локации врага, чьё значение боя равно X или ниже, и уйдите от него (X равен числу единиц, на которое превышена сложность).\n[elder_thing]: -2. При провале вы должны либо положить 1 свою улику в вашу локацию, либо получить 1 ужас.",
- "back_text": "Сложный / Экстремальный\n[skull]: -2 (или −4, если вы в локации-[[кладбище]]).\n[cultist]: Вытяните ещё один жетон. При провале, если «Неименуемое» в игре, оно вас атакует (в какой локации оно бы ни находилось).\n[tablet]: +1. ёрный кот устраивает переполох. Если эта проверка успешна, выберите в любой локации врага, чьё значение боя равно X или ниже, и уйдите от него (X равен числу единиц, на которое превышена сложность).\n[elder_thing]: -3. При провале вы должны либо положить 1 свою улику в вашу локацию, либо получить 1 ужас."
+ "back_text": "Сложный / Экстремальный\n[skull]: -2 (или −4, если вы в локации-[[кладбище]]).\n[cultist]: Вытяните ещё один жетон. При провале, если «Неименуемое» в игре, оно вас атакует (в какой локации оно бы ни находилось).\n[tablet]: +1. Чёрный кот устраивает переполох. Если эта проверка успешна, выберите в любой локации врага, чьё значение боя равно X или ниже, и уйдите от него (X равен числу единиц, на которое превышена сложность).\n[elder_thing]: -3. При провале вы должны либо положить 1 свою улику в вашу локацию, либо получить 1 ужас."
"code": "06169a",
From 11db8eb24e50a306fed7f29c38c1ae881745dcb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2024 21:56:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 141/210] Apply suggestions from code review
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 25 +++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index 7ff398004..a38b11c3f 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"back_name": "Mayhem Ensues",
- "back_text": "If The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) is in play:\nYou turn around to see the Bloodless Man striding toward you with murderous intent. Before you can react, the imposing figure staggers, then falls face first onto the red carpet.
Moments later, a sharp sound of ripping cloth breaks the silence. Glistening appendages erupt from the Bloodless Man's torn suit and limbs, blossoming into a grotesque amalgam of flesh and writhing tentacles. Your stomach churns as the creature's bone-white mask stares down at you, set in a maw of nightmarish limbs and gnashing fangs.
\nFlip The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) to his (Unleashed) side.\n
\nOtherwise:\nThe clamor around you seems to quiet for a moment.
\nEach investigator may heal 1 horror from an investigator or [[Guest]] asset at their location.",
+ "back_text": "If The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) is in play:\nYou turn around to see the Bloodless Man striding toward you with murderous intent. Before you can react, the imposing figure staggers, then falls face first onto the red carpet.
Moments later, a sharp sound of ripping cloth breaks the silence. Glistening appendages erupt from the Bloodless Man's torn suit and limbs, blossoming into a grotesque amalgam of flesh and writhing tentacles. Your stomach churns as the creature's bone-white mask stares down at you, set in a maw of nightmarish limbs and gnashing fangs.
\nFlip The Bloodless Man (Silent Lurker) to his (Unleashed) side.\n
\nOtherwise:\nThe clamor around you seems to quiet for a moment.
\nEach investigator may heal 1 horror from an investigator or [[Guest]] asset at their location.",
"code": "71003",
"doom": 6,
"double_sided": true,
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"back_flavor": "You and your contact meet with several guests, who each confirm that the Jewel was taken by Declan Pearce from the display case in the Ballroom. Furthermore, strange sounds have begun to emanate from the second floor of the manor...",
"back_name": "Contacts Acquired",
- "back_text": "Choose one of the set-aside [[Second Floor]] locations at random and put it into play directly above the Lobby. For the rest of the game, that location is connected to the Lobby, and vice versa. Put the other 2 set-aside locations into play in a row to the right of the previously placed [[Second Floor]] location.\nPut the set-aside rival story card into play next to the agenda, [[Rival]] side faceup, and follow its Setup text.\nRead Interlude: The Fabled Jewel (page 13).",
+ "back_text": "Choose one of the set-aside [[Second Floor]] locations at random and put it into play directly above the Lobby. For the rest of the game, that location is connected to the Lobby, and vice versa. Put the other 2 set-aside locations into play in a row to the right of the previously placed [[Second Floor]] location.\nPut the set-aside rival story card into play next to the agenda, [[Rival]] side faceup, and follow its Setup text.\nRead Interlude: The Fabled Jewel (page 13).",
"clues": 3,
"code": "71005",
"double_sided": true,
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 11,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "This jag juice has a nice kick!",
+ "flavor": "\"This jag juice has a nice kick!\"",
"illustrator": "Drazenka Kimpel",
"name": "Barroom",
"pack_code": "tmg",
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
"encounter_position": 29,
"faction_code": "rogue",
- "flavor": "You slay me.",
+ "flavor": "\"You slay me.\"",
"health": 2,
"illustrator": "Alexandre Dainche",
"is_unique": true,
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@
"hidden": true,
"illustrator": "Nicholas Elias",
"is_unique": true,
- "name": "Cari Sanford",
+ "name": "Carl Sanford",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 34,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@
"encounter_position": 39,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Bain has hinted at the dangerous power of the Jewel. Perhaps if you can wrest control of it from Declan Pearce, this nightmare will end.",
- "name": "Locals of Kingsport",
+ "name": "Locals of Kingsport [survivor]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 39,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -979,6 +979,7 @@
"enemy_fight": 4,
"enemy_horror": 1,
"faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"Phonus balonus; I know you're with them.\"",
"health": null,
"hidden": true,
"illustrator": "Felicia Cano",
@@ -1209,7 +1210,7 @@
"enemy_fight": 1,
"enemy_horror": 1,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "And they whispered also that the rumoured Shantak-birds are no wholesome things... - H.P. Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath",
+ "flavor": "And they whispered also that the rumoured Shantak-birds are no wholesome things... - H.P. Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath",
"health": 4,
"illustrator": "Alexander Chelyshev",
"name": "Savage Shantak",
@@ -1315,7 +1316,7 @@
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 55,
"quantity": 3,
- "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (3). If you fail and...\n- ... The Bloodless Man is at your location, a [[Guest]] asset you control becomes spellbound.\n- ... The Bloodless Man is at another location, he readies, moves (one location at a time) until he reaches your location, and engages you.\n- ... The Bloodless Man is not in play, Entrap gains surge.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (3). If you fail and...\n- ...The Bloodless Man is at your location, a [[Guest]] asset you control becomes spellbound.\n- ...The Bloodless Man is at another location, he readies, moves (one location at a time) until he reaches your location, and engages you.\n- ...The Bloodless Man is not in play, Entrap gains surge.",
"traits": "Hazard.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1328,7 +1329,7 @@
"name": "Inexplicable Cold",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 56,
- "quantity": 2,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (4). For each point you fail by, you must choose one:\n- Choose and discard 1 card from your play area.\n- Choose and discard 1 card from your hand.\n- Take 1 damage.",
"traits": "Hazard.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1336,13 +1337,13 @@
"code": "71057",
"encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
- "encounter_position": 67,
+ "encounter_position": 66,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
"name": "Mind Extraction",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 57,
- "quantity": 2,
+ "quantity": 3,
"text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (X). X is 1 plus the current agenda number. If you fail, take 2 horror. Then, if The Bloodless Man is in play and an investigator controls The Pale Lantern, flip it over and attach it to The Bloodless Man (leaving all tokens on it).",
"traits": "Power.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1400,7 +1401,7 @@
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 61,
"quantity": 4,
- "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (2). This test gets +2 difficulty if a [[Rival]] enemy is in play. If you fail and you allied with...\n- ... the [guardian] faction, take 2 damage.\n- ... the [seeker] faction, discard 2 cards from your hand.\n- ... the [rogue] faction, lose 3 resources.\n- ... the [mystic] faction, take 2 horror.\n- ... the [survivor] faction, lose 1 action.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (2). This test gets +2 difficulty if a [[Rival]] enemy is in play. If you fail and you allied with...\n- ...the [guardian] faction, take 2 damage.\n- ...the [seeker] faction, discard 2 cards from your hand.\n- ...the [rogue] faction, lose 3 resources.\n- ...the [mystic] faction, take 2 horror.\n- ...the [survivor] faction, lose 1 action.",
"traits": "Terror.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From 0dc5fa666d14263dc67949e7b4cd5d837a871cdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2024 21:58:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 142/210] Fix sort
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index a38b11c3f..cd14c3c78 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -215,19 +215,19 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
- "pack_code": "tmg",
- "encounter_position": 12,
- "code": "71012",
- "position": 12,
- "back_name": "Second-Floor Room",
"back_flavor": "The second floor is eerily silent.",
"back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Second-Floor Room",
"clues": 2,
+ "code": "71012",
"double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
"name": "Bedroom",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 12,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
"text": "[action] Choose an enemy at any [[Second Floor]] location: Fight. You may use [agility] instead of [combat] for this attack. If you succeed, you may spend 1 clue for this attack to deal +2 damage. (Limit once per turn.)",
@@ -235,19 +235,19 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
- "pack_code": "tmg",
- "encounter_position": 13,
- "code": "71013",
- "position": 13,
- "back_name": "Second-Floor Room",
"back_flavor": "The second floor is eerily silent.",
"back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Second-Floor Room",
"clues": 3,
+ "code": "71013",
"double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
"name": "Library",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 13,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 4,
"text": "You get +1 skill value while parleying at this location.\n[fast] If the Jewel of Sarnath is at this location: Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, either place 1 damage on the Jewel of Sarnath or remove 1 token from it. (Group limit once per game.)",
@@ -256,20 +256,20 @@
"victory": 1
- "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
- "pack_code": "tmg",
- "encounter_position": 14,
- "code": "71014",
- "position": 14,
- "back_name": "Second-Floor Room",
"back_flavor": "The second floor is eerily silent.",
"back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Second-Floor Room",
"clues": 3,
+ "code": "71014",
"double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_midwinter_gala",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "A moon-beast in a bottle? How bizarre.",
"illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
"name": "Parlor",
+ "pack_code": "tmg",
+ "position": 14,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 6,
"text": "This location gets -1 shroud for each [[Guest]] asset at it (to a minimum of 1 shroud).\n[fast] If you control the Jewel of Sarnath: Exhaust an enemy at any location. (Group limit once per game.)",
From 8b6c38459dcf22a6f70e1bf332a293368cf80625 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2024 22:02:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 143/210] tag class names
pack/side/tmg_encounter.json | 18 +++++++++---------
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
index cd14c3c78..8f09c2b12 100644
--- a/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/side/tmg_encounter.json
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"encounter_position": 15,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The 'authorities' seem to want you to acquire the Jewel by force. Good luck taking it from the Bloodless Man.",
- "name": "The Foundation",
+ "name": "The Foundation [guardian]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 15,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The Foundation doesn't take kindly to your interest in the Jewel. If you make a show of force, you might convince them to back down.",
"hidden": true,
- "name": "The Foundation",
+ "name": "The Foundation [guardian]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 15,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
"encounter_position": 21,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "You are assisting Dean Caldwell with \"acquiring\" the Jewel, but first you will have to persuade Declan Pearce to give it up.",
- "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "name": "Miskatonic University [seeker]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 21,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The eggheads at Miskatonic University seem to think this Jewel belongs in their museum. Perhaps you can help them see reason.",
"hidden": true,
- "name": "Miskatonic University",
+ "name": "Miskatonic University [seeker]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 21,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@
"encounter_position": 27,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "It's a job, and nothing more. If you can abscond with the Jewel, you know you'll be handsomely rewarded.",
- "name": "The Syndicate",
+ "name": "The Syndicate [rogue]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 27,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The mob are easily angered, but you might be able to convince Johnny Valone that giving up the Jewel is in his best interest...",
"hidden": true,
- "name": "The Syndicate",
+ "name": "The Syndicate [rogue]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 27,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
"encounter_position": 33,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Carl Sanford has promised you a lavish reward for acquiring the Jewel. But can you really trust him?",
- "name": "Silver Twilight Lodge",
+ "name": "Silver Twilight Lodge [mystic]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 33,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Perhaps you can gently convince Sanford and the Lodge to leave well enough alone.",
"hidden": true,
- "name": "Silver Twilight Lodge",
+ "name": "Silver Twilight Lodge [mystic]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 33,
"quantity": 1,
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The locals don't seem to have taken kindly to your involvement. Perhaps you can show them you don't mean any harm.",
"hidden": true,
- "name": "Locals of Kingsport",
+ "name": "Locals of Kingsport [survivor]",
"pack_code": "tmg",
"position": 39,
"quantity": 1,
From 44cb78eeb6cc2287bc180d91a78dfab8a4598113 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 18:06:36 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 144/210] [Ru] typo fix
translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 7ba018566..451291c43 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
"code": "10697",
"name": "Ривер Хоуторн",
"subname": "Большая шишка в Нью-Йорке",
- "text": "Пока эта карта под вашим контролем, у вас +1 [willpower].\n][action]: Переговоры. Пройдите проверку [willpower] или [intellect] (3). При успехе ([codex] 5).\nОбязательно — После того как «Ривер Хоуторн» побеждена: Отложите её в сторону, вне игры. Снизьте её уровень доверия в журнале кампании.",
+ "text": "Пока эта карта под вашим контролем, у вас +1 [willpower].\n[action]: Переговоры. Пройдите проверку [willpower] или [intellect] (3). При успехе ([codex] 5).\nОбязательно — После того как «Ривер Хоуторн» побеждена: Отложите её в сторону, вне игры. Снизьте её уровень доверия в журнале кампании.",
"traits": "Житель."
From 6c54879471d62f83f201299babc235cfe1041d8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:32:03 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 145/210] [Ru] typo fix
translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json b/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json
index 7e1234928..969cab6c9 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/eoe/eoec.json
@@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@
"code": "08643",
"name": "Пробуждённый Старец",
- "text": "Охотник.\nОбязательно — Когда этот враг начинает с вами сражаться: Положите на него 1 ключ под вашим контролем. Когда «Пробуждённый Старец» покидает игру, положите тот ключ на его локацию.\nОбязательно — Когда сыщик в локации этого врага берёт под контроль ключ: Этот враг разворачивается, начинает сражаться и атакует того сыщика.",
+ "text": "Охотник.\nОбязательно — Когда этот враг начинает с вами сражаться: Положите на него 1 ключ под вашим контролем. Когда «Пробуждённый Старец» покидает игру, положите тот ключ на его локацию.\nОбязательно — Когда сыщик в локации этого врага берёт под контроль ключ: Этот враг разворачивается, начинает сражаться и атакует того сыщика.",
"traits": "Монстр. Старец."
From d0873c5b1ce5a66646c31cfe64506172c999852d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 11:45:17 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 146/210] [Ru] Innsmouth
translations/ru/cycles.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/cycles.json b/translations/ru/cycles.json
index 672586693..434f20727 100644
--- a/translations/ru/cycles.json
+++ b/translations/ru/cycles.json
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"code": "tic",
- "name": "The Innsmouth Conspiracy"
+ "name": "Заговор в Инсмуте"
"code": "tsk",
From b1eba14cf4cca3b1e0b708733d496b7e8c68d3de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 11:55:36 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 147/210] [Ru] added tic files
translations/ru/pack/tic/def.json | 145 ++-
translations/ru/pack/tic/def_encounter.json | 468 ++++++++--
translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg.json | 121 ++-
translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json | 624 +++++++++++++
translations/ru/pack/tic/itd.json | 188 +++-
translations/ru/pack/tic/itd_encounter.json | 401 ++++++++-
translations/ru/pack/tic/itm.json | 183 ++++
translations/ru/pack/tic/itm_encounter.json | 584 ++++++++++++
translations/ru/pack/tic/lif.json | 181 +++-
translations/ru/pack/tic/lif_encounter.json | 579 ++++++++++++
translations/ru/pack/tic/lod.json | 215 ++++-
translations/ru/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json | 550 ++++++++++++
translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json | 595 ++++++++++--
translations/ru/pack/tic/tic_encounter.json | 943 ++++++++++++++++++--
14 files changed, 5487 insertions(+), 290 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json
create mode 100644 translations/ru/pack/tic/itm.json
create mode 100644 translations/ru/pack/tic/itm_encounter.json
create mode 100644 translations/ru/pack/tic/lif_encounter.json
create mode 100644 translations/ru/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/def.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/def.json
index 539f0c17b..0618ae973 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/def.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/def.json
@@ -1,70 +1,193 @@
"code": "07152",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Bryce Cook",
"name": "Keen Eye",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 152,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
"text": "[free] Spend 2 resources: You get +1 [intellect] until the end of the phase.\n[free] Spend 2 resources: You get +1 [combat] until the end of the phase.",
- "traits": "Talent."
+ "traits": "Talent.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07153",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Imad Awan",
"name": "Radiant Smite",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 153,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Fight. You may use [willpower] instead of [combat] for this attack. When you initiate this attack, search the chaos bag for up to 3 [bless] tokens, and seal them here. For each [bless] token sealed on Radiant Smite, you get +1 skill value and deal +1 damage for this attack. If this attack defeats the attacked enemy, return the sealed tokens to the token pool. Otherwise, release them.",
- "traits": "Spell. Spirit. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Spell. Spirit. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 1
"code": "07154",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
"name": "The Truth Beckons",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 154,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
"text": "Play only if you are not engaged with an enemy.\nMove. Choose an unrevealed location. Move (one location at a time) along the shortest path toward that location, until you enter that location. End this effect if you reveal a location, if an enemy engages you, or if your movement is blocked.",
- "traits": "Insight."
+ "traits": "Insight.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07155",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
"name": "Gaze of Ouraxsh",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 155,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
"text": "Reveal 7 random chaos tokens from the chaos bag. Deal a total of 1 damage plus 1 additional damage for each [curse] or [auto_fail] token revealed, divided as you choose among enemies at your location. This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity.",
- "traits": "Spell. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Spell. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07156",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Henning Ludvigsen",
"name": "Priest of Two Faiths",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 156,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "slot": "Ally",
"text": "[reaction] After Priest of Two Faiths enters play: Add 3 [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.\nForced - At the end of the upkeep phase: You must either add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag or discard Priest of Two Faiths.",
"traits": "Ally. Blessed. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Ally"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 1
"code": "07157",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandr Elichev",
"name": "Under Surveillance",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 157,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
"text": "Attach to your location. Limit 1 per location.\nForced - After a non-[[Elite]] enemy enters attached location, discard Under Surveillance: Automatically evade that enemy and discover 1 clue at attached location. That enemy does not ready during the next upkeep phase.",
- "traits": "Tactic. Trap."
+ "traits": "Tactic. Trap.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 1
"code": "07158",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Shane Watson",
"name": "Blood Pact",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 158,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
"text": "[free] Add 1 doom to Blood Pact: You get +2 [willpower] for this skill test. (Limit once per test.)\n[free] Add 1 doom to Blood Pact: You get +2 [combat] for this skill test. (Limit once per test.)",
- "traits": "Spell. Pact."
+ "traits": "Spell. Pact.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07159",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
"name": "Abyssal Tome",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 159,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"text": "[action] Exhaust Abyssal Tome: Fight. You may use either [intellect] or [willpower] for this attack, instead of [combat]. When you initiate this attack, you may place 1 doom on Abyssal Tome (to a maximum of 3). You get +1 skill value and deal +1 damage for this attack for each doom on Abyssal Tome.",
"traits": "Item. Tome.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07160",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Adam S. Doyle",
"name": "Butterfly Effect",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 160,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "Fast. Play when a chaos token with a symbol is revealed during a skill test at your location (before resolving its effects).\nYou or the performing investigator may either commit a card to this skill test, or return a card they committed to this test to their hand.",
- "traits": "Paradox. Blessed. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Paradox. Blessed. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 1
"code": "07161",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Matt Stawicki",
"name": "Third Time's a Charm",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 161,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
"text": "Fast. Play when a skill test at your location begins.\nTwice during this test, when an investigator reveals a chaos token, they may cancel it, return it to the chaos bag, and reveal a new chaos token.",
- "traits": "Spirit."
+ "traits": "Spirit.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07162",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Imad Awan",
"name": "Manipulate Destiny",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 162,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "tags": "hd.",
"text": "Reveal tokens from the chaos bag until you reveal a [curse], [auto_fail], [bless], or [elder_sign] token. If you revealed...\n- ...a [curse] or [auto_fail] token, deal 2 damage to an enemy at your location.\n- ...a [bless] or [elder_sign] token, heal 2 damage from an investigator or [[Ally]] asset at your location.\nThis action does not provoke attacks of opportunity.",
- "traits": "Spell."
+ "traits": "Spell.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 2
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/def_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/def_encounter.json
index f07fd1354..872f10166 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/def_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/def_encounter.json
@@ -1,232 +1,598 @@
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 more than the number of keys the investigators control.\n[cultist]: -3. If this is an attack or evasion attempt against a [[Deep One]] enemy, it engages you. (If it is already engaged with you, it disengages first, then re-engages you.)\n[tablet]: -4. If you are not in a vehicle, take 1 damage.\n[elder_thing]: -5. If your location has a key on it, take 1 horror.",
"code": "07163",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"name": "Devil Reef",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 163,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is the number of keys the investigators control.\n[cultist]: -2. If you fail and this is an attack or evasion attempt against a [[Deep One]] enemy, it engages you. (If it is already engaged with you, it disengages first, then re-engages you.)\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail and you are not in a vehicle, take 1 damage.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail and your location has a key on it, take 1 horror.",
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 more than the number of keys the investigators control.\n[cultist]: -3. If this is an attack or evasion attempt against a [[Deep One]] enemy, it engages you. (If it is already engaged with you, it disengages first, then re-engages you.)\n[tablet]: -4. If you are not in a vehicle, take 1 damage.\n[elder_thing]: -5. If your location has a key on it, take 1 horror."
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ "back_link": "07164b",
"code": "07164",
+ "doom": 9,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The sailors along the docks of Innsmouth eye you with suspicion as you depart. The lighthouse beacon at the top of the nearby cliffside provides your only illumination as you head deeper into the fog.",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Secrets of the Sea (v. I)",
- "text": "As an additional cost for you to move from one [[Ocean]] location to another while not in a vehicle, you must spend 2 actions.\nForced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded location, partially flooded location, or a vehicle during your turn, take 5 direct damage."
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 164,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "As an additional cost for you to move from one [[Ocean]] location to another while not in a vehicle, you must spend 2 actions.\nForced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded location, partially flooded location, or a vehicle during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
"code": "07164b",
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"It's got us in its grip! It ain't goin' nowhere. Now's your chance!\"",
+ "health": 6,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Mark Winters",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "The Terror of Devil Reef",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 164,
+ "quantity": 1,
"subname": "Grasping Abomination",
"text": "Spawn - Fishing Vessel's location.\nHunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nThe Terror of Devil Reef cannot enter [[Cave]] locations.\nThe Terror of Devil Reef gets +3 [per_investigator] health.",
- "traits": "Monster. Elite."
+ "traits": "Monster. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ "back_link": "07165b",
"code": "07165",
+ "doom": 9,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The sailors along the docks of Innsmouth eye you with suspicion as you depart. The lighthouse beacon at the top of the nearby cliffside provides your only illumination as you head deeper into the fog.",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Secrets of the Sea (v. II)",
- "text": "As an additional cost for you to move from one [[Ocean]] location to another while not in a vehicle, you must spend 2 actions.\nForced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded location, partially flooded location, or a vehicle during your turn, take 5 direct damage."
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 165,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "As an additional cost for you to move from one [[Ocean]] location to another while not in a vehicle, you must spend 2 actions.\nForced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded location, partially flooded location, or a vehicle during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
"code": "07165b",
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 6,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Mark Winters",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "The Terror of Devil Reef",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 165,
+ "quantity": 1,
"subname": "Writhing in the Deep",
"text": "Spawn - Fishing Vessel's location.\nHunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nThe Terror of Devil Reef cannot enter [[Cave]] locations.\nForced - When The Terror of Devil Reef would be defeated: Instead, remove all damage from it and exhaust it. It cannot ready for the remainder of the round (including the upkeep phase).",
- "traits": "Monster. Elite."
+ "traits": "Monster. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ "back_flavor": "\"We've gotta pull back!\" Mr. Moore shouts over the roar of the waves. \"The sea's too rough, and the tide's gettin' worse by the minute! Stay out here any longer an' we'll capsize fer sure!\"\nYou protest, but the captain is right. The weather has gotten so bad Mr. Moore can barely control the ship. Worse yet, in just a matter of hours the tide has begun to swallow the coastal islands, leaving little for you to investigate. You nod to the captain, frustrated. This will have to do for now.",
+ "back_name": "Triumph of the Waves",
+ "back_text": "Record in your Campaign Log the tide has grown stronger.\n(→R1)",
"code": "07166",
+ "doom": 9,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Now you know why none dare venture near the black reefs. It's not just the strange sightings on the islands - there is something far older and more horrifying that dwells under the waves...",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "The Devil of the Depths",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 166,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
"text": "As an additional cost for you to move from one [[Ocean]] location to another while not in a vehicle, you must spend 2 actions.\nForced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded location, partially flooded location, or a vehicle during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
- "back_name": "Triumph of the Waves",
- "back_flavor": "\"We've gotta pull back!\" Mr. Moore shouts over the roar of the waves. \"The sea's too rough, and the tide's gettin' worse by the minute! Stay out here any longer an' we'll capsize fer sure!\"\nYou protest, but the captain is right. The weather has gotten so bad Mr. Moore can barely control the ship. Worse yet, in just a matter of hours the tide has begun to swallow the coastal islands, leaving little for you to investigate. You nod to the captain, frustrated. This will have to do for now.",
- "back_text": "Record in your Campaign Log the tide has grown stronger.\n(→R1)"
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "Confident that you've found enough evidence of the Order's activities, you head back to the coast. You'd much rather continue your investigation on dry land.",
+ "back_name": "Secrets Uncovered",
+ "back_text": "(→R1)",
+ "clues": null,
"code": "07167",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Somewhere in these accursed reefs, the Esoteric Order of Dagon is hiding something big... but what?",
+ "illustrator": "Alan Dillingham",
"name": "Reef of Mysteries",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 167,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
"text": "Keys can only be claimed from [[Y'ha-nthlei]] locations using the [free] ability on those locations.\nObjective - Find and claim as many of the following keys as you can from [[Y'ha-nthlei]] locations (purple, white, and black). If you control all 3 of these keys, advance.",
- "back_name": "Secrets Uncovered",
- "back_flavor": "Confident that you've found enough evidence of the Order's activities, you head back to the coast. You'd much rather continue your investigation on dry land.",
- "back_text": "(→R1)"
+ "type_code": "act"
+ "back_text": "Churning Waters enters play fully flooded (even while it is unrevealed).",
+ "back_flavor": "\"And far out at sea, despite a high tide, I glimpsed a long, black line scarcely rising above the water yet carrying a suggestion of odd latent malignancy.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "clues": 0,
"code": "07168",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Adam Lane",
"name": "Churning Waters",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 168,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 6,
"text": "[action] If you are in the Fishing Vessel: Resign. Each investigator in the Fishing Vessel resigns. Remove Fishing Vessel from the game. Each resigning investigator places each of their purple, black, or white keys on the current act. All other investigators are left to fend for themselves.",
"traits": "Ocean.",
- "back_flavor": "\"And far out at sea, despite a high tide, I glimpsed a long, black line scarcely rising above the water yet carrying a suggestion of odd latent malignancy.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
- "back_text": "Churning Waters enters play fully flooded (even while it is unrevealed)."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jorge Ramos Márquez",
+ "back_name": "Devil Reef",
+ "clues": 0,
"code": "07169",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "Lonely Isle",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 169,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
"text": "Forced - After Lonely Isle is revealed: Put 2 random set-aside Tidal Tunnels into play, each adjacent to Lonely Isle (but not to one another).",
"traits": "Ocean. Island.",
- "back_name": "Devil Reef",
- "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jorge Ramos Márquez",
+ "back_name": "Devil Reef",
+ "clues": 0,
"code": "07170",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
"name": "Hidden Cove",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 170,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After you reveal Hidden Cove: Put 1 set-aside Tidal Tunnel into play adjacent to Hidden Cove, then put 1 set-aside Unfathomable Depths into play adjacent to that Tidal Tunnel.",
"traits": "Ocean. Island.",
- "back_name": "Devil Reef",
- "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\"\n- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jorge Ramos Márquez",
+ "back_name": "Devil Reef",
+ "clues": 0,
"code": "07171",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dual Brush Studios",
"name": "Waveworn Island",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 171,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "Forced - After you reveal Waveworn Island: Increase its flood level. Put 1 random set-aside Unfathomable Depths and 2 random set-aside Tidal Tunnels into play, each adjacent to Waveworn Island (but not to one another).",
"traits": "Ocean. Island.",
- "back_name": "Devil Reef",
- "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\"\n- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\"\n- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jorge Ramos Márquez",
+ "back_name": "Devil Reef",
+ "clues": 0,
"code": "07172",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "David Frasheski",
"name": "Salt Marshes",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 172,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "[action] If you control the purple key: Look at the revealed side of any Tidal Tunnels or Unfathomable Depths location in play. (Group limit once per game.)\nForced - After you reveal Salt Marshes: Increase its flood level. Put 1 random set-aside Tidal Tunnel into play adjacent to Salt Marshes.",
"traits": "Ocean. Island.",
- "back_name": "Devil Reef",
- "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\"\n- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\"\n- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jorge Ramos Márquez",
+ "back_name": "Devil Reef",
+ "clues": 0,
"code": "07173",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Emilio Rodriguez",
"name": "Black Reef",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 173,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "Forced - After you reveal Black Reef: Increase its flood level. Put 2 random set-aside Tidal Tunnels into play, each adjacent to Black Reef (but not to one another). Then, put 1 random set-aside Unfathomable Depths into play adjacent to both of those Tidal Tunnels.",
"traits": "Ocean. Island.",
- "back_name": "Devil Reef",
- "back_flavor": "\" I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last twenty-four hours - legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.\"\n- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07174a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Álvaro Calvo Escudero",
"name": "Bootlegger's Hideaway",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 174,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "Forced - After Bootlegger's Hideaway is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on Bootlegger's Hideaway without looking at it.\n[action] If you control the white key: Draw 3 cards. (Group limit once per game.)",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07174b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Álvaro Calvo Escudero",
"name": "Bootlegger's Hideaway",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 174,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "Forced - After Bootlegger's Hideaway is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on Bootlegger's Hideaway without looking at it.\n[action] If you control the black key: Gain 5 resources. (Group limit once per game.)",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\"\n- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Frej Agelii",
+ "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07175a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Andrew Olson",
"name": "Deep One Grotto",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 175,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Increase its flood level. Place the set-aside purple key on it.\n[free] If investigators at this location control both the red key and the blue key and spend 2 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Take control of the purple key and read Flashback IX in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Cave. Y'ha-nthlei.",
- "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
- "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\"\n- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Frej Agelii",
+ "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07175b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Andrew Olson",
"name": "Deep One Grotto",
- "text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Increase its flood level. Place the set-aside purple key on it.\n[free] If investigators at this location control both the green key and the yellow key and spend 3 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Take control of the purple key and read Flashback IXin the Campaign Guide.",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 175,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Increase its flood level. Place the set-aside purple key on it.\n[free] If investigators at this location control both the green key and the yellow key and spend 3 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Take control of the purple key and read Flashback IX in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Cave. Y'ha-nthlei.",
- "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
- "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Frej Agelii",
+ "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07176a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
"name": "Cyclopean Ruins",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 176,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: It becomes fully flooded. Place the set-aside white key on it.\n[free] If investigators at this location control both the red key and the yellow key and spend 2 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Take control of the white key and read Flashback X in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Cave. Y'ha-nthlei.",
- "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
- "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Frej Agelii",
+ "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07176b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
"name": "Cyclopean Ruins",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 176,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: It becomes fully flooded. Place the set-aside white key on it.\n[free] If investigators at this location control both the blue key and the green key and spend 3 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Take control of the white key and read Flashback X in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Cave. Y'ha-nthlei.",
- "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
- "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Frej Agelii",
+ "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07177a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Vlad Ricean",
"name": "Temple of the Union",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 177,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Place the set-aside black key on it.\n[free] If investigators at this location control both the red key and the green key and spend 2 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Take control of the black key and read Flashback XI in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Cave. Y'ha-nthlei.",
- "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
- "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Frej Agelii",
+ "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07177b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Vlad Ricean",
"name": "Temple of the Union",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 177,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Place the set-aside black key on it.\n[free] If investigators at this location control both the blue key and the yellow key and spend 3 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Take control of the black key and read Flashback XI in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Cave. Y'ha-nthlei.",
- "back_name": "Unfathomable Depths",
- "back_flavor": "\"They had all kinds o' cities on the sea-bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
"code": "07178",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
"name": "Fishing Vessel",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 178,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Vehicle.\nWhile you are in this vehicle, treat your location as if it were unflooded.\n[action]: Move Fishing Vessel to a connecting [[Ocean]] location.",
- "traits": "Vehicle."
+ "traits": "Vehicle.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07179",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Nino Vecia",
"name": "Waveworn Idol",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 179,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "[reaction] After your location's flood level changes, or after a [[Deep One]] enemy spawns at your location, exhaust Waveworn Idol: Immediately take an action as if it were your turn (this action does not count toward the number of actions you can take each turn).",
- "traits": "Item. Relic."
+ "traits": "Item. Relic.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07180",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Nino Vecia",
"name": "Awakened Mantle",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 180,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "[free] If your location is flooded, exhaust Awakened Mantle: Move to a connecting location that is also flooded.",
- "traits": "Item. Relic. Clothing."
+ "traits": "Item. Relic. Clothing.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07181",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Nino Vecia",
"name": "Headdress of Y'ha-nthlei",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 181,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
"text": "You get +1 skill value while investigating a flooded location or while attacking or evading an enemy at a flooded location.",
- "traits": "Item. Relic."
+ "traits": "Item. Relic.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07182",
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 24,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
"name": "Deep One Predator",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 182,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Hunter.\nForced - After Deep One Predator engages you: Move 1 of your clues or keys to Deep One Predator.\nForced - When you defeat or evade Deep One Predator: Take control of all of its clues and keys.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07183",
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
"name": "Hunting Deep One",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 183,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Hunter.\nWhile Hunting Deep One is engaged with you, you cannot enter vehicles or gain resources.\nForced - After Hunting Deep One engages you: If you are not in a vehicle, lose 2 resources. If you are in a vehicle, leave your vehicle.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07184",
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"Did you see that?\"",
+ "illustrator": "Raymond Bonilla",
"name": "Shapes in the Water",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 184,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (2). If you fail, take 2 horror. This test gets +1 difficulty if your location is flooded (+2 difficulty instead if it is fully flooded).",
- "traits": "Terror."
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07185",
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 30,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Franz Vohwinkel",
"name": "Aquatic Ambush",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 185,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Put Aquatic Ambush into play next to the agenda deck.\nForced - When you reveal a chaos token while attacking an enemy at a flooded location: Reveal an additional chaos token. (Max once per test.)\nForced - At the end of the round: Discard 1 copy of Aquatic Ambush from play. (Max once per round.)",
- "traits": "Scheme."
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07186",
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 32,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Scott Purdy",
"name": "Horrors from the Deep",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 186,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (2). If you fail, take 2 damage. This test gets +1 difficulty if your location is flooded (+2 difficulty instead if it is fully flooded).",
- "traits": "Terror."
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07187",
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 34,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Jacob Atienza",
"name": "Stowaway",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 187,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - If no investigators are in a vehicle, Stowaway gains surge. Otherwise, each investigator in a vehicle must either take 1 damage and 1 horror or leave that vehicle. Each investigator who left a vehicle cannot enter that vehicle for the remainder of the round.",
- "traits": "Scheme."
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07188",
+ "encounter_code": "devil_reef",
+ "encounter_position": 36,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Régis Moulun",
"name": "Dragged Under",
+ "pack_code": "def",
+ "position": 188,
+ "quantity": 3,
"text": "Revelation - Put Dragged Under into play in your threat area. If you are in a vehicle, leave it.\nYou cannot enter vehicles.\n[action]: Test [combat] (3) or [agility] (3). If you succeed, discard Dragged Under.",
- "traits": "Scheme. Terror."
+ "traits": "Scheme. Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg.json
index 0a6aaa647..8d6e38b3b 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg.json
@@ -1,64 +1,163 @@
"code": "07189",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "health": -2,
+ "illustrator": "Imad Awan",
"name": "Enchanted Armor",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 189,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "sanity": -2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Body. Arcane",
"text": "Play Enchanted Armor under the control of any investigator at your location.\nForced - After damage and/or horror is placed on Enchanted Armor: The owner of Enchanted Armor tests [willpower] (X), where X is the total amount of damage and horror on it. If the test fails, discard Enchanted Armor and assign the damage and/or horror just placed on it elsewhere.",
"traits": "Ritual. Armor.",
- "slot": "Body. Arcane"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07190",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Sebastian Luca",
"name": "Blessing of Isis",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 190,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "[reaction] When a second [bless] token is revealed during a single skill test at your location, exhaust Blessing of Isis: Cancel that token and treat it as if it were a [elder_sign] token instead. Return both of those tokens to the chaos bag after this test ends.",
- "traits": "Ritual. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Ritual. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 3
"code": "07191",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "errata_date": "2022-08-26",
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandr Elichev",
"name": "Cryptic Grimoire",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 191,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"subname": "Text of the Elder Herald",
- "text": "You can only include this asset in your deck by upgrading it from Cryptic Grimoire (Untranslated), and only if \"you have translated the grimoire\" in your Campaign Log.\n[reaction]: After you resolve 1 or more [curse] tokens during a skill test: Place that many secrets on Cryptic Grimoire.\n[reaction] When you play an [[Insight]] event during your turn, spend 2 secrets: That event gains fast. Reduce its cost by 1.",
+ "text": "Researched.\n[reaction]: After you resolve 1 or more [curse] tokens during a skill test: Place that many secrets on Cryptic Grimoire.\n[reaction] When you play an [[Insight]] event during your turn, spend 2 secrets: That event gains fast. Reduce its cost by 1.",
"traits": "Item. Tome. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
"code": "07192",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "errata_date": "2022-08-26",
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandr Elichev",
"name": "Cryptic Grimoire",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 192,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"subname": "Text of the Elder Guardian",
- "text": "You can only include this asset in your deck by upgrading it from Cryptic Grimoire (Untranslated), and only if \"you have translated the grimoire\" in your Campaign Log.\n[reaction]: After you resolve 1 or more [curse] tokens during a skill test: Place that many secrets on Cryptic Grimoire.\n[reaction] When you would draw the top card of the encounter deck, spend 5 secrets: Draw a card from your deck instead.",
+ "text": "Researched.\n[reaction]: After you resolve 1 or more [curse] tokens during a skill test: Place that many secrets on Cryptic Grimoire.\n[reaction] When you would draw the top card of the encounter deck, spend 5 secrets: Draw a card from your deck instead.",
"traits": "Item. Tome. Blessed.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
"code": "07193",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Jorge Ramos Márquez",
"name": "Ríastrad",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 193,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
"text": "Fight. When you initiate this attack, add up to 3 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag. For each [curse] token added to the chaos bag in this way, you get +1 [combat] and deal +1 damage for this attack.",
- "traits": "Spell. Spirit. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Spell. Spirit. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 1
"code": "07194",
+ "cost": 5,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
"flavor": "\"Nothin's ever gonna be the same, Vito.\"",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "David Hovey",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Tristan Botley",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 194,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "slot": "Ally",
"subname": "Fixer for Hire",
"text": "[reaction] After your turn begins: Choose two skills. Until the start of your next turn, you get +1 to each of those skills.\n[reaction] After any skill test ends in which a total of 3 or more [curse] or [bless] tokens were revealed: Play Tristan Botley from your hand, at no cost.",
"traits": "Ally. Criminal. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Ally"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07195",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Trudi Castle",
"name": "Curse of Aeons",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 195,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "[reaction] When a second [curse] token is revealed during a single skill test at your location, exhaust Curse of Aeons: Cancel that token and treat it as if it were a [skull] token instead. You may choose to remove both of those tokens from the chaos bag after the test ends.",
- "traits": "Ritual. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Ritual. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 3
"code": "07196",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Chelyshev",
"name": "Unrelenting",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 196,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Max 1 committed per test.\nAfter you commit Unrelenting to a skill test, search the chaos bag for up to 3 non-[auto_fail] chaos tokens of your choice, and seal them on Unrelenting. If all 3 tokens sealed on Unrelenting are \"+1,\", \"0,\" [bless], and/or [elder_sign] tokens, draw 2 cards. Release all tokens sealed here after this test ends.",
- "traits": "Practiced."
+ "traits": "Practiced.",
+ "type_code": "skill",
+ "xp": 1
"code": "07197",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "David Hovey",
"name": "Signum Crucis",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 197,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "Commit only to a skill test you are performing, and only if the difficulty of that test is higher than your base skill value.\nAfter you commit Signum Crucis to a skill test, add X [bless] tokens to the chaos bag. X is the difference between the test's difficulty and your base skill value.",
- "traits": "Practiced. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Practiced. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "skill",
+ "xp": 2
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b73a6e6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/hhg_encounter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+ {
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2 (-4 instead if there are 6 or fewer locations remaining in the Road deck).\n[cultist]: -2. For each point you fail by, an investigator in your vehicle places 1 of their clues on your location.\n[tablet]: -3. For each point you fail by, an investigator in your vehicle loses 1 resource.\n[elder_thing]: -4. Resolve the hunter keyword on each enemy in play.",
+ "code": "07198",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "name": "Horror in High Gear",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 198,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -1 (-3 instead if there are 6 or fewer locations remaining in the Road deck).\n[cultist]: -1. For each point you fail by, an investigator in your vehicle places 1 of their clues on your location.\n[tablet]: -2. For each point you fail by, an investigator in your vehicle loses 1 resource.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, resolve the hunter keyword on each enemy in play.",
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "07199b",
+ "code": "07199",
+ "doom": 8,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "On your way to Falcon Point, you are ambushed by agents of the Order!",
+ "illustrator": "Anders Finér",
+ "name": "The Chase is On! (v. I)",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 199,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "As an additional cost for you to move while not in a vehicle, you must spend 2 actions.\nForced - At the end of the round: Starting with the rearmost location, set each location with no vehicles, enemies, or investigators aside, out of play (or add it to the victory display if it has Victory X and has no clues on it). Stop when you reach a location with at least 1 vehicle, enemy, or investigator; or the location behind the rearmost investigator.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07199b",
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 6,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Anders Finér",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "The Terror of Devil Reef",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 199,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Relentless Monstrosity",
+ "text": "Spawn - Rearmost location.\nHunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nForced - When The Terror of Devil Reef would be defeated: Instead, remove all damage from it and exhaust it. It cannot ready for the remainder of the round.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Just as you think you might be able to escape unscathed, you hear the telltale sputtering of your engine struggling to keep up with your demands. You curse and briefly stop your car before it stalls. You have only seconds to get it started again before the cultists catch up to you!",
+ "back_name": "Just Our Luck",
+ "back_text": "Flip over each vehicle that is running, so that it is stopped.\nShuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. If there are 3 or 4 investigators in the game, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a [[Vehicle]] enemy or Malfunction treachery is discarded. The lead investigator draws that card.",
+ "code": "07200",
+ "doom": 8,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "On your way to Falcon Point, you are ambushed by agents of the Order!",
+ "illustrator": "Anders Finér",
+ "name": "The Chase is On! (v. II)",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 200,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "As an additional cost for you to move while not in a vehicle, you must spend 2 actions.\nForced - At the end of the round: Starting with the rearmost location, set each location with no vehicles, enemies, or investigators aside, out of play (or add it to the victory display if it has Victory X and has no clues on it). Stop when you reach a location with at least 1 vehicle, enemy, or investigator; or the location behind the rearmost investigator.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Day is starting to break through the trees to the east, and thanks to the interference of your relentless pursuers, you still haven't made it to Falcon Point. Your car has begun to shake and stutter. You know it is only a matter of minutes before it runs out of fuel, but you have no choice. They've almost caught up to you. You force the accelerator down - \nThe turn catches you by surprise. You try to skid to a halt, but it's too late. There is a brief feeling of weightlessness as the wheels leave the ground. Time slows to a crawl. Then, a whirlwind of chaos erupts around you.\nThe next thing you know, you are crawling out of the wreckage. You are bloody and bruised, but alive. And by some twist of fortune, your pursuers have driven past the spot of your accident. \"Next time, I'm driving,\" Agent Harper jokes between fits of coughing.",
+ "back_name": "Out of Gas",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.",
+ "code": "07201",
+ "doom": 9,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The Order is out for blood!",
+ "illustrator": "Anders Finér",
+ "name": "Hot Pursuit",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 201,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "As an additional cost for you to move while not in a vehicle, you must spend 2 actions.\nForced - At the end of the round: Starting with the rearmost location, set each location with no vehicles, enemies, or investigators aside, out of play (or add it to the victory display if it has Victory X and has no clues on it). Stop when you reach a location with at least 1 vehicle, enemy, or investigator; or the location behind the rearmost investigator.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"I think we've lost them!\" Agent Harper shouts, peeking her head out of your car's window. You glance at your rearview mirror and confirm that you no longer see the glaring headlights of your pursuers. Warm relief flutters through you. It's finally over.\nFor now.",
+ "back_name": "Safe at Last?",
+ "back_text": "(→R1)",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07202",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Your only chance is to reach Falcon Point before your pursuers catch up to you.",
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Chelyshev",
+ "name": "Pedal to the Metal",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 202,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Each enemy gains hunter.\nForced - At the end of each investigation phase: Each vehicle that is running must move to a connecting [[Road]] location of the driver's choice.\nObjective - Drive to Falcon Point as fast as you can! (You will be instructed when to advance.)",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07203",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The road continues to wind up the side of the cliff. The lighthouse beacon at the peak shines through the fog, luring you closer.",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
+ "name": "Falcon Point Approach",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 203,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
+ "text": "Objective - If each undefeated investigator is at Falcon Point Approach, advance.",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07204a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Dimly Lit Road",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 204,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 1 clue for each investigator in that vehicle. For each clue they could not spend, an investigator in that vehicle takes 2 horror. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07204b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Dimly Lit Road",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 204,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 2 clues for each investigator in that vehicle. For each clue they could not spend, an investigator in that vehicle takes 1 horror. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07204c",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Dimly Lit Road",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 204,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 2 clues for each investigator in that vehicle. For each clue they could not spend, an investigator in that vehicle takes 2 horror. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07205a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Jorge Ramos Márquez",
+ "name": "Cliffside Road",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 205,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 2 clues for each investigator in that vehicle. If they cannot, the vehicle's driver tests [willpower] (X) or [agility] (X), where X is the number of clues they could not spend. If the driver fails, their vehicle is removed from the game and each investigator in that vehicle takes 10 damage. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "07205b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Jorge Ramos Márquez",
+ "name": "Cliffside Road",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 205,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 2 clues for each investigator in that vehicle. If they cannot, the vehicle's driver tests [willpower] (X) or [agility] (X), where X is the number of clues they could not spend. If the driver fails, their vehicle is removed from the game and each investigator in that vehicle takes 10 damage. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07206a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
+ "name": "Fork in the Road",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 206,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Road 2.\n[free] Investigators at this location spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the revealed side of any location ahead of this one.",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07206b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
+ "name": "Fork in the Road",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 206,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
+ "text": "Road 2.\n[free] Investigators at this location spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the revealed side of any location ahead of this one.",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07207a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
+ "name": "Intersection",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 207,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Road 3.\n[free] Investigators at this location spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the revealed side of any location ahead of this one.",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07207b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
+ "name": "Intersection",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 207,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Road 3.\n[free] Investigators at this location spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the revealed side of any location ahead of this one.",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07208a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
+ "name": "Tight Turn",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 208,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 1 clue for each investigator in that vehicle. For each clue they could not spend, an investigator in that vehicle takes 2 damage. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07208b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
+ "name": "Tight Turn",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 208,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 2 clues for each investigator in that vehicle. For each clue they could not spend, an investigator in that vehicle takes 1 damage. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07208c",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
+ "name": "Tight Turn",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 208,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 2 clues for each investigator in that vehicle. For each clue they could not spend, an investigator in that vehicle takes 2 damage. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07209a",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
+ "name": "Desolate Road",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 209,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 2 clues for each investigator in that vehicle. If they cannot, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a [[Vehicle]] enemy is discarded and spawn that enemy at Desolate Road. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07209b",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
+ "name": "Desolate Road",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 209,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - When a vehicle leaves this location: Investigators at this location, as a group, must spend 1 clue for each investigator in that vehicle. If they cannot, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a [[Vehicle]] enemy is discarded and spawn that enemy at Desolate Road. (Limit once per game for each vehicle.)",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"On the left the creek-threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.\" – H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Jokubas Uogintas",
+ "back_name": "Old Innsmouth Road",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07210",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "David Frasheski",
+ "name": "Long Way Around",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 210,
+ "quantity": 6,
+ "shroud": 6,
+ "text": "Road 1.\nForced - After a vehicle enters Long Way Around: Place 1 doom on the current agenda (this may cause the current agenda to advance). That vehicle cannot leave Long Way Around until the end of the next round.",
+ "traits": "Road.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "07211b",
+ "code": "07211a",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 27,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Bruce Moffet",
+ "name": "Thomas Dawson's Car",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 211,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Running",
+ "text": "Vehicle. Limit 2 investigators in this vehicle.\nThis vehicle is running. Investigators cannot enter or leave it.\n[action] If you are this vehicle's driver: Draw the top card of the encounter deck. Then, move this vehicle to a connecting [[Road]] location. (Max once per round.)\n[action] If you are this vehicle's driver: You stop the car. Flip this vehicle over.",
+ "traits": "Vehicle.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07211b",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 27,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Bruce Moffet",
+ "name": "Thomas Dawson's Car",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 211,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Stopped",
+ "text": "Vehicle. Limit 2 investigators in this vehicle.\nThis vehicle is stopped.\n[action] If you are this vehicle's driver: You start the car. Flip this vehicle over.",
+ "traits": "Vehicle.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "07212b",
+ "code": "07212a",
+ "cost": null,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Lukasz Jaskolski",
+ "name": "Elina Harper's Car",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 212,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Running",
+ "text": "Vehicle. Limit 2 investigators in this vehicle.\nThis vehicle is running. Investigators cannot enter or leave it.\n[action] If you are this vehicle's driver: Draw the top card of the encounter deck. Then, move this vehicle to a connecting [[Road]] location. (Max once per round.)\n[action] If you are this vehicle's driver: You stop the car. Flip this vehicle over.",
+ "traits": "Vehicle.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07212b",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Lukasz Jaskolski",
+ "name": "Elina Harper's Car",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 212,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Stopped",
+ "text": "Vehicle. Limit 2 investigators in this vehicle.\nThis vehicle is stopped.\n[action] If you are this vehicle's driver: You start the car. Flip this vehicle over.",
+ "traits": "Vehicle.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07213",
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 29,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Miguel Coimbra",
+ "name": "Pursuing Motorcar",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 213,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Spawn - Rearmost location.\nHunter.\nForced - When Pursuing Motorcar attacks you, if you are not in a vehicle: It deals +2 damage for this attack.\nForced - When Pursuing Motorcar attacks an investigator in a vehicle: It attacks each other investigator in that vehicle, as well.",
+ "traits": "Vehicle. Humanoid. Cultist.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07214",
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 31,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Mike Nash",
+ "name": "Hit Van",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 214,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Spawn - Rearmost location.\nHunter. Retaliate.\nHit Van cannot attack during the same phase it moved via its hunter keyword.",
+ "traits": "Vehicle. Humanoid. Cultist.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07215",
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 33,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Andreas Zafiratos",
+ "name": "Hybrid Assassin",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 215,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Hunter.\nForced - After Hybrid Assassin moves via its hunter keyword, if it is unengaged: Resolve its hunter keyword again. (Limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Vehicle. Humanoid. Hybrid.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07216",
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 35,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Jon Bosco",
+ "name": "Bumpy Ride",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 216,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - If you are...\n- ...not in a vehicle, test [agility] (5). If you fail, take 3 damage.\n- a vehicle, that vehicle's driver tests [agility] (3). If the driver fails, each investigator in your vehicle takes 2 damage.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07217",
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 37,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "name": "\"I can't see!\"",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 217,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - If you are...\n- ...not in a vehicle, test [willpower] (5). If you fail, take 3 horror.\n- a vehicle, that vehicle's driver tests [willpower] (3). If the driver fails, each investigator in your vehicle takes 2 horror.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07218",
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 39,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Matthew Cowdery",
+ "name": "Eyes in the Trees",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 218,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (4). If you fail, you must either discard an asset you control, or discard 1 card from your hand for each point you failed by. If you fail and you are in a vehicle, each other investigator in your vehicle must also resolve this effect as if they had just failed.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07219",
+ "encounter_code": "horror_in_high_gear",
+ "encounter_position": 41,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
+ "name": "\"They're catching up!\"",
+ "pack_code": "hhg",
+ "position": 219,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Resolve the hunter keyword on each enemy in play. If no enemies move as a result of this effect, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a [[Vehicle]] enemy is discarded and spawn that enemy at the rearmost location.",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ }
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/itd.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/itd.json
index e0e8caa67..3652c5cc9 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/itd.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/itd.json
@@ -1,104 +1,258 @@
"code": "07108",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
"flavor": "\"If you blow that thing one more time, I'm gonna make you eat it.\"",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
"name": "Riot Whistle",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 108,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Accessory",
"text": "You may take an additional action during your turn, which can only be used to engage.",
"traits": "Item. Tool.",
- "slot": "Accessory"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07109",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
"flavor": "Lita narrowed her eyes and tightened her grip. They wouldn't get away. Not this time. Not ever again.",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandr Elichev",
"name": "Righteous Hunt",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 109,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
"text": "Engage. Choose an enemy up to 2 locations away. Move (one location at a time) to that enemy's location, engage it, and add [bless] tokens to the chaos bag equal to that enemy's horror value.",
- "traits": "Tactic. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Tactic. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 1
"code": "07110",
+ "cost": null,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
"name": "Sacred Covenant",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "permanent": true,
+ "position": 110,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Permanent. Limit 1 [[Covenant]] per deck.\n[reaction] After an investigator at any location performs the \"reveal chaos token\" step of a skill test, exhaust Sacred Covenant: Return any number of [bless] tokens revealed during this test to the chaos bag, ignoring their modifiers for this test.",
- "traits": "Covenant. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Covenant. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07111",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
"flavor": "Once you let go of your assumptions, anything is possible",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Alexandre Dainche",
"name": "Eldritch Sophist",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 111,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "sanity": 3,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Ally",
"text": "Uses (3 secrets).\n[fast]: Exhaust Eldritch Sophist: Move 1 secret or charge from an asset you control to another asset controlled by an investigator at your location.",
- "traits": "Ally. Miskatonic",
- "slot": "Ally"
+ "traits": "Ally. Miskatonic.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07112",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
"flavor": "When you start following a thread, it's hard to say what you'll find at the other end.",
+ "illustrator": "Winona Nelson",
"name": "Stirring Up Trouble",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 112,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
"text": "As an additional cost to play Stirring Up Trouble, add [curse] tokens to the chaos bag equal to your location's shroud value.\nDiscover 2 clues at your location.",
- "traits": "Insight. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Insight. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 1
"code": "07113",
+ "cost": null,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
"name": "Blasphemous Covenant",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "permanent": true,
+ "position": 113,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Permanent. Limit 1 [[Covenant]] per deck.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location reveals a [curse] token during a skill test, exhaust Blasphemous Covenant: Treat that token's modifier as +1 instead of its normal modifier. After this test ends, return that token to the chaos bag.",
- "traits": "Covenant. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Covenant. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07114",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
"flavor": "If you're careful, it's just \"entering.\"",
+ "illustrator": "Lake Hurwitz",
"name": "Breaking and Entering",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 114,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
"text": "Investigate. Add your [agility] value to your skill value for this investigation. If you succeed by 2 or more, you may automatically evade an enemy at this location. This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity.",
- "traits": "Trick."
+ "traits": "Trick.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07115",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
"flavor": "\"Oh, hooey. What's the worst that could happen?\"",
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
"name": "Skeptic",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 115,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "During this skill test, treat the modifier of each [bless] and each [curse] token as +1 instead of its normal modifier.",
- "traits": "Practiced."
+ "traits": "Practiced.",
+ "type_code": "skill",
+ "xp": 1
"code": "07116",
+ "cost": null,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
"name": "False Covenant",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "permanent": true,
+ "position": 116,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Permanent. Limit 1 [[Covenant]] per deck.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location reveals a [curse] token during a skill test, exhaust False Covenant: Cancel that chaos token, return it to the token pool, and reveal another token.",
- "traits": "Covenant. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Covenant. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07117",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Imad Awan",
"name": "Armageddon",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 117,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
"text": "Uses (3 charges).\n[action] Spend 1 charge: Fight. This attack uses [willpower] instead of [combat] and deals +1 damage. If a [curse] token is revealed during this attack, you may deal 1 damage to an enemy at your location or place 1 charge on Armageddon.",
"traits": "Spell. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Arcane"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07118",
+ "cost": 5,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandre Honoré",
"name": "Eye of Chaos",
- "text": "Uses (3 charges).\n[action] Spend 1 charge: Investigate. Investigate using [willpower] instead of [intellect] If you succeed, discover 1 additional clue at this location. If a [curse] token is revealed during this investigation, you may discover 1 clue at a connecting location or place 1 charge on Eye of Chaos.",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 118,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
+ "text": "Uses (3 charges).\n[action] Spend 1 charge: Investigate. Investigate using [willpower] instead of [intellect]. If you succeed, discover 1 additional clue at this location. If a [curse] token is revealed during this investigation, you may discover 1 clue at a connecting location or place 1 charge on Eye of Chaos.",
"traits": "Spell. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Arcane"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07119",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
"name": "Shroud of Shadows",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 119,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
"text": "Uses (3 charges).\n[action] Spend 1 charge: Evade. This evasion uses [willpower] instead of [agility]. If you succeed and the evaded enemy is non-[[Elite]], you may move that enemy to a connecting location. If a [curse] token is revealed during this evasion attempt, you may move to a connecting location or place 1 charge on Shroud of Shadows.",
"traits": "Spell. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Arcane"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07120",
+ "cost": null,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
"name": "Paradoxical Covenant",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "permanent": true,
+ "position": 120,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Permanent. Limit 1 [[Covenant]] per deck.\n[reaction] After an investigator at your location performs the \"reveal the chaos token\" step of a skill test, if both a [bless] token and a [curse] token were revealed during that test, exhaust Paradoxical Covenant: This test automatically succeeds. (Remove each [bless] and [curse] token revealed from the chaos bag after this test ends.)",
- "traits": "Covenant. Blessed. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Covenant. Blessed. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07121",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
"name": "Mariner's Compass",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 121,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"text": "[action] Exhaust Mariner's Compass: Investigate. If you succeed and have no resources in your resource pool, discover 1 additional clue at your location.\n[fast] During an investigation using Mariner's Compass, spend 1 resource: You get +1 [intellect] for this skill test. (Limit three times per investigation.)",
"traits": "Item. Tool.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07122",
+ "cost": null,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
"name": "Ancient Covenant",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "permanent": true,
+ "position": 122,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Permanent. Limit 1 [[Covenant]] per deck.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location resolves a [bless] token during a skill test, exhaust Ancient Covenant: Do not reveal another token as part of this [bless] token's effect.",
- "traits": "Covenant. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Covenant. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/itd_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/itd_encounter.json
index dcf940ec3..2fd810fb2 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/itd_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/itd_encounter.json
@@ -1,207 +1,530 @@
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2 for each location to the east of your location (on the same row).\n[cultist]: -4. If you fail, move to the connecting location to the east, ignoring all barriers.\n[tablet]: -5. If you fail, choose a connecting location with no barriers between it and your location. Place 1 barrier between the two locations.\n[elder_thing]: -X. X is twice the number of barriers between your location and all connecting locations.",
"code": "07123",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"name": "In Too Deep",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 123,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -1 for each location to the east of your location (on the same row).\n[cultist]: -2. If you fail, move to the connecting location to the east, ignoring all barriers.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, choose a connecting location with no barriers between it and your location. Place 1 barrier between the two locations.\n[elder_thing]: -X. X is the number of barriers between your location and all connecting locations.",
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2 for each location to the east of your location (on the same row).\n[cultist]: -4. If you fail, move to the connecting location to the east, ignoring all barriers.\n[tablet]: -5. If you fail, choose a connecting location with no barriers between it and your location. Place 1 barrier between the two locations.\n[elder_thing]: -X. X is twice the number of barriers between your location and all connecting locations."
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ "back_flavor": "The tide creeps in as you make your way through the decrepit streets. You hear the blood-curdling cries of someone in agony up ahead. The moment you see the creatures patrolling the intersection, you hide in the broken-down doorway of a ruined building. Their unusual gait and croaking voices send shivers through your body. Even as the slapping of their webbed feet against the road fades into the distance, you cannot escape the feeling that, inevitably, they will find you.",
+ "back_name": "Chased by Deep Ones",
+ "back_text": "Increase the flood level of each [[Coastal]] location.\nShuffle each set-aside Ravager from the Deep and Young Deep One enemy into the encounter deck, along with the encounter discard pile.",
"code": "07124",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"In a second all my plans were utterly changed - for if the southward highway were blocked ahead of me, I must clearly find another egress from Innsmouth.\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Matt Dixon",
"name": "Barricaded Streets",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 124,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
"text": "Each [[Suspect]] enemy loses aloof and cannot be parleyed with.\nForced - When your turn ends, if you are at a fully flooded location: Take 1 damage.",
- "back_name": "Chased by Deep Ones",
- "back_flavor": "The tide creeps in as you make your way through the decrepit streets. You hear the blood-curdling cries of someone in agony up ahead. The moment you see the creatures patrolling the intersection, you hide in the broken-down doorway of a ruined building. Their unusual gait and croaking voices send shivers through your body. Even as the slapping of their webbed feet against the road fades into the distance, you cannot escape the feeling that, inevitably, they will find you.",
- "back_text": "Increase the flood level of each [[Coastal]] location.\nShuffle each set-aside Ravager from the Deep and Young Deep One enemy into the encounter deck, along with the encounter discard pile."
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "A crowd gathers in the town square. At first you are relieved to see faces not bearing hideous, monstrous features: the prodigious, bulging eyes; wide jaws filled with sharp, jagged teeth; the gills, fins and webbings that suggest something fish-like and inhuman. Then you hear one voice rise above the din, and your heart turns to ice.\n\"The time is nigh! The Order of Dagon commands you! Slay the outsiders and any who stand in our way, and you shall be rewarded! You shall be remade and share in the riches of the deep!\" a robed man shouts. The crowd rejoices in jubilant madness.",
+ "back_name": "Pursued by Townsfolk",
+ "back_text": "Increase the flood level of each [[Midtown]] location.\nSpawn the set-aside Angry Mob at Innsmouth Square. Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on Angry Mob without looking at it.",
"code": "07125",
+ "doom": 5,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"It had not seen me, but was simply obeying a general plan of cutting off my escape. This, however, implied that all roads leading out of Innsmouth were similarly patrolled...\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Matt Dixon",
"name": "Relentless Tide",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 125,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
"text": "Each [[Suspect]] enemy loses aloof and cannot be parleyed with.\nForced - When your turn ends, if you are at a fully flooded location: Take 1 damage and 1 horror.",
- "back_name": "Pursued by Townsfolk",
- "back_flavor": "A crowd gathers in the town square. At first you are relieved to see faces not bearing hideous, monstrous features: the prodigious, bulging eyes; wide jaws filled with sharp, jagged teeth; the gills, fins and webbings that suggest something fish-like and inhuman. Then you hear one voice rise above the din, and your heart turns to ice.\n\"The time is nigh! The Order of Dagon commands you! Slay the outsiders and any who stand in our way, and you shall be rewarded! You shall be remade and share in the riches of the deep!\" a robed man shouts. The crowd rejoices in jubilant madness.",
- "back_text": "Increase the flood level of each [[Midtown]] location.\nSpawn the set-aside Angry Mob at Innsmouth Square. Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on Angry Mob without looking at it."
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "The Manuxet River spills over as the tide rolls in higher and higher. Soon the streets are overflowing. The waves engulf anything and everything in their way, turning over vehicles, smashing through ramshackle houses, and cutting off escape routes. If this goes on much longer, there will be nothing left of the town of Innsmouth.",
+ "back_name": "Closing In",
+ "back_text": "Increase the flood level of each location.\nIn player order, each investigator draws 1 encounter card.",
"code": "07126",
+ "doom": 4,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"As I watched - choked by a sudden rise in the fishy odour after a short abatement - I saw a band of uncouth, crouching shapes loping and shambling in the same direction...\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Matt Dixon",
"name": "Flooded Streets",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 126,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
"text": "Each [[Suspect]] enemy loses aloof and cannot be parleyed with.\nForced - When your turn ends, if you are at a fully flooded location: Take 1 damage, 1 horror, and discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
- "back_name": "Closing In",
- "back_flavor": "The Manuxet River spills over as the tide rolls in higher and higher. Soon the streets are overflowing. The waves engulf anything and everything in their way, turning over vehicles, smashing through ramshackle houses, and cutting off escape routes. If this goes on much longer, there will be nothing left of the town of Innsmouth.",
- "back_text": "Increase the flood level of each location.\nIn player order, each investigator draws 1 encounter card."
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "Water rushes through the town. The waves crash through dilapidated buildings, consume the streets, and destroy every standing bridge. Even the refinery is turned to rubble by the surging waters. Soon, Innsmouth is gone. You barely escape the raging sea.",
+ "back_name": "Swallowed by the Sea",
+ "back_text": "In your Campaign Log, record Innsmouth was consumed by the rising tide.\nEach investigator that has not resigned is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.",
"code": "07127",
+ "doom": 3,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"Nothing that I could have imagined - nothing, even, that I could have gathered had I credited old Zadok's crazy tale in the most literal way - would be in any way comparable to the demoniac, blasphemous reality that I saw - or believe I saw.\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Matt Dixon",
"name": "Rage of the Deep",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 127,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 4,
"text": "Each [[Suspect]] enemy loses aloof and cannot be parleyed with.\nForced - When your turn ends, if you are at a fully flooded location: Take 1 damage, 1 horror, and discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
- "back_name": "Swallowed by the Sea",
- "back_flavor": "Water rushes through the town. The waves crash through dilapidated buildings, consume the streets, and destroy every standing bridge. Even the refinery is turned to rubble by the surging waters. Soon, Innsmouth is gone. You barely escape the raging sea.",
- "back_text": "In your Campaign Log, record Innsmouth was consumed by the rising tide.\nEach investigator that has not resigned is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma."
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "After hours of fleeing, sneaking, and hiding, you finally reach the abandoned railway station on the western edge of Innsmouth. The moment you see the two automobiles parked by the tracks, you break into a run. You're more than happy to leave this awful place behind.",
+ "back_name": "Out of Town",
+ "back_text": "In your Campaign Log, record the investigators made it safely to their vehicles.\n(→R1)",
+ "clues": null,
"code": "07128",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Inhuman creatures patrol the streets of Innsmouth, hunting for you and more of your kind. You must make your way to the other end of town and escape... but perhaps more of your memories can be recovered if you explore the town of Innsmouth further?",
+ "illustrator": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
"name": "Through the Labyrinth",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 128,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
"text": "[free] Spend 1 [per_investigator] +1 clues, as a group: Remove 1 barrier between your location and a connecting location.\nObjective - Get to the Railroad Station! If each surviving investigator has resigned, advance.",
- "back_name": "Out of Town",
- "back_flavor": "After hours of fleeing, sneaking, and hiding, you finally reach the abandoned railway station on the western edge of Innsmouth. The moment you see the two automobiles parked by the tracks, you break into a run. You're more than happy to leave this awful place behind.",
- "back_text": "In your Campaign Log, record the investigators made it safely to their vehicles.\n(→R1)"
+ "type_code": "act"
+ "back_flavor": "Some of the townsfolk are gathered in front of the old Order of Dagon hall on the north side of town. Their crazed shouts echo through the streets. Based on what Agent Harper has told you, you know that the Order has something to do with these strange happenings... but what?",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07129",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "Esoteric Order of Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 129,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on this location without looking at it.\n[action] [action]: Parley. Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Midtown.",
- "back_flavor": "Some of the townsfolk are gathered in front of the old Order of Dagon hall on the north side of town. Their crazed shouts echo through the streets. Based on what Agent Harper has told you, you know that the Order has something to do with these strange happenings... but what?"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "Sawbone Alley is not for the faint of heart, but if you think you know the town's secrets, fortune favors the bold.",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07130",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"name": "Sawbone Alley",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 130,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "[action]: Parley. Test [willpower] (1 [per_investigator]). If you succeed, remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.\n[free] If the investigators control 7 keys, as a group: Parley. Read Flashback VII in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Innsmouth.",
- "back_flavor": "Sawbone Alley is not for the faint of heart, but if you think you know the town's secrets, fortune favors the bold."
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "back_flavor": "Full of lifelong inhabitants, the slums could be a good place to glean key information about the state of the town.",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07131",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Marc Simonetti",
"name": "Shoreward Slums",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 131,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on this location without looking at it.\n[free] Take 1 damage: Parley. Remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Coastal. Midtown.",
- "back_flavor": "Full of lifelong inhabitants, the slums could be a good place to glean key information about the state of the town."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "Decrepit and apparently abandoned, the house is unlocked and oddly inviting.",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07132",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Lars Simkins",
"name": "The House on Water Street",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 132,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on this location without looking at it.\n[free] Choose and discard 1 card from your hand: Parley. Remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Coastal.",
- "back_flavor": "Decrepit and apparently abandoned, the house is unlocked and oddly inviting."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The police must have an idea of what's going on, and it may be worth talking to one of the inmates.",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07133",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "Innsmouth Jail",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 133,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "[action] Spend 3 resources: Parley. Remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.\n[free] If you control the black key: Parley. Read Flashback VIII in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Midtown.",
- "back_flavor": "The police must have an idea of what's going on, and it may be worth talking to one of the inmates."
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "back_flavor": "You're beginning to wonder if anyone from Innsmouth can be trusted...",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07134",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Tooth",
"name": "New Church Green",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 134,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on this location without looking at it.\n[action] If there are no clues on this location: Parley. Remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Midtown.",
- "back_flavor": "You're beginning to wonder if anyone from Innsmouth can be trusted..."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "Contrary to its name, the Little Bookshop has a vast collection of books. You might find a valuable tome by perusing its shelves.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
"code": "07135",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"name": "The Little Bookshop",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 135,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "[action] [action] Draw the top card of the encounter deck: Parley. Remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.\n[free] If the investigators control 5 or more keys, as a group: Parley. Read Flashback VI in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Innsmouth.",
- "back_flavor": "Contrary to its name, the Little Bookshop has a vast collection of books. You might find a valuable tome by perusing its shelves."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "A crumbling ruin, the bridge nonetheless provides decent cover for your flight through the town.",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07136",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Leanna Crossan",
"name": "Fish Street Bridge",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 136,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
"text": "Fish Street Bridge gets +1 shroud for each barrier between it and any connecting location.\n[action] Add 2 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag: Parley. Remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Coastal. Midtown.",
- "back_flavor": "A crumbling ruin, the bridge nonetheless provides decent cover for your flight through the town."
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "back_flavor": "Someone has barricaded the entrance to the grocery store in the hopes that it might keep out the creatures prowling the streets. It won't. But it's a nice thought.",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07137",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "First National Grocery",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 137,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After you enter this location from a connecting location: Place 1 barrier between both locations.\n[action]: Parley. Test your lowest skill (2). If you succeed, remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Midtown.",
- "back_flavor": "Someone has barricaded the entrance to the grocery store in the hopes that it might keep out the creatures prowling the streets. It won't. But it's a nice thought."
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "back_flavor": "Even the town's once-bustling harbour is deserted. The angry tide has consumed much of the docks and toppled several ships into the ocean. If this continues much longer, there won't be much of a harbour left at all.",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07138",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
"name": "Innsmouth Harbour",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 138,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
"text": "[reaction] After you enter this location: Move to The House on Water Street.\n[action] [action]: Parley. Remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Coastal.",
- "back_flavor": "Even the town's once-bustling harbour is deserted. The angry tide has consumed much of the docks and toppled several ships into the ocean. If this continues much longer, there won't be much of a harbour left at all."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "From your vantage point, you see a red bus parked in the square. Getting a ride would be a tremendous help in escaping this infested, decrepit town. Then you hear a petrifying sound emanating from the square - a thunderous, deep growl that gives you second thoughts about proceeding.",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07139",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Innsmouth Square",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 139,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Spawn the set-aside Innsmouth Shoggoth at this location, exhausted.\n[action]: Parley. Move 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location so it is between this location and a different connecting location.\n[free] If the investigators control 2 or more keys, as a group: Parley. Read Flashback V in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Midtown.",
- "back_flavor": "From your vantage point, you see a red bus parked in the square. Getting a ride would be a tremendous help in escaping this infested, decrepit town. Then you hear a petrifying sound emanating from the square - a thunderous, deep growl that gives you second thoughts about proceeding."
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "back_flavor": "Finding a trustworthy individual to query may open a door, and an out-of-town guest staying at the hotel could provide a vital piece of this puzzle.",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07140",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Marc Simonetti",
"name": "Gilman House",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 140,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After this location is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on this location without looking at it.\n[action]: Parley. Test [combat] (2) or [agility] (2). If you succeed, remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Midtown.",
- "back_flavor": "Finding a trustworthy individual to query may open a door, and an out-of-town guest staying at the hotel could provide a vital piece of this puzzle."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"Crossing the bridge and turning toward the roar of the lower falls, I passed close to the Marsh refinery, which seemed oddly free from the noise of industry. This building stood on the steep river bluff near a bridge and an open confluence of streets which I took to be the earliest civic centre...\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
"code": "07141",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Marsh Refinery",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 141,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "[free] If you control 1 or more keys: Move to a connecting location.\n[action] Discard an asset you control: Parley. Remove 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Coastal. Midtown.",
- "back_flavor": "\"Crossing the bridge and turning toward the roar of the lower falls, I passed close to the Marsh refinery, which seemed oddly free from the noise of industry. This building stood on the steep river bluff near a bridge and an open confluence of streets which I took to be the earliest civic centre...\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"No railroad now - B. & M. never went through, and the branch line from Rowley was given up years ago.\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "clues": 0,
"code": "07142",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Chelyshev",
"name": "Railroad Station",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 142,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
"text": "Forced - After you enter this location, if it is flooded: Test [agility] (2). If you fail, take 1 damage.\n[action]: Resign. You escape the submerged town.",
"traits": "Innsmouth.",
- "back_flavor": "\"No railroad now - B. & M. never went through, and the branch line from Rowley was given up years ago.\"\n - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "From here, you can still see the exit of the tidal cavern where you were trapped. The opening vanishes slowly as the tide rolls in. You shudder to think how things might have turned out if you hadn't escaped.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
"code": "07143",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "David Frasheski",
"name": "Desolate Coastline",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 143,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "Card effects cannot place barriers between Desolate Coastline and connecting locations.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Coastal.",
- "back_flavor": "From here, you can still see the exit of the tidal cavern where you were trapped. The opening vanishes slowly as the tide rolls in. You shudder to think how things might have turned out if you hadn't escaped."
+ "type_code": "location"
"code": "07144",
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Matthew Cowdery",
"name": "Innsmouth Shoggoth",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 144,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Hunter. Massive.\nInnsmouth Shoggoth gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nWhen Innsmouth Shoggoth moves via its hunter keyword, it ignores all barriers.\nForced - After Innsmouth Shoggoth moves: Remove each barrier it moved through.",
- "traits": "Monster. Shoggoth. Elite."
+ "traits": "Monster. Shoggoth. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
"code": "07145",
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Matthew Cowdery",
"name": "Ravager from the Deep",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 145,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Hunter.\nWhile its location is flooded, Ravager from the Deep gets +1 fight and +1 evade (+2 fight and +2 evade instead if its location is fully flooded).\nForced - After Ravager from the Deep engages you: Test [combat] (2). If you fail, place 1 barrier between your location and the connecting location to the west.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07146",
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 25,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Mike Capprotti",
"name": "Emerging Deep One",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 146,
+ "quantity": 3,
"text": "Hunter.\nRevelation - Emerging Deep One enters play exhausted and unengaged unless its location is fully flooded.\nForced - After Emerging Deep One engages you, if your location is flooded: It attacks you.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07147",
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
"name": "Deep One Invasion",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 147,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Revelation - Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. For each location to the east of your location (on the same row), discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a [[Deep One]] enemy with the hunter keyword is discarded and spawn that enemy at that location.",
- "traits": "Scheme."
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07148",
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 29,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Cyril van der Haegen",
"name": "Pulled Back",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 148,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). If you fail, move to the connecting location to the east, ignoring all barriers. Then place each key you control on your location.",
- "traits": "Terror."
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07149",
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 31,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Lukasz Jaskolski",
"name": "Inundated",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 149,
+ "quantity": 3,
"text": "Revelation - Place 1 barrier between this location and each connecting location with no barriers between them. If no barriers are placed by this effect, Inundated gains surge.",
- "traits": "Hazard."
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07150",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 34,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Cris Griffin",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Joe Sargent",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "position": 150,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
"subname": "Rattletrap Bus Driver",
"text": "Uses (3 tickets).\nForced - When Joe Sargent leaves play: Remove him from the game.\n[free] Spend 1 ticket: Move to a connecting location that is not fully flooded.",
- "traits": "Ally. Hybrid."
+ "traits": "Ally. Hybrid.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07151",
+ "cost": null,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "in_too_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 35,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
"name": "Teachings of the Order",
+ "pack_code": "itd",
+ "permanent": true,
+ "position": 151,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Permanent.\n[free] Exhaust Teachings of the Order and choose one effect you have not yet chosen this campaign:\n- Remove all [curse] tokens from the chaos bag.\n- Remove a flood token from a non-[[Sanctum]] location.\n- Defeat a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location.",
- "traits": "Item. Tome."
+ "traits": "Item. Tome.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/itm.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/itm.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..750eb1bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/itm.json
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ {
+ "code": "07301",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "flavor": "Even in the deepest darkness, light can still bloom.",
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "name": "Hallow",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 301,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "text": "As an additional cost to play Hallow, return a total of 10 [bless] tokens to the token pool from the chaos bag or sealed on cards in play.\nRemove 1 doom from any card in play.",
+ "traits": "Spell. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07302",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Régis Moulun",
+ "name": "Holy Spear",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 302,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "slot": "Hand x2",
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
+ "text": "[action]: Fight. You get +2 [combat] and deal +1 damage for this attack. When you initiate this ability, you may release a [bless] token sealed on Holy Spear.\n[action] Search the chaos bag for 2 [bless] tokens and seal them on Holy Spear: Fight. You get +4 [combat] and deal +2 damage for this attack.",
+ "traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07303",
+ "cost": null,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "exceptional": true,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Chelyshev",
+ "name": "Ancestral Knowledge",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "permanent": true,
+ "position": 303,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Permanent. Exceptional.\nYour deck must include at least 10 skills. Your deck size is increased by 5.\n[reaction] Before drawing your opening hand: Attach 5 random non-weakness skills from your deck facedown to this card.\n[fast] Exhaust Ancestral Knowledge: Draw 1 attached skill.",
+ "traits": "Talent.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07304",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Tom Garden",
+ "name": "Ariadne's Twine",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 304,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
+ "text": "Uses (0 secrets).\nSecrets on Ariadne's Twine can be spent as if they were on any asset controlled by an investigator at your location.\n[free] Exhaust Ariadne's Twine: Move 1 secret from an asset you control to your resource pool, as a resource, or vice versa.",
+ "traits": "Ritual.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07305",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": ".25 Automatic",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 305,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
+ "text": "Fast. Uses (4 ammo).\n[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. If the attacked enemy is exhausted, you get +2 [combat] and deal +1 damage for this attack.\n[reaction] After you evade an enemy at your location: Perform the above Fight ability without spending an action.",
+ "traits": "Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07306",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
+ "name": "Justify the Means",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 306,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "You may commit Justify the Means to any type of test.\nAs an additional cost to commit Justify the Means to a skill test, add [curse] tokens to the chaos bag equal to this test's difficulty.\nThis test automatically succeeds.",
+ "traits": "Practiced. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "skill",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07307",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "exceptional": true,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Julepe",
+ "name": "Lucky Dice",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 307,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Accessory",
+ "subname": "...Or Are They?",
+ "text": "Exceptional.\n[reaction] When you reveal a non-[curse], non-[auto_fail] chaos token, add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag: Ignore the just revealed chaos token and reveal another one to resolve. If that token has a [curse] or [auto_fail] symbol, return Lucky Dice to your hand (cannot be ignored/canceled).",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07308",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Adam S. Doyle",
+ "name": "Rite of Equilibrium",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 308,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "tags": "hh.",
+ "text": "Either (choose one):\n- Add X [curse] tokens to the chaos bag to add X [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.\n- Remove X [curse] and X [bless] tokens from the chaos bag to heal X total horror from among cards at your location.",
+ "traits": "Spell. Blessed. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07309",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Tony Foti",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Jacob Morrison",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 309,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "Coast Guard Captain",
+ "text": "Jacob Morrison does not ready during the upkeep phase.\n[reaction] When you would fail a skill test, exhaust Jacob Morrison: You get +2 skill value for that test.\n[reaction] After a [bless] token is revealed from the chaos bag during a skill test you are performing: Ready Jacob Morrison.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07310",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "errata_date": "2022-08-26",
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Chelyshev",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Shrine of the Moirai",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 310,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "text": "Attach to your location. Uses (3 offerings).\nAttached location gains: \"[fast] Draw the top card of the encounter deck, exhaust Shrine of the Moirai, and spend 1 offering: Return up to 2 cards with a total combined level of 5 or less from your discard pile to your hand. Any investigator at this location may trigger this ability.\"\nCard design by the Moirai at Arkham Nights 2019.",
+ "traits": "Fortune. Blessed. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 3
+ }
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/itm_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/itm_encounter.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5182fe91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/itm_encounter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+ {
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2 (-4 instead if there are 4 or more unflooded [[Y'ha-nthlei]] locations in play).\n[cultist]: -4. If you fail, place 1 doom on the current agenda (this may cause the current agenda to advance).\n[tablet]: -5. If you fail, you must either increase the flood level of your location or take 1 damage.\n[elder_thing]: -6. If you fail and there is a key on your location, take 1 horror.",
+ "code": "07311",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "name": "Into the Maelstrom",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 311,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -1 (-3 instead if there are 4 or more unflooded [[Y'ha-nthlei]] locations in play).\n[cultist]: -3. If you fail, place 1 doom on the current agenda (this may cause the current agenda to advance).\n[tablet]: -4. If you fail, you must either increase the flood level of your location or take 1 damage.\n[elder_thing]: -5. If you fail and there is a key on your location, take 1 horror.",
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The waters continue to roil in ebullient energy, as if somehow alive. With each passing moment, the sea grows more and more volatile. Stranger still are the monstrous creatures that now prowl the dark waters - creatures that defy all laws of nature...",
+ "back_name": "Maelstrom Mutation",
+ "back_text": "Shuffle the set-aside Lloigor enemy and the set-aside Aquatic Abomination enemy into the encounter deck, along with the encounter discard pile.",
+ "code": "07312",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Your boat lands on the black reef, and you descend once more into the tidal caverns. Deeper and deeper still you travel, until all thoughts of returning to the surface seem like fantasy.",
+ "illustrator": "Brad Rigney",
+ "name": "Under the Surface",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 312,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_name": "Tyrants of the Deep",
+ "back_text": "If Hydra is in play, flip her to her (Awakened and Enraged) side.\nIf Dagon is in play and slumbering, flip him to his (Awakened and Enraged) side.",
+ "code": "07313",
+ "doom": 8,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Even this deep beneath the surface of the ocean, you can tell that your time is running short. You feel the pull of the tide as it courses through the water. Every bone in your body quakes. The walls breathe as though alive.",
+ "illustrator": "Brad Rigney",
+ "name": "Celestial Alignment",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 313,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The chanting of the Deep Ones rises to a crescendo. The alien walls of Y'ha-nthlei twist and contort before your eyes, like lungs desperately clawing for breath. The air becomes thin. Water seeps through the walls. Nothing can stop the pull of the tide now. Nothing can stop the great flood. A triumphant roar sounds throughout the city, and the citizens of the deep rise to meet the cry in their jubilance. You collapse in exhaustion and resignation. Your part is over, now. The part of humanity will soon follow.",
+ "back_name": "Into the Maelstrom",
+ "back_text": "(→R8)",
+ "code": "07314",
+ "doom": 10,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The great flood has begun. With the ritual complete, the seas shall overtake the Earth, and there will be nothing left but the primordial ocean and its denizens. You are all that stands in the way of humanity's extinction.",
+ "illustrator": "Brad Rigney",
+ "name": "The Flood",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 314,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "If an [[Ancient One]] enemy is slumbering, flip it to its (Awakened and Enraged) side.\nForced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A maelstrom of currents tugs at your flesh as you cross through the gateway. When you emerge on the other side, you are no longer in the simple tidal caverns beneath Devil Reef, but inside a vast city within the depths: a city of otherworldly, alien architecture and, surprisingly, riches beyond your wildest imagination.",
+ "back_name": "To Y'ha-nthlei",
+ "back_text": "Remove each location other than Gateway to Y'ha-nthlei from the game (or add them to the victory display if they have Victory X and no clues remaining). Discard each card at those locations.\nPut set-aside locations into play as shown in the Campaign Guide, following the \"Act 2 Setup\" instructions. (Note that the number of Y'ha-nthlei locations used and the arrangement of the locations varies depending on the number of investigators in the game.)\nPut the set-aside Hydra enemy into play in the Lair of Hydra, (Deep in Slumber) side faceup.\nPut the set-aside Dagon enemy into play in the Lair of Dagon. Check Campaign Log. If Dagon has awakened, he enters play (Awakened and Enraged) side faceup. If Dagon still slumbers, he enters play (Deep in Slumber) side faceup.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07315",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "errata_date": "2021-06-28",
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Finally you reach the gateway to the final depths: a swirling vortex of otherworldly currents beyond which Y'ha-nthlei, the city of the Deep Ones, waits. Somehow, you must gain entrance...",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Back into the Depths",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 315,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Objective - If each investigator is at Gateway to Y'ha-nthlei and the investigators possess each of the following keys (blue, red, yellow, and green), you may choose to advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The seas part with a roaring torrent. Chill air flows through the corridors of Y'ha-nthlei as it rises. When the stars look down upon its alien, emerald halls, something in the air changes. There is a sound like a snap and the hissing of air being pulled through the vacuum of space. Then, like automobiles lurching to life, the Earth and the Moon begin to move once more.",
+ "back_name": "Shattering the Alignment",
+ "back_text": "Add this card to the victory display.\n- If there is another act card in play, you may choose to either continue playing in order to accomplish the objective on that act card, or proceed immediately to (→R1) without fulfilling that objective.\n- If there are no other act cards in play, proceed to (→R1).\nVictory 2.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07316",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Deep within the city of Y'ha-nthlei, the Deep Ones are performing a ritual that will drown the Earth under the seas. The only way to counteract this ritual is to unveil the depths and expose the city to the sky.",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "City of the Deep (v. I)",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 316,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "[fast] Either remove 1 [per_investigator] damage from an [[Ancient One]] enemy at your location, or investigators at a [[Lair]] location spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Decrease the flood level of any non-[[Sanctum]] location in play\nObjective - Stop the Deep Ones' ritual by draining the city. If each location in play is unflooded, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act",
+ "victory": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The gold and jewels hoarded in the vaults of the Deep Ones are too plentiful to count. There is no doubt in your mind: This is how the creatures - and by proxy, the Esoteric Order of Dagon - were able to manipulate the people of Innsmouth and bring more into their fold. Even a few handfuls of such riches would be enough for one to live comfortably for the rest of their life. You and Agent Harper grab only the most valuable relics you can find, leaving the rest to sink with the remainder of the city. \"We have submarines stationed off the coast. When we're done here, they'll blow this place apart,\" she explains.",
+ "back_name": "Conspiracy Fulfilled",
+ "back_text": "Add this card to the victory display.\n- If there is another act card in play, you may choose to either continue playing in order to accomplish the objective on that act card, or proceed immediately to (→R1) without fulfilling that objective.\n- If there are no other act cards in play, proceed to (→R1).\nVictory 2.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07317",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You've agreed to help Agent Harper complete her mission to find and bring back the vast wealth of Y'ha-nthlei. Who knows what the government will do with such riches...",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "City of the Deep (v. II)",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 317,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Objective - Recover the riches of the Deep Ones. If the Lair of Dagon, the Lair of Hydra, and the Vault of Riches with the purple key have no clues on them, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act",
+ "victory": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "With the deities of the Deep Ones thrashing and howling in pain, sections of the city begin to collapse all around you. Hoping to use this to your advantage, you lure the creatures closer and closer to the vaults where their riches are held. The vast hoards of gold and jewels are no doubt how the creatures - and by proxy, the Esoteric Order of Dagon - were able to manipulate the people of Innsmouth and bring more into their fold. You cannot let that ever happen again. One final blow sends one of the creatures staggering through the wall. The ceiling collapses, and a torrent of seawater follows. You escape just before you are caught inside.",
+ "back_name": "Conspiracy Dismantled",
+ "back_text": "Add this card to the victory display.\n- If there is another act card in play, you may choose to either continue playing in order to accomplish the objective on that act card, or proceed immediately to (→R1) without fulfilling that objective.\n- If there are no other act cards in play, proceed to (→R1).\nVictory 2.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07318",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You refuse to be a pawn in the government's schemes. Even so, you don't wish Agent Harper to come to any harm. You tell her to escape while she can, and she slips away, cursing under her breath. Now you have a new goal - send the riches of Y'ha-nthlei into the depths so they can never again be used against humanity.",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "City of the Deep (v. III)",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 318,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Objective - Collapse the vault containing the Deep Ones' riches. If Dagon and Hydra each have at least 4 [per_investigator] damage on them, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act",
+ "victory": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07319",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Emilio Rodriguez",
+ "name": "Dark Abyss",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 319,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Forced - After Dark Abyss is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on Dark Abyss without looking at it.\nForced - After the last clue is discovered from Dark Abyss: Dark Abyss becomes fully flooded. Increase the flood level of each location connected to Dark Abyss.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"Stupendous and unheard-of splendours await me below, and I shall seek them soon.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_text": "Gateway to Y'ha-nthlei enters play partially flooded (even while it is unrevealed).",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07320",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The gateway to the city of the deep is a roiling vortex of seawater - a portal of currents beyond which lies Y'ha-nthlei, your final destination.",
+ "illustrator": "Sarah Lindstrom",
+ "name": "Gateway to Y'ha-nthlei",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 320,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei. Otherworld.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"We shall swim out to that brooding reef in the sea and dive down through black abysses to Cyclopean and many-columned Y'ha-nthlei...\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Marc Simonetti",
+ "back_name": "Y'ha-nthlei",
+ "back_text": "Y'ha-nthlei enters play partially flooded (even while it is unrevealed).",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07321",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
+ "name": "Sunken Halls",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 321,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "[action] If you control the black key: Place it on Sunken Halls.\nForced - After an enemy enters Sunken Halls, if the black key is on Sunken Halls: Deal 2 damage to that enemy.",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"We shall swim out to that brooding reef in the sea and dive down through black abysses to Cyclopean and many-columned Y'ha-nthlei...\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Marc Simonetti",
+ "back_name": "Y'ha-nthlei",
+ "back_text": "Y'ha-nthlei enters play partially flooded (even while it is unrevealed).",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07322",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Vlad Ricean",
+ "name": "Vault of Riches",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 322,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "[action] If you control the purple key: Place it on Vault of Riches. Then, choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at any location. Automatically evade that enemy and move it to Vault of Riches. That enemy does not ready during the next upkeep phase. (Group limit once per game.)",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"We shall swim out to that brooding reef in the sea and dive down through black abysses to Cyclopean and many-columned Y'ha-nthlei...\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Marc Simonetti",
+ "back_name": "Y'ha-nthlei",
+ "back_text": "Y'ha-nthlei enters play partially flooded (even while it is unrevealed).",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07323",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Lukasz Jaskolski",
+ "name": "Undersea Corridors",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 323,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "shroud": 6,
+ "text": "[action] If you control the white key: Place it on Undersea Corridors.\n[fast] If the white key is on Undersea Corridors: Move. Move to a connecting location. (Limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"... in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
+ "back_name": "Y'ha-nthlei Sanctum",
+ "back_text": "Y'ha-nthlei Sanctum enters play fully flooded (even while it is unrevealed).",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07324",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ben Zweifel",
+ "name": "Statues in the Deep",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 324,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[action] If you control the blue key, place it on this location and investigators here spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Automatically evade each [[Ancient One]] enemy. Unflood this location. For the remainder of the game, this location cannot be flooded. (Group limit once per game.)\nForced - After you fail a skill test while investigating this location: Take 1 damage.",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei. Sanctum.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"... in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
+ "back_name": "Y'ha-nthlei Sanctum",
+ "back_text": "Y'ha-nthlei Sanctum enters play fully flooded (even while it is unrevealed).",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07325",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Submerged Temple",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 325,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
+ "text": "Each [[Deep One]] enemy at this location gets +2 fight.\n[action] If you control the green key, place it on this location and investigators here spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Automatically evade each [[Ancient One]] enemy. Unflood this location. For the remainder of the game, this location cannot be flooded. (Group limit once per game.)",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei. Sanctum.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"... in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
+ "back_name": "Y'ha-nthlei Sanctum",
+ "back_text": "Y'ha-nthlei Sanctum enters play fully flooded (even while it is unrevealed).",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07326",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
+ "name": "Syzygy Chamber",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 326,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "[action] If you control the red key, place it on this location and investigators here spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Automatically evade each [[Ancient One]] enemy. Unflood this location. For the remainder of the game, this location cannot be flooded. (Group limit once per game.)\nForced - After any location's flood value is increased: Each investigator at this location takes 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei. Sanctum.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"... in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "back_illustrator": "Dimitri Bielak",
+ "back_name": "Y'ha-nthlei Sanctum",
+ "back_text": "Y'ha-nthlei Sanctum enters play fully flooded (even while it is unrevealed).",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07327",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Emilio Rodriguez",
+ "name": "Onyx Guardians",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 327,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "During the enemy phase, each ready [[Ancient One]] enemy can attack investigators here as if they were engaged.\n[action] If you control the yellow key, place it on this location and investigators here spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Automatically evade each [[Ancient One]] enemy. Unflood this location. For the remainder of the game, this location cannot be flooded. (Group limit once per game.)",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei. Sanctum.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "As you descend the familiar steps, something tugs at your memories. You've been here before, haven't you?",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "07328",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Daria Khlebnikova",
+ "name": "Lair of Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 328,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 6,
+ "subname": "Sanctuary of Father Dagon",
+ "text": "Lair of Dagon gets -1 shroud for each [[Sanctum]] location with a key on it.\n[fast] Check Campaign Log. If all 7 keys are on locations and the Order's ritual was disrupted: You dig deep into your memories to recall what happened the last time you were here. Read Flashback XIV in the Campaign Guide.",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei. Lair.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Amidst the sound of cascading waterfalls, the deep rumbling of something enormous stirring emanates from below. Each of the thing's breaths resounds throughout the city, shaking the walls, filling your heart with fear, and yet, calling to you.",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "07329",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 24,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Daria Khlebnikova",
+ "name": "Lair of Hydra",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 329,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 6,
+ "subname": "High Temple of Mother Hydra",
+ "text": "Lair of Hydra gets -1 shroud for each [[Sanctum]] location with a key on it.\n[action] Place the black, purple, or white key on this location: Deal 3 damage to an [[Ancient One]] enemy that is not slumbering. (Group limit once per game.)",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei. Lair.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "07330b",
+ "code": "07330a",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 25,
+ "enemy_evade": null,
+ "enemy_fight": null,
+ "errata_date": "2022-08-26",
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": null,
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 330,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Deep in Slumber",
+ "text": "Dagon is slumbering. He cannot attack or engage, and is immune to investigator actions and player card effects.\nForced - At the end of the investigation phase, if an investigator is in Lair of Dagon and Dagon is ready: Place 1 doom on him.\n[action]: Test [willpower] (4). If you succeed, either exhaust Dagon or remove 1 doom from him. If you fail by 3 or more, place 1 doom on him.",
+ "traits": "Ancient One. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07330b",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 25,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 7,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": null,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 330,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Awakened and Enraged",
+ "text": "Hunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nDagon gets -1 fight for each [[Sanctum]] location with a key on it.\nForced - After Dagon is evaded or dealt damage: Do the same to a copy of Dagon's Brood in play, as well.",
+ "traits": "Ancient One. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "07331b",
+ "code": "07331a",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "enemy_evade": null,
+ "enemy_fight": null,
+ "errata_date": "2022-08-26",
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": null,
+ "illustrator": "Matthew Cowdery",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Hydra",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 331,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Deep in Slumber",
+ "text": "Hydra is slumbering. She cannot attack or engage, and is immune to investigator actions and player card effects.\nForced - At the end of the investigation phase, if an investigator is in Lair of Hydra and Hydra is ready: Place 1 doom on her.\n[action]: Test [willpower] (4). If you succeed, either exhaust Hydra or remove 1 doom from her. If you fail by 3 or more, place 1 doom on her.",
+ "traits": "Ancient One. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07331b",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 7,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": null,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Matthew Cowdery",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Hydra",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 331,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Awakened and Enraged",
+ "text": "Hunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nHydra gets -1 fight for each [[Sanctum]] location with a key on it.\nForced - After Hydra is evaded or dealt damage: Do the same to a copy of Hydra's Brood in play, as well.",
+ "traits": "Ancient One. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07332",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 27,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 5,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 7,
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
+ "name": "Aquatic Abomination",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 332,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Hunter.\nWhile Aquatic Abomination is moving, fully flooded locations are considered to be connected to one another.\nAquatic Abomination cannot attack during the same phase it moved via its hunter keyword.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Abomination.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07333",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Daarken",
+ "name": "Dagon's Brood",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 333,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Spawn - Lair of Dagon or Gateway to Y'ha-nthlei (whichever is farther from you).\nHunter.\nForced - After Dagon's Brood engages you, if Dagon is in play: Either place 1 doom on Dagon, or Dagon attacks you.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07334",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 30,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Álvaro Calvo Escudero",
+ "name": "Hydra's Brood",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 334,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Spawn - Lair of Hydra or Gateway to Y'ha-nthlei (whichever is farther from you).\nHunter.\nForced - After Hydra's Brood engages you, if Hydra is in play: Either place 1 doom on Hydra, or Hydra attacks you.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07335",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 32,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Jason Ward",
+ "name": "Treacherous Depths",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 335,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must either (choose one):\n- Increase the flood level of your current location.\n- Discard assets from your play area with a total resource cost of at least X, where X is your location's shroud value.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07336",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 35,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
+ "name": "Conspiracy of Deep Ones",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 336,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - Test [willpower] (2). This test gets +1 difficulty for each [[Sanctum]] location with a key on it. If you fail, you must either place 1 doom on the current agenda (this effect may cause the current agenda to advance), or the nearest [[Ancient One]] enemy in play attacks you.",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07337",
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 37,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "John Gravato",
+ "name": "Thalassophobia",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 337,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - If no investigators are at flooded locations, Thalassophobia gains surge. Otherwise, each investigator at a partially flooded location takes 1 horror, and each investigator at a fully flooded location takes 1 direct horror that cannot be prevented.",
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07338",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "encounter_code": "into_the_maelstrom",
+ "encounter_position": 39,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Angela Sung",
+ "name": "Diving Suit",
+ "pack_code": "itm",
+ "position": 338,
+ "quantity": 4,
+ "sanity": null,
+ "slot": "Body",
+ "text": "You ignore the Forced ability on the current agenda.\nForced - When any amount of damage would be placed on you: Place 1 of that damage on Diving Suit.\nForced - When Diving Suit leaves play: Remove it from the game.",
+ "traits": "Item. Armor.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ }
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/lif.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/lif.json
index dab477358..8383cc4ae 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/lif.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/lif.json
@@ -1,32 +1,205 @@
+ {
+ "code": "07220",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Sara Biddle",
+ "name": "Holy Rosary",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 220,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Accessory",
+ "text": "You get +1 [willpower].\n[reaction] After you succeed at a [willpower] test on a treachery, exhaust Holy Rosary: Add 2 [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.",
+ "traits": "Item. Charm. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
"code": "07221",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Sebastian Luca",
"name": "Shield of Faith",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 221,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal (up to 5 [bless]). If Shield of Faith has no tokens sealed on it, discard it.\n[reaction] When an enemy attacks an investigator at your location, exhaust Shield of Faith and release a chaos token sealed here: Cancel that attack.",
"traits": "Spell. Blessed.",
- "slot": "Arcane"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07222",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "flavor": "\"Those that Hobgoblin call you and sweet Puck,\nYou do their work, and they shall have good luck...\n\"- William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream",
+ "illustrator": "Sarah Lindstrom",
+ "name": "Fey",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 222,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "text": "If a [curse] token is revealed during this skill test, you may return Fey to your hand when this test ends.",
+ "traits": "Innate. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "skill",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07223",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "errata_date": "2021-06-28",
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandre Honoré",
+ "name": "Guided by the Unseen",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 223,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
+ "text": "Uses (4 secrets).\n[fast] During a skill test at your location: The performing investigator may search the top 3 cards of their deck for a card that can be committed to this test. You may spend 1 secret to commit that card. Shuffle the performing investigator's deck. (Limit once per test.)",
+ "traits": "Ritual.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 3
"code": "07224",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "exceptional": true,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Sarah Lindstrom",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "\"Lucky\" Penny",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 224,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Accessory",
"subname": "Omen of Misfortune",
"text": "Exceptional.\nForced - When you reveal a [bless] or [curse] token during a skill test you are performing: Flip a coin. On a heads, treat that token as a [bless] token. On a tails, treat that token as a [curse] token. If you treat a [bless] token as a [curse] token as a result of this effect, draw 1 card.",
"traits": "Item. Charm. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Accessory"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
"code": "07225",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "exceptional": true,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandre Honoré",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Eye of the Djinn",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 225,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"subname": "Vessel of Good and Evil",
"text": "Exceptional.\n[reaction] When you initiate a skill test during your turn, exhaust Eye of the Djinn: Set your base skill value to 5 for this test. If a [bless] token is revealed during this test, ready Eye of the Djinn. If a [curse] token is revealed during this test, you may take an additional action this turn.",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Blessed. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07226",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Imad Awan",
+ "name": "Armageddon",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 226,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
+ "text": "Uses (3 charges).\n[action] Spend 1 charge: Fight. This attack uses [willpower] instead of [combat]. You get +2 [willpower] and deal +1 damage for this attack. For each [curse] token revealed during this attack, you may deal 1 damage to an enemy at your location or place 1 charge on Armageddon.",
+ "traits": "Spell. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07227",
+ "cost": 5,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandre Honoré",
+ "name": "Eye of Chaos",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 227,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
+ "text": "Uses (3 charges).\n[action] Spend 1 charge: Investigate. Investigate using [willpower] instead of [intellect]. You get +2 [willpower] for this test. If you succeed, discover 1 additional clue at this location. For each [curse] token revealed during this investigation, you may discover 1 clue at a connecting location or place 1 charge on Eye of Chaos.",
+ "traits": "Spell. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
"code": "07228",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
"name": "Shroud of Shadows",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 228,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
"text": "Uses (3 charges).\n[action] Spend 1 charge: Evade. This evasion uses [willpower] instead of [agility]. You get +2 [willpower] for this test. If you succeed and the evaded enemy is non-[[Elite]], you may move that enemy to a connecting location. For each [curse] token revealed during this evasion attempt, you may move to a connecting location or place 1 charge on Shroud of Shadows.",
"traits": "Spell. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Arcane"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07229",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Spirit of Humanity",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 229,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
+ "tags": "hd.hh.",
+ "text": "[fast] Exhaust Spirit of Humanity and take 1 damage and 1 horror: Add 2 [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.\n[fast] Exhaust Spirit of Humanity and add 2 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag: Heal 1 damage and 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Ritual. Blessed. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07230",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "flavor": "Even the skeins of fate can be untangled, for a time.",
+ "illustrator": "Adam S. Doyle",
+ "name": "Harmony Restored",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 230,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "text": "Search the chaos bag for X [curse] tokens and return them to the token pool. X is the number of [bless] tokens in the chaos bag. Gain 1 resource for each [curse] token removed in this way.",
+ "traits": "Fortune. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 2
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/lif_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/lif_encounter.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9797391a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/lif_encounter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+ {
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2. If your location is flooded, reveal an additional chaos token.\n[cultist]: -2. If you fail, after this test ends, increase the flood level of your location (if you cannot, take 1 horror instead).\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail this test and your location is flooded, take 2 damage.\n[elder_thing]: -4. Move the nearest unengaged enemy once toward your location. It loses aloof during this movement.",
+ "code": "07231",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "name": "A Light in the Fog",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 231,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -1. If your location is flooded, reveal an additional chaos token.\n[cultist]: -2. If you fail, after this test ends, increase the flood level of your location.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail this test and your location is flooded, take 1 damage.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, move the nearest ready unengaged enemy once toward your location. It loses aloof during this movement.",
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "You don't see the attack coming until it is too late. Just as you round a corner, you are struck across the head and sent reeling. Your ambusher pins you against the wall, his grin full of sharp, jagged teeth. You recognize the repulsive face from your memories.\n\"It's you again,\" Oceiros says with a hint of surprise in his croaking voice. \"So you're the ones who've been snooping around. No matter. Your meddling ends now.\"",
+ "back_name": "Ambushed!",
+ "back_text": "Spawn the set-aside Oceiros Marsh enemy engaged with the lead investigator. Place the set-aside blue key on Oceiros Marsh.\nShuffle each set-aside copy of Worth His Salt into the encounter deck.\nEach investigator loses each of their clues.\nPut the set-aside Lighthouse Basement location into play directly below Lighthouse Stairwell.\nAdvance the act directly to act 2a (do not resolve act 1b).",
+ "code": "07232",
+ "doom": 4,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "A curl of mist wraps the lighthouse in an otherworldy veil. The waves lap at the rocks on the shoreline like hungry, wet tongues. Overhead, the moon gleams unnaturally bright in the sky. You have a curious feeling you are not alone...",
+ "illustrator": "Alex Eckman-Lawn",
+ "name": "Fog on the Bay",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 232,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Locations on the same row are connected to one another.\nForced - When this agenda advances: Move all doom on it to the next agenda.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Suddenly, you are ambushed by more of the repulsive hybrid creatures than you can possibly fend off. Cold, scaled hands grab your arms and pin them behind your back. The next thing you know, a sack is thrown over your head, obscuring your vision. You struggle in vain against your captors, but you are outnumbered and outmatched. \"Take them below,\" a croaking voice commands. \"They must learn the consequences of trespassing on sacred ground.\"",
+ "back_name": "Seized by Deep Ones",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator is captured. Place each of their keys on Holding Cells. If Oceiros Marsh is in play, set him aside, out of play. Shuffle each set-aside copy of Taken Captive into the encounter deck.\nReveal the Lighthouse Basement. Put Sunken Grotto (Lower Depths) into play directly below Sunken Grotto (Upper Depths) and Sunken Grotto (Final Depths) into play directly below Sunken Grotto (Lower Depths). Then, put random set-aside Tidal Tunnel locations into play until there are exactly 4 locations on each row, except for the row with the Lantern Room. (See Campaign Guide for diagram.)\nAdvance the act directly to act 3a (do not resolve act 2b).",
+ "code": "07233",
+ "doom": 7,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The Order knows you’re here. You have little time to spare - you have to find the way into their lair before they mobilize to capture you!",
+ "illustrator": "Alex Eckman-Lawn",
+ "name": "Unchanging as the Sea",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 233,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Locations on the same row are connected to one another.\nForced - When an investigator is captured: Advance this agenda.\nForced - When this agenda advances: Move all doom on it to the next agenda.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Familiar, heavy breathing echoes across the slick rocks of the caverns and the stone walls of the lighthouse. You duck behind some cover as you hear footsteps approaching. Then comes the loud creaking and slamming of a heavy metal door, followed by a telltale click that stops your heart dead. Someone has sealed the exit to the lighthouse above...",
+ "back_name": "Locked In",
+ "back_text": "Search all out-of-play areas for Oceiros Marsh and spawn him in the Sunken Grotto (Upper Depths).\nRemove each [[Falcon Point]] location from the game (or add them to the victory display if they have Victory X and no clues on them). Move each enemy and investigator at those locations to Sunken Grotto (Upper Depths). Each other card at those locations is discarded.\nFind the 4 bottommost locations that can have their flood levels increased. Increase each of their flood levels.",
+ "code": "07234",
+ "doom": 10,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "A wave of cold familiarity washes over you as you see the water level starting to rise throughout the tunnels. The tide is rolling in. If you aren’t quick, there won’t be much left here to investigate. Luckily, you still have a way out should the tide rise too quickly...",
+ "illustrator": "Alex Eckman-Lawn",
+ "name": "The Tide Rises",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 234,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "Locations on the same row are connected to one another.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The tide continues to rise...",
+ "back_name": "Full Tide",
+ "back_text": "Find the 4 bottommost locations that can have their flood levels increased. Increase each of their flood levels. If you cannot, proceed to (→R3). Otherwise, flip this agenda back over and continue playing.",
+ "code": "07235",
+ "doom": 3,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The crash of waves on the shoreline echoes through the porous tunnels underneath the lighthouse. Your pulse pounds in your ears as you struggle to stay ahead of the water.",
+ "illustrator": "Alex Eckman-Lawn",
+ "name": "Terror at Falcon Point",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 235,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 4,
+ "text": "Oceiros Marsh gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nLocations on the same row are connected to one another.\n(Beware - the scenario may not end when this agenda advances, but the tide will continue to rise...)",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "As you tiptoe through the old, timeworn structure, you hear muffled conversation from within the small cottage attached to the lighthouse. You press your ear upon a nearby wall and stand perfectly still, your heart racing.\n\"Find them,\" a deep, croaking voice orders. \"Do not let them reach the grotto. The Order's secrets must be preserved.\"\n\"Yes, Oceiros,\" a few quiet voices reply in unison. You wait until the sound of footsteps has faded before you resume your investigation. It looks like your hunch was right. Oceiros is here!",
+ "back_name": "Eavesdropping on the Enemy",
+ "back_text": "Spawn the set-aside Oceiros Marsh enemy in Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage, exhausted. Place the set-aside blue key on him.\nShuffle each set-aside copy of Worth His Salt into the encounter deck.\nPut the set-aside Lighthouse Basement location into play directly below Lighthouse Stairwell.\nAdvance the agenda directly to agenda 2a (do not resolve agenda 1b).",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "07236",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "All signs point to this lighthouse being a base of operations for the Esoteric Order of Dagon. There’s not much left of Innsmouth to investigate, so this is your best chance to find answers. What exactly is the Order up to? You must find out before they realize you’re here...",
+ "illustrator": "Imad Awan",
+ "name": "The Lighthouse",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 236,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Objective - Spend the requisite number of clues before the agenda advances.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "You use Oceiros's key to open the basement door of the lighthouse, expecting to find a small stone cellar. What you find instead is a network of flooded caverns extending deep into the cliffside of Falcon Point, perhaps even below sea level. You were right to come here - who knows what secrets the Order keeps here, away from prying eyes?",
+ "back_name": "Exploring the Depths",
+ "back_text": "If Oceiros Marsh is in play, add him to the victory display.\nPut Sunken Grotto (Lower Depths) into play directly below Sunken Grotto (Upper Depths) and Sunken Grotto (Final Depths) into play directly below Sunken Grotto (Lower Depths). Then, put random set-aside Tidal Tunnel locations into play until there are exactly 4 locations on each row, except for the row with the Lantern Room. (See Campaign Guide for diagram.)\nShuffle each set-aside copy of Taken Captive into the encounter deck.\nAdvance the agenda directly to agenda 3a (do not resolve agenda 2b).",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07237",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Falcon Point contains many secrets the Order does not wish you to know. Perhaps dealing with Oceiros will open the way.",
+ "illustrator": "Imad Awan",
+ "name": "Finding the Path",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 237,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Objective - If an investigator enters Lighthouse Basement before the agenda advances, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_name": "Bound for Y'ha-nthlei",
+ "back_text": "If at least 1 investigator resigned from the Moon Room:\nThe underwater tunnels seem to go on forever, stretching into murk-ridden eddies. Dark salt water crashes against the glass helmet of your suit. After what feels like an eternity, you burst into the cold evening air, chilled to the bone. You pull the heavy suit off, piece by piece, the moment you reach the shore.
\n(→R1)\nIf each investigator who resigned did so from the Falcon Point Gatehouse:\nYou flee into the lonely woods, panting for air. Somehow, you've escaped the denizens of the deep once more.
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07238",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Deep below the lighthouse is a web of tunnels filled with information pertaining to the Order’s activities. You must learn what you can before escaping.",
+ "illustrator": "Imad Awan",
+ "name": "Worshippers of the Deep",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 238,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "Forced - At the end of the investigation phase: Each investigator at a fully flooded location must either take 3 damage or move to the location directly below their location.\nObjective - If each undefeated investigator has resigned, advance. (Hint - You may wish to find what you came for before you leave this place. The black and red keys represent the objects you need the most.)",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Thick fog obscures your approach as you climb the trail leading to Falcon Point. With any luck, the lighthouse will be abandoned... but luck hasn’t been on your side as of late.",
+ "back_text": "Falcon Point Gatehouse cannot be fully flooded.",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07239",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Adam Bray",
+ "name": "Falcon Point Gatehouse",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 239,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
+ "text": "Falcon Point Gatehouse cannot be fully flooded.\n[action]: Resign. You head back into the woods, leaving the lighthouse and its mysteries behind. If you control the black or red keys, place each one you control on the current act.",
+ "traits": "Falcon Point.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The heavy door leading into the lighthouse is already ajar. Somebody has been here recently...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_text": "Lighthouse Stairwell cannot be fully flooded.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07240",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dual Brush Studios",
+ "name": "Lighthouse Stairwell",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 240,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Lighthouse Stairwell cannot be fully flooded.\n[free] If there are any [[Relic]] story assets currently set aside: Add 1 of them to your hand.",
+ "traits": "Falcon Point.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "At the very top of the stairwell, a narrow wooden door warped by rain damage blocks your way to the lantern room atop the lighthouse.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_text": "Lantern Room cannot be flooded.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07241",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dual Brush Studios",
+ "name": "Lantern Room",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 241,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Lantern Room cannot be flooded.\nForced - After Lantern Room is revealed: Place the set-aside white key on it.",
+ "traits": "Falcon Point.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The sharp cliffside juts over the Innsmouth coast. Dark waves crash against the jagged rocks. A fall from here would certainly be deadly.",
+ "back_text": "Falcon Point Cliffside cannot be fully flooded.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07242",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandre Honoré",
+ "name": "Falcon Point Cliffside",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 242,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
+ "text": "Falcon Point Cliffside cannot be fully flooded.\n[free] If you control the white key: Using the white key, you peer out into the dark, stormy horizon, and something sparks in your memories. Read Flashback XII in the Campaign Guide.",
+ "traits": "Falcon Point.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The cottage next to the lighthouse is in shambles. It’s a wonder the door hasn’t already fallen off its hinges. Beyond, the building’s interior smells of fish and mold.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_text": "Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage cannot be fully flooded.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07243",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Chelyshev",
+ "name": "Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 243,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage cannot be fully flooded.\nForced - After Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage is revealed: Place the set-aside yellow key on it.",
+ "traits": "Falcon Point.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A thick padlock bars your way into what you suspect is a small cellar below the lighthouse.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Lighthouse Basement",
+ "back_text": "The door leading into the basement of the lighthouse is locked tight. You cannot enter this location unless you control the blue key.",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07244",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Well, that's certainly not a cellar.",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
+ "name": "Sunken Grotto",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 244,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "subname": "Upper Depths",
+ "text": "[free] Investigators at this location spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the revealed side of a Tidal Tunnel location on this row.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Rickety wooden stairways cut through the crust of the cliffside, leading deeper underground.",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07245",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
+ "name": "Sunken Grotto",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 245,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "subname": "Lower Depths",
+ "text": "[free] Investigators at this location spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the revealed side of a Tidal Tunnel location on this row.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Rickety wooden stairways cut through the crust of the cliffside, leading deeper underground.",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07246",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
+ "name": "Sunken Grotto",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 246,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "subname": "Final Depths",
+ "text": "[free] Investigators at this location spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the revealed side of a Tidal Tunnel location on this row.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "07247",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
+ "name": "Shrine to Hydra",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 247,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
+ "text": "Clues cannot be discovered from Shrine to Hydra except by investigating.\nWhile an investigator at Shrine to Hydra controls the green key, Shrine to Hydra gets -3 shroud.\nForced - After Shrine to Hydra is revealed: Place the set-aside red key on it.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07248",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Álvaro Calvo Escudero",
+ "name": "Deep One Nursery",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 248,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "[free] If you control the purple key: You compare the purple key to the oversized eggs littering the flooded chamber and recall something. Read Flashback XIII in the Campaign Guide.\nForced - After Deep One Nursery is revealed: Increase its flood level.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07249",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Sarah Lindstrom",
+ "name": "The Moon Room",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 249,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[action] If The Moon Room is unflooded: Resign. You don one of the empty diving suits and dive into the reflecting pool. If you control the black or red keys, place each one you control on the current act.\nForced - After The Moon Room is revealed: Increase its flood level.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07250",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dual Brush Studios",
+ "name": "Sunken Archives",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 250,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Clues cannot be discovered at Sunken Archives while it is flooded.\nForced - After Sunken Archives is revealed: It becomes fully flooded. Place the set-aside black key on it.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07251",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Álvaro Calvo Escudero",
+ "name": "Pump Room",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 251,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[action]: Test [intellect] (2) or [agility] (2). If you succeed, choose two locations. Decrease the flood level of one location and increase the flood level of the other (if you succeed by 2 or more, you may instead choose just one location and decrease its flood level).",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "07252b",
+ "code": "07252",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "name": "Captured!",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 252,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "The first time an investigator is captured, read the following:\nYou are bound and dragged deep underground, then thrown into a sealed prison cell, surrounded on all sides by dripping stone walls. Your cries fall on deaf ears as your captor's footsteps fade into the distance.
\nRemove the captured investigator from their location and return each asset in that investigator's hand slots to their hand.\nTurn that investigator's mini-card sideways to indicate that they have been captured. Captured investigators cannot move, fight, or be engaged.\nFlip this story card over to its \"Holding Cells\" side and put it into play. It is not on any existing row or column, and is only connected to Sunken Grotto locations through its connection icons. Place the captured investigator in Holding Cells.\nFrom now on, whenever an investigator is captured, resolve this same effect (return each asset in their hand slots to their hand, turn their mini-card sideways, and place them in Holding Cells).",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07252b",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
+ "name": "Holding Cells",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 252,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Holding Cells cannot be flooded. \nEnemies cannot enter or spawn at Holding Cells (if one would spawn here, spawn it at any Sunken Grotto instead).\n[action]: Test [combat] (3) to break the bars or [agility] (3) to pick the locks. If you control the yellow key, this test automatically succeeds. If you succeed, free an investigator who is captured here.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07253",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 6,
+ "illustrator": "Apterus",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Oceiros Marsh",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 253,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Keeper of the Lighthouse",
+ "text": "Hunter. Retaliate.\nOceiros Marsh gets +2 evade while his location is flooded.\nForced - After Oceiros Marsh is successfully evaded: For each point you succeeded by, take control of 1 key on him.\nForced - After Oceiros Marsh attacks you during the enemy phase: You are captured. Place each of your keys on Oceiros Marsh.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Deep One. Hybrid. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07254",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 24,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Apterus",
+ "name": "Deep One Nursemaid",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 254,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Aloof. Retaliate.\nWhile Deep One Nursemaid is unengaged, each other [[Deep One]] enemy at its location or connecting locations gets +1 fight and +1 evade.\nForced - After Deep One Nursemaid engages you: Draw the top card of the encounter deck. That card loses surge.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07255",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 1,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Álvaro Calvo Escudero",
+ "name": "Deep One Hatchling",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 255,
+ "quantity": 4,
+ "text": "Surge.\nForced - After you engage Deep One Hatchling: Either lose 1 action or it attacks you.\nForced - After you defeat Deep One Hatchling: Move the nearest ready, unengaged [[Deep One]] enemy once toward your location. That enemy loses aloof during this movement.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07256",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 30,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Álvaro Calvo Escudero",
+ "name": "Hideous Lullaby",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 256,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation - If there are no [[Deep One]] enemies in play, Hideous Lullaby gains surge. Otherwise, find the [[Deep One]] enemy with the highest fight value. Test [willpower] (X), where X is that enemy's fight value. If you fail, take 2 horror.",
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07257",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 33,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
+ "name": "Kiss of Brine",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 257,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [combat] (2). Increase the difficulty of this test by 2 if you are at a flooded location. If you fail, take 1 damage and put Kiss of Brine into play in your threat area.\nYou cannot gain resources or draw cards.\nForced - At the end of the enemy phase: Discard Kiss of Brine.",
+ "traits": "Curse. Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07258",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 35,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Adam S. Doyle",
+ "name": "Totality",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 258,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). If you fail, put Totality into play in your threat area.\nForced - After you enter a flooded location: Take 1 horror.\nForced - At the end of your turn: Discard Totality.",
+ "traits": "Omen. Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07259",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 37,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Jorge Ramos Márquez",
+ "name": "Worth His Salt",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 259,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Attach to Oceiros Marsh, even if he is in the victory display.\nForced - After Oceiros Marsh moves via his hunter keyword, if he is unengaged: Resolve his hunter keyword again. He cannot attack this phase. (Limit once per round.)\nForced - When Oceiros Marsh attacks: This attack deals +1 damage and +1 horror. Discard this card.",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07260",
+ "encounter_code": "a_light_in_the_fog",
+ "encounter_position": 39,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You are hurled into the dark cell and hear the heart‑stopping click of the lock closing behind you.",
+ "illustrator": "Brad Rigney",
+ "name": "Taken Captive",
+ "pack_code": "lif",
+ "position": 260,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (4). If you fail, you are captured; place each of your keys on Holding Cells.",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ }
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/lod.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/lod.json
index 7699ce870..ec79c81b8 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/lod.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/lod.json
@@ -1,35 +1,240 @@
+ {
+ "code": "07261",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Sarah Lindstrom",
+ "name": "Enchant Weapon",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 261,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "text": "Attach to a [[Weapon]] asset controlled by an investigator at your location. Limit 1 per asset.\nAttached asset gains the [[Relic]] trait and takes up an arcane slot in addition to its other slots.\n[reaction] When you perform a Fight action using attached asset, exhaust this card: Add the owner of this card's [willpower] to your [combat] for this attack. This attack deals +1 damage.",
+ "traits": "Spell. Upgrade.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
"code": "07262",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Anna Christenson",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Nephthys",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 262,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Ally",
"subname": "Huntress of Bast",
"text": "You get +1 [willpower].\n[reaction] When 1 or more [bless] tokens would be removed from the chaos bag during a skill test: Seal them on Nephthys, instead.\n[free] Exhaust Nephthys: Either release 3 [bless] tokens sealed on her, or return 3 [bless] tokens sealed on her to the token pool to deal 2 damage to an enemy at your location.",
"traits": "Ally. Blessed.",
- "slot": "Ally"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
"code": "07263",
+ "cost": 10,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Sara Biddle",
"name": "The Stygian Eye",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 263,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 3,
"text": "Fast. Play only during your turn.\nReduce the cost to play The Stygian Eye by 1 for each [curse] token in the chaos bag.\nUntil the end of the round, you get +3 to each of your skills.",
- "traits": "Insight. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Insight. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 3
"code": "07264",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Aurore Folny",
"name": "Hyperawareness",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 264,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
"text": "Uses (2 resources). Replenish these resources at the start of each round.\n[free] Spend 1 resource from your resource pool or from Hyperawareness: You get +1 [intellect] or +1 [agility] for this skill test.",
- "traits": "Talent."
+ "traits": "Talent.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07265",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "exceptional": true,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Geas",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 265,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Exceptional.\nYou get +1 [willpower], +1 [intellect], +1 [combat], and +1 [agility].\nForced - After Geas enters play: Make a promise using the following formula - \"I shall not (draw/play/commit) any cards during each of my turns.\" If you break this promise while Geas is in play, discard it and add 10 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag.",
+ "traits": "Pact.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07266",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Magali Villeneuve",
+ "name": "Hard Knocks",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 266,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "text": "Uses (2 resources). Replenish these resources at the start of each round.\n[free] Spend 1 resource from your resource pool or from Hard Knocks: You get +1 [combat] or +1 [agility] for this skill test.",
+ "traits": "Talent.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07267",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "exceptional": false,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Aurore Folny",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Ikiaq",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 267,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Ally",
+ "subname": "The Council's Chosen",
+ "text": "You get +1 [willpower] and +1 [intellect]. You get -1 [willpower] and -1 [intellect] for each weakness beneath Ikiaq.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location draws a basic weakness, exhaust Ikiaq: Cancel that weakness's effects and place it facedown beneath Ikiaq. Its owner must draw it if Ikiaq leaves play.",
+ "traits": "Ally. Sorcerer.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 3
"code": "07268",
+ "cost": -2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "exceptional": true,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Flute of the Outer Gods",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 268,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Exceptional. Seal (up to X [curse]).\n[action] Exhaust Flute of the Outer Gods and release 1 [curse] token sealed on it: Choose a non-[[Elite]] enemy at your location. Either move the chosen enemy to a connecting location, or deal its damage to any enemy at its location. This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity.",
"traits": "Item. Instrument. Relic. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07269",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "name": "A Watchful Peace",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 269,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "text": "As an additional cost to play A Watchful Peace, search the chaos bag and/or cards in play for a total of 5 [bless] tokens and return them to the token pool.\nFast. Play when the \"draw encounter cards\" step of the mythos phase would begin. Skip this step of the mythos phase.",
+ "traits": "Spirit. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07270",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "David Gaillet",
+ "name": "Dig Deep",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 270,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "text": "Uses (2 resources). Replenish these resources at the start of each round.\n[free] Spend 1 resource from your resource pool or from Dig Deep: You get +1 [willpower] or +1 [agility] for this skill test.",
+ "traits": "Talent.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
"code": "07271",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Maricela Ugarte",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Favor of the Moon",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 271,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Fast. Seal (up to 3 [curse]). If there are no tokens sealed on Favor of the Moon, discard it.\n[reaction] When you would reveal a chaos token from the chaos bag, exhaust Favor of the Moon: Resolve a token sealed here instead, as if it were just revealed from the chaos bag. Then, gain 1 resource.",
- "traits": "Pact. Cursed"
+ "traits": "Pact. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07272",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Maricela Ugarte",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Favor of the Sun",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 272,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "tags": "se.",
+ "text": "Fast. Seal (up to 3 [bless]). If there are no tokens sealed on Favor of the Sun, discard it.\n[reaction] When you would reveal a chaos token from the chaos bag, exhaust Favor of the Sun: Resolve a token sealed here instead, as if it were just revealed from the chaos bag.",
+ "traits": "Pact. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07273",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Purifying Corruption",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 273,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "tags": "hd.hh.",
+ "text": "[reaction] When you draw a non-weakness treachery, take 1 damage and 1 horror: Cancel that card's revelation effect and place 1 resource on this card, as corruption. If this card has 3 or more corruption, remove it from the game.\n[fast] Draw the top card of the encounter deck: Either heal 1 damage and 1 horror, or remove 1 corruption from this card.",
+ "traits": "Ritual. Blessed. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 4
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90b3215cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/lod_encounter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+ {
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2 for each key on this card.\n[cultist]: -2. Reveal an additional chaos token. If you reveal 1 or more [curse] tokens during this test, you automatically fail.\n[tablet]: -3. Place each key you control on your location and take 1 damage.\n[elder_thing]: -4. Add 2 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag.",
+ "code": "07274",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "name": "The Lair of Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 274,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -1 for each key on this card.\n[cultist]: 0. Reveal an additional chaos token. If you reveal 1 or more [curse] tokens during this test, you automatically fail.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, place each key you control on your location.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag.",
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "In a flooded hall of the Order, you come across an onyx statue depicting a creature similar to the ones you saw in Devil Reef. Just as you are pondering the nature of its existence, you hear faint chanting up ahead: \"Y'ha-nthlei! Y'ha-nthlei!\" Before you can interpret the strange syllables, there is a splash behind you. You hide and hold your breath as the figures approach. The gentle sloshing of their steps passes and fades into the distance. You shadow the figures, following them to the site of their ritual...",
+ "back_name": "Encounter in the Deep",
+ "back_text": "Add 2 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag. Check Campaign Log.\n- If a jailbreak is listed under \"Memories Recovered\" in your Campaign Log, spawn the set-aside [[Suspect]] enemy at a [[Third Floor]] location, or at the Grand Entryway if a [[Third Floor]] location is not in play (ignoring that enemy's revelation ability). Place the set-aside blue key on that enemy.\n- Otherwise, the lead investigator searches the encounter deck for a [[Cultist]] enemy and spawns it in a connecting location. Shuffle the encounter deck.",
+ "code": "07275",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The interior of the old masonic hall is eerily quiet, aside from the distant plink of dripping water and the creaking of the building under the weight of your feet. You get the feeling that your arrival may have been expected.",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "The Initiation (v. I)",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 275,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "In a flooded hall of the Order, you come across an onyx statue depicting a creature similar to the ones you saw in Devil Reef. Just as you are pondering the nature of its existence, you hear faint chanting up ahead: \"Y'ha-nthlei! Y'ha-nthlei!\" Before you can interpret the strange syllables, there is a splash behind you. You retreat as the figures approach, hoping to evade them. Their muffled chanting reaches a crescendo when, suddenly, all goes quiet.",
+ "back_name": "Encounter in the Deep",
+ "back_text": "Remove 2 [curse] tokens from the chaos bag. Check Campaign Log.\n- If a jailbreak is listed under \"Memories Recovered\" in your Campaign Log, spawn the set-aside [[Suspect]] enemy at a [[Third Floor]] location, or at the Grand Entryway if a [[Third Floor]] location is not in play (ignoring that enemy's revelation ability). That enemy enters play exhausted.\n- Otherwise, nothing else happens.",
+ "code": "07276",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The interior of the old masonic hall is eerily quiet, aside from the distant plink of dripping water and the creaking of the building under the weight of your feet. You get the feeling that your arrival may have been expected.",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "The Initiation (v. II)",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 276,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The silence that pervades the building retreats as sinister chanting rises from the depths, each uncanny syllable a reminder of the Order's inhuman origins. What was once the rhythmic drip, drip, drip of trickling water is now a distant, resounding roar of rushing floodwater. But there is also something else. The rumbling of something enormous, something that stirs under the bedrock...",
+ "back_name": "Cursed Luck",
+ "back_text": "Add 4 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag.",
+ "code": "07277",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"Glancing up at the window I had left, I observed it was still dark, though far across the crumbling chimneys to the north I could see lights ominously blazing in the Order of Dagon Hall...\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "What Lurks Below (v. I)",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 277,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Hearing footsteps up ahead, you press yourself against a nearby wall, fearing the worst. You and your would-be ambusher leap out at the same time, brandishing your weapons... then immediately withdraw once you recognize one another.\n\"Oh, it's you,\" Dawson says, holstering his handgun. \"I've searched that entire wing,\" he says, motioning to the hall he came from. \"Found this, but not much else.\" He offers the key in his possession, then pulls out his flashlight and takes the lead. \"Might as well stick together from here on out.\"",
+ "back_name": "Dawson Returns",
+ "back_text": "Remove 4 [curse] tokens from the chaos bag.\nChoose an investigator to take control of the set-aside Thomas Dawson story asset. For the remainder of this scenario, Thomas Dawson does not take up an ally slot. That investigator may also take control of 1 spent key on the scenario reference card.",
+ "code": "07278",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"Glancing up at the window I had left, I observed it was still dark, though far across the crumbling chimneys to the north I could see lights ominously blazing in the Order of Dagon Hall...\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "What Lurks Below (v. II)",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 278,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Suddenly, a tremendous sound thunders through the building, like a furious explosion and the resonance of a booming voice all at once. At first you think the building must be collapsing. You take cover and lift your arms above your head to shield yourself from falling rubble, but no debris strikes you. Instead, it is an echoing roar that brings you to your knees and forces the air out of your lungs. Your eardrums threaten to shatter as the sound grows louder and louder. Darkness creeps into your vision until it swallows your memories whole.",
+ "back_name": "An Awakening",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator who has not resigned is defeated and suffers 1 mental trauma.\nIn your Campaign Log, record Dagon has awakened.\n(→R1)",
+ "code": "07279",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The building rumbles to its foundations. Something sinister is happening deep below the halls of the Order of Dagon. If you don't stop it, who knows what may be unleashed?",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "The Ritual Advances",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 279,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Each of the Order's chambers are devoted to an aspect of their grand scheme - the secret that lies at the foundation of the Order, the poison that dwells in the roots of Innsmouth - but whatever that secret is, it is just beyond your grasp. At least, until the moment you discover the truth behind the building itself: It is nothing but a cover for the Order's true headquarters. As you unlock the pathway that leads into the cavernous depths beneath the building, you wonder what secrets could possibly dwell below...",
+ "back_name": "Secrecy",
+ "back_text": "If a [[Suspect]] enemy is in play, remove it from the game.\nRemove each location other than Grand Entryway from the game (or add them to the victory display if they have Victory X and no clues on them), discarding each card at those locations.\nShuffle the set-aside Tidal Tunnel locations and put each of them into play.\nIncrease the flood level of each location.\nShuffle each set-aside Syzygy and Tidal Alignment card into the encounter deck, along with the encounter discard pile.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07280",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"We all hed to take the Oath o' Dagon, an' later on they was secon' an' third Oaths that some of us took.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "name": "The First Oath",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 280,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Each [[Suspect]] enemy gets +1 [per_investigator] health, loses aloof, and cannot be parleyed with.\n[fast] Spend the blue, red, white, or yellow key: Discard each [[Obstacle]] card attached to your location.\nObjective - If each surviving investigator is at Grand Entryway and the investigators have \"unlocked the entrance to the caves,\" advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The more you explore the caverns, the more alien and inhuman the architecture becomes. Soon, it feels like you have crossed the threshold of another world entirely. It is reminiscent of the ruins you saw beneath Devil Reef, but those depths are miles from here... right? Or is this network of caves so vast, it spans the entirety of Innsmouth?\nSoon you come upon a grand set of doors in the center of the web of gilded corridors. Many other paths stem from this hall, but it is this door - and the strange, heavy breathing that thrums throughout the walls and the floor - that calls to you...",
+ "back_name": "Loyalty",
+ "back_text": "Put the set-aside Lair of Dagon location into play, fully flooded.\nPut the set-aside Dagon enemy into play at Lair of Dagon, (Deep in Slumber) side faceup.\nCheck the current agenda.\n- If it is agenda 1a, add 10 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag.\n- If it is agenda 2a, add 5 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07281",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You descend into the caverns beneath the Order of Dagon's headquarters, unaware of the horrific fate that awaits you in the depths.",
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "name": "The Second Oath",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 281,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Each [[Suspect]] enemy gets +1 [per_investigator] health, loses aloof, and cannot be parleyed with.\n[fast] Spend the blue, red, white, or yellow key: Discard each [[Obstacle]] card attached to your location.\nObjective - If an investigator has \"unlocked the final depths,\" advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A sudden stillness permeates the chamber. The only sound you hear is the gentle rippling of the reflecting pool inside the cult's hidden lair, and the pounding of your own heart in your chest as you struggle to understand what you have seen. Whatever ritual the Order was performing has been disrupted by your hand, but Agent Dawson does not look relieved. \"Okay. Okay. Right,\" he says through choked breaths. His hands shake as he lowers his weapon. \"Come on, quickly. We have another task to perform.\" Another task? You have no idea what Dawson is talking about. He notices your confusion and shakes his head. \"No time to explain. Follow me.\" Then a fuzzy darkness overtakes your memories...",
+ "back_name": "Rebirth",
+ "back_text": "In your Campaign Log, record the Order's ritual was disrupted.\n- If Dagon (Deep in Slumber) is in play, in your Campaign Log, record Dagon still slumbers.\n- If Dagon (Awakened and Enraged) is in play or in the victory display, in your Campaign Log, record Dagon has awakened.\n(→R1)",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "07282",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The Order's final secret lies just beyond this door. The entity to which the Order's service is pledged. The creature that holds them in its clutches. The conspiracy's beating heart.",
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "name": "The Third Oath",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 282,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "Each [[Suspect]] enemy gets +1 [per_investigator] health, loses aloof, and cannot be parleyed with.\n[fast] Spend the blue, red, white, or yellow key: Discard each [[Obstacle]] card attached to your location.\nObjective - Disrupt the Order's ritual by placing clues on this act. If there are 3 [per_investigator] clues on this act, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The lobby is full of old wealth hidden under layers of decrepitude. Two cracked statues flank the entrance, behind which loom two sets of wooden stairs leading up to the second floor. Two more doors hide under the stairways to your left and right, and a final locked door stands at the end of the hall.",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07283",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Emilio Rodriguez",
+ "name": "Grand Entryway",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 283,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
+ "text": "Grand Entryway is connected to each [[Cave]] location, and vice versa.\n[action] Resign. You've had enough of this place.\n[action] Investigators at the Grand Entryway spend the purple key and 3 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Remember that you have \"unlocked the entrance to the caves\".",
+ "traits": "Ground Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A foul stench emanates from behind the crooked door beneath the staircase.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "First Floor Hall",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07284",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dual Brush Studios",
+ "name": "Hall of Blood",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 284,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Forced - After Hall of Blood is revealed: Place the set-aside red key on it.\nForced - After you fail a skill test while investigating Hall of Blood: Take 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Ground Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A foul stench emanates from behind the crooked door beneath the staircase.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "First Floor Hall",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07285",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
+ "name": "Hall of the Deep",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 285,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[action] Spend the red key: There is an audible click as the crest of blood fits into the stone altar. Put the set-aside Y'ha-nthlei Statue story asset into play under your control, [[Cursed]] side faceup.\nForced - After Hall of the Deep is revealed: Increase its flood level.",
+ "traits": "Ground Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Behind the door to the hall, muffled footsteps fade into the distance. Is there someone here?",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_traits": "Second Floor.",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "07286",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "This might have been an opulent hall, once. Now it reeks of mold and decay.",
+ "illustrator": "Lukasz Jaskolski",
+ "name": "Foul Corridors",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 286,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "[action] Spend the black key: Remember that you have \"unlocked the third floor.\"",
+ "traits": "Second Floor. Passageway.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Muffled chanting fills the corridor from behind one of the two doors on the second floor. The reverberation of sound throughout the hall makes it difficult to determine which.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Second Floor Hall",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07287",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Dual Brush Studios",
+ "name": "Hall of Loyalty",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 287,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "[fast] Spend the blue, red, white, or yellow key: Choose 3 of the following - \n- Heal 1 damage.\n- Draw 2 cards.\n- Gain 3 resources.\n- Add 4 [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.",
+ "traits": "Second Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Muffled chanting fills the corridor from behind one of the two doors on the second floor. The reverberation of sound throughout the hall makes it difficult to determine which.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Second Floor Hall",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
+ "code": "07288",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"Offer yourself to Mother Hydra and Father Dagon and be born anew!\" the whispers propose.",
+ "illustrator": "Sarah Lindstrom",
+ "name": "Hall of Rebirth",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 288,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Forced - After you reveal Hall of Rebirth: Draw the set-aside Apostle of Dagon enemy.",
+ "traits": "Second Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A circular indentation on the door at the top of the staircase suggests that something must be placed here in order to open the way forward.",
+ "back_illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
+ "back_name": "Third Floor Hall",
+ "back_text": "Investigators cannot move to Third Floor Hall unless an investigator has \"unlocked the third floor.\"",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "07289",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ed Mattinian",
+ "name": "Hall of Silence",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 289,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Forced - After Hall of Silence is revealed: Place the set-aside purple key on it.\nForced - After an investigator at this location fails a skill test: Add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag.",
+ "traits": "Third Floor.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
+ "code": "07290",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Greg Bobrowski",
+ "name": "Doorway to the Depths",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 290,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
+ "text": " - After Doorway to the Depths is revealed: Place the set-aside green key on the location with the most clues.\n[action] Investigators at the Doorway to the Depths spend the green key and 3 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Remember that you have \"unlocked the final depths\".",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The steep, twisting stairway beyond the doorway leads you deeper and deeper into the caverns below the building. Effigies depicting aquatic monstrosities watch you from both sides as you descend into a realm of alien architecture and otherworldly riches.",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "07291",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Daria Khlebnikova",
+ "name": "Lair of Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 291,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Forced - After you enter Lair of Dagon: Test your lowest skill (3). If you fail, take 1 horror.\n[action]: Test [willpower] (3) or [agility] (3). If you succeed, place 1 of your clues on the current act. You may spend 1 key to place 1 more of your clues on the current act.",
+ "traits": "Y'ha-nthlei. Lair.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07292a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "enemy_evade": null,
+ "enemy_fight": null,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": null,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 292,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Deep in Slumber",
+ "text": "Dagon is slumbering. He cannot attack or engage, and is immune to investigator actions and player card effects.\nForced - After an investigator at this location fails a skill test: Place 1 resource on Dagon. Then, if there are at least 1 [per_investigator] +2 resources on Dagon, flip him.\n[action] Spend 1 key: Remove 1 resource from Dagon.",
+ "traits": "Ancient One. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "07292a",
+ "code": "07292b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 6,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Stanislav Dikolenko",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 292,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Awakened and Enraged",
+ "text": "Massive.\nDagon gets +6 [per_investigator] health.\nForced - After an investigator at this location fails a skill test: Ready Dagon. Dagon attacks that investigator.",
+ "traits": "Ancient One. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07293",
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "name": "Apostle of Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 293,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Apostle of Dagon gets +1 [per_investigator] health.\nForced - After Apostle of Dagon enters play: Place the set-aside black key on it.\nForced - When an investigator deals 1 or more damage to Apostle of Dagon: Add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Hybrid. Cultist.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07294",
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Marissa Rivera",
+ "name": "Cerenerian Deep One",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 294,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Prey - Lowest [willpower].\nHunter.\nForced - After Cerenerian Deep One engages you: Add 2 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07295",
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Jeff Himmelman",
+ "name": "Fulfill the Oaths",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 295,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation - If it is...\n- ... act 1, test [agility] (3).\n- ... act 2, test [agility] (3), then [combat] (2).\n- ... act 3, test [agility] (3), then [combat] (2), then [intellect] (2).\nFor each of these skill tests you fail, take 1 damage.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07296",
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Cristi Balanescu",
+ "name": "Secret Gathering",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 296,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag. Test [willpower] (4). If you fail, place 1 doom on each [[Cultist]] enemy and take 1 horror (2 horror instead if 1 or more [curse] tokens were revealed during this test).",
+ "traits": "Hex.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07297",
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "John Moriarty",
+ "name": "Esoteric Ritual",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 297,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (4). If you fail, choose and discard 2 cards from your hand or discard an asset you control (if 1 or more [curse] tokens were revealed during this test, do both instead).",
+ "traits": "Hex.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07298",
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 31,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Derek D. Edgell",
+ "name": "Heralds of the Deep",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 298,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3) (5 instead if your location is flooded). For each point you fail by, add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag (if you cannot, Heralds of the Deep gains surge).",
+ "traits": "Curse.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07299",
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 34,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Andreas Zafiratos",
+ "name": "Stone Barrier",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 299,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Attach to the nearest location without a Stone Barrier attached. If attached location is flooded, Stone Barrier gains surge.\nWhile Stone Barrier is ready, investigators cannot move out of attached location.\n[action]: Test [agility] (1), [combat] (2), or [intellect] (3). If you succeed, exhaust Stone Barrier.",
+ "traits": "Obstacle.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "07300",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 36,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Mathias Kollros",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Y'ha-nthlei Statue",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 300,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Mysterious Relic",
+ "text": "[fast] Exhaust Y'ha-nthlei Statue and add 2 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag: Deal 1 damage to a [[Humanoid]] enemy at your location.\n[action] Spend the blue, white, red, or yellow key: Ready Y'ha-nthlei Statue and flip it to its other side.",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "07300",
+ "code": "07300b",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "the_lair_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 36,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Mathias Kollros",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "name": "Y'ha-nthlei Statue",
+ "pack_code": "lod",
+ "position": 300,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Dynamic Relic",
+ "text": "[fast] Exhaust Y'ha-nthlei Statue: Deal 1 damage to a [[Humanoid]] enemy at your location.\n[fast] Exhaust Y'ha-nthlei Statue: Remove 2 [curse] tokens from the chaos bag and replace them with an equal number of [bless] tokens.",
+ "traits": "Item. Relic. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ }
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json
index a9cd009cc..e20a5651e 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic.json
@@ -1,276 +1,761 @@
+ "back_flavor": "The more Sister Mary learns of the strange and arcane forces that sometimes manifest in this world, the more certain she is that she has been set upon a path to ward off these forces and protect the innocent wherever possible. Armed only with the trappings of her church and an unshakable faith, Sister Mary seeks out every supernatural threat she hears of through her fellow priests and nuns. Other members of her church may dismiss such things as medieval nonsense, but Sister Mary knows the real evils that exist in the shadows - and she knows that if such evils are left unchecked, they will bring ruin and horror to all of creation.",
+ "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Guardian cards ([guardian]) level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, Mystic cards ([mystic]) level 0-2.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Guardian Angel, Crisis of Faith, 1 random basic weakness.",
"code": "07001",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": ["guardian", "neutral"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 5 }
+ },
+ { "faction": ["mystic"], "level": { "min": 0, "max": 2 } }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": "size:30, card:07006, card:07007, random:subtype:basicweakness",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
"flavor": "\"The Lord watches over my path. I am armored in faith.\"",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Cristi Balanescu",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Sister Mary",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 1,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 9,
+ "skill_agility": 3,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 3,
+ "skill_willpower": 4,
"subname": "The Nun",
"text": "During setup, add 2 [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.\n[reaction] When the round ends: Add 1 [bless] token to the chaos bag.\n[elder_sign] effect: +1. If you succeed, add 1 [bless] token to the chaos bag.",
"traits": "Believer. Blessed.",
- "back_flavor": "The more Sister Mary learns of the strange and arcane forces that sometimes manifest in this world, the more certain she is that she has been set upon a path to ward off these forces and protect the innocent wherever possible. Armed only with the trappings of her church and an unshakeable faith, Sister Mary seeks out every supernatural threat she hears of through her fellow priests and nuns. Other members of her church may dismiss such things as medieval nonsense, but Sister Mary knows the real evils that exist in the shadows - and she knows that if such evils are left untouched, they will bring ruin and horror to all of creation.",
- "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Guardian cards ([guardian]) level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, Mystic cards ([mystic]) level 0-2.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Guardian Angel, Crisis of Faith, 1 random basic weakness."
