All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added extract_tensorboard script.
- Added plot_logs script.
- Added method to improve GNN by allowing it to remove extra predicted cells.
- Added ablation study to evaluation pipeline.
- Added GNNs to evaluation pipeline.
- Improved API reference
- Documented drawing utilities.
- Visualization utilities.
- Gradio demo.
- Modified requirements.txt to include Gradio demo dependencies.
- Research pipeline.
- Evaluation command for hovernet.
- Fixed multiclass inference bug.
- Added multiclass support.
### Added
- Inference pipeline.
- Training pipeline.
- Changed to a more informative version.
- Badges in PyPI.
- Entry points for preprocessing scripts.