Scripts for compilation and running of TCLB solver on HPC clusters
The scripts are made to be general, but HPC clusters are very diverse. These scripts for now work on clusters with SLURM queue system.
git clone
git clone p
All the needed configuration and installation of R packages is done by:
As compulation on the main node is discouraged on many clusters, you can run make
in parallel on a node.
p/make d2q9
To run cases you can use the run
p/run [model] [case.xml] [number of cores/gpus] [options for sbatch (optional)]
You can use the script from a different directory then TCLB main dir, so for instance:
cd /scratch/blarbla/blarbla/some_important_research/
~/TCLB/p/run d2q9 mycase.xml 48
You can change the default time (1h), name, etc by supplying additional options for sbatch like:
~/TCLB/p/run d2q9 mycase.xml 48 -J "new name" --time=24:00:00
The scripts support getting PushBullet notifications based on:
In the cluster
directory there are settings for specific clusters (like
prometheus and magnus). The first line of each file is a bash comment with
the pattern for hostname to match.
If you want to add support for another cluster, please add another file in
the cluster