Releases: IPS-LMU/octra
Releases · IPS-LMU/octra
Bug Fixes
- dictaphone-editor: fixed problem that audio is not playing on boundary click (4633fbb), closes #110
- text-editor: fixed problem with firefox appending new line (9062f84)
- validation: prevent validation errors in markers (0a5b075)
- 2D-Editor: added transcripts and time labeling to multi-line signal display (5efd758)
- 2D-Editor: transcription-window: if the last segment contains a break the overview window will be shown. (ebd4a9c)
- audio: save audio settings (volume, speed) permanently (10e2a7f), closes #128
- audio playback: playback speed can be increased using time-stretching (bc940d0), closes #26
- audioviewer: remove boundaries within a selection and join transcripts using D (a0847c4)
- bug report: improved email template for bug reports (4fbb62e)
- converter: added ELAN converter for import/export of .eaf files (cff6f1e)
- Design: hide prompt button if no prompt exists (98e6379), closes #116
- dist: simplified folder structure of dist (ed4f19a)
- drop-zone: improved drop-zone incl. decoding process and error messages (f494dd1), closes #109
- export: export annotation result to .srt for Subtitles (a3f5e32)
- export: support for webVTT (.vtt) files (d05c1c2)
- help-tools: stresstest tool to determine the browser's memory limit (807c27d)
- Modes: demo mode with configurable audio files (d6e8cdd), closes #132
- octra feedback: option to upload screenshots (da603c7), closes #122
- overview: editable transcripts in overview table (8a07a9e)
- projectconfig: option to set url for extern guidelines pdf (471351c)
- projectconfig: validation can be enabled/disabled for all modes but demo mode (for presentation) (bc9fd9a)
- shortAudioFiles: fixed shortcuts issue in overview modal (79d463a)
- text-editor: inline validation using transcription guidelines (09c8f33), closes #23
- text-editor: marker icons can now be utf-8 symbols (a80364c), closes #112
- tools: added feature to cut audio files (b92b8f7), closes #117
- tools: audio cutting feature to export segments to split audio files (63fea44)
- transcription: notice after longer absence (eeed22e)
- workflow: Linear Editor and 2D-Editor opens the transcription window automatically if audio sequence is short (5feb5e2), closes #121
1.2.7 (2018-11-28)
Bug Fixes
- audio playback: fixed audio playback not stopped problem and back buttons (35c5676)
- audio playback: fixed problem with controlling audio playback using TAB (46ebd07)
- login: going to login page after URL mode leads to hidden local button (f82f905)
- modes: switching between URL mode and Online mode fails (cedebd8)
- converters: added support for ELAN (export only) (c9f9269), closes #105
- export: user is not asked to select one tier if only one tier exists (14fc77d), closes #87
- guidelines: add options in project_config.json to hide/show exampleHeader/Number (3749084)
- guidelines: allow HTML in guideline descriptions and example texts (6e4a138)
- guidelines: allow one screen shot for each example (8436469)
- overview: manual or sequential audio playback for segments (d36c48b)
- projectconfig: added option to set a password (SHA256) for a project (e7f081f)
- text-editor: added increase/decrease font size buttons (7b31aac)
- web statistics: allow recording web statistics via Matomo (99100d7)
1.2.6 (2018-09-03)
Bug Fixes
- api: fixed autmatically created sessions are skipped after saving the old one (1a108d9)
- file-export: no new conversion created after click on "Download" (541f974)
- 2D-Editor: after editing last segment overview modal is shown (463e47b), closes #91
- browser check: browser's compatibility is checked automatically (f8e8775), closes #68 #102
- browser-support: OCTRA can be used in Safari, too (4744cad)
- error-logging: more detailed debug information for error objects (3f50e3b), closes #103
- logging: transcription errors added to log (3078b8c)
- project-config: added octra.sendValidatedTranscriptionOnly and octra.showOverviewIfTranscriptNotValid (d7ae220)
- workflow: improved transcription workflow (b6c6ac0), closes #92
Bug Fixes
- translation: fixed errors when "en" translation does not exist (b3967ea)
- appSettings: option to filter allowed projects (9192776)
- Design: better use of remaining space (95e7cc4), closes #100
- Design: upgrade design to bootstrap 4 and texteditor (c22655a), closes #97
- markers: markers without icons are displayed as text markers (f252b45)
- Tiers: changed default name for tier from "TIER_" to "OCTRA_" (f4b0654), closes #86
- URL mode: allow more transcript formats (da94714), closes #96
- URL-mode: allow other transcript files than raw text (d3f7783)
- new URL mode to open audio files in OCTRA via URL
- upgraded Angular and other dependencies
- Stability improvements
Implemented enhancements:
- 2D-Editor: circle loupe should follow the mouse cursor more fluently #82
- new option: Enable/Disable rounded loupe #80
Fixed bugs:
- OCTRA crashes using the local mode and very large audio files #79
Merged pull requests:
- Create #81 (julianpoemp)
Thanks to:
- Riccarda Funk (feedback, bug report)
- P.Pavlitschek (feedback, bug report)
Implemented enhancements:
- use new protocol specification for logging user actions #77
- allow sending bug reports via email #76
- allow more levels #75
- use IndexedDB instead of LocalStorage #74
- 2D-Editor: follow playcursor #70
- allow importing raw text file #69
- allow more audio formats than Wave format #67
- better audio managing structure #66
- 2D-Editor: change position of miniloupe #64
- reorganize editor components #61
- add popover to each button of audio-navigation component #60
- allow setting boundaries in "editor without a signal display" #59
- audio playback: step back n seconds and play audio d seconds #57
- read annotation data that already exists in database #56
- enable Copy & Paste in text editor #55
- use annotJSON as OCTRAs representation of its annotation #54
- enable bug report #53
- play audio on hover #52
- Overlay GUI: play audio after entering semgment #51
- update dependencies #47
- show additional informations #46
- improve usability #44
- enable login without job number #42
Fixed bugs:
- Safari: can't decode audio file #73
- boundaries in text: no popover after loading other language #72
- mini-loupe: false zooming factor #71
- prevent moving boundary over others #65
- transcr-overview: whole text is underlined red when two errors come after each other #62
- play cursor vanished after stopping at some positions #58
- audioviewer: can't set boundary if playcursor is in another segment #50
- transcr-window: scroll to parent positon doesn't work #49
- if audio cannot be loaded user can't go back #48
- false state: broken view #45
- editor dissapears after switching to another one #43
Implemented enhancements:
- show loading status and a hint that loading could take a while #41
- Export guidelines.json to PDF #40
- change structure of configuration files #37
- enable configuration of the feedback form in project's configuration #36
- improve usabilty #35
- transcr-overview: click on a segment's number enables switching to the selected segment #25
Fixed bugs: