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Getting up and running

Sneak peek

To get a quick look at timbuctoo go to:

1. System requirements

2. Building it

This tool has been verified to work on Redhat 6. To build your own version, you can either have 'java 8' and 'maven 3' installed or use the maven3 docker container.

  • build using mvn clean package

3. Running it

  • Do a quick debug run using ./devtools/debugrun/ or docker-compose up. If you do not use docker the external services, such as solr won’t be started. Timbuctoo will still run and the API will run fine, but some urls in the web GUI won’t work.

To run a real version you’d run all services mentioned in the docker-compose.yml file yourself and start timbuctoo using ./target/appassembler/bin/timbuctoo server <your config>.yaml. You can use example_config.yaml for inspiration.

  1. After launching it you should be greated by a login page.

  2. After logging in you should be able to upload an excel file (or download the default excel file). The wizard will guide you onwards.

  3. When a dataset is uploaded you can edit it, and query it.

4. installing it

  • install/package timbuctoo by copying the target/appassembler folder wherever you like (i.e. mv target/appassembler/ my-install-location