The guides on this page will explain the process of developing on Osmosis.
Build and Test Osmosis Source Code
Getting started with building and testing Osmosis codebase
IDE Setup
Recommended IDE setup for developing on Osmosis in Go
Osmosis Daemon
Install osmosisd to join the network
Osmosis modules and their respective CLI commands
Relay IBC packets between Osmosis and other chains
Currently supported assets on Osmosis with their corresponding channels and IBC denoms
Key Management
Managing keys via CLI and advanced operations such as multisig wallets
Transaction Structure
Understanding the structure of a transaction on the Osmosis blockchain
Performance & Profiling
Learn how to measure performance and profile your node
Guidelines to contributing to Osmosis core development.
Local Osmosis
Osmosis development environment
Joining Edgenet
Set up a node on the Osmosis edgenet
Joining Testnet
Set up a node on the Osmosis testnet
Join Mainnet
Set up a node on the Osmosis mainnet
The guides on this page will explain the process of developing on the Osmosis front-end interface.