This is a demo Python app which uses the Globalization Pipeline service on Bluemix. Note that this app is designed to be run on Bluemix.
A running instance of the demo can be found here.
In order to run the demo, you must first create a new Globalization Pipeline
service instance. You can name the instance whatever you'd like, but the
manifest.ymlfile must be updated to reflect the name, currently the service instance name is
Globalization Pipeline-py-demo.
Next, create a new bundle in this instance and name it demo
; you can use
another name, but
must then be updated accordingly.
Use messages.json
as the source file and select as many target languages
as you'd like.
Once the necessary files have been updated. You can push the app to Bluemix.
You can either use the cf cli or push to Bluemix using git. You can search around on Bluemix for the necessary documentation.
If you use the cf cli, simply go to the demo dir and run cf push