+ "type_code": "investigator"
+ "back_flavor": "Amanda Sharpe was on track to become one of Miskatonic University's most accomplished graduates. However, ever since she saw a strange painting of an enormous creature's emergence from the depths of the ocean, her classwork has suffered. Her dreams are overwhelmed by images of a vast submerged city and whispers in a language she does not understand. She remains dedicated to her studies, but her goal is no longer to graduate at the top of her class; rather, she seeks to discover the meaning behind the occult secrets concealed between the lines of reality.",
+ "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Seeker cards ([seeker]) level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, [[Practiced]] skills level 0-3.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Obscure Studies, Whispers from the Deep, 1 random basic weakness.",
"code": "07002",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": ["seeker", "neutral"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ "trait": ["practiced"],
+ "type": ["skill"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 3 }
+ }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": "size:30, card:07008, card:07009, random:subtype:basicweakness",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "errata_date": "2020-10-15",
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "health": 7,
+ "illustrator": "Cristi Balanescu",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Amanda Sharpe",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 2,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 7,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
"subname": "The Student",
- "text": "Forced - At the start of the investigation phase: Draw 1 card. Discard the card beneath Amanda Sharpe. Choose a card from your hand and place it beneath her.\n[reaction] At the start of a skill test you are performing: Commit the card beneath Amanda Sharpe, if able. Do not discard it when the test ends.\n[elder_sign] effect: +0. For this test, you may double the number of skill icons on the card beneath Amanda Sharpe.",
- "traits": "Miskatonic. Scholar",
- "back_flavor": "Amanda Sharpe was on track to become one of Miskatonic University's most accomplished graduates. However, ever since she saw a strange painting on an enormous creature's emergence from the depths of the ocean, her classwork has suffered. Her dreams are overwhelmed by images of a vast submerged city and whispers in a language she does not understand. She remains dedicated to her studies, but her goal is no longer to graduate at the top of her class; rather, she seeks to discover the meaning behind the occult secrets concealed between the lines of reality.",
- "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Seeker cards ([seeker]) level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, [[Practiced]] skills level 0-3.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Obscure Studies, Whispers from the Deep, 1 random basic weakness."
+ "text": "Forced - At the start of the investigation phase: Draw 1 card. Discard the card beneath Amanda Sharpe. Choose a card from your hand and place it beneath her.\nForced - At the start of a skill test you are performing: Commit the card beneath Amanda Sharpe, if able. Do not discard it when the test ends.\n[elder_sign] effect: +0. For this test, you may double the number of skill icons on the card beneath Amanda Sharpe.",
+ "traits": "Miskatonic. Scholar.",
+ "type_code": "investigator"
+ "back_flavor": "Trish had always excelled in both body and mind, her unwavering focus on excellence and her fearless disposition a winning combination. Given her stellar academic and athletic records, everyone expected to see her become something great. Instead, Trish took a job at a commercial code company. The initial shock of her humble work eventually wore off, and the exceptional Trish Scarborough faded into obscurity. This suited Trish just fine, as it made it harder for anyone to realize the truth: her job was a cover for her true work as a spy with the Black Chamber, the Bureau's code-breaking agency.",
+ "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Rogue cards ([rogue]) level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, Seeker cards ([seeker]) level 0-2.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): In the Shadows, Shadow Agents, 1 random basic weakness.",
"code": "07003",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": ["rogue", "neutral"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 5 }
+ },
+ { "faction": ["seeker"], "level": { "min": 0, "max": 2 } }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": "size:30, card:07010, card:07011, random:subtype:basicweakness",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "health": 8,
+ "illustrator": "Magali Villeneuve",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Trish Scarborough",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 3,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 6,
+ "skill_agility": 4,
+ "skill_intellect": 4,
+ "skill_combat": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
"subname": "The Spy",
"text": "[reaction] After you discover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy. (Limit once per round.)\n[elder_sign] effect: +2. If this is an investigation, you may choose any revealed location; you are now investigating as if you were at that location instead.",
"traits": "Agency. Detective.",
- "back_flavor": "Trish had always excelled in both body and mind, her unwavering focus on excellence and her fearless disposition a winning combination. Given her stellar academic and athletic records, everyone expected to see her become something great. Instead, Trish took a job at a commercial code company. The initial shock of her humble work eventually wore off, and the exceptional Trish Scarborough faded into obscurity. This suited Trish just fine, as it made it harder for anyone to realize the truth: her job was a cover for her true work as a spy with the Black Chamber, the Bureau's code-breaking agency.",
- "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Rogue cards ([rogue]) level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, Seeker cards ([seeker]) level 0-2.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): In the Shadows, Shadow Agents, 1 random basic weakness."
+ "type_code": "investigator"
+ "back_flavor": "Dexter Drake returned from the Great War to become a successful magician, enthralling audiences with his elaborate illusions and cunning stage tricks. Despite his meteoric success, Dexter longed to discover true magic. He was intrigued by the burnt and torn scraps of occult writing he had found during the war - fragments of the infamous Necronomicon. Dexter used his wealth to search for the truth about this ancient lore, and what he found horrified him. He knows that he may well be the only person with the ability to stop evil from swallowing the entire world.",
+ "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Mystic cards ([mystic]) level 0-5, Rogue cards ([rogue]) level 0-2, Neutral cards level 0-5.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Showmanship, Occult Scraps, 1 random basic weakness.",
"code": "07004",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": ["mystic", "neutral"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 5 }
+ },
+ { "faction": ["rogue"], "level": { "min": 0, "max": 2 } }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": "size:30, card:07012:98017, card:07013:98018, random:subtype:basicweakness",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
"flavor": "\"Do you want to see true magic?\"",
+ "health": 6,
+ "illustrator": "Tony Foti",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Dexter Drake",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 4,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 8,
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 3,
+ "skill_willpower": 5,
"subname": "The Magician",
"text": "[free] During your turn, discard an asset you control: Play an asset with a different title from your hand, reducing its cost by 1. (Limit once per round.)\n[elder_sign] effect: +2. You may return an asset from your play area to your hand. Then, draw 1 card.",
"traits": "Sorcerer. Veteran.",
- "back_flavor": "Dexter Drake returned from the Great War to become a successful magician, enthralling audiences with his elaborate illusions and cunning stage tricks. Despite his meteoric success, Dexter longed to discover true magic. He was intrigued by the burnt and torn scraps of occult writing he had found during the war - fragments of the infamous Necronomicon. Dexter used his wealth to search for the truth about this ancient lore, and what he found horrified him. He knows that he may well be the only person with the ability to stop evil from swallowing the entire world.",
- "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Mystic cards ([mystic]) level 0-5, Rogue cards ([rogue]) level 0-2, Neutral cards level 0-5.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Showmanship, Occult Scraps, 1 random basic weakness."
+ "type_code": "investigator"
- "code": "07005",
- "flavor": "«Оставьте свои страхи на суше, парни».",
- "name": "Сайлас Марш",
- "subname": "Моряк",
- "text": "[reaction] После того как при проверке, которую вы проходите, вытянут жетон хаоса: Верните на руку 1 карту навыка, добавленную вами к этой проверке. (Не чаще 1 раза в раунд.)\n[elder_sign] +0. Можете добавить к этой проверке карту навыка из вашего сброса. После этой проверки верните этот навык себе на руку, вместо того чтобы сбрасывать.",
- "traits": "Скиталец.",
"back_flavor": "Silas Marsh has loved the sea ever since he was old enough to toddle through its briny shallows. Becoming a sailor was the easiest decision he ever made, and his sturdy frame and excellent sense for the weather have given him a good reputation aboard any vessel. There is only one thing troubling Silas: over and over again, he dreams of unsettling cities hidden beneath the waves and inhabited by bizarre creatures. These dreams call to him, stirring something deep within him that he thought he had left behind in his hometown of Innsmouth.",
- "back_text": "Размер колоды: 30.\nВозможные карты: карты Выжившего ([survivor]) уровня 0-5, нейтральные карты уровня 0-5, [[врождённые]] навыки уровня 0-2.\nОбязательные карты (не идут в счёт размера колоды): «Гарпун с „Ветра перемен“», «Сеть Сайласа», «Зов моря», 1 случайная базовая слабость."
+ "back_text": "Deck Size: 30.\nDeckbuilding Options: Survivor cards ([survivor]) level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, [[Innate]] skills level 0-2.\nDeckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Sea Change Harpoon, Silas's Net, Siren Call, 1 random basic weakness.",
+ "code": "07005",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "deck_options": [
+ {
+ "faction": ["survivor", "neutral"],
+ "level": { "min": 0, "max": 5 }
+ },
+ { "trait": ["innate"], "level": { "min": 0, "max": 2 } }
+ ],
+ "deck_requirements": "size:30, card:07014:98014, card:07015:98014, card:07016:98015, random:subtype:basicweakness",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "flavor": "\"Leave your fears on the docks, lads.\"",
+ "health": 9,
+ "illustrator": "Magali Villeneuve",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Silas Marsh",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 5,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 5,
+ "skill_agility": 4,
+ "skill_intellect": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 4,
+ "skill_willpower": 2,
+ "subname": "The Sailor",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you reveal a chaos token during a skill test you are performing: Return a skill you committed to this test to your hand. (Limit once per round.)\n[elder_sign] effect: +0. You may commit a skill from your discard pile to this test. After this test ends, return that skill to your hand instead of discarding it.",
+ "traits": "Drifter.",
+ "type_code": "investigator"
"code": "07006",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Aleksander Karcz",
"name": "Guardian Angel",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 6,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07001",
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
"text": "Sister Mary deck only.\nGuardian Angel may be assigned damage dealt to other investigators at your location and connecting locations.\n[reaction] When any amount of damage is assigned to Guardian Angel: Add that many [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.",
- "traits": "Innate."
+ "traits": "Ritual. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07007",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Michele Frigo",
"name": "Crisis of Faith",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 7,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07001",
+ "subtype_code": "weakness",
"text": "Revelation - For each [bless] token in the chaos bag, you must either replace it with a [curse] token or take 1 horror.",
- "traits": "Madness."
+ "traits": "Madness.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07008",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Guillaume Ducos",
"name": "Obscure Studies",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 8,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07002",
+ "skill_wild": 3,
"text": "Amanda Sharpe deck only.\nFast. Play when you initiate a skill test.\nReturn the card beneath Amanda Sharpe to your hand and place Obscure Studies beneath her.",
- "traits": "Innate."
+ "traits": "Insight.",
+ "type_code": "event"
"code": "07009",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
"name": "Whispers from the Deep",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 9,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07002",
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "subtype_code": "weakness",
"text": "This skill's icons subtract from your skill value instead of adding to it.\nForced - When choosing a card to place beneath Amanda Sharpe, if Whispers from the Deep is in your hand: You must choose it.",
- "traits": "Madness."
+ "traits": "Curse.",
+ "type_code": "skill"
"code": "07010",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
"name": "In the Shadows",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 10,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07003",
+ "skill_agility": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 2,
"text": "Trish Scarborough deck only.\nFast. Play after your turn begins.\nDisengage from each enemy engaged with you. Until the end of the round, enemies cannot engage you and you cannot deal damage to enemies.",
- "traits": "Tactic."
+ "traits": "Tactic.",
+ "type_code": "event"
"code": "07011",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_evade": 5,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
"name": "Shadow Agents",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 11,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07003",
+ "subtype_code": "weakness",
"text": "Prey - Trish Scarborough only.\nHunter.\nWhile Shadow Agents is engaged with you, you cannot discover clues except by investigating.\nForced - After Shadow Agents is evaded: Discard it.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07012",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Anders Finér",
"name": "Showmanship",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 12,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07004",
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "Dexter Drake deck only.\n[reaction] After an asset enters play under your control: Until the end of the round, you get +2 to each of your skills while resolving a triggered ability on that asset.",
- "traits": "Talent."
+ "traits": "Talent.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07013",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
"name": "Occult Scraps",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 13,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07004",
+ "subtype_code": "weakness",
"text": "Occult Scraps cannot be played using a play action.\nWhile Occult Scraps is in your hand, you get -2 [willpower].\nWhile Occult Scraps is in play, you get -1 [willpower].",
- "traits": "Item."
+ "traits": "Item.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07014",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Sea Change Harpoon",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 14,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07005:98013",
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"text": "Silas Marsh deck only.\n[action]: Fight. You get +1 [combat] for this attack. If you committed 1 or more skills to this skill test, this attack deals +1 damage. When this skill test ends, you may return Sea Change Harpoon to your hand to return all of your committed skill cards to your hand instead of discarding them.",
"traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07015",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Silas's Net",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 15,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07005:98013",
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"text": "Silas Marsh deck only.\n[action]: Evade. You get +1 [agility] for this evasion attempt. If you succeed and you committed 1 or more skills to this skill test, you may automatically evade another enemy engaged with you. When this skill test ends, you may return Silas's Net to your hand to return all of your committed skill cards to your hand instead of discarding them.",
"traits": "Item. Tool.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07016",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Rafał Hrynkiewicz",
"name": "Siren Call",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 16,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "restrictions": "investigator:07005:98013",
+ "subtype_code": "weakness",
"text": "Revelation - Put Siren Call into play in your threat area.\nAs an additional cost to commmit 1 or more cards to a skill test, you must pay 1 resource for each matching skill icon those cards have.\n[action] [action]: Discard Siren Call.",
- "traits": "Curse."
+ "traits": "Curse.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07017",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
"name": "Book of Psalms",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 17,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
+ "tags": "hh.",
"text": "Uses (4 secrets).\n[action] Spend 1 secret: Heal 1 horror from an investigator at your location. Add 2 [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.",
"traits": "Item. Tome. Blessed.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07018",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
"name": "Blessed Blade",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 18,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"text": "[action] If Blessed Blade is ready: Fight. You get +1 [combat] for this attack. If a [bless] or [elder_sign] token is revealed during this attack, this attack deals +1 damage. Before revealing chaos token(s) for this attack, you may exhaust Blessed Blade to add 1 [bless] token to the chaos bag.",
"traits": "Item. Weapon. Melee. Blessed.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07019",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Charles Morrow",
"name": "Rite of Sanctification",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 19,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal (up to 5 [bless]). If Rite of Sanctification has no tokens sealed on it, discard it.\n[reaction] When an investigator at your location plays a card, exhaust Rite of Sanctification and release a chaos token sealed on it: Reduce the cost of that card by 2.",
"traits": "Ritual. Blessed.",
- "slot": "Arcane"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07020",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "guardian",
+ "illustrator": "Jon Bosco",
"name": "Hand of Fate",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 20,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
"text": "Fast. Play when an enemy attacks an investigator at your location.\nCancel that attack. Then, add [bless] tokens to the chaos bag equal to the attacking enemy's total combined damage and horror values.",
- "traits": "Spell. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Spell. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07021",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Robert Laskey",
"name": "Cryptographic Cipher",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 21,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"text": "Uses (3 secrets).\n[fast] Exhaust Cryptographic Cipher and spend 1 secret: Investigate. Your location gets +1 shroud for this investigation.\n[action] Exhaust Cryptographic Cipher and spend 1 secret: Investigate. Your location gets -2 shroud for this investigation.",
"traits": "Item. Tool.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07022",
+ "cost": 3,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandr Elichev",
"name": "Cryptic Grimoire",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 22,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"subname": "Untranslated",
"text": "[action]: Add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag.\n[action] If there are 10 [curse] tokens in the chaos bag, discard Cryptic Grimoire: Record in your Campaign Log that \"you have translated the grimoire.\" Replace 5 [curse] tokens in the chaos bag with 5 [bless] tokens.",
"traits": "Item. Tome. Occult.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07023",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Michael Komarck",
"name": "Deep Knowledge",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 23,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
"text": "As an additional cost to play Deep Knowledge, add 2 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag.\nInvestigators at your location draw a combined total of 3 cards (you decide how many cards each investigator draws).",
- "traits": "Insight. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Insight. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07024",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "seeker",
+ "illustrator": "Xia Taptara",
"name": "Plan of Action",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 24,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "If this skill test is during or before the first action of this turn, Plan of Action gains [willpower] [agility].\nIf this skill test is between the first and third actions of this turn, draw 1 card if it succeeds.\nIf this skill test is during or after the third action of this turn, Plan of Action gains [combat] [intellect].",
- "traits": "Practiced."
+ "traits": "Practiced.",
+ "type_code": "skill",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07025",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
"name": ".25 Automatic",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 25,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"text": "Fast. Uses (4 ammo).\n[action] Spend 1 ammo: Fight. If the attacked enemy is exhausted, you get +2 [combat] and deal +1 damage for this attack.",
"traits": "Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07026",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Yoann Boissonnet",
"name": "Dark Ritual",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 26,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Seal (up to 5 [curse]).\nForced - At the end of the mythos phase: You must either spend 1 resource or discard Dark Ritual.",
"traits": "Ritual. Cursed.",
- "slot": "Arcane"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07027",
- "flavor": "Now you see me...",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "flavor": "\"Now you see me...\"",
+ "illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
"name": "Obfuscation",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 27,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "slot": "Arcane",
"text": "Fast. Uses (3 charges).\n[reaction] When an enemy makes an attack of opportunity against you, spend 1 charge: Cancel that attack.",
"traits": "Spell.",
- "slot": "Arcane"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07028",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "rogue",
+ "illustrator": "Felicia Cano",
"name": "Faustian Bargain",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 28,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
"text": "As an additional cost to play Faustian Bargain, add 2 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag.\nInvestigators at your location gain a total of 5 resources, distributed as you wish.",
- "traits": "Pact. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Pact. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07029",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Ethan Patrick Harris",
"name": "Sword Cane",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 29,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "slot": "Hand",
"text": "Playing Sword Cane does not provoke attacks of opportunity.\n[reaction] After Sword Cane enters play: Immediately trigger its \"[action]\" ability without paying its cost.\n[action] Exhaust Sword Cane: Fight/Evade. You may use your [willpower] in place of your [combat] or [agility] for this attack or evasion attempt.",
"traits": "Item. Relic. Weapon. Melee.",
- "slot": "Hand"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07030",
+ "cost": 1,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Alexandr Elichev",
"name": "Tides of Fate",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 30,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "Fast. Play during any [fast] window, or at the start of the round.\nReplace all [curse] tokens in the chaos bag with an equal number of [bless] tokens. At the end of the round, replace all [bless] tokens in the chaos bag with an equal number of [curse] tokens.",
- "traits": "Spell. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Spell. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07031",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Torstein Nordstrand",
"name": "Ward of Radiance",
- "text": "Fast. Play when an investigator at your location draws a non-weakness treachery card.\nReveal 5 random chaos tokens from the chaos bag\nIf a [bless] or [elder_sign] token is revealed, cancel that treachery card's revelation effect.",
- "traits": "Insight. Blessed."
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 31,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "text": "Fast. Play when an investigator at your location draws a non-weakness treachery card.\nReveal 5 random chaos tokens from the chaos bag.\nIf a [bless] or [elder_sign] token is revealed, cancel that treachery card's revelation effect.",
+ "traits": "Insight. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07032",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mystic",
+ "illustrator": "Jesse Mead",
"name": "Promise of Power",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 32,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 4,
"text": "After you commit Promise of Power to a skill test, add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag. If you cannot, take 2 horror instead.",
- "traits": "Practiced. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Practiced. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "skill",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07033",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
"name": "Token of Faith",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 33,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "slot": "Accessory",
"text": "[reaction] After a skill test ends in which 1 or more [curse] or [auto_fail] tokens were revealed, exhaust Token of Faith: Add that many [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.",
"traits": "Item. Charm.",
- "slot": "Accessory"
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07034",
+ "cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Roberto Campus",
"name": "Keep Faith",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 34,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
"text": "Fast. Play during any [fast] window.\nAdd 4 [bless] tokens to the chaos bag.",
- "traits": "Fortune. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Fortune. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07035",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
+ "illustrator": "Imad Awan",
"name": "Predestined",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 35,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Max 1 committed per skill test.\nYou may commit Predestined to any type of test.\nIf this test fails, either add 2 [bless] tokens to the chaos bag or remove 2 [curse] tokens from the chaos bag.",
- "traits": "Fortune. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Fortune. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "skill",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07036",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "survivor",
"flavor": "Love is perhaps the strongest spell of all.",
+ "illustrator": "Derek D. Edgell",
"name": "Beloved",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 36,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
"text": "If a [bless] token is revealed during this test, you may remove Beloved from the game to replace that token's effects with the following: \"You automatically succeed. (Do not reveal another token. Return this token to the chaos bag after this test ends).\"",
- "traits": "Innate. Blessed."
+ "traits": "Innate. Blessed.",
+ "type_code": "skill",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07037",
+ "cost": 0,
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Diana Martínez",
"name": "Tempt Fate",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 37,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
"text": "Fast. Play during any [fast] window.\nAdd 3 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag. Then, add 3 [bless] tokens to the chaos bag and draw 1 card.",
- "traits": "Fortune. Blessed. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Fortune. Blessed. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "event",
+ "xp": 0
"code": "07038",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
+ "health": 2,
"name": "Accursed Follower",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 38,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "subtype_code": "basicweakness",
"text": "Spawn - Location farthest from you.\nAloof.\nForced - At the end of the enemy phase: Add 1 [curse] token to the chaos bag.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist. Cursed."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist. Cursed.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07039",
- "flavor": "We all have wings, but they have not been of any avail to us and if we could tear them off, we would do so.\n- Franz Kafka, \"The Blue Octavo Notebooks\"",
+ "deck_limit": 2,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "flavor": "We all have wings, but they have not been of any avail to us and if we could tear them off, we would do so.\n - Franz Kafka, \"The Blue Octavo Notebooks\"",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"name": "Dread Curse",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 39,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "subtype_code": "basicweakness",
"text": "Revelation - Add 5 [curse] tokens to the chaos bag.",
- "traits": "Curse."
+ "traits": "Curse.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07040",
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "illustrator": "Ignacio Bazán Lazcano",
"name": "Day of Reckoning",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 40,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subtype_code": "basicweakness",
+ "tags": "se.",
"text": "Revelation - Attach Day of Reckoning to the current agenda. Then, search the chaos bag for an [elder_sign] token and seal it on Day of Reckoning.\nCard design inspired by the events of Arkham Nights 2018.",
- "traits": "Endtimes."
+ "traits": "Endtimes.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic_encounter.json
index 9ad261eae..f88a9f5d8 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tic/tic_encounter.json
@@ -1,482 +1,1231 @@
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2 (-3 instead if your location is partially flooded; -4 instead if your location is fully flooded).\n[cultist]: -2. If your location is flooded, take 1 damage.\n[tablet]: -2. If you control a key, take 1 horror.\n[elder_thing]: -3. If The Amalgam is in the depths, put it into play engaged with you.",
"code": "07041",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"name": "The Pit of Despair",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 41,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -1 (-2 instead if your location is partially flooded; -3 instead if your location is fully flooded).\n[cultist]: -2. If you fail and your location is flooded, take 1 damage.\n[tablet]: -2. If you fail and you control a key, take 1 horror.\n[elder_thing]: -3. If you fail and The Amalgam is in the depths, put it into play engaged with you.",
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -2 (-3 instead if your location is partially flooded; -4 instead if your location is fully flooded).\n[cultist]: -2. If your location is flooded, take 1 damage.\n[tablet]: -2. If you control a key, take 1 horror.\n[elder_thing]: -3. If The Amalgam is in the depths, put it into play engaged with you."
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ "back_flavor": "Your worst fears are coming true. Puddles of water that had barely reached your ankles are rising and joining one another. You scramble to find higher ground, but your efforts are for naught. In a matter of minutes, the water level has risen to your knees and shows no sign of slowing.",
+ "back_name": "The Flood Begins",
+ "back_text": "Increase the flood level of each revealed location.\nUntil the end of the game, each time a location is revealed, increase its flood level.\nKeep this card next to the act deck as a reminder, and advance to agenda 2a.",
"code": "07042",
+ "doom": 7,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "A salmon lays dead on the ground nearby, its scaly flesh just starting to rot. You can tell from the kelp and the dripping-wet walls that this cavern was underwater not too long ago. How much time do you have before high tide?",
+ "illustrator": "Rafał Hrynkiewicz",
"name": "Awakening",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 42,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
"text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
- "back_name": "The Flood Begins",
- "back_flavor": "Your worst fears are coming true. Puddles of water that had barely reached your ankles are rising and joining one another. You scramble to find higher ground, but your efforts are for naught. In a matter of minutes, the water level has risen to your knees and shows no sign of slowing.",
- "back_text": "Increase the flood level of each revealed location.\nUntil the end of the game, each time a location is revealed, increase its flood level.\nKeep this card next to the act deck as a reminder, and advance to agenda 2a."
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "You panic as the water level continues to rise within the cavern. Before long, you are swimming instead of walking on the flooded cavern floor. Many of the tunnels are fully submerged. If you don't get out of here quickly, there will be nowhere safe to catch your breath.",
+ "back_name": "High Tide",
+ "back_text": "Each revealed location becomes fully flooded.\nUntil the end of the game, each time a location is revealed, it becomes fully flooded.\nKeep this card next to the act deck as a reminder (replacing agenda 1b), and advance to agenda 3a.",
"code": "07043",
+ "doom": 8,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Your every movement is coupled with the loud swashing of rippling water all around you. If the tide continues to rise, the cavern will be completely submerged in a matter of hours.",
+ "illustrator": "Rafał Hrynkiewicz",
"name": "The Water Rises",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 43,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
"text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
- "back_name": "High Tide",
- "back_flavor": "You panic as the water level continues to rise within the cavern. Before long, you are swimming instead of walking on the flooded cavern floor. Many of the tunnels are fully submerged. If you don't get out of here quickly, there will be nowhere safe to catch your breath.",
- "back_text": "Each revealed location becomes fully flooded.\nUntil the end of the game, each time a location is revealed, it becomes fully flooded.\nKeep this card next to the act deck as a reminder (replacing agenda 1b), and advance to agenda 3a."
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "Your lungs constrict. Your heart hammers in your chest. As the tide rolls in, the current tugs you deeper under the surface of the ice-cold water. Everything goes dark as you struggle to find air.",
+ "back_name": "Out of Air",
+ "back_text": "Each surviving investigator is defeated and takes 1 physical trauma.",
"code": "07044",
+ "doom": 4,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "Save for a few rocky perches, the entire cavern system is submerged in seawater. You have to find a way out of here, and soon...",
+ "illustrator": "Rafał Hrynkiewicz",
"name": "Sacrifice for the Deep",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 44,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
"text": "Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.",
- "back_name": "Out of Air",
- "back_flavor": "Your lungs constrict. Your heart hammers in your chest. As the tide rolls in, the current tugs you deeper under the surface of the ice-cold water. Everything goes dark as you struggle to find air.",
- "back_text": "Each surviving investigator is defeated and takes 1 physical trauma."
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "You find a path that leads deeper into this strange cave system, but before you can follow it to see where it leads, the sound of water sloshing behind you sets your heart racing. When you turn to face the sound, what you see next nearly causes you to faint. It is an enormous hybrid of many faces and shapes - some human, some aquatic - all of them misshapen and revolting. As the thing draws closer, you meet the frozen gaze of one of the faces upon its body, and you realize that you recognize it.",
+ "back_name": "Recognition",
+ "back_text": "Spawn the set-aside The Amalgam enemy engaged with the lead investigator.\nShuffle each set-aside copy of Blindsense and From the Depths into the encounter deck, along with the encounter discard pile.\nShuffle each of the set-aside Tidal Tunnel locations together to form the Tidal Tunnel deck (including the set-aside Altar to Dagon, Idol Chamber, and Sealed Exit locations). Put locations from the top of the Tidal Tunnel deck into play below, to the left, and to the right of each revealed location.\nRead Flashback I in the Campaign Guide.",
+ "clues": 3,
"code": "07045",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "You have awakened in a waterlogged cavern, your mind robbed of its memories... and you are not alone. Whatever else lives in this cavern, it can't possibly be friendly. You have to get out of this place and back to civilization.",
+ "illustrator": "Quintin Gleim",
"name": "The Pit",
- "back_name": "Recognition",
- "back_flavor": "You find a path that leads deeper into this strange cave system, but before you can follow it to see where it leads, the sound of water sloshing behind you sets your heart racing. When you turn to face the sound, what you see next nearly causes you to faint. It is an enormous hybrid of many faces and shapes - some human, some aquatic - all of them misshapen and revolting. As the thing draws closer, you meet the frozen gaze of one of the faces upon its body, and you realize that you recognize it.",
- "back_text": "Spawn the set-aside The Amalgam enemy engaged with the lead investigator.\nShuffle each set-aside copy of Blindsense and From the Depths into the encounter deck, along with the encounter discard pile.\nShuffle each of the set-aside Tidal Tunnel locations together to form the Tidal Tunnel deck (including the set-aside Altar to Dagon, Idol Chamber, and Sealed Exit locations). Put locations from the top of the Tidal Tunnel deck into play below, to the left, and to the right of each revealed location.\nRead Flashback I in the Campaign Guide."
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 45,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "type_code": "act"
+ "back_flavor": "The tunnel continues onward with no end in sight. Your lungs heave with pain. You have held your breath far longer than you ever thought possible. For a moment you wonder if you shouldn't turn back, but by now the entire cavern must be completely submerged. Even if it weren't, you couldn't hope to outlast the creatures that dwell inside for very long. No, there is no going back. Your only hope is to press forward.\nAnother minute passes. The current seems to grow stronger as the tunnel narrows ahead. Your chest feels as though it is about to burst. Finally, you emerge from ice-cold seawater and tumble out of the cavern, landing hard on a rocky shore.",
+ "back_name": "To the Coast",
+ "back_text": "(→R1)",
+ "clues": null,
"code": "07046",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "What in the hell is this place, and why have you been trapped here? You have to find a way out, but more of your memories might be tucked away in this pit...",
+ "illustrator": "Quintin Gleim",
"name": "The Escape",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 46,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
"text": "Forced - After a location is revealed: Put locations from the top of the Tidal Tunnel deck into play below, to the left, and to the right of that location.\nObjective - There must be a way out of here somewhere. If each surviving investigator has resigned, advance.",
- "back_name": "To the Coast",
- "back_flavor": "The tunnel continues onward with no end in sight. Your lungs heave with pain. You have held your breath far longer than you ever thought possible. For a moment you wonder if you shouldn't turn back, but by now the entire cavern must be completely submerged. Even if it weren't, you couldn't hope to outlast the creatures that dwell inside for very long. No, there is no going back. Your only hope is to press forward.\nAnother minute passes. The current seems to grow stronger as the tunnel narrows ahead. Your chest feels as though it is about to burst. Finally, you emerge from ice-cold seawater and tumble out of the cavern, landing hard on a rocky shore.",
- "back_text": "(→R1)"
+ "type_code": "act"
+ "back_flavor": "Three branching tunnels open before you, each swathed in darkness. A foul odor like that of decaying fish permeates the tunnels.",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07047",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Unfamiliar Chamber",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 47,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After Unfamiliar Chamber is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on Unfamiliar Chamber without looking at it.",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_flavor": "Three branching tunnels open before you, each swathed in darkness. A foul odor like that of decaying fish permeates the tunnels."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07048",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Bone-Ridden Pit",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 48,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 6,
"text": "For each key controlled by an investigator at Bone-Ridden Pit, it gets -1 shroud.\n[free] If there are no clues on Bone-Ridden Pit and you control the yellow key: You notice an odd joint socket near the skeleton's midsection that matches the shape of the yellow key. Read Flashback II in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07049",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
"name": "Fish Graveyard",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 49,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "Forced - After you end your turn at Fish Graveyard, if you do not control a key: Take 1 horror.\n[free] If there are no clues on Fish Graveyard and you control the red key: Inside a pile of half-rotten fish guts, you find a strange figurine the red key fits into perfectly. Read Flashback III in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 0,
"code": "07050",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
"name": "Altar to Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 50,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "[action] If investigators at Altar to Dagon control the blue key or three or more other keys, they may spend 2 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Take control of the set-aside green key.",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07051",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
"name": "Idol Chamber",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 51,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "Forced - After Idol Chamber is revealed: Place the set-aside blue key on it.\n[free] If there are no clues on Idol Chamber and you control the purple key: The purple key opens the stone door at the far end of the chamber, revealing a shrine with two familiar statues, one of white marble, the other of onyx. Read Flashback IV in the Campaign Guide.",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 0,
"code": "07052",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Diana Martínez",
"name": "Sealed Exit",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 52,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
"text": "[action] If an investigator at Sealed Exit controls the green key: Resign. You unlock the grate and swim through the tunnel to freedom. Return all of your clues to the token pool and place all of your keys on this location when you resign.\nForced - After Sealed Exit is revealed: It becomes fully flooded.",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location"
"code": "07053",
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "The Amalgam",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 53,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Hunter.\n[reaction] After you successfully evade The Amalgam by 2 or more: Take control of 1 key on it.\nForced - After The Amalgam engages you, if you control a key: Either place 1 of your keys on it, or it attacks you.\nForced - When The Amalgam is defeated: Place it in the depths.",
- "traits": "Monster. Abomination. Deep One. Elite."
+ "traits": "Monster. Abomination. Deep One. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07054",
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
"name": "Blindsense",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 54,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (3). If you fail and The Amalgam...\n- in play, it readies, moves directly to your location, engages you, and makes an immediate attack.\n- in the depths, put it into play engaged with you. It makes an immediate attack.",
- "traits": "Scheme."
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07055",
+ "encounter_code": "the_pit_of_despair",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
"name": "From the Depths",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 55,
+ "quantity": 3,
"text": "Revelation - If The Amalgam is in the depths, put it into play engaged with you. Otherwise, place The Amalgam in the depths and From the Depths gains surge.",
- "traits": "Scheme."
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 more than the current agenda number.\n[cultist]: -2. Place 1 doom on the nearest enemy (2 doom instead if you failed).\n[tablet]: -3. Take 1 horror (1 horror and 1 damage instead if you failed).\n[elder_thing]: -4. Place 1 of your clues on your location (2 clues instead if you failed).",
"code": "07056",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"name": "The Vanishing of Elina Harper",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 56,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is the current agenda number.\n[cultist]: -2. If you fail, place 1 doom on the nearest enemy.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, take 1 horror.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, place 1 of your clues on your location.",
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 more than the current agenda number.\n[cultist]: -2. Place 1 doom on the nearest enemy (2 doom instead if you failed).\n[tablet]: -3. Take 1 horror (1 horror and 1 damage instead if you failed).\n[elder_thing]: -4. Place 1 of your clues on your location (2 clues instead if you failed)."
+ "type_code": "scenario"
+ "back_flavor": "The town of Innsmouth grows more and more hostile with each day that passes. The townsfolk have caught on to your presence, and perhaps even the reason for your visit.",
+ "back_name": "Followed",
+ "back_text": "Shuffle the set-aside Winged One and both Hunting Nightgaunts into the encounter deck, along with the encounter discard pile.\n
If a decision to stick together is listed under \"Memories Recovered\" in your Campaign Log:\nAfter several days of investigation, you meet up with Agent Dawson to check in with him. He shows you a figurine of emerald stone depicting some sort of aquatic monstrosity, a piece of heart-shaped amber embedded in its center. After the days you have spent investigating and researching this foul place, the creature is oddly familiar to you. \"I'm glad I roped you in on this case,\" Dawson says. \"It's looking less and less like mob work with each passing hour. Let's stick together from here on out.\"
Choose an investigator to take control of the set-aside Thomas Dawson story asset. For the remainder of this scenario, he does not take up an ally slot.",
"code": "07057",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"Furtiveness and secretiveness seemed universal in this hushed city of alienage and death, and I could not escape the sensation of being watched from ambush on every hand by sly, staring eyes that never shut.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Cyril van der Haegen",
"name": "Decrepit Decay",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 57,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
"text": "Forced - If you defeat a [[Suspect]] enemy other than the kidnapper: Take control of each clue on that enemy. Record in your Campaign Log (name of enemy) is out for blood.",
- "back_name": "Followed",
- "back_flavor": "The town of Innsmouth grows more and more hostile with each day that passes. The townsfolk have caught on to your presence, and perhaps even the reason for your visit.",
- "back_text": "Shuffle the set-aside Winged One and both Hunting Nightgaunts into the encounter deck, along with the encounter discard pile.\n
If a decision to stick together is listed under \"Memories Recovered\" in your Campaign Log:\nAfter several days of investigation, you meet up with Agent Dawson to check in with him. He shows you a figurine of emerald stone depicting some sort of aquatic monstrosity, a piece of heart-shaped amber embedded in its center. After the days you have spent investigating and researching this foul place, the creature is oddly familiar to you. \"I'm glad I roped you in on this case,\" Dawson says. \"It's looking less and less like mob work with each passing hour. Let's stick together from here on out.\"
Choose an investigator to take control of the set-aside Thomas Dawson story asset. For the remainder of this scenario, he does not take up an ally slot."
