- Digitransit url changed (fa84f5c)
- Fixed scrolling issue (1794a62)
- Fixed siuntio shortIdOption (ac3843d)
- Support for Siuntio (So) and Askola (As) shortIds (5f1d1a8)
- Trim routePath whitespaces (1e7f518)
- trim whitespaces from each request object (a808996)
- StopArea name max length is now 20 (1424515)
- Last rpLinkNode can never be shown as disabled (e405e28)
- 1822 sort by start date and end date (#1878) (184fe8f), closes #1878
- 1842 plenty of route path comparison fixes (#1868) (dd75d3c), closes #1868
- 1843 border box css rule and rp list styling (#1866) (bdf9922), closes #1866
- 1853 route path list route paths as grey where stop is not in use (#1879) (a364c28), closes #1879
- 1855 prenty of small fixes (#1864) (30b69c3), closes #1864
- 1863 fix node usage count in extend route path tool popup (#1871) (a9e0a0d), closes #1871
- 1870 fix node usage count and route path usage queries (#1874) (8955c17), closes #1874
- 1880 hot fixes found during sprint (#1881) (f23f79f), closes #1881
- 1889 fix route path view related bugs (#1890) (0c13421), closes #1890
- 1923 copy route path improvements (#1931) (91bdde4), closes #1931
- 1934 get stop roof from varustelutiedot table (#1938) (da88001), closes #1938
- Bug fix (265fd5d)
- Clustered neighbor node marker and SelectRoutePathNeighborPopup implemented (394a9a7)
- Fix alignment of things with invalid rp node border (c133878)
- Fix opening all routes button (#1876) (1851888), closes #1876
- Fix problem with overriding original routePathLink.startNodeUsage (8a34109)
- Fixed bug that caused error in console (b6f8dd6)
- Fixed bug: didnt always detect invalid routePathLink (dee358b)
- Highlight invalid routePathLink (469d1dd)
- Hotfix for routePathLink isDirty comparison (7878ae0)
- Hotfixes (#1869) (3717df4), closes #1869
- Load lines and nodes in the background (#1865) (9cf523a), closes #1865
- Mass edit rps with two routes opened fixed (#1875) (e6c8d5d), closes #1875
- New rp date editing rules: startDate has to be >= currentDate (#1877) (41706cc), closes #1877
- Now routeList save button tells why saving is not possible (3435602)
- Old rp removal support (#1932) (b7596bd), closes #1932
- Optimize stopForm loading: lazy load things + prevent some queries when creating new node. Also lazy (3cc2a3a), closes #1867
- Reverted saveButton enter trigger (4ef0584)
- RouteList validation alert: hide valid routePaths (6364b5b)
- RoutePath isDirty fix (5e5b418)
- RoutePaths using node bold logic: also bold routePaths valid in the future (2f5efda)
- Set cypress timezone when running tests (a142469)
- Skipping routePath save prompt (8d15440)
- Sort lineHeaders fix (0038bc9)
- StopArea and hastusArea sync text (6cc2eb0)
- Sync routePaths with links and nodes (4c307bc)
- Trigger SaveButton from enter and numpad (2d5d5bc)
- Updated sync button, refresh page after syncing (b0fcdaf)
- User can now straigtly click copy routePath button (1574beb)
- 1141 sync route path and related models (#1785) (0f53c5a), closes #1785
- 1653 display nodes that are on top of each other (#1774) (ad710ad), closes #1774
- 1660 highlight neighbor node that is closing route path gap (#1778) (83ab058), closes #1778
- 1706 ability to copy line header info from any line (#1792) (ec9584d), closes #1792
- 1729 stop search center map functionality (#1791) (f2001be), closes #1791
- 1788 minor bug fixes (#1789) (fddf80f), closes #1789
- 1800 route path list usability improvements (#1815) (bc4b6c8), closes #1815
- 1801 display old links with grey in node and link view (#1814) (3994ea9), closes #1814
- 1802 route path view prompt to open node or link creation in new tab (#1813) (ce3f448), closes #1813
- 1810 compare two route paths view part 1: routePath selection view (#1834) (58b3122), closes #1834
- 1817 cypress test fixes (#1818) (98c04a5), closes #1818
- 1832 compare two route paths view part 2 (#1836) (f21591b), closes #1836
- 1832 compare two route paths view part 3 (#1837) (b69521e), closes #1837
- 1838 compare two route paths node differences (#1840) (3736cfe), closes #1840
- 1841 route path comparison UI fixes (#1844) (c2bc02b), closes #1844
- Disable SelectNetworkEntity with a delay when dragging link vertex point in node/link view (#1812) (7e1731b), closes #1812
- Fix routePathNodeClick functions (434b26f)
- Fixed cypress tests (#1851) (b43ce4d), closes #1851
- Implemented app status display page when loading the app (#1786) (eb1bae2), closes #1786
- Link click functions fixed (26debb3)
- Link visibility fixg (#1793) (0e917fa), closes #1793
- Make startNodeBookScheduleColumnNumber empty when changing isStartNodeUsingBookSchedule as false (#1 (dac7bc9), closes #1811
- No longer automatically deploying after build (1708e07)
- Node & stop sync is now done with link sync (#1783) (655be90), closes #1783
- Release 1.0.1 (#1794) (be19c9b), closes #1794
- Release 1.0.2 (#1808) (c596cae), closes #1808
- Removed usage of alertStore from Button component (#1849) (f28ffe9), closes #1849
- RoutePathView compare button is now clickable (#1847) (80df8de), closes #1847
- Set routePathId pair when copying dir 1 and dir 2 routePath (#1775) (8788119), closes #1775
- Trigger build (cab2a06)
- Update master (#1796) (184cfa7), closes #1796
- Update master 2 (#1852) (2ca2a37), closes #1852 #1834 #1836 #1837 #1840 #1844 #1845 #1847 #1849 #1851
- Upgraded github actions libraries (edbab53)
- Using new method to get routes using routePath segment (#1809) (208a83e), closes #1809
- rpCopySegmentView: highlight currently valid r (#1845) (ecdf522), closes #1845
- 1141 sync route path and related models (#1785) (0f53c5a), closes #1785
- 1653 display nodes that are on top of each other (#1774) (ad710ad), closes #1774
- 1660 highlight neighbor node that is closing route path gap (#1778) (83ab058), closes #1778
- 1706 ability to copy line header info from any line (#1792) (ec9584d), closes #1792
- 1729 stop search center map functionality (#1791) (f2001be), closes #1791
- 1788 minor bug fixes (#1789) (fddf80f), closes #1789
- Implemented app status display page when loading the app (#1786) (eb1bae2), closes #1786
- Link visibility fixg (#1793) (0e917fa), closes #1793
- No longer automatically deploying after build (1708e07)
- Node & stop sync is now done with link sync (#1783) (655be90), closes #1783
- Release 1.0.1 (#1794) (be19c9b), closes #1794
- Set routePathId pair when copying dir 1 and dir 2 routePath (#1775) (8788119), closes #1775
- Trigger build (cab2a06)
- Update master (#1796) (184cfa7), closes #1796
- Upgraded github actions libraries (edbab53)
- 1141 sync route path and related models (#1785) (0f53c5a), closes #1785
- 1653 display nodes that are on top of each other (#1774) (ad710ad), closes #1774
- 1660 highlight neighbor node that is closing route path gap (#1778) (83ab058), closes #1778
- 1788 minor bug fixes (#1789) (fddf80f), closes #1789
- Implemented app status display page when loading the app (#1786) (eb1bae2), closes #1786
- No longer automatically deploying after build (1708e07)
- Node & stop sync is now done with link sync (#1783) (655be90), closes #1783
- Set routePathId pair when copying dir 1 and dir 2 routePath (#1775) (8788119), closes #1775
- Trigger build (cab2a06)
- Upgraded github actions libraries (edbab53)
- 1472 node icon for link start and end node (#1616) (65b30d5), closes #1616
- 1525 route path view improve node and link selection (#1659) (42806f8), closes #1659
- 1529 indicate route path schedule coverage (#1598) (e692ec4), closes #1598
- 1588 mass edit without rp links (#1596) (b07fa74), closes #1596
- 1599 add offset to rp link select (#1615) (6a751ea), closes #1615
- 1600 fix extend route path tool (#1611) (01c3298), closes #1611
- 1607 fix measurement tool styling (#1608) (a93955e), closes #1608
- 1612 upgrade leaflet (#1613) (8ddf748), closes #1613
- 1621 fix node left and right click (#1625) (363609a), closes #1625
- 1622 upgrade libraries (#1632) (f0a6b26), closes #1632
- 1623 edit link and node improvements (#1626) (56998cb), closes #1626
- 1628 fix rare extend rp bug (#1639) (cea0ad1), closes #1639
- 1641 optimize rendering with react memo (#1662) (c4a5138), closes #1662
- 1643 fix two rare bugs (#1652) (aaef102), closes #1652
- 1645 minor fixes (#1650) (257aab9), closes #1650
- 1646 minor ui fixes (#1648) (6dce16f), closes #1648
- 1647 enable rp and rp mass edit, new route saving at stage and prod (#1663) (376321c), closes #1663
- 1657 copy rp tool fix node selection (#1689) (8740f92), closes #1689
- 1668 minor bug fixes (#1670) (2b8503d), closes #1670
- 1673 fix more minor bugs (#1678) (cf94b14), closes #1678
- 1675 ability to take rp out of rp group (#1685) (e27db43), closes #1685
- 1676 route path network different than line network fixes (#1684) (441ad3b), closes #1684
- 1690 ui fixes (#1693) (839701c), closes #1693
- 1691 optimize mass rp edit (#1695) (15c52db), closes #1695
- 1692 RoutePath copy segment tool - select from all routePaths (#1752) (f2064eb), closes #1752
- 1694 display node type in route path neighbor layer (#1750) (1df8aeb), closes #1750
- 1696 fix copy segment tool (#1697) (4a12267), closes #1697
- 1701 minor fixes (#1702) (3efb48a), closes #1702
- 1705 fix issues (#1712) (d972292), closes #1712
- 1708 fix issues vol 2 (#1713) (2476fe4), closes #1713
- 1716 fix issues vol 3 (#1719) (43568f8), closes #1719
- 1725 fix bugs (#1726) (19b76e9), closes #1726
- 1727 fix small issues (#1728) (9da19b2), closes #1728
- 1734 update pysakkivali saantitapa when changing link geometry (#1742) (ce3d33c), closes #1742
- 1739 refactor confirm store content (#1740) (30fbb27), closes #1740
- 1741 sync view and link sync (#1747) (63c0973), closes #1747
- 1744 stop gap measurement type prompt and stop gap length logic (#1745) (2fb1060), closes #1745
- 1765 ci with GitHub actions (#1768) (d6232f9), closes #1768
- 456 add phase to tools (#1658) (b16dc34), closes #1658
- Added env to cypress config (f762fc3)
- Added missing step id (6213ca3)
- Added target to Gitlab CI trigger (23639f5)
- Avaa kohde -> Avaa kohde solmunäkymässä (#1609) (747290c), closes #1609
- Block saving when fetching address (#1758) (b10fd15), closes #1758
- Date timestamp fix (475b9dc)
- Deploy with Gitlab CI (0eb809a)
- Display alert with reload page func if saving gets 409 error code (#1610) (4dddb0a), closes #1610
- Fetch & show riseCount at stopView (#1651) (b8f1dfd), closes #1651
- Fetch routePath length (only when needed) from endpoint (04c3d26)
- Fix cypress tests (f06de26)
- Fix cypress tests (#1682) (d5d3666), closes #1682
- Fix GitHub actions file typo (#1769) (75097a4), closes #1769
- Fixed cypress tests (b013db9)
- Fixed routePath save tests (#1687) (9496b3e), closes #1687
- Github actions: set current date as env variable (23b66f4)
- Hide node from NodeLayer and RoutePathLayer is it is visible in neighborLinkLayer (#1655) (b766ec0), closes #1655
- IExternalRoutePathLink.paikka number -> string (#1721) (0a90ccf), closes #1721
- Indicator to show if calculated value is formed of measured stop gaps only (a757187)
- Line network editing is now possible with a double confirm (#1606) (c5f889e), closes #1606
- Link save test hotfix (d9ee46a)
- Minor routePathStore fix, minor refactoring (#1717) (4843681), closes #1717
- Moved CalculatedInputField out from shared components (ee22c4c)
- New rp creation defaultDate as tomorrow date (#1601) (895fe83), closes #1601
- No longer using deprecated set-env (8ce50ce)
- No longer using react-moment (a1dc12a)
- NodeLayer to display node id at node network layer (#1619) (b62df0b), closes #1619
- Prettify to all files (#1618) (ca8dbb2), closes #1618
- Prevented rp mass edit test in stage (d98c203)
- Refactoring stores into route path list layer store and route path layer store (#1614) (8728f71), closes #1614
- Remove stop info subtopic (#1720) (a475461), closes #1720
- Removed .only from test (32dbfa9)
- Reverted node version (#1633) (1c41412), closes #1633
- Rewrote EditLinkLayer using hooks (#1638) (1de4253), closes #1638
- RoutePath length calc: showing missing stop gaps (#1749) (e992ae7), closes #1749
- Set build timestamp time zone (285810f)
- Set time zone fix (8edbba6)
- Show double confirm if routePath length is not fully calculated by measured lengths (31dd75c)
- Show save error msg to user in finnish (#1762) (70e23ae), closes #1762
- Show warning message of routePathLength not being calculated by measured lengts only, validationStor (f9cfb47)
- Sort by start date & routeId (#1605) (6943ebb), closes #1605
- Switch set time zone action (5745146)
- Trigger travis build (bf60e0d)
- Typo fix (3e3d94a)
- Typo fix (a074004)
- Update master (#1664) (7004266), closes #1664 #1626 #1629 #1633 #1635 #1632 #1637 #1638 #1639 #1648 #1650 #1651 #1652 #1655 #1658 #1659 #1662 #1663
- Update master (#1688) (ddc2aeb), closes #1688 #1684 #1685 #1687
- Updated node version (#1635) (9b3547b), closes #1635
- upgrade node to 14.5.0-alpine (#1629) (05e56a9), closes #1629
- Upgraded mobx, mobx-react and added mobx-react-lite batching for react dom (#1637) (0c1d73a), closes #1637
- Upgraded to cypress 5.5.0 (#1755) (b72de86), closes #1755
- Validation store: show errors based on status severity, stopGap measurement: hide elements from read (8fa8b74)
- Hotfix: fixed copy rpSegment cypress test (3a09882)
- RoutePathStore: remove double call of updateRoutePathNodes() (c05034b)
- RoutePathStore: set old routePath at the start of init function (#1714) (24c761e), closes #1714
- NodeView: prevent ongoing nodeIdQuery from saving (#1723) (9c491fe), closes #1723
- 1195 fix calendar input (#1567) (2f8d87b), closes #1567
- 1493 show lines currently in use (#1570) (3823999), closes #1570
- 1519 cypress tests for mass edit rp (#1579) (063af59), closes #1579
- 1547 search nodes by stop name (#1574) (770ef92), closes #1574
- 1548 mass edit route paths (#1561) (19f572e), closes #1561
- 1562 mass edit rp prevent editing dates (#1586) (ff379a3), closes #1586
- 1578 fetch only lines when the app starts (#1580) (f940b49), closes #1580
- Added link to kartta.hsy.fi (#1566) (f4a7e32), closes #1566
- Added Tariffi dropdown (#1589) (94bae1d), closes #1589
- Cypress tests: different entity id depending on environment (#1556) (dd6f62e), closes #1556
- Fix bug where neighbor polyline refs were not always updated (8a84932)
- Fix cypress tests (bc72ecf)
- Fixed cypress tests (#1592) (5976ea7), closes #1592
- Mass editRpService, some required / temp ui fixes needed after mass editing routePaths (e0e39ec)
- Prevent routePath saving cypress tests at stage (168b5e0)
- Reversed lineHeader sort orded (#1565) (bc03868), closes #1565
- Tariffi label to savePrompt (#1590) (1554396), closes #1590
- Update master (#1593) (5080366), closes #1593
- Using SQL functions to query first and last stop names instead of slow graphql (#1563) (9f85f31), closes #1563
- 1053 toggle editing when route path tools are used (#1451) (d1c30b9), closes #1451
- 1254 copy route path pair (#1491) (b6d5bda), closes #1491
- 1312 remove route path (#1515) (4e695c1), closes #1515
- 1318 route path link open in new tab (#1423) (c0eedb6), closes #1423
- 1387 mass edit via and kilpi via (#1428) (1c01b78), closes #1428
- 1392 transit type node icon, extendRoutePath popup uses popupLayer, removed MarkerPopup (#1471) (7086777), closes #1471
- 1402 unused link network filter, fix network filtering bugs (#1481) (a543300), closes #1481
- 1419 stop not in use indicator (#1449) (b5e6bf3), closes #1449
- 1420 refactor route path list (#1424) (e1e5892), closes #1424
- 1431 fetch via names in one query (#1432) (8957fc4), closes #1432
- 1444 fix right click network stop (#1446) (772d6cd), closes #1446
- 1454 fixes to route path item click functions (#1480) (dd654eb), closes #1480
- 1455 crossroad color fix (#1462) (4f6c9ea), closes #1462
- 1457 fix extend popup format (#1468) (1a39286), closes #1468
- 1460 route path tool fixes (#1465) (df122b1), closes #1465
- 1473 fix remove route path tool (#1476) (61ac791), closes #1476
- 1489 new route path overlap validation (#1506) (334479b), closes #1506
- 1492 minor refactoring (#1495) (18fa430), closes #1495
- 1494 route list toggle fix and show route paths on map (#1498) (4adb5c7), closes #1498
- 1496 show active route paths at route list (#1505) (9d215a1), closes #1505
- 1503 route path copy fixes (#1504) (3cd4a23), closes #1504
- 1511 node saving fixes (#1512) (484830d), closes #1512
- 1513 fix cypress tests (#1514) (fc869f1), closes #1514
- 1516 show custom node id input if id space is ran out (#1518) (a9876a4), closes #1518
- 1522 show warning if route path has active schedule (#1532) (ceb789b), closes #1532
- 1526 hotfix bugs and refactoring (#1527) (5f09067), closes #1527
- 1533 modal component (#1536) (926554d), closes #1536
- 1534 fix node and rp cypress tests (#1535) (3647624), closes #1535
- 519 fix looping route path links (#1524) (6a8b0fc), closes #1524
- 767 optimize map and network rendering (#1453) (6c664c9), closes #1453
- 862 validate route path start time (#1450) (6d0bb32), closes #1450
- Add loader when removing rp (#1540) (cd89bfb), closes #1540
- Added aerial map layer, some refactoring (#1521) (ead04f8), closes #1521
- Added timeout before opening link or node (#1542) (dfb8036), closes #1542
- CodeListUtils -> textUtils, using getText() in routePathStore (#1479) (980341e), closes #1479
- display 0 as 0 - not empty, fix saving exchangeTime always 0 or greater (#1469) (c730418), closes #1469
- Fetch & update viaShieldNames (3eb2b4d)
- Fixed css, added TODO (7bdc08e)
- Fixed cypress tests (#1538) (89c275f), closes #1538
- Fixed schedule service bug (#1539) (a8af97f), closes #1539
- Fixed showing routePaths >= currentDate (#1528) (88741b0), closes #1528
- Hover routePathLink color, bring hovered polyline and marker on top of everything (#1461) (77e4de1), closes #1461
- initialize routePathLinkValidationStore in setRoutePathLinks func (82cfda0)
- Mass edit routePath dates (#1486) (dfc3354), closes #1486
- Minor refactoring (#1517) (7e4c9d9), closes #1517
- Minor route list fixes (#1499) (3da118e), closes #1499
- Moved routePath item highlight to border container (25e1924)
- Network switch now resets shortId and shortIdLetter (b20a820)
- Network switch now resets shortId and shortIdLetter (#1435) (494b9cd), closes #1435
- New node generation cypress tests (#1520) (72e2194), closes #1520
- Prevent rendering app when isAppInitializationInProgress is true (#1507) (fdfb3d0), closes #1507
- Prevent using undo tools when mass editing via names (#1430) (0a31a2b), closes #1430
- Prevented massEditRp at stage and prod (#1510) (4577b1a), closes #1510
- Removed scroll into routePathList item functionality (5681748)
- Renamed toolbarTool -> toolbarToolType (1609ead)
- Render routePathLink coherent lists seperately (c796b37)
- RoutePath link save cypress tests implemented (5ad812c)
- RoutePath save test, refactoring: renamed routePath name & shortName -> nameFi & shortNameFi (8c1f331)
- RoutePathLink validations, displaying why save is not possible (#1478) (edcc825), closes #1478
- Show notification why routePath saving is prevented (#1477) (64fa81f), closes #1477
- Start using yarn cache (#1483) (f91c49b), closes #1483
- Update prod (#1448) (962d5ad), closes #1448
- Update prod (#1448) (#1475) (a6b0807), closes #1448 #1475
- Update stop zone according to node location (#1447) (fc49577), closes #1447
- Yarn cache node_modules (#1485) (f2948a0), closes #1485
- NodeForm: nodeId generation refactoring, using transitType selection (#1502) (421b2de), closes #1502
- Refactoring: renamed routePath startTime & endTime as startDate & endDate (#1501) (c313a52), closes #1501
- Refactoring: routePathView now uses Tabs component (cc15494)
- 1026 save route path links without recreating them (#1415) (b004532), closes #1415
- 1274 initial save tests (#1388) (1170749), closes #1388
- 1386 small fixes (#1393) (68c5ad5), closes #1393
- 1401 bug fixes (#1403) (d9a9c7b), closes #1403
- 1411 stop form short id options according to node (#1412) (28b6440), closes #1412
- 804 show list of route paths using node and link (#1390) (02c4a13), closes #1390
- Added support for more municipalities (#1418) (f5c28f2), closes #1418
- CoordinateInputRow component, cypress tests use default timeout 45 sec (#1408) (d07c057), closes #1408
- Deploy instructions, cypress status badges (636513e)
- Fetch hastusAreas after hastus changes (#1397) (7ff5476), closes #1397
- Fix graphql caching for node and stop (4d563e5)
- Fixed cypress tests (#1405) (4b10aaa), closes #1405
- Link selection: arrow highlight (#1398) (f111157), closes #1398
- NLine / node search toggle as radio (#1391) (1b21c87), closes #1391
- Release 0.7.0 (#1425) (15373e1), closes #1425
- Renamed local solmu.transittypes -> solmu.transit_types (#1395) (7d5072e), closes #1395
- Update link speed (#1400) (dc7e294), closes #1400
- Update master (#1404) (a168d6f), closes #1404 #1388 #1390 #1391 #1393 #1395 #1397 #1398 #1400 #1403 #1405 #1408
- Update stop form municipality when node coordinatesProjection changes, refactored geocoding service (bac4e62), closes #1410
- 1026 save route path links without recreating them (#1415) (b004532), closes #1415
- 1274 initial save tests (#1388) (1170749), closes #1388
- 1386 small fixes (#1393) (68c5ad5), closes #1393
- 1401 bug fixes (#1403) (d9a9c7b), closes #1403
- 1411 stop form short id options according to node (#1412) (28b6440), closes #1412
- 804 show list of route paths using node and link (#1390) (02c4a13), closes #1390
- Added support for more municipalities (#1418) (f5c28f2), closes #1418
- CoordinateInputRow component, cypress tests use default timeout 45 sec (#1408) (d07c057), closes #1408
- Deploy instructions, cypress status badges (636513e)
- Fetch hastusAreas after hastus changes (#1397) (7ff5476), closes #1397
- Fixed cypress tests (#1405) (4b10aaa), closes #1405
- Link selection: arrow highlight (#1398) (f111157), closes #1398
- NLine / node search toggle as radio (#1391) (1b21c87), closes #1391
- Renamed local solmu.transittypes -> solmu.transit_types (#1395) (7d5072e), closes #1395
- Update link speed (#1400) (dc7e294), closes #1400
- Update master (#1404) (a168d6f), closes #1404 #1388 #1390 #1391 #1393 #1395 #1397 #1398 #1400 #1403 #1405 #1408
- Update stop form municipality when node coordinatesProjection changes, refactored geocoding service (bac4e62), closes #1410
- Use node container with cypress (#1364) (a76e741), closes #1364
- 1002 visualize link end and start node (#1010) (5f9f530), closes #1010
- 1018 inspect stop popup (#1135) (4b1506e), closes #1135
- 1022 node link opening fix (#1049) (ce1cc7b), closes #1049
- 1027 Render routePath dashed lines (#1033) (dc9347d), closes #1033
- 1034 stop form node switch bug fix (#1035) (70dceb0), closes #1035
- 1047 show length close to calculate button (#1051) (859face), closes #1051
- 1048 local storage to keep track of visible layers (#1071) (f8dae02), closes #1071
- 1069 utilize cache when switching between stop area view and node view (#1173) (334c8a6), closes #1173
- 1080 fix utils consistency (#1094) (74ce2f5), closes #1094
- 1095 site not found page (#1133) (5c0daa4), closes #1133
- 1099 remove coordinatesManual (#1117) (02f5ff8), closes #1117
- 1101 node short id remove hae button (#1104) (97b8431), closes #1104
- 1103 fix line view bugs (#1184) (ef96840), closes #1184
- 1107 mass edit line header dates (#1120) (09b714a), closes #1120
- 1108 map objects selection with popup (#1176) (c2fd5b0), closes #1176
- 1122 mass edit line header topics (#1144) (b437030), closes #1144
- 1123 fix calendar not closing when closing map layers control (#1182) (2135502), closes #1182
- 1134 saveprompt in other components (#1185) (c1f4a63), closes #1185
- 1136 refactor sidebar header props (#1216) (0f16f46), closes #1216
- 1143 remove text container use input container instead (#1229) (2967f76), closes #1229
- 1145 rename endpoints to EndpointPath (#1230) (395001d), closes #1230
- 1158 confirm window as more customizable (#1171) (a350dd7), closes #1171
- 1160 upgrade typescript (#1168) (5d57746), closes #1168
- 1179 routes page redesign (#1220) (a8241dc), closes #1220
- 1188 small bug fixes (#1239) (18daafa), closes #1239
- 119 open link window part1 (#193) (89cbeb8), closes #193
- 1221 LineHelper -> TransitIcon shared component (#1235) (e114aa8), closes #1235
- 1222 post review fixes (#1223) (e8b8345), closes #1223
- 1227 lineView fixes (#1242) (6bf29dd), closes #1242
- 1244 read only smoke tests (#1275) (ed78f62), closes #1275
- 1249 line view fixes (#1266) (142af86), closes #1266
- 1250 add test env indicator (#1255) (672160c), closes #1255
- 1262 refactor util folder (#1285) (e81ed31), closes #1285
- 1263 shared link component (#1358) (5f0a104), closes #1358
- 1265 refactoring: removed ILine.routes and IRoute.line (optimized routes query at line page) (#1280) (d39c005), closes #1280
- 1270 hide elements related to saving when in read only mode (#1273) (773f1db), closes #1273
- 1271 cypress build automation for dev & stage (#1351) (0b835c3), closes #1351
- 1283 hotfixes: node savePrompt, small css fixes, saving nodeWithoutLink to localStorage (#1284) (52d6450), closes #1284
- 1286 save fixes (#1313) (e0da16e), closes #1313
- 1287 small ui fixes (#1297) (e1fdc71), closes #1297
- 1288 prevent saving if lock is enabled (#1301) (a79bd91), closes #1301
- 1290 start using four new tables (#1317) (f3b8876), closes #1317
- 1319 utilize navigation utils (#1321) (90b5cd8), closes #1321
- 1322 bug fixes and refactoring (#1323) (cad5b44), closes #1323
- 1326 small fixes (#1343) (a76911a), closes #1343
- 1333 stopForm: edit/create Hastus-paikka (#1347) (f3cd2e6), closes #1347
- 139 route parsing vol 1 (#169) (cb7494e), closes #169
- 160 no duplicate nodes (#185) (5240ac9), closes #185
- 165 routepath highlights (#174) (e278a49), closes #174
- 176 routepath loading animation +182 'sulje' button location and 'No results' text (#183) (62e099e), closes #183 #182
- 180 sidebar dynamic width (#187) (aa70290), closes #187 #201
- 184 refactoring measurement tool (#216) (a6fd3f5), closes #216
- 186 submenu for toolbar (#195) (127685b), closes #195
- 188 folder refactoring (#217) (426aec5), closes #217
- 189 link window (#237) (ef21fb7), closes #237
- 192 split marker layer (#200) (5aa62ef), closes #200
- 194 prevent crashing on network failure (#199) (1140427), closes #199
- 20 geoserver v2 (#234) (51e4d07), closes #234
- 202 route path info in list (#291) (345f0da), closes #291
- 203 refactoring map buttons (#224) (7d7bd13), closes #224
- 206 route path view init (#225) (81f2b71), closes #225
- 208 select node route fix (#232) (85cca8d), closes #232
- 235 setup for deployment (#286) (2eb38af), closes #286
- 244 toggled routes stay in front (#247) (889c765), closes #247
- 259 route view form (#843) (b60e801), closes #843
- 260 6 character ids in ui (#340) (b66e59d), closes #340
- 261 Edit linkView input fields (#443) (ce92703), closes #443
- 262 network date filter (#489) (64e1a09), closes #489
- 275 hastus ID (#392) (06d0931), closes #392
- 276 Time alignment stops on hover and toggle (#359) (46b6eda), closes #359
- 277 route path window + generic form CSS fixes (#280) (24fe757), closes #280
- 283 labels added to inputcontainer and dropdowns (#327) (337e7dd), closes #327
- 295 create new route path geometry select node (#331) (162a293), closes #331
- 298 new route path linking (#390) (2643afb), closes #390
- 299 saving forms v2 (#338) (15e2fdf), closes #338
- 300 edit rp geom (#504) (2d6ebe3), closes #504
- 301 undo (#484) (19ef8e6), closes #484
- 303 removed references to routepath geometry (#418) (8830e76), closes #418
- 304 change log (#363) (29c1311), closes #363
- 305 log events to changelog (#397) (6ab030c), closes #397
- 319 external models added to factories (#342) (d9af010), closes #342
- 322 differentiate disabled stops (#332) (d61b741), closes #332
- 323 change routes color range to static (#344) (59571ce), closes #344
- 333 Subtask to Saving forms (#334) (7161175), closes #334
- 337 map rendering problem fix (#393) (a5e7e08), closes #393
- 343 static colors (#364) (3b2025f), closes #364
- 350 build date and version number (#360) (d0c3bda), closes #360
- 351 Make FE complient with BE saving logic (#366) (8bdf359), closes #366
- 369 Fetch data to link view (#433) (a712e89), closes #433
- 371 version bump automation (#384) (31cfcec), closes #384
- 373 routepath information (#449) (a163500), closes #449
- 373 routepath information bugfix (#455) (532acfe), closes #455
- 375 filter network at sidebar and when creating new route path (#401) (69f535e), closes #401
- 382 reusable graphql query functions (#426) (46405fc), closes #426
- 391 fix critical vulnerabilities (#1330) (069d638), closes #1330
- 403 new route path start marker (#435) (1bea5b1), closes #435
- 405 network filter moved to mapControls (#421) (3fe0917), closes #421
- 406 routelink table (#436) (cc04afe), closes #436
- 409 edit network tool init (#458) (6f27c79), closes #458
- 410 node alternative locations (#528) (10d241e), closes #528
- 411 edit network node changes link geometry (#621) (589f32d), closes #621
- 424 form validation (#442) (ad70f49), closes #442
- 425 routepath validation (#496) (932f9ae), closes #496
- 434 node marker to its own component (#440) (d9e0630), closes #440
- 446 save new routepath (#462) (67ea24f), closes #462
- 450 RPV 1 style fix (#474) (9b58cac), closes #474
- 451 - Link & Node block list part 1 (#477) (5bcf2aa), closes #477
- 451-RPV-1-tab-buttons (#461) (01a5636), closes #461
- 454 Highlight on hovering block, focus on extending block (#518) (e1bfed3), closes #518
- 457 edit network clicking network node (#472) (3be2afa), closes #472
- 466 Add scalebar (#469) (2c20694), closes #469
- 467 new filter show nodes (#483) (f1485ff), closes #483
- 482 new routepathview tabs (#516) (355533c), closes #516
- 485 Validate routePathGeometry (#522) (c306131), closes #522
- 493 Show routepath that is being edited (#494) (b5fcfe2), closes #494
- 495 Automatically calculate routepath length (#521) (f80a937), closes #521
- 498 nodelayer nodemarker refactor (#508) (9863107), closes #508
- 502 remove routepathlink (#507) (a7d600c), closes #507
- 503 fill removed rplinks (#510) (64edb6c), closes #510
- 511 ui for rp geom change (#514) (ac12503), closes #514
- 513 Add content to routepath list objects (#520) (9a49cc9), closes #520
- 517 extend object on map click 2 (#527) (5f7fd3e), closes #527
- 526 coordinate commons (#547) (84297bf), closes #547
- 532 routepath length usage (#551) (6e6f62b), closes #551
- 536 start end node info & styling fixed for list objects (#559) (495983c), closes #559
- 541 network link view (#550) (cd21e44), closes #550
- 542 node view design (#557) (dd11558), closes #557
- 543 linkview map visibility (#567) (15f04fa), closes #567
- 556 municipality mappings (#562) (f18c843), closes #562
- 568 Enable searching for nodes (#581) (529ee92), closes #581
- 571 edit nodes continue (#589) (26f9406), closes #589
- 572 Back navigation (#579) (e59f1c0), closes #579
- 574 edit link (#622) (2c245e6), closes #622
- 584 fix console warnings (#596) (28a4a3a), closes #596
- 595 Refactoring error handling (#610) (cb58bf2), closes #610
- 601 remove strings to dropdown (#726) (806a12e), closes #726
- 603 create link tool (#746) (73b3821), closes #746 #757
- 605 network min zoom level notification (#608) (073c86e), closes #608
- 609 alert on reseting edit with changes (#652) (7e65ba5), closes #652
- 617 Fixed routePath list items: showing route name instead of pysäkki (#644) (756ec3e), closes #644
- 619 Inform user that the local db is out of sync (#705) (d86f91e), closes #705
- 623 datepickers (#627) (23d1cf0), closes #627
- 625 link direction visualization (#628) (81e1ca2), closes #628
- 629 authentication (#648) (03b6e61), closes #648
- 630 new login ui (#641) (a7b9f67), closes #641
- 632 link saving (#688) (4baf7d4), closes #688
- 633 save stop ui fixes (#655) (c34e889), closes #655
- 634 only one location for non stop node (#651) (ca7b234), closes #651
- 636 route path view neighbor fetch in undo (#683) (b0fe23b), closes #683
- 646 login ui part 2 (#679) (8672390), closes #679
- 653 redirect to origin on login (#696) (f28e06f), closes #696
- 662 error param to error store (#761) (1167554), closes #761
- 666 redirect to new (#763) (29958a7), closes #763
- 667 remember session (#687) (4bbda9d), closes #687
- 670 fix optional field validation (#678) (0fcb5b9), closes #678
- 671 added search features (#703) (6168873), closes #703
- 672 arrow filter (#680) (8026b56), closes #680
- 677 route path geometry should be required (#704) (36364cd), closes #704
- 689 fix bug node moving only horizontal (#695) (545e07a), closes #695
- 693 Make geometry changes visible in network (#745) (7929d02), closes #745
- 701 split short ID (#772) (17c5f90), closes #772
- 706 fix issues with opening stores in react console (#796) (cc09a8e), closes #796
- 707 Logout on forbidden (#769) (1963978), closes #769
- 710 Automatically set editing when geometry change (#775) (192f1d6), closes #775
- 715 Routepath validations in BE (#759) (3c4b469), closes #759
- 716 color coded neightbour links (#785) (30aaaea), closes #785
- 720 fullscreen button bug (#728) (a649202), closes #728
- 721 validation bud when switching node type 2 (#809) (d5089d3), closes #809
- 725 remove route path link view (#780) (ec2ef69), closes #780
- 732 test coherent lines (#751) (20c6264), closes #751
- 741 Force re-init node when url param changes (#776) (492c3b7), closes #776
- 747 Visualize-link-duplicate (#778) (72e95b0), closes #778
- 749 link validation (#812) (ef4ef9c), closes #812
- 750 prettier (#850) (63ea447), closes #850
- 750 prettier css fix (#851) (8dcd16d), closes #851
- 754 bug rendering of network (#755) (a06ab37), closes #755
- 758 node n stop validation (#900) (d5c978a), closes #900
- 762 allow link creation of current link (#766) (6ff380d), closes #766
- 768 fix exports (#1355) (011b91a), closes #1355
- 771 Bugfix, unable to create node with node view open (#774) (8b21b64), closes #774
- 787 neighbor list popup (#813) (7728843), closes #813
- 788 copy route path part tool (#830) (d31e288), closes #830
- 789 node area codes (#828) (96b6e16), closes #828
- 793 route path link modification (#858) (bacb3c9), closes #858
- 798 split link (#847) (b771026), closes #847
- 810 koodisto dropdown (#811) (a78e42c), closes #811
- 822 refactoring (#1356) (f51d3e4), closes #1356
- 825 Set network date picker, and its default to now (#872) (c245f0f), closes #872
- 826 lineview fill joukkoliikennelaji automatically (#1085) (af423db), closes #1085
- 829 fix login bug (#836) (99cef44), closes #836
- 844 link validation (#891) (71cf688), closes #891
- 849 fix bug same primary keys on routepath creates invalid geom (#856) (de487d7), closes #856
- 859 route path node saving (#880) (8d36a74), closes #880
- 870 style route path link items (#958) (62b1131), closes #958
- 872 node view and link view is editing disabled status fixes (#1074) (99a5f32), closes #1074
- 874 new viaName fields for routePathNode (#987) (d7f2d11), closes #987 #1028
- 890 file locations and name refactor (#896) (96483eb), closes #896
- 908 make model properties optional when needed (#926) (aefa4b0), closes #926
- 91 routestart markers v2 (#168) (3392162), closes #168
- 916 automatically fill stop postal number and address (#1020) (5c5c06e), closes #1020
- 917 stop form area id from pysakkialue table (#954) (26ae6d5), closes #954
- 922 get recent data after save in all views (#1320) (c79a2b6), closes #1320
- 927 fix date fields and i model date properties (#929) (5aad945), closes #929
- 950 stop form vyohyke options (#968) (45fd8ef), closes #968
- 951 reimplement dropdown with search (#955) (0ca5f13), closes #955
- 962 refactor route path layer (#966) (e397a55), closes #966
- 964 hardcoded frontend url (#980) (62d22e4), closes #980
- 985 focus to route paths (#998) (2d8da65), closes #998
- Add autofix on save for vscode (#566) (4b21ab5), closes #566
- Add changes in yarn.lock (ee383ae)
- Add entityTypeToggles in routeview (#700) (b7228ca), closes #700
- Add error notification on missing links (#394) (8cacb92), closes #394
- Add expanding of blocks, refactor buttons, refactor css in sidebar (#501) (4e2e13e), closes #501
- Add ID for routePath as hash (612b8b9)
- Add initial factories and interfaces for Route and Direction (a8b12a1)
- Add initial routes as react components (a9629b7)
- Add initial Travis configurations (978fd8c)
- Add Line to Route data (22c3ed6)
- Add lineFactory (9aa1173)
- add new routepath implementation (#294) (4109939), closes #294
- Add node popup (b815074)
- Add observer to LineItem since it is recommended (26ea265)
- Add print icon (d30aa8b)
- Add react nodes to react-leaflet (108b053)
- Add react-icons (27f5017)
- Add react-leaflet and typings (2320076)
- Add Readme with run instructions (891f27b)
- Add regex validation and simple tests also to FE (#884) (d571641), closes #884
- Add routenumber and remove blue color from routename (7aed104)
- Add script for fixing tslint things, and disable multiline tsx rule (ace8a48)
- Add simple map (55ea8d1)
- Add simple test to undo store (#784) (4808742), closes #784
- Add simple toolbar (5a1a19d)
- Add some margin to route number (4551133)
- Add styles for nodes (de94848)
- Add suusuunta to hash to prevent duplicates (da3f6b7)
- Add transittype to IRoute, and use that for filtering neighbouring nodes (#565) (2fb496f), closes #565
- Add type to map ref (311b9b7)
- Add typings for NodeWindow state (e867928)
- Add typings for variables (111f0ec)
- added .dockerignore, dockerfile: running yarn before copying other project files (#971) (f6311e7), closes #971
- added alias for src root and changed references to use new alias (#281) (e9515af), closes #281
- Added comment (671c340)
- added disappearing animation for notification items (6d51d45)
- added edited text (e45f2bc)
- Added environment to localStorage key (5be884d)
- Added error msg when user is not verified (c1a7402)
- Added hasWriteAccess to login info (#668) (20db2e8), closes #668
- Added initApp func to load dependencies before rendering views (#1314) (d33c27e), closes #1314
- Added INode to routePathLinks, factories refactored (#365) (9d3967f), closes #365
- Added loader icon (15bd71f)
- Added modifiedBy and modifiedOn fields to lineViewForm (#854) (9686be1), closes #854
- added node shortid to routepath object list (#549) (d92690c), closes #549
- Added prompt notification (3ae5058)
- added sass to dev dependencies (fb26aa6)
- added scrolling pagination to searchresults (#175) (c847c16), closes #175
- Added some jsdoc (bba8054)
- Added some validation store documentation, removed useless functions (6eb2265)
- Added support for release-prod branch (0db04b3)
- Added sync button to navigation bar (a2acb10)
- Added TODO comment (c54dc4a)
- afterLoginUrl fix (#937) (4befe17), closes #937
