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Acceptance Tests

This module covers the end-to-end (E2E) testing strategy employed by the mirror node for key scenarios.


In an effort to quickly confirm product capability during deployment windows, we desire to have E2E tests that will allow us to confirm functionality for core scenarios that span the main and mirror networks. In general, the acceptance tests will submit transactions to the mainnet scenario where transactions are submitted to the main network, the mirror node importer ingests these to the database, and the client subscribes to either the mirror node gRPC or REST API to receive results.

To achieve this the tests utilize the Hedera Java SDK under the hood. This E2E suite gives us the ability to execute scenarios as regular clients would and gain the required confidence during deployment.


Our E2E tests use the Cucumber framework, which allows them to be written in a BDD approach that ensures we closely track valid customer scenarios. The framework allows tests to be written in a human-readable text format by way of the Gherkin plain language parser, which gives developers, project managers, and quality assurance the ability to write easy-to-read scenarios that connect to more complex code underneath.


  • Java 21

Test Execution

Tests can be compiled and run by running the following command from the root folder:

./gradlew :test:acceptance --info -Dcucumber.filter.tags=@acceptance

Test Configuration

Configuration properties are set in the application.yml file located under src/test/resources. This component uses Spring Boot properties to configure the application. Available properties include:

Name Default Description
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.backOffPeriod 5s The amount of time the client will wait before retrying a retryable failure.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.createOperatorAccount true Whether to create a separate operator account to run the acceptance tests.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.emitBackgroundMessages false Whether background topic messages should be emitted.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.feature.maxContractFunctionGas 3000000 The maximum amount of gas an account is willing to pay for a contract call.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.feature.sidecars false Whether information in sidecars should be used to verify test scenarios.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.maxNodes 10 The maximum number of nodes to validate from the address book.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.maxRetries 2 The number of times client should retry mirror node on supported failures.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.maxTinyBarTransactionFee 5000000000 The maximum transaction fee the payer is willing to pay in tinybars.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.messageTimeout 20s The maximum amount of time to wait to receive topic messages from the mirror node.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.mirrorNodeAddress The mirror node gRPC server endpoint including IP address and port. TESTNET Which Hedera network to use. Can be either MAINNET, PREVIEWNET, TESTNET or OTHER.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.nodes [] A map of custom consensus node with the key being the account ID and the value its endpoint.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.operatorBalance 60 The amount of dollars to fund the operator. Applicable only when createOperatorAccount is true.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.operatorId 0.0.2 Operator account ID used to pay for transactions.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.operatorKey Genesis key Operator ED25519 or ECDSA private key used to sign transactions in hex encoded DER format. The URL to the mirror node REST API. 20 The maximum number of attempts when calling a REST API endpoint and receiving a 404. 4s The maximum amount of time to wait between REST API attempts. 0.5s The minimum amount of time to wait between REST API attempts.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.restJava.baseUrl Inherits rest.baseUrl The endpoint associated with the REST Java API.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.restJava.enabled false Whether to invoke the REST Java API.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.retrieveAddressBook true Whether to download the address book from the mirror node and use those nodes to publish transactions.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.sdk.grpcDeadline 10s The maximum amount of time to wait for a grpc call to complete.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.sdk.maxAttempts 1000 The maximum number of times the sdk should try to submit a transaction to the network.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.sdk.maxNodesPerTransaction 2147483647 The maximum number of nodes that a transaction can be submitted to.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.startupTimeout 60m How long the startup probe should wait for the network as a whole to be healthy before failing the tests.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.web3.baseUrl Inherits rest.baseUrl The endpoint associated with the web3 API.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.web3.enabled false Whether to invoke the web3 API.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.webclient.connectionTimeout 10s The timeout duration to wait to establish a connection with the server.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.webclient.readTimeout 10s The timeout duration to wait for data to be read.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.webclient.wiretap false Whether a wire logger configuration should be applied to connection calls.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.webclient.writeTimeout 10s The timeout duration to wait for data to be written.
hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.nodeType MIRROR Determines the node type for test execution facilitated by NetworkAdapter. Can be either MIRROR or CONSENSUS.

