Meeting minutes are exported (from Google Docs etc) in PDF format for practical reasons. To upload them to the website, they must be renamed to YYYY-MM-DD_Minutes_n.pdf
, where:
is the full yearMM
are the 0-padded month and day number when the meeting took placen
is the meeting number of this committee
For example, the minutes from first committee meeting of the 2021/22 committee should be named 2021-03-09_Minutes_1.pdf
. Other documents, such as the constitution, may be uploaded, but they must also start with YYYY-MM-DD-
so they are in order. The website will consider everything between the date and the .pdf
extension to be the title of the document, and will replace underscores (_) with spaces, so that 2021-03-09_Minutes_1.pdf
becomes Minutes 1
. Once renamed, minutes should be placed in the correct committee directory in static/minutes/