- Also add transition on deactivate (a846f2b)
- APP_URL fix (f825f51)
- app.tsx interface for state (e640bfa)
- attempt to make window hover toggle with CSS (49efea2)
- Avaa linkki -> Avaa linja (#1295) (2a63d56), closes #1295
- await/async is beautiful (748789f)
- back button for sidebar (2fa6da8)
- base for sidebar (d3d71a0)
- basic map component (571e72a)
- bounds are now changed correctly when routepaths change (#420) (fa9a349), closes #420
- bug fix and style improvements (0497a20)
- button added to toolbar for new window (#329) (8bf5a5a), closes #329
- button hide props refactor (c033ae7)
- buttons always enabled (1e810c8)
- centering map to route (ea13ce2)
- Centering routes at RouteList instead of RouteItem (4d697de)
- Change cypress node version (#1365) (4870738), closes #1365
- changed geoserver address to match backend fix (#497) (20a1208), closes #497
- changes per review - fixed some bugs and some code quality issues (471f198)
- Changes to behaviour of measurement tool as per pull request review (a94eb23)
- cleaned out commented code (5eb2d98)
- Cleaned routePathView from old ViewFormBase code (f0fda50)
- cleaned up nodeWindow (923dc49)
- cleaned up some unnecessary code (2240df9)
- cleanup (92693a1)
- cleanup etc (4e03e3e)
- cleanup etc (77a06e1)
- Clear cache on update or create (#491) (9f81d55), closes #491
- Clearing queryValues by default (#1180) (a138392), closes #1180
- code review changes (70d4730)
- CodeListItems are now shorted only at init (b9f51fa)
- Color fix (#931) (78f1224), closes #931
- Comment fix (9572fa3)
- Configure build script to generate .scss.d.ts files before building app (a373cca)
- Configure mobx to enforce actions (a5cf420)
- Configure sass in webpack and move files back to their correct folders (e797068)
- Configure tslint (edcbdc1)
- Configure tslint (83b1f89)
- Connect toolbar status to node dragging (54f364c)
- Contributions init (#264) (080252f), closes #264
- coordinates on map, unstyled (097819a)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (84e558b)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (8a5a688)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (93d0069)
- Create custom wrapper for map controls (bbf0222)
- Create dev.yml (6c7a9ff)
- Create helper to receive color classes for transit (af1469b)
- Create interface for SelectedLine and initialise the property as a empty array (c7325d6)
- Create new node tool (#692) (f7bc667), closes #692
- Created INodeStop & stops and crossroads now have radius (#228) (a4620cb), closes #228
- css fix (a660a70)
- CSS fixes: confirm buttons next to each other no longer look ugly, some savePrompt styling & classNa (299e744)
- Cypress config changes (#1367) (44dc303), closes #1367
- Cypress config fixes (#1368) (a281045), closes #1368
- Cypress env variables starting with CYPRESS_ (#1371) (ddf18e3), closes #1371
- Cypress node version fix (#1362) (f54b07f), closes #1362
- Cypress node version fix (#1363) (22b15d9), closes #1363
- dates added to single row (#330) (57668a7), closes #330
- Deleting all links from routepath now lets you start a new routepath (#555) (d0dd2b8), closes #555
- Dialog store & openFadeMessage implemented (#606) (b18b575), closes #606
- directionName -> routePathName renaming (8df87f6)
- discard changes warning to close button (ed8dee4)
- Displaying login error properly (#903) (41b9709), closes #903
- dockerfile init (434067a)
- Don't use mobx dev tools (bca11ad)
- drawing nodes on map (1d95e9d)
- dropdown fix & fixed input and select generic styles (#279) (5bff660), closes #279
- dropdown implemented (74fcdcb)
- echo docker tag test (b8e6da9)
- Edit stop & edit municipality tests addd (af9f8a0)
- EditRoutePathLayer Marker click bug (#965) (6501184), closes #965
- Eject project (8e86076)
- Empty suffix when nodeIds are queried (e7985ec)
- Enable closing of login modal (6714d4f)
- Enable highlightning of nodes (1f82525)
- Enable opening of node menu (b3080f0)
- Enabled editing of single link + saving edited link to editNetworkStore (#582) (3e9a01b), closes #582
- Environment develop -> dev (1991860)
- Error key fix (c16ff52)
- Error key fix (c06dbf7)
- Expose port 5000 instead of 8080 in docker (f1217a1)
- Extracted StopTable into its own component (1662131)
- fadein back (0edf4ac)
- Fetch first and last routePath's stop names (#1241) (7fc3be4), closes #1241
- Finalize route path form (#907) (58ce487), closes #907
- first 2 routes are visible by default, hiding routes works (6984861)
- Fix bug isNodeHidden checking dates the wrong way (#885) (8e4a06e), closes #885
- Fix bug with onChange function (#399) (98a076c), closes #399
- Fix code consistency, variable names and code style mentioned in review (94d2e08)
- fix docker build on linux (#920) (f1fe11e), closes #920
- Fix docker build tags (#1302) (78c87f0), closes #1302
- Fix forgotten check for bounds (c06314d)
- Fix issue with manually updating coordinates of nodes (#580) (a197bfd), closes #580
- Fix prod app url (35ebefa)
- Fix rp save (#600) (d80177b), closes #600 #590
- Fix save prompt bugs (#1243) (769e7fa), closes #1243
- Fix styles and namings from review (0aa813c)
- Fix styling issues from review (26a9dfe)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (2b338dd)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (03e72ef)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (fd1543c)
- Fix vulnerability warnings (#385) (836b2c4), closes #385
- Fixed a typo (#383) (013c1e1), closes #383
- fixed bringing to front (#243) (247e82d), closes #243
- Fixed bug when saving new routePath (3272f22)
- Fixed build (0d32b6b)
- Fixed centering map in route page if no routePaths found (#1237) (204e640), closes #1237
- Fixed changed graphql function name (4fe1e60)
- Fixed changing crossroad as stop (f951f11)
- Fixed comments (51c7c41)
- Fixed createLinkTool (73094a8)
- Fixed cypress conf (#1369) (25c3589), closes #1369
- Fixed cypress env variables (#1372) (183e926), closes #1372
- Fixed dashed lines (#1038) (e0b0e1b), closes #1038
- fixed datedelta format for RouteShow (#386) (1f485d0), closes #386
- fixed downArrowIcon as react component (6a7736b)
- fixed drawing routeLines and routeNodes on map (97dfdc0)
- fixed folder structure (a464550)
- Fixed frontend url (#977) (65ba41a), closes #977
- fixed fullscreen and optimized list rendering performance (dba5a83)
- Fixed fullscreen switch (c929f83)
- fixed handling measured position missing in backend (#278) (529f638), closes #278
- Fixed hardcoded client id (571d66a)
- fixed hover with pure CSS (09df340)
- fixed indent (7d6a09a)
- fixed inputContainer height, removed textContainer from inputContainer (#901) (066b637), closes #901
- fixed issues with routing (92c8ca6)
- Fixed link init & geometry bugs (#1082) (dd409ac), closes #1082
- Fixed linkView kunta dropdown to use correct codeList (8101327)
- fixed lint errors (634f757)
- Fixed merge conflict (166d658)
- fixed multiple /route bug (d691666)
- fixed new routePath link (#783) (3f1d89d), closes #783
- fixed not rendering on toggle (cca6db7)
- Fixed onMoveMarker, moved onLocationType param to parent (f730fd5)
- Fixed open all routes button, added some cypress tests (27b8d34)
- Fixed redundant cypress env file check (#1370) (e97f375), closes #1370
- Fixed rendering start marker when creating new link (#949) (6ca6a48), closes #949
- Fixed replacing env prefix (#1373) (a476a53), closes #1373
- Fixed routePath opening bug, validating only once per model, prevent some validations if model is ne (200bebe)
- Fixed routePathView validation (369b535)
- Fixed savePrompt height & padding, added borderLightGrey at common.scss (392e0f9)
- fixed scrollbar bug (#640) (130d69b), closes #640
- fixed searchButton style (1626969)
- fixed styles (e0be541)
- Fixed tag (5372691)
- Fixed throwing error when request receiving 403 statusCode (#1226) (f8d5a69), closes #1226
- Fixed timeAlignment icon bugs (#906) (af116f1), closes #906
- Fixed travis build (#1360) (7619a09), closes #1360
- Fixed travis build typo (#1354) (f243aed), closes #1354
- Fixed typo (#1353) (c895aa7), closes #1353
- fixed variable name (4e7ea5d)
- fixed visual bug and removed unnecessary classnames-library (dccb6e1)
- flashing loader fixed (dc6dcae)
- focus bounds fixed for real (5481a30)
- focusing bounds fix (1b2619a)
- focusing to selected node (3137969)
- Format svg files (38e53a0)
- formatting timestamp with moment (ae3c4e4)
- Frontend build fixed (#976) (0a3e461), closes #976
- Frontend url (1e53d80)
- frontend_url -> app_frontend_url (fd3bc7c)
- frontend_url -> app_frontend_url (#979) (d1b6d5e), closes #979
- fullscreen button fix (#1088) (38d0910), closes #1088
- general button component (195cf43)
- generic checkbox component & nodeWindow modal (03ff647)
- Generic hover button, line topic view styling (38f46e9)
- Generic toggleView: added node & link type filters (#714) (d34d189), closes #714
- Generic undoStore && undo to nodeView (#649) (2b2f76f), closes #649
- Group routes on start and end date, to make list clearer (#560) (26a6f79), closes #560
- Hide nodeId if not creating new node (a411ecd)
- hide scss.d.ts files from git (c72a49c)
- Hide stopArea (i) button if stopArea is not set (8c14f07)
- Hide stopAreas if is creating newStopArea, fixed topic (f041c9e)
- Hide transitTypeToggleButtonBar when nodeId is editable (e8f42af)
- highlight for dates within range (#328) (2d5e566), closes #328
- highlighting neighbor nodes & handling click of neighbor nodes (#348) (91b97b3), closes #348
- highlighting selected node (6954081)
- HSL ID url no longer hardcoded (428a04e)
- hsl-style spinner (8472f56)
- Implement automatic bound fitting (217e9a1)
- implemented scaled colors for routePaths (b5d81db)
- Improve graphql fetch process, request is now done in the store. (6d54dc0)
- Initial commit (000c283)
- Initial commit (26c9e0e)
- initial develop branch travis conf (d811bd2)
- Initial edit network mode done (#428) (aeb2281), closes #428
- Inject loginStore into loginModal (d5cd186)
- Install classnames for easier class merging (d6f0686)
- isMounted fixes (1332f56)
- Isolate linehelper functions used in mapping (710cc76)
- isSuffix as part of INode (0b86fb6)
- KeyEventHandler implemented (#656) (95473ce), closes #656
- length is now set on undo and redo (b946fd1)
- Let error be logged for now (a99bdf3)
- Let user mark direction as visible (b5fe469)
- Line topic list in lineView, created lineTopicService (e1b4461)
- line.lineId => line.id (#439) (3ea1643), closes #439
- lineId fix (d623d18)
- lineTopic form (#959) (2a1cff7), closes #959
- LineView implemented (#815) (208c49c), closes #815
- LineView no more using ViewFormBase, validationStore supports customValidationMap (1402649)
- Linja verkko selector (#561) (e6cef53), closes #561
- Linking between views, NavigationUtils init (#1260) (c1be693), closes #1260
- LinkView using validationStore (0282aa3)
- Loader hasNoMargin fix (dc89ed3)
- loading into component, data fetching to components, linkbuilder (7e358cc)
- loading spinner for loading all lines (1073a2c)
- lockfiles (8b12a60)
- login modal (2d5e9cc)
- long id now shown when adding links to routepath (#553) (ad92853), closes #553
- Made network items larger (#944) (5153a6c), closes #944
- Make active tools beutiful (f106928)
- Make building dev faster (#1159) (c8ae18b), closes #1159
- Make map render before sidebar (b53b417)
- Make marker dragable (bcb3379)
- Make Node coloring a bit more generic, so it can be used outside of n… (#525) (3e93bfc), closes #525
- Make vscode hide .scss.d.ts files (54fe0e4)
- Manually input nodeId at new node form if backend fails to generate one (b254712)
- map coordinates are not set by default, each view has to init mmap coordinates. Started refactoring (aa38212)
- Map fullscreen toggle rendering bug fixed (9fb6501)
- Map loading architecture changed, focus straight into node, link, routePath (a438f98)
- Map more values for directions (e1a8c9f)
- map removed from state (5562f6c)
- mapLayersControl implemented with mouse enter & leave events (3b7359f)
- Max line width 80 -> 100 (e27872e)
- Max line width 80 -> 100 (d4b0e2a)
- measured and calculated length fix (1a1bdce)
- measurement tool added, fixed static zoomLevel (802b595)
- measurement tool popup styles enchanced (#1084) (dcfb932), closes #1084
- measurement tool works, except on chrome.. (b54af88)
- MeasurementType as a dropdown (b69b4b5)
- merge (71eb412)
- Migrate fullscreen functionality (buggy) (b262d31)
- min & max zoom levels set (#226) (a2c268b), closes #226
- minor fixes (54951c7)
- Minor hotfixes (#1236) (cf439f6), closes #1236
- Minor network dragging tool fixes (#396) (02ecd44), closes #396
- mobx always -> strict (518d4ce)
- modal component & login component separated (4647f7f)
- Modify state logic for Toolbar (0abafad)
- Move grahql logic out of store (dc89c97)
- Move JS parsing to store for openRoutes (4b6cf3d)
- Move login logic to its own store and rename login buttons (8e9713b)
- Move private function outside of class (8d30680)
- Moved /cypress to root folder, changed cypress env variables (#1359) (ea9ce19), closes #1359
- moved from 2 to 4-space indentation (50cc4ea)
- Moved isEditingDisabled into stores out from ViewFormBase (#1089) (131c7bb), closes #1089
- moved nodeWindow into /sidebar (fcd77eb)
- moved sass files into styles/scss (b64c56c)
- moved searchInput into searchStore (8ba9e06)
- Moved setTimeout to defaultTool selection (57e45f5)
- moved stopArea list to stopAreaView (67a6544)
- Moved stopAreaView into /nodeView folder (c39bdda)
- Moved stopItems into store & moved IStopItem model into models folder (2e9c344)
- moved styles to own files for each control (9598cda)
- multiple lines in edit mode (76551eb)
- Navigator.goTo shows unsaved changes prompt (#1233) (9357a56), closes #1233
- network nodes now show transit color if only one transit type is present (#492) (4078792), closes #492
- New mapLayer: link geometry points implemented (#1349) (60968c3), closes #1349
- new props and logic to dropdown for using stars in search input (f69b428)
- new toggles to mapLayersControl: hastus, longId, shortId (#480) (3d28eb7), closes #480
- Nicer references to map, and nicer typings (51e4495)
- Node marker refactored, takes optional params from node instead of node objects (88fc11f)
- NodeId fetched after changing nodeType (#1338) (794e140), closes #1338
- NodeId saved to nodeCacheObj (0b3310e)
- nodes obey transit type selection (#438) (65680a5), closes #438
- nodes other than stops no longer show a radius on map (#387) (c7e677d), closes #387
- NodeView savePrompt, savePrompt can now show multiple save models (def7e09)
- notification popups (f2fea29)
- notification window styles fix (#222) (b82b72e), closes #222
- Now last routePath stop name should show correctly (#1258) (8556ad9), closes #1258
- observer added (#356) (28a1f7d), closes #356
- oldLink -> oldData, newLink -> newData (011df70)
- Open all routes button + searchResults css (#1346) (da91d86), closes #1346
- Open popup on right click (922700b)
- Opening new routePathView bug fixed (ce12a01)
- opening node to the sidebar (5ea6a5a)
- optimized routes query at routes page (#935) (8e54fe0), closes #935
- Optimizing update routePath (#938) (b0b765f), closes #938
- Optional date input fields (285de14)
- Overall improvements (#569) (af07cd2), closes #569
- package-lock (f717dcf)
- package-lock (18cfa1c)
- Padding fixes (d547a65)
- passing setView function to PopupLayer instead of map (dc6563d)
- Postal number validation (f60d09e)
- pr changes done (96ae32e)
- pr reeview changes (1ba6455)
- pr requested changes (3388313)
- pr review changes (8384b2c)
- pr review changes (e5cceee)
- pr review changes and style fix (31395df)
- pr review changes, geometry added to save prompt (da99dd4)
- prettier fix json (#852) (0729e61), closes #852
- Prevent creating new route in stage and prod (#1342) (7e80f10), closes #1342
- Preventing routePath saving if env is stage or prod, showing alert (#1238) (1d700eb), closes #1238
- Prod pr github action conf (0d43f9e)
- Prod yml folder fix (4c24eba)
- promise to async/await (e4011b5)
- Prompt added to lineView & lineHeaderMassEdit view (5c3f6da)
- pushed changes that were missing from 189-link-view branch (#248) (2322f2e), closes #248
- query batching (44d21b4)
- radius circle can be clicked through (e49f42c)
- random typo fixed (38f8f6d)
- react router first steps (a46dc48)
- react-modal removed and css fixes (61bcb66)
- Reduced decimals in geometries, fixed node savePrompt diff (#1269) (9439ce5), closes #1269
- Refactor to use separate component for routePaths in LineItem view (abd7743)
- refactored (032eb5b)
- refactored (ce2143d)
- refactored (11b0cd9)
- refactored (a0f9169)
- refactored (93643fe)
- Refactored (38c79ca)
- refactored all .bind(this) -style stuff away (#250) (2d422cb), closes #250
- Refactored folder structure, no more networkView (#723) (a5ce0dc), closes #723
- Refactored IModels to use questionMark instead on null (#460) (aa4755d), closes #460
- Refactored Loader component props, .loaderComponent wrapper class inside loader (c70d15a)
- Refactored map controls (b7e6870)
- refactored public/private accessors, changed functions to arrows (#530) (cb616c6), closes #530
- refactored sass imports, css, indent (143c656)
- Refactored setFadeMessage params as object (09dccf9)
- Refactored switch clause away, using object instead (d6c572f)
- Refactored switch out when using propertyCodeLists (afa2228)
- refactored toggle buttons (234f5ab)
- Refactored, removed solx soly from node query (#1093) (964e98b), closes #1093
- Refactoring (5a182aa)
- Refactoring (#1350) (074e8b3), closes #1350
- refactoring previous additions (c53500b)
- Refactoring stopAreaView, added initial StopAreaLayer (95ea36c)
- Release 0.2.0 (#423) (727c087), closes #423
- Release 0.3.0 (#464) (786f981), closes #464
- Release 0.4.0 (#500) (24e7c0e), closes #500
- Release 0.5.0 (#546) (0838765), closes #546
- Remove console.logs (1fe6a85)
- Remove duplicate import (a8b859c)
- Remove eslint disable next line (345816e)
- Remove extra IExternal mappings (#468) (701298d), closes #468
- Remove extra new lines (6f781c9)
- Remove global style import (1c94a33)
- Remove tslint max-line-length, since prettier do this automatically (#879) (df6b46c), closes #879
- Remove two columns from route (#1329) (3c38012), closes #1329
- Remove unneccessary IconContext (2f890b9)
- Remove unnecessary constructor (f00c59a)
- Remove unnecessary observer decorator that made the program very slow (db3d02c)
- Remove unnecessary whitespace (de4b390)
- Remove unused color (498c2f7)
- Remove unused file (0d50e9a)
- Remove unused files (a81a08e)
- Remove unused model field (33184d0)
- Removed commented code & local build instructions (54f32fc)
- removed comments (c420a27)
- removed comments and whitespace (6c77046)
- removed console.logs (d250bd9)
- removed duplicate line (c3604e8)
- removed extra file (0aebe96)
- removed isLoading from store (185e1b1)
- Removed isMapCenteringPrevented property from mapStore (bbc6e59)
- removed kopioi reitti toiseen suuntaan + fixed labels (0f8487c)
- Removed lineItemSubMenu component (96287be)
- removed link id from routepath list tab (#548) (818a676), closes #548
- removed more municipality things (cbf350f)
- removed municipality code from linkView (af82cdd)
- Removed node.tripTimePoint (18b404c)
- Removed nodeSass (#1366) (a5b772a), closes #1366
- removed old comments (c696b69)
