From c8e42affb7bd2838014cc1f529ed1c60f1230abc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ciara Donegan <>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2023 11:40:34 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Added toggle switch
Added toggle to run without saving or save to one of 8 slots. Saving currently doesn't work (issue with popup)
h2/components/modules/mod_graph.R | 71 ++++++++-----
h2/components/modules/mod_run.R | 150 ++++++++++++++++++----------
h2/components/modules/mod_summary.r | 11 +-
h2/global.r | 6 +-
4 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
diff --git a/h2/components/modules/mod_graph.R b/h2/components/modules/mod_graph.R
index edcd2ca..2dafd88 100644
--- a/h2/components/modules/mod_graph.R
+++ b/h2/components/modules/mod_graph.R
@@ -12,29 +12,54 @@ graph_ui <- function(id) {
graph_server <- function(id, r6, i) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- filtered_output <-
- filter(r6$output[[r6$i()]], variable == "global_tas")
- #filter(bind_rows(r6$output), variable == "global_tas")
- output$graph <- renderPlotly({
- plot_ly(
- filtered_output,
- x = ~ year,
- y = ~ value,
- type = 'scatter',
- mode = 'lines',
- hovertemplate = paste(
- "Year: %{x}
- "Value: %{y:.2f}",
- ""
- )
- ) %>%
- layout(
- xaxis = list(title = "Year"),
- yaxis = list(title = "Global Temperature (C)"),
- title = "Global Temperature at Surface"
- )
- #ggplot(filtered_output, aes(x=year,y=value))
- })
+ if (r6$save == TRUE) {
+ filtered_output <-
+ filter(r6$output[[r6$i()]], variable == "global_tas")
+ output$graph <- renderPlotly({
+ plot_ly(
+ filtered_output,
+ x = ~ year,
+ y = ~ value,
+ type = 'scatter',
+ mode = 'lines',
+ hovertemplate = paste(
+ "Year: %{x}
+ "Value: %{y:.2f}",
+ ""
+ )
+ ) %>%
+ layout(
+ xaxis = list(title = "Year"),
+ yaxis = list(title = "Global Temperature (C)"),
+ title = "Global Temperature at Surface"
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ if (r6$save == FALSE) {
+ filtered_output <-
+ filter(r6$no_save, variable == "global_tas")
+ output$graph <- renderPlotly({
+ plot_ly(
+ filtered_output,
+ x = ~ year,
+ y = ~ value,
+ type = 'scatter',
+ mode = 'lines',
+ hovertemplate = paste(
+ "Year: %{x}
+ "Value: %{y:.2f}",
+ ""
+ )
+ ) %>%
+ layout(
+ xaxis = list(title = "Year"),
+ yaxis = list(title = "Global Temperature (C)"),
+ title = "Global Temperature at Surface"
+ )
+ })
+ }
}) %>%
diff --git a/h2/components/modules/mod_run.R b/h2/components/modules/mod_run.R
index b18c0e0..483ce8e 100644
--- a/h2/components/modules/mod_run.R
+++ b/h2/components/modules/mod_run.R
@@ -19,17 +19,19 @@ run_ui <- function(id) {
min = 1750, max = 2300, value = 2000, sep=""),
sliderInput(ns("end"), "Select end date:",
min = 1750, max = 2300, value = 2300, sep=""),
- radioButtons(ns("run_number"), label="Select run number:",
- choices = list("1" = 1,
- "2" = 2,
- "3" = 3,
- "4" = 4,
- "5" = 5,
- "6" = 6,
- "7" = 7,
- "8" = 8),
- selected = "1", inline=TRUE),
- actionButton(ns("run"),"Run Model")
+ # radioButtons(ns("run_number"), label="Select run number:",
+ # choices = list("1" = 1,
+ # "2" = 2,
+ # "3" = 3,
+ # "4" = 4,
+ # "5" = 5,
+ # "6" = 6,
+ # "7" = 7,
+ # "8" = 8),
+ # selected = "1", inline=TRUE),
+ #actionButton(ns("runsave"),"Run and Save"),
+ materialSwitch(ns("savetoggle"),"Save Run"),
+ actionButton(ns("run"),"Run") #not actually hooked up to anything yet lol
#actionButton(ns("stop"),"show warning")
@@ -38,47 +40,95 @@ run_ui <- function(id) {
run_server <- function(id, r6, i) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- observe({
- # store inputs in r6 class
- r6$ini_file <- reactive({system.file(input$ssp_path,package="hector")})
- r6$start <- reactive({input$start})
- r6$end <- reactive({input$end})
- r6$i <- reactive({as.integer(input$run_number)})
- # run hector using inputs
- print("Running...") # in command line
- core <- reactive({newcore(r6$ini_file(),name=input$core_name)})
- run(core())
- r6$output[[r6$i()]] <- fetchvars(core(),r6$start():r6$end()) %>% mutate(run=r6$i())
- output$done <- renderPrint({r6$i()}) #print run number
- print("Done") # in command line
- #i(i() + 1) # add 1 to i. like a pseudo loop for storing output
- print(r6$output)
- #print(i())
- if (length(r6$output) == 8 &&
- identical(
- lapply(r6$output, is.null),
- ))
- shinyalert(title = "Run Limit Reached",
- text = "You have completed eight runs. Select a run to replace.",
- type = "input",
- inputType = "number")
- }) %>%
- bindEvent(input$run) # triggers when "Run Model" is clicked
