- Dart improvements.
- Minor optimization and bug fixes.
- Updated Huawei Map SDK version to
Breaking Change: Renamed the HmsMarkerAnimation, HmsMarkerAlphaAnimation, HmsMarkerRotateAnimation, HmsMarkerScaleAnimation and HmsMarkerTranslateAnimation classes to HmsAnimation, HmsAlphaAnimation, HmsRotateAnimation, HmsScaleAnimation and HmsTranslateAnimation respectively.
Updated Huawei Map SDK version to
Added animation property to Circle class. Currently only the HmsTranslateAnimation is supported on Circles.
Added getScalePerPixel method to HuaweiMapController class. This method is used to obtain the length of one pixel point on the map at the current zoom level.
Added myLocationStyle property to HuaweiMap class. This property is used to set my-location icon style.
Added gradient property to Polyline class. This property is used to set gradient for a polyline.
Added colorValues property to Polyline class. This property is used to set colors for different segments of a polyline.
Fixed the bug that prevents clickable property of Marker class.
Updated targetSdkVersion to 33, to make sure that your app can run properly on Android 13.
Breaking Change: Modified the internal structure of the plugin. Please use import package:huawei_map/huawei_map.dart not to get any errors.
Added the setAccessToken method to the
class. -
Added the routePolicy parameter to the
method. -
Added the isDark parameter to the
class. The parameter are used to specify whether to enable the dark mode after the map is loaded. -
Added the isDark parameter to the
class. The parameter are used to specify whether to enable the dark mode before the map is loaded.
- Updated Huawei Map SDK version to
- [Breaking Change] Added the requirement of calling the HuaweiMapInitializer.initializeMap API before using the latest SDK.
- Added the Heatmap function, allowing you to add, modify, delete, and customize a heatmap layer.
- Added the convertCoordinate and convertCoordinates API, which converts WGS84 coordinates into GCJ02 coordinates.
- Deleted the capability of prompting users to install HMS Core (APK).
- Updated Huawei Map SDK version to
- Added the Terrain Map Type.
- Supported Lite Mode for maps.
- Renamed animation.dart to hmsMarkerAnimation.dart. Class name (HmsMarkerAnimation) remains unchanged.
- [Hotfix] Meta package change to support Flutter and Dart versions.
- [Breaking Change] Migrated library to null safety.
- Updated Huawei Map SDK version to
- Fixed the bug that prevents setting initial padding values to Huawei Map instance.
- Fixed the bug that prevents creating a Ground Overlay by specifying bounds.
- On invalid refWidth value, Cap.customCapFromBitmap method now returns roundcap instead of null.
- Added PointOfInterest class.
- New features to Polygons.
- Added holes property to create holes on a shape.
- Added strokeJointType property to customize the joint types.
- Added strokePattern property to customize the stroke patterns.
- New feature to Circles.
- Added strokePattern property to customize the stroke patterns.
- New features to InfoWindows.
- Added onLongClick callback to listen for long clicks on InfoWindows.
- Added onClose callback to listen for close events of InfoWindows.
- New Features to Markers.
- Added onDragStart callback to listen for start of the drag events.
- Added onDrag callback to listen for drag positions of the event.
- New features to HuaweiMap.
- Added onPoiClick callback to listen for Point of Interest clicks.
- Added allGesturesEnabled property to enable all gestures.
- Added isScrollGesturesEnabledDuringRotateOrZoom property to enable scroll gestures during rotate or zoom.
- Added pointToCenter property to set a fixed screen center for zooming.
- Added gestureScaleByMapCenter property to specify whether a fixed screen center can be set for zooming.
- Added onMyLocationClick callback to listen for my location clicks.
- Added onMyLocationButtonClick callback to listen for my location buttons clicks.
- Added stopAnimation API to HuaweiMapController to stop camera animation.
- Added onCameraMoveCanceled callback to listen for canceled camera movements.
- onCameraMoveStarted callback now returns a reason for the camera movement.
- Added REASON_API_ANIMATION constant.
- Added REASON_GESTURE constant.
- Added clusterIconDescriptor property to customize the cluster markar.
- Added clusterMarkerColor property to customize the color of the cluster marker.
- Added clusterMarkerTextColor property to customize the text color of the customized cluster marker.
- Added logoPosition property to specify the position of the Petal Maps logo.
- Added logoPadding property to adjust the position of the Petal Maps logo.
- Added position constants for logoPosition property.
- Added LOWER_LEFT constant.
- Added LOWER_RIGHT constant.
- Added UPPER_LEFT constant.
- Added UPPER_RIGHT constant.
- Added styleId property to set a custom style for a Huawei Map instance.
- Added previewId property to set a custom style for a Huawei Map instance.
- Added setLocationSource API to HuaweiMapController to enable location source feature.
- Added setLocation API to HuaweiMapController to specify custom location to location source.
- Added deactivateLocationSource API to HuaweiMapController to deactivate the location source feature.
- Updated HMSLogger.
- Fixed the bug that causes the Huawei Map to crash when running on earlier HMS Core versions.
- Fixed the bug that causes the app to crash when pressing the "Legal" button on the Huawei Map instances.
- Added missing permission for the demo application that prevents the app from running.
- Added Tile Overlays and tile types.
- Added Tile.
- Added UrlTile.
- Added RepetitiveTile.
- Added Ground Overlays.
- Added marker animations to Markers.
- Added startAnimationOnMarker method to HuaweiMapController.
- Added animationSet field to Marker object.
- Added Alpha Animation.
- Added Rotate Animation.
- Added Scale Animation.
- Added Translate Animation.
- Added marker clustering feature to Markers.
- Added markersClusteringEnabled field to HuaweiMap.
- Added isMarkerClusterable method to HuaweiMapController.
- Added clusterable field to Marker object.
- Added HuaweiMapUtils class.
- Added HMS Logger for usage analytics of Huawei Map SDK.
- Added the enableLogger method.
- Added the disableLogger method.
- Added distanceCalculator method.
- Added HMS Logger for usage analytics of Huawei Map SDK.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Updated demo application.
- Removed pubspec.lock file in example.
- Initial release.