- removed old import from map (a8f0280)
- Removed old/unnecessary code (7e5ac0d)
- Removed oldLinks from INodeCacheObj (fa60d01)
- Removed oldNode & oldLinks from nodeCache (0e5bf2a)
- Removed property listeners, bug fixes (e2067de)
- removed redundant validating (47a082a)
- Removed TODO (5e00718)
- removed unnecessary dependency (c4035ca)
- removed unnecessary function (d50607c)
- removed unnecessary param location (aead109)
- Removed unused css (5c0e688)
- Removed unused MapRoute (#933) (826be58), closes #933
- removed useless constructor (4c98e88)
- Removed validation (4df0226)
- Removing old drawn nodes from map (3e0ecea)
- removing routes from routesView (6271e79)
- Rename checkFilters -> filterLines (410e775)
- Rename Contributions.md to CONTRIBUTING.md (#505) (9b668a7), closes #505
- Rename EditableLines to LineEditView (7054f33)
- Rename handleClick -> toggleActivity in TransitToggleButton (849dac2)
- Rename handleLineSelected -> selectLine function (6474950)
- Rename SidebarStore -> LineStore (66b180c)
- renamed direction -> routePath (b888961)
- Renamed setInitCoordinates() -> initCoordinates() (13c046a)
- renaming (69fce2a)
- renaming functions (7e2852e)
- Render stops in stopAreaLayer, centering to them stop area is opened, on click stop to center to it (3d18e8b)
- Rendering lineHeader rows in its own function (#993) (9272143), closes #993
- Reorder all scss files (4236649)
- replaced strings with enums (3f9c0e2)
- Requested changes to routepathview header done (#552) (3090d6e), closes #552
- return null fix (6e237f4)
- Revert "451-RPV-1-tab-buttons" (#473) (ab07507), closes #473 #469 #461
- reverted dropdown error message thing (e8a6b04)
- reverted stopGroup editing change and changed font size (bb8b993)
- review fixes (cadba00)
- Review fixes (8d1e941)
- Rewrote CoordinateControl as react component (4e52ebe)
- right click popup menu implemented (b06980a)
- Route list and route path hot fixes (#1261) (5bbf4dd), closes #1261
- RouteName -> LineName (c5d019d)
- RoutePathForm cleanup, dropdown bug fix, disabled input height bug fix (#659) (5910d5b), closes #659
- routepaths and checkboxes added (5f4fb4f)
- RoutePathView no longer using ViewFormBase (f1cd0fa)
- routes are now visible on map (7c7893f)
- routes page without query params redirects to root (#292) (0ace82c), closes #292
- routeShow is onw in its own component (3a91809)
- Running frontend with forever that listens port 5000 (#975) (bfa7f6b), closes #975
- Save prompt for stopAreView (802cee1)
- save prompt modal (8c2a856)
- SavePrompt is now used at route page (c8d55e7)
- search address field implemented (#786) (67c2772), closes #786
- searchfield filters with route names and lineId (c2d447f)
- searching other line + fixed search list and routePath list (2ac7eeb)
- SearchResult button implemented (5b7b8ba)
- SectionHeader class into form.scss, fixed stopAreaView className hierarchy (cd944a4)
- Select node & link tool implemented (#724) (0ec48e3), closes #724
- selectedSubLineItems is now only in store (24da4d4)
- Set all tsx files to use typed css (d90be68)
- Set better value for max zoom, 23 is way too close (#246) (3f40696), closes #246
- Set travis-build as executable (29578db)
- Set types for onChange events (c5533cb)
- set urls to https (#807) (5f9329f), closes #807
- setSelectedLine -> addSelectedLine (f09f7e0)
- Setting nodes with type '-' as city borders (#339) (656584f), closes #339
- Show open node/link prompts when link/node/routePath views are opened (0785562)
- Showing cancellable notification message instead of fadeMessage (e443d0a)
- showing routes now in lineSearch results (51ad51a)
- Showing warning and painting node red (#293) (ade8454), closes #293
- sidebar implementation (ffee108)
- simplified props definition in RouteShow (3356782)
- simplified shown geometry changes (1ad058d)
- Simplified showSavePrompt method (b3ef287)
- Simplify by removing dependencies from fullscreen controller, and only provide leafletMap (24b03d6)
- Simplify routePathLink creation (#395) (e1674c1), closes #395
- small fix (ab6e865)
- small fixes (a29e956)
- small fixes (f6cb346)
- small refactoring (bfbded0)
- Smoke tests init (#1246) (75778a8), closes #1246
- Some review fixes (402c666)
- Sorting imports with prettier (379d3ee)
- specific .env variables now visible from jore-ui react-app (#459) (b0dd858), closes #459
- Specify @computed for showLogin observable (fc4d08a)
- Specify classname for TransitToggleButton from state in a simpler way (752b82b)
- Split editNetworkStore to NodeStore and LinkStore, Removed NodeView (#588) (6796426), closes #588
- Split routes to separate store (b2fd13b)
- Split sidebarcss in multiple scss files, and reorder them to take advantage of scoping (4281ec8)
- splitted routeLayer into routePathLayers (#198) (201e8be), closes #198
- squashed the bug (#181) (7741ac8), closes #181
- started using models, fixed indent (38eb339)
- Started using sass. Cleaned all sass files, using variables from common (306a4c5)
- stop redirect, validation and style fixes (505d4d9)
- stopArea edit button and other stuff (2b96b28)
- stopArea is now required (8110231)
- StopArea showing properly at savePrompt (fff1665)
- stopArea stop list view and edit buttons (6322fe2)
- StopAreaView init (#1096) (1b23c06), closes #1096
- StopView uses validationStore (31680b5)
- Store import convention added (#347) (dc421b6), closes #347
- style fix (ce39b40)
- style-fix (1075942)
- styles.. (ac21561)
- Switch from prettier to tslint-eslint-rules (46f90d4)
- Switch to using routeStore and its functions (64ccd6e)
- Switched to using DOMAIN_NAME and ENVIRONMENT env variables to reduce count of used env variables (bf84f06)
- Sync flag (#1157) (4cbc85f), closes #1157
- table focus logic and move on enter (72d4e9a)
- test (89233bf)
- testing out mobx (440d089)
- Toggling transitType gets a new nodeId (9a372f5)
- tool highlight and measurement end on click nearby last spot (d21cb3c)
- Toolbar radiobuttons implemented (#178) (36a02b9), closes #178
- TransitToggleButtonBar refactoring (ae149ab)
- Travis build fixes to support develop & prod releases (#988) (bfd6753), closes #988
- tslint rules added and lint errors fixed (74a7283)
- Undo and redo now works in routePath and linkView. Removed GeometryEventStore, Removed EventLog (#63 (975a410), closes #635
- unfinished business (971e9a1)
- Update API port to reflect changes in backend (087d209)
- Update link length when isEditing is enabled (83b8f70)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (85455a3)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (5b1fb6a)
- Update styles to use more informative names (46c4d56)
- Update yarn.lock (bddbeff)
- Updated apollo packages (106ae0a)
- Updated react-datepicker, input value can now be typed freely (a778deb)
- Updated readme for relased versions, travis-build supports release-prod branch (d4505c1)
- updated yarn lockfile (f247f1d)
- UpdateNodeType as a sepearate method, reseting measurementType when switching to other than stop, re (16f39f3)
- Upgraded cypress build related libraries (#1361) (dff9741), closes #1361
- Use enum for transit type (91677c6)
- Use esnext as workaround for missing definition for AsyncIterator (6f1a366)
- Use react style refs to be able to use componentDidUpdate instead of componentWillReceiveProps (f2b3dc2)
- Use reitunnus instead of lintunnus for route ID:s (96fd9e5)
- Use routePathId for identification (3417d60)
- Use scss typings (e6a5dc5)
- Use setter for modifying filter (30b5b66)
- UserStore init, init userTransitType preferences added (#1259) (1a75b95), closes #1259
- using enums in mapLayersControl (d3c3564)
- using map.invalidateSize to fix fullscreen button problem (fa7a465)
- using radiobuttons in mapLayersContainer (76cb3c3)
- Validate node fix (927f7a0)
- validate node geometries whenever they are changed (101b5d1)
- Validate property: return after seeing first invalid validation (fb3766c)
- Validate route only when isEditingDisabled changes (43170fe)
- ValidationStore init, nodeStore using validationStore, nodeView not using ViewFormBase (3710631)
- variable renaming (b6f5874)
- ViewSpecific tools, refactoring (a24cc57)
- EditNodeLayer: draw dashed lines to uneditable nodes (#1348) (66fae81), closes #1348
- EditNodeLayer: render two nodes only if node type is stop (2afb8e8)
- StopAreaView: stop using ViewFormBase (118521e)
- RoutePathLinkView: no longer using ViewFormBase. IRoutePathLink: added IViaName properties there, cl (643632f)
- Vscode: set to use newest typescript version, coordinate control: show empty x y when no map coordin (75571d8)
- SavePrompt: support null oldData, fixed getPropertyValue func, not rendering change row for modified (e79070e)
- NodeView: fetch & show available nodeIds shortId input field (#1077) (f7a4f82), closes #1077
- WIP: Link length calculated automatically (#1030) (d8f248f), closes #1030
- NewRoutePath: showing links & nodes + neighbor nodes & links (#368) (b50bce1), closes #368
- 119 open link window part1 (#193) (89cbeb8), closes #193
- 139 route parsing vol 1 (#169) (cb7494e), closes #169
- 160 no duplicate nodes (#185) (5240ac9), closes #185
- 165 routepath highlights (#174) (e278a49), closes #174
- 176 routepath loading animation +182 'sulje' button location and 'No results' text (#183) (62e099e), closes #183 #182
- 180 sidebar dynamic width (#187) (aa70290), closes #187 #201
- 184 refactoring measurement tool (#216) (a6fd3f5), closes #216
- 186 submenu for toolbar (#195) (127685b), closes #195
- 188 folder refactoring (#217) (426aec5), closes #217
- 189 link window (#237) (ef21fb7), closes #237
- 192 split marker layer (#200) (5aa62ef), closes #200
- 194 prevent crashing on network failure (#199) (1140427), closes #199
- 20 geoserver v2 (#234) (51e4d07), closes #234
- 202 route path info in list (#291) (345f0da), closes #291
- 203 refactoring map buttons (#224) (7d7bd13), closes #224
- 206 route path view init (#225) (81f2b71), closes #225
- 208 select node route fix (#232) (85cca8d), closes #232
- 235 setup for deployment (#286) (2eb38af), closes #286
- 244 toggled routes stay in front (#247) (889c765), closes #247
- 260 6 character ids in ui (#340) (b66e59d), closes #340
- 261 Edit linkView input fields (#443) (ce92703), closes #443
- 262 network date filter (#489) (64e1a09), closes #489
- 275 hastus ID (#392) (06d0931), closes #392
- 276 Time alignment stops on hover and toggle (#359) (46b6eda), closes #359
- 277 route path window + generic form CSS fixes (#280) (24fe757), closes #280
- 283 labels added to inputcontainer and dropdowns (#327) (337e7dd), closes #327
- 295 create new route path geometry select node (#331) (162a293), closes #331
- 298 new route path linking (#390) (2643afb), closes #390
- 299 saving forms v2 (#338) (15e2fdf), closes #338
- 300 edit rp geom (#504) (2d6ebe3), closes #504
- 301 undo (#484) (19ef8e6), closes #484
- 303 removed references to routepath geometry (#418) (8830e76), closes #418
- 304 change log (#363) (29c1311), closes #363
- 305 log events to changelog (#397) (6ab030c), closes #397
- 319 external models added to factories (#342) (d9af010), closes #342
- 322 differentiate disabled stops (#332) (d61b741), closes #332
- 323 change routes color range to static (#344) (59571ce), closes #344
- 333 Subtask to Saving forms (#334) (7161175), closes #334
- 337 map rendering problem fix (#393) (a5e7e08), closes #393
- 343 static colors (#364) (3b2025f), closes #364
- 350 build date and version number (#360) (d0c3bda), closes #360
- 351 Make FE complient with BE saving logic (#366) (8bdf359), closes #366
- 369 Fetch data to link view (#433) (a712e89), closes #433
- 371 version bump automation (#384) (31cfcec), closes #384
- 373 routepath information (#449) (a163500), closes #449
- 373 routepath information bugfix (#455) (532acfe), closes #455
- 375 filter network at sidebar and when creating new route path (#401) (69f535e), closes #401
- 382 reusable graphql query functions (#426) (46405fc), closes #426
- 403 new route path start marker (#435) (1bea5b1), closes #435
- 405 network filter moved to mapControls (#421) (3fe0917), closes #421
- 406 routelink table (#436) (cc04afe), closes #436
- 409 edit network tool init (#458) (6f27c79), closes #458
- 410 node alternative locations (#528) (10d241e), closes #528
- 424 form validation (#442) (ad70f49), closes #442
- 425 routepath validation (#496) (932f9ae), closes #496
- 434 node marker to its own component (#440) (d9e0630), closes #440
- 446 save new routepath (#462) (67ea24f), closes #462
- 450 RPV 1 style fix (#474) (9b58cac), closes #474
- 451 - Link & Node block list part 1 (#477) (5bcf2aa), closes #477
- 451-RPV-1-tab-buttons (#461) (01a5636), closes #461
- 454 Highlight on hovering block, focus on extending block (#518) (e1bfed3), closes #518
- 457 edit network clicking network node (#472) (3be2afa), closes #472
- 466 Add scalebar (#469) (2c20694), closes #469
- 467 new filter show nodes (#483) (f1485ff), closes #483
- 482 new routepathview tabs (#516) (355533c), closes #516
- 485 Validate routePathGeometry (#522) (c306131), closes #522
- 493 Show routepath that is being edited (#494) (b5fcfe2), closes #494
- 495 Automatically calculate routepath length (#521) (f80a937), closes #521
- 498 nodelayer nodemarker refactor (#508) (9863107), closes #508
- 502 remove routepathlink (#507) (a7d600c), closes #507
- 503 fill removed rplinks (#510) (64edb6c), closes #510
- 511 ui for rp geom change (#514) (ac12503), closes #514
- 513 Add content to routepath list objects (#520) (9a49cc9), closes #520
- 517 extend object on map click 2 (#527) (5f7fd3e), closes #527
- 91 routestart markers v2 (#168) (3392162), closes #168
- Add changes in yarn.lock (ee383ae)
- Add error notification on missing links (#394) (8cacb92), closes #394
- Add expanding of blocks, refactor buttons, refactor css in sidebar (#501) (4e2e13e), closes #501
- Add ID for routePath as hash (612b8b9)
- Add initial factories and interfaces for Route and Direction (a8b12a1)
- Add initial routes as react components (a9629b7)
- Add initial Travis configurations (978fd8c)
- Add Line to Route data (22c3ed6)
- Add lineFactory (9aa1173)
- add new routepath implementation (#294) (4109939), closes #294
- Add node popup (b815074)
- Add observer to LineItem since it is recommended (26ea265)
- Add print icon (d30aa8b)
- Add react nodes to react-leaflet (108b053)
- Add react-icons (27f5017)
- Add react-leaflet and typings (2320076)
- Add Readme with run instructions (891f27b)
- Add routenumber and remove blue color from routename (7aed104)
- Add script for fixing tslint things, and disable multiline tsx rule (ace8a48)
- Add simple map (55ea8d1)
- Add simple toolbar (5a1a19d)
- Add some margin to route number (4551133)
- Add styles for nodes (de94848)
- Add suusuunta to hash to prevent duplicates (da3f6b7)
- Add type to map ref (311b9b7)
- Add typings for NodeWindow state (e867928)
- Add typings for variables (111f0ec)
- added alias for src root and changed references to use new alias (#281) (e9515af), closes #281
- added disappearing animation for notification items (6d51d45)
- added edited text (e45f2bc)
- Added INode to routePathLinks, factories refactored (#365) (9d3967f), closes #365
- added sass to dev dependencies (fb26aa6)
- added scrolling pagination to searchresults (#175) (c847c16), closes #175
- Also add transition on deactivate (a846f2b)
- app.tsx interface for state (e640bfa)
- attempt to make window hover toggle with CSS (49efea2)
- await/async is beautiful (748789f)
- base for sidebar (d3d71a0)
- basic map component (571e72a)
- bounds are now changed correctly when routepaths change (#420) (fa9a349), closes #420
- bug fix and style improvements (0497a20)
- button added to toolbar for new window (#329) (8bf5a5a), closes #329
- centering map to route (ea13ce2)
- changed geoserver address to match backend fix (#497) (20a1208), closes #497
- changes per review - fixed some bugs and some code quality issues (471f198)
- Changes to behaviour of measurement tool as per pull request review (a94eb23)
- cleaned out commented code (5eb2d98)
- cleaned up nodeWindow (923dc49)
- cleaned up some unnecessary code (2240df9)
- cleanup (92693a1)
- cleanup etc (4e03e3e)
- cleanup etc (77a06e1)
- Clear cache on update or create (#491) (9f81d55), closes #491
- code review changes (70d4730)
- Configure build script to generate .scss.d.ts files before building app (a373cca)
- Configure mobx to enforce actions (a5cf420)
- Configure sass in webpack and move files back to their correct folders (e797068)
- Configure tslint (83b1f89)
- Configure tslint (edcbdc1)
- Connect toolbar status to node dragging (54f364c)
- Contributions init (#264) (080252f), closes #264
- coordinates on map, unstyled (84e558b)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (8a5a688)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (097819a)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (93d0069)
- Create custom wrapper for map controls (bbf0222)
- Create helper to receive color classes for transit (af1469b)
- Create interface for SelectedLine and initialise the property as a empty array (c7325d6)
- Created INodeStop & stops and crossroads now have radius (#228) (a4620cb), closes #228
- dates added to single row (#330) (57668a7), closes #330
- directionName -> routePathName renaming (8df87f6)
- dockerfile init (434067a)
- Don't use mobx dev tools (bca11ad)
- drawing nodes on map (1d95e9d)
- dropdown fix & fixed input and select generic styles (#279) (5bff660), closes #279
- dropdown implemented (74fcdcb)
- Eject project (8e86076)
- Enable closing of login modal (6714d4f)
- Enable highlightning of nodes (1f82525)
- Enable opening of node menu (b3080f0)
- Expose port 5000 instead of 8080 in docker (f1217a1)
- fadein back (0edf4ac)
- first 2 routes are visible by default, hiding routes works (6984861)
- Fix bug with onChange function (#399) (98a076c), closes #399
- Fix code consistency, variable names and code style mentioned in review (94d2e08)
- Fix forgotten check for bounds (c06314d)
- Fix styles and namings from review (0aa813c)
- Fix styling issues from review (26a9dfe)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (03e72ef)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (fd1543c)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (2b338dd)
- Fix vulnerability warnings (#385) (836b2c4), closes #385
- Fixed a typo (#383) (013c1e1), closes #383
- fixed bringing to front (#243) (247e82d), closes #243
- fixed datedelta format for RouteShow (#386) (1f485d0), closes #386
- fixed downArrowIcon as react component (6a7736b)
- fixed drawing routeLines and routeNodes on map (97dfdc0)
- fixed folder structure (a464550)
- fixed fullscreen and optimized list rendering performance (dba5a83)
- fixed handling measured position missing in backend (#278) (529f638), closes #278
- fixed hover with pure CSS (09df340)
- fixed indent (7d6a09a)
- fixed issues with routing (92c8ca6)
- fixed lint errors (634f757)
- fixed multiple /route bug (d691666)
- fixed searchButton style (1626969)
- fixed styles (e0be541)
- fixed variable name (4e7ea5d)
- fixed visual bug and removed unnecessary classnames-library (dccb6e1)
- focus bounds fixed for real (5481a30)
- focusing bounds fix (1b2619a)
- focusing to selected node (3137969)
- Format svg files (38e53a0)
- formatting timestamp with moment (ae3c4e4)
- general button component (195cf43)
- generic checkbox component & nodeWindow modal (03ff647)
