Cheatsheet for AngularJS documentation (ngdoc)
specifies the type of thing being documented. See below for more detail.@scope
specifies that the documented directive will create a new scope@priority
specifies the documented directive's priority@animations
specifies the animations that the documented directive supports@methodOf type
links a method to the object/service where it is defined@propertyOf type
links a property to the object/service where it is defined@eventOf type
links a method to the object/service where it is defined@eventType emit | broadcast
specifies whether the event is emitted or broadcast
@ngdoc directive
@ngdoc event
@ngdoc filter
@ngdoc function
@ngdoc inputType
@ngdoc interface
@ngdoc method
@ngdoc object
@ngdoc overview
@ngdoc property
@ngdoc service
- {@link ng.directive:form
} - {@link ng.directive:form form}
- {@link ng.directive:form.FormController FormController}
- {@link ng.directive:input input element}
- {@link ng.directive:input.checkbox checkbox}
- {@link ng.directive:ngAnimate ngAnimate}
- {@link ng.directive:ngAnimate#Description common ng directives}
- {@link ng.directive:ngApp ngApp}
- {@link ng.directive:ngIf#animations ngIf}
- {@link ng.directive:script inlined templates}