Keys | Action |
CTRL + Q | close focused window |
ALT + F4 | close focused window |
SUPER + Delete | kill hyprland session |
SUPER + W | toggle float |
SUPER + G | toggle group |
Shift + F11 | toggle fullscreen |
SUPER + L | lock screen |
SUPER + SHIFT + F | toggle pin on focused window |
ALT + CTRL + Delete | logout menu |
ALT + Control_R | toggle waybar and reload config |
SUPER + J | toggle split |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + CTRL + H | change active group backwards |
SUPER + CTRL + L | change active group forwards |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + Left | focus left |
SUPER + Right | focus right |
SUPER + Up | focus up |
SUPER + Down | focus down |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + SHIFT + Right | resize window right |
SUPER + SHIFT + Left | resize window left |
SUPER + SHIFT + Up | resize window up |
SUPER + SHIFT + Down | resize window down |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + mouse:272 | hold to move window |
SUPER + mouse:273 | hold to resize window |
SUPER + Z | hold to move window |
SUPER + X | hold to resize window |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + CTRL + SHIFT + left | Move activewindow to the right |
SUPER + CTRL + SHIFT + right | Move activewindow to the right |
SUPER + CTRL + SHIFT + up | Move activewindow to the right |
SUPER + CTRL + SHIFT + down | Move activewindow to the right |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + T | terminal emulator |
SUPER + E | file explorer |
SUPER + C | text editor |
SUPER + B | web browser |
CTRL + SHIFT + Escape | system monitor |
Keys | Action |
ALT + space | application finder |
SUPER + TAB | window switcher |
SUPER + SHIFT + E | file finder |
SUPER + slash | keybindings hint |
SUPER + comma | emoji picker |
SUPER + period | glyph picker |
SUPER + V | clipboard |
SUPER + SHIFT + V | clipboard manager |
SUPER + SHIFT + A | select rofi launcher |
Keys | Action |
None + F10 | toggle mute output |
None + XF86AudioMute | toggle mute output |
None + F11 | decrease volume |
None + F12 | increase volume |
None + XF86AudioMicMute | un/mute microphone |
None + XF86AudioLowerVolume | decrease volume |
None + XF86AudioRaiseVolume | increase volume |
Keys | Action |
None + XF86AudioPlay | play media |
None + XF86AudioPause | pause media |
None + XF86AudioNext | next media |
None + XF86AudioPrev | previous media |
Keys | Action |
None + XF86MonBrightnessUp | increase brightness |
None + XF86MonBrightnessDown | decrease brightness |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + K | toggle keyboard layout |
SUPER + ALT + G | game mode |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + SHIFT + P | color picker |
SUPER + P | snip screen |
SUPER + CTRL + P | freeze and snip screen |
SUPER + ALT + P | print monitor |
None + Print | print all monitors |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + ALT + Right | next wallpaper |
SUPER + ALT + Left | previous wallpaper |
SUPER + SHIFT + W | select a wallpaper |
SUPER + ALT + Up | next waybar layout |
SUPER + ALT + Down | previous waybar layout |
SUPER + SHIFT + R | wallbash mode selector |
SUPER + SHIFT + T | select a theme |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + 1 | navigate to workspace 1 |
SUPER + 2 | navigate to workspace 2 |
SUPER + 3 | navigate to workspace 3 |
SUPER + 4 | navigate to workspace 4 |
SUPER + 5 | navigate to workspace 5 |
SUPER + 6 | navigate to workspace 6 |
SUPER + 7 | navigate to workspace 7 |
SUPER + 8 | navigate to workspace 8 |
SUPER + 9 | navigate to workspace 9 |
SUPER + 0 | navigate to workspace 10 |
SUPER + CTRL + Down | navigate to the nearest empty workspace |
SUPER + mouse_down | next workspace |
SUPER + mouse_up | previous workspace |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + CTRL + Right | change active workspace forwards |
SUPER + CTRL + Left | change active workspace backwards |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + SHIFT + grave | move to scratchpad |
SUPER + ALT + grave | move to scratchpad (silent) |
SUPER + grave | toggle scratchpad |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + ALT + 1 | move to workspace 1 (silent) |
SUPER + ALT + 2 | move to workspace 2 (silent) |
SUPER + ALT + 3 | move to workspace 3 (silent) |
SUPER + ALT + 4 | move to workspace 4 (silent) |
SUPER + ALT + 5 | move to workspace 5 (silent) |
SUPER + ALT + 6 | move to workspace 6 (silent) |
SUPER + ALT + 7 | move to workspace 7 (silent) |
SUPER + ALT + 8 | move to workspace 8 (silent) |
SUPER + ALT + 9 | move to workspace 9 (silent) |
SUPER + ALT + 0 | move to workspace 10 (silent) |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + SHIFT + 1 | move to workspace 1 |
SUPER + SHIFT + 2 | move to workspace 2 |
SUPER + SHIFT + 3 | move to workspace 3 |
SUPER + SHIFT + 4 | move to workspace 4 |
SUPER + SHIFT + 5 | move to workspace 5 |
SUPER + SHIFT + 6 | move to workspace 6 |
SUPER + SHIFT + 7 | move to workspace 7 |
SUPER + SHIFT + 8 | move to workspace 8 |
SUPER + SHIFT + 9 | move to workspace 9 |
SUPER + SHIFT + 0 | move to workspace 10 |
Keys | Action |
SUPER + ALT + CTRL + Right | move window to next relative workspace |
SUPER + ALT + CTRL + Left | move window to previous relative workspace |