- hide scss.d.ts files from git (c72a49c)
- highlight for dates within range (#328) (2d5e566), closes #328
- highlighting neighbor nodes & handling click of neighbor nodes (#348) (91b97b3), closes #348
- highlighting selected node (6954081)
- hsl-style spinner (8472f56)
- Implement automatic bound fitting (217e9a1)
- implemented scaled colors for routePaths (b5d81db)
- Improve graphql fetch process, request is now done in the store. (6d54dc0)
- Initial commit (26c9e0e)
- Initial commit (000c283)
- Initial edit network mode done (#428) (aeb2281), closes #428
- Inject loginStore into loginModal (d5cd186)
- Install classnames for easier class merging (d6f0686)
- Isolate linehelper functions used in mapping (710cc76)
- Let error be logged for now (a99bdf3)
- Let user mark direction as visible (b5fe469)
- line.lineId => line.id (#439) (3ea1643), closes #439
- lineId fix (d623d18)
- loading into component, data fetching to components, linkbuilder (7e358cc)
- loading spinner for loading all lines (1073a2c)
- lockfiles (8b12a60)
- login modal (2d5e9cc)
- Make active tools beutiful (f106928)
- Make marker dragable (bcb3379)
- Make vscode hide .scss.d.ts files (54fe0e4)
- Map fullscreen toggle rendering bug fixed (9fb6501)
- Map more values for directions (e1a8c9f)
- map removed from state (5562f6c)
- mapLayersControl implemented with mouse enter & leave events (3b7359f)
- measurement tool added, fixed static zoomLevel (802b595)
- measurement tool works, except on chrome.. (b54af88)
- merge (71eb412)
- Migrate fullscreen functionality (buggy) (b262d31)
- min & max zoom levels set (#226) (a2c268b), closes #226
- minor fixes (54951c7)
- Minor network dragging tool fixes (#396) (02ecd44), closes #396
- mobx always -> strict (518d4ce)
- modal component & login component separated (4647f7f)
- Modify state logic for Toolbar (0abafad)
- Move grahql logic out of store (dc89c97)
- Move JS parsing to store for openRoutes (4b6cf3d)
- Move login logic to its own store and rename login buttons (8e9713b)
- Move private function outside of class (8d30680)
- moved from 2 to 4-space indentation (50cc4ea)
- moved nodeWindow into /sidebar (fcd77eb)
- moved sass files into styles/scss (b64c56c)
- moved searchInput into searchStore (8ba9e06)
- moved styles to own files for each control (9598cda)
- multiple lines in edit mode (76551eb)
- network nodes now show transit color if only one transit type is present (#492) (4078792), closes #492
- new toggles to mapLayersControl: hastus, longId, shortId (#480) (3d28eb7), closes #480
- Nicer references to map, and nicer typings (51e4495)
- nodes obey transit type selection (#438) (65680a5), closes #438
- nodes other than stops no longer show a radius on map (#387) (c7e677d), closes #387
- notification popups (f2fea29)
- notification window styles fix (#222) (b82b72e), closes #222
- observer added (#356) (28a1f7d), closes #356
- Open popup on right click (922700b)
- opening node to the sidebar (5ea6a5a)
- package-lock (18cfa1c)
- package-lock (f717dcf)
- passing setView function to PopupLayer instead of map (dc6563d)
- pr reeview changes (1ba6455)
- pr review changes (e5cceee)
- pr review changes and style fix (31395df)
- promise to async/await (e4011b5)
- pushed changes that were missing from 189-link-view branch (#248) (2322f2e), closes #248
- query batching (44d21b4)
- random typo fixed (38f8f6d)
- react router first steps (a46dc48)
- react-modal removed and css fixes (61bcb66)
- Refactor to use separate component for routePaths in LineItem view (abd7743)
- refactored (a0f9169)
- refactored (93643fe)
- refactored (032eb5b)
- refactored (11b0cd9)
- refactored (ce2143d)
- refactored all .bind(this) -style stuff away (#250) (2d422cb), closes #250
- Refactored IModels to use questionMark instead on null (#460) (aa4755d), closes #460
- Refactored map controls (b7e6870)
- refactored sass imports, css, indent (143c656)
- refactored toggle buttons (234f5ab)
- refactoring previous additions (c53500b)
- Release 0.2.0 (#423) (727c087), closes #423
- Release 0.3.0 (#464) (786f981), closes #464
- Release 0.4.0 (#500) (24e7c0e), closes #500
- Remove console.logs (1fe6a85)
- Remove duplicate import (a8b859c)
- Remove eslint disable next line (345816e)
- Remove extra IExternal mappings (#468) (701298d), closes #468
- Remove extra new lines (6f781c9)
- Remove global style import (1c94a33)
- Remove unneccessary IconContext (2f890b9)
- Remove unnecessary constructor (f00c59a)
- Remove unnecessary observer decorator that made the program very slow (db3d02c)
- Remove unnecessary whitespace (de4b390)
- Remove unused color (498c2f7)
- Remove unused file (0d50e9a)
- Remove unused files (a81a08e)
- Remove unused model field (33184d0)
- removed comments (c420a27)
- removed comments and whitespace (6c77046)
- removed console.logs (d250bd9)
- removed duplicate line (c3604e8)
- removed extra file (0aebe96)
- removed isLoading from store (185e1b1)
- removed kopioi reitti toiseen suuntaan + fixed labels (0f8487c)
- removed old comments (c696b69)
- removed old import from map (a8f0280)
- Removed old/unnecessary code (7e5ac0d)
- removed unnecessary dependency (c4035ca)
- removed unnecessary param location (aead109)
- removed useless constructor (4c98e88)
- removing routes from routesView (6271e79)
- Rename checkFilters -> filterLines (410e775)
- Rename Contributions.md to CONTRIBUTING.md (#505) (9b668a7), closes #505
- Rename EditableLines to LineEditView (7054f33)
- Rename handleClick -> toggleActivity in TransitToggleButton (849dac2)
- Rename handleLineSelected -> selectLine function (6474950)
- Rename SidebarStore -> LineStore (66b180c)
- renamed direction -> routePath (b888961)
- Reorder all scss files (4236649)
- replaced strings with enums (3f9c0e2)
- return null fix (6e237f4)
- Revert "451-RPV-1-tab-buttons" (#473) (ab07507), closes #473 #469 #461
- review fixes (cadba00)
- right click popup menu implemented (b06980a)
- RouteName -> LineName (c5d019d)
- routepaths and checkboxes added (5f4fb4f)
- routes are now visible on map (7c7893f)
- routes page without query params redirects to root (#292) (0ace82c), closes #292
- routeShow is onw in its own component (3a91809)
- searchfield filters with route names and lineId (c2d447f)
- searching other line + fixed search list and routePath list (2ac7eeb)
- SearchResult button implemented (5b7b8ba)
- selectedSubLineItems is now only in store (24da4d4)
- Set all tsx files to use typed css (d90be68)
- Set better value for max zoom, 23 is way too close (#246) (3f40696), closes #246
- Set travis-build as executable (29578db)
- Set types for onChange events (c5533cb)
- setSelectedLine -> addSelectedLine (f09f7e0)
- Setting nodes with type '-' as city borders (#339) (656584f), closes #339
- showing routes now in lineSearch results (51ad51a)
- Showing warning and painting node red (#293) (ade8454), closes #293
- sidebar implementation (ffee108)
- simplified props definition in RouteShow (3356782)
- Simplify by removing dependencies from fullscreen controller, and only provide leafletMap (24b03d6)
- Simplify routePathLink creation (#395) (e1674c1), closes #395
- small fix (ab6e865)
- small fixes (a29e956)
- small refactoring (bfbded0)
- specific .env variables now visible from jore-ui react-app (#459) (b0dd858), closes #459
- Specify @computed for showLogin observable (fc4d08a)
- Specify classname for TransitToggleButton from state in a simpler way (752b82b)
- Split routes to separate store (b2fd13b)
- Split sidebarcss in multiple scss files, and reorder them to take advantage of scoping (4281ec8)
- splitted routeLayer into routePathLayers (#198) (201e8be), closes #198
- squashed the bug (#181) (7741ac8), closes #181
- started using models, fixed indent (38eb339)
- Started using sass. Cleaned all sass files, using variables from common (306a4c5)
- Store import convention added (#347) (dc421b6), closes #347
- style fix (ce39b40)
- style-fix (1075942)
- styles.. (ac21561)
- Switch from prettier to tslint-eslint-rules (46f90d4)
- Switch to using routeStore and its functions (64ccd6e)
- table focus logic and move on enter (72d4e9a)
- test (89233bf)
- testing out mobx (440d089)
- tool highlight and measurement end on click nearby last spot (d21cb3c)
- Toolbar radiobuttons implemented (#178) (36a02b9), closes #178
- tslint rules added and lint errors fixed (74a7283)
- unfinished business (971e9a1)
- Update API port to reflect changes in backend (087d209)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (85455a3)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (5b1fb6a)
- Update styles to use more informative names (46c4d56)
- Update yarn.lock (bddbeff)
- updated yarn lockfile (f247f1d)
- Use enum for transit type (91677c6)
- Use esnext as workaround for missing definition for AsyncIterator (6f1a366)
- Use react style refs to be able to use componentDidUpdate instead of componentWillReceiveProps (f2b3dc2)
- Use reitunnus instead of lintunnus for route ID:s (96fd9e5)
- Use routePathId for identification (3417d60)
- Use scss typings (e6a5dc5)
- Use setter for modifying filter (30b5b66)
- using enums in mapLayersControl (d3c3564)
- using map.invalidateSize to fix fullscreen button problem (fa7a465)
- using radiobuttons in mapLayersContainer (76cb3c3)
- NewRoutePath: showing links & nodes + neighbor nodes & links (#368) (b50bce1), closes #368
- 119 open link window part1 (#193) (89cbeb8), closes #193
- 139 route parsing vol 1 (#169) (cb7494e), closes #169
- 160 no duplicate nodes (#185) (5240ac9), closes #185
- 165 routepath highlights (#174) (e278a49), closes #174
- 176 routepath loading animation +182 'sulje' button location and 'No results' text (#183) (62e099e), closes #183 #182
- 180 sidebar dynamic width (#187) (aa70290), closes #187 #201
- 184 refactoring measurement tool (#216) (a6fd3f5), closes #216
- 186 submenu for toolbar (#195) (127685b), closes #195
- 188 folder refactoring (#217) (426aec5), closes #217
- 189 link window (#237) (ef21fb7), closes #237
- 192 split marker layer (#200) (5aa62ef), closes #200
- 194 prevent crashing on network failure (#199) (1140427), closes #199
- 20 geoserver v2 (#234) (51e4d07), closes #234
- 202 route path info in list (#291) (345f0da), closes #291
- 203 refactoring map buttons (#224) (7d7bd13), closes #224
- 206 route path view init (#225) (81f2b71), closes #225
- 208 select node route fix (#232) (85cca8d), closes #232
- 235 setup for deployment (#286) (2eb38af), closes #286
- 244 toggled routes stay in front (#247) (889c765), closes #247
- 260 6 character ids in ui (#340) (b66e59d), closes #340
- 261 Edit linkView input fields (#443) (ce92703), closes #443
- 262 network date filter (#489) (64e1a09), closes #489
- 275 hastus ID (#392) (06d0931), closes #392
- 276 Time alignment stops on hover and toggle (#359) (46b6eda), closes #359
- 277 route path window + generic form CSS fixes (#280) (24fe757), closes #280
- 283 labels added to inputcontainer and dropdowns (#327) (337e7dd), closes #327
- 295 create new route path geometry select node (#331) (162a293), closes #331
- 298 new route path linking (#390) (2643afb), closes #390
- 299 saving forms v2 (#338) (15e2fdf), closes #338
- 301 undo (#484) (19ef8e6), closes #484
- 303 removed references to routepath geometry (#418) (8830e76), closes #418
- 304 change log (#363) (29c1311), closes #363
- 305 log events to changelog (#397) (6ab030c), closes #397
- 319 external models added to factories (#342) (d9af010), closes #342
- 322 differentiate disabled stops (#332) (d61b741), closes #332
- 323 change routes color range to static (#344) (59571ce), closes #344
- 333 Subtask to Saving forms (#334) (7161175), closes #334
- 337 map rendering problem fix (#393) (a5e7e08), closes #393
- 343 static colors (#364) (3b2025f), closes #364
- 350 build date and version number (#360) (d0c3bda), closes #360
- 351 Make FE complient with BE saving logic (#366) (8bdf359), closes #366
- 369 Fetch data to link view (#433) (a712e89), closes #433
- 371 version bump automation (#384) (31cfcec), closes #384
- 373 routepath information (#449) (a163500), closes #449
- 373 routepath information bugfix (#455) (532acfe), closes #455
- 375 filter network at sidebar and when creating new route path (#401) (69f535e), closes #401
- 382 reusable graphql query functions (#426) (46405fc), closes #426
- 403 new route path start marker (#435) (1bea5b1), closes #435
- 405 network filter moved to mapControls (#421) (3fe0917), closes #421
- 406 routelink table (#436) (cc04afe), closes #436
- 409 edit network tool init (#458) (6f27c79), closes #458
- 424 form validation (#442) (ad70f49), closes #442
- 434 node marker to its own component (#440) (d9e0630), closes #440
- 446 save new routepath (#462) (67ea24f), closes #462
- 450 RPV 1 style fix (#474) (9b58cac), closes #474
- 451 - Link & Node block list part 1 (#477) (5bcf2aa), closes #477
- 451-RPV-1-tab-buttons (#461) (01a5636), closes #461
- 457 edit network clicking network node (#472) (3be2afa), closes #472
- 466 Add scalebar (#469) (2c20694), closes #469
- 467 new filter show nodes (#483) (f1485ff), closes #483
- 91 routestart markers v2 (#168) (3392162), closes #168
- Add changes in yarn.lock (ee383ae)
- Add error notification on missing links (#394) (8cacb92), closes #394
- Add ID for routePath as hash (612b8b9)
- Add initial factories and interfaces for Route and Direction (a8b12a1)
- Add initial routes as react components (a9629b7)
- Add initial Travis configurations (978fd8c)
- Add Line to Route data (22c3ed6)
- Add lineFactory (9aa1173)
- add new routepath implementation (#294) (4109939), closes #294
- Add node popup (b815074)
- Add observer to LineItem since it is recommended (26ea265)
- Add print icon (d30aa8b)
- Add react nodes to react-leaflet (108b053)
- Add react-icons (27f5017)
- Add react-leaflet and typings (2320076)
- Add Readme with run instructions (891f27b)
- Add routenumber and remove blue color from routename (7aed104)
- Add script for fixing tslint things, and disable multiline tsx rule (ace8a48)
- Add simple map (55ea8d1)
- Add simple toolbar (5a1a19d)
- Add some margin to route number (4551133)
- Add styles for nodes (de94848)
- Add suusuunta to hash to prevent duplicates (da3f6b7)
- Add type to map ref (311b9b7)
- Add typings for NodeWindow state (e867928)
- Add typings for variables (111f0ec)
- added alias for src root and changed references to use new alias (#281) (e9515af), closes #281
- added disappearing animation for notification items (6d51d45)
- added edited text (e45f2bc)
- Added INode to routePathLinks, factories refactored (#365) (9d3967f), closes #365
- added sass to dev dependencies (fb26aa6)
- added scrolling pagination to searchresults (#175) (c847c16), closes #175
- Also add transition on deactivate (a846f2b)
- app.tsx interface for state (e640bfa)
- attempt to make window hover toggle with CSS (49efea2)
- await/async is beautiful (748789f)
- base for sidebar (d3d71a0)
- basic map component (571e72a)
- bounds are now changed correctly when routepaths change (#420) (fa9a349), closes #420
- bug fix and style improvements (0497a20)
- button added to toolbar for new window (#329) (8bf5a5a), closes #329
- centering map to route (ea13ce2)
- changed geoserver address to match backend fix (#497) (20a1208), closes #497
- changes per review - fixed some bugs and some code quality issues (471f198)
- Changes to behaviour of measurement tool as per pull request review (a94eb23)
- cleaned out commented code (5eb2d98)
- cleaned up nodeWindow (923dc49)
- cleaned up some unnecessary code (2240df9)
- cleanup (92693a1)
- cleanup etc (77a06e1)
- cleanup etc (4e03e3e)
- Clear cache on update or create (#491) (9f81d55), closes #491
- code review changes (70d4730)
- Configure build script to generate .scss.d.ts files before building app (a373cca)
- Configure mobx to enforce actions (a5cf420)
- Configure sass in webpack and move files back to their correct folders (e797068)
- Configure tslint (83b1f89)
- Configure tslint (edcbdc1)
- Connect toolbar status to node dragging (54f364c)
- Contributions init (#264) (080252f), closes #264
- coordinates on map, unstyled (097819a)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (84e558b)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (93d0069)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (8a5a688)
- Create custom wrapper for map controls (bbf0222)
- Create helper to receive color classes for transit (af1469b)
- Create interface for SelectedLine and initialise the property as a empty array (c7325d6)
- Created INodeStop & stops and crossroads now have radius (#228) (a4620cb), closes #228
- dates added to single row (#330) (57668a7), closes #330
- directionName -> routePathName renaming (8df87f6)
- dockerfile init (434067a)
- Don't use mobx dev tools (bca11ad)
- drawing nodes on map (1d95e9d)
- dropdown fix & fixed input and select generic styles (#279) (5bff660), closes #279
- dropdown implemented (74fcdcb)
- Eject project (8e86076)
- Enable closing of login modal (6714d4f)
- Enable highlightning of nodes (1f82525)
- Enable opening of node menu (b3080f0)
- Expose port 5000 instead of 8080 in docker (f1217a1)
- fadein back (0edf4ac)
- first 2 routes are visible by default, hiding routes works (6984861)
- Fix bug with onChange function (#399) (98a076c), closes #399
- Fix code consistency, variable names and code style mentioned in review (94d2e08)
- Fix forgotten check for bounds (c06314d)
- Fix styles and namings from review (0aa813c)
- Fix styling issues from review (26a9dfe)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (2b338dd)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (fd1543c)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (03e72ef)
- Fix vulnerability warnings (#385) (836b2c4), closes #385
- Fixed a typo (#383) (013c1e1), closes #383
- fixed bringing to front (#243) (247e82d), closes #243
- fixed datedelta format for RouteShow (#386) (1f485d0), closes #386
- fixed downArrowIcon as react component (6a7736b)
- fixed drawing routeLines and routeNodes on map (97dfdc0)
- fixed folder structure (a464550)
- fixed fullscreen and optimized list rendering performance (dba5a83)
- fixed handling measured position missing in backend (#278) (529f638), closes #278
- fixed hover with pure CSS (09df340)
- fixed indent (7d6a09a)
- fixed issues with routing (92c8ca6)
- fixed lint errors (634f757)
- fixed multiple /route bug (d691666)
- fixed searchButton style (1626969)
- fixed styles (e0be541)
- fixed variable name (4e7ea5d)
- fixed visual bug and removed unnecessary classnames-library (dccb6e1)
- focus bounds fixed for real (5481a30)
- focusing bounds fix (1b2619a)
- focusing to selected node (3137969)
- Format svg files (38e53a0)
- formatting timestamp with moment (ae3c4e4)
- general button component (195cf43)
- generic checkbox component & nodeWindow modal (03ff647)
- hide scss.d.ts files from git (c72a49c)
- highlight for dates within range (#328) (2d5e566), closes #328
- highlighting neighbor nodes & handling click of neighbor nodes (#348) (91b97b3), closes #348
- highlighting selected node (6954081)
- hsl-style spinner (8472f56)
- Implement automatic bound fitting (217e9a1)
- implemented scaled colors for routePaths (b5d81db)
- Improve graphql fetch process, request is now done in the store. (6d54dc0)
- Initial commit (000c283)
- Initial commit (26c9e0e)
- Initial edit network mode done (#428) (aeb2281), closes #428
- Inject loginStore into loginModal (d5cd186)
