Releases: JuliaNLSolvers/Optim.jl
Releases · JuliaNLSolvers/Optim.jl
Optim v1.0.0
Closed issues:
- usage with JuMP? (#107)
- Generalize Optim.jl to be an interface for nonlinear optimization (#309)
- Multidimensional arrays (#399)
- ProgressMeter (#442)
- Missing docstrings (#469)
- L-BFGS-(B) (#521)
- Finite differencing should respect box constraints (#541)
- Todo: SAMIN (#555)
- Some questions about convergence assessment and results (#574)
- Going below sqrt(eps) (#631)
- Project manifold tangent when we reset search direction (#649)
- Rename
? (#685) - Preallocate caches in Fminbox to avoid unnecessary value_gradient!! calls (#704)
- No default objective type for IPNewton (#711)
- Fminbox() using parameters outside of the box specified (#712)
- only_fgh! doesn't work if algorithm does not need Hessian (#718)
- Bug in Stiefel_CholQR (#752)
- Intermittent assertion error in HagerZhang (#802)
- Success when none of convergence measures is satisfied (#806)
- feature request: default to gradient-based method when user passes fg! (#816)
- Use AbstractConstrainedOptimizer as the parent type for all the constrained optimizers? (#818)
- Type instability (#820)
- Confusing behavior of f_abstol with Fminbox (#821)
- Univariate optimization does not stop when callback returns true (#822)
- Optim: No method matching iterate (#824)
- Brent still broken for flat functions (#827)
- Comment doesn't really seem to reflect logic in code (#830)
- Computing the inverse of Hessian in Newton's method (#832)
- Fminbox optimization does not exit when callback returns true (#834)
- Particle Swarm algorithm fails in very simple objective function (#835)
- ParticleSwarm does not respect
(#836) - Missing website (#841)
- ERROR: ArgumentError: Value and slope at step length = 0 must be finite. (#842)
- Problems with BigFloat (#844)
- indexing issue with ArrayParition arguments (#848)
- NealderMead recalculates same points: (#852)
- Functor Support with Univariate analysis (#853)
- Warning (again) on (#855)
Merged pull requests:
- WIP: Corrected Stiefel_CholQR (#753) (@jagot)
- Add callback stops for univariate optimization. (#831) (@pkofod)
- Test fgh! (#838) (@pkofod)
- Update .travis.yml (#839) (@pkofod)
- Bump FillArrays version (#840) (@JeffFessler)
- Make promote_obj noop for ipnewton and twicediffed (#845) (@pkofod)
- Add methods for (Not)InplaceObjective to optimize when not method is … (#846) (@pkofod)
- Allow that f can increase from iteration to iteration (#847) (@pkofod)
- Fix project_tangent! and retract! args in manual (#849) (@thisrod)
- Don't re-create the cache in every iteration of Fminbox as it calls the objective too often (#850) (@pkofod)
- Don't use Function signatures. (#854) (@pkofod)
- Fix some outstanding Fminbox issues (#856) (@pkofod)
Optim v0.22.0
Closed issues:
- Complex optimization example of documentary not working (#817)
Merged pull requests:
Optim v0.21.0
Closed issues:
- Document KrylovTrustRegion (#737)
- Inconsistencies with fg! in Krylov vs LBFGS (#738)
- New minor release for StatsBase v0.33 compatibility? (#803)
- numerical values for alphaguess (#805)
- V1.4 tests fail (#810)
Merged pull requests:
- only_* constructors for newton-krylov (#742) (@tlienart)
- Support creation of
methods (#808) (@timholy) - Skip updates if dx_dg is non-positive in BFGS (#809) (@pkofod)
- Use inversediagonal in precon test. (#811) (@pkofod)
- Add simple InitialStatic alpha choice by providing just a number to t… (#812) (@pkofod)
Update Project.toml
v0.20.3 (2020-03-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Convert initial radius to match types (#793) (ChrisRackauckas)
- fix printf syntax in error message (#792) (tpapp)
v0.20.2 (2020-03-03)
Closed issues:
- Maximizing a complicated nonlinear logliklihood function (#787)
- Nelder-Mead stopping condition (#759)
- Roadmap-ish stuff (#662)
- linesearch warning (#579)
- Trust-Region code does not handle the hard case (#540)
- Finite Difference: Remove Calculus when DiffEqDiffTools Hessians are implemented (#519)
- Type instability in
object (#510) - Feature request: Callback function gets passed current best solution (#452)
- optimize with autodiff accumulates calls counter (#443)
Merged pull requests:
v0.20.1 (2020-01-30)
Merged pull requests:
- Handle Inf values in NewtonTrustRegion (#781) (andreasnoack)