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "As night falls once more on the town of Innsmouth, you return to your hotel room to find that it has been completely ransacked. Your luggage is ravaged, its contents strewn about. Much of your gear has been stolen. Scrawled on the wall in black paint is a warning:\nINTERLOPERS DROWN IN THE DEEP\nPerhaps you should lay low for a while...",
+ "back_name": "Driven Out",
+ "back_text": "(→R1)",
"code": "07058",
+ "doom": 7,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"Just how fully the pursuit was organised - and indeed, just what its purpose might be - I could form no idea.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Cyril van der Haegen",
"name": "Growing Suspicion",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 58,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
"text": "Forced - If you defeat a [[Suspect]] enemy other than the kidnapper: Take control of each clue on that enemy. Record in your Campaign Log (name of enemy) is out for blood.\n(Hint: If you do not make an accusation by the time this agenda advances, you will run out of time!)",
- "back_name": "Driven Out",
- "back_flavor": "As night falls once more on the town of Innsmouth, you return to your hotel room to find that it has been completely ransacked. Your luggage is ravaged, its contents strewn about. Much of your gear has been stolen. Scrawled on the wall in black paint is a warning:\nINTERLOPERS DROWN IN THE DEEP\nPerhaps you should lay low for a while...",
- "back_text": "(→R1)"
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "As night falls once more on the town of Innsmouth, you return to your hotel room to find that it has been completely ransacked. Your luggage is ravaged, its contents strewn about. Much of your gear has been stolen. Scrawled on the wall in black paint is a warning:\nINTERLOPERS DROWN IN THE DEEP\nPerhaps you should lay low for a while...",
+ "back_name": "Driven Out",
+ "back_text": "(→R1)",
"code": "07059",
+ "doom": 7,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"My frantic running ceased before I had covered a block, for at my left I began to hear something like the hue and cry of organised pursuit. There were footsteps and guttural sounds, and a rattling motor wheezed south along Federal Street.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Cyril van der Haegen",
"name": "Frantic Pursuit",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 59,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
"text": "Forced - If you defeat a [[Suspect]] enemy other than the kidnapper: Take control of each clue on that enemy. Record in your Campaign Log (name of enemy) is out for blood.",
- "back_name": "Driven Out",
- "back_flavor": "As night falls once more on the town of Innsmouth, you return to your hotel room to find that it has been completely ransacked. Your luggage is ravaged, its contents strewn about. Much of your gear has been stolen. Scrawled on the wall in black paint is a warning:\nINTERLOPERS DROWN IN THE DEEP\nPerhaps you should lay low for a while...",
- "back_text": "(→R1)"
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ "back_flavor": "The time has come for you to reveal your hand. You've retraced Agent Harper's steps as best you can and learned a lot about Innsmouth and its citizenry. Perhaps with this information, you can narrow down where Harper is now. But if you aren't swift and decisive, the kidnapper will surely discover you are onto them. You have only one chance to get this right. One chance to locate Harper and surprise her kidnapper. If you're wrong, it's back to square one... or worse.",
+ "back_name": "The Accusation",
+ "back_text": "Read Scenario Interlude: The Accusation in the Campaign Guide.",
+ "clues": null,
"code": "07060",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "The next morning, you and Agent Dawson split up and search for his missing agent...",
+ "illustrator": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
"name": "The Search for Agent Harper",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 60,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
"text": "[free] The investigators spend X [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Parley. Reveal the top X cards of the Leads deck (to a maximum of 3) and draw 1 of them. Shuffle the rest back into the Leads deck, along with the top card of the encounter deck. (Group limit once per round.)\nObjective - You may advance at the end of any round.(Hint: You will have to make an accusation when you advance. Advance when you believe you have narrowed down Agent Harper's kidnapper and whereabouts.)",
- "back_name": "The Accusation",
- "back_flavor": "The time has come for you to reveal your hand. You've retraced Agent Harper's steps as best you can and learned a lot about Innsmouth and its citizenry. Perhaps with this information, you can narrow down where Harper is now. But if you aren't swift and decisive, the kidnapper will surely discover you are onto them. You have only one chance to get this right. One chance to locate Harper and surprise her kidnapper. If you're wrong, it's back to square one... or worse.",
- "back_text": "Read Scenario Interlude: The Accusation in the Campaign Guide."
+ "type_code": "act"
+ "back_flavor": "Agent Harper gives you a warm smile of relief as you untie her bindings and help her to her feet. \"I don't know who you are, but thank you. I did have things handled, though, for the record.\" She chuckles at her own joke. Despite her situation, the agent carries herself with the confidence of one who has been in deadly circumstances before. You introduce yourself and tell her you were hired to help find her. \"Well then, I'm very glad you're here. You came in the nick of time. Now, if you don't mind, I have some unfinished business with this associate of mine,\" she says, her voice sharp with indignation. \"Care to join me?\"",
+ "back_name": "Found Her!",
+ "back_text": "\n- If Brian Burnham was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R2).\n- If Othera Gilman was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R3).\n- If Joyce Little was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R4).\n- If Barnabas Marsh was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R5).\n- If Zadok Allen was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R6).\n- If Robert Friendly was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R7).",
+ "clues": null,
"code": "07061",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "All of your evidence leads here. You must rescue Agent Harper at all costs!",
+ "illustrator": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
"name": "The Rescue",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 61,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
"text": "The kidnapper loses aloof, gets +1 [per_investigator] health, and cannot be parleyed with.\nObjective - If either the kidnapper is in the victory display, or there are no clues on Elina Harper's location, advance (if there are 2 or more investigators in the game, both conditions must be fulfilled, instead).",
- "back_name": "Found Her!",
- "back_flavor": "Agent Harper gives you a warm smile of relief as you untie her bindings and help her to her feet. \"I don't know who you are, but thank you. I did have things handled, though, for the record.\" She chuckles at her own joke. Despite her situation, the agent carries herself with the confidence of one who has been in deadly circumstances before. You introduce yourself and tell her you were hired to help find her. \"Well then, I'm very glad you're here. You came in the nick of time. Now, if you don't mind, I have some unfinished business with this associate of mine,\" she says, her voice sharp with indignation. \"Care to join me?\"",
- "back_text": "\n- If Brian Burnham was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R2).\n- If Othera Gilman was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R3).\n- If Joyce Little was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R4).\n- If Barnabas Marsh was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R5).\n- If Zadok Allen was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R6).\n- If Robert Friendly was the kidnapper, proceed to (→R7)."
+ "type_code": "act"
+ "back_link": "07062b",
"code": "07062a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"name": "Finding Agent Harper",
- "text": "Possible Suspects\nBrian Burnham\nOthera Gilman\nJoyce Little\nBarnabas Marsh\nZadok Allen\nRobert Friendly\nPossible Hideouts\nInnsmouth Jail\nShoreward Slums\nSawbone Alley\nThe House on Water Street\nEsoteric Order of Dagon\nNew Church Green"
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 62,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Possible Suspects\nBrian Burnham\nOthera Gilman\nJoyce Little\nBarnabas Marsh\nZadok Allen\nRobert Friendly\nPossible Hideouts\nInnsmouth Jail\nShoreward Slums\nSawbone Alley\nThe House on Water Street\nEsoteric Order of Dagon\nNew Church Green",
+ "type_code": "story"
"code": "07062b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Mark Winters",
"name": "Angry Mob",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 62,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Hunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nAngry Mob gets +4 [per_investigator] health.\nAngry Mob cannot make attacks of opportunity.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Elite."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ "back_flavor": "\"He found the Marsh refinery a queer place - it's in an old mill on the lower falls of the Manuxet. What he said tallied up with what I'd heard. Books in bad shape, and no clear account of any kind of dealings. You know it's always ben a kind of mystery where the Marshes get the gold they refine.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07063",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"That refinery, though, used to be a big thing, and Old Man Marsh, who owns it, must be richer'n Croesus.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Marsh Refinery",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 63,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
"text": "[action] [action]: Draw 4 cards. (Limit once per game.)",
"traits": "Innsmouth.",
- "back_flavor": "\"He found the Marsh refinery a queer place - it's in an old mill on the lower falls of the Manuxet. What he said tallied up with what I'd heard. Books in bad shape, and no clear account of any kind of dealings. You know it's always ben a kind of mystery where the Marshes get the gold they refine.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"Yes, there’s a hotel in Innsmouth - called the Gilman House - but I don't believe it can amount to much. I wouldn't advise you to try it.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07064",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"Some of the windows on the Gilman House side were faintly glowing, and I thought I heard confused sounds within.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Marc Simonetti",
"name": "Gilman House",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 64,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "[action]: Heal 2 damage or 2 horror (or any combination thereof). (Limit once per game.)",
"traits": "Innsmouth.",
- "back_flavor": "\"Yes, there’s a hotel in Innsmouth - called the Gilman House - but I don't believe it can amount to much. I wouldn't advise you to try it.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "One side of the cobblestoned open space was the straight line of the river; the other was a semicircle of slant-roofed brick buildings of about the 1800 period, from which several streets radiated away to the southeast, south, and southwest. Lamps were depressingly few and small - all low‑powered incandescents...\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07065",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"I did not need to be told that this was the civic centre of Innsmouth.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Innsmouth Square",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 65,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "[action]: Resign. You decide to lay low for a while.\n[free] Spend 2 resources: Move. Move to a connecting [[Innsmouth]] location.",
"traits": "Innsmouth. Central.",
- "back_flavor": "One side of the cobblestoned open space was the straight line of the river; the other was a semicircle of slant-roofed brick buildings of about the 1800 period, from which several streets radiated away to the southeast, south, and southwest. Lamps were depressingly few and small - all low‑powered incandescents...\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"The harbour, long clogged with sand, was enclosed by an ancient stone breakwater; on which I could begin to discern the minute forms of a few seated fishermen, and at whose end were what looked like the foundations of a bygone lighthouse. A sandy tongue had formed inside this barrier, and upon it I saw a few decrepit cabins, moored dories, and scattered lobster-pots.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07066",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"...just try to fish there yourself and see how the folks chase you off!\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
"name": "Innsmouth Harbour",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 66,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Forced - After you successfully investigate Innsmouth Harbour by 3 or more: Look at the top card of the Leads deck. Then, shuffle the Leads deck. (Group limit once per round.)",
"traits": "Innsmouth.",
- "back_flavor": "\"The harbour, long clogged with sand, was enclosed by an ancient stone breakwater; on which I could begin to discern the minute forms of a few seated fishermen, and at whose end were what looked like the foundations of a bygone lighthouse. A sandy tongue had formed inside this barrier, and upon it I saw a few decrepit cabins, moored dories, and scattered lobster-pots.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"For some reason or other I chose to make my first inquiries at the chain grocery, whose personnel was not likely to be native to Innsmouth.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07067",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "First National Grocery",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 67,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "[action]: Search the top 6 cards of your deck for an [[Item]] card and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck. (Limit once per game.)",
"traits": "Innsmouth.",
- "back_flavor": "\"For some reason or other I chose to make my first inquiries at the chain grocery, whose personnel was not likely to be native to Innsmouth.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "\"Fish Street was as deserted as Main, though it differed in having many brick and stone warehouses still in excellent shape.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07068",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"The Fish Street bridge, according to the sketch, was in ruins.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Leanna Crossan",
"name": "Fish Street Bridge",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 68,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "[action] [action]: Gain 4 resources. (Limit once per game.)",
"traits": "Innsmouth.",
- "back_flavor": "\"Fish Street was as deserted as Main, though it differed in having many brick and stone warehouses still in excellent shape.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth"
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "A rare bit of warmth in an otherwise dreary town, The Little Bookshop is a narrow maze of shelves, each one spilling over with books.",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07069",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"name": "The Little Bookshop",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 69,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "Forced - After you fail a skill test while investigating The Little Bookshop: Shuffle the top card of the encounter deck into the Leads deck.",
"traits": "Innsmouth.",
- "back_flavor": "A rare bit of warmth in an otherwise dreary town, The Little Bookshop is a narrow maze of shelves, each one spilling over with books."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07070",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"This, then, was the former Masonic Hall now given over to a degraded cult.\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "Esoteric Order of Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 70,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Revelation - Put Esoteric Order of Dagon into play.\nForced - After the last remaining clue is discovered from Esoteric Order of Dagon: Remove the top card of the Leads deck from the game (without looking at it).",
- "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout."
+ "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07071",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"It would be well not to make oneself too conspicuous in such neighbourhoods...\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"name": "Sawbone Alley",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 71,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Put Sawbone Alley into play.\nEach [[Humanoid]] enemy at Sawbone Alley gets +2 fight and -2 evade.",
- "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout."
+ "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07072",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Marc Simonetti",
"name": "Shoreward Slums",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 72,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 5,
"text": "Revelation - Put Shoreward Slums into play.\nShoreward Slums gets -2 shroud for each doom on it.\nForced - After you fail a skill test while investigating Shoreward Slums: Place 1 doom on it.",
- "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout."
+ "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07073",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"Not a living thing did I see, except for the scattered fishermen...\" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Lars Simkins",
"name": "The House on Water Street",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 73,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 1,
"text": "Revelation- Put The House on Water Street into play.\nForced - After you successfully investigate The House on Water Street by 3 or more: Either draw the top card of the encounter deck, or shuffle that card into the Leads deck.",
- "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout."
+ "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07074",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "Innsmouth Jail",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 74,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "Revelation - Put Innsmouth Jail into play.\nForced - When you defeat an enemy at Innsmouth Jail: Instead of discarding that enemy, shuffle it into the Leads deck.",
- "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout."
+ "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07075",
- "flavor": "\"Their creeds were heterodox and mysterious...\"- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"Their creeds were heterodox and mysterious...\"- H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth",
+ "illustrator": "Alexander Tooth",
"name": "New Church Green",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 75,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Revelation - Put New Church Green into play.\n[action] [action] If there are no clues on New Church Green: Look at the top card of the Leads deck. If it does not have Victory X, discard it. (Group limit once per game.)",
- "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout."
+ "traits": "Innsmouth. Hideout.",
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
"code": "07076",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Rafał Hrynkiewicz",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Robert Friendly",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 76,
+ "quantity": 1,
"subname": "Disgruntled Dockworker",
"text": "Revelation - Put Robert Friendly into play at the Innsmouth Harbour, with 1 [per_investigator] clues on him.\nAloof.\n[action]: Parley. Test [agility] (2). If you fail, take 1 damage. If you succeed, take control of 1 of the clues on Robert Friendly. Then, if there are no clues on him, add him to the victory display.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
"code": "07077",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Tom Garden",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Zadok Allen",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 77,
+ "quantity": 1,
"subname": "Drunk and Disorderly",
"text": "Revelation - Put Zadok Allen into play at the Fish Street Bridge, with 1 [per_investigator] clues on him.\nAloof.\n[action]: Parley. Test [agility] (3). If you succeed, take control of 1 of the clues on Zadok Allen. Then, if there are no clues on him, add him to the victory display.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
"code": "07078",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 5,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Brian Burnham",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 78,
+ "quantity": 1,
"subname": "Wants Out",
"text": "Revelation - Put Brian Burnham into play at the First National Grocery, with 1 [per_investigator] clues on him.\nAloof.\n[action] Discard cards from your hand with at least 3 total skill icons among them: Parley. Take control of 1 of the clues on Brian Burnham. Then, if there are no clues on him, add him to the victory display.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
"code": "07079",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 24,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Rafał Hrynkiewicz",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Barnabas Marsh",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 79,
+ "quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Change Is upon Him",
"text": "Revelation - Put Barnabas Marsh into play at the Marsh Refinery, with 1 [per_investigator] clues on him.\nAloof.\n[action]: Parley. Test [willpower] (2). If you fail, take 1 horror. If you succeed, take control of 1 of the clues on Barnabas Marsh. Then, if there are no clues on him, add him to the victory display.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
"code": "07080",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 25,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 5,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Katherine Dinger",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Joyce Little",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 80,
+ "quantity": 1,
"subname": "Bookshop Owner",
"text": "Revelation - Put Joyce Little into play at The Little Bookshop, with 1 [per_investigator] clues on her.\nAloof.\n[action]: Parley. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, take control of 1 of the clues on Joyce Little. Then, if there are no clues on her, add her to the victory display.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
"code": "07081",
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "Othera Gilman",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 81,
+ "quantity": 1,
"subname": "Proprietress of the Hotel",
"text": "Revelation - Put Othera Gilman into play at the Gilman House, with 1 [per_investigator] clues on her.\nAloof.\n[action] Spend 3 resources: Parley. Take control of 1 of the clues on Othera Gilman. Then, if there are no clues on her, add her to the victory display.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Suspect. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
"code": "07082",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 27,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Thomas Dawson",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 82,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 3,
+ "skill_combat": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "skill_willpower": 1,
+ "slot": "Ally",
"subname": "Soldier in a New War",
"text": "You get +1 [willpower] and +1 [combat].\n[reaction] After an enemy attacks an investigator at your location, even if the attack was canceled, exhaust Thomas Dawson: That investigator draws 1 card.",
"traits": "Ally. Agency. Veteran.",
- "slot": "Ally"
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07083",
+ "cost": 4,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
+ "encounter_code": "the_vanishing_of_elina_harper",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Romana Kendelic",
+ "is_unique": true,
"name": "Elina Harper",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 83,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 2,
+ "skill_agility": 1,
+ "skill_intellect": 1,
+ "skill_wild": 1,
+ "slot": "Ally",
"subname": "Knows Too Much",
"text": "You get +1 [intellect] and +1 [agility].\nThe first action you perform each turn does not provoke attacks of opportunity.",
"traits": "Ally. Agency. Detective.",
- "slot": "Ally"
+ "type_code": "asset"
"code": "07084",
+ "encounter_code": "agents_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "James Ryman",
"name": "Priest of Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 84,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Spawn - Any empty location.\nForced - When Priest of Dagon would be defeated or evaded, if there is no doom on it: Instead, heal all damage from it, ready it, and place 1 doom on it.\nForced - At the end of the round, if Priest of Dagon is ready and there is no doom on it: Place 1 doom on it.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Cultist.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07085",
+ "encounter_code": "agents_of_dagon",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Mark Behm",
"name": "Initiate of Dagon",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 85,
+ "quantity": 3,
"text": "Spawn - Any empty location.\nWhile Initiate of Dagon has no doom on it, it gets +2 fight and +2 evade.\nForced - At the end of the round, if Initiate of Dagon is ready and there is no doom on it: Place 1 doom on it.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Hybrid. Cultist."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Hybrid. Cultist.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07086",
+ "encounter_code": "agents_of_hydra",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "Lloigor",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 86,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Prey - Fewest cards in hand.\nAloof. Hunter.\nWhile an investigator at Lloigor's location has no cards in hand, Lloigor loses aloof.\nForced - At the end of the enemy phase: Each investigator at Lloigor's location or a connecting location discards 1 random card from their hand.",
- "traits": "Monster."
+ "traits": "Monster.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
"code": "07087",
+ "encounter_code": "agents_of_hydra",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Sara Biddle",
"name": "Psychic Pull",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 87,
+ "quantity": 3,
"text": "Revelation - If you have no cards in your hand, Psychic Pull gains surge. Otherwise, discard 1 random card from your hand. Then, test [willpower] (X), where X is the printed cost of the discarded card. If you fail, lose 1 action.",
- "traits": "Power."
+ "traits": "Power.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07088",
+ "encounter_code": "creatures_of_the_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
"name": "Deep One Bull",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 88,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Forced - After Deep One Bull engages you: Choose and discard 1 card from your hand.\nForced - After an investigator defeats another [[Deep One]] enemy at any location: Ready Deep One Bull and move it once toward that investigator's location.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07089",
+ "encounter_code": "creatures_of_the_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Jason Juta",
"name": "Lurking Deep One",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 89,
+ "quantity": 3,
"text": "Prey - Lowest [agility].\nForced - After Lurking Deep One engages you: Take 1 damage.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Deep One.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07090",
+ "encounter_code": "creatures_of_the_deep",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Jon Bosco",
"name": "Deep One Assault",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 90,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Disengage from each [[Deep One]] enemy at your location. Each [[Deep One]] enemy at your location and each connecting location engages you. If no enemies engage you from this effect, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a [[Deep One]] enemy, spawn it engaged with you, and shuffle the encounter deck.",
- "traits": "Scheme."
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07091",
+ "encounter_code": "rising_tide",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Borja Pindado",
"name": "Undertow",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 91,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - If your location is unflooded, Undertow gains surge. Otherwise, put Undertow into play in your threat area.\nForced - After you move: Take 2 damage and 2 horror. Discard Undertow.\n[free] Discard 1 card from your hand: Test [combat] (3) or [agility] (3) to fight the pull of the tides. If you succeed, discard Undertow.",
- "traits": "Hazard."
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07092",
+ "encounter_code": "rising_tide",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
"name": "Rising Tides",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 92,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Increase the flood level of the nearest location that can have its flood level increased. If no location's flood level is increased by this effect, Rising Tides gains surge.",
- "traits": "Hazard."
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07093",
+ "encounter_code": "rising_tide",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
"name": "Riptide",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 93,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - If your location is unflooded, Riptide gains surge. Otherwise, test [agility] (3) (4 instead if your location is fully flooded). If you fail, choose and discard 1 asset you control. If you cannot, lose 1 resource for each point you fail by instead.",
- "traits": "Hazard."
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07094",
+ "encounter_code": "fog_over_innsmouth",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": -2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Adam S. Doyle",
"name": "Winged One",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 94,
+ "quantity": 1,
"text": "Hunter.\nX is the shroud value of Winged One's location.\nWinged One takes 1 fewer damage from attacks except by [[Ranged]], [[Firearm]], or [[Spell]] cards (to a minimum of 1 damage).",
- "traits": "Creature. Monster."
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
"code": "07095",
+ "encounter_code": "fog_over_innsmouth",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Fog over Innsmouth",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 95,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, either take 1 horror or put Fog over Innsmouth into play next to the agenda deck. If you fail, do both.\nEach location gets +1 shroud.\nForced - At the end of the round: Discard 1 copy of Fog over Innsmouth from play. (Max once per round.)",
- "traits": "Hazard."
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07096",
+ "encounter_code": "shattered_memories",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Diana Martínez",
"name": "Macabre Memento",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 96,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). If you reveal a [cultist] token during this test, you automatically fail. If you fail, take 2 horror.",
- "traits": "Terror."
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07097",
+ "encounter_code": "shattered_memories",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ethan Patrick Harris",
"name": "Fractured Consciousness",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 97,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [intellect] (3). If you reveal a [tablet] token during this test, you automatically fail. If you fail, take 2 damage.",
- "traits": "Terror."
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07098",
+ "encounter_code": "shattered_memories",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Adam S. Doyle",
"name": "Memory of Oblivion",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 98,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (4) or [intellect] (4). If you reveal a [elder_thing] token during this test, you automatically fail. For each point you fail by, choose and discard 1 card from your hand.",
- "traits": "Terror."
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07099",
+ "encounter_code": "malfunction",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "\"Get this damned thing working again, or we ain't going anywhere!\"",
+ "illustrator": "Mark Molnar",
"name": "Malfunction",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 99,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Attach to the nearest [[Vehicle]] story asset.\n\"[action]\" abilities on attached asset cannot be triggered.\n[action]: Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, discard Malfunction.",
- "traits": "Blunder."
+ "traits": "Blunder.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07100",
+ "encounter_code": "syzygy",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
"name": "Tidal Alignment",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 100,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Peril.\nRevelation - Choose a location where there is at least 1 investigator. Increase that location's flood level. Each investigator at the chosen location takes 1 damage. If the chosen location's flood level is not increased by this effect, Tidal Alignment gains surge.",
- "traits": "Omen."
+ "traits": "Omen.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07101",
+ "encounter_code": "syzygy",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
"name": "Syzygy",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 101,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must decide (choose one):\n- Each investigator loses 3 resources.\n- Each investigator takes 2 horror.\n- Place 1 doom on the current agenda (this effect can cause the current agenda to advance).",
- "traits": "Omen."
+ "traits": "Omen.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07102",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "flooded_caverns",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Leanna Crossan",
"name": "Underwater Cavern",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 102,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 2,
"text": "[action]: Move. Move from Underwater Cavern to any flooded [[Cave]] location.\nForced - After Underwater Cavern is revealed: It becomes fully flooded.",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 1,
"code": "07103",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "flooded_caverns",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
"name": "Tidal Pool",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 103,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 3,
"text": "Tidal Pool gets +1 shroud while it is partially flooded and +2 shroud while it is fully flooded.\nForced - After Tidal Pool is revealed: Randomly choose 1 of the set-aside facedown keys and place it on Tidal Pool without looking at it.",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location"
+ "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward...",
+ "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "07104",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "flooded_caverns",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Patrick McEvoy",
"name": "Underground River",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 104,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 4,
"text": "Underground River cannot be fully flooded.\nForced - After Underground River is revealed: Increase its flood level.",
"traits": "Cave.",
- "back_name": "Tidal Tunnel",
- "back_flavor": "The air is frigid here, and there is no sound but the faint plinking of water dripping onto the rough stone ground. You shudder and proceed onward..."
+ "type_code": "location",
+ "victory": 1
"code": "07105",
+ "encounter_code": "the_locals",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Matt Dixon",
"name": "Innsmouth Troublemaker",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 105,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Spawn - Location with the most clues.\nHunter.\n[action] Place 1 of your clues on your location: Parley. Exhaust Innsmouth Troublemaker. It does not ready during the next upkeep phase. This ability may be triggered by an investigator at a connecting location.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Hybrid. Criminal."
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Hybrid. Criminal.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
"code": "07106",
+ "encounter_code": "the_locals",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Rafał Hrynkiewicz",
"name": "Innsmouth Look",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 106,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Put Innsmouth Look into play in your threat area.\nYou get -1 [intellect] and -1 sanity, and you gain the [[Deep One]] trait.\n[action]: Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, discard Innsmouth Look.",
- "traits": "Curse. Terror."
+ "traits": "Curse. Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
"code": "07107",
+ "encounter_code": "the_locals",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Paul Guzenko",
"name": "Furtive Locals",
+ "pack_code": "tic",
+ "position": 107,
+ "quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, either take 1 damage or put Furtive Locals into play next to the agenda deck. If you fail, do both.\nInvestigators cannot parley.\nForced - At the end of the round: Discard 1 copy of Furtive Locals from play. (Max once per round.)",
- "traits": "Terror."
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
From 60318ced141dae99d8f42760f54d7cb547875ec9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 15:15:08 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 148/210] [Ru] typo fix
translations/ru/pack/investigator/nat.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/investigator/nat.json b/translations/ru/pack/investigator/nat.json
index 4595bb130..ad642cdbe 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/investigator/nat.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/investigator/nat.json
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
"code": "60127",
"name": "Боксёрские перчатки",
- "text": "У вас +2 [combat] в бою.\n[reaction] После того как вы победили врага, поверните «Боксёрские перчатки»: Найдите среди 9 верхних карт своей колоды 1 событие-дух и добавьте его себе на руку. Перемешайте свою колоду.",
+ "text": "У вас +2 [combat] в бою.\n[reaction] После того как вы победили врага, поверните «Боксёрские перчатки»: Найдите среди 9 верхних карт своей колоды 1 событие-[[дух]] и добавьте его себе на руку. Перемешайте свою колоду.",
"traits": "Вещь. Оружие.",
"slot": "Рука ×2"
From c0975ed711861e0414c9be581924778fc2cf5aac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny727
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 13:19:17 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 149/210] [Ru] typo fix
translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json b/translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json
index c577cb02c..d6ba57c57 100644
--- a/translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json
+++ b/translations/ru/pack/tde/tsh_encounter.json
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"code": "06172",
- "flavor": "ы всё ещё не до конца понимаете, что именно должны найти в старом доме, но Рэндольф настаивает, что нужно отыскать «ключ». Похоже, другого выхода нет: придётся обыскать дом и действовать по обстоятельствам.",
+ "flavor": "Вы всё ещё не до конца понимаете, что именно должны найти в старом доме, но Рэндольф настаивает, что нужно отыскать «ключ». Похоже, другого выхода нет: придётся обыскать дом и действовать по обстоятельствам.",
"name": "В поисках Неименуемого",
"text": "Цель — Изучите дом, чтобы найти путь в Мир грёз. (Найдите и выполните указание «Цель» на другой карте сценария.)",
"back_name": "В глубины",
From 67db41ab0a0df2d8a4b6f8642e2ff826b23ad042 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 18:32:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 150/210] Fix resolution
pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json b/pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json
index 62713f11e..8b1747eb5 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/rtr_encounter.json
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"back_flavor": "It’s no use. Maybe Dad was in Innsmouth at some point, but he’s long gone now. And the townsfolk here don’t seem too keen on anybody asking about him. Might be they know more than they’re letting on, or it might just be they’re protecting other, unrelated secrets. Either way, it’s no longer safe to stick around.\nBut just as you are ready to give up and head back to the bus stop to return to Arkham, you spot a man in a familiar outfit: a long wool coat and a brown derby.",
"back_name": "It's Him!",
- "back_text": "(→R2)",
+ "back_text": "(→R1)",
"code": "90044",
"clues": null,
"double_sided": true,
From f7f14fe88b56835b8ad646ad964e3ca632c70bbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 23:46:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 151/210] Fix || Mateo position #
pack/parallel/aof.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/parallel/aof.json b/pack/parallel/aof.json
index e3002006c..172e4fef6 100644
--- a/pack/parallel/aof.json
+++ b/pack/parallel/aof.json
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"is_unique": true,
"name": "Father Mateo",
"pack_code": "aof",
- "position": 1,
+ "position": 81,
"quantity": 1,
"sanity": 8,
"skill_agility": 3,
From 7aa678cd95efbaec6d60de6f9668ea2228269a2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 08:55:06 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 152/210] Fix typo
translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json b/translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json
index 2428232c1..6057131a5 100644
--- a/translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json
+++ b/translations/fr/pack/parallel/aof.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"back_flavor": "La vie de Mateo Castile n'a pas été de tout repos depuis qu'il est devenu prêtre. Cela fait plusieurs décennies que le Mexique est rongé par l'instabilité et les conflits. Père Mateo a lutté pour concilier sa foi avec la difficulté de prêcher quand la loi le lui interdisait. Mais ce n'est pas ce qui a le plus ébranlé sa foi. Les meurtres et les enlèvements récents n'étaient pas de nature politique comme il l'avait d'abord supposé. Un culte hideux et macabre prospère au cœur du conflit naissant. Comment un Dieu bon et aimant permettrait-il à ce dont il a été témoin cette nuit-là d'exister? Mateo se le demande encore.",
- "back_text": "Taille du Deck: 30.\nConstruction du Deck: cartes ([mystic]) de niveaux 0 à 5, cartes [[Béni]] de niveaux 0 à 3, cartes neutres de niveaux 0 à 5, jusqu'à 5 autres cartes "sceller" de niveaux 0 à 5.\nRestrictions de Deck (ne comptent pas dans la limite de taille du deck) : Le Codex des Âges, Serpents de Yig, 1 faiblesse de base au hasard.",
+ "back_text": "Taille du Deck: 30.\nConstruction du Deck: cartes ([mystic]) de niveaux 0 à 5, cartes [[Béni]] de niveaux 0 à 3, cartes neutres de niveaux 0 à 5, jusqu'à 5 autres cartes \"sceller\" de niveaux 0 à 5.\nRestrictions de Deck (ne comptent pas dans la limite de taille du deck) : Le Codex des Âges, Serpents de Yig, 1 faiblesse de base au hasard.",
"code": "90081",
"flavor": "",
"name": "Père Mateo",
From 83c4a42caa83bde143172cbdadb43be9312e7c8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2024 20:53:21 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 153/210] Start of encounter sets
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 253 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 253 insertions(+)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index f58fdc75f..f423dc0d8 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -265,6 +265,129 @@
"traits": "Emissary. Colour. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
+ {
+ "code": "10676",
+ "encounter_code": "the_first_day",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"Most of the creatures seemed not quite usual in their aspects and motions...\"\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "illustrator": "Moulun",
+ "name": "Swarm",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 176,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [agility] (3). For each point you fail by, you must either lose 1 resource or take 1 damage.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10678",
+ "encounter_code": "the_second_day",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"...there descended such a blinding sheet of torrential rain that shelter became imperative.\"\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Lurking Fear\"",
+ "illustrator": "Drazenka Kimpel",
+ "name": "Downpour",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 178,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [intellect] (3). For each point you fail by, you must either lose 1 action or place 1 of your clues on your location.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10680",
+ "encounter_code": "the_final_day",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "I am the eyes I am all eyes that see",
+ "illustrator": "Jason Behnke",
+ "name": "Otherworldy Visions",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 180,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [willpower] (3). This test gets +2 difficulty if there is a [[Colour]] enemy at your location. For each point you fail by, you must either take 1 horror or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Terror. Power.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Bertie approaches, absolutely winded. \"Dr. Marquez requests your immediate presence,\" he huffs, butting into your conversation. \"And believe me, she will not like it if you're late at all.\"",
+ "back_name": "Time to Get to Work!",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator resigns (→R1) (page 9).",
+ "code": "10681",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_rest",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The Miskatonic Survey is staying in Hemlock Vale and making preparations for today's expedition. The more the locals trust you, the better you will understand the nature of Hemlock Isle.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Welcome to Hemlock Vale!",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 181,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - When you draw a weakness: cancel its revelation effect and discard it.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_name": "The Brilliance",
+ "back_text": "If you flipped this act while or after playing the Dawn of the First Day prelude, read the following:\nThe sweetness of the air and the vibrant colors are overwhelming. Your pulse is electric as gooseflesh creeps up your arm and your skin prickles, almost as if under an invisible caress. You are not alone, you never were alone, but the one who is with you is you, and you, and you, and you, and you and you and and and and\nYou catch yourself staring up at the glassy sky, bewildered and drunk with wonder.
\nYou (and only you) earn 1 bonus experience (do not spend it until instructed)",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "10682",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_rest",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The village brims with excitement! Children play along the roadside wearing animal masks, while others hang gaudy flowers on eaves and along fences.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Dawn of the First Day",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 182,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Investigators cannot take damage/horror or be defeated.\nObjective - Befriend the locals and prepare for the first survey! (Refer to the rules on page 6 for more information on preludes)",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "You reconvene back the boarding house. Ms. Olmstead lays out a spread of warm buttered cornbread, roasted radishes the size of your fist, and a pile of grey oily eggs. Your stomach growls as you nibble on some of your field rations rather than partake.",
+ "back_name": "Time to Get to Work!",
+ "back_text": "Check the campaign log:\nIf Bertie was rescued, (→R1) (page 42).\nOtherwise, (→R2) (page 42).",
+ "code": "10683",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_rain",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Dreary clouds threaten rain as thunder rumbles overhead. Locals bustle about making preparations.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Dark Clouds",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 183,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - When you draw a weakness: cancel its revelation effect and discard it.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_name": "A Mistake",
+ "clues": null,
+ "back_text": "If you flipped this act while or after playing the Dawn of the Second Day prelude, read the following:\nAs you walk through the village, a wave of dizziness washes over you and you stumble forward, putting your hand out to steady yourself. You cut your palm on the corner of a stack of mirrors and cry out in pain as thick, heavy raindrops begin to fall.
\n([codex] 17) (page 42).",
+ "code": "10684",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_rain",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The village continues preparations with cheery resolve, despite the dour weather.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Dawn of the Second Day",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 184,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Investigators cannot take damage/horror or be defeated.\nObjective - Talk to the locals and learn more about Hemlock Isle!",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
"code": "10685",
"encounter_code": "day_of_rain",
@@ -569,5 +692,135 @@
"text": "(Day [day]) You get +1 [intellect]. (Night [night]) You get +1 [willpower].\n[reaction] After an investigator at your location draws a [[Blight]] or [[Power]] card from the encounter deck, exhaust The Pearl Diary: That investigator draws 1 card.",
"traits": "Item. Tome.",
"type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10726",
+ "encounter_code": "transfiguration",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Knotty, scaly growths erupt on the skin, resembling scales or vestigial fingernails.",
+ "illustrator": "Tso",
+ "name": "Strange Mutations",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 226,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [willpower] (5). Reduce the difficulty of this test by 1 for each horror on you. If you fail, you must either take 2 horror, or discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Power.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10727",
+ "encounter_code": "transfiguration",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Sommers",
+ "name": "Fungal Rot",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 227,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Attach Fungal Rot to an [[Item]] asset you control without Fungal Rot attached. If you cannot, Fungal Rot gains surge.\nTreat attached asset's text box as if it were blank (except for [[Traits]]).\n[action]: Test [combat] (3). If you succeed, discard Fungal Rot. Otherwise, take 1 damage.",
+ "traits": "Hazard. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10728",
+ "encounter_code": "blight",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The sores won't heal on their own, and emit a sharp chemical scent.",
+ "illustrator": "Tiziano Baracchi",
+ "name": "Enervation",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 228,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [combat] (5). Reduce the difficulty of this test by 1 for each damage on you. If you fail, you must either take 2 damage, or choose the card with the highest printed cost in your hand and discard it.",
+ "traits": "Hazard. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10729",
+ "encounter_code": "blight",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Dessication",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 229,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Put Dessication into play next to the agenda deck.\nAs an additional cost for an investigator to play a card, they must take 1 damage.\nForced – At the end of the round: Discard 1 copy of Dessication from play. (Max once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Blight.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10730",
+ "encounter_code": "refractions",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Brian Valenzuela",
+ "name": "Empyrean Brilliance",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 230,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "(Day [day]) Revelation – Test 2 [willpower]. Increase the difficulty of this test by 2 if you have 5 or more cards in hand. If you fail, choose and discard 2 cards from your hand.\n(Night [night]) Revelation – Discard 1 card at random from your hand. Test [willpower] (X). X is that card's printed cost. If you fail, take 2 horror.",
+ "traits": "Power. Colour.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10731",
+ "encounter_code": "refractions",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Who do you see beyond the veil?",
+ "illustrator": "Brian Valenzuela",
+ "name": "Captivating Gleam",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 231,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Surge.\nRevelation – Put Captivating Gleam into play in your threat area. Limit 1 per investigator.\nForced – If you have no cards in hand: Take 5 horror and discard Captivating Gleam.",
+ "traits": "Power. Colour.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10741",
+ "encounter_code": "mutations",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Sudden Mutation",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 241,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Attach to the nearest non-[[Elite]] enemy. If you cannot, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a [[Mutated]] enemy and draw it.\nForced – When attached enemy is defeated: Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded and spawn it at this location.",
+ "traits": "Power. Colour.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10742",
+ "encounter_code": "mutations",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change\"\n - Charles Darwin",
+ "illustrator": "Linda Berkvist",
+ "name": "Unnatural Growth",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 242,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Place 1 doom on the nearest enemy with no doom on it. If no doom was placed by this effect, discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Curse.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10743",
+ "encounter_code": "fire",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Fire!",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 243,
+ "quantity": 5,
+ "text": "Revelation – Attach Fire! to the nearest location with no copy of Fire! attached (connected to a location with Fire! attached, if able).\n[action]: Test [agility] (4). If you succeed, discard Fire!\nForced – At the end of the round: Each card with health at this location takes 1 direct damage.",
+ "traits": "Hazard.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
\ No newline at end of file
From 5d9faf20e77395bb1eaabb2c5a256177938f1451 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 10:07:56 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 154/210] FHVC translations
translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 168 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 168 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
diff --git a/translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b16214462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ {
+ "code": "10522",
+ "name": "Éclat Prismatique",
+ "subname": "Météorite Extraterrestre",
+ "text": "Utilisations (4 luminescences).\n[reaction] Quand un effet d'une carte Scénario devrait défaussez n'importe quel nombre de cartes de votre main, inclinez Éclat Prismatique et dépensez 1 luminescence : ignorez cet effet et piochez le même nombre de cartes à la place.",
+ "traits": "Objet. Relique. Couleur."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10548",
+ "name": "Petite Sylvie",
+ "subname": "Un Souvenir Fêlé",
+ "text": "[reaction] Après que la Petite Sylvie a été défaussée de votre main ou de votre deck : jouez-la (en payant son coût).\n[reaction] Lorsqu'un effet de carte Scénario devrait défausser une carte de votre main ou de votre deck, inclinez la Petite Sylvie : placez cette carte au-dessus de votre deck, à la place.",
+ "traits": "Objet. Charme. Maudit.",
+ "slot": "Accessory"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10642",
+ "name": "Ajax",
+ "subname": "Fidèle Monture",
+ "text": "Votre première action chaque round ne provoque pas d'attaque d'opportunité.\n[action] Inclinez Ajax : Se déplacer. Soit vous vous déplacez deux fois, soit vous choisissez n'importeriez quel lieu [[Champ]] et vous vous déplacez vers lui.\n[action] Si Ajax est dans votre lieu : prenez-en le contrôle. N'importe quel joueur dans le lieu d'Ajax a le droit de déclencher cette capacité.",
+ "traits": "Allié. Créature.",
+ "slot": "Ally"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10662a",
+ "name": "Émissaire Cosmique",
+ "subname": "Les Abysses",
+ "text": "Massif.\nNe peut pas effectuer d'attaques d'opportunité.\nForcé – Quand vous combattez ou échappez à cet ennemi avec succès : à la place de le blesser ou de l'incliner, cet ennemi n'attaque pas pendant la phase des Ennemis à ce round.",
+ "traits": "Émissaire. Couleur. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10663a",
+ "name": "Émissaire Cosmique",
+ "subname": "Le Spectre",
+ "text": "Massif. Riposte.\nNe peut pas effectuer d'attaques d'opportunité.\nForcé – Quand vous combattez ou échappez à cet ennemi avec succès : à la place de le blesser ou de l'incliner, cet ennemi n'attaque pas pendant la phase des Ennemis à ce round.",
+ "traits": "Émissaire. Couleur. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10664a",
+ "name": "Émissaire Cosmique",
+ "subname": "Le Miasme",
+ "text": "Massif. Alerte.\nNe peut pas effectuer d'attaques d'opportunité.\nForcé – Quand vous combattez ou échappez à cet ennemi avec succès : à la place de le blesser ou de l'incliner, cet ennemi n'attaque pas pendant la phase des Ennemis à ce round.",
+ "traits": "Émissaire. Couleur. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10665a",
+ "name": "Émissaire Cosmique",
+ "subname": "La Luminescence",
+ "text": "Massif.\nNe peut pas effectuer d'attaques d'opportunité.\nForcé – Quand vous combattez ou échappez à cet ennemi avec succès : à la place de le blesser ou de l'incliner, cet ennemi n'attaque pas pendant la phase des Ennemis à ce round.",
+ "traits": "Émissaire. Couleur. Élite."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10685",
+ "name": "La Malédiction des Hemlock",
+ "subname": "Faim Insatiable",
+ "text": "Les icônes de cette compétence se soustraient à votre valeur au lieu de s'ajouter. En cas d'échec de ce test de compétence, défaussez chaque carte de votre main.\nForcé - À la fin de votre tour, si La Malédiction des Hemlock est dans votre main : défaussez 1 carte prise au hasard de votre main.",
+ "traits": "Décrépitude. Couleur."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10693",
+ "name": "Mère Rachel",
+ "subname": "Matrone Bienveillante",
+ "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez Mère Rachel, vous avez 1 emplacement d'arcane supplémentaire.\n[action] : Discussion. Effectuez un test de [willpower](2). En cas de réussite, ([codex] 1).\nForcé - Après que Mère Rachel a été vaincue : mettez-la de côté, hors-jeu. Dans votre carnet de campagne, diminuez son Niveau de Relation.",
+ "traits": "Habitant."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10694",
+ "name": "Leah Atwood",
+ "subname": "Cuisinière de Vale",
+ "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez Leah Atwood, vous gagnez +1 [combat].\n[action] : Discussion. Effectuez un test de [combat](2). En cas de réussite, ([codex] 2).\nForcé - Après que Leah Atwood a été vaincue : mettez-la de côté, hors-jeu. Dans votre carnet de campagne, diminuez son Niveau de Relation.",
+ "traits": "Habitant."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10695",
+ "name": "Simeon Atwood",
+ "subname": "Fieffé Farceur",
+ "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez Simeon Atwood, vous gagnez +1 [agility].\n[action] : Discussion. Effectuez un test de [agility](2). En cas de réussite, ([codex] 3).\nForcé - Après que Simeon Atwood a été vaincu : mettez-le de côté, hors-jeu. Dans votre carnet de campagne, diminuez son Niveau de Relation.",
+ "traits": "Habitant."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10696",
+ "name": "William Hemlock",
+ "subname": "Poète Amateur",
+ "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez William Hemlock, vous gagnez +1 [intellect].\n[action] : Discussion. Effectuez un test de [intellect](2). En cas de réussite, ([codex] 4).\nForcé - Après que William Hemlock a été vaincu : mettez-le de côté, hors-jeu. Dans votre carnet de campagne, diminuez son Niveau de Relation.",
+ "traits": "Habitant."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10697",
+ "name": "River Hawthorne",
+ "subname": "Coqueluche de New York",
+ "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez River Hawthorne, vous gagnez +1 [willpower].\n][action] : Discussion. Effectuez un test de [willpower] ou de [intellect] (3). En cas de réussite, ([codex] 5).\nForcé - Après que River Hawthorne a été vaincue : mettez-la de côté, hors-jeu. Dans votre carnet de campagne, diminuez son Niveau de Relation.",
+ "traits": "Habitant."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10698",
+ "name": "Gideon Mizrah",
+ "subname": "Vieux Loup de Mer",
+ "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez Gideon Mizrah, yous avez 1 emplacement d'accessoire supplémentaire.\n[action] [action]: Discussion. ([codex] 6).\nForcé - Après que Gideon Mizrah a été vaincu : mettez-le de côté, hors-jeu. Dans votre carnet de campagne, diminuez son Niveau de Relation.",
+ "traits": "Habitant."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10699",
+ "name": "Judith Park",
+ "subname": "Les Muscles",
+ "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez Judith Park, vous avez le droit d'effectuer une action supplémentaire lors de votre tour, qui peut seulement être utilisée pour combattre.\n[action] Dépensez X ressources, X étant le numéro du jour en cours : Discussion. ([codex] 7).\nForcé - Après que Judith Park a été vaincue : mettez-la de côté, hors-jeu. Dans votre carnet de campagne, diminuez son Niveau de Relation.",
+ "traits": "Habitant."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10700",
+ "name": "Theo Peters",
+ "subname": "Touche à Tout",
+ "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez Theo Peters, vous avez le droit d'effectuer une action supplémentaire à votre tour, qui peut être utilisée seulement pour vous déplacer.\n[action] Choisissez et défaussez X cartes de votre main, X étant le numéro du jour en cours : Discussion. ([codex] 8).\nForcé - Après que Theo Peters a été vaincu : mettez-le de côté, hors-jeu. Dans votre carnet de campagne, diminuez son Niveau de Relation.",
+ "traits": "Habitant."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10701",
+ "name": "Bertie Musgrave",
+ "subname": "Un Véritable Esthète",
+ "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez Bertie Musgrave, vous gagnez +1 vie et + 1 santé mentale.\n[fast] Subissez soit 1 dégât et inclinez Bertie Musgrave : Discussion. Piochez 1 carte ([codex] Ω).\nForcé - Après que Bertie Musgrave a été vaincu : mettez-le de côté, hors-jeu. Dans votre carnet de campagne, diminuez son Niveau de Relation.",
+ "traits": "Habitant."
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10702",
+ "flavor": "« Si les plus forts doivent survivre, alors j’ai l’intention de survivre. »",
+ "name": "Dr Rosa Marquez",
+ "subname": "Excelle Dans son Domaine",
+ "text": "« Tant que vous contrôlez le Dr Rosa Marquez, vous gagnez +1 [intellect] et +1 [agility].\n[reaction] Après que vous avez découvert le dernier indice de votre lieu ([codex] Ω).",
+ "traits": "Allié. Miskatonic. Voyageur.",
+ "slot": "Ally"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10703",
+ "flavor": "« Le changement est inéluctable. La question est de savoir comment le tempérer. »",
+ "name": "Helen Peters",
+ "subname": "La Sœur aînée",
+ "text": "(Jour [day]) Vous gagnez +1 [combat]. (Nuit [night]) Vous gagnez +1 [agility].\n[reaction] Après que vous êtes entré dans un lieu, inclinez Helen Peters et infligez-lui 1 dégât : choisissez un ennemi non-[[Élite]] dans votre lieu et échappez-lui automatiquement.",
+ "traits": "Allié. Chasseur.",
+ "slot": "Ally"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10713",
+ "flavor": "La pierre est lisse et érodée.",
+ "name": "Pierre Polie",
+ "subname": "Objet de Protection",
+ "text": "Rapide.\n[reaction] Quand un effet de carte de scénario défausse la Pierre Polie de votre main : piochez 3 cartes. (Limite d'une fois par partie.)",
+ "traits": "Objet. Charme. Béni.",
+ "slot": "Accessory"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10714",
+ "flavor": "Une poupée Abenaki traditionnelle fabriquée à l'effigie de Mère Rachel.",
+ "name": "Poupée en Feuille de Maïs",
+ "subname": "Symbole d'Innocence",
+ "text": "Rapide. Utilisations (3 souhaits).\n[reaction] Quand 1 pion [skull] ou [tablet] est révélé dans votre lieu, dépensez 1 souhait et inclinez la Poupée en Feuille de Maïs : traitez ce pion comme un pion [cultist] à la place.",
+ "traits": "Objet. Charme.",
+ "slot": "Accessory"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10715",
+ "name": "Le Journal des Pearl",
+ "subname": "Un Récit Glaçant",
+ "text": "(Jour [day]) Vous gagnez +1 [intellect]. (Nuit [night]) Vous gagnez +1 [willpower].\n[reaction] Après qu'un investigateur dans votre lieu a pioché une carte [[Décrépitude]] ou [[Pouvoir]] du deck Rencontre, inclinez Le Journal des Pearl : cet investigateur pioche 1 carte.",
+ "traits": "Objet. Livre.",
+ "slot": "Hand"
+ }
From 5ee10c2b257080a2dfc2ec5841c9a6252376535c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 09:34:20 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 155/210] Correct FR translation
translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvp.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvp.json b/translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvp.json
index 83a4c51f5..33915d161 100644
--- a/translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvp.json
+++ b/translations/fr/pack/fhv/fhvp.json
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
"code": "10034",
"name": "Lame Bénie",
"slot": "Main",
- "text": "[action]: Combattre. Vous gagnez +2 [combat] pour cette attaque. En cas de réussite, elle inflige +1 dégât. Renvoyez dans la la réserve du Chaos chaque pion [bless] révélé lors de cette attaque. Avant de révéler le(s) pion(s) Chaos pour cette attaque, vous avez le droit d'incliner la Lame Bénie para ajouter 2 pions [bless] à la réserve du Chaos.",
+ "text": "[action]: Combattre. Vous gagnez +2 [combat] pour cette attaque. En cas de réussite, elle inflige +1 dégât. Renvoyez dans la la réserve du Chaos chaque pion [bless] révélé lors de cette attaque. Avant de révéler le(s) pion(s) Chaos pour cette attaque, vous avez le droit d'incliner la Lame Bénie pour ajouter 2 pions [bless] à la réserve du Chaos.",
"traits": "Objet. Arme. Corps-à-corps. Béni."
From a37fff79cb9d365e888d160a6a00107cc38cb7ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 16:00:34 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 156/210] Add more FHV encounters
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 358 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 358 insertions(+)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index f423dc0d8..09f23dddd 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -406,6 +406,178 @@
"traits": "Blight. Colour.",
"type_code": "skill"
+ {
+ "back_name": "Bertie's Choice",
+ "back_text": "Check the Campaign Log. If Bertie had an epiphany:\nYou reconvene with Dr. Marquez at the Boarding House. Bertie approaches you with a manic gleam in his eye, wearing the white-gold cloak of the Vale. \"I've decided to join the Feast today - for the whole day. I understand this may put my grant in jeopardy but -\" Before Dr. Marquez can chastise him, the young man scampers off past a throng of dancers.
\n(→R2) (page 54).\n
Otherwise:\nYou reconvene with Dr. Marquez at the Boarding House. Bertie approaches you and the professor with obvious excitement. \"I've had a revelation about Hemlock Isle. The food chain is chaos. Predators predated by prey - poetic, isn't it? Something in the food or water induces a frenzy - in fact, this entire celebration is kind of frenzy,\" he gestures to the giddy figures and dancing children.
\n(→R1) (page 54).",
+ "code": "10686",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "doom": 6,
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The people of the Vale dance with an almost manic energy. Riotous music and a sweet perfume scent hang in the air.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "All is Full of Love",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 186,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Forced – When you draw a weakness: Cancel its revelation effect and discard it.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_name": "The Bliss",
+ "back_text": "If you flipped this act while or after playing the Dawn of the Final Day prelude, read the following:\nyou cannot say why but you know why you are here you are here to watch to see to know to perceive to feel to understand to hold in your heart the truth of the cosmos which is that you are but a mote of dust in the brilliant light of infinity and that a single puff of air will send you spiraling into oblivion a single moment and you will cease to be if you even ever were why did you look into the brilliance why did you stare so long at the shining blinding brightness of the stars
\nYou must either suffer 1 mental trauma or search the collection for a random basic [[Madness]] weakness and add it to your deck. It does not count toward your deck size. You earn 2 bonus experience.",
+ "code": "10687",
+ "clues": null,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "A beautiful sheen hangs over everything, shimmering in the air around you.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Dawn of the Final Day",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 187,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Objective – Talk to the locals and prepare yourself for the Feast.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Glowing spores hang in the air around the effigy, lighting up the mirrors and bathing the festival in a faerie glow. You breathe in and feel your mouth and throat buzz with a light, tingling sensation. The last thing you hear as you pas out is the sound of lilting flutes and tambourines.",
+ "back_name": "The Sleep",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator is defeated and suffers 1 mental or 1 physical trauma.",
+ "code": "10688",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Revelers dance to raucous music while others gorge themselves on rank platters of oily food. Visitors and locals alike collapse in fits of laughter while others claw at their eyes. Each of them wear a wild, gleeful smile.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Around the Table",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 188,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Objective – Confront Mother Rachel! If Mother Rachel is defeated: (→R1).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"Well done,\" Mother Rachel says to you. Lights dance in the sky overhead as the last of the Vale residents are led dutifully to their place at the table. Some look at you with rueful expressions, rightfully betrayed. As you move to assume your place at the table, Mother Rachel steps in your way.\n\"It is not your place to sit with us. You are our guest of honor,\" she smiles. You feel a sharp blow to the back of your head, and then nothing.",
+ "back_name": "Back in the Fold",
+ "back_text": "\"Well done,\" Mother Rachel says to you. Lights dance in the sky overhead as the last of the Vale residents are led dutifully to their place at the table. Some look at your with rueful expressions, rightfully betrayed. As you move to assume your place at the table, Mother Rachel steps in your way.\n\"It is not your place to sit with us. You are our guest of honor,\" she smiles. You feel a sharp blow to the back of your head, and then nothing.
\nEach investigator resigns.",
+ "code": "10689",
+ "doom": 5,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You must gather Mother Rachel's flock, willing or not, to their place at the table.",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Lambs to the Slaughter",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 189,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "You cannot trigger [codex] codex entries.\n[reaction] After you evade a [[Resident]] enemy by 2 or more: Add them to the victory display.\nObjective – If 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] [[Resident]] cards are in the victory display, (→R3) (page 60).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "01690b",
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "10690a",
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Dozens of visitors gather around the base of the effigy.",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "The Crossroads",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": "190a",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "subname": "Morning [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: You ask the locals about the Vale ([codex] 10).\n[fast] If there are exactly 1 or 2 investigators in the game, during your turn: Move (to a connecting location). (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Hemlock Vale. Central.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "clues": 0,
+ "code": "10690b",
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "A crowd of revelers dance around a roaring bonfire. Mother Rachel stands before it, smiling broadly.",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "The Crossroads",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": "190b",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "subname": "Evening [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: Parley. You exhort the locals for help. Test [willpower] (3). If you succeed, move 1 damage from your investigator to a [[Resident]] enemy at The Crossroads.",
+ "traits": "Hemlock Vale. Central.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10691b",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "clues_fixed": true,
+ "code": "10691a",
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The mill appears to have been overtaken by sharp, knotted vines and fecund vegetation.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "The Old Mill",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": "191a",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "subname": "Morning [day]",
+ "text": "[action] [action]: Discover 1 clue at The Old Mill.",
+ "traits": "Hemlock Vale.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10691b",
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The daylight gives way to long, sinister shadows.",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "The Old Mill",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": "191b",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "subname": "Evening [day]",
+ "text": "[action]: You investigate the sounds of something rustling in the undergrowth ([codex] 12).",
+ "traits": "Hemlock Vale.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10692",
+ "encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "name": "Frenzied Reveler",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 192,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Forced – When Frenzied Reveler is defeated: Place 1 doom on the agenda. This effect can cause the current agenda to advance.\n[action]: Parley. Test [agility] (4). If you succeed, remove Frenzied Reveler from the game.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Resident.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
"code": "10693",
"encounter_code": "residents",
@@ -693,6 +865,192 @@
"traits": "Item. Tome.",
"type_code": "asset"
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_name": "Cavern",
+ "back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10716",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horrors_in_the_rock",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The open paths seem safe enough... but are they?",
+ "illustrator": "Tyson Johnson",
+ "name": "Dry Burrow",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 216,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "(Day [day]) [fast] : Move (to a connecting location). (Group limit once per round.)\n(Night [night]) Forced – After you end your turn in Dry Burrow: Take 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Cave. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_name": "Cavern",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10717",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horrors_in_the_rock",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The rock formations resemble a jagged grove, wreathed in poisonous red gas.",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Alkaline Forest",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 217,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Forced – After you reveal Alkaline Forest: You must either take 1 direct horror, or discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Cave. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_name": "Cavern",
+ "back_traits": "Cave. Dark.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10718",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horrors_in_the_rock",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The mirror-like walls reflect your fractured face.",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Iridescent Passage",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 218,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Forced – After you fail a skill test while investigating Iridescent Passage: Choose and discard 1 card from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Cave.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_name": "Cavern",
+ "back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10719",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horrors_in_the_rock",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Thick sinewy roots choke the surrounding tunnels.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Overgrown Tunnel",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 219,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "While Overgrown Tunnel has clues on it, you must spend 1 additional action to move out of Overgrown Tunnel.",
+ "traits": "Cave. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_name": "Cavern",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10720",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "horrors_in_the_rock",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The formations resemble a shark's many-rowed teeth, and are just as sharp.",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Mineral Tunnel",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 220,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 0,
+ "text": "While you are investigating Mineral Tunnel, it gets +1 shroud for each card in your hand (max +6 shroud on Easy/Standard difficulty).",
+ "traits": "Cave. Dark.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10721",
+ "encounter_code": "horrors_in_the_rock",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 6,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Crystal Parasite",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 221,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Hunter. Retaliate.\n(Day [day]) Forced – After Crystal Parasite attacks: Heal 2 damage from it.\n(Night [night]) Crystal Parasite gets +2 fight and +1 damage value for every 2 damage on it.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Insect. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10722",
+ "encounter_code": "horrors_in_the_rock",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Chroma Blight",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 222,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Put Chroma Blight into play in your threat area. Limit 1 per investigator.\nForced – After you draw 1 or more cards from your deck: Place 1 resource on Chroma Blight, as brilliance.\nForced – If there is a total of 6 brilliance on Chroma Blight: Put a set-aside copy of Crystal Parasite into play at your location. Remove Chroma Blight from the game.",
+ "traits": "Power. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10723",
+ "encounter_code": "horrors_in_the_rock",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Calcification",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 223,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Put Calcification into play in your threat area. Limit 1 per investigator.\nForced – The first time you move each round: Take 1 direct damage.\n[action]: Test [agility] (3). If you succeed, discard Calcification. (You may take 1 direct damage for this test to automatically succeed.)",
+ "traits": "Hazard. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10724",
+ "encounter_code": "agents_of_the_colour",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Miasmatic Shadow",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 224,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter. (Night [night]) Elusive.\nCannot be damaged except by [[Spell]], [[Relic]], [[Science]], or encounter cards.\nForced – When you discard 1 or more cards from hand at Miasmatic Shadow's location, if it is ready: It engages you and makes an immediate attack.",
+ "traits": "Monster. Colour.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10725",
+ "encounter_code": "agents_of_the_colour",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Alien Whispers",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 225,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [willpower] (3). For each point you fail by, you must (choose one):\n- Take 1 damage, which can only be assigned to an asset you control.\n- Take 1 horror, which can only be assigned to an asset you control.\n- Discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Power. Colour.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
"code": "10726",
"encounter_code": "transfiguration",
From 26eaaef115aa6dacc2170526b0e3fb35541b15f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 16:02:23 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 157/210] Pull in myconids set
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 53 insertions(+)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 09f23dddd..2282e8d1f 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1138,6 +1138,59 @@
"traits": "Power. Colour.",
"type_code": "treachery"
+ {
+ "code": "10738",
+ "encounter_code": "myconids",
+ "encounter_position": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"...and their spores smell of rotting meat.\"\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Walter Brocca",
+ "name": "Black Amanita",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 238,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "(Day [day]) Aloof. (Night [night]) Massive.\nForced - After you discover a clue at Black Amanita's location or a connecting location, if it is ready: Take 1 direct horror.",
+ "traits": "Flora. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10739",
+ "encounter_code": "myconids",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The lichens animate the fleshless bones.",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Corpse Lichen",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 239,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "(Day [day]) Corpse Lichen cannot move.\n(Night [night]) Hunter. Alert.\nForced - After Corpse Lichen attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Flora. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10740",
+ "encounter_code": "myconids",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Aleksander Karcz",
+ "name": "Psychotropic Spores",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 240,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Psychotropic Spores into play in your threat area. Limit 1 per investigator.\nForced - The first time you draw 1 or more cards from your deck each round: Take 1 direct horror.\n[action]: Test [intellect] (3). If you succeed, discard Psychotropic Spores. (You may take 1 direct horror for this test to automatically succeed.)",
+ "traits": "Hazard. Flora.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
"code": "10741",
"encounter_code": "mutations",
From b88a81b2def8a4973376c4ffa18b0f643d2891e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 16:07:28 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 158/210] Some import typos with FHVC
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 10 +++++-----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 2282e8d1f..7430268db 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
"type_code": "agenda"
- "back_link": "01690b",
+ "back_link": "10690b",
"clues": 0,
"code": "10690a",
"encounter_code": "day_of_the_feast",
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
"illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
"name": "The Crossroads",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
- "position": "190a",
+ "position": 190,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
"subname": "Morning [day]",
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
"illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
"name": "The Crossroads",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
- "position": "190b",
+ "position": 190,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
"subname": "Evening [day]",
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
"illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
"name": "The Old Mill",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
- "position": "191a",
+ "position": 191,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 4,
"subname": "Morning [day]",
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@
"illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
"name": "The Old Mill",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
- "position": "191b",
+ "position": 191,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 4,
"subname": "Evening [day]",
From d79aa0ea8f624ad8abc0899e522136401526cecd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 17:49:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 159/210] Add `the_longest_night` encounter set
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 545 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 541 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 7430268db..61f79dde7 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -146,15 +146,296 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 126,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "East / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is half the number of doom in play (rounded up).\n[cultist]: -2. Place 1 barrier at your location.\n[tablet]: -1. Reveal another token. If you fail, the nearest enemy readies, moves, and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, remove 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.",
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is half the number of doom in play (rounded up).\n[cultist]: -2. Place 1 barrier at your location.\n[tablet]: -1. Reveal another token. If you fail, the nearest enemy readies, moves, and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you fail, remove 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.",
"type_code": "scenario"
+ {
+ "code": "10627",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "name": "Barriers, Decoys, and Traps",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 127,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Token Effects\nEnemies that ignore a token's effects do not trigger its Forced abilities.\nResource Forced - When an enemy would move via a keyword and 1 or more barriers are between its location and the location it is moving to: Remove one of those barriers. Cancel the effects of the move.\nHorror Forced - When an enemy enters a location with a decoy: Remove the decoy. Deal 1 damage to that enemy, disengage it from each investigator, and exhaust it. That enemy cannot ready for the remainder of the round.\nDamage Forced - When an enemy enters a location with a trap: Remove the trap. Deal 2 damage to that enemy.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The first rays of dawn send streaks of violet and crimson across the sky, blotting out the stars. As you face the oncoming dawn, a fallen monstrosity rises from a heap of mangled corpses to charge toward you. You barely have time to react!",
+ "back_name": "A Final Sacrifice",
+ "back_text": "The lead investigator must decide (choose one):\n- Each undefeated investigator suffers 1 mental trauma.\n- Choose a resident under an investigator's control. That resident steps between you and the monstrosity, sacrificing themselves. In the Campaign Log, cross out the chosen resident's name. In that Resident's notes, record [name] sacrificed themselves for the investigators.\nAdvance the act.",
+ "code": "10628",
+ "doom": 10,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Your only hope is to last until dawn.",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "The Onslaught",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 128,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "When checking the doom threshold, doom on cards other than this agenda subtract from the total doom in play instead of adding to it.\nForced - When a card effect would place doom on the agenda: Place it on The Captives story asset instead.\nForced - After doom is placed on this agenda: In player order, each investigator draws the top card of the Enemy deck.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_name": "By the Skin of Your Skin",
+ "back_text": "If 4 or fewer damage is on The Captives:\nDespite the seemingly endless onslaught, relatively few of the captives were harmed. As you survey the wrecked interior of the farmhouse, some captives weep into their hands, and others look at you accusingly. How can you convince them that their lives were worth saving?
\n(→R1) (page 50).\n
\nOtherwise:\nThe farm is a charnel house of gore and viscera. When confronted with the onslaught, many of the captives ran, screaming, into the jaws of the monstrosities. The morning light illuminates a scene that will haunt your dreams.
\n(→R2) (page 50).",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "10629",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You must protect the captives!",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "The Longest Night",
+ "pack_code": "",
+ "position": 129,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "[free] During your turn, spend 1 clue: Place 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.\n[action]: Resign.Then, if each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R3) (page 50).\nObjective - Survive the night and protect as many captives as you can. (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The aspect of the whole farm was shocking— greyish withered grass and leaves on the ground, vines falling in brittle wreckage from archaic walls and gables.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_text": "The Farmhouse cannot have player card attachments, traps, or decoys.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10630",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "The Farmhouse",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 130,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "The Farmhouse cannot have player card attachments, traps, or decoys.\n[free] During your turn, spend 1 [per_investigator] resources: Move (to a connecting location).\n[action]: Gain 1 clue (from the token pool). (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Sanctum.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The old farm is riddled with scraps, desiccated livestock, rotten feed, and rusted farming equipment.",
+ "back_name": "Atwood Farm",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10631",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Milkhouse",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 131,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[reaction] When you would place a decoy or a trap at Milkhouse: Place it at an adjacent location instead.\n[action]: Draw 1 set-aside Fire! treachery. Shuffle 1 copy of a set-aside Fire! treachery into the encounter deck. (Limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Farm.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The old farm is riddled with scraps, desiccated livestock, rotten feed, and rusted farming equipment.",
+ "back_name": "Atwood Farm",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10632",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The grapes are all skin and pop like puffballs when touched.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Vineyard",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 132,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[free] During your turn: Engage an enemy at Vineyard. (Limit once per turn.)\nForced - When an enemy enters Vineyard: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "traits": "Farm.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The old farm is riddled with scraps, desiccated livestock, rotten feed, and rusted farming equipment.",
+ "back_name": "Atwood Farm",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10633",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Coop",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 133,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "While there is a decoy on Coop, this location gets -2 shroud.\nEach enemy at Coop gets +1 fight and + 1 evade.\n[action]: Draw 1 set-aside Fire! treachery. Shuffle 1 copy of a set-aside Fire! treachery into the encounter deck. (Limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Farm.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The old farm is riddled with scraps, desiccated livestock, rotten feed, and rusted farming equipment.",
+ "back_name": "Atwood Farm",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10634",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The barn looks like it could collapse at any moment.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Barn",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 134,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Enemies at Barn get +1 damage value.\nWhen Barn is revealed: Place the set-aside Ajax story asset at this location ([codex] Ω).",
+ "traits": "Farm.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The old farm is riddled with scraps, desiccated livestock, rotten feed, and rusted farming equipment.",
+ "back_name": "Atwood Farm",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10635",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Pasture",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 135,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[free] During your turn, if Pasture has a trap on it: Move (to a connecting location).\nForced - After a ready, unengaged enemy moves into Pasture via a keyword, if there are no barriers at Pasture: Resolve that keyword again.",
+ "traits": "Farm.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "10636",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Outer Fields",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 136,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "subname": "Bloodied Path",
+ "text": "[action]: Move an enemy to a connecting location. (Group limit once per game.)\n[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Heal 2 damage from The Captives. (Group limit once per game.)",
+ "traits": "Field. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "10637",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Outer Fields",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 137,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "subname": "Desolate Hills",
+ "text": "[free] During your turn: Look at the top 1 [per_investigator] cards of the Enemy deck. Discard any number of them and put the rest back on top in any order. (Group limit once per game.)",
+ "traits": "Field. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10638",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Outer Fields",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 138,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "subname": "Blighted Cornfields",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Place 1 barrier at this location.\n[free] During your turn: Choose a barrier at any location and move it to any other location. (Limit once per turn.)",
+ "traits": "Field. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10639",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 14,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Outer Fields",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 139,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "subname": "Scorched Knoll",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Place 1 trap at this location.\n[free] During your turn: Choose a trap at any location and move it to any other location. (Limit once per turn.)",
+ "traits": "Field. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10640",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Outer Fields",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 140,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "subname": "Rancid Crops",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Place 1 decoy at this location.\n[free] During your turn: Choose a decoy at any location and move it to any other location. (Limit once per turn.)",
+ "traits": "Field. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10641",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 10,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "The Captives",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 141,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": null,
+ "subname": "Star Children",
+ "text": "During the enemy phase, each ready, unengaged enemy at The Farmhouse attacks as though it were engaged with The Captives. Horror dealt to The Captives in this way is dealt as damage instead.\nForced - When The Captives story asset is defeated: (→R3) (page 50).",
+ "traits": "Innocent. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
"code": "10642",
"cost": 2,
+ "deck_limit": 1,
"encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
"encounter_position": 17,
- "deck_limit": 1,
"faction_code": "neutral",
"health": 2,
"illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
@@ -165,10 +446,266 @@
"quantity": 1,
"slot": "Ally",
"subname": "Faithful Steed",
- "text": "Your first action each round does not provoke attacks of opportunity.\n[action] Exhaust Ajax: Move. Either move twice, or choose any [[Field]] location and move to it.\n[action] If Ajax is at your location: Take control of him. Any player at Ajax's location may trigger this ability.",
+ "text": "Your first action each round does not provoke attacks of opportunity.\n[action] Exhaust Ajax: Move. Either move twice, or choose any [[Field]] location and move to it.\n[action] If Ajax is at your location: Take control of him. Any player at Ajax's location may trigger this ability.",
"traits": "Ally. Creature.",
"type_code": "asset"
+ {
+ "code": "10643",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "enemy_damage": 3,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 5,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 6,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Ursine Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 143,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Starving Abomination",
+ "text": "Hunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nPrey - Lead investigator.\nUrsine Hybrid gets +3 [per_investigator] health and ignores barriers and decoys.\nWhile this enemy is moving, each [[Field]] location is considered connected to one another.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10644a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "name": "Molting Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 144,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (east).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced - When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10644b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "name": "Molting Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 144,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (south).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced - When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10644c",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "name": "Molting Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 144,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (west).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced - When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10645a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "…strangely, they didn't howl. They laughed.\nDr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "name": "Lupine Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 145,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (north).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced - After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10645b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "…strangely, they didn't howl. They laughed.\nDr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "name": "Lupine Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 145,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (east).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced - After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10645c",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 24,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "…strangely, they didn't howl. They laughed.\nDr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "health": 4,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "name": "Lupine Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 145,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (south).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced - After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10646",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 25,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "I suppose that, like any goat, it eats everything.\nDr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
+ "name": "Capra Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 146,
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields location with the fewest enemies.\nAlert. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nCapra Hybrid ignores decoys.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10647a",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Equine Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 147,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (north).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced - When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10647b",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 29,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Equine Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 147,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (east).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced - When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10647c",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 30,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 3,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Equine Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 147,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (west).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced - When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10648",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 31,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "J. Tumburus",
+ "name": "Slithering Hybrid",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 148,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields location with the most enemies.\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nSlithering Hybrid ignores barriers, decoys, traps, and damage from Fire! treacheries.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10649",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 33,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Derek Zabrocki",
+ "name": "Endless Night",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 149,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must decide (choose one):\n- Remove 1 doom from the agenda.\n- Deal 2 damage to The Captives story asset.\n- Take 3 direct damage and 3 direct horror.",
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10650",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
+ "encounter_position": 35,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Leonardo Borazio",
+ "name": "Incursion",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 150,
+ "quantity": 4,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (X). X is half the number of doom in play (rounded up). For each point you fail by, choose a different [[Mutated]] enemy nearest to The Farmhouse and ready it. Each chosen enemy moves, engages, and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
"back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is the number of [[Colour]] enemies in play.\n[cultist]: -6. Discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n[tablet]: -8. You may place 1 doom on your investigator card to treat this token's modifier as -3, instead.\n[elder_thing]: -5. If this is a fight or evasion attempt against a Cosmic Emissary, you automatically fail instead.",
"code": "10651",
@@ -1234,4 +1771,4 @@
"traits": "Hazard.",
"type_code": "treachery"
\ No newline at end of file
From 0cf2d8283bcd71ef42572838046b43fa95536e0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 22:24:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 160/210] Fix missing pack_code
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 61f79dde7..a96e26a6e 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@
"clues": null,
"code": "10629",
"double_sided": true,
- "encounter_code": "",
+ "encounter_code": "the_longest_night",
"encounter_position": 4,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "You must protect the captives!",
"illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
"name": "The Longest Night",
- "pack_code": "",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 129,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
From fe2dd65c87839573274997ba4a53b1d2a21e9935 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 22:31:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 161/210] Use em dash instead of en dash
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index a96e26a6e..3396e8a48 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 127,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Token Effects\nEnemies that ignore a token's effects do not trigger its Forced abilities.\nResource Forced - When an enemy would move via a keyword and 1 or more barriers are between its location and the location it is moving to: Remove one of those barriers. Cancel the effects of the move.\nHorror Forced - When an enemy enters a location with a decoy: Remove the decoy. Deal 1 damage to that enemy, disengage it from each investigator, and exhaust it. That enemy cannot ready for the remainder of the round.\nDamage Forced - When an enemy enters a location with a trap: Remove the trap. Deal 2 damage to that enemy.",
+ "text": "Token Effects\nEnemies that ignore a token's effects do not trigger its Forced abilities.\nResource Forced – When an enemy would move via a keyword and 1 or more barriers are between its location and the location it is moving to: Remove one of those barriers. Cancel the effects of the move.\nHorror Forced – When an enemy enters a location with a decoy: Remove the decoy. Deal 1 damage to that enemy, disengage it from each investigator, and exhaust it. That enemy cannot ready for the remainder of the round.\nDamage Forced – When an enemy enters a location with a trap: Remove the trap. Deal 2 damage to that enemy.",
"type_code": "story"
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
"position": 128,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "When checking the doom threshold, doom on cards other than this agenda subtract from the total doom in play instead of adding to it.\nForced - When a card effect would place doom on the agenda: Place it on The Captives story asset instead.\nForced - After doom is placed on this agenda: In player order, each investigator draws the top card of the Enemy deck.",
+ "text": "When checking the doom threshold, doom on cards other than this agenda subtract from the total doom in play instead of adding to it.\nForced – When a card effect would place doom on the agenda: Place it on The Captives story asset instead.\nForced – After doom is placed on this agenda: In player order, each investigator draws the top card of the Enemy deck.",
"type_code": "agenda"
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
"position": 129,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "[free] During your turn, spend 1 clue: Place 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.\n[action]: Resign.Then, if each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R3) (page 50).\nObjective - Survive the night and protect as many captives as you can. (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
+ "text": "[free] During your turn, spend 1 clue: Place 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.\n[action]: Resign. Then, if each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R3) (page 50).\nObjective – Survive the night and protect as many captives as you can. (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
"type_code": "act"
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
"position": 132,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "[free] During your turn: Engage an enemy at Vineyard. (Limit once per turn.)\nForced - When an enemy enters Vineyard: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "[free] During your turn: Engage an enemy at Vineyard. (Limit once per turn.)\nForced – When an enemy enters Vineyard: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Farm.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
"position": 135,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "[free] During your turn, if Pasture has a trap on it: Move (to a connecting location).\nForced - After a ready, unengaged enemy moves into Pasture via a keyword, if there are no barriers at Pasture: Resolve that keyword again.",
+ "text": "[free] During your turn, if Pasture has a trap on it: Move (to a connecting location).\nForced – After a ready, unengaged enemy moves into Pasture via a keyword, if there are no barriers at Pasture: Resolve that keyword again.",
"traits": "Farm.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"sanity": null,
"subname": "Star Children",
- "text": "During the enemy phase, each ready, unengaged enemy at The Farmhouse attacks as though it were engaged with The Captives. Horror dealt to The Captives in this way is dealt as damage instead.\nForced - When The Captives story asset is defeated: (→R3) (page 50).",
+ "text": "During the enemy phase, each ready, unengaged enemy at The Farmhouse attacks as though it were engaged with The Captives. Horror dealt to The Captives in this way is dealt as damage instead.\nForced – When The Captives story asset is defeated: (→R3) (page 50).",
"traits": "Innocent. Mutated.",
"type_code": "asset"
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
"position": 143,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Starving Abomination",
- "text": "Hunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nPrey - Lead investigator.\nUrsine Hybrid gets +3 [per_investigator] health and ignores barriers and decoys.\nWhile this enemy is moving, each [[Field]] location is considered connected to one another.",
+ "text": "Hunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nPrey – Lead investigator.\nUrsine Hybrid gets +3 [per_investigator] health and ignores barriers and decoys.\nWhile this enemy is moving, each [[Field]] location is considered connected to one another.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 2
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 144,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (east).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced - When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (east).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced – When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 144,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (south).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced - When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (south).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced – When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 144,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (west).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced - When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (west).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced – When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 145,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (north).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced - After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (north).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced – After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 145,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (east).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced - After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (east).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced – After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 145,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (south).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced - After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (south).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced – After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 146,
"quantity": 3,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields location with the fewest enemies.\nAlert. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nCapra Hybrid ignores decoys.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields location with the fewest enemies.\nAlert. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nCapra Hybrid ignores decoys.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 147,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (north).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced - When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (north).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced – When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 147,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (east).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced - When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (east).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced – When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 147,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (west).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced - When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (west).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced – When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 148,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields location with the most enemies.\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nSlithering Hybrid ignores barriers, decoys, traps, and damage from Fire! treacheries.",
+ "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields location with the most enemies.\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nSlithering Hybrid ignores barriers, decoys, traps, and damage from Fire! treacheries.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 149,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must decide (choose one):\n- Remove 1 doom from the agenda.\n- Deal 2 damage to The Captives story asset.\n- Take 3 direct damage and 3 direct horror.",
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation – You must decide (choose one):\n- Remove 1 doom from the agenda.\n- Deal 2 damage to The Captives story asset.\n- Take 3 direct damage and 3 direct horror.",
"traits": "Terror.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 150,
"quantity": 4,
- "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (X). X is half the number of doom in play (rounded up). For each point you fail by, choose a different [[Mutated]] enemy nearest to The Farmhouse and ready it. Each chosen enemy moves, engages, and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.",
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [agility] (X). X is half the number of doom in play (rounded up). For each point you fail by, choose a different [[Mutated]] enemy nearest to The Farmhouse and ready it. Each chosen enemy moves, engages, and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.",
"traits": "Scheme.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From 78860e789ae3d983f7db37046005fd134ea4931a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:56:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 162/210] fix: typo
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 3396e8a48..37de58f47 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
"position": 136,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 2,
- "subname": "Bloodied Path",
+ "subname": "Bloodied Paths",
"text": "[action]: Move an enemy to a connecting location. (Group limit once per game.)\n[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Heal 2 damage from The Captives. (Group limit once per game.)",
"traits": "Field. Blight.",
"type_code": "location"
From c6d3d875a78dda54584716ef111a6462cfd90dc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:56:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 163/210] fix: typo
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 37de58f47..a3385247f 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
"position": 133,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 4,
- "text": "While there is a decoy on Coop, this location gets -2 shroud.\nEach enemy at Coop gets +1 fight and + 1 evade.\n[action]: Draw 1 set-aside Fire! treachery. Shuffle 1 copy of a set-aside Fire! treachery into the encounter deck. (Limit once per round.)",
+ "text": "While there is a decoy on Coop, this location gets -2 shroud.\nEach enemy at Coop gets +1 fight and +1 evade.\n[action]: Draw 1 set-aside Fire! treachery. Shuffle 1 copy of a set-aside Fire! treachery into the encounter deck. (Limit once per round.)",
"traits": "Farm.",
"type_code": "location"
From f86baea9490d44c9605aee087cddf622416ae34f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:57:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 164/210] fix: typo
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index a3385247f..21c556162 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
"position": 129,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "[free] During your turn, spend 1 clue: Place 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.\n[action]: Resign. Then, if each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R3) (page 50).\nObjective – Survive the night and protect as many captives as you can. (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
+ "text": "[free] During your turn, spend 1 clue: Place 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.\n[action]: Resign. Then, if each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R3) (page 50).\nObjective – Survive the night and protect as many captives as you can. (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
"type_code": "act"
From 3266671c33eb79817c513d69481702d7670e5270 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:57:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 165/210] fix: typo
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 21c556162..a630bede5 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
"position": 130,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 4,
- "text": "The Farmhouse cannot have player card attachments, traps, or decoys.\n[free] During your turn, spend 1 [per_investigator] resources: Move (to a connecting location).\n[action]: Gain 1 clue (from the token pool). (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "text": "The Farmhouse cannot have player card attachments, traps, or decoys.\n[free] During your turn, spend 1 [per_investigator] resources: Move (to a connecting location).\n[action]: Gain 1 clue (from the token pool). (Group limit once per round.)",
"traits": "Sanctum.",
"type_code": "location"
From c08e279e8d3ac24a13b7d7a74f0d187f0745505e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:58:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 166/210] fix: missing reaction
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index a630bede5..f13d29ac7 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"position": 134,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "Enemies at Barn get +1 damage value.\nWhen Barn is revealed: Place the set-aside Ajax story asset at this location ([codex] Ω).",
+ "text": "Enemies at Barn get +1 damage value.\n[reaction] When Barn is revealed: Place the set-aside Ajax story asset at this location ([codex] Ω).",
"traits": "Farm.",
"type_code": "location"
From eb3212f1a1a95db2f854d707b0337bb11966294c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:59:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 167/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index f13d29ac7..2559dc81e 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
"enemy_fight": 3,
"enemy_horror": 2,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "I suppose that, like any goat, it eats everything.\nDr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "flavor": "I suppose that, like any goat, it eats everything.\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
"health": 5,
"illustrator": "Stephen Somers",
"name": "Capra Hybrid",
From 3168be142b836cda1c8b8d9210ed4b518227c20c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:00:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 168/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 2559dc81e..9040f848a 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@
"enemy_fight": 3,
"enemy_horror": 1,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "…strangely, they didn't howl. They laughed.\nDr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "flavor": "...strangely, they didn't howl. They laughed.\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
"health": 4,
"illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
"name": "Lupine Hybrid",
From bcb9562c82e5d4e8862f04b98fc37c76a0def6e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:00:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 169/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 9040f848a..6b5d7721c 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
"enemy_fight": 3,
"enemy_horror": 1,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "…strangely, they didn't howl. They laughed.\nDr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "flavor": "...strangely, they didn't howl. They laughed.\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
"health": 4,
"illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
"name": "Lupine Hybrid",
From 182c25005eba1cb7f2dd0573a527b8ac90c8036f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:00:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 170/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 6b5d7721c..ddf79ddba 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@
"enemy_fight": 3,
"enemy_horror": 1,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "…strangely, they didn't howl. They laughed.\nDr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "flavor": "...strangely, they didn't howl. They laughed.\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
"health": 4,
"illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
"name": "Lupine Hybrid",
From ed764ed4c1ed471f9ffe738bc3d3a3011ddd8083 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:01:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 171/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index ddf79ddba..f7e7ee8b8 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"clues": 3,
"code": "10636",
"double_sided": true,
From 5b52112a8b46215ebe6ce20844ec06f5d368d06a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:01:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 172/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index f7e7ee8b8..ccfd4fd7d 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"clues": 3,
"code": "10637",
"double_sided": true,
From e14a36be2556cf00af415689e1fb85007a27f42c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:01:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 173/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index ccfd4fd7d..b2b8d68e8 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10638",
"double_sided": true,
From 95bb651d68f1dd3173884488218717d3f0c41543 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:01:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 174/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index b2b8d68e8..fd05bb676 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
"type_code": "act"
- "back_flavor": "The aspect of the whole farm was shocking— greyish withered grass and leaves on the ground, vines falling in brittle wreckage from archaic walls and gables.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_flavor": "The aspect of the whole farm was shocking - greyish withered grass and leaves on the ground, vines falling in brittle wreckage from archaic walls and gables.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"back_text": "The Farmhouse cannot have player card attachments, traps, or decoys.",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10630",
From 640b54c893b885232eddd5f99539c7d8073dca28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:03:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 175/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index fd05bb676..6889811d1 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10639",
"double_sided": true,
From 3726b66fd0aab12a31912bb8f5bddb8cbb621ece Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:03:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 176/210] fix: cite
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 6889811d1..fea251278 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\nH.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
+ "back_flavor": "All the verdure was going grey, and was developing a highly singular quality of brittleness.\n - H.P. Lovecraft, \"The Colour Out of Space\"",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10640",
"double_sided": true,
From bd5bd83122397cf8b33b2f429f5bd17c4e089082 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:06:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 177/210] fix: replace free -> fast
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 16 ++++++++--------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index fea251278..75ac8be00 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
"position": 129,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "[free] During your turn, spend 1 clue: Place 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.\n[action]: Resign. Then, if each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R3) (page 50).\nObjective – Survive the night and protect as many captives as you can. (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn, spend 1 clue: Place 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.\n[action]: Resign. Then, if each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R3) (page 50).\nObjective – Survive the night and protect as many captives as you can. (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
"type_code": "act"
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
"position": 130,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 4,
- "text": "The Farmhouse cannot have player card attachments, traps, or decoys.\n[free] During your turn, spend 1 [per_investigator] resources: Move (to a connecting location).\n[action]: Gain 1 clue (from the token pool). (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "text": "The Farmhouse cannot have player card attachments, traps, or decoys.\n[fast] During your turn, spend 1 [per_investigator] resources: Move (to a connecting location).\n[action]: Gain 1 clue (from the token pool). (Group limit once per round.)",
"traits": "Sanctum.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
"position": 132,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "[free] During your turn: Engage an enemy at Vineyard. (Limit once per turn.)\nForced – When an enemy enters Vineyard: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn: Engage an enemy at Vineyard. (Limit once per turn.)\nForced – When an enemy enters Vineyard: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Farm.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
"position": 135,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "[free] During your turn, if Pasture has a trap on it: Move (to a connecting location).\nForced – After a ready, unengaged enemy moves into Pasture via a keyword, if there are no barriers at Pasture: Resolve that keyword again.",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn, if Pasture has a trap on it: Move (to a connecting location).\nForced – After a ready, unengaged enemy moves into Pasture via a keyword, if there are no barriers at Pasture: Resolve that keyword again.",
"traits": "Farm.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 2,
"subname": "Desolate Hills",
- "text": "[free] During your turn: Look at the top 1 [per_investigator] cards of the Enemy deck. Discard any number of them and put the rest back on top in any order. (Group limit once per game.)",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn: Look at the top 1 [per_investigator] cards of the Enemy deck. Discard any number of them and put the rest back on top in any order. (Group limit once per game.)",
"traits": "Field. Blight.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
"subname": "Blighted Cornfields",
- "text": "[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Place 1 barrier at this location.\n[free] During your turn: Choose a barrier at any location and move it to any other location. (Limit once per turn.)",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Place 1 barrier at this location.\n[fast] During your turn: Choose a barrier at any location and move it to any other location. (Limit once per turn.)",
"traits": "Field. Blight.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
"subname": "Scorched Knoll",
- "text": "[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Place 1 trap at this location.\n[free] During your turn: Choose a trap at any location and move it to any other location. (Limit once per turn.)",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Place 1 trap at this location.\n[fast] During your turn: Choose a trap at any location and move it to any other location. (Limit once per turn.)",
"traits": "Field. Blight.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
"subname": "Rancid Crops",
- "text": "[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Place 1 decoy at this location.\n[free] During your turn: Choose a decoy at any location and move it to any other location. (Limit once per turn.)",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you discover the last clue from this location: Place 1 decoy at this location.\n[fast] During your turn: Choose a decoy at any location and move it to any other location. (Limit once per turn.)",
"traits": "Field. Blight.",
"type_code": "location"
From 5790f72634456e466a2d237781e1eb7ae1651d5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:06:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 178/210] fix: remove sanity null
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 75ac8be00..343f66766 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -424,7 +424,6 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 141,
"quantity": 1,
- "sanity": null,
"subname": "Star Children",
"text": "During the enemy phase, each ready, unengaged enemy at The Farmhouse attacks as though it were engaged with The Captives. Horror dealt to The Captives in this way is dealt as damage instead.\nForced – When The Captives story asset is defeated: (→R3) (page 50).",
"traits": "Innocent. Mutated.",
From be305a6327478d7d684a5ed067ce1d7ea0321c7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:10:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 179/210] fix: replace em -> en dash
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 343f66766..9cf9ab4f4 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 127,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Token Effects\nEnemies that ignore a token's effects do not trigger its Forced abilities.\nResource Forced – When an enemy would move via a keyword and 1 or more barriers are between its location and the location it is moving to: Remove one of those barriers. Cancel the effects of the move.\nHorror Forced – When an enemy enters a location with a decoy: Remove the decoy. Deal 1 damage to that enemy, disengage it from each investigator, and exhaust it. That enemy cannot ready for the remainder of the round.\nDamage Forced – When an enemy enters a location with a trap: Remove the trap. Deal 2 damage to that enemy.",
+ "text": "Token Effects\nEnemies that ignore a token's effects do not trigger its Forced abilities.\nResource Forced - When an enemy would move via a keyword and 1 or more barriers are between its location and the location it is moving to: Remove one of those barriers. Cancel the effects of the move.\nHorror Forced - When an enemy enters a location with a decoy: Remove the decoy. Deal 1 damage to that enemy, disengage it from each investigator, and exhaust it. That enemy cannot ready for the remainder of the round.\nDamage Forced - When an enemy enters a location with a trap: Remove the trap. Deal 2 damage to that enemy.",
"type_code": "story"
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
"position": 128,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "When checking the doom threshold, doom on cards other than this agenda subtract from the total doom in play instead of adding to it.\nForced – When a card effect would place doom on the agenda: Place it on The Captives story asset instead.\nForced – After doom is placed on this agenda: In player order, each investigator draws the top card of the Enemy deck.",
+ "text": "When checking the doom threshold, doom on cards other than this agenda subtract from the total doom in play instead of adding to it.\nForced - When a card effect would place doom on the agenda: Place it on The Captives story asset instead.\nForced - After doom is placed on this agenda: In player order, each investigator draws the top card of the Enemy deck.",
"type_code": "agenda"
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
"position": 129,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "[fast] During your turn, spend 1 clue: Place 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.\n[action]: Resign. Then, if each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R3) (page 50).\nObjective – Survive the night and protect as many captives as you can. (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn, spend 1 clue: Place 1 barrier, decoy, or trap at your location.\n[action]: Resign. Then, if each undefeated investigator has resigned, (→R3) (page 50).\nObjective - Survive the night and protect as many captives as you can. (Do not advance until you are instructed.)",
"type_code": "act"
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
"position": 132,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "[fast] During your turn: Engage an enemy at Vineyard. (Limit once per turn.)\nForced – When an enemy enters Vineyard: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn: Engage an enemy at Vineyard. (Limit once per turn.)\nForced - When an enemy enters Vineyard: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Farm.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
"position": 135,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "[fast] During your turn, if Pasture has a trap on it: Move (to a connecting location).\nForced – After a ready, unengaged enemy moves into Pasture via a keyword, if there are no barriers at Pasture: Resolve that keyword again.",
+ "text": "[fast] During your turn, if Pasture has a trap on it: Move (to a connecting location).\nForced - After a ready, unengaged enemy moves into Pasture via a keyword, if there are no barriers at Pasture: Resolve that keyword again.",
"traits": "Farm.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
"position": 141,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Star Children",
- "text": "During the enemy phase, each ready, unengaged enemy at The Farmhouse attacks as though it were engaged with The Captives. Horror dealt to The Captives in this way is dealt as damage instead.\nForced – When The Captives story asset is defeated: (→R3) (page 50).",
+ "text": "During the enemy phase, each ready, unengaged enemy at The Farmhouse attacks as though it were engaged with The Captives. Horror dealt to The Captives in this way is dealt as damage instead.\nForced - When The Captives story asset is defeated: (→R3) (page 50).",
"traits": "Innocent. Mutated.",
"type_code": "asset"
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
"position": 143,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Starving Abomination",
- "text": "Hunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nPrey – Lead investigator.\nUrsine Hybrid gets +3 [per_investigator] health and ignores barriers and decoys.\nWhile this enemy is moving, each [[Field]] location is considered connected to one another.",
+ "text": "Hunter. Massive. Retaliate.\nPrey - Lead investigator.\nUrsine Hybrid gets +3 [per_investigator] health and ignores barriers and decoys.\nWhile this enemy is moving, each [[Field]] location is considered connected to one another.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 2
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 144,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (east).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced – When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (east).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced - When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 144,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (south).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced – When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (south).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced - When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 144,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (west).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced – When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (west).\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nMolting Hybrid ignores barriers.\nForced - When Molting Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 145,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (north).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced – After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (north).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced - After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 145,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (east).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced – After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (east).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced - After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 145,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (south).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced – After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (south).\nRetaliate. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nForced - After Lupine Hybrid attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 146,
"quantity": 3,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields location with the fewest enemies.\nAlert. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nCapra Hybrid ignores decoys.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields location with the fewest enemies.\nAlert. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nCapra Hybrid ignores decoys.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 147,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (north).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced – When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (north).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced - When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 147,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (east).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced – When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (east).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced - When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 147,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields (west).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced – When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields (west).\nPatrol (The Farmhouse).\nEquine Hybrid ignores traps.\nForced - When Equine Hybrid would take any amount of damage: Reduce that amount to 1.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 148,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Spawn – Outer Fields location with the most enemies.\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nSlithering Hybrid ignores barriers, decoys, traps, and damage from Fire! treacheries.",
+ "text": "Spawn - Outer Fields location with the most enemies.\nAloof. Patrol (The Farmhouse).\nSlithering Hybrid ignores barriers, decoys, traps, and damage from Fire! treacheries.",
"traits": "Creature. Monster. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 149,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Peril.\nRevelation – You must decide (choose one):\n- Remove 1 doom from the agenda.\n- Deal 2 damage to The Captives story asset.\n- Take 3 direct damage and 3 direct horror.",
+ "text": "Peril.\nRevelation - You must decide (choose one):\n- Remove 1 doom from the agenda.\n- Deal 2 damage to The Captives story asset.\n- Take 3 direct damage and 3 direct horror.",
"traits": "Terror.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 150,
"quantity": 4,
- "text": "Revelation – Test [agility] (X). X is half the number of doom in play (rounded up). For each point you fail by, choose a different [[Mutated]] enemy nearest to The Farmhouse and ready it. Each chosen enemy moves, engages, and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (X). X is half the number of doom in play (rounded up). For each point you fail by, choose a different [[Mutated]] enemy nearest to The Farmhouse and ready it. Each chosen enemy moves, engages, and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.",
"traits": "Scheme.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From 112b5fca09d6b02d3ff7450985f3521c18e7d388 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 10:42:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 180/210] Fix some issues with fhv encounters
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 9cf9ab4f4..bb98550ad 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 176,
"quantity": 3,
- "text": "Revelation – Test [agility] (3). For each point you fail by, you must either lose 1 resource or take 1 damage.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (3). For each point you fail by, you must either lose 1 resource or take 1 damage.",
"traits": "Hazard.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@
"back_name": "The Brilliance",
- "back_text": "If you flipped this act while or after playing the Dawn of the First Day prelude, read the following:\nThe sweetness of the air and the vibrant colors are overwhelming. Your pulse is electric as gooseflesh creeps up your arm and your skin prickles, almost as if under an invisible caress. You are not alone, you never were alone, but the one who is with you is you, and you, and you, and you, and you and you and and and and\nYou catch yourself staring up at the glassy sky, bewildered and drunk with wonder.
