All commands should be entered via View --> Terminal in visual studio code, on the current file.
To create a new version of the documentation you need to do the following:
(1) archive the current version into a version folder
Enter npm run docusaurus docs:version 13.x
changing the version number to match the CURRENT version of the docs.
(1.b) if you are doing translation manager the command is different. Instead enter
npm run docusaurus docs:version:tm 13.x
(2) change the docusaurus.config.js file, adding the old version to the list of archieved versions, and adding the new version as the current version. (There are TWO lists to edit here, dont forget one).
(3) go to i18n\en --> docusaurus-plugin-content-blog & docusaurus-plugin-content-docs and change the current version to the new version.