- Install classnames for easier class merging (d6f0686)
- Isolate linehelper functions used in mapping (710cc76)
- Let error be logged for now (a99bdf3)
- Let user mark direction as visible (b5fe469)
- line.lineId => line.id (#439) (3ea1643), closes #439
- lineId fix (d623d18)
- loading into component, data fetching to components, linkbuilder (7e358cc)
- loading spinner for loading all lines (1073a2c)
- lockfiles (8b12a60)
- login modal (2d5e9cc)
- Make active tools beutiful (f106928)
- Make marker dragable (bcb3379)
- Make vscode hide .scss.d.ts files (54fe0e4)
- Map fullscreen toggle rendering bug fixed (9fb6501)
- Map more values for directions (e1a8c9f)
- map removed from state (5562f6c)
- mapLayersControl implemented with mouse enter & leave events (3b7359f)
- measurement tool added, fixed static zoomLevel (802b595)
- measurement tool works, except on chrome.. (b54af88)
- merge (71eb412)
- Migrate fullscreen functionality (buggy) (b262d31)
- min & max zoom levels set (#226) (a2c268b), closes #226
- minor fixes (54951c7)
- Minor network dragging tool fixes (#396) (02ecd44), closes #396
- mobx always -> strict (518d4ce)
- modal component & login component separated (4647f7f)
- Modify state logic for Toolbar (0abafad)
- Move grahql logic out of store (dc89c97)
- Move JS parsing to store for openRoutes (4b6cf3d)
- Move login logic to its own store and rename login buttons (8e9713b)
- Move private function outside of class (8d30680)
- moved from 2 to 4-space indentation (50cc4ea)
- moved nodeWindow into /sidebar (fcd77eb)
- moved sass files into styles/scss (b64c56c)
- moved searchInput into searchStore (8ba9e06)
- moved styles to own files for each control (9598cda)
- multiple lines in edit mode (76551eb)
- network nodes now show transit color if only one transit type is present (#492) (4078792), closes #492
- new toggles to mapLayersControl: hastus, longId, shortId (#480) (3d28eb7), closes #480
- Nicer references to map, and nicer typings (51e4495)
- nodes obey transit type selection (#438) (65680a5), closes #438
- nodes other than stops no longer show a radius on map (#387) (c7e677d), closes #387
- notification popups (f2fea29)
- notification window styles fix (#222) (b82b72e), closes #222
- observer added (#356) (28a1f7d), closes #356
- Open popup on right click (922700b)
- opening node to the sidebar (5ea6a5a)
- package-lock (18cfa1c)
- package-lock (f717dcf)
- passing setView function to PopupLayer instead of map (dc6563d)
- pr reeview changes (1ba6455)
- pr review changes (e5cceee)
- pr review changes and style fix (31395df)
- promise to async/await (e4011b5)
- pushed changes that were missing from 189-link-view branch (#248) (2322f2e), closes #248
- query batching (44d21b4)
- random typo fixed (38f8f6d)
- react router first steps (a46dc48)
- react-modal removed and css fixes (61bcb66)
- Refactor to use separate component for routePaths in LineItem view (abd7743)
- refactored (032eb5b)
- refactored (a0f9169)
- refactored (93643fe)
- refactored (11b0cd9)
- refactored (ce2143d)
- refactored all .bind(this) -style stuff away (#250) (2d422cb), closes #250
- Refactored IModels to use questionMark instead on null (#460) (aa4755d), closes #460
- Refactored map controls (b7e6870)
- refactored sass imports, css, indent (143c656)
- refactored toggle buttons (234f5ab)
- refactoring previous additions (c53500b)
- Release 0.2.0 (#423) (727c087), closes #423
- Release 0.3.0 (#464) (786f981), closes #464
- Remove console.logs (1fe6a85)
- Remove duplicate import (a8b859c)
- Remove eslint disable next line (345816e)
- Remove extra IExternal mappings (#468) (701298d), closes #468
- Remove extra new lines (6f781c9)
- Remove global style import (1c94a33)
- Remove unneccessary IconContext (2f890b9)
- Remove unnecessary constructor (f00c59a)
- Remove unnecessary observer decorator that made the program very slow (db3d02c)
- Remove unnecessary whitespace (de4b390)
- Remove unused color (498c2f7)
- Remove unused file (0d50e9a)
- Remove unused files (a81a08e)
- Remove unused model field (33184d0)
- removed comments (c420a27)
- removed comments and whitespace (6c77046)
- removed console.logs (d250bd9)
- removed duplicate line (c3604e8)
- removed extra file (0aebe96)
- removed isLoading from store (185e1b1)
- removed kopioi reitti toiseen suuntaan + fixed labels (0f8487c)
- removed old comments (c696b69)
- removed old import from map (a8f0280)
- Removed old/unnecessary code (7e5ac0d)
- removed unnecessary dependency (c4035ca)
- removed unnecessary param location (aead109)
- removed useless constructor (4c98e88)
- removing routes from routesView (6271e79)
- Rename checkFilters -> filterLines (410e775)
- Rename EditableLines to LineEditView (7054f33)
- Rename handleClick -> toggleActivity in TransitToggleButton (849dac2)
- Rename handleLineSelected -> selectLine function (6474950)
- Rename SidebarStore -> LineStore (66b180c)
- renamed direction -> routePath (b888961)
- Reorder all scss files (4236649)
- replaced strings with enums (3f9c0e2)
- return null fix (6e237f4)
- Revert "451-RPV-1-tab-buttons" (#473) (ab07507), closes #473 #469 #461
- review fixes (cadba00)
- right click popup menu implemented (b06980a)
- RouteName -> LineName (c5d019d)
- routepaths and checkboxes added (5f4fb4f)
- routes are now visible on map (7c7893f)
- routes page without query params redirects to root (#292) (0ace82c), closes #292
- routeShow is onw in its own component (3a91809)
- searchfield filters with route names and lineId (c2d447f)
- searching other line + fixed search list and routePath list (2ac7eeb)
- SearchResult button implemented (5b7b8ba)
- selectedSubLineItems is now only in store (24da4d4)
- Set all tsx files to use typed css (d90be68)
- Set better value for max zoom, 23 is way too close (#246) (3f40696), closes #246
- Set travis-build as executable (29578db)
- Set types for onChange events (c5533cb)
- setSelectedLine -> addSelectedLine (f09f7e0)
- Setting nodes with type '-' as city borders (#339) (656584f), closes #339
- showing routes now in lineSearch results (51ad51a)
- Showing warning and painting node red (#293) (ade8454), closes #293
- sidebar implementation (ffee108)
- simplified props definition in RouteShow (3356782)
- Simplify by removing dependencies from fullscreen controller, and only provide leafletMap (24b03d6)
- Simplify routePathLink creation (#395) (e1674c1), closes #395
- small fix (ab6e865)
- small fixes (a29e956)
- small refactoring (bfbded0)
- specific .env variables now visible from jore-ui react-app (#459) (b0dd858), closes #459
- Specify @computed for showLogin observable (fc4d08a)
- Specify classname for TransitToggleButton from state in a simpler way (752b82b)
- Split routes to separate store (b2fd13b)
- Split sidebarcss in multiple scss files, and reorder them to take advantage of scoping (4281ec8)
- splitted routeLayer into routePathLayers (#198) (201e8be), closes #198
- squashed the bug (#181) (7741ac8), closes #181
- started using models, fixed indent (38eb339)
- Started using sass. Cleaned all sass files, using variables from common (306a4c5)
- Store import convention added (#347) (dc421b6), closes #347
- style fix (ce39b40)
- style-fix (1075942)
- styles.. (ac21561)
- Switch from prettier to tslint-eslint-rules (46f90d4)
- Switch to using routeStore and its functions (64ccd6e)
- table focus logic and move on enter (72d4e9a)
- test (89233bf)
- testing out mobx (440d089)
- tool highlight and measurement end on click nearby last spot (d21cb3c)
- Toolbar radiobuttons implemented (#178) (36a02b9), closes #178
- tslint rules added and lint errors fixed (74a7283)
- unfinished business (971e9a1)
- Update API port to reflect changes in backend (087d209)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (5b1fb6a)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (85455a3)
- Update styles to use more informative names (46c4d56)
- Update yarn.lock (bddbeff)
- updated yarn lockfile (f247f1d)
- Use enum for transit type (91677c6)
- Use esnext as workaround for missing definition for AsyncIterator (6f1a366)
- Use react style refs to be able to use componentDidUpdate instead of componentWillReceiveProps (f2b3dc2)
- Use reitunnus instead of lintunnus for route ID:s (96fd9e5)
- Use routePathId for identification (3417d60)
- Use scss typings (e6a5dc5)
- Use setter for modifying filter (30b5b66)
- using enums in mapLayersControl (d3c3564)
- using map.invalidateSize to fix fullscreen button problem (fa7a465)
- using radiobuttons in mapLayersContainer (76cb3c3)
- NewRoutePath: showing links & nodes + neighbor nodes & links (#368) (b50bce1), closes #368
- 119 open link window part1 (#193) (89cbeb8), closes #193
- 139 route parsing vol 1 (#169) (cb7494e), closes #169
- 160 no duplicate nodes (#185) (5240ac9), closes #185
- 165 routepath highlights (#174) (e278a49), closes #174
- 176 routepath loading animation +182 'sulje' button location and 'No results' text (#183) (62e099e), closes #183 #182
- 180 sidebar dynamic width (#187) (aa70290), closes #187 #201
- 184 refactoring measurement tool (#216) (a6fd3f5), closes #216
- 186 submenu for toolbar (#195) (127685b), closes #195
- 188 folder refactoring (#217) (426aec5), closes #217
- 189 link window (#237) (ef21fb7), closes #237
- 192 split marker layer (#200) (5aa62ef), closes #200
- 194 prevent crashing on network failure (#199) (1140427), closes #199
- 20 geoserver v2 (#234) (51e4d07), closes #234
- 202 route path info in list (#291) (345f0da), closes #291
- 203 refactoring map buttons (#224) (7d7bd13), closes #224
- 206 route path view init (#225) (81f2b71), closes #225
- 208 select node route fix (#232) (85cca8d), closes #232
- 235 setup for deployment (#286) (2eb38af), closes #286
- 244 toggled routes stay in front (#247) (889c765), closes #247
- 260 6 character ids in ui (#340) (b66e59d), closes #340
- 261 Edit linkView input fields (#443) (ce92703), closes #443
- 275 hastus ID (#392) (06d0931), closes #392
- 276 Time alignment stops on hover and toggle (#359) (46b6eda), closes #359
- 277 route path window + generic form CSS fixes (#280) (24fe757), closes #280
- 283 labels added to inputcontainer and dropdowns (#327) (337e7dd), closes #327
- 295 create new route path geometry select node (#331) (162a293), closes #331
- 298 new route path linking (#390) (2643afb), closes #390
- 299 saving forms v2 (#338) (15e2fdf), closes #338
- 303 removed references to routepath geometry (#418) (8830e76), closes #418
- 304 change log (#363) (29c1311), closes #363
- 305 log events to changelog (#397) (6ab030c), closes #397
- 319 external models added to factories (#342) (d9af010), closes #342
- 322 differentiate disabled stops (#332) (d61b741), closes #332
- 323 change routes color range to static (#344) (59571ce), closes #344
- 333 Subtask to Saving forms (#334) (7161175), closes #334
- 337 map rendering problem fix (#393) (a5e7e08), closes #393
- 343 static colors (#364) (3b2025f), closes #364
- 350 build date and version number (#360) (d0c3bda), closes #360
- 351 Make FE complient with BE saving logic (#366) (8bdf359), closes #366
- 369 Fetch data to link view (#433) (a712e89), closes #433
- 371 version bump automation (#384) (31cfcec), closes #384
- 373 routepath information (#449) (a163500), closes #449
- 373 routepath information bugfix (#455) (532acfe), closes #455
- 375 filter network at sidebar and when creating new route path (#401) (69f535e), closes #401
- 382 reusable graphql query functions (#426) (46405fc), closes #426
- 403 new route path start marker (#435) (1bea5b1), closes #435
- 405 network filter moved to mapControls (#421) (3fe0917), closes #421
- 406 routelink table (#436) (cc04afe), closes #436
- 409 edit network tool init (#458) (6f27c79), closes #458
- 424 form validation (#442) (ad70f49), closes #442
- 434 node marker to its own component (#440) (d9e0630), closes #440
- 91 routestart markers v2 (#168) (3392162), closes #168
- Add changes in yarn.lock (ee383ae)
- Add error notification on missing links (#394) (8cacb92), closes #394
- Add ID for routePath as hash (612b8b9)
- Add initial factories and interfaces for Route and Direction (a8b12a1)
- Add initial routes as react components (a9629b7)
- Add initial Travis configurations (978fd8c)
- Add Line to Route data (22c3ed6)
- Add lineFactory (9aa1173)
- add new routepath implementation (#294) (4109939), closes #294
- Add node popup (b815074)
- Add observer to LineItem since it is recommended (26ea265)
- Add print icon (d30aa8b)
- Add react nodes to react-leaflet (108b053)
- Add react-icons (27f5017)
- Add react-leaflet and typings (2320076)
- Add Readme with run instructions (891f27b)
- Add routenumber and remove blue color from routename (7aed104)
- Add script for fixing tslint things, and disable multiline tsx rule (ace8a48)
- Add simple map (55ea8d1)
- Add simple toolbar (5a1a19d)
- Add some margin to route number (4551133)
- Add styles for nodes (de94848)
- Add suusuunta to hash to prevent duplicates (da3f6b7)
- Add type to map ref (311b9b7)
- Add typings for NodeWindow state (e867928)
- Add typings for variables (111f0ec)
- added alias for src root and changed references to use new alias (#281) (e9515af), closes #281
- added disappearing animation for notification items (6d51d45)
- added edited text (e45f2bc)
- Added INode to routePathLinks, factories refactored (#365) (9d3967f), closes #365
- added sass to dev dependencies (fb26aa6)
- added scrolling pagination to searchresults (#175) (c847c16), closes #175
- Also add transition on deactivate (a846f2b)
- app.tsx interface for state (e640bfa)
- attempt to make window hover toggle with CSS (49efea2)
- await/async is beautiful (748789f)
- base for sidebar (d3d71a0)
- basic map component (571e72a)
- bounds are now changed correctly when routepaths change (#420) (fa9a349), closes #420
- bug fix and style improvements (0497a20)
- button added to toolbar for new window (#329) (8bf5a5a), closes #329
- centering map to route (ea13ce2)
- changes per review - fixed some bugs and some code quality issues (471f198)
- Changes to behaviour of measurement tool as per pull request review (a94eb23)
- cleaned out commented code (5eb2d98)
- cleaned up nodeWindow (923dc49)
- cleaned up some unnecessary code (2240df9)
- cleanup (92693a1)
- cleanup etc (77a06e1)
- cleanup etc (4e03e3e)
- code review changes (70d4730)
- Configure build script to generate .scss.d.ts files before building app (a373cca)
- Configure mobx to enforce actions (a5cf420)
- Configure sass in webpack and move files back to their correct folders (e797068)
- Configure tslint (edcbdc1)
- Configure tslint (83b1f89)
- Connect toolbar status to node dragging (54f364c)
- Contributions init (#264) (080252f), closes #264
- coordinates on map, unstyled (84e558b)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (097819a)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (93d0069)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (8a5a688)
- Create custom wrapper for map controls (bbf0222)
- Create helper to receive color classes for transit (af1469b)
- Create interface for SelectedLine and initialise the property as a empty array (c7325d6)
- Created INodeStop & stops and crossroads now have radius (#228) (a4620cb), closes #228
- dates added to single row (#330) (57668a7), closes #330
- directionName -> routePathName renaming (8df87f6)
- dockerfile init (434067a)
- Don't use mobx dev tools (bca11ad)
- drawing nodes on map (1d95e9d)
- dropdown fix & fixed input and select generic styles (#279) (5bff660), closes #279
- dropdown implemented (74fcdcb)
- Eject project (8e86076)
- Enable closing of login modal (6714d4f)
- Enable highlightning of nodes (1f82525)
- Enable opening of node menu (b3080f0)
- Expose port 5000 instead of 8080 in docker (f1217a1)
- fadein back (0edf4ac)
- first 2 routes are visible by default, hiding routes works (6984861)
- Fix bug with onChange function (#399) (98a076c), closes #399
- Fix code consistency, variable names and code style mentioned in review (94d2e08)
- Fix forgotten check for bounds (c06314d)
- Fix styles and namings from review (0aa813c)
- Fix styling issues from review (26a9dfe)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (fd1543c)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (03e72ef)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (2b338dd)
- Fix vulnerability warnings (#385) (836b2c4), closes #385
- Fixed a typo (#383) (013c1e1), closes #383
- fixed bringing to front (#243) (247e82d), closes #243
- fixed datedelta format for RouteShow (#386) (1f485d0), closes #386
- fixed downArrowIcon as react component (6a7736b)
- fixed drawing routeLines and routeNodes on map (97dfdc0)
- fixed folder structure (a464550)
- fixed fullscreen and optimized list rendering performance (dba5a83)
- fixed handling measured position missing in backend (#278) (529f638), closes #278
- fixed hover with pure CSS (09df340)
- fixed indent (7d6a09a)
- fixed issues with routing (92c8ca6)
- fixed lint errors (634f757)
- fixed multiple /route bug (d691666)
- fixed searchButton style (1626969)
- fixed styles (e0be541)
- fixed variable name (4e7ea5d)
- fixed visual bug and removed unnecessary classnames-library (dccb6e1)
- focus bounds fixed for real (5481a30)
- focusing bounds fix (1b2619a)
- focusing to selected node (3137969)
- Format svg files (38e53a0)
- formatting timestamp with moment (ae3c4e4)
- general button component (195cf43)
- generic checkbox component & nodeWindow modal (03ff647)
- hide scss.d.ts files from git (c72a49c)
- highlight for dates within range (#328) (2d5e566), closes #328
- highlighting neighbor nodes & handling click of neighbor nodes (#348) (91b97b3), closes #348
- highlighting selected node (6954081)
- hsl-style spinner (8472f56)
- Implement automatic bound fitting (217e9a1)
- implemented scaled colors for routePaths (b5d81db)
- Improve graphql fetch process, request is now done in the store. (6d54dc0)
- Initial commit (000c283)
- Initial commit (26c9e0e)
- Initial edit network mode done (#428) (aeb2281), closes #428
- Inject loginStore into loginModal (d5cd186)
- Install classnames for easier class merging (d6f0686)
- Isolate linehelper functions used in mapping (710cc76)
- Let error be logged for now (a99bdf3)
- Let user mark direction as visible (b5fe469)
- line.lineId => line.id (#439) (3ea1643), closes #439
- lineId fix (d623d18)
- loading into component, data fetching to components, linkbuilder (7e358cc)
- loading spinner for loading all lines (1073a2c)
- lockfiles (8b12a60)
- login modal (2d5e9cc)
- Make active tools beutiful (f106928)
- Make marker dragable (bcb3379)
- Make vscode hide .scss.d.ts files (54fe0e4)
- Map fullscreen toggle rendering bug fixed (9fb6501)
- Map more values for directions (e1a8c9f)
- map removed from state (5562f6c)
- mapLayersControl implemented with mouse enter & leave events (3b7359f)
- measurement tool added, fixed static zoomLevel (802b595)
- measurement tool works, except on chrome.. (b54af88)
- merge (71eb412)
- Migrate fullscreen functionality (buggy) (b262d31)
- min & max zoom levels set (#226) (a2c268b), closes #226
- minor fixes (54951c7)
- Minor network dragging tool fixes (#396) (02ecd44), closes #396
- mobx always -> strict (518d4ce)
- modal component & login component separated (4647f7f)
- Modify state logic for Toolbar (0abafad)
- Move grahql logic out of store (dc89c97)
- Move JS parsing to store for openRoutes (4b6cf3d)
- Move login logic to its own store and rename login buttons (8e9713b)
- Move private function outside of class (8d30680)
- moved from 2 to 4-space indentation (50cc4ea)
- moved nodeWindow into /sidebar (fcd77eb)
- moved sass files into styles/scss (b64c56c)
- moved searchInput into searchStore (8ba9e06)
- moved styles to own files for each control (9598cda)
- multiple lines in edit mode (76551eb)
- Nicer references to map, and nicer typings (51e4495)
- nodes obey transit type selection (#438) (65680a5), closes #438
- nodes other than stops no longer show a radius on map (#387) (c7e677d), closes #387
- notification popups (f2fea29)
- notification window styles fix (#222) (b82b72e), closes #222
- observer added (#356) (28a1f7d), closes #356
- Open popup on right click (922700b)
- opening node to the sidebar (5ea6a5a)
- package-lock (18cfa1c)
- package-lock (f717dcf)
- passing setView function to PopupLayer instead of map (dc6563d)
- pr reeview changes (1ba6455)
- pr review changes (e5cceee)
- pr review changes and style fix (31395df)
- promise to async/await (e4011b5)
- pushed changes that were missing from 189-link-view branch (#248) (2322f2e), closes #248
- query batching (44d21b4)
- random typo fixed (38f8f6d)
- react router first steps (a46dc48)
- react-modal removed and css fixes (61bcb66)
- Refactor to use separate component for routePaths in LineItem view (abd7743)
- refactored (ce2143d)
- refactored (032eb5b)
- refactored (11b0cd9)
- refactored (a0f9169)
- refactored (93643fe)
- refactored all .bind(this) -style stuff away (#250) (2d422cb), closes #250
- Refactored map controls (b7e6870)
- refactored sass imports, css, indent (143c656)
- refactored toggle buttons (234f5ab)
- refactoring previous additions (c53500b)
- Release 0.2.0 (#423) (727c087), closes #423
- Remove console.logs (1fe6a85)
- Remove duplicate import (a8b859c)
- Remove eslint disable next line (345816e)
- Remove extra new lines (6f781c9)
- Remove global style import (1c94a33)
- Remove unneccessary IconContext (2f890b9)
- Remove unnecessary constructor (f00c59a)
- Remove unnecessary observer decorator that made the program very slow (db3d02c)
- Remove unnecessary whitespace (de4b390)
- Remove unused color (498c2f7)
- Remove unused file (0d50e9a)
- Remove unused files (a81a08e)
- Remove unused model field (33184d0)
- removed comments (c420a27)
- removed comments and whitespace (6c77046)
- removed console.logs (d250bd9)
- removed duplicate line (c3604e8)
- removed extra file (0aebe96)
- removed isLoading from store (185e1b1)
- removed kopioi reitti toiseen suuntaan + fixed labels (0f8487c)
- removed old comments (c696b69)
- removed old import from map (a8f0280)
- Removed old/unnecessary code (7e5ac0d)
- removed unnecessary dependency (c4035ca)
- removed unnecessary param location (aead109)
- removed useless constructor (4c98e88)
- removing routes from routesView (6271e79)
- Rename checkFilters -> filterLines (410e775)
- Rename EditableLines to LineEditView (7054f33)
- Rename handleClick -> toggleActivity in TransitToggleButton (849dac2)
- Rename handleLineSelected -> selectLine function (6474950)
- Rename SidebarStore -> LineStore (66b180c)
- renamed direction -> routePath (b888961)
- Reorder all scss files (4236649)
- replaced strings with enums (3f9c0e2)
- return null fix (6e237f4)
- review fixes (cadba00)
- right click popup menu implemented (b06980a)
- RouteName -> LineName (c5d019d)
- routepaths and checkboxes added (5f4fb4f)
- routes are now visible on map (7c7893f)
- routes page without query params redirects to root (#292) (0ace82c), closes #292
- routeShow is onw in its own component (3a91809)
- searchfield filters with route names and lineId (c2d447f)
- searching other line + fixed search list and routePath list (2ac7eeb)
- SearchResult button implemented (5b7b8ba)
- selectedSubLineItems is now only in store (24da4d4)
- Set all tsx files to use typed css (d90be68)
- Set better value for max zoom, 23 is way too close (#246) (3f40696), closes #246
- Set travis-build as executable (29578db)
- Set types for onChange events (c5533cb)
- setSelectedLine -> addSelectedLine (f09f7e0)
- Setting nodes with type '-' as city borders (#339) (656584f), closes #339
- showing routes now in lineSearch results (51ad51a)
- Showing warning and painting node red (#293) (ade8454), closes #293
- sidebar implementation (ffee108)
- simplified props definition in RouteShow (3356782)
- Simplify by removing dependencies from fullscreen controller, and only provide leafletMap (24b03d6)
- Simplify routePathLink creation (#395) (e1674c1), closes #395
- small fix (ab6e865)
- small fixes (a29e956)
- small refactoring (bfbded0)
- specific .env variables now visible from jore-ui react-app (#459) (b0dd858), closes #459
- Specify @computed for showLogin observable (fc4d08a)
- Specify classname for TransitToggleButton from state in a simpler way (752b82b)
- Split routes to separate store (b2fd13b)
- Split sidebarcss in multiple scss files, and reorder them to take advantage of scoping (4281ec8)
- splitted routeLayer into routePathLayers (#198) (201e8be), closes #198
- squashed the bug (#181) (7741ac8), closes #181
- started using models, fixed indent (38eb339)
- Started using sass. Cleaned all sass files, using variables from common (306a4c5)
- Store import convention added (#347) (dc421b6), closes #347
- style fix (ce39b40)
- style-fix (1075942)
- styles.. (ac21561)
- Switch from prettier to tslint-eslint-rules (46f90d4)
- Switch to using routeStore and its functions (64ccd6e)
- table focus logic and move on enter (72d4e9a)
- test (89233bf)
- testing out mobx (440d089)
- tool highlight and measurement end on click nearby last spot (d21cb3c)
- Toolbar radiobuttons implemented (#178) (36a02b9), closes #178
- tslint rules added and lint errors fixed (74a7283)
- unfinished business (971e9a1)
- Update API port to reflect changes in backend (087d209)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (5b1fb6a)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (85455a3)
- Update styles to use more informative names (46c4d56)
- Update yarn.lock (bddbeff)
- updated yarn lockfile (f247f1d)
- Use enum for transit type (91677c6)
- Use esnext as workaround for missing definition for AsyncIterator (6f1a366)
- Use react style refs to be able to use componentDidUpdate instead of componentWillReceiveProps (f2b3dc2)
- Use reitunnus instead of lintunnus for route ID:s (96fd9e5)
- Use routePathId for identification (3417d60)
- Use scss typings (e6a5dc5)
- Use setter for modifying filter (30b5b66)
- using enums in mapLayersControl (d3c3564)
- using map.invalidateSize to fix fullscreen button problem (fa7a465)
- using radiobuttons in mapLayersContainer (76cb3c3)
- NewRoutePath: showing links & nodes + neighbor nodes & links (#368) (b50bce1), closes #368
- 119 open link window part1 (#193) (89cbeb8), closes #193
- 139 route parsing vol 1 (#169) (cb7494e), closes #169
- 160 no duplicate nodes (#185) (5240ac9), closes #185
- 165 routepath highlights (#174) (e278a49), closes #174
- 176 routepath loading animation +182 'sulje' button location and 'No results' text (#183) (62e099e), closes #183 #182
- 180 sidebar dynamic width (#187) (aa70290), closes #187 #201
- 184 refactoring measurement tool (#216) (a6fd3f5), closes #216
- 186 submenu for toolbar (#195) (127685b), closes #195
- 188 folder refactoring (#217) (426aec5), closes #217
- 189 link window (#237) (ef21fb7), closes #237
- 192 split marker layer (#200) (5aa62ef), closes #200
- 194 prevent crashing on network failure (#199) (1140427), closes #199
- 20 geoserver v2 (#234) (51e4d07), closes #234
- 202 route path info in list (#291) (345f0da), closes #291
- 203 refactoring map buttons (#224) (7d7bd13), closes #224
- 206 route path view init (#225) (81f2b71), closes #225
- 208 select node route fix (#232) (85cca8d), closes #232
- 235 setup for deployment (#286) (2eb38af), closes #286
- 244 toggled routes stay in front (#247) (889c765), closes #247
- 260 6 character ids in ui (#340) (b66e59d), closes #340
- 275 hastus ID (#392) (06d0931), closes #392
- 276 Time alignment stops on hover and toggle (#359) (46b6eda), closes #359
- 277 route path window + generic form CSS fixes (#280) (24fe757), closes #280
- 283 labels added to inputcontainer and dropdowns (#327) (337e7dd), closes #327
- 295 create new route path geometry select node (#331) (162a293), closes #331
- 298 new route path linking (#390) (2643afb), closes #390
- 299 saving forms v2 (#338) (15e2fdf), closes #338
- 303 removed references to routepath geometry (#418) (8830e76), closes #418
- 304 change log (#363) (29c1311), closes #363
- 319 external models added to factories (#342) (d9af010), closes #342
- 322 differentiate disabled stops (#332) (d61b741), closes #332
- 323 change routes color range to static (#344) (59571ce), closes #344
- 333 Subtask to Saving forms (#334) (7161175), closes #334
- 337 map rendering problem fix (#393) (a5e7e08), closes #393
- 343 static colors (#364) (3b2025f), closes #364
- 350 build date and version number (#360) (d0c3bda), closes #360
- 351 Make FE complient with BE saving logic (#366) (8bdf359), closes #366
- 371 version bump automation (#384) (31cfcec), closes #384
- 375 filter network at sidebar and when creating new route path (#401) (69f535e), closes #401
- 405 network filter moved to mapControls (#421) (3fe0917), closes #421
- 91 routestart markers v2 (#168) (3392162), closes #168
- Add changes in yarn.lock (ee383ae)
- Add error notification on missing links (#394) (8cacb92), closes #394
- Add ID for routePath as hash (612b8b9)
- Add initial factories and interfaces for Route and Direction (a8b12a1)
- Add initial routes as react components (a9629b7)
- Add initial Travis configurations (978fd8c)
- Add Line to Route data (22c3ed6)
- Add lineFactory (9aa1173)
- add new routepath implementation (#294) (4109939), closes #294
- Add node popup (b815074)
- Add observer to LineItem since it is recommended (26ea265)
- Add print icon (d30aa8b)
- Add react nodes to react-leaflet (108b053)
- Add react-icons (27f5017)
- Add react-leaflet and typings (2320076)
- Add Readme with run instructions (891f27b)
- Add routenumber and remove blue color from routename (7aed104)
- Add script for fixing tslint things, and disable multiline tsx rule (ace8a48)
- Add simple map (55ea8d1)
- Add simple toolbar (5a1a19d)
- Add some margin to route number (4551133)
- Add styles for nodes (de94848)
- Add suusuunta to hash to prevent duplicates (da3f6b7)
- Add type to map ref (311b9b7)
- Add typings for NodeWindow state (e867928)
- Add typings for variables (111f0ec)
- added alias for src root and changed references to use new alias (#281) (e9515af), closes #281
- added disappearing animation for notification items (6d51d45)
- added edited text (e45f2bc)
- Added INode to routePathLinks, factories refactored (#365) (9d3967f), closes #365
- added sass to dev dependencies (fb26aa6)
- added scrolling pagination to searchresults (#175) (c847c16), closes #175
- Also add transition on deactivate (a846f2b)
- app.tsx interface for state (e640bfa)
- attempt to make window hover toggle with CSS (49efea2)
- await/async is beautiful (748789f)
- base for sidebar (d3d71a0)
- basic map component (571e72a)
- bounds are now changed correctly when routepaths change (#420) (fa9a349), closes #420
- bug fix and style improvements (0497a20)
- button added to toolbar for new window (#329) (8bf5a5a), closes #329
- centering map to route (ea13ce2)
- changes per review - fixed some bugs and some code quality issues (471f198)
- Changes to behaviour of measurement tool as per pull request review (a94eb23)
- cleaned out commented code (5eb2d98)
- cleaned up nodeWindow (923dc49)
- cleaned up some unnecessary code (2240df9)
- cleanup (92693a1)
- cleanup etc (77a06e1)
- cleanup etc (4e03e3e)
- code review changes (70d4730)
- Configure build script to generate .scss.d.ts files before building app (a373cca)
- Configure mobx to enforce actions (a5cf420)
- Configure sass in webpack and move files back to their correct folders (e797068)
- Configure tslint (edcbdc1)
- Configure tslint (83b1f89)
- Connect toolbar status to node dragging (54f364c)
- Contributions init (#264) (080252f), closes #264
- coordinates on map, unstyled (8a5a688)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (93d0069)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (84e558b)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (097819a)
- Create custom wrapper for map controls (bbf0222)
- Create helper to receive color classes for transit (af1469b)
- Create interface for SelectedLine and initialise the property as a empty array (c7325d6)
- Created INodeStop & stops and crossroads now have radius (#228) (a4620cb), closes #228
- dates added to single row (#330) (57668a7), closes #330
- directionName -> routePathName renaming (8df87f6)
- dockerfile init (434067a)
- Don't use mobx dev tools (bca11ad)
- drawing nodes on map (1d95e9d)
- dropdown fix & fixed input and select generic styles (#279) (5bff660), closes #279
- dropdown implemented (74fcdcb)
- Eject project (8e86076)
- Enable closing of login modal (6714d4f)
- Enable highlightning of nodes (1f82525)
- Enable opening of node menu (b3080f0)
- Expose port 5000 instead of 8080 in docker (f1217a1)
- fadein back (0edf4ac)
- first 2 routes are visible by default, hiding routes works (6984861)
- Fix bug with onChange function (#399) (98a076c), closes #399
- Fix code consistency, variable names and code style mentioned in review (94d2e08)
- Fix forgotten check for bounds (c06314d)
- Fix styles and namings from review (0aa813c)
- Fix styling issues from review (26a9dfe)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (2b338dd)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (fd1543c)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (03e72ef)
- Fix vulnerability warnings (#385) (836b2c4), closes #385
- Fixed a typo (#383) (013c1e1), closes #383
- fixed bringing to front (#243) (247e82d), closes #243
- fixed datedelta format for RouteShow (#386) (1f485d0), closes #386
- fixed downArrowIcon as react component (6a7736b)
- fixed drawing routeLines and routeNodes on map (97dfdc0)
- fixed folder structure (a464550)
- fixed fullscreen and optimized list rendering performance (dba5a83)
- fixed handling measured position missing in backend (#278) (529f638), closes #278
- fixed hover with pure CSS (09df340)
- fixed indent (7d6a09a)
- fixed issues with routing (92c8ca6)
- fixed lint errors (634f757)
- fixed multiple /route bug (d691666)
- fixed searchButton style (1626969)
- fixed styles (e0be541)
- fixed variable name (4e7ea5d)
- fixed visual bug and removed unnecessary classnames-library (dccb6e1)
- focus bounds fixed for real (5481a30)
- focusing bounds fix (1b2619a)
- focusing to selected node (3137969)
- Format svg files (38e53a0)
- formatting timestamp with moment (ae3c4e4)
- general button component (195cf43)
- generic checkbox component & nodeWindow modal (03ff647)
- hide scss.d.ts files from git (c72a49c)
- highlight for dates within range (#328) (2d5e566), closes #328
- highlighting neighbor nodes & handling click of neighbor nodes (#348) (91b97b3), closes #348
- highlighting selected node (6954081)
- hsl-style spinner (8472f56)
- Implement automatic bound fitting (217e9a1)
- implemented scaled colors for routePaths (b5d81db)
- Improve graphql fetch process, request is now done in the store. (6d54dc0)
- Initial commit (26c9e0e)
- Initial commit (000c283)
- Inject loginStore into loginModal (d5cd186)
- Install classnames for easier class merging (d6f0686)
- Isolate linehelper functions used in mapping (710cc76)
- Let error be logged for now (a99bdf3)
- Let user mark direction as visible (b5fe469)
- lineId fix (d623d18)
- loading into component, data fetching to components, linkbuilder (7e358cc)
- loading spinner for loading all lines (1073a2c)
- lockfiles (8b12a60)
- login modal (2d5e9cc)
- Make active tools beutiful (f106928)
- Make marker dragable (bcb3379)
- Make vscode hide .scss.d.ts files (54fe0e4)
- Map fullscreen toggle rendering bug fixed (9fb6501)
- Map more values for directions (e1a8c9f)
- map removed from state (5562f6c)
- mapLayersControl implemented with mouse enter & leave events (3b7359f)
- measurement tool added, fixed static zoomLevel (802b595)
- measurement tool works, except on chrome.. (b54af88)
- merge (71eb412)
- Migrate fullscreen functionality (buggy) (b262d31)
- min & max zoom levels set (#226) (a2c268b), closes #226
- minor fixes (54951c7)
- Minor network dragging tool fixes (#396) (02ecd44), closes #396
- mobx always -> strict (518d4ce)
- modal component & login component separated (4647f7f)
- Modify state logic for Toolbar (0abafad)
- Move grahql logic out of store (dc89c97)
- Move JS parsing to store for openRoutes (4b6cf3d)
- Move login logic to its own store and rename login buttons (8e9713b)
- Move private function outside of class (8d30680)
- moved from 2 to 4-space indentation (50cc4ea)
- moved nodeWindow into /sidebar (fcd77eb)
- moved sass files into styles/scss (b64c56c)
- moved searchInput into searchStore (8ba9e06)
- moved styles to own files for each control (9598cda)
- multiple lines in edit mode (76551eb)
- Nicer references to map, and nicer typings (51e4495)
- nodes other than stops no longer show a radius on map (#387) (c7e677d), closes #387
- notification popups (f2fea29)
- notification window styles fix (#222) (b82b72e), closes #222
- observer added (#356) (28a1f7d), closes #356
- Open popup on right click (922700b)
- opening node to the sidebar (5ea6a5a)
- package-lock (18cfa1c)
- package-lock (f717dcf)
- passing setView function to PopupLayer instead of map (dc6563d)
- pr reeview changes (1ba6455)
- pr review changes (e5cceee)
- pr review changes and style fix (31395df)
- promise to async/await (e4011b5)
- pushed changes that were missing from 189-link-view branch (#248) (2322f2e), closes #248
- query batching (44d21b4)
- random typo fixed (38f8f6d)
- react router first steps (a46dc48)
- react-modal removed and css fixes (61bcb66)
- Refactor to use separate component for routePaths in LineItem view (abd7743)
- refactored (a0f9169)
- refactored (93643fe)
- refactored (ce2143d)
- refactored (11b0cd9)
- refactored (032eb5b)
- refactored all .bind(this) -style stuff away (#250) (2d422cb), closes #250
- Refactored map controls (b7e6870)
- refactored sass imports, css, indent (143c656)
- refactored toggle buttons (234f5ab)
- refactoring previous additions (c53500b)
- Remove console.logs (1fe6a85)
- Remove duplicate import (a8b859c)
- Remove eslint disable next line (345816e)
- Remove extra new lines (6f781c9)
- Remove global style import (1c94a33)
- Remove unneccessary IconContext (2f890b9)
- Remove unnecessary constructor (f00c59a)
- Remove unnecessary observer decorator that made the program very slow (db3d02c)
- Remove unnecessary whitespace (de4b390)
- Remove unused color (498c2f7)
- Remove unused file (0d50e9a)
- Remove unused files (a81a08e)
- Remove unused model field (33184d0)
- removed comments (c420a27)
- removed comments and whitespace (6c77046)
- removed console.logs (d250bd9)
- removed duplicate line (c3604e8)
- removed extra file (0aebe96)
- removed isLoading from store (185e1b1)
- removed kopioi reitti toiseen suuntaan + fixed labels (0f8487c)
- removed old comments (c696b69)
- removed old import from map (a8f0280)
- Removed old/unnecessary code (7e5ac0d)
- removed unnecessary dependency (c4035ca)
- removed unnecessary param location (aead109)
- removed useless constructor (4c98e88)
- removing routes from routesView (6271e79)
- Rename checkFilters -> filterLines (410e775)
- Rename EditableLines to LineEditView (7054f33)
- Rename handleClick -> toggleActivity in TransitToggleButton (849dac2)
- Rename handleLineSelected -> selectLine function (6474950)
- Rename SidebarStore -> LineStore (66b180c)
- renamed direction -> routePath (b888961)
- Reorder all scss files (4236649)
- replaced strings with enums (3f9c0e2)
- return null fix (6e237f4)
- review fixes (cadba00)
- right click popup menu implemented (b06980a)
- RouteName -> LineName (c5d019d)
- routepaths and checkboxes added (5f4fb4f)
- routes are now visible on map (7c7893f)
- routes page without query params redirects to root (#292) (0ace82c), closes #292
- routeShow is onw in its own component (3a91809)
- searchfield filters with route names and lineId (c2d447f)
- searching other line + fixed search list and routePath list (2ac7eeb)
- SearchResult button implemented (5b7b8ba)
- selectedSubLineItems is now only in store (24da4d4)
- Set all tsx files to use typed css (d90be68)
- Set better value for max zoom, 23 is way too close (#246) (3f40696), closes #246
- Set travis-build as executable (29578db)
- Set types for onChange events (c5533cb)
- setSelectedLine -> addSelectedLine (f09f7e0)
- Setting nodes with type '-' as city borders (#339) (656584f), closes #339
- showing routes now in lineSearch results (51ad51a)
- Showing warning and painting node red (#293) (ade8454), closes #293
- sidebar implementation (ffee108)
- simplified props definition in RouteShow (3356782)
- Simplify by removing dependencies from fullscreen controller, and only provide leafletMap (24b03d6)
- Simplify routePathLink creation (#395) (e1674c1), closes #395
- small fix (ab6e865)
- small fixes (a29e956)
- small refactoring (bfbded0)
- Specify @computed for showLogin observable (fc4d08a)
- Specify classname for TransitToggleButton from state in a simpler way (752b82b)
- Split routes to separate store (b2fd13b)
- Split sidebarcss in multiple scss files, and reorder them to take advantage of scoping (4281ec8)
- splitted routeLayer into routePathLayers (#198) (201e8be), closes #198
- squashed the bug (#181) (7741ac8), closes #181
- started using models, fixed indent (38eb339)
- Started using sass. Cleaned all sass files, using variables from common (306a4c5)
- Store import convention added (#347) (dc421b6), closes #347
- style fix (ce39b40)
- style-fix (1075942)
- styles.. (ac21561)
- Switch from prettier to tslint-eslint-rules (46f90d4)
- Switch to using routeStore and its functions (64ccd6e)
- table focus logic and move on enter (72d4e9a)
- test (89233bf)
- testing out mobx (440d089)
- tool highlight and measurement end on click nearby last spot (d21cb3c)
- Toolbar radiobuttons implemented (#178) (36a02b9), closes #178
- tslint rules added and lint errors fixed (74a7283)
- unfinished business (971e9a1)
- Update API port to reflect changes in backend (087d209)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (85455a3)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (5b1fb6a)
- Update styles to use more informative names (46c4d56)
- Update yarn.lock (bddbeff)
- updated yarn lockfile (f247f1d)
- Use enum for transit type (91677c6)
- Use esnext as workaround for missing definition for AsyncIterator (6f1a366)
- Use react style refs to be able to use componentDidUpdate instead of componentWillReceiveProps (f2b3dc2)
- Use reitunnus instead of lintunnus for route ID:s (96fd9e5)
- Use routePathId for identification (3417d60)
- Use scss typings (e6a5dc5)
- Use setter for modifying filter (30b5b66)
- using enums in mapLayersControl (d3c3564)
- using map.invalidateSize to fix fullscreen button problem (fa7a465)
- using radiobuttons in mapLayersContainer (76cb3c3)
- NewRoutePath: showing links & nodes + neighbor nodes & links (#368) (b50bce1), closes #368
- Add scripts (55dec10)
- 119 open link window part1 (#193) (89cbeb8), closes #193
- 139 route parsing vol 1 (#169) (cb7494e), closes #169
- 160 no duplicate nodes (#185) (5240ac9), closes #185
- 165 routepath highlights (#174) (e278a49), closes #174
- 176 routepath loading animation +182 'sulje' button location and 'No results' text (#183) (62e099e), closes #183 #182
- 180 sidebar dynamic width (#187) (aa70290), closes #187 #201
- 184 refactoring measurement tool (#216) (a6fd3f5), closes #216
- 186 submenu for toolbar (#195) (127685b), closes #195
- 188 folder refactoring (#217) (426aec5), closes #217
- 189 link window (#237) (ef21fb7), closes #237
- 192 split marker layer (#200) (5aa62ef), closes #200
- 194 prevent crashing on network failure (#199) (1140427), closes #199
- 20 geoserver v2 (#234) (51e4d07), closes #234
- 202 route path info in list (#291) (345f0da), closes #291
- 203 refactoring map buttons (#224) (7d7bd13), closes #224
- 206 route path view init (#225) (81f2b71), closes #225
- 208 select node route fix (#232) (85cca8d), closes #232
- 235 setup for deployment (#286) (2eb38af), closes #286
- 244 toggled routes stay in front (#247) (889c765), closes #247
- 260 6 character ids in ui (#340) (b66e59d), closes #340
- 276 Time alignment stops on hover and toggle (#359) (46b6eda), closes #359
- 277 route path window + generic form CSS fixes (#280) (24fe757), closes #280
- 283 labels added to inputcontainer and dropdowns (#327) (337e7dd), closes #327
- 295 create new route path geometry select node (#331) (162a293), closes #331
- 299 saving forms v2 (#338) (15e2fdf), closes #338
- 304 change log (#363) (29c1311), closes #363
- 319 external models added to factories (#342) (d9af010), closes #342
- 322 differentiate disabled stops (#332) (d61b741), closes #332
- 323 change routes color range to static (#344) (59571ce), closes #344
- 333 Subtask to Saving forms (#334) (7161175), closes #334
- 343 static colors (#364) (3b2025f), closes #364
- 350 build date and version number (#360) (d0c3bda), closes #360
- 351 Make FE complient with BE saving logic (#366) (8bdf359), closes #366
- 91 routestart markers v2 (#168) (3392162), closes #168
- Add bumped (ac5e311)
- Add changes in yarn.lock (ee383ae)
- Add ID for routePath as hash (612b8b9)
- Add initial factories and interfaces for Route and Direction (a8b12a1)
- Add initial routes as react components (a9629b7)
- Add initial Travis configurations (978fd8c)
- Add Line to Route data (22c3ed6)
- Add lineFactory (9aa1173)
- add new routepath implementation (#294) (4109939), closes #294
- Add node popup (b815074)
- Add observer to LineItem since it is recommended (26ea265)
- Add print icon (d30aa8b)
- Add react nodes to react-leaflet (108b053)
- Add react-icons (27f5017)
- Add react-leaflet and typings (2320076)
- Add Readme with run instructions (891f27b)
- Add routenumber and remove blue color from routename (7aed104)
- Add script for fixing tslint things, and disable multiline tsx rule (ace8a48)
- Add simple map (55ea8d1)
- Add simple toolbar (5a1a19d)
- Add some margin to route number (4551133)
- Add styles for nodes (de94848)
- Add suusuunta to hash to prevent duplicates (da3f6b7)
- Add type to map ref (311b9b7)
- Add typings for NodeWindow state (e867928)
- Add typings for variables (111f0ec)
- added alias for src root and changed references to use new alias (#281) (e9515af), closes #281
- added disappearing animation for notification items (6d51d45)
- added edited text (e45f2bc)
- Added INode to routePathLinks, factories refactored (#365) (9d3967f), closes #365
- added sass to dev dependencies (fb26aa6)
- added scrolling pagination to searchresults (#175) (c847c16), closes #175
- Also add transition on deactivate (a846f2b)
- app.tsx interface for state (e640bfa)
- attempt to make window hover toggle with CSS (49efea2)
- await/async is beautiful (748789f)
- base for sidebar (d3d71a0)
- basic map component (571e72a)
- bug fix and style improvements (0497a20)
- button added to toolbar for new window (#329) (8bf5a5a), closes #329
- centering map to route (ea13ce2)
- changes per review - fixed some bugs and some code quality issues (471f198)
- Changes to behaviour of measurement tool as per pull request review (a94eb23)
- cleaned out commented code (5eb2d98)
- cleaned up nodeWindow (923dc49)
- cleaned up some unnecessary code (2240df9)
- cleanup (92693a1)
- cleanup etc (77a06e1)
- cleanup etc (4e03e3e)
- code review changes (70d4730)
- Config bumped (cfb49e8)
- Configure build script to generate .scss.d.ts files before building app (a373cca)
- Configure mobx to enforce actions (a5cf420)
- Configure sass in webpack and move files back to their correct folders (e797068)
- Configure tslint (83b1f89)
- Configure tslint (edcbdc1)
- Connect toolbar status to node dragging (54f364c)
- Contributions init (#264) (080252f), closes #264
- coordinates on map, unstyled (8a5a688)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (097819a)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (84e558b)
- coordinates on map, unstyled (93d0069)
- Create custom wrapper for map controls (bbf0222)
- Create helper to receive color classes for transit (af1469b)
- Create interface for SelectedLine and initialise the property as a empty array (c7325d6)
- Created INodeStop & stops and crossroads now have radius (#228) (a4620cb), closes #228
- dates added to single row (#330) (57668a7), closes #330
- directionName -> routePathName renaming (8df87f6)
- dockerfile init (434067a)
- Don't use mobx dev tools (bca11ad)
- drawing nodes on map (1d95e9d)
- dropdown fix & fixed input and select generic styles (#279) (5bff660), closes #279
- dropdown implemented (74fcdcb)
- Eject project (8e86076)
- Enable closing of login modal (6714d4f)
- Enable highlightning of nodes (1f82525)
- Enable opening of node menu (b3080f0)
- Expose port 5000 instead of 8080 in docker (f1217a1)
- fadein back (0edf4ac)
- first 2 routes are visible by default, hiding routes works (6984861)
- Fix code consistency, variable names and code style mentioned in review (94d2e08)
- Fix forgotten check for bounds (c06314d)
- Fix styles and namings from review (0aa813c)
- Fix styling issues from review (26a9dfe)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (03e72ef)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (fd1543c)
- Fix tslint rule breaks (2b338dd)
- Fixed a typo (#383) (013c1e1), closes #383
- fixed bringing to front (#243) (247e82d), closes #243
- fixed downArrowIcon as react component (6a7736b)
- fixed drawing routeLines and routeNodes on map (97dfdc0)
- fixed folder structure (a464550)
- fixed fullscreen and optimized list rendering performance (dba5a83)
- fixed handling measured position missing in backend (#278) (529f638), closes #278
- fixed hover with pure CSS (09df340)
- fixed indent (7d6a09a)
- fixed issues with routing (92c8ca6)
- fixed lint errors (634f757)
- fixed multiple /route bug (d691666)
- fixed searchButton style (1626969)
- fixed styles (e0be541)
- fixed variable name (4e7ea5d)
- fixed visual bug and removed unnecessary classnames-library (dccb6e1)
- focus bounds fixed for real (5481a30)
- focusing bounds fix (1b2619a)
- focusing to selected node (3137969)
- Format svg files (38e53a0)
- formatting timestamp with moment (ae3c4e4)
- general button component (195cf43)
- generic checkbox component & nodeWindow modal (03ff647)
- hide scss.d.ts files from git (c72a49c)
- highlight for dates within range (#328) (2d5e566), closes #328
- highlighting neighbor nodes & handling click of neighbor nodes (#348) (91b97b3), closes #348
- highlighting selected node (6954081)
- hsl-style spinner (8472f56)
- Implement automatic bound fitting (217e9a1)
- implemented scaled colors for routePaths (b5d81db)
- Improve graphql fetch process, request is now done in the store. (6d54dc0)
- Initial commit (26c9e0e)
- Initial commit (000c283)
- Inject loginStore into loginModal (d5cd186)
- Install classnames for easier class merging (d6f0686)
- Isolate linehelper functions used in mapping (710cc76)
- Let error be logged for now (a99bdf3)
- Let user mark direction as visible (b5fe469)
- lineId fix (d623d18)
- loading into component, data fetching to components, linkbuilder (7e358cc)
- loading spinner for loading all lines (1073a2c)
- lockfiles (8b12a60)
- login modal (2d5e9cc)
- Make active tools beutiful (f106928)
- Make marker dragable (bcb3379)
- Make vscode hide .scss.d.ts files (54fe0e4)
- Map fullscreen toggle rendering bug fixed (9fb6501)
- Map more values for directions (e1a8c9f)
- map removed from state (5562f6c)
- mapLayersControl implemented with mouse enter & leave events (3b7359f)
- measurement tool added, fixed static zoomLevel (802b595)
- measurement tool works, except on chrome.. (b54af88)
- merge (71eb412)
- Migrate fullscreen functionality (buggy) (b262d31)
- min & max zoom levels set (#226) (a2c268b), closes #226
- minor fixes (54951c7)
- mobx always -> strict (518d4ce)
- modal component & login component separated (4647f7f)
- Modify state logic for Toolbar (0abafad)
- Move grahql logic out of store (dc89c97)
- Move JS parsing to store for openRoutes (4b6cf3d)
- Move login logic to its own store and rename login buttons (8e9713b)
- Move private function outside of class (8d30680)
- moved from 2 to 4-space indentation (50cc4ea)
- moved nodeWindow into /sidebar (fcd77eb)
- moved sass files into styles/scss (b64c56c)
- moved searchInput into searchStore (8ba9e06)
- moved styles to own files for each control (9598cda)
- multiple lines in edit mode (76551eb)
- Nicer references to map, and nicer typings (51e4495)
- notification popups (f2fea29)
- notification window styles fix (#222) (b82b72e), closes #222
- observer added (#356) (28a1f7d), closes #356
- Open popup on right click (922700b)
- opening node to the sidebar (5ea6a5a)
- package-lock (f717dcf)
- package-lock (18cfa1c)
- passing setView function to PopupLayer instead of map (dc6563d)
- pr reeview changes (1ba6455)
- pr review changes (e5cceee)
- pr review changes and style fix (31395df)
- promise to async/await (e4011b5)
- pushed changes that were missing from 189-link-view branch (#248) (2322f2e), closes #248
- query batching (44d21b4)
- random typo fixed (38f8f6d)
- react router first steps (a46dc48)
- react-modal removed and css fixes (61bcb66)
- Refactor to use separate component for routePaths in LineItem view (abd7743)
- refactored (a0f9169)
- refactored (11b0cd9)
- refactored (032eb5b)
- refactored (ce2143d)
- refactored (93643fe)
- refactored all .bind(this) -style stuff away (#250) (2d422cb), closes #250
- Refactored map controls (b7e6870)
- refactored sass imports, css, indent (143c656)
- refactored toggle buttons (234f5ab)
- refactoring previous additions (c53500b)
- Remove console.logs (1fe6a85)
- Remove duplicate import (a8b859c)
- Remove eslint disable next line (345816e)
- Remove extra new lines (6f781c9)
- Remove global style import (1c94a33)
- Remove unneccessary IconContext (2f890b9)
- Remove unnecessary constructor (f00c59a)
- Remove unnecessary observer decorator that made the program very slow (db3d02c)
- Remove unnecessary whitespace (de4b390)
- Remove unused color (498c2f7)
- Remove unused file (0d50e9a)
- Remove unused files (a81a08e)
- Remove unused model field (33184d0)
- removed comments (c420a27)
- removed comments and whitespace (6c77046)
- removed console.logs (d250bd9)
- removed duplicate line (c3604e8)
- removed extra file (0aebe96)
- removed isLoading from store (185e1b1)
- removed kopioi reitti toiseen suuntaan + fixed labels (0f8487c)
- removed old comments (c696b69)
- removed old import from map (a8f0280)
- Removed old/unnecessary code (7e5ac0d)
- removed unnecessary dependency (c4035ca)
- removed unnecessary param location (aead109)
- removed useless constructor (4c98e88)
- removing routes from routesView (6271e79)
- Rename checkFilters -> filterLines (410e775)
- Rename EditableLines to LineEditView (7054f33)
- Rename handleClick -> toggleActivity in TransitToggleButton (849dac2)
- Rename handleLineSelected -> selectLine function (6474950)
- Rename SidebarStore -> LineStore (66b180c)
- renamed direction -> routePath (b888961)
- Reorder all scss files (4236649)
- replaced strings with enums (3f9c0e2)
- return null fix (6e237f4)
- review fixes (cadba00)
- right click popup menu implemented (b06980a)
- RouteName -> LineName (c5d019d)
- routepaths and checkboxes added (5f4fb4f)
- routes are now visible on map (7c7893f)
- routes page without query params redirects to root (#292) (0ace82c), closes #292
- routeShow is onw in its own component (3a91809)
- searchfield filters with route names and lineId (c2d447f)
- searching other line + fixed search list and routePath list (2ac7eeb)
- SearchResult button implemented (5b7b8ba)
- selectedSubLineItems is now only in store (24da4d4)
- Set all tsx files to use typed css (d90be68)
- Set better value for max zoom, 23 is way too close (#246) (3f40696), closes #246
- Set travis-build as executable (29578db)
- Set types for onChange events (c5533cb)
- setSelectedLine -> addSelectedLine (f09f7e0)
- Setting nodes with type '-' as city borders (#339) (656584f), closes #339
- showing routes now in lineSearch results (51ad51a)
- Showing warning and painting node red (#293) (ade8454), closes #293
- sidebar implementation (ffee108)
- simplified props definition in RouteShow (3356782)
- Simplify by removing dependencies from fullscreen controller, and only provide leafletMap (24b03d6)
- small fix (ab6e865)
- small fixes (a29e956)
- small refactoring (bfbded0)
- Specify @computed for showLogin observable (fc4d08a)
- Specify classname for TransitToggleButton from state in a simpler way (752b82b)
- Split routes to separate store (b2fd13b)
- Split sidebarcss in multiple scss files, and reorder them to take advantage of scoping (4281ec8)
- splitted routeLayer into routePathLayers (#198) (201e8be), closes #198
- squashed the bug (#181) (7741ac8), closes #181
- started using models, fixed indent (38eb339)
- Started using sass. Cleaned all sass files, using variables from common (306a4c5)
- Store import convention added (#347) (dc421b6), closes #347
- style fix (ce39b40)
- style-fix (1075942)
- styles.. (ac21561)
- Switch from prettier to tslint-eslint-rules (46f90d4)
- Switch to using routeStore and its functions (64ccd6e)
- table focus logic and move on enter (72d4e9a)
- test (89233bf)
- testing out mobx (440d089)
- tool highlight and measurement end on click nearby last spot (d21cb3c)
- Toolbar radiobuttons implemented (#178) (36a02b9), closes #178
- tslint rules added and lint errors fixed (74a7283)
- unfinished business (971e9a1)
- Update API port to reflect changes in backend (087d209)
- Update bumped (a13e73b)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (85455a3)
- Update mobx dev tools and install prettier (5b1fb6a)
- Update styles to use more informative names (46c4d56)
- Update yarn.lock (bddbeff)
- updated yarn lockfile (f247f1d)
- Use enum for transit type (91677c6)
- Use esnext as workaround for missing definition for AsyncIterator (6f1a366)
- Use react style refs to be able to use componentDidUpdate instead of componentWillReceiveProps (f2b3dc2)
- Use reitunnus instead of lintunnus for route ID:s (96fd9e5)
- Use routePathId for identification (3417d60)
- Use scss typings (e6a5dc5)
- Use setter for modifying filter (30b5b66)
- using enums in mapLayersControl (d3c3564)
- using map.invalidateSize to fix fullscreen button problem (fa7a465)
- using radiobuttons in mapLayersContainer (76cb3c3)
- NewRoutePath: showing links & nodes + neighbor nodes & links (#368) (b50bce1), closes #368