This document describes the governance model for the AMP open source project, and in particular the AMP HTML GitHub project.
Our governance model is as follows:
- Changes to the AMP repository have to be approved by the
of the code. Owners are specified by directory via the OWNERS.yaml file. - The creator(s) of a particular component, extensions, plugin or sub system should typically name themselves as owners and they are free to delegate ownership to other GitHub users or teams of the AMP Project GitHub Project.
- Just to rephrase: Ownership of a sub system is given out liberally to whoever seems most knowledgeable about a piece of code. Typically the creator should designate themselves.
- There is no formal process for ownership removal, but the project reserves the right to remove owner privileges for owners that have not responded to multiple GitHub @-mention notifications over multiple weeks.
- Owners of higher level directories automatically have ownership (approval rights) for sub directories.
- These higher level owners would, for example, approve the creation of a new component.
- On top of owners approval, each pull request additionally requires review and approval from an AMP Project Core Committer](#list-of-core-committers). (Unless the owner also happens to be a core committer.)
- These additional reviews primarily ensure the security of the project and ensure uniform application of the design principles.
- There is a single Tech Lead, who will have the final say on all decisions regarding technical direction.
- The Tech Lead directs the Core Committers, whose members include the Tech Lead and those who have been appointed by the Tech Lead as Core Committers.
- In the event the Tech Lead is unable to perform their duty, or abdicates, the Core Committers can select a new Tech Lead from amongst themselves.
- In the unlikely event that there are no more Core Committers, Google Inc. will appoint a new Tech Lead.
- Significant feature development and changes to AMP require following the "Intent to implement" process including approval from the Tech Lead and one Core Committer.
- Tech Lead: Malte Ubl (@cramforce)
- Ali Ghassemi (@aghassemi)
- Avi Mehta (@avimehta). Specialty: Analytics
- Barb Paduch (@bpaduch). Specialty: Docs
- Sriram Krishnan (@camelburrito)
- Chen Shay (@chenshay)
- William Chou (@choumx)
- Dima Voytenko (@dvoytenko)
- Erwin Mombay (@erwinmombay)
- Greg Grothaus (@Gregable). Specialty: Validator
- David Sedano (@honeybadgerdontcare). Specialty: Validator
- Justin Ridgewell (@jridgewell)
- Hongfei Ding (@lannka)
- Yuxi Chen (@muxin)
- Johannes Henkel (@powdercloud). Specialty: Validator
- Yuxuan Zhou (@zhouyx)