This directory contains a Dockerfile that builds Mosquitto using OpenSSL v3 using the OQS provider, which allows Moquitto
to negotiate quantum-safe keys and use quantum-safe authentication in TLS 1.3.
To communicate between the server(broker) and the client(publisher and subscriber), a quantum-safe crypto client program is required.
We can use docker network to do a simple test. A docker network named "mosquitto-test":
Create a docker network and specify a network segment
docker network create --subnet= mosquitto-test
Run a Mosquitto MQTT broker
docker run --network mosquitto-test --ip -it --rm --name oqs-mosquitto-broker -e "BROKER_IP=" -e "" oqs-mosquitto
Then run a Mosquitto MQTT subscriber
docker run --network mosquitto-test --ip -it --rm --name oqs-mosquitto-subscriber -e "BROKER_IP=" -e "SUB_IP=" -e "" oqs-mosquitto
Finally run a Mosquitto MQTT publisher
docker run --network mosquitto-test --ip -it --rm --name oqs-mosquitto-publisher -e "BROKER_IP=" -e "PUB_IP=" -e "" oqs-mosquitto
According to these steps, we can do a simple MQTT test including a broker, a subscriber, and a publisher. If you want to do more experiments, you can use other options below.
By the way, the docker image has already generated a CA certificate and a CA key at build time. You can create the CA certificate and CA key yourself.
This mosquitto image is capable of supporting all quantum-safe signature algorithms listed here. If you want to control with algorithm is actually used, you can set an environment variable when running the Docker container, e.g., requesting the dilithium5 variant:
docker run -it --rm --name oqs-mosquitto-demo -p 8883:8883 -e "BROKER_IP=<ip-name-of-broker-testmachine>" -e "SIG_ALG=dilithium5" oqs-mosquitto
is an environment variable that allows selection of QSC KEMs. This supports the colon-separated list of KEM algorithms. You can only select either the complete list or subset of what was defined in KEM_ALGLIST
when the docker image was built.
There are three shell scripts(,, and that can be used in this directory. Use subscriber as an example:
docker run -it --rm --name oqs-mosquitto-demo -p 8883:8883 -e "BROKER_IP=<ip-name-of-broker-testmachine>" -e "" oqs-mosquitto
If you want to change Mosquitto's instructions, you can modify instructions to what you want in these scripts. If you also want to change Mosquitto broker's configuration file, you can modify this to what you want in ''.
There are three environment variables(BROKER_IP, PUB_IP, and SUB_IP) that can be set when running the Docker container.
To ease rapid startup and teardown, we strongly recommend using the docker --name and automatic removal option --rm.