\nYou (and only you) earn 1 bonus experience (do not spend it until instructed)",
+ "back_text": "If you flipped this act while or after playing the Dawn of the First Day prelude, read the following:\nThe sweetness of the air and the vibrant colors are overwhelming. Your pulse is electric as gooseflesh creeps up your arm and your skin prickles, almost as if under an invisible caress. You are not alone, you never were alone, but the one who is with you is you, and you, and you, and you, and you and you and and and and\nYou catch yourself staring up at the glassy sky, bewildered and drunk with wonder.
\nYou (and only you) earn 1 bonus experience. (do not spend it until instructed.)",
"clues": null,
"code": "10682",
"double_sided": true,
@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@
"back_name": "Bertie's Choice",
- "back_text": "Check the Campaign Log. If Bertie had an epiphany:\nYou reconvene with Dr. Marquez at the Boarding House. Bertie approaches you with a manic gleam in his eye, wearing the white-gold cloak of the Vale. \"I've decided to join the Feast today - for the whole day. I understand this may put my grant in jeopardy but -\" Before Dr. Marquez can chastise him, the young man scampers off past a throng of dancers.
\n(→R2) (page 54).\n
Otherwise:\nYou reconvene with Dr. Marquez at the Boarding House. Bertie approaches you and the professor with obvious excitement. \"I've had a revelation about Hemlock Isle. The food chain is chaos. Predators predated by prey - poetic, isn't it? Something in the food or water induces a frenzy - in fact, this entire celebration is kind of frenzy,\" he gestures to the giddy figures and dancing children.
\n(→R1) (page 54).",
+ "back_text": "Check the Campaign Log. If Bertie had an epiphany:\nYou reconvene with Dr. Marquez at the Boarding House. Bertie approaches you with a manic gleam in his eye, wearing the white-gold cloak of the Vale. \"I've decided to join the Feast today - for the whole day. I understand this may put my grant in jeopardy but -\" Before Dr. Marquez can chastise him, the young man scampers off past a throng of dancers.
\n(→R2) (page 54).\n
Otherwise:\nYou reconvene with Dr. Marquez at the Boarding House. Bertie approaches you and the professor with obvious excitement. \"I've had a revelation about Hemlock Isle. The food chain is chaos. Predators predated by prey - poetic, isn't it? Something in the food or water induces a frenzy - in fact, this entire celebration is kind of frenzy,\" he gestures to the giddy figures and dancing children.
\n(→R1) (page 54).",
"code": "10686",
"double_sided": true,
"doom": 6,
@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@
"position": 186,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "Forced – When you draw a weakness: Cancel its revelation effect and discard it.",
+ "text": "Forced - When you draw a weakness: Cancel its revelation effect and discard it.",
"type_code": "agenda"
@@ -977,11 +977,11 @@
"position": 187,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "Objective – Talk to the locals and prepare yourself for the Feast.",
+ "text": "Objective - Talk to the locals and prepare yourself for the Feast.",
"type_code": "act"
- "back_flavor": "Glowing spores hang in the air around the effigy, lighting up the mirrors and bathing the festival in a faerie glow. You breathe in and feel your mouth and throat buzz with a light, tingling sensation. The last thing you hear as you pas out is the sound of lilting flutes and tambourines.",
+ "back_flavor": "Glowing spores hang in the air around the effigy, lighting up the mirrors and bathing the festival in a faerie glow. You breathe in and feel your mouth and throat buzz with a light, tingling sensation. The last thing you hear as you pass out is the sound of lilting flutes and tambourines.",
"back_name": "The Sleep",
"back_text": "Each investigator is defeated and suffers 1 mental or 1 physical trauma.",
"code": "10688",
@@ -996,13 +996,14 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 188,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Objective – Confront Mother Rachel! If Mother Rachel is defeated: (→R1).",
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Objective - Confront Mother Rachel! If Mother Rachel is defeated: (→R1).",
"type_code": "agenda"
"back_flavor": "\"Well done,\" Mother Rachel says to you. Lights dance in the sky overhead as the last of the Vale residents are led dutifully to their place at the table. Some look at you with rueful expressions, rightfully betrayed. As you move to assume your place at the table, Mother Rachel steps in your way.\n\"It is not your place to sit with us. You are our guest of honor,\" she smiles. You feel a sharp blow to the back of your head, and then nothing.",
"back_name": "Back in the Fold",
- "back_text": "\"Well done,\" Mother Rachel says to you. Lights dance in the sky overhead as the last of the Vale residents are led dutifully to their place at the table. Some look at your with rueful expressions, rightfully betrayed. As you move to assume your place at the table, Mother Rachel steps in your way.\n\"It is not your place to sit with us. You are our guest of honor,\" she smiles. You feel a sharp blow to the back of your head, and then nothing.
\nEach investigator resigns.",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator resigns.",
"code": "10689",
"doom": 5,
"double_sided": true,
@@ -1016,7 +1017,7 @@
"position": 189,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 3,
- "text": "You cannot trigger [codex] codex entries.\n[reaction] After you evade a [[Resident]] enemy by 2 or more: Add them to the victory display.\nObjective – If 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] [[Resident]] cards are in the victory display, (→R3) (page 60).",
+ "text": "You cannot trigger [codex] codex entries.\n[reaction] After you evade a [[Resident]] enemy by 2 or more: Add them to the victory display.\nObjective - If 1 plus 1 [per_investigator] [[Resident]] cards are in the victory display, (→R3) (page 60).",
"type_code": "agenda"
@@ -1110,7 +1111,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 192,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Forced – When Frenzied Reveler is defeated: Place 1 doom on the agenda. This effect can cause the current agenda to advance.\n[action]: Parley. Test [agility] (4). If you succeed, remove Frenzied Reveler from the game.",
+ "text": "Forced - When Frenzied Reveler is defeated: Place 1 doom on the agenda. This effect can cause the current agenda to advance.\n[action]: Parley. Test [agility] (4). If you succeed, remove Frenzied Reveler from the game.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Resident.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -1403,7 +1404,7 @@
- "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
"back_name": "Cavern",
"back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"clues": 1,
@@ -1419,12 +1420,12 @@
"position": 216,
"quantity": 2,
"shroud": 2,
- "text": "(Day [day]) [fast] : Move (to a connecting location). (Group limit once per round.)\n(Night [night]) Forced – After you end your turn in Dry Burrow: Take 1 horror.",
+ "text": "(Day [day]) [fast] : Move (to a connecting location). (Group limit once per round.)\n(Night [night]) Forced - After you end your turn in Dry Burrow: Take 1 horror.",
"traits": "Cave. Dark.",
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
"back_name": "Cavern",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10717",
@@ -1439,12 +1440,12 @@
"position": 217,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 2,
- "text": "Forced – After you reveal Alkaline Forest: You must either take 1 direct horror, or discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
+ "text": "Forced - After you reveal Alkaline Forest: You must either take 1 direct horror, or discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
"traits": "Cave. Dark.",
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
"back_name": "Cavern",
"back_traits": "Cave. Dark.",
"clues": 2,
@@ -1460,12 +1461,12 @@
"position": 218,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "Forced – After you fail a skill test while investigating Iridescent Passage: Choose and discard 1 card from your hand.",
+ "text": "Forced - After you fail a skill test while investigating Iridescent Passage: Choose and discard 1 card from your hand.",
"traits": "Cave.",
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
"back_name": "Cavern",
"back_illustrator": "Nele Diel",
"clues": 1,
@@ -1486,7 +1487,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n – H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
+ "back_flavor": "After more aeons of descent I saw some side passages or burrows leading from unknown recesses of blackness to this shaft of nighted mystery.\n - H. P. Lovecraft, \"The Festival\"",
"back_name": "Cavern",
"clues": 1,
"code": "10720",
@@ -1520,7 +1521,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 221,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Hunter. Retaliate.\n(Day [day]) Forced – After Crystal Parasite attacks: Heal 2 damage from it.\n(Night [night]) Crystal Parasite gets +2 fight and +1 damage value for every 2 damage on it.",
+ "text": "Hunter. Retaliate.\n(Day [day]) Forced - After Crystal Parasite attacks: Heal 2 damage from it.\n(Night [night]) Crystal Parasite gets +2 fight and +1 damage value for every 2 damage on it.",
"traits": "Monster. Insect. Blight.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 1
@@ -1535,7 +1536,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 222,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Put Chroma Blight into play in your threat area. Limit 1 per investigator.\nForced – After you draw 1 or more cards from your deck: Place 1 resource on Chroma Blight, as brilliance.\nForced – If there is a total of 6 brilliance on Chroma Blight: Put a set-aside copy of Crystal Parasite into play at your location. Remove Chroma Blight from the game.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Chroma Blight into play in your threat area. Limit 1 per investigator.\nForced - After you draw 1 or more cards from your deck: Place 1 resource on Chroma Blight, as brilliance.\nForced - If there is a total of 6 brilliance on Chroma Blight: Put a set-aside copy of Crystal Parasite into play at your location. Remove Chroma Blight from the game.",
"traits": "Power. Blight.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1549,7 +1550,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 223,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Put Calcification into play in your threat area. Limit 1 per investigator.\nForced – The first time you move each round: Take 1 direct damage.\n[action]: Test [agility] (3). If you succeed, discard Calcification. (You may take 1 direct damage for this test to automatically succeed.)",
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Calcification into play in your threat area. Limit 1 per investigator.\nForced - The first time you move each round: Take 1 direct damage.\n[action]: Test [agility] (3). If you succeed, discard Calcification. (You may take 1 direct damage for this test to automatically succeed.)",
"traits": "Hazard. Blight.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1568,7 +1569,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 224,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Aloof. Hunter. (Night [night]) Elusive.\nCannot be damaged except by [[Spell]], [[Relic]], [[Science]], or encounter cards.\nForced – When you discard 1 or more cards from hand at Miasmatic Shadow's location, if it is ready: It engages you and makes an immediate attack.",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter. (Night [night]) Elusive.\nCannot be damaged except by [[Spell]], [[Relic]], [[Science]], or encounter cards.\nForced - When you discard 1 or more cards from hand at Miasmatic Shadow's location, if it is ready: It engages you and makes an immediate attack.",
"traits": "Monster. Colour.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 0
@@ -1583,7 +1584,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 225,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Test [willpower] (3). For each point you fail by, you must (choose one):\n- Take 1 damage, which can only be assigned to an asset you control.\n- Take 1 horror, which can only be assigned to an asset you control.\n- Discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). For each point you fail by, you must (choose one):\n- Take 1 damage, which can only be assigned to an asset you control.\n- Take 1 horror, which can only be assigned to an asset you control.\n- Discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
"traits": "Power. Colour.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1598,7 +1599,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 226,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Test [willpower] (5). Reduce the difficulty of this test by 1 for each horror on you. If you fail, you must either take 2 horror, or discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (5). Reduce the difficulty of this test by 1 for each horror on you. If you fail, you must either take 2 horror, or discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
"traits": "Power.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1612,7 +1613,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 227,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Attach Fungal Rot to an [[Item]] asset you control without Fungal Rot attached. If you cannot, Fungal Rot gains surge.\nTreat attached asset's text box as if it were blank (except for [[Traits]]).\n[action]: Test [combat] (3). If you succeed, discard Fungal Rot. Otherwise, take 1 damage.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Attach Fungal Rot to an [[Item]] asset you control without Fungal Rot attached. If you cannot, Fungal Rot gains surge.\nTreat attached asset's text box as if it were blank (except for [[Traits]]).\n[action]: Test [combat] (3). If you succeed, discard Fungal Rot. Otherwise, take 1 damage.",
"traits": "Hazard. Blight.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1627,7 +1628,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 228,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Test [combat] (5). Reduce the difficulty of this test by 1 for each damage on you. If you fail, you must either take 2 damage, or choose the card with the highest printed cost in your hand and discard it.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [combat] (5). Reduce the difficulty of this test by 1 for each damage on you. If you fail, you must either take 2 damage, or choose the card with the highest printed cost in your hand and discard it.",
"traits": "Hazard. Blight.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1641,7 +1642,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 229,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Put Dessication into play next to the agenda deck.\nAs an additional cost for an investigator to play a card, they must take 1 damage.\nForced – At the end of the round: Discard 1 copy of Dessication from play. (Max once per round.)",
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Dessication into play next to the agenda deck.\nAs an additional cost for an investigator to play a card, they must take 1 damage.\nForced - At the end of the round: Discard 1 copy of Dessication from play. (Max once per round.)",
"traits": "Blight.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1655,7 +1656,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 230,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "(Day [day]) Revelation – Test 2 [willpower]. Increase the difficulty of this test by 2 if you have 5 or more cards in hand. If you fail, choose and discard 2 cards from your hand.\n(Night [night]) Revelation – Discard 1 card at random from your hand. Test [willpower] (X). X is that card's printed cost. If you fail, take 2 horror.",
+ "text": "(Day [day]) Revelation - Test [willpower] (2). Increase the difficulty of this test by 2 if you have 5 or more cards in hand. If you fail, choose and discard 2 cards from your hand.\n(Night [night]) Revelation - Discard 1 card at random from your hand. Test [willpower] (X). X is that card's printed cost. If you fail, take 2 horror.",
"traits": "Power. Colour.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1709,7 +1710,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 239,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "(Day [day]) Corpse Lichen cannot move.\n(Night [night]) Hunter. Alert.\nForced - After Corpse Lichen attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
+ "text": "(Day [day]) Corpse Lichen cannot move. (Night [night]) Hunter. Alert.\nForced - After Corpse Lichen attacks: Heal 1 damage from it.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Monster. Flora. Mutated.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -1737,7 +1738,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 241,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Attach to the nearest non-[[Elite]] enemy. If you cannot, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a [[Mutated]] enemy and draw it.\nForced – When attached enemy is defeated: Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded and spawn it at this location.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Attach to the nearest non-[[Elite]] enemy. If you cannot, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a [[Mutated]] enemy and draw it.\nForced – When attached enemy is defeated: Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded and spawn it at this location.",
"traits": "Power. Colour.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1752,7 +1753,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 242,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Place 1 doom on the nearest enemy with no doom on it. If no doom was placed by this effect, discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Place 1 doom on the nearest enemy with no doom on it. If no doom was placed by this effect, discard 2 cards at random from your hand.",
"traits": "Curse.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1766,7 +1767,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 243,
"quantity": 5,
- "text": "Revelation – Attach Fire! to the nearest location with no copy of Fire! attached (connected to a location with Fire! attached, if able).\n[action]: Test [agility] (4). If you succeed, discard Fire!\nForced – At the end of the round: Each card with health at this location takes 1 direct damage.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Attach Fire! to the nearest location with no copy of Fire! attached (connected to a location with Fire! attached, if able).\n[action]: Test [agility] (4). If you succeed, discard Fire!\nForced – At the end of the round: Each card with health at this location takes 1 direct damage.",
"traits": "Hazard.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From f579e4fb85e8b1be850125f570d36cbfb281f9a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 11:40:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 181/210] Add `the_silent_heath` encounter set
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 352 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 351 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index bb98550ad..47a4cd606 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -104,9 +104,359 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 49,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "East / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is half the number of [[Insect]] enemies in play and in the victory display (rounded up).\n[cultist]: -1. You may shuffle a non-[[Elite]] enemy in the victory display into the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, choose an [[Insect]] enemy at your location. It engages you and makes an immediate attack.\n[elder_thing]: -2. If you are a [[Lair]] location, reveal another token.",
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is half the number of [[Insect]] enemies in play and in the victory display (rounded up).\n[cultist]: -1. You may shuffle a non-[[Elite]] enemy in the victory display into the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, choose an [[Insect]] enemy at your location. It engages you and makes an immediate attack.\n[elder_thing]: -2. If you are a [[Lair]] location, reveal another token.",
"type_code": "scenario"
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "An acrid stench wafts from somewhere deep below. The skittering of hundreds of legs fills the air before a monstrous insect emerges from underground. It has sickly, translucent skin and a pair of shriveled black wings that hang limply over its back. The creature stares at you with unfeeling beady eyes, waving its antennae to announce your presence.",
+ "back_name": "Strange Creatures",
+ "back_text": "Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an [[Insect]] enemy is discarded. The lead investigator draws that enemy.\nShuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.",
+ "code": "10550",
+ "doom": 8,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The dry landscape is perfectly still. A beguiling glow hangs over everything.",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Unsettling Silence",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 50,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Forced - When doom is placed on this agenda, if the Brood Queen enemy is set aside: Reveal tokens from the chaos bag equal to the number of [[Insect]] enemies in the victory display. If a [skull] or [auto_fail] token is revealed, spawn the set-aside Brood Queen enemy.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A swarm of insect soldiers descends upon you, blocking any escape. One of them buries its proboscis in your torso with near-mechanical efficiency. You feel pain, then numbness, then nothing as you pass out.\nYou come to hours later, covered in salt, in a dry cavern. Head pounding, you stagger out of the warrens into the arid heath. The wound in your side oozes a filmy blue poison, but it doesn't seem to be fatal...",
+ "back_name": "Swarmed!",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator who has not been eliminated is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.",
+ "code": "10551",
+ "doom": 7,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The insects scurry to and fro, alarmed by your presence.",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Desolation (v.I)",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 51,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Each [[Insect]] enemy loses aloof.\nForced - When doom is placed on this agenda, if the Brood Queen enemy is set aside: Reveal tokens from the chaos bag equal to the number of [[Insect]] enemies in the victory display. If a token with a symbol is revealed, spawn the set-aside Brood Queen enemy.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A swarm of insects descends upon you, blocking any escape. One of them darts forward with almost mechanical efficiency, burying a proboscis in your torso. Sharp pain spasms through your body, followed by numbness. The milky white insect retracts a black proboscis dripping blue fluid as your vision begins to swim. Passing out is a mercy.\nYou come to hours later, covered in salt, in a dry chamber underground. Head pounding, you stagger out of the warrens into the arid heath. The wound in your side oozes a filmy blue poison, but it doesn't seem to be fatal...",
+ "back_name": "Swarmed!",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator who has not been eliminated is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.",
+ "code": "10552",
+ "doom": 7,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The insects scurry to and fro, alarmed by your presence.",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Desolation (v.II)",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 52,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "Each [[Insect]] enemy loses aloof and patrol and gains hunter.\nForced - When doom is placed on this agenda, if the Brood Queen enemy is set aside: Reveal tokens from the chaos bag equal to the number of [[Insect]] enemies in the victory display. If a token with a symbol is revealed, spawn the set-aside Brood Queen enemy.",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Amongst the ruins of the Pearl Estate, you find Susan Pearl's diary. It details attempts to explore tunnels beneath the ridge. They were called \"The Warrens\" due to their mazelike structure. Perhaps some of the Pearl family disappeared in the surrounding tunnels, but why?\nYou resolve to investigate.",
+ "back_name": "\"The Warrens\"",
+ "back_text": "Randomly put the three set-aside locations from the Horrors in the Rock encounter set into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the three starting locations as explained on page 20 of the Campaign Guide.\nTake the remaining set-aside locations (Salt Chamber, Larval Tunnel, and Crystal Nursery) along with the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Shuffle them together and randomly deal 1 card facedown beneath each location.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10553",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The legacy of Pearl Ridge is a story of note amongst the locals. The Pearls were a prominent family like the Hemlocks and Atwoods, but the family vanished in a curious incident back in 1906. What could have happened here?",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "A Lost Legacy",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 53,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "Objective - When the round ends, investigators at the Pearl Estate Ruins may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The scent of decay and the strange creatures' pheromones mix to create a uniquely awful musk. Emerging from the caverns, you lay down the last member of what you assume must be the Pearl family. The acidic residue from their strange, crystalline growths burns your skin. The bodies are painful to look at, their faces frozen in silent agony. Some invisible, heavy presence fills the air above the corpses, although there is no motion, no breeze or dust. Only a movement of something in the air. You feel a deep, bone-aching weariness.",
+ "back_name": "Laid to Rest",
+ "back_text": "Check the number of Crystal Remains in the victory display.\n- If there are exactly 3 Crystal Remains, (→R1) (page 22).\n- Otherwise, (→R2) (page 22).",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "10554",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The Warrens are likely the final resting place of the Pearl family. Studying their remains may shed light on what really happened here.",
+ "illustrator": "Carlos Palma Cruchaga",
+ "name": "Searching the Heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 54,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "[action] If there are no clues on your location: Draw the top card beneath your location.\n[fast] Investigators at your location spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Look at the top card beneath your location. You may place that card on the bottom of its stack.\nObjective - If each undefeated investigator has resigned and there are 1 or more Crystal Remains in the victory display, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "A once-living orchard looks more like a delicate glasswork gallery. The apple trees have crystallized and reflect the light in shifting patterns.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10555",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The world is changing around us. I think, truly, for the better. - from the personal diary of Susan Pearl",
+ "illustrator": "Nele Diel",
+ "name": "Crystal Grove",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 55,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "[action] Investigators at Crystal Grove spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Add a Crystal Remains you control to the victory display.",
+ "traits": "Blight.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The wreck of a once-great house stands precariously on the edge of a cliff. The decaying roofs look like an empty patchwork.",
+ "clues_fixed": true,
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10556",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The former orchard and farm has turned to powder from years of neglect. Nearly two decades have passed, yet nature has not reclaimed the opulent estate.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Pearl Estate Ruins",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 56,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "[action]: Resign. You leave the heath behind. Add all Crystal Remains you control to the victory display.",
+ "traits": "Ruins.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The endless stretch of ash appears to be completely devoid of life.",
+ "clues": 1,
+ "code": "10557",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The soft ash makes navigating the steep terrain especially treacherous.",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Ashen Slope",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 57,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Forced - When you reveal Ashen Slope: Test [agility] (4). If you fail, take 2 damage.",
+ "traits": "Blight.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "10558",
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Pixoloid Studios",
+ "name": "Salt Chamber",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 58,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 4,
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Salt Chamber into play adjacent to the location from which it was drawn\n([codex] Ω) (page 21).\n[action] Investigators at Salt Chamber spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Draw the top card of the stack beneath Salt Chamber. (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Cave. Lair.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10559",
+ "position": 59,
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "clues": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "BalanceSheet",
+ "name": "Larval Tunnel",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Larval Tunnel into play adjacent to the location from which it was drawn. Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Colorless Larva and spawn it at this location ([codex] Ψ) (page 21).\n[reaction] After you successfully evade an enemy at Larval Tunnel: Draw the top card of the stack beneath this location. (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Cave. Lair.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10560",
+ "position": 60,
+ "encounter_position": 12,
+ "clues": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "BalanceSheet",
+ "name": "Crystal Nursery",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Crystal Nursery into play adjacent to the location from which it was drawn ([codex] Ф) (page 21).\n[reaction] After you end your turn in Crystal Nursery, take 1 direct horror: Draw the top card of the stack beneath Crystal Nursery. (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "traits": "Cave. Lair. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10561",
+ "position": 61,
+ "encounter_position": 13,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "name": "Commanding Resonance",
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). For each point you fail by, choose a different option from the following, if able:\n- Take 1 damage.\n- Discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n- The nearest [[Insect]] enemy readies, moves (one location at a time) until it reaches your location, engages you, and makes an immediate attack.",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10562",
+ "position": 62,
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "These ants can literally make mountains out of molehills.",
+ "illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
+ "name": "Defend the Nest",
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [intellect] (2). Increase the difficulty of this test by 1 for each Lair location in play. If you fail, place 1 doom on the nearest [[Insect]] enemy. (If you cannot, take 2 horror instead.)",
+ "traits": "Scheme.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10563",
+ "position": 63,
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "enemy_evade": 1,
+ "enemy_fight": 1,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "The pale fluid dripping from the larva's eyes almost resemble tears.",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "BalanceSheet",
+ "name": "Colorless Larva",
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Aloof.\nForced - After Colorless Larva attacks: Defeat it.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Insect. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10564",
+ "position": 64,
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"The creatures were 8-12 feet long. Vestigial wings. Completely blind. Their venom burned like fire.\"\n - Dr. Rosa Marquez, Miskatonic Survey, 1926",
+ "health": 2,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "name": "Brood Soldier",
+ "quantity": 3,
+ "text": "Aloof. Patrol ([[Cave]] location with clues).\nWhile Brood Soldier is ready, its location gets +2 shroud.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Insect. Mutated.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10565",
+ "position": 65,
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 1,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
+ "name": "Brood Queen",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "Dying Mother",
+ "text": "Spawn - ([codex] Σ) (page 21).\nMassive. Alert.\n[[Insect]] enemies at Brood Queen's location lose aloof.\nBrood Queen gets +1 fight for each other [[Insect]] enemy in play and +X [per_investigator] health, where X is the current day number.",
+ "traits": "Creature. Insect. Mutated. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10566",
+ "position": 66,
+ "encounter_position": 24,
+ "cost": null,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Crystal Remains",
+ "subname": "The Child",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Crystal Remains into play in your play area.\nIf Crystal Remains is defeated, shuffle it with the top 2 cards of the encounter deck and place them facedown in a stack beneath the nearest [[Lair]] location.\nForced - When your turn begins: Take 1 damage or horror.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10567",
+ "position": 67,
+ "encounter_position": 25,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Crystal Remains",
+ "subname": "The Father",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Crystal Remains into play in your play area.\nIf Crystal Remains is defeated, shuffle it with the top 2 cards of the encounter deck and place them facedown in a stack beneath the nearest [[Lair]] location.\nForced - When your turn begins: Take 1 horror.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "code": "10568",
+ "position": 68,
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "health": 1,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Crystal Remains",
+ "subname": "The Mother",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Crystal Remains into play in your play area.\nIf Crystal Remains is defeated, shuffle it with the top 2 cards of the encounter deck and place them facedown in a stack beneath the nearest [[Lair]] location.\nForced - When your turn begins: Take 1 damage.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Blight.",
+ "type_code": "asset",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
"back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X the number of [[Sunken]] locations in play (rounded up).\n[cultist]: -3. If you succeed, you may remove 1 sinkhole from the nearest [[Bog]] location.\n[tablet]: -5. Place 1 damage on the nearest [[Bog]] location, as a sinkhole.\n[elder_thing]: -5. Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Grasping Tendril enemy and draw it, ignoring its surge keyword.",
"code": "10588",
From 043de552946a7a58e04578eafd0164054da73769 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:20:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 182/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 47a4cd606..906087ab9 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
"illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "Defend the Nest",
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation - Test [intellect] (2). Increase the difficulty of this test by 1 for each Lair location in play. If you fail, place 1 doom on the nearest [[Insect]] enemy. (If you cannot, take 2 horror instead.)",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [intellect] (2). Increase the difficulty of this test by 1 for each [[Lair]] location in play. If you fail, place 1 doom on the nearest [[Insect]] enemy. (If you cannot, take 2 horror instead.)",
"traits": "Scheme.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From 3e1a388449a4abe3b8e33e856daa72b725343ed1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:20:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 183/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 906087ab9..8d0e796c0 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 49,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is half the number of [[Insect]] enemies in play and in the victory display (rounded up).\n[cultist]: -1. You may shuffle a non-[[Elite]] enemy in the victory display into the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, choose an [[Insect]] enemy at your location. It engages you and makes an immediate attack.\n[elder_thing]: -2. If you are a [[Lair]] location, reveal another token.",
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is half the number of [[Insect]] enemies in play and in the victory display (rounded up).\n[cultist]: -1. You may shuffle a non-[[Elite]] enemy in the victory display into the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -3. If you fail, choose an [[Insect]] enemy at your location. It engages you and makes an immediate attack.\n[elder_thing]: -2. If you are at a [[Lair]] location, reveal another token.",
"type_code": "scenario"
From f1b7ca5aa2bc255c4e4730341eb5a0d18b0cab25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:23:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 184/210] fix a a lair
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 8d0e796c0..ac0bdc1fe 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
"type_code": "scenario"
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X the number of [[Insect]] enemies in play and in the victory display.\n[cultist]: -3. If you succeed, you may shuffle a non-[[Elite]] enemy in the victory display into the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -5. Ready the nearest [[Insect]] enemy. It moves and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you are a [[Lair]] location, you automatically fail.",
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X the number of [[Insect]] enemies in play and in the victory display.\n[cultist]: -3. If you succeed, you may shuffle a non-[[Elite]] enemy in the victory display into the encounter deck.\n[tablet]: -5. Ready the nearest [[Insect]] enemy. It moves and attacks as if it were the enemy phase.\n[elder_thing]: -4. If you are a at [[Lair]] location, you automatically fail.",
"code": "10549",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
From 4e9b87ef6541164317dda91bb63a008da7e5a450 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:23:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 185/210] fix: sorting
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index ac0bdc1fe..0ccd3e092 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "clues": 3,
"code": "10559",
- "position": 59,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
"encounter_position": 11,
- "clues": 3,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"illustrator": "BalanceSheet",
"name": "Larval Tunnel",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 59,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Put Larval Tunnel into play adjacent to the location from which it was drawn. Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Colorless Larva and spawn it at this location ([codex] Ψ) (page 21).\n[reaction] After you successfully evade an enemy at Larval Tunnel: Draw the top card of the stack beneath this location. (Group limit once per round.)",
@@ -298,15 +298,15 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "clues": 2,
"code": "10560",
- "position": 60,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
"encounter_position": 12,
- "clues": 2,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"illustrator": "BalanceSheet",
"name": "Crystal Nursery",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 60,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
"text": "Revelation - Put Crystal Nursery into play adjacent to the location from which it was drawn ([codex] Ф) (page 21).\n[reaction] After you end your turn in Crystal Nursery, take 1 direct horror: Draw the top card of the stack beneath Crystal Nursery. (Group limit once per round.)",
@@ -314,39 +314,37 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
"code": "10561",
- "position": 61,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
"encounter_position": 13,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
"name": "Commanding Resonance",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 61,
"quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (3). For each point you fail by, choose a different option from the following, if able:\n- Take 1 damage.\n- Discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n- The nearest [[Insect]] enemy readies, moves (one location at a time) until it reaches your location, engages you, and makes an immediate attack.",
"traits": "Scheme.",
"type_code": "treachery"
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
"code": "10562",
- "position": 62,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
"encounter_position": 15,
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "These ants can literally make mountains out of molehills.",
"illustrator": "Ryan Barger",
"name": "Defend the Nest",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 62,
"quantity": 2,
"text": "Revelation - Test [intellect] (2). Increase the difficulty of this test by 1 for each [[Lair]] location in play. If you fail, place 1 doom on the nearest [[Insect]] enemy. (If you cannot, take 2 horror instead.)",
"traits": "Scheme.",
"type_code": "treachery"
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
"code": "10563",
- "position": 63,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
"encounter_position": 17,
"enemy_evade": 1,
"enemy_fight": 1,
@@ -356,6 +354,8 @@
"health": 1,
"illustrator": "BalanceSheet",
"name": "Colorless Larva",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 63,
"quantity": 3,
"text": "Aloof.\nForced - After Colorless Larva attacks: Defeat it.",
"traits": "Creature. Insect. Mutated.",
@@ -363,10 +363,8 @@
"victory": 0
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
"code": "10564",
- "position": 64,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
"encounter_position": 20,
"enemy_damage": 1,
"enemy_evade": 3,
@@ -377,6 +375,8 @@
"health": 2,
"illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
"name": "Brood Soldier",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 64,
"quantity": 3,
"text": "Aloof. Patrol ([[Cave]] location with clues).\nWhile Brood Soldier is ready, its location gets +2 shroud.",
"traits": "Creature. Insect. Mutated.",
@@ -384,10 +384,8 @@
"victory": 0
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
"code": "10565",
- "position": 65,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
"encounter_position": 23,
"enemy_damage": 2,
"enemy_evade": 3,
@@ -397,6 +395,8 @@
"health": 5,
"illustrator": "Helge C. Balzer",
"name": "Brood Queen",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 65,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "Dying Mother",
"text": "Spawn - ([codex] Σ) (page 21).\nMassive. Alert.\n[[Insect]] enemies at Brood Queen's location lose aloof.\nBrood Queen gets +1 fight for each other [[Insect]] enemy in play and +X [per_investigator] health, where X is the current day number.",
@@ -405,53 +405,53 @@
"victory": 2
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
"code": "10566",
- "position": 66,
- "encounter_position": 24,
"cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
+ "encounter_position": 24,
"faction_code": "neutral",
"health": 1,
- "sanity": 1,
"illustrator": "Peter Polach",
"name": "Crystal Remains",
- "subname": "The Child",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 66,
"quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "subname": "The Child",
"text": "Revelation - Put Crystal Remains into play in your play area.\nIf Crystal Remains is defeated, shuffle it with the top 2 cards of the encounter deck and place them facedown in a stack beneath the nearest [[Lair]] location.\nForced - When your turn begins: Take 1 damage or horror.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Blight.",
"type_code": "asset",
"victory": 1
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
"code": "10567",
- "position": 67,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
"encounter_position": 25,
"faction_code": "neutral",
- "sanity": 1,
"illustrator": "Peter Polach",
"name": "Crystal Remains",
- "subname": "The Father",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 67,
"quantity": 1,
+ "sanity": 1,
+ "subname": "The Father",
"text": "Revelation - Put Crystal Remains into play in your play area.\nIf Crystal Remains is defeated, shuffle it with the top 2 cards of the encounter deck and place them facedown in a stack beneath the nearest [[Lair]] location.\nForced - When your turn begins: Take 1 horror.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Blight.",
"type_code": "asset",
"victory": 1
- "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
- "pack_code": "fhvc",
"code": "10568",
- "position": 68,
+ "encounter_code": "the_silent_heath",
"encounter_position": 26,
"faction_code": "neutral",
"health": 1,
"illustrator": "Peter Polach",
"name": "Crystal Remains",
- "subname": "The Mother",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 68,
"quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "The Mother",
"text": "Revelation - Put Crystal Remains into play in your play area.\nIf Crystal Remains is defeated, shuffle it with the top 2 cards of the encounter deck and place them facedown in a stack beneath the nearest [[Lair]] location.\nForced - When your turn begins: Take 1 damage.",
"traits": "Humanoid. Blight.",
"type_code": "asset",
From 6c6eb8cda0a259f5656a4619cd99925e8153d197 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:23:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 186/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 0ccd3e092..f70663a9b 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
"back_flavor": "A swarm of insects descends upon you, blocking any escape. One of them darts forward with almost mechanical efficiency, burying a proboscis in your torso. Sharp pain spasms through your body, followed by numbness. The milky white insect retracts a black proboscis dripping blue fluid as your vision begins to swim. Passing out is a mercy.\nYou come to hours later, covered in salt, in a dry chamber underground. Head pounding, you stagger out of the warrens into the arid heath. The wound in your side oozes a filmy blue poison, but it doesn't seem to be fatal...",
"back_name": "Swarmed!",
- "back_text": "Each investigator who has not been eliminated is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.",
+ "back_text": "Each surviving investigator who has not been eliminated is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.",
"code": "10552",
"doom": 7,
"double_sided": true,
From 37a63ffd06e183abac48d8d03503e060c0bc855b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:23:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 187/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index f70663a9b..cea3680ed 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
"type_code": "agenda"
- "back_flavor": "Amongst the ruins of the Pearl Estate, you find Susan Pearl's diary. It details attempts to explore tunnels beneath the ridge. They were called \"The Warrens\" due to their mazelike structure. Perhaps some of the Pearl family disappeared in the surrounding tunnels, but why?\nYou resolve to investigate.",
+ "back_flavor": "Amongst the ruins of the Pearl Estate, you find Susan Pearl's diary. It details attempts to explore tunnels beneath the ridge. They were called \"The Warrens\" due to their mazelike structure. Perhaps some of the Pearl family disappeared in the surrounding tunnels, but why? You resolve to investigate.",
"back_name": "\"The Warrens\"",
"back_text": "Randomly put the three set-aside locations from the Horrors in the Rock encounter set into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the three starting locations as explained on page 20 of the Campaign Guide.\nTake the remaining set-aside locations (Salt Chamber, Larval Tunnel, and Crystal Nursery) along with the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Shuffle them together and randomly deal 1 card facedown beneath each location.",
"clues": 2,
From 1833faeba813300e4444ab7cb0bc6a3d4f865ae3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:23:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 188/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index cea3680ed..8a633d931 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
"position": 58,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 4,
- "text": "Revelation - Put Salt Chamber into play adjacent to the location from which it was drawn\n([codex] Ω) (page 21).\n[action] Investigators at Salt Chamber spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Draw the top card of the stack beneath Salt Chamber. (Group limit once per round.)",
+ "text": "Revelation - Put Salt Chamber into play adjacent to the location from which it was drawn ([codex] Ω) (page 21).\n[action] Investigators at Salt Chamber spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Draw the top card of the stack beneath Salt Chamber. (Group limit once per round.)",
"traits": "Cave. Lair.",
"type_code": "location"
From 18adc6eefc1be3cb0a141fad68df9bce6b8db23f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 22:55:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 189/210] Add `fate_of_the_vale` encounters
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 488 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 486 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 8a633d931..d4ac6bf94 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@
"type_code": "treachery"
- "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is the number of [[Colour]] enemies in play.\n[cultist]: -6. Discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n[tablet]: -8. You may place 1 doom on your investigator card to treat this token's modifier as -3, instead.\n[elder_thing]: -5. If this is a fight or evasion attempt against a Cosmic Emissary, you automatically fail instead.",
+ "back_text": "Hard / Expert\n[skull]: -X. X is the number of [[Colour]] enemies in play.\n[cultist]: -6. Discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n[tablet]: -8. You may place 1 doom on your investigator card to treat this token's modifier as -3, instead.\n[elder_thing]: -5. If this is a fight or evasion attempt against Cosmic Emissary, you automatically fail instead.",
"code": "10651",
"double_sided": true,
"encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
@@ -1066,10 +1066,233 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 151,
"quantity": 1,
- "text": "East / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 more than the current act number.\n[cultist]: -4. If you fail, discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n[tablet]: -5. You may place 1 doom on your investigator card to treat this token's modifier as 0, instead.\n[elder_thing]: -2. If this is a fight or evasion attempt against a Cosmic Emissary, reveal another token.",
+ "text": "Easy / Standard\n[skull]: -X. X is 1 more than the current act number.\n[cultist]: -4. If you fail, discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n[tablet]: -5. You may place 1 doom on your investigator card to treat this token's modifier as 0, instead.\n[elder_thing]: -2. If this is a fight or evasion attempt against Cosmic Emissary, reveal another token.",
"type_code": "scenario"
+ "back_flavor": "You feel whispers in your head, speaking an alien language of clicks and whirs and strange, lilting music. It sounds familiar. A vague shape emerges from the roiling mist and reaches out to you. As you feel your mind begin to empty, you can't help but laugh. What was it that you forgot, exactly? It must not matter.",
+ "back_name": "Dissolving Mind",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator tests [willpower] or [intellect] (4). For each point they fail by, they must either take 1 horror or shuffle the top card of their deck into The Abyss.",
+ "code": "10652",
+ "doom": 6,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "A hoary shape flickers in spiraling gas.",
+ "illustrator": "Kip Ayers",
+ "name": "THe Silence",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 152,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "If you look at the Cosmic Emissary enemy for more than 15 seconds at a time, you are driven insane.\nForced – When you would draw 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Instead, reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss until a card with an encounter card back is revealed and draw it (all other revealed cards are placed on top of The Abyss).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Vapors rise from the ground, coalescing into harsh, corporeal shapes. A jagged, crystalline form juts out of the ground as you stumble forward in a daze. The longer you breathe the poisonous gas around you, the weaker you feel. Your life and vigor are being drained away.",
+ "back_name": "Dissolving Self",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator tests [combat] or [agility] (4). For each point they fail by, they must either take 1 damage or shuffle the top card of their deck into The Abyss.",
+ "code": "10653",
+ "doom": 5,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Nightmarish shapes coalesce in the mist.",
+ "illustrator": "Kip Ayers",
+ "name": "The Miasma",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 153,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "If you look at the Cosmic Emissary enemy for more than 15 seconds at a time, you are driven insane.\nForced – When you would draw 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Instead, reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss until a card with an encounter card back is revealed and draw it (all other revealed cards are placed on top of The Abyss).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "The rippling air stops, then churns into myriad faces, shapes, and forms. You struggle to breathe as the air is sucked out of your lungs and drawn into a pillar of light. The brilliance ascends into the night sky like a falling star in reverse, reducing everything around you to dust. Trees wither and desiccate, and fleeing wildlife are turned to bone and ash. Your body sublimates, rising into the blinding brilliance along with everything else on Hemlock Isle,\nYou have learned your place in infinity.",
+ "back_name": "A Feast of You",
+ "back_text": "All of Hemlock Isle has been transfigured in the great ascendance. Each investigator is devoured by the Colour Out of Space (they are killed).",
+ "code": "10654",
+ "doom": 4,
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Your vision refracts like broken glass.",
+ "illustrator": "Kip Ayers",
+ "name": "The Spiral",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 154,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "If you look at the Cosmic Emissary enemy for more than 15 seconds at a time, you are driven insane.\nForced – When you would draw 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Instead, reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss until a card with an encounter card back is revealed and draw it (all other revealed cards are placed on top of The Abyss).",
+ "type_code": "agenda"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "As you come to your senses, you look up at the starry sky and blood-red moon high up above. You may be able to find a path back up to the surface.",
+ "back_name": "Ex Nihilo",
+ "back_text": "Place clues on each revealed location up to its clue value.\nCheck the Campaign Log and gather the set-aside Residents encounter set and set-aside [[Cave]] locations.\n- Mother Rachel has been devoured. Cross out Mother Rachel's name.\n- Shuffle each resident whose name is crossed out into The Abyss, along with each [[Cave]] location.\n- Each investigator may choose 1 resident at Relationship Level 4 or higher to put into play under their control, asset side faceup.\n- Set each remaining card from the Residents encounter set aside, out of play.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "10655",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 5,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Why li sii Tso ObrightT aml drEa Min G?",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "Shattered Memories",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 155,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 1,
+ "text": "[reaction]After you succeed at a skill test at a [[Lair]] location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw 1 of them, shuffle the rest, and place them on top of The Abyss.\n[free]Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.\nObjective – If each player has their \"true\" investigator card, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Dr. Marquez points up to a precarious shelf of ascending rock that leads back up to the surface. With a clear path out of the shining chamber, you must consider what to do next.",
+ "back_name": "A Fateful Choice",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator loses all of their clues.\nCheck the Campaign Log and proceed to Scenario Interlude: Fate of the Vale (page 64). The investigators must decide their course of action (choose one):\n- \"Let's end this.\" (You may only choose this option if Dr. Marquez has a hunch and Dr. Marquez has a plan. You may also choose this option if Gideon finished the tale of the Annabelle Lee.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 1.\n- \"Save the Vale!\" (You may only choose this option if The Hemlock Family made a truce and/or The Peters family was reunited.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 2.\n- \"Burn it all.\" (You may only choose this option if The Vale is full of fireworks.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 3.\n- \"Escape with our lives.\" Proceed to Fate of the Vale 4.",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "10656",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 6,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You must find a way back to the Vale!",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "Lost Self",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 156,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 2,
+ "text": "[reaction] After you succeed at a skill test at a [[Lair]] location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw 1 of them, shuffle the rest, and place them on top of The Abyss.\n[free] Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.\nObjective – At the end of the round, if there are 3 or more revealed [[Cave]] locations in play with no clues on them, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "You stand next to Dr. Marquez at the base of a mound of desiccated bodies. Above, the Abyss flickers in the still, cold air. A hazy humanoid shape reaches toward you as the brilliance flares again, blindingly bright. \"It's no good. We need to disrupt it. Feed it something it can't 'digest',\" Dr. Marquez says soberly. She hands you her satchel filled with survey notes and samples. \"I want you to have this.\" You ask why. \"Someone needs to tell Dr. Armitage the story of this…\" her eyes narrow, staring up at the flickering iridescence.\" …this colour out of space.\"",
+ "back_name": "Ad Nihilum",
+ "back_text": "The investigators must decide (choose one):\n- Let Dr. Marquez carry out her plan (→R1) (page 66).\n- Do it ourselves (→R2). (page 67). (You may only choose this if an investigator controls Prismatic Shard story asset.)",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10657",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 7,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Dr. Marquez needs your help to save the Vale!",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "Fate of the Vale (v.I)",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 157,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "[reaction] After you succeed at a skill test at a [[Lair]] location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw each single-sided enemy card revealed by this effect. Remove each other revealed card from the game.\n[free]Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.\nObjective – At the end of the round, if each surviving investigator is at The Abyss, investigators may spend the requisite clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "\"Get in the truck!\" A resident waves a crowd of dazed locals onto the vehicle. The remaining survivors pile into trucks and weatherbeaten bikes and drive down the winding southern road. As you pass the dilapidated harbor, a pillar of pure light shoots up from the village center followed by an oily, viscous cloud. The train of survivors have just taken refuge in the southern lighthouse when a shockwave of hot air tears across the island with a hurricane force.",
