diff --git a/GameData/LunarTransferPlanner/Plugins/LunarTransferPlanner.dll b/GameData/LunarTransferPlanner/Plugins/LunarTransferPlanner.dll
index 212dd5d..865a377 100644
Binary files a/GameData/LunarTransferPlanner/Plugins/LunarTransferPlanner.dll and b/GameData/LunarTransferPlanner/Plugins/LunarTransferPlanner.dll differ
diff --git a/LunarTransferPlanner.cs b/LunarTransferPlanner.cs
index bcf3b46..501079a 100644
--- a/LunarTransferPlanner.cs
+++ b/LunarTransferPlanner.cs
@@ -269,20 +269,23 @@ private OrbitData CalcOrbitForTime(CelestialBody target, Vector3d launchPos, dou
double targetTime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + flightTime * 24d * 3600d + delayTime;
Vector3d targetPos = target.getPositionAtUT(targetTime);
- Vector3d upVector = Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)(delayTime * 360d / mainBody.rotationPeriod), EarthAxis) * (launchPos - EarthPos).normalized;
+ Vector3d upVector = QuaternionD.AngleAxis(delayTime * 360d / mainBody.rotationPeriod, EarthAxis) * (launchPos - EarthPos).normalized;
Vector3d orbitNorm = Vector3d.Cross(targetPos - EarthPos, upVector).normalized;
- double inclination = Math.Acos(Vector3d.Dot(orbitNorm, mainBody.angularVelocity.normalized));
+ double inclination = Math.Acos(Vector3d.Dot(orbitNorm, EarthAxis));
if (inclination > Math.PI / 2)
+ {
inclination = Math.PI - inclination;
+ orbitNorm *= -1; // make sure orbitNorm always points roughly northwards
+ }
- Vector3d eastVec = Vector3d.Cross(EarthAxis, upVector).normalized;
+ // When checking this: remember that Unity (and KSP) use a left-handed coordinate system; therefore, the
+ // cross product follows the left-hand rule.
+ Vector3d eastVec = Vector3d.Cross(upVector, EarthAxis).normalized;
Vector3d northVec = Vector3d.Cross(eastVec, upVector).normalized;
Vector3d launchVec = Vector3d.Cross(upVector, orbitNorm).normalized;
double azimuth = Math.Acos(Vector3d.Dot(launchVec, northVec));
- if (Vector3d.Dot(launchVec, eastVec) < 0d)
- azimuth = Math.PI - azimuth;
return new OrbitData(orbitNorm, inclination * 180d / Math.PI, azimuth * 180d / Math.PI);
@@ -293,7 +296,7 @@ private double EstimateLaunchTime(CelestialBody target, Vector3d launchPos, doub
double t = startTime;
OrbitData launchOrbit = CalcOrbitForTime(target, launchPos, t);
- if (latitude >= target.orbit.inclination)
+ if (Math.Abs(latitude) >= target.orbit.inclination)
// High latitude path - find the next easterly launch to the target
while (Math.Abs(launchOrbit.azimuth - targetAz) > 0.01d)
@@ -424,10 +427,10 @@ void MakeMainWindow(int id)
GUILayout.Label("Launch Now Incl", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
- GUILayout.Box(new GUIContent($"{(launchOrbit.azimuth > 90d ? -launchOrbit.inclination : launchOrbit.inclination):F2}°",
+ GUILayout.Box(new GUIContent($"{(launchOrbit.azimuth > 90d ? -launchOrbit.inclination : launchOrbit.inclination):F2}°",
"Launch to this inclination now to reach a Lunar parking orbit"), GUILayout.MinWidth(100));
- string tooltip = latitude >= target.orbit.inclination ?
+ string tooltip = Math.Abs(latitude) >= target.orbit.inclination ?
"Launch at this time for an Easterly launch to Lunar parking orbit" :
"Launch at this time for a low inclination launch to Lunar parking orbit";
diff --git a/LunarTransferPlanner.csproj b/LunarTransferPlanner.csproj
index b84d252..89b632f 100644
--- a/LunarTransferPlanner.csproj
+++ b/LunarTransferPlanner.csproj
@@ -84,14 +84,15 @@
- xcopy /y "$(TargetPath)" "$(ProjectDir)/GameData/LunarTransferPlanner\Plugins\"
- -->
\ No newline at end of file