From 8add6e0fce3406c1fe67d749a33dc6947c0246e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Koltai Kadosa Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 13:43:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] ARUMLPD-34 Fix call --- action.yml | 8 ++++++-- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/action.yml b/action.yml index 77bb5e8..cd4423d 100644 --- a/action.yml +++ b/action.yml @@ -87,10 +87,14 @@ runs: $installResult = Start-Process -FilePath '${{ }}' -ArgumentList @("/install", "/quiet") -Wait -PassThru exit $installResult.ExitCode - - name: Run the IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge + - name: Create the license file shell: pwsh run: | echo '${{ inputs.license }}' | Out-File -FilePath '${{ runner.temp }}/IncQueryAUB.lic' echo 'licenseFilePath: IncQueryAUB.lic' | Out-File -FilePath '${{ runner.temp }}/IncQueryAUBLic.yaml' + + - name: Run the IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge + shell: pwsh + run: | $env:ARUML_HOME = 'C:\Program Files\IncQuery Labs\IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge\Transformation\' - & 'C:\Program Files\IncQuery Labs\IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge\CLI\iql-aub-cli.exe' -i='${{ inputs.arxml_file_path }}' -e='${{ inputs.ea_model_file_path }}' -l='${{ runner.temp }}/IncQueryAUBLic.yaml' + & 'C:\Program Files\IncQuery Labs\IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge\CLI\iql-aub-cli.exe' -i='${{ inputs.arxml_file_path }}' -e='${{ inputs.ea_model_file_path }}' -l '${{ runner.temp }}/IncQueryAUBLic.yaml'