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104 lines (93 loc) · 5.25 KB

Command Line Interface

We will refer to this mode as CL. Using this mode is difficult compared to IM. The first is to get help, so type:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --help

It will print all information about how to configure Janssen Server using CLI mode:

usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--client-id CLIENT_ID]
                     [--client_secret CLIENT_SECRET] [-debug]
                     [--debug-log-file DEBUG_LOG_FILE]
                     [--operation-id OPERATION_ID] [--url-suffix URL_SUFFIX]
                     [--info {Attribute,CacheConfiguration,CacheConfigurationInMemory,CacheConfigurationMemcached,CacheConfigurationNativePersistence,CacheConfigurationRedis,ConfigurationFido2,ConfigurationJWKJSONWebKeyJWK,ConfigurationLogging,ConfigurationProperties,ConfigurationSMTP,CustomScripts,DatabaseCouchbaseConfiguration,DatabaseLDAPConfiguration,DefaultAuthenticationMethod,OAuthOpenIDConnectClients,OAuthScopes,OAuthUMAResources}]
                     [--op-mode {get,post,put,patch,delete}]
                     [--endpoint-args ENDPOINT_ARGS] [--schema SCHEMA]
                     [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [-j J]
                     [--cert-file CERT_FILE] [--key-file KEY_FILE] [-noverify]
                     [--patch-add PATCH_ADD] [--patch-replace PATCH_REPLACE]
                     [--patch-remove PATCH_REMOVE] [--data DATA]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host HOST           Hostname of server
  --client-id CLIENT_ID
                        Jans Config Api Client ID
  --client_secret CLIENT_SECRET
                        Jans Config Api Client ID secret
  -debug                Run in debug mode
  --debug-log-file DEBUG_LOG_FILE
                        Log file name when run in debug mode
  --operation-id OPERATION_ID
                        Operation ID to be done
  --url-suffix URL_SUFFIX
                        Argument to be added api endpoint url. For example
  --info {Attribute,CacheConfiguration,CacheConfigurationInMemory,CacheConfigurationMemcached,CacheConfigurationNativePersistence,CacheConfigurationRedis,ConfigurationFido2,ConfigurationJWKJSONWebKeyJWK,ConfigurationLogging,ConfigurationProperties,ConfigurationSMTP,CustomScripts,DatabaseCouchbaseConfiguration,DatabaseLDAPConfiguration,DefaultAuthenticationMethod,OAuthOpenIDConnectClients,OAuthScopes,OAuthUMAResources}
                        Help for operation
  --op-mode {get,post,put,patch,delete}
                        Operation mode to be done
  --endpoint-args ENDPOINT_ARGS
                        Arguments to pass endpoint separated by comma. For
                        example limit:5,status:INACTIVE
  --schema SCHEMA       Get sample json schema
  --username USERNAME   Auth username
  --password PASSWORD   Auth password
  -j J                  Auth password file
  --cert-file CERT_FILE
                        Path to SSL Certificate file
  --key-file KEY_FILE   Path to SSL Key file
  -noverify             Ignore verifying the SSL certificate
  --patch-add PATCH_ADD
                        Colon delimited key:value pair for add patch
                        operation. For example loggingLevel:DEBUG
  --patch-replace PATCH_REPLACE
                        Colon delimited key:value pair for replace patch
                        operation. For example loggingLevel:DEBUG
  --patch-remove PATCH_REMOVE
                        Key for remove patch operation. For example
  --data DATA           Path to json data file

We start with getting information about tasks, tasks are options of argument --info:

Attribute, CacheConfiguration, CacheConfigurationInMemory, CacheConfigurationMemcached, CacheConfigurationNativePersistence, CacheConfigurationRedis, ConfigurationFido2, ConfigurationJWKJSONWebKeyJWK, ConfigurationLogging, ConfigurationProperties, ConfigurationSMTP, CustomScripts, DatabaseCouchbaseConfiguration, DatabaseLDAPConfiguration, DefaultAuthenticationMethod, OAuthOpenIDConnectClients, OAuthOpenIDConnectSectorIdentifiers, OAuthScopes, OAuthUMAResources

To get information for a specific task we run command as below:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --info [task]

for example:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --info DefaultAuthenticationMethod

It returns with some operation id:

Operation ID: get-acrs
  Description: Gets default authentication method.
Operation ID: put-acrs
  Description: Updates default authentication method.
  Schema: /components/schemas/AuthenticationMethod

To get sample shema type /opt/jans/jans-cli/ --schema <schma>, for example /opt/jans/jans-cli/ --schema /components/schemas/AuthenticationMethod

To perform any operation, you have to run command line with the operation id. for example:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id get-acrs

It returns:

Getting access token for scope
  "defaultAcr": "simple_password_auth"

This is how we can execute single line command to get information about the Janssen Server. As we discussed on a specific task in the Interactive Mode, similarly we will discuss here using single line command to perform such operation.