Releases: Kalmat/PyMonCtl
ALL: Added saveSetup() and restoreSetup(). Fixed / Improved watchdog (especially in Linux). Fixed / improved setPosition() method
LINUX: Added ewmhlib as separate module. Fixed watchdog (freezing randomly invoking screen_resources and get_output_info), fixed workarea crash (some apps/environments do not set it), improved to work almost fine in Manjaro/KDE, avoid crashing in Wayland for "fake" :1 display (though module won't likely work)
WIN32: Fixed dev.StateFlags returning weird values for multi-monitor. Fixed GetAwarenessFromDpiAwarenessContext not supported on Windows Server
MACOS: Replaced display-manager-lib by other alternatives which seem to work in several macOS versions (brightness only) Added setScale() method (using a workaround). Added wakeup feature to turnOn() method
Delete dist directory
Renamed findMonitors() and findMonitorsInfo to findMonitorsAtPoint() and findMonitorsAtPointInfo().
Added findMonitorWithName() and findMonitorWithNameInfo()
Added typing_extensions dependency at runtime
WIN32: Fixed arrangeMonitors()
ALL: Added isSuspended property
WIN32: Fixed setPosition() to avoid reseting other monitors to defaults
ALL: Reorganized to avoid IDEs showing external and / or private elements
findMonitor() returns a list of Monitor instances
MACOS: Added contrast(), setContrast(), isOn() and isAttached(), improved setMode()
MACOS: Added brightness(), setBrightnes(), setOrientation() thru display_manager_lib (thanks to University of Utah - Marriott Library - Apple Infrastructure)
WIN32: Fixed setScale()
ALL: Fixed watchdog thread
LINUX: Added attach()/detach(), fixed setPosition() and arrangeMonitors()
WIN32: Fixed and improved many issues (scale still pending)
MACOS: Multi-monitor tests still pending
Pre-release tested OK in Linux/X11 (not Wayland) and win32 (macOS pending)