This is a simple Dont Starve Together server I created to learn and consolidate some docker concepts related to the building of images and running multi-container solutions.
The script takes care of reading environment variables for easier configuration of the server at startup without the need to fiddle with files directly. To safeguard against restarts, a named volume is created at startup that mounts in both containers to hold server configuration and save information.
Browse to the website:
Add a cluster name and click 'Add new server' and finally copy the token.
Configure environment variables as necessary.
Simple single shard (no caves)
docker run -d --name dst_master \
-e DST_NAME="<name>" \
-e DST_DESCRIPTION="<description>" \
-e DST_PASSWORD="<password>" \
-e DST_MODE="<survival|Wilderness|Endless>" \
-e DST_INTENTION="<Social|Cooperative|Competitive|Madness>" \
-e DST_PVP="<true|false>" \
-e DST_TOKEN="<token>" \
-v dst-cluster-config:/home/LinuxGSM/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/ \
Multi-shard (with caves)
docker network create dst_network
docker run -d --network dst_network -name dst_master \
-e DST_NAME="<name>" \
-e DST_DESCRIPTION="<description>" \
-e DST_PASSWORD="<password>" \
-e DST_MODE="<survival|Wilderness|Endless>" \
-e DST_INTENTION="<Social|Cooperative|Competitive|Madness>" \
-e DST_PVP="<true|false>" \
-e DST_TOKEN="<token>" \
-e DST_SHARD=Master \
-v dst-cluster-config:/home/LinuxGSM/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/ \
docker run -d --network dst_network -name dst_caves \
-e DST_NAME="<name>" \
-e DST_DESCRIPTION="<description>" \
-e DST_PASSWORD="<password>" \
-e DST_MODE="<survival|Wilderness|Endless>" \
-e DST_INTENTION="<Social|Cooperative|Competitive|Madness>" \
-e DST_PVP="<true|false>" \
-e DST_TOKEN="<token>" \
-e DST_SHARD=Caves \
-v dst-cluster-config:/home/LinuxGSM/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/ \
Note: docker-compose file for an easier way to spin up a multi-shard environment is included in the github repository. To configure server edit the server.env file.