- Headline: Education ups attendance of MPs, criminal history lowers it
- Description: An analysis of parliamentarians’ attendance suggests a correlation between their regularity and the troika of moveable wealth, education, and criminality.
- Author: Neelanjan Sircar
- Date: 31 January, 2018
- URL: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/education-ups-attendance-of-mps-criminal-history-lowers-it/story-Idv0ML4Dz72QWXeiFdMtWP.html
Included in this package:
- R code to generate analyses and figures in the piece - analysis_HT_20180131.R
- The dataset - PRS_ADR_0914_v2.csv
Please note that the file path needs to be changed in the code to match with the location of the dataset on your computer.
Apart from last 3 columns, all data are provided by PRS Legislative Research. The last 3 columns of the dataset are provided from candidate affidavits by Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR). I thank Milan Vaishnav for providing me with a web-scraped version of the ADR data.
The variable titles should be self-explanatory.