(Note: This repository is under active development. Architecture and implementation may change without documentation)
This is what you'd use to get a node up and running, fast. It assumes that it is starting on a blank ubuntu machine. It eschews a systemd unit, allowing automation to be up to the user. It assumes that installing Go is in-scope since Ubuntu's repositories aren't up to date and you'll be needing go to use osmosis. It handles the Go environment variables because those are a common pain point.
Install go
wget -q -O - https://git.io/vQhTU | bash -s -- --version 1.17.2
Then exit and re-enter your shell.
Install Osmosis and check that it is on $PATH
git clone https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis
cd osmosis
git checkout v3.1.0
make install
which osmosisd
Launch Osmosis
osmosisd init yourmonikerhere
wget -O ~/.osmosisd/config/genesis.json https://github.com/osmosis-labs/networks/raw/main/osmosis-1/genesis.json
osmosisd start
More Nodes ==> More Network
More Network ==> Faster Sync
Faster Sync ==> Less Developer Friction
Less Developer Friction ==> More Osmosis
Thank you for supporting a healthy blockchain network and community by running an Osmosis node!