Due to time constraints, Space Cats only displays two games that build upon each other.
As with the interactive art, these games aim to demonstrate how effective p5.js is [1].
The following scene follows a cat [2] directed by keyboard arrow movements [3] against a star-filled background [4] with the goal of 'catching' bubbles [5].
The bubbles' colour and size change upon scene reload. The cat is kept within the bounds of the canvas [8] [9].
Catching bubbles increments the score by one, and the game resets once the score reaches ten.
The scene builds upon the game above, but -- instead of a cat -- the player is a spaceship [6].
The spaceship fires bullets [7] and gains points if a bubble has been hit [5].
Similarly to the previous game, the player stays within the boundaries of the canvas by constraining its coordinates [10].
[2] https://github.com/HedonisticOpportunist/Cats-in-Neath/blob/master/scripts/sketch.js
[3] https://github.com/HedonisticOpportunist/Game-Project-V2
[4] https://editor.p5js.org/ag3439/sketches/Skgh1ZQtQ
[5] https://deepgram.com/learn/p5js-game-logic
[6] https://opengameart.org/content/colorized-boss-sprites
[7] https://linz.coderdojo.net/uebungsanleitungen/programmieren/web/space-shooter-mit-p5js/
[8] https://github.com/Gregory-Eales/uol-graphics-programming/blob/master/Asteroid-Game-Clone/sketch.js
[9] https://github.com/world-class/REPL/tree/master/modules/level-5/cm-2030-graphics-programming