+ "back_name": "To the Lighthouse!",
+ "back_text": "(→R3) (page 67).",
+ "clues": 3,
+ "code": "10658",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 8,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You'll have to either talk sense into the frenzied residents… or knock it out of them.",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "Fate of the Vale (v.II)",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 158,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "[action] Choose and discard 1 card from your hand: Parley. Test [willpower] or [intellect] (3). If you succeed, draw the [[Resident]] card beneath your location, enemy side faceup. You may spend 1 [per_investigator] clues to put it into play exhausted.\nObjective – If no [[Resident]] enemies are beneath locations or in play, you may spend the requisite clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "Fireworks shoot up into the sky as Hemlock Vale is consumed in the blaze. The whizzing lights and loud crackles almost distract from the devastating inferno as it devours the landscape. Poms of red, yellow, and blue fireworks launch into the air to explode in the night sky.\nYou and Dr. Marquez join the few remaining survivors on a trek to the island's southern reach to take refuge in a crumbling lighthouse. As you watch the inferno from a smudged window, a thread of thin, gray light shoots up from the village center, then winks out. A small, phosphorescent light plummets back into the blaze like a fallen star.",
+ "back_name": "Up in Flames",
+ "back_text": "(→R4) (page 67).",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "10659",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 9,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "Your only hope of stopping this thing is to burn this accursed island. All of it.",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "Fate of the Vale (v.III)",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 159,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "[action]: Spend X [per_investigator] clues: Place X resources on your location, as kindling (you may spend 5 resources or discard an [[Item]] asset you control to place 1 additional kindling).\n[action] If your location has kindling on it equal to or greater than its shroud value, remove all kindling from it: Draw 1 set-aside Fire! treachery. (Group limit once per location.)\nObjective – When the round ends, if there are 5 copies of Fire! in play, immediately advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "With Dr. Marquez in tow, you gather the few survivors that remain and pile into Theo's sky blue truck. The locals shout directions as you drive south down a winding road to the southernmost point of the island. Shaking from the adrenaline, your small band of survivors takes refuge in the crumbling lighthouse.\nBefore you enter, you turn to see a sight you will never forget. A pillar of pure light shoots up from the Vale, drawing the oily viscous cloud in its wake. A shockwave tears across the island, and you fall to your knees, exhausted, as though years of your life were stolen from you in a single moment. You are transfixed by the dazzling light as it launches up through the stratosphere and into space.",
+ "back_name": "Just the Beginning...",
+ "back_text": "(→R6) (page 67).",
+ "clues": null,
+ "code": "10660",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 10,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "You must escape with your lives!",
+ "illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
+ "name": "Fate of the Vale (v.IV)",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 160,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "stage": 3,
+ "text": "[action] If at least 5 of the following are true (the investigators found gas, the investigators found Theo's truck, the road is clear, the survey notes were recovered, Bertie is fleeing, the samples were found): Resign. You flee the Vale.\nObjective – Escape with your lives! If each undefeated investigator has resigned, advance.",
+ "type_code": "act"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10661b",
+ "code": "10661",
+ "deck_options": null,
+ "deck_requirements": null,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "flavor": "I art thou uoht ma I",
+ "health": 7,
+ "illustrator": "Brian Valenzuela",
+ "name": "Shattered Self",
+ "quantity": 4,
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 161,
+ "sanity": 7,
+ "skill_agility": -2,
+ "skill_combat": -2,
+ "skill_intellect": -2,
+ "skill_willpower": -2,
+ "subname": "Who Are You?",
+ "text": "Your maximum hand size is reduced by 3.\nX is the number of cards in your hand (max 5).\n[reaction] After you commit a card to a skill test you are performing: Double the skill icons on that card until the end of this test. (Limit once per test.)\n[elder_sign] effect: +2. You may draw 1 card.",
+ "traits": "Shattered.",
+ "type_code": "investigator"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10661b",
+ "cost": null,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 11,
+ "faction_code": "neutral",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "name": "Old Memory",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 161,
+ "quantity": 4,
+ "subname": "Remnant of Humanity",
+ "text": "[reaction] When a card is revealed or drawn from The Abyss, spend 1 [per_investigator] clues, as a group, and remove Old Memory from the game: Either choose an investigator to draw that card, or cancel that card's revelation effect and remove it from the game.",
+ "traits": "Condition. Innate.",
+ "type_code": "asset"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10662b",
"code": "10662a",
"encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
"encounter_position": 15,
@@ -1090,6 +1313,30 @@
"type_code": "enemy"
+ "code": "10662b",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 15,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 10,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Ethan Patrick Harris",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Cosmic Emissary",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 162,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "The Abyss",
+ "text": "Massive.\nCosmic Emissary gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nForced – When this enemy is defeated: Each investigator tests [willpower] (100). Each investigator who fails is devoured (they are killed).",
+ "traits": "Emissary. Shattered. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10663b",
"code": "10663a",
"encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
"encounter_position": 16,
@@ -1111,6 +1358,29 @@
"type_code": "enemy"
+ "code": "10663b",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 16,
+ "enemy_evade": 4,
+ "enemy_fight": 2,
+ "enemy_horror": 3,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 10,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Ethan Patrick Harris",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Cosmic Emissary",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 163,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "The Phantasm",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter. Retaliate.\nPrey – Highest [combat].\nForced – After you reveal an [elder_thing] token during a skill test at this location: Either this test automatically fails, or this enemy attacks you.",
+ "traits": "Emissary. Shattered. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10664b",
"code": "10664a",
"encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
"encounter_position": 17,
@@ -1131,6 +1401,29 @@
"type_code": "enemy"
+ "code": "10664b",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 17,
+ "enemy_damage": 3,
+ "enemy_evade": 2,
+ "enemy_fight": 4,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 10,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "illustrator": "Ethan Patrick Harris",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Cosmic Emissary",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 164,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "The Miasma",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter. Alert.\nPrey – Highest [agility].\nForced – After you reveal a [cultist] token during a skill test at this location: Either this test automatically fails, or this enemy attacks you.",
+ "traits": "Emissary. Shattered. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10665b",
"code": "10665a",
"encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
"encounter_position": 18,
@@ -1151,6 +1444,197 @@
"traits": "Emissary. Colour. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
+ {
+ "code": "10665b",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 18,
+ "enemy_damage": 2,
+ "enemy_evade": 3,
+ "enemy_fight": 3,
+ "enemy_horror": 2,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 10,
+ "illustrator": "Ethan Patrick Harris",
+ "is_unique": true,
+ "name": "Cosmic Emissary",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 165,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "subname": "The Brilliance",
+ "text": "Aloof. Elusive. Hunter.\nPrey – Highest [willpower].\nForced – After you reveal a [tablet] token during a skill test at this location: Either this test automatically fails, or this enemy attacks you.",
+ "traits": "Emissary. Shattered. Elite.",
+ "type_code": "enemy",
+ "victory": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were…",
+ "back_text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10666",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 19,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Hai Hoang",
+ "name": "Mirror Nest",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 166,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced – When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully fight this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Shattered. Lair.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were…",
+ "back_text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10667",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 20,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Hai Hoang",
+ "name": "Mirror Nest",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 167,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced - When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully evade this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Shattered. Lair.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were…",
+ "back_text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10668",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 21,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Hai Hoang",
+ "name": "Mirror Nest",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 168,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced – When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully investigate this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Shattered. Lair.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were…",
+ "back_text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10669",
+ "double_sided": true,
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 22,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Hai Hoang",
+ "name": "Mirror Nest",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 169,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "shroud": 3,
+ "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced – When you end your turn at this location: Discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n[action] Spend 7 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Search The Abyss for a card and draw it. (Group limit once per act.)",
+ "traits": "Shattered. Lair.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "back_link": "10670b",
+ "clues": 2,
+ "code": "10670",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Ethan Patrick Harris",
+ "name": "The Abyss",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 170,
+ "shroud": 5,
+ "subname": "Spiraling Oblivion",
+ "text": "Forced - When you enter The Abyss, if there are cards in The Abyss: You are killed.\nDuring the enemy phase, each [[Shattered]] enemy at The Abyss loses aloof.\nThe Abyss always covers the top of The Abyss deck.",
+ "traits": "Extradimensional. Shattered.",
+ "type_code": "location"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10670b",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 23,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "name": "The Abyss",
+ "quantity": 1,
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 170,
+ "text": "This card must always cover the top of The Abyss.\nCards are always drawn and revealed from the bottom of The Abyss. When a non-weakness encounter card is discarded, it is always placed on top of The Abyss.\nForced – When you draw a card from The Abyss, if that card is …\n- …a treachery or an enemy: Draw it.\n- …a [[Resident]] card: Flip it to its enemy side. It gains \"Revelation – This enemy attacks you (without engaging you). Discard this enemy.\"\n- …a player card: Add it to its owner's hand.\n- …a location: Put it into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the nearest Mirror Nest (that is not already connected to a [[Cave]] location, if able).\nFor the remainder of this scenario, the two locations are connected to one another.\n- …any investigator's \"true\" investigator card:\nIts owner heals all damage and horror and takes control of it. Then, they flip their Shattered Self investigator card to its Old Memory side and put it into play under their control.",
+ "type_code": "story"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10671",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 24,
+ "enemy_damage": 1,
+ "enemy_evade": -2,
+ "enemy_fight": -2,
+ "enemy_horror": 1,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "health": 5,
+ "illustrator": "Peter Polach",
+ "name": "Crystal Mimic",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 171,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Elusive. Hunter.\nWhile you are fighting or evading this enemy, X is the number of cards in your hand. Otherwise, X is 6.\nForced – After Crystal Mimic attacks you: Discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Colour",
+ "type_code": "enemy"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10672",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 26,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Sublimation",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 172,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [willpower] (4). If you fail, you must decide (choose one):\n- For each point you fail by, choose 1 card in your hand to place on top of The Abyss.\n- The nearest Cosmic Emissary enemy attacks you (even if it is not at your location).",
+ "traits": "Power.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10673",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 28,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "illustrator": "Rob Laskey",
+ "name": "Fragmentation",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 173,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [agility] (4). If you fail, you must decide (choose one):\n- Choose the asset in your play area with the highest printed cost and place it on top of The Abyss.\n- The nearest Cosmic Emissary enemy attacks you (even if it is not at your location).",
+ "traits": "Power.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
+ {
+ "code": "10674",
+ "encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
+ "encounter_position": 30,
+ "faction_code": "mythos",
+ "flavor": "\"There is a heart / Within the blight /\nWe'll all go down / To purest light.\"\n\"The Lands Beyond\", Songs of Bliss no. 235",
+ "illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
+ "name": "Euphoria",
+ "pack_code": "fhvc",
+ "position": 174,
+ "quantity": 2,
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [intellect] (4). You must either take 2 horror, or place a non-story asset you control on top of The Abyss. If you fail, do both.",
+ "traits": "Terror.",
+ "type_code": "treachery"
+ },
"code": "10676",
"encounter_code": "the_first_day",
From 4f2fb775ce432263857bdde30ed11107b5ba2687 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 22:58:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 190/210] Consistent dashes
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index d4ac6bf94..34e162d73 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@
"position": 167,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced - When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully evade this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced – When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully evade this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
"traits": "Shattered. Lair.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@
"position": 170,
"shroud": 5,
"subname": "Spiraling Oblivion",
- "text": "Forced - When you enter The Abyss, if there are cards in The Abyss: You are killed.\nDuring the enemy phase, each [[Shattered]] enemy at The Abyss loses aloof.\nThe Abyss always covers the top of The Abyss deck.",
+ "text": "Forced – When you enter The Abyss, if there are cards in The Abyss: You are killed.\nDuring the enemy phase, each [[Shattered]] enemy at The Abyss loses aloof.\nThe Abyss always covers the top of The Abyss deck.",
"traits": "Extradimensional. Shattered.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 174,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation - Test [intellect] (4). You must either take 2 horror, or place a non-story asset you control on top of The Abyss. If you fail, do both.",
+ "text": "Revelation – Test [intellect] (4). You must either take 2 horror, or place a non-story asset you control on top of The Abyss. If you fail, do both.",
"traits": "Terror.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From ea8609195f3938736e04e4ef0d80e683f2b3f974 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 10:29:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 191/210] fixes
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 34e162d73..4ba23439b 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@
"position": 152,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "If you look at the Cosmic Emissary enemy for more than 15 seconds at a time, you are driven insane.\nForced – When you would draw 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Instead, reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss until a card with an encounter card back is revealed and draw it (all other revealed cards are placed on top of The Abyss).",
+ "text": "If you look at the Cosmic Emissary enemy for more than 15 seconds at a time, you are driven insane.\nForced - When you would draw 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Instead, reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss until a card with an encounter card back is revealed and draw it (all other revealed cards are placed on top of The Abyss).",
"type_code": "agenda"
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@
"position": 153,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 2,
- "text": "If you look at the Cosmic Emissary enemy for more than 15 seconds at a time, you are driven insane.\nForced – When you would draw 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Instead, reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss until a card with an encounter card back is revealed and draw it (all other revealed cards are placed on top of The Abyss).",
+ "text": "If you look at the Cosmic Emissary enemy for more than 15 seconds at a time, you are driven insane.\nForced - When you would draw 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Instead, reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss until a card with an encounter card back is revealed and draw it (all other revealed cards are placed on top of The Abyss).",
"type_code": "agenda"
@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@
"position": 154,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 3,
- "text": "If you look at the Cosmic Emissary enemy for more than 15 seconds at a time, you are driven insane.\nForced – When you would draw 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Instead, reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss until a card with an encounter card back is revealed and draw it (all other revealed cards are placed on top of The Abyss).",
+ "text": "If you look at the Cosmic Emissary enemy for more than 15 seconds at a time, you are driven insane.\nForced - When you would draw 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Instead, reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss until a card with an encounter card back is revealed and draw it (all other revealed cards are placed on top of The Abyss).",
"type_code": "agenda"
@@ -1139,14 +1139,14 @@
"encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
"encounter_position": 5,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "Why li sii Tso ObrightT aml drEa Min G?",
+ "flavor": "Why li sii Tso Obr ig htT aml drEa Min G?",
"illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
"name": "Shattered Memories",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 155,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 1,
- "text": "[reaction]After you succeed at a skill test at a [[Lair]] location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw 1 of them, shuffle the rest, and place them on top of The Abyss.\n[free]Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.\nObjective – If each player has their \"true\" investigator card, advance.",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you succeed at a skill test at a [[Lair]] location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw 1 of them, shuffle the rest, and place them on top of The Abyss.\n[fast] Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.\nObjective - If each player has their \"true\" investigator card, advance.",
"type_code": "act"
@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@
"position": 156,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 2,
- "text": "[reaction] After you succeed at a skill test at a [[Lair]] location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw 1 of them, shuffle the rest, and place them on top of The Abyss.\n[free] Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.\nObjective – At the end of the round, if there are 3 or more revealed [[Cave]] locations in play with no clues on them, advance.",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you succeed at a skill test at a [[Lair]] location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw 1 of them, shuffle the rest, and place them on top of The Abyss.\n[fast] Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.\nObjective - At the end of the round, if there are 3 or more revealed [[Cave]] locations in play with no clues on them, advance.",
"type_code": "act"
@@ -1186,11 +1186,11 @@
"position": 157,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 3,
- "text": "[reaction] After you succeed at a skill test at a [[Lair]] location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw each single-sided enemy card revealed by this effect. Remove each other revealed card from the game.\n[free]Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.\nObjective – At the end of the round, if each surviving investigator is at The Abyss, investigators may spend the requisite clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "text": "[reaction] After you succeed at a skill test at a [[Lair]] location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw each single-sided enemy card revealed by this effect. Remove each other revealed card from the game.\n[fast] Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.\nObjective - At the end of the round, if each surviving investigator is at The Abyss, investigators may spend the requisite clues, as a group, to advance.",
"type_code": "act"
- "back_flavor": "\"Get in the truck!\" A resident waves a crowd of dazed locals onto the vehicle. The remaining survivors pile into trucks and weatherbeaten bikes and drive down the winding southern road. As you pass the dilapidated harbor, a pillar of pure light shoots up from the village center followed by an oily, viscous cloud. The train of survivors have just taken refuge in the southern lighthouse when a shockwave of hot air tears across the island with a hurricane force.",
+ "back_flavor": "\"Get in the truck!\" A resident waves a crowd of dazed locals onto the vehicle. The remaining survivors pile into trucks and weather-beaten bikes and drive down the winding southern road. As you pass the dilapidated harbor, a pillar of pure light shoots up from the village center followed by an oily, viscous cloud. The train of survivors have just taken refuge in the southern lighthouse when a shockwave of hot air tears across the island with a hurricane force.",
"back_name": "To the Lighthouse!",
"back_text": "(→R3) (page 67).",
"clues": 3,
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@
"position": 158,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 3,
- "text": "[action] Choose and discard 1 card from your hand: Parley. Test [willpower] or [intellect] (3). If you succeed, draw the [[Resident]] card beneath your location, enemy side faceup. You may spend 1 [per_investigator] clues to put it into play exhausted.\nObjective – If no [[Resident]] enemies are beneath locations or in play, you may spend the requisite clues, as a group, to advance.",
+ "text": "[action] Choose and discard 1 card from your hand: Parley. Test [willpower] or [intellect] (3). If you succeed, draw the [[Resident]] card beneath your location, enemy side faceup. You may spend 1 [per_investigator] clues to put it into play exhausted.\nObjective - If no [[Resident]] enemies are beneath locations or in play, you may spend the requisite clues, as a group, to advance.",
"type_code": "act"
@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@
"position": 159,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 3,
- "text": "[action]: Spend X [per_investigator] clues: Place X resources on your location, as kindling (you may spend 5 resources or discard an [[Item]] asset you control to place 1 additional kindling).\n[action] If your location has kindling on it equal to or greater than its shroud value, remove all kindling from it: Draw 1 set-aside Fire! treachery. (Group limit once per location.)\nObjective – When the round ends, if there are 5 copies of Fire! in play, immediately advance.",
+ "text": "[action] Spend X [per_investigator] clues: Place X resources on your location, as kindling (you may spend 5 resources or discard an [[Item]] asset you control to place 1 additional kindling).\n[action] If your location has kindling on it equal to or greater than its shroud value, remove all kindling from it: Draw 1 set-aside Fire! treachery. (Group limit once per location.)\nObjective - When the round ends, if there are 5 copies of Fire! in play, immediately advance.",
"type_code": "act"
@@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@
"position": 160,
"quantity": 1,
"stage": 3,
- "text": "[action] If at least 5 of the following are true (the investigators found gas, the investigators found Theo's truck, the road is clear, the survey notes were recovered, Bertie is fleeing, the samples were found): Resign. You flee the Vale.\nObjective – Escape with your lives! If each undefeated investigator has resigned, advance.",
+ "text": "[action] If at least 5 of the following are true (the investigators found gas, the investigators found Theo's truck, the road is clear, the survey notes were recovered, Bertie is fleeing, the samples were found): Resign. You flee the Vale.\nObjective - Escape with your lives! If each undefeated investigator has resigned, advance.",
"type_code": "act"
@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@
"position": 162,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Abyss",
- "text": "Massive.\nCannot make attacks of opportunity.\nForced – When you successfully fight or evade this enemy: Instead of damaging or exhausting it, this enemy does not attack during the enemy phase this round.",
+ "text": "Massive.\nCannot make attacks of opportunity.\nForced - When you successfully fight or evade this enemy: Instead of damaging or exhausting it, this enemy does not attack during the enemy phase this round.",
"traits": "Emissary. Colour. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@
"position": 162,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Abyss",
- "text": "Massive.\nCosmic Emissary gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nForced – When this enemy is defeated: Each investigator tests [willpower] (100). Each investigator who fails is devoured (they are killed).",
+ "text": "Massive.\nCosmic Emissary gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nForced - When this enemy is defeated: Each investigator tests [willpower] (100). Each investigator who fails is devoured (they are killed).",
"traits": "Emissary. Shattered. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 5
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@
"position": 163,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Phantasm",
- "text": "Massive. Retaliate.\nCannot make attacks of opportunity.\nForced – When you successfully fight or evade this enemy: Instead of damaging or exhausting it, this enemy does not attack during the enemy phase this round.",
+ "text": "Massive. Retaliate.\nCannot make attacks of opportunity.\nForced - When you successfully fight or evade this enemy: Instead of damaging or exhausting it, this enemy does not attack during the enemy phase this round.",
"traits": "Emissary. Colour. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@
"position": 163,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Phantasm",
- "text": "Aloof. Hunter. Retaliate.\nPrey – Highest [combat].\nForced – After you reveal an [elder_thing] token during a skill test at this location: Either this test automatically fails, or this enemy attacks you.",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter. Retaliate.\nPrey - Highest [combat].\nForced - After you reveal an [elder_thing] token during a skill test at this location: Either this test automatically fails, or this enemy attacks you.",
"traits": "Emissary. Shattered. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 1
@@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@
"position": 164,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Miasma",
- "text": "Massive. Alert.\nCannot make attacks of opportunity.\nForced – When you successfully fight or evade this enemy: Instead of damaging or exhausting it, this enemy does not attack during the enemy phase this round.",
+ "text": "Massive. Alert.\nCannot make attacks of opportunity.\nForced - When you successfully fight or evade this enemy: Instead of damaging or exhausting it, this enemy does not attack during the enemy phase this round.",
"traits": "Emissary. Colour. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@
"position": 164,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Miasma",
- "text": "Aloof. Hunter. Alert.\nPrey – Highest [agility].\nForced – After you reveal a [cultist] token during a skill test at this location: Either this test automatically fails, or this enemy attacks you.",
+ "text": "Aloof. Hunter. Alert.\nPrey - Highest [agility].\nForced - After you reveal a [cultist] token during a skill test at this location: Either this test automatically fails, or this enemy attacks you.",
"traits": "Emissary. Shattered. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 1
@@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@
"position": 165,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Brilliance",
- "text": "Massive.\nCannot make attacks of opportunity.\nForced – When you successfully fight or evade this enemy: Instead of damaging or exhausting it, this enemy does not attack during the enemy phase this round.",
+ "text": "Massive.\nCannot make attacks of opportunity.\nForced - When you successfully fight or evade this enemy: Instead of damaging or exhausting it, this enemy does not attack during the enemy phase this round.",
"traits": "Emissary. Colour. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@
"position": 165,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Brilliance",
- "text": "Aloof. Elusive. Hunter.\nPrey – Highest [willpower].\nForced – After you reveal a [tablet] token during a skill test at this location: Either this test automatically fails, or this enemy attacks you.",
+ "text": "Aloof. Elusive. Hunter.\nPrey - Highest [willpower].\nForced - After you reveal a [tablet] token during a skill test at this location: Either this test automatically fails, or this enemy attacks you.",
"traits": "Emissary. Shattered. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 1
@@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@
"position": 166,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced – When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully fight this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced - When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully fight this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
"traits": "Shattered. Lair.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@
"position": 167,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced – When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully evade this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced - When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully evade this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
"traits": "Shattered. Lair.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -1519,7 +1519,7 @@
"position": 168,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced – When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully investigate this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced - When you end your turn at this location, if you did not successfully investigate this round: You must either place 1 of your clues on this location, or discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
"traits": "Shattered. Lair.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@
"position": 169,
"quantity": 1,
"shroud": 3,
- "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced – When you end your turn at this location: Discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n[action] Spend 7 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Search The Abyss for a card and draw it. (Group limit once per act.)",
+ "text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.\nForced - When you end your turn at this location: Discard 1 card at random from your hand.\n[action] Spend 7 [per_investigator] clues, as a group: Search The Abyss for a card and draw it. (Group limit once per act.)",
"traits": "Shattered. Lair.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@
"position": 170,
"shroud": 5,
"subname": "Spiraling Oblivion",
- "text": "Forced – When you enter The Abyss, if there are cards in The Abyss: You are killed.\nDuring the enemy phase, each [[Shattered]] enemy at The Abyss loses aloof.\nThe Abyss always covers the top of The Abyss deck.",
+ "text": "Forced - When you enter The Abyss, if there are cards in The Abyss: You are killed.\nDuring the enemy phase, each [[Shattered]] enemy at The Abyss loses aloof.\nThe Abyss always covers the top of The Abyss deck.",
"traits": "Extradimensional. Shattered.",
"type_code": "location"
@@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 170,
- "text": "This card must always cover the top of The Abyss.\nCards are always drawn and revealed from the bottom of The Abyss. When a non-weakness encounter card is discarded, it is always placed on top of The Abyss.\nForced – When you draw a card from The Abyss, if that card is …\n- …a treachery or an enemy: Draw it.\n- …a [[Resident]] card: Flip it to its enemy side. It gains \"Revelation – This enemy attacks you (without engaging you). Discard this enemy.\"\n- …a player card: Add it to its owner's hand.\n- …a location: Put it into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the nearest Mirror Nest (that is not already connected to a [[Cave]] location, if able).\nFor the remainder of this scenario, the two locations are connected to one another.\n- …any investigator's \"true\" investigator card:\nIts owner heals all damage and horror and takes control of it. Then, they flip their Shattered Self investigator card to its Old Memory side and put it into play under their control.",
+ "text": "This card must always cover the top of The Abyss.\nCards are always drawn and revealed from the bottom of The Abyss. When a non-weakness encounter card is discarded, it is always placed on top of The Abyss.\nForced - When you draw a card from The Abyss, if that card is …\n- … a treachery or an enemy: Draw it.\n- … a [[Resident]] card: Flip it to its enemy side. It gains \"Revelation - This enemy attacks you (without engaging you). Discard this enemy.\"\n- … a player card: Add it to its owner's hand.\n- …a location: Put it into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the nearest Mirror Nest (that is not already connected to a [[Cave]] location, if able). For the remainder of this scenario, the two locations are connected to one another.\n- … any investigator's \"true\" investigator card: Its owner heals all damage and horror and takes control of it. Then, they flip their Shattered Self investigator card to its Old Memory side and put it into play under their control.",
"type_code": "story"
@@ -1588,8 +1588,8 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 171,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Elusive. Hunter.\nWhile you are fighting or evading this enemy, X is the number of cards in your hand. Otherwise, X is 6.\nForced – After Crystal Mimic attacks you: Discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
- "traits": "Humanoid. Colour",
+ "text": "Elusive. Hunter.\nWhile you are fighting or evading this enemy, X is the number of cards in your hand. Otherwise, X is 6.\nForced - After Crystal Mimic attacks you: Discard 1 card at random from your hand.",
+ "traits": "Humanoid. Colour.",
"type_code": "enemy"
@@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 172,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Test [willpower] (4). If you fail, you must decide (choose one):\n- For each point you fail by, choose 1 card in your hand to place on top of The Abyss.\n- The nearest Cosmic Emissary enemy attacks you (even if it is not at your location).",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [willpower] (4). If you fail, you must decide (choose one):\n- For each point you fail by, choose 1 card in your hand to place on top of The Abyss.\n- The nearest Cosmic Emissary enemy attacks you (even if it is not at your location).",
"traits": "Power.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1616,7 +1616,7 @@
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 173,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Test [agility] (4). If you fail, you must decide (choose one):\n- Choose the asset in your play area with the highest printed cost and place it on top of The Abyss.\n- The nearest Cosmic Emissary enemy attacks you (even if it is not at your location).",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [agility] (4). If you fail, you must decide (choose one):\n- Choose the asset in your play area with the highest printed cost and place it on top of The Abyss.\n- The nearest Cosmic Emissary enemy attacks you (even if it is not at your location).",
"traits": "Power.",
"type_code": "treachery"
@@ -1625,13 +1625,13 @@
"encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
"encounter_position": 30,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "\"There is a heart / Within the blight /\nWe'll all go down / To purest light.\"\n\"The Lands Beyond\", Songs of Bliss no. 235",
+ "flavor": "\"There is a heart / Within the blight /\nWe'll all go down / To purest light.\"\n - \"The Lands Beyond\", Songs of Bliss no. 235",
"illustrator": "Lin Hsiang",
"name": "Euphoria",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 174,
"quantity": 2,
- "text": "Revelation – Test [intellect] (4). You must either take 2 horror, or place a non-story asset you control on top of The Abyss. If you fail, do both.",
+ "text": "Revelation - Test [intellect] (4). You must either take 2 horror, or place a non-story asset you control on top of The Abyss. If you fail, do both.",
"traits": "Terror.",
"type_code": "treachery"
From f0e97b634caf694bb7ae8c5b302b26278f6b6c4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 11:43:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 192/210] =?UTF-8?q?replace=20`=E2=80=A6`=20unicode=20char?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 14 +++++++-------
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 4ba23439b..edc8d3fb6 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@
"type_code": "act"
- "back_flavor": "You stand next to Dr. Marquez at the base of a mound of desiccated bodies. Above, the Abyss flickers in the still, cold air. A hazy humanoid shape reaches toward you as the brilliance flares again, blindingly bright. \"It's no good. We need to disrupt it. Feed it something it can't 'digest',\" Dr. Marquez says soberly. She hands you her satchel filled with survey notes and samples. \"I want you to have this.\" You ask why. \"Someone needs to tell Dr. Armitage the story of this…\" her eyes narrow, staring up at the flickering iridescence.\" …this colour out of space.\"",
+ "back_flavor": "You stand next to Dr. Marquez at the base of a mound of desiccated bodies. Above, the Abyss flickers in the still, cold air. A hazy humanoid shape reaches toward you as the brilliance flares again, blindingly bright. \"It's no good. We need to disrupt it. Feed it something it can't 'digest',\" Dr. Marquez says soberly. She hands you her satchel filled with survey notes and samples. \"I want you to have this.\" You ask why. \"Someone needs to tell Dr. Armitage the story of this...\" her eyes narrow, staring up at the flickering iridescence.\" ...this colour out of space.\"",
"back_name": "Ad Nihilum",
"back_text": "The investigators must decide (choose one):\n- Let Dr. Marquez carry out her plan (→R1) (page 66).\n- Do it ourselves (→R2). (page 67). (You may only choose this if an investigator controls Prismatic Shard story asset.)",
"clues": 2,
@@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@
"encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
"encounter_position": 8,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "You'll have to either talk sense into the frenzied residents… or knock it out of them.",
+ "flavor": "You'll have to either talk sense into the frenzied residents... or knock it out of them.",
"illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
"name": "Fate of the Vale (v.II)",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
@@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@
"victory": 1
- "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were…",
+ "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were...",
"back_text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10666",
@@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were…",
+ "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were...",
"back_text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10667",
@@ -1505,7 +1505,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were…",
+ "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were...",
"back_text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10668",
@@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@
"type_code": "location"
- "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were…",
+ "back_flavor": "I was the sun, I was the shining sun in that perfect day, illuminating and whole and full and everyone laid in the tall grass and we prepared for the great ascension and she spoke and told us who we would become who we truly were...",
"back_text": "Mirror Nest is connected to the location in the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10669",
@@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 170,
- "text": "This card must always cover the top of The Abyss.\nCards are always drawn and revealed from the bottom of The Abyss. When a non-weakness encounter card is discarded, it is always placed on top of The Abyss.\nForced - When you draw a card from The Abyss, if that card is …\n- … a treachery or an enemy: Draw it.\n- … a [[Resident]] card: Flip it to its enemy side. It gains \"Revelation - This enemy attacks you (without engaging you). Discard this enemy.\"\n- … a player card: Add it to its owner's hand.\n- …a location: Put it into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the nearest Mirror Nest (that is not already connected to a [[Cave]] location, if able). For the remainder of this scenario, the two locations are connected to one another.\n- … any investigator's \"true\" investigator card: Its owner heals all damage and horror and takes control of it. Then, they flip their Shattered Self investigator card to its Old Memory side and put it into play under their control.",
+ "text": "This card must always cover the top of The Abyss.\nCards are always drawn and revealed from the bottom of The Abyss. When a non-weakness encounter card is discarded, it is always placed on top of The Abyss.\nForced - When you draw a card from The Abyss, if that card is ...\n- ... a treachery or an enemy: Draw it.\n- ... a [[Resident]] card: Flip it to its enemy side. It gains \"Revelation - This enemy attacks you (without engaging you). Discard this enemy.\"\n- ... a player card: Add it to its owner's hand.\n- ...a location: Put it into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the nearest Mirror Nest (that is not already connected to a [[Cave]] location, if able). For the remainder of this scenario, the two locations are connected to one another.\n- ... any investigator's \"true\" investigator card: Its owner heals all damage and horror and takes control of it. Then, they flip their Shattered Self investigator card to its Old Memory side and put it into play under their control.",
"type_code": "story"
From a16663c47ffe8d389feae7b6eac229e22e6ec414 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:10:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 193/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index edc8d3fb6..a5df7248a 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@
"faction_code": "mythos",
"flavor": "A hoary shape flickers in spiraling gas.",
"illustrator": "Kip Ayers",
- "name": "THe Silence",
+ "name": "The Silence",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 152,
"quantity": 1,
From 091de8781f88e0f56a6e484ec5d54f089807ef38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:10:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 194/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index a5df7248a..b54707f66 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@
"type_code": "agenda"
- "back_flavor": "The rippling air stops, then churns into myriad faces, shapes, and forms. You struggle to breathe as the air is sucked out of your lungs and drawn into a pillar of light. The brilliance ascends into the night sky like a falling star in reverse, reducing everything around you to dust. Trees wither and desiccate, and fleeing wildlife are turned to bone and ash. Your body sublimates, rising into the blinding brilliance along with everything else on Hemlock Isle,\nYou have learned your place in infinity.",
+ "back_flavor": "The rippling air stops, then churns into myriad faces, shapes, and forms. You struggle to breathe as the air is sucked out of your lungs and drawn into a pillar of light. The brilliance ascends into the night sky like a falling star in reverse, reducing everything around you to dust. Trees wither and desiccate, and fleeing wildlife are turned to bone and ash. Your body sublimates, rising into the blinding brilliance along with everything else on Hemlock Isle.\nYou have learned your place in infinity.",
"back_name": "A Feast of You",
"back_text": "All of Hemlock Isle has been transfigured in the great ascendance. Each investigator is devoured by the Colour Out of Space (they are killed).",
"code": "10654",
From 142fec1318e655f52fb02f1b7a772d9125cc1bfa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:11:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 195/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index b54707f66..2f124f57a 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@
"back_flavor": "The rippling air stops, then churns into myriad faces, shapes, and forms. You struggle to breathe as the air is sucked out of your lungs and drawn into a pillar of light. The brilliance ascends into the night sky like a falling star in reverse, reducing everything around you to dust. Trees wither and desiccate, and fleeing wildlife are turned to bone and ash. Your body sublimates, rising into the blinding brilliance along with everything else on Hemlock Isle.\nYou have learned your place in infinity.",
"back_name": "A Feast of You",
- "back_text": "All of Hemlock Isle has been transfigured in the great ascendance. Each investigator is devoured by the Colour Out of Space (they are killed).",
+ "back_text": "All of Hemlock Isle has been transfigured in the great ascendance. Each investigator is devoured by the Colour Out of Space (they are killed).",
"code": "10654",
"doom": 4,
"double_sided": true,
From e80a91b8de07f19b514770f5959c88911f93bf35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:11:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 196/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 2f124f57a..39a6e883a 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@
"encounter_code": "fate_of_the_vale",
"encounter_position": 5,
"faction_code": "mythos",
- "flavor": "Why li sii Tso Obr ig htT aml drEa Min G?",
+ "flavor": "Why Ii sii Tso Obr ig htT aml drEa Min G?",
"illustrator": "Mauro Dal Bo",
"name": "Shattered Memories",
"pack_code": "fhvc",
From 510162928e478e5d4de4e7b11e7736c20f8f2c7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:11:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 197/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 39a6e883a..3d7675bfa 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@
"back_flavor": "Dr. Marquez points up to a precarious shelf of ascending rock that leads back up to the surface. With a clear path out of the shining chamber, you must consider what to do next.",
"back_name": "A Fateful Choice",
- "back_text": "Each investigator loses all of their clues.\nCheck the Campaign Log and proceed to Scenario Interlude: Fate of the Vale (page 64). The investigators must decide their course of action (choose one):\n- \"Let's end this.\" (You may only choose this option if Dr. Marquez has a hunch and Dr. Marquez has a plan. You may also choose this option if Gideon finished the tale of the Annabelle Lee.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 1.\n- \"Save the Vale!\" (You may only choose this option if The Hemlock Family made a truce and/or The Peters family was reunited.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 2.\n- \"Burn it all.\" (You may only choose this option if The Vale is full of fireworks.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 3.\n- \"Escape with our lives.\" Proceed to Fate of the Vale 4.",
+ "back_text": "Each investigator loses all of their clues.\nCheck the Campaign Log and proceed to Scenario Interlude: Fate of the Vale (page 64). The investigators must decide their course of action (choose one):\n- \"Let's end this.\" (You may only choose this option if Dr. Marquez has a hunch and Dr. Marquez has a plan. You may also choose this option if Gideon finished the tale of the Annabelle Lee.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 1.\n- \"Save the Vale!\" (You may only choose this option if The Hemlock Family made a truce and/or The Peters family was reunited.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 2.\n- \"Burn it all.\" (You may only choose this option if The Vale is full of fireworks.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 3.\n- \"Escape with our lives.\" Proceed to Fate of the Vale 4.",
"clues": null,
"code": "10656",
"double_sided": true,
From 93468712d6fa3184a0f7a95dfedd9eb9f131f0ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:12:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 198/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 3d7675bfa..9fec8fe64 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@
"type_code": "act"
- "back_flavor": "You stand next to Dr. Marquez at the base of a mound of desiccated bodies. Above, the Abyss flickers in the still, cold air. A hazy humanoid shape reaches toward you as the brilliance flares again, blindingly bright. \"It's no good. We need to disrupt it. Feed it something it can't 'digest',\" Dr. Marquez says soberly. She hands you her satchel filled with survey notes and samples. \"I want you to have this.\" You ask why. \"Someone needs to tell Dr. Armitage the story of this...\" her eyes narrow, staring up at the flickering iridescence.\" ...this colour out of space.\"",
+ "back_flavor": "You stand next to Dr. Marquez at the base of a mound of desiccated bodies. Above, the Abyss flickers in the still, cold air. A hazy humanoid shape reaches toward you as the brilliance flares again, blindingly bright. \"It's no good. We need to disrupt it. Feed it something it can't 'digest,'\" Dr. Marquez says soberly. She hands you her satchel filled with survey notes and samples. \"I want you to have this.\" You ask why. \"Someone needs to tell Dr. Armitage the story of this...\" her eyes narrow, staring up at the flickering iridescence. \"...this colour out of space.\"",
"back_name": "Ad Nihilum",
"back_text": "The investigators must decide (choose one):\n- Let Dr. Marquez carry out her plan (→R1) (page 66).\n- Do it ourselves (→R2). (page 67). (You may only choose this if an investigator controls Prismatic Shard story asset.)",
"clues": 2,
From 199ef270c9fdf4238b45a2a4ef1a2bd37073d062 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:12:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 199/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 9fec8fe64..e515f81e3 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@
"back_flavor": "You stand next to Dr. Marquez at the base of a mound of desiccated bodies. Above, the Abyss flickers in the still, cold air. A hazy humanoid shape reaches toward you as the brilliance flares again, blindingly bright. \"It's no good. We need to disrupt it. Feed it something it can't 'digest,'\" Dr. Marquez says soberly. She hands you her satchel filled with survey notes and samples. \"I want you to have this.\" You ask why. \"Someone needs to tell Dr. Armitage the story of this...\" her eyes narrow, staring up at the flickering iridescence. \"...this colour out of space.\"",
"back_name": "Ad Nihilum",
- "back_text": "The investigators must decide (choose one):\n- Let Dr. Marquez carry out her plan (→R1) (page 66).\n- Do it ourselves (→R2). (page 67). (You may only choose this if an investigator controls Prismatic Shard story asset.)",
+ "back_text": "The investigators must decide (choose one):\n- Let Dr. Marquez carry out her plan (→R1) (page 66).\n- Do it ourselves (→R2) (page 67). (You may only choose this if an investigator controls Prismatic Shard story asset.)",
"clues": 2,
"code": "10657",
"double_sided": true,
From 6f396bc54437af1ea26308679812f3bfa0667dc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:13:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 200/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index e515f81e3..7d3e75cb9 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@
"position": 162,
"quantity": 1,
"subname": "The Abyss",
- "text": "Massive.\nCosmic Emissary gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nForced - When this enemy is defeated: Each investigator tests [willpower] (100). Each investigator who fails is devoured (they are killed).",
+ "text": "Massive.\nCosmic Emissary gets +2 [per_investigator] health.\nForced - When this enemy is defeated: Each investigator tests [willpower] (100). Each investigator who fails is devoured (they are killed).",
"traits": "Emissary. Shattered. Elite.",
"type_code": "enemy",
"victory": 5
From 22061cd9796ef9c72d3675f0b9c88ee537c3f2a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:14:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 201/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index 7d3e75cb9..f3a65c43c 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@
"back_flavor": "With Dr. Marquez in tow, you gather the few survivors that remain and pile into Theo's sky blue truck. The locals shout directions as you drive south down a winding road to the southernmost point of the island. Shaking from the adrenaline, your small band of survivors takes refuge in the crumbling lighthouse.\nBefore you enter, you turn to see a sight you will never forget. A pillar of pure light shoots up from the Vale, drawing the oily viscous cloud in its wake. A shockwave tears across the island, and you fall to your knees, exhausted, as though years of your life were stolen from you in a single moment. You are transfixed by the dazzling light as it launches up through the stratosphere and into space.",
"back_name": "Just the Beginning...",
- "back_text": "(→R6) (page 67).",
+ "back_text": "(→R5) (page 67).",
"clues": null,
"code": "10660",
"double_sided": true,
From 1491f91ece22525d446aee76bfcc30c266949d07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Felix=20Sp=C3=B6ttel?=
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:17:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 202/210] Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
pack/fhv/fhvc.json | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
index f3a65c43c..4ae38ee41 100644
--- a/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
+++ b/pack/fhv/fhvc.json
@@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@
"quantity": 1,
"pack_code": "fhvc",
"position": 170,
- "text": "This card must always cover the top of The Abyss.\nCards are always drawn and revealed from the bottom of The Abyss. When a non-weakness encounter card is discarded, it is always placed on top of The Abyss.\nForced - When you draw a card from The Abyss, if that card is ...\n- ... a treachery or an enemy: Draw it.\n- ... a [[Resident]] card: Flip it to its enemy side. It gains \"Revelation - This enemy attacks you (without engaging you). Discard this enemy.\"\n- ... a player card: Add it to its owner's hand.\n- ...a location: Put it into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the nearest Mirror Nest (that is not already connected to a [[Cave]] location, if able). For the remainder of this scenario, the two locations are connected to one another.\n- ... any investigator's \"true\" investigator card: Its owner heals all damage and horror and takes control of it. Then, they flip their Shattered Self investigator card to its Old Memory side and put it into play under their control.",
+ "text": "This card must always cover the top of The Abyss.\nCards are always drawn and revealed from the bottom of The Abyss. When a non-weakness encounter card is discarded, it is always placed on top of The Abyss.\nForced - When you draw a card from The Abyss, if that card is ...\n- ...a treachery or an enemy: Draw it.\n- ...a [[Resident]] card: Flip it to its enemy side. It gains \"Revelation - This enemy attacks you (without engaging you). Discard this enemy.\"\n- ...a player card: Add it to its owner's hand.\n- ...a location: Put it into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the nearest Mirror Nest (that is not already connected to a [[Cave]] location, if able). For the remainder of this scenario, the two locations are connected to one another.\n- ...any investigator's \"true\" investigator card: Its owner heals all damage and horror and takes control of it. Then, they flip their Shattered Self investigator card to its Old Memory side and put it into play under their control.",
"type_code": "story"
From 7bd06d924f0bdf430607eff5ce3c8b026dd4e3fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Salinas
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 10:23:48 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 203/210] Update schema to allow X
schema/card_schema.json | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/schema/card_schema.json b/schema/card_schema.json
index a883bfdb6..d7510973a 100644
--- a/schema/card_schema.json
+++ b/schema/card_schema.json
@@ -154,15 +154,15 @@
"type": "string"
"skill_agility": {
- "minimum": 0,
+ "minimum": -2,
"type": "integer"
"skill_combat": {
- "minimum": 0,
+ "minimum": -2,
"type": "integer"
"skill_intellect": {
- "minimum": 0,
+ "minimum": -2,
"type": "integer"
"skill_wild": {
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
"type": "integer"
"skill_willpower": {
- "minimum": 0,
+ "minimum": -2,
"type": "integer"
"sanity": {
From aa6b281932589720760e5d6df8990036d8f8a56a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Fraser
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 18:40:16 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 204/210] Add Lost Sister Encounter Cards (#10)
* initial work
* Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: Dan Elkayam
* Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: Dan Elkayam
* Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: Dan Elkayam
* Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
* Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
* Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame
* Update pack/fhv/fhvc.json
Co-authored-by: drawntotheflame