is a unary physical operator that creates a ContinuousWriteRDD for continuous write.
A unary physical operator ( Read up on UnaryExecNode (and physical operators in general) in The Internals of Spark SQL book. |
is created exclusively when DataSourceV2Strategy
execution planning strategy is requested to plan a WriteToContinuousDataSource unary logical operator.
Read up on DataSourceV2Strategy Execution Planning Strategy in The Internals of Spark SQL book. |
takes the following to be created:
uses empty output schema (which is exactly to say that no output is expected whatsoever).
Enable Add the following line to
Refer to Logging. |
doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow]
doExecute is part of SparkPlan Contract to generate the runtime representation of an physical operator as a distributed computation over internal binary rows on Apache Spark (i.e. RDD[InternalRow] ).
requests the StreamWriter to create a DataWriterFactory
then requests the child physical operator to execute (that gives a RDD[InternalRow]
) and uses the RDD[InternalRow]
and the DataWriterFactory
to create a ContinuousWriteRDD.
prints out the following INFO message to the logs:
Start processing data source writer: [writer]. The input RDD has [partitions] partitions.
requests the EpochCoordinatorRef
helper for a remote reference to the EpochCoordinator RPC endpoint (using the __epoch_coordinator_id local property).
The EpochCoordinator RPC endpoint runs on the driver as the single point to coordinate epochs across partition tasks. |
requests the EpochCoordinator RPC endpoint reference to send out a SetWriterPartitions message synchronously.
In the end, doExecute
requests the ContinuousWriteRDD
to collect (which simply runs a Spark job on all partitions in an RDD and returns the results in an array).
Requesting the ContinuousWriteRDD to collect is how a Spark job is ran that in turn runs tasks (one per partition) that are described by the ContinuousWriteRDD.compute method. Since executing collect is meant to run a Spark job (with tasks on executors), it’s in the discretion of the tasks themselves to decide when to finish (so if they want to run indefinitely, so be it). What a clever trick!