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Jim Miller edited this page Jan 23, 2020 · 9 revisions

User Contributed Ideas

This page is specifically for user contributed ideas. Anyone is welcome to contribute to this page.

If you have an idea you want to share, but aren't sure it fits on an other page, you can add it here.

A CLI Library Update Script

The FAQ completely correctly admonishes against using FanFicFare for complete back up of whole library EPubs. However, the script below tries to be as considerate as possible: it checks only books which have been modified in the last $DAYS days, and it increases slow_down_sleep_time to very high number.

The second command (using my own script epubsetdate) is completely optional, and it just sets the mtime of the particular EPub documents to the date of the last update of the document.


export DAYS=91
export LIBRARY_FOLDER="~/Knihy/fanfiction/"

find "$LIBRARY_FOLDER" -name \*.epub -mtime -${DAYS} -print0 | \
    xargs -t -L 50 -0 fanficfare -o slow_down_sleep_time=6 -u \
        >/tmp/knih_update.log 2>&1
find "$LIBRARY_FOLDER" -daystart -mtime -1 -name \*.epub -print \
    -exec ~/.bin/epubsetdate '{}' \;
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