# observe({
- # shinyalert(title = "Run Limit Reached",
- # text = "You have completed five runs. Select a run to replace.",
- # type = "warning")
+ # # store inputs in r6 class
+ # r6$ini_file <- reactive({system.file(input$ssp_path,package="hector")})
+ # r6$start <- reactive({input$start})
+ # r6$end <- reactive({input$end})
+ # r6$i <- reactive({as.integer(input$run_number)})
+ #
+ # # sendSweetAlert(session = session,
+ # # html = TRUE,
+ # # text = tagList(
+ # # numericInput("num","Select save slot:", 1)
+ # # ))
+ # #browser()
+ # r6$i <- reactive({as.integer(input$run_number)})
+ #
+ # # run hector using inputs
+ # print("Running...") # in command line
+ # core <- reactive({newcore(r6$ini_file(),name=input$core_name)})
+ # run(core())
+ # #browser()
+ # r6$output[[r6$i()]] <- fetchvars(core(),r6$start():r6$end()) %>% mutate(run=r6$i())
+ # output$done <- renderPrint({r6$i()}) #print run number
+ # print("Done") # in command line
+ #
+ # #i(i() + 1) # add 1 to i. like a pseudo loop for storing output
+ # print(r6$output)
+ # #print(i())
+ #
+ # # if (length(r6$output) == 8 &&
+ # # identical(
+ # # lapply(r6$output, is.null),
+ # # ))
+ # # shinyalert(title = "Run Limit Reached",
+ # # text = "You have completed eight runs. Select a run to replace.",
+ # # type = "input",
+ # # inputType = "number")
# }) %>%
- # bindEvent(input$stop)
+ # bindEvent(input$run) # triggers when "Run Model" is clicked
- # showModal(modalDialog(
- # title="Run Limit Reached",
- # "You have reached the limit of 5 runs. Select a run to replace."
- # )) # how to make it appear after 5 runs?
+ observe({
+ if (input$savetoggle == TRUE) {
+ # store inputs in r6 class
+ r6$ini_file <- reactive({system.file(input$ssp_path,package="hector")})
+ r6$start <- reactive({input$start})
+ r6$end <- reactive({input$end})
+ #r6$i <- reactive({as.integer(input$run_number)})
+ sendSweetAlert(session = session,
+ html = TRUE,
+ text = tagList(
+ radioButtons("run_number", label="Select run number:",
+ choices = list("1" = 1,
+ "2" = 2,
+ "3" = 3,
+ "4" = 4,
+ "5" = 5,
+ "6" = 6,
+ "7" = 7,
+ "8" = 8),
+ selected = "1", inline=TRUE),
+ ))
+ # run hector using inputs
+ browser()
+ r6$i <- reactive({input$run_number})
+ print("Running...") # in command line
+ core <- reactive({newcore(r6$ini_file(),name=input$core_name)})
+ run(core())
+ #browser()
+ r6$output[[r6$i()]] <- fetchvars(core(),r6$start():r6$end()) %>% mutate(run=r6$i())
+ output$done <- renderPrint({r6$i()}) #print run number
+ print("Done") # in command line
+ r6$save <- TRUE
+ }
+ if (input$savetoggle == FALSE) {
+ r6$ini_file <- reactive({system.file(input$ssp_path,package="hector")})
+ r6$start <- reactive({input$start})
+ r6$end <- reactive({input$end})
+ print("Running...") # in command line
+ core <- reactive({newcore(r6$ini_file(),name=input$core_name)})
+ run(core())
+ r6$no_save <- fetchvars(core(),r6$start():r6$end())
+ print("Done")
+ r6$save <- FALSE
+ }
+ }) %>%
+ bindEvent(input$run)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/h2/components/modules/mod_summary.r b/h2/components/modules/mod_summary.r
index 7f663ff..efd5ac6 100644
--- a/h2/components/modules/mod_summary.r
+++ b/h2/components/modules/mod_summary.r
@@ -12,9 +12,14 @@ summary_ui <- function(id) {
summary_server <- function(id, r6, i) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- #browser()
- hectoroutput <- r6$output[[r6$i()]]
- output$summary <- renderDT({datatable(hectoroutput,editable=TRUE)})
+ if (r6$save == TRUE) {
+ hectoroutput <- r6$output[[r6$i()]]
+ output$summary <- renderDT({datatable(hectoroutput)})
+ }
+ if (r6$save == FALSE) {
+ hectoroutput <- r6$no_save
+ output$summary <- renderDT({datatable(hectoroutput)})
+ }
}) %>%
bindEvent(input$print) # run when Print button is clicked
diff --git a/h2/global.r b/h2/global.r
index 1a0a5a6..bb5067b 100644
--- a/h2/global.r
+++ b/h2/global.r
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ library(dplyr)
-library(shinyalert) # don't need if we have shinyWidgets?
+#library(shinyalert) # don't need if we have shinyWidgets?
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ HectorInputs <- R6Class(
start = NA,
end = NA,
output = NULL,
+ no_save = NULL,
i = NA,
+ save = NULL,
initialize = function(ini_file = system.file("input/hector_ssp245.ini",
package = "hector"),
start = 2000,
@@ -31,7 +33,9 @@ HectorInputs <- R6Class(
self$start <- start
self$end <- end
self$output <- list()
+ #self$no_save <- NULL
self$i <- 1
+ #self$savetoggle <- FALSE
stopifnot(end > start) #gotta have the start year before the end year