Scrape-apply is a small utility I wrote in order to send the same email to a bunch of companies, who's E-Mail addresses had to be retrieved from a dynamic website.
As to protect my privacy and said companies from spam, the website has not been included in the source and must instead be provided as an argument.
Scrape-apply consists of two commands; scrape and apply. For usage info consult the help commands:
scrape_apply --help
Usage: scrape_apply <COMMAND>
scrape scrapes the specified URL
apply sends emails to the specified addresses
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
scrape_apply scrape --help
scrapes the specified URL
Usage: scrape_apply scrape [OPTIONS] <URL>
<URL> url to scrape from
-o, --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH> location to save scraped data to [default: ./contact_data.csv]
-h, --help Print help
scrape_apply apply --help
sends emails to the specified addresses
Usage: scrape_apply apply --input-path <INPUT_PATH> --url <URL> --user <USER> --pass <PASS> <MESSAGE>
<MESSAGE> .md file with message contents
-i, --input-path <INPUT_PATH> location of input file
--url <URL> SMTP server URL
-u, --user <USER> SMTP user
-p, --pass <PASS> SMTP password
-h, --help Print help