diff --git a/badges/characters.svg b/badges/characters.svg
index c6af68c..13b3afe 100644
--- a/badges/characters.svg
+++ b/badges/characters.svg
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/badges/files.svg b/badges/files.svg
index 5005820..f4bee76 100644
--- a/badges/files.svg
+++ b/badges/files.svg
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/badges/lines.svg b/badges/lines.svg
index ce2be98..5045398 100644
--- a/badges/lines.svg
+++ b/badges/lines.svg
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/badges/regions.svg b/badges/regions.svg
index 66ba8e9..bc18ac0 100644
--- a/badges/regions.svg
+++ b/badges/regions.svg
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/htr-united.yml b/htr-united.yml
index b516905..7570368 100644
--- a/htr-united.yml
+++ b/htr-united.yml
@@ -1,101 +1,48 @@
-schema: https://htr-united.github.io/schema/2022-04-15/schema.json
-title: Notaires de Paris - Mariages et Divorces
-url: https://github.com/HTR-United/lectaurep-mariages-et-divorces
-project-name: 'LECTAUREP
- '
-project-website: https://lectaurep.hypotheses.org/
- name: Denis
- surname: Nathalie
- transcriber
- aligner
+ surname: Nathalie
- name: Rostaing
- surname: "Aur\xE9lia"
- project-manager
- quality-control
- support
-- name: "Chagu\xE9"
- surname: Alix
+ surname: Aurélia
+- name: Chagué
- project-manager
- quality-control
- support
-description: "Ground truth for the Registres des Contrats de Mariages et des S\xE9\
- parations et Divorces in Paris. The documents are written in Franch during the 19th\
- \ century, contain many names and addresses. The information is organized in tables\
- \ spreading on two pages. The table\u2019s headers and the preamble are printed.\n"
-- fra
-- iso: Latn
-script-type: mainly-manuscript
- notBefore: '1829'
- notAfter: '1928'
- count: more-than-10
- precision: estimated
-- name: CC-BY 4.0
- url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
-format: Page-XML
-- metric: characters
- count: 1969585
-- metric: files
- count: 104
-- metric: lines
- count: 20305
-- metric: pages
- count: 105
-- metric: regions
- count: 105
-- reference: "Rostaing, A., Denis, N., & Chagu\xE9, A. (2021). Lectaurep-Mariages-et-Divorces:\
- \ ground truth for the Enregistrements des Contrats de Mariages et des S\xE9parations\
- \ et Divorces in Paris (French 19th century) (Version 1.0) [Computer software].\
- \ https://doi.org/10.5072/zenodo.977697"
- link: ''
-citation-file-link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HTR-United/lectaurep-mariages-et-divorces/main/CITATION.cff
-transcription-guidelines: "The transcription respects what is written (abbreviations\
- \ are not developed, capitalization follows 19th century practices). Superscripted\
- \ portions of text are signaled by `^` and many signatures are transcription with\
- \ \xA5. The lines containing printed text are associated with the type `printed`\
- \ and the signatures are associated with the type `signature`. Thus they can both\
- \ be removed from the dataset if necessary.'\n"
-production-software: eScriptorium + Kraken
+ surname: Alix
- mode: NFD
- e
- t
+ - c
- /
- a
- - c
- '0'
- n
- r
- - '7'
- m
- h
- p
- s
- o
- g
+ - '7'
- '1'
+ - '2'
- E
- .
- i
- '-'
- - '2'
- - '9'
- - '5'
- f
- - '3'
+ - '9'
- d
+ - '5'
- <
- l
- '{'
@@ -107,7 +54,58 @@ characters:
- U
- x
- '>'
- - b
- '8'
- - '6'
+ - '3'
- '4'
+ - '6'
+ - b
+ mode: NFD
+citation-file-link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HTR-United/lectaurep-mariages-et-divorces/main/CITATION.cff
+description: "Ground truth for the Registres des Contrats de Mariages et des Séparations\
+ \ et Divorces in Paris. The documents are written in Franch during the 19th century,\
+ \ contain many names and addresses. The information is organized in tables spreading\
+ \ on two pages. The table’s headers and the preamble are printed.\n"
+format: Page-XML
+ count: more-than-10
+ precision: estimated
+- fra
+- name: CC-BY 4.0
+ url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
+production-software: eScriptorium + Kraken
+project-name: "LECTAUREP\n"
+project-website: https://lectaurep.hypotheses.org/
+schema: https://htr-united.github.io/schema/2022-04-15/schema.json
+- iso: Latn
+script-type: mainly-manuscript
+- link: ''
+ reference: 'Rostaing, A., Denis, N., & Chagué, A. (2021). Lectaurep-Mariages-et-Divorces:
+ ground truth for the Enregistrements des Contrats de Mariages et des Séparations
+ et Divorces in Paris (French 19th century) (Version 1.0) [Computer software].
+ https://doi.org/10.5072/zenodo.977697'
+ notAfter: '1928'
+ notBefore: '1829'
+title: Notaires de Paris - Mariages et Divorces
+transcription-guidelines: "The transcription respects what is written (abbreviations\
+ \ are not developed, capitalization follows 19th century practices). Superscripted\
+ \ portions of text are signaled by `^` and many signatures are transcription with\
+ \ ¥. The lines containing printed text are associated with the type `printed` and\
+ \ the signatures are associated with the type `signature`. Thus they can both be\
+ \ removed from the dataset if necessary.'\n"
+url: https://github.com/HTR-United/lectaurep-mariages-et-divorces
+- count: 1969585
+ metric: characters
+- count: 104
+ metric: files
+- count: 20305
+ metric: lines
+- count: 105
+ metric: pages
+- count: 105
+ metric: regions