- open a command line
- run
mkdir C:\xmr-stak-dep
- download VS2017 Community and install from https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/
- during the install chose the components
Desktop development with C++
(left side)VC++ 2015.3 v140 toolset for desktop
(right side)
- download and install the latest version from https://cmake.org/download/
- tested version: cmake 3.9
- during the install choose the option
Add CMake to the system PATH for all users
- donwload and install https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads
- for minimal install choose
Custom installation options
during the install and select- CUDA/Develpment
- CUDA/Visual Studio Integration (ignore the warning during the install that VS2017 is not supported)
- CUDA/Runtime
- Driver components
- download and install the latest version from http://developer.amd.com/amd-accelerated-parallel-processing-app-sdk/
- for CUDA 8*:
- download the version 1 of the precompiled binary from https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak-dep/releases/download/v1/xmr-stak-dep.zip
- version 1 of the pre-compiled dependencies is not compatible with Visual Studio Toolset v141
- for CUDA 9 and/or AMD GPUs, CPU:
- download the version 2 of the precompiled binary from https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak-dep/releases/download/v2/xmr-stak-dep.zip
- version 2 of the pre-compiled dependencies is not compatible with Visual Studio Toolset v140
- unzip all to
- open a command line
- run
cd c:\xmr-stak-dep tree .
- the result should have the same structure
C:\xmr-stak-dep>tree . Folder PATH listing for volume Windows Volume serial number is XX02-XXXX C:\XMR-STAK-DEP ├───hwloc │ ├───include │ │ ├───hwloc │ │ │ └───autogen │ │ └───private │ │ └───autogen │ └───lib ├───libmicrohttpd │ ├───include │ └───lib └───openssl ├───bin ├───include │ └───openssl └───lib
- download and unzip
- open the command line terminal
to your unzipped source code directory- execute the following commands (NOTE: path to VS2017 can be different)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\VsMSBuildCmd.bat" set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\xmr-stak-dep\hwloc;C:\xmr-stak-dep\libmicrohttpd;C:\xmr-stak-dep\openssl mkdir build cd build
- for CUDA 8*
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T v140,host=x64 ..
- for CUDA 9 and/or AMD GPUs, CPU
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T v141,host=x64 ..
cmake --build . --config Release --target install cd bin\Release copy C:\xmr-stak-dep\openssl\bin\* .
- for CUDA 8*
* Miner is also compiled for AMD GPUs (if the AMD APP SDK is installed) and CPUs. CUDA 8 requires a downgrade to the old v140 tool chain.