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It's possible to run Aurelia manually following the steps below. Besides compiling the code, you will need to have an instance of Andromeda running. Aurelia gets the data from Andromeda's data lake and transforms it to be displayed on the Application Page (web page).

You can also run Aurelia via docker container the instructions can be seen here.

System Requirements

You need:

OBS: If you already have another version of node and npm we recommend take a look at the n package or run Aurelia's docker container as presented here.

Note for Windows

You need to install Git for Windows. All of the commands in this manual need to run over "Git Bash", not over "cmd.exe" or "powershell". You also need to run the following commands from an admin shell to be able to install the npm dependencies.

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
npm install --global node-gyp

This will allow you to do npm install.

Installing Docker

See this and this for instructions on how to install Docker and Docker-compose.

For Windows, the installation instructions are here. Docker for Windows includes docker-compose.

Export the DOCKER_USER variable to ensure the docker uses the same user as the host. In Windows, $USER isn't defined, so you'll need to substitute it by your username:

export DOCKER_USER=$(id -u $USER)

You can see how to run Aurelia using the docker container on How to build and run the Aurelia container document.

System Bootstrap

You'll need to set up a few things before running Aurelia Webapp:

Cloning Aurelia repository

The first step to Run Aurelia is to clone the repository:

git clone
cd aurelia

Now, we need to get andromeda as git submodule inside aurelia:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Aurelia uses Andromeda as a git submodule. This is because Aurelia needs some of the files included on the Andromeda repository to be compiled. To know more about how git submodule see this link

Building and Running

Aurelia is composed of the following subsystems:

  • Backend: Transformers (ConsoleApp);
  • Frontend: Web App.

Therefore, we will need to compile and run each of these subsystems separately.

Install frontend dependencies

On a terminal go to aurelia/src/WebApp and execute:

npm install

Build back-end

Inside aurelia/src do:

dotnet clean
dotnet build

Setup PostgreSQL (Linux)

We will need a database server to run Aurelia's webpage. We recommend to just use the docker container in the docker-compose-aurelia.yml file.

However, before creating the database needed by Aurelia, we need to have Andromeda's data lake running. You can see more information on how to run the data lake database here.

After you have the data lake container up, run the following command on the root of your cloned directory:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-aurelia.yml up -d analytics_platform

If the command ran successfully, you should see something like this on your terminal:

Creating volume "aurelia_analytics_platform_data" with default driver
Creating analytics_platform ... done

After that you need to add an entry to /etc/hosts as the following: analytics_platform

Setup PostgreSQL (Windows)

Install PostgreSQL, and set the password of user postgres to dbpassword.

After that you need to add an entry to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts as the following: data_lake analytics_platform

Finally, modify all appsettings.json files (aurelia/ConsoleApp/appsettings.json and aurelia/WebApp/appsettings.json) removing the Port=5433 entry from the connection strings, and changing the user to postgres. You can more about the appsettings.json files here.

Initial migration

To apply the initial migrations, on terminal navigate to aurelia/src/ConsoleApp and run:

dotnet run migrate --application

Running the system

Assuming that you just did the system bootstrap, it's time to run the system.

Before running the web app, we will need to get the data from Andromeda's data lake and transforming it (format) to be displayed by the Webapp. To do this, in the terminal navigate to aurelia/src/ConsoleApp and run:

dotnet run transformer -s Application

To execute the WebApp, got into its directory (aurelia/src/WebApp) and execute the following command:

dotnet run

When executing the WebApp, the web system will be available at http://localhost:5000

Creating a user

Make sure you set your email as the "DefaultUserEmail" in aurelia/src/WebApp/appsettings.json. Restart Web App and you'll become an admin of the system.

To invite new users, navigate to the User Management page.