Options can be set by creating your own configuration file with the above properties. This allows for multiple files per environment. The spring.config.additional-location property can be set to the folder containing the environment-specific application.yml:

./gradlew :test:acceptance --info -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@acceptance" -Dspring.config.additional-location=/etc/hedera/

Options can also be set through the command line as follows

./gradlew :test:acceptance --info -Dhedera.mirror.test.acceptance.nodeId=0.0.4

Custom nodes

In some scenarios you may want to point to nodes not yet captured by the SDK, a subset of published nodes, or custom nodes for a test environment. To achieve this you can specify a list of accountId and host key-value pairs in the hedera.mirror.test.acceptance.nodes value of the config. These values will always take precedence over the default network map used by the SDK for an environment. Refer to Mainnet Nodes and Testnet Nodes for the published list of nodes.

The following example shows how you might specify a set of hosts to point to. Modify the accountId and host values as needed

        network: OTHER
          - accountId: 0.0.3
          - accountId: 0.0.4
          - accountId: 0.0.5
          - accountId: 0.0.6

Feature Tags

Tags: Tags allow you to filter which Cucumber scenarios and files are run. By default, tests marked with the @acceptance tag are run. To run a different set of files different tags can be specified.

Test Suite Tags

  • @critical - Test cases to ensure the network is up and running and satisfies base scenarios. Total cost to run 6.5 ℏ.
  • @release - Test cases to verify a new deployed version satisfies core scenarios and is release worthy. Total cost to run 19.2 ℏ.
  • @acceptance - Test cases to verify most feature scenarios meet customer acceptance criteria. Total cost to run 31.6 ℏ.
  • @fullsuite - All cases - this will require some configuration of feature files and may include some disabled tests that will fail on execution. Total cost to run 33.9 ℏ.

NOTE: Any noted total costs are estimates. They will fluctuate with test coverage expansion, improvements and network fee schedule changes.

Feature based Tags

  • @accounts - Crypto account focused tests.
  • @topic - Simple HCS focused tests.
  • @topicmessagesfilter - HCS focused tests wth varied subscription filters.
  • @token - HTS focused tests.
  • @schedulebase - Scheduled transactions focused tests.

To execute run

./gradlew :test:acceptance --info -Dcucumber.filter.tags="<tag name>"

NOTE: Feature tags can be combined - See Tag expressions. To run a subset of tags

  • @acceptance and @topic - all topic acceptance scenarios
  • @acceptance and not @token - all acceptance except token scenarios

Test Layout

The project layout encompasses the Cucumber Feature files, the Runner file(s) and the Step files

  • Feature Files : These are located under src/test/resources/features folder and are files of the .feature format. These files contain the Gherkin based language that describes the test scenarios.
  • Step Files : These are java classes located under src/test/java/com/hedera/mirror/test/e2e/acceptance/steps. Every Given, When, And, and Then keyword line in the .feature file has a matching step method that implements its logic. Feature files scenarios and step file method descriptions must be kept in sync to avoid mismatch errors.
  • Runner Files : Currently a single runner file is used at src/test/java/com/hedera/mirror/test/e2e/acceptance/ This file also specifies the CucumberOptions such as features, glue and plugin that are used to connect all the files together.

Test Creation

To create a new test/scenario follow these steps

  1. Update an existing .feature file or create a new .feature file under src/test/resources/features with your desired scenario. Describe your scenario with a Given setup, a When execution and a Then validation step. The When and Then steps would be the expected minimum for a meaningful scenario.
  2. Update an existing step file or create a new step file with the corresponding java method under src/test/java/com/hedera/mirror/test/e2e/acceptance/steps that will be run. Note method Cucumber attribute text must match the feature file.