This is a C++ project to fit a Quad grid on a 2D mesh. The fitted grid can either completely cover the mesh (inside) or extend beyond it (border quads overlap with the outside).
The code relies on:
- glfw
- glad
- imGui
All of them are already included in the label. So, you can simply use "libigl".
To build and run the project, follow these steps from the root directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
After building the project, navigate to the build directory and execute:
2D_Quadrangulation <path to the 2D mesh>
Once built, navigate to the build directory and run:
2D_Quadrangulation ../models/curvedPlane.obj
This will open a glfw window displaying a 2D plane. You can fit quad grids onto it using the "Quadrangulation" section of the GUI. Here is a preview of the project in action: