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executable file
408 lines (327 loc) · 16.5 KB


The Mapbox Static API returns static maps and raster tiles from styles in the Mapbox Style Specification.

  • Static maps are standalone images that can be displayed on web and mobile devices without the aid of a mapping library or API. They look like an embedded map, but do not have interactivity or controls. The returned static map will be a PNG file.
  • Raster tiles can be used in traditional web mapping libraries like Mapbox.js, Leaflet, OpenLayers, and others. The returned raster tile will be a JPEG, and will be 512px by 512px by default.

Swift and Objective-C support for the Static API is provided by the MapboxStatic.swift library.

To build a Static API request by zooming and panning around an interactive map, use the Static API playground.

Restrictions and limits

  • Static maps: The default rate limit is 600 requests per minute.
  • Raster tiles: The default rate limit is 2,000 requests per minute.
  • Exceeding these limits will result in an HTTP 429 response. For information on rate limit headers, see Rate limits.

If you require a higher rate limit, contact us.

from mapbox import StaticStyle
const mbxStatic = require('@mapbox/mapbox-sdk/services/static');
const staticClient = mbxStatic({ accessToken: '{your_access_token}' });

Retrieve a static map from a style

GET /styles/v1/{username}/{style_id}/static/{overlay}/{lon},{lat},{zoom},{bearing},{pitch}{auto}/{width}x{height}{@2x} styles:tiles

Returns a static map from a specified style as a PNG. Use of the static maps endpoint is rate-limited by access token. By default, the rate limit is set to 600 requests per minute.

The position of the map is represented by either the word auto or by five numbers: longitude, latitude, zoom, bearing, and pitch. The last two numbers, bearing and pitch, are optional. If you only specify bearing and not pitch, pitch will default to 0. If you specify neither, they will both default to 0. If you specify "auto", you should not provide any of these numbers.

Parameter Description
username The username of the account to which the style belongs.
style_id The ID of the style from which to create a static map.
overlay One or more comma-separated features that can be applied on top of the map at request time. The order of features in an overlay dictates their Z-order on the page. The last item in the list will have the highest Z-order (will overlap the other features in the list), and the first item in the list will have the lowest (will underlap the other features). Format can be a mix of geojson, marker, or path. For more details on each option, see the Overlay options section.
lon Longitude for the center point of the static map; a number between -180 and 180.
lat Latitude for the center point of the static map; a number between -90 and 90.
zoom Zoom level; a number between 0 and 20. Fractional zoom levels will be rounded to two decimal places.
Bearing rotates the map around its center. A number between 0 and 360, interpreted as decimal degrees. 90 rotates the map 90° clockwise, while 180 flips the map. Defaults to 0.
Pitch tilts the map, producing a perspective effect. A number between 0 and 60, measured in degrees. Defaults to 0 (looking straight down at the map).
auto If auto is added, the viewport will fit the bounds of the overlay. If used, auto replaces lon, lat, zoom, bearing, and pitch.
width Width of the image; a number between 1 and 1280 pixels.
height Height of the image; a number between 1 and 1280 pixels.
Render the static map at a @2x scale factor for high-density displays.

You can further refine the results from this endpoint with the following optional parameters:

Query parameter Description
A boolean value controlling whether there is attribution on the image. Defaults to true. Note: If attribution=false, the watermarked attribution is removed from the image. You still have a legal responsibility to attribute maps that use OpenStreetMap data, which includes most maps from Mapbox. If you specify attribution=false, you are legally required to include proper attribution elsewhere on the webpage or document.
A boolean value controlling whether there is a Mapbox logo on the image. Defaults to true.
before_layer (optional) A string value for controlling where the overlay is inserted in the style. All overlays will be inserted before the specified layer.

Overlay options


Argument Description
geojson The {geojson} argument must be a valid GeoJSON object. simplestyle-spec styles for GeoJSON features will be respected and rendered.


Argument Description
name Marker shape and size. Options are pin-s and pin-l.
Marker symbol. Options are an alphanumeric label a through z, 0 through 99, or a valid Maki icon. If a letter is requested, it will be rendered in uppercase only.
A 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal color code.
lon, lat The location at which to center the marker. When using an asymmetric marker, make sure that the tip of the pin is at the center of the image.

Custom marker

Argument Description
url A percent-encoded URL for the image. Type can be PNG or JPG.
lon, lat The location at which to center the marker. When creating an asymmetric marker like a pin, make sure that the tip of the pin is at the center of the image.

Custom markers are cached according to the Expires and Cache-Control headers. Make sure that at least one of these headers is set to a proper value to prevent repeated requests for the custom marker image.



Encoded polylines with a precision of 5 decimal places can be used with the Static API via the path parameter.

Argument Description
A positive number for the line stroke width
A 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal color code for the line stroke
A number between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque) for line stroke opacity
A 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal color code for the fill
A number between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque) for fill opacity
polyline A valid encoded polyline encoded as a URI component

Example request

# Retrieve a map at -122.4241 longitude, 37.78 latitude,
# zoom 14.24, bearing 0, and pitch 60. The map
# will be 600 pixels wide and 600 pixels high
curl ",37.78,14.25,0,60/600x600?access_token={your_access_token}"

# Retrieve a map at 0 longitude, 10 latitude, zoom 3,
# and bearing 20. Pitch will default to 0.
curl ",10,3,20/600x600?access_token={your_access_token}"

# Retrieve a map at 0 longitude, 0 latitude, zoom 2.
# Bearing and pitch default to 0.
curl ",0,2/600x600?access_token={your_access_token}"

# Retrieve a map with a custom marker overlay
curl ",38.9)/-76.9,38.9,15/1000x1000?access_token={your_access_token}"

# Retrieve a map with a GeoJSON overlay
curl ",40.70,12/500x300?access_token={your_access_token}"

# Retrieve a map with 2 points and a polyline overlay,
# with its center point automatically determined with `auto`
curl ",37.77343),pin-s-b+000(-122.42816,37.75965),path-5+f44-0.5(%7DrpeFxbnjVsFwdAvr@cHgFor@jEmAlFmEMwM_FuItCkOi@wc@bg@wBSgM)/auto/500x300?access_token={your_access_token}"
    ownerId: 'mapbox',
    styleId: 'streets-v10',
    width: 200,
    height: 300,
    coordinates: [12, 13],
    zoom: 4
  .then(response => {
    const image = response.body;

    ownerId: 'mapbox',
    styleId: 'streets-v10',
    width: 200,
    height: 300,
    coordinates: [12, 13],
    zoom: 3,
    overlays: [
      // Simple markers.
        marker: {
          coordinates: [12.2, 12.8]
        marker: {
          size: 'large',
          coordinates: [14, 13.2],
          label: 'm',
          color: '#000'
        marker: {
          coordinates: [15, 15.2],
          label: 'airport',
          color: '#ff0000'
      // Custom marker
        marker: {
          coordinates: [10, 11],
  .then(response => {
    const image = response.body;

// To get the URL instead of the image, create a request
// and get its URL without sending it.
const request = staticClient
    ownerId: 'mapbox',
    styleId: 'streets-v10',
    width: 200,  
    height: 300,
    coordinates: [12, 13],
    zoom: 4
const staticImageUrl = request.url();
// Now you can open staticImageUrl in a browser.
response = service.image(
    lon=-122.7282, lat=45.5801, zoom=12)
# if features are provided the map image will be centered on them
portland = {
    'type': 'Feature',
    'properties': {'name': 'Portland, OR'},
    'geometry': {
        'type': 'Point',
        'coordinates': [-122.7282, 45.5801]}}
bend = {
    'type': 'Feature',
    'properties': {'name': 'Bend, OR'},
    'geometry': {
        'type': 'Point',
        'coordinates': [-121.3153, 44.0582]}}
response = service.image(
    features=[portland, bend])
# This API cannot be accessed with Mapbox CLI
MapboxStaticImage staticImage = MapboxStaticMap.builder()
  .cameraPoint(Point.fromLngLat(imageTarget.getLongitude(), imageTarget.getLatitude())))
@import MapboxStatic;

NSURL *styleURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v10"];
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(37.78, -122.4241);
MBSnapshotCamera *camera = [MBSnapshotCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:coordinate zoomLevel:14.25];
camera.pitch = 60;
// Dimensions are measured in resolution-independent points.
CGSize size = CGSizeMake(600, 600);
MBSnapshotOptions *options = [[MBSnapshotOptions alloc] initWithStyleURL:styleURL camera:camera size:size];

MBSnapshot *snapshot = [[MBSnapshot alloc] initWithOptions:options accessToken:@"<#your access token#>"];

// Retrieve the image synchronously, blocking the calling thread.
// `image` is a `UIImage` on iOS, watchOS, and tvOS and an `NSImage` on macOS.
self.imageView.image = snapshot.image;

// Alternatively, pass a completion handler to run asynchronously on the main thread.
[snapshot imageWithCompletionHandler:^(UIImage * _Nullable image, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    self.imageView.image = image;
import MapboxStatic

let camera = SnapshotCamera(
    lookingAtCenter: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.78, longitude: -122.4241),
    zoomLevel: 14.25)
camera.pitch = 60
let options = SnapshotOptions(
  styleURL: styleURL,
  camera: camera,
  // Dimensions are measured in resolution-independent points.
  size: CGSize(width: 200, height: 200))

// If Snapshot conflicts with another class in your module, use `MapboxStatic.Snapshot`.
let snapshot = Snapshot(
  options: options,
  accessToken: "<#your access token#>")

// Retrieve the image synchronously, blocking the calling thread.
// `image` is a `UIImage` on iOS, watchOS, and tvOS and an `NSImage` on macOS.
imageView.image = snapshot.image

// Alternatively, pass a completion handler to run asynchronously on the main thread.
snapshot.image { (image, error) in
    imageView.image = image

Retrieve raster tiles from styles

GET /styles/v1/{username}/{style_id}/tiles/{tilesize}/{z}/{x}/{y}{@2x}

Retrieve 512x512 pixel or 256x256 pixel raster tiles from a Mapbox Studio style. The returned raster tile will be a JPEG.

Libraries like Mapbox.js and Leaflet.js use this endpoint to render raster tiles from a Mapbox Studio style with L.mapbox.styleLayer and L.tileLayer. By default, the rate limit is set to 2,000 requests per minute.

URl parameter Description
username The username of the account to which the style belongs.
style_id The ID of the style from which to return a raster tile.
Default is 512x512 pixels. (512x512 image tiles are offset by 1 zoom level compared to 256x256 tiles from Mapbox Studio Classic styles. For example, 512x512 tiles at zoom level 4 are equivalent to Mapbox Studio Classic styles tiles at zoom level 5.) 256x256 tiles from the endpoint are one quarter of the size of 512x512 tiles. Therefore, they require 4 times as many API requests and accumulate 4 times as many map views to render the same area.
{z}/{x}/{y} The tile coordinates as described in the Slippy Map Tilenames specification. They specify the tile's zoom level {z}, column {x}, and row {y}.
Render the raster tile at a @2x scale factor, so tiles are scaled to 1024x1024 pixels.

Example request

# Returns a default 512x512 pixel tile
curl "{your_access_token}"

# Returns a 256x256 pixel tile
curl "{your_access_token}"

# Returns a 1024x1024 pixel tile
curl "{your_access_token}"
// This API cannot be accessed with the JavaScript SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with the Python SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with Mapbox CLI
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Java libraries
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Objective-C libraries
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Swift libraries

Retrieve a map's WMTS document

GET /styles/v1/{username}/{style_id}/wmts

Mapbox supports access via the WMTS standard, which lets you use maps with desktop and online GIS software like ArcMap and QGIS.

URL parameter Description
username The username of the account to which the style belongs.
style_id The ID of the style for which to return a WMTS document.

Example request

curl "{your_access_token}"
// This API cannot be accessed with the JavaScript SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with the Python SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with Mapbox CLI
// This API cannot be accessed with Mapbox Java libraries
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Objective-C libraries
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Swift libraries