This section covers all technical changes that should be considered when updating from previous versions, including, but not exclusively: API breaking changes or new functionality in the public API, major dependency changes, attribute changes, deprecation notices.
No backward incompatible changes
No backward incompatible changes
- The Jumio Legacy Wrapper SDK comes with all needed dependencies defined as transitive dependencies - so all the old dependencies that were introduced by Jumio 3.9.x can be removed
- Add the new dependency
- Make sure to update your code with the latest versions of Kotlin (1.9.10), the Android Gradle Plugin (8.1.3) and Gradle (8.0)
- Custom UI is not supported by the Jumio Legacy Wrapper SDK. The public API is still part of the wrapper library for compatibility reasons, but it is not functional.
- The following API functions have been deprecated
public NetverifyCustomSDKController start(NetverifyCustomSDKInterface customSDKInterface)
public synchronized static NetverifySDK create(Activity rootActivity, String offlineToken, @Nullable String preferredCountry)
public static String getDebugID()
public void setCameraPosition(JumioCameraPosition cameraPosition)
public void setDataExtractionOnMobileOnly(boolean dataExtractionOnMobileOnly)
public void sendDebugInfoToJumio(boolean send)
- everything in
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