diff --git a/docs/run.md b/docs/run.md
index 4dd2f8f..9cc53da 100644
--- a/docs/run.md
+++ b/docs/run.md
@@ -1 +1,104 @@
-# Run Library
+# Dart DLC Documentation
+## Table of Contents
+1. [Introduction](#introduction)
+2. [Getting Started](#getting-started)
+ 1. [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+ 2. [Installation](#installation)
+3. [Usage](#usage)
+4. [Testing](#testing)
+5. [Contributing](#contributing)
+6. [License](#license)
+## 1. Introduction
+Provide a brief overview of your Dart Dynamic Linked Component (DLC). Explain its purpose, benefits, and any other relevant information.
+## 2. Getting Started
+Explain how to set up and get your project running.
+### 2.1 Prerequisites
+List the software and tools that users need to have installed on their system before they can use your DLC. For example:
+- [Dart](https://dart.dev/get-dart)
+- [Flutter](https://flutter.dev/) (if applicable)
+### 2.2 Installation
+Provide step-by-step instructions for users to install and set up your DLC. This might include cloning the Git repository and installing dependencies.
+# Clone the repository
+git clone https://github.com/yourusername/your-repo.git
+# Change to the project directory
+cd your-repo
+# Install dependencies
+pub get
+## 3. Usage
+Explain how users can use your DLC in their own projects. Provide Dart code examples, explanations, and any configuration details.
+// Example Dart code demonstrating how to use your DLC
+import 'package:your_dlc_package/your_dlc_module.dart';
+void main() {
+ final result = YourDLCModule.doSomething();
+ print(result);
+## 4. Testing
+Detail how users can run tests to ensure the stability and correctness of your DLC.
+### 4.1 Running Tests
+Provide instructions on running tests using Dart's built-in test runner or any other testing framework you prefer.
+# Run tests
+dart test
+### 4.2 Writing Tests
+Explain how users can write their own tests for your DLC using the testing framework you've chosen.
+// Example test case using the `test` package
+import 'package:test/test.dart';
+void main() {
+ test('Test case description', () {
+ // Write your test code here
+ expect(true, isTrue);
+ });
+## 5. Contributing
+Encourage users to contribute to your project by providing guidelines for contributing, reporting issues, and making pull requests.
+### 5.1 Code of Conduct
+Include a link to your project's Code of Conduct.
+### 5.2 How to Contribute
+Explain how users can contribute to your project, whether it's by reporting issues, suggesting improvements, or submitting code changes.
+### 5.3 Pull Request Guidelines
+Specify the process for submitting pull requests, including code review and coding standards.
+## 6. License
+Specify the project's open-source license, such as MIT, Apache, or any other, and provide a link to the full license text.