diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b333f74..89785b7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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### Table of Contents
1. [Organisation](#organisation)
2. [Overview of goals and studies](#overview-of-goals-and-studies)
+3. [How to implement your FCC-hh study ](#how-to-implement-your-FCC-hh-study)
@@ -13,6 +14,8 @@
E-group for the FCC-hh P&P studies: fcc-ped-hh-physicsperformance-espp25@cern.ch
+To subscribe, go [here](https://e-groups.cern.ch/e-groups/EgroupsSearchForm.do).
Monthly meetings are planned for Thursdays, 4PM, CERN time, starting from mid October.
- [Indico category](https://indico.cern.ch/category/18814/)
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ O(monthly) meetings: Mondays, 3pm-5pm, CERN time. Usually the third Monday of ea
- [indico category "Physics Performance"](https://indico.cern.ch/category/12894/).
-E-group used for announcements: **FCC-PED-FeasibilityStudy**. To subscribe, go [here](https://e-groups.cern.ch/e-groups/EgroupsSearchForm.do). -->
+E-group used for announcements: **FCC-PED-FeasibilityStudy**. -->
@@ -66,9 +69,12 @@ We have collected a list of ongoing studies as well as ideas of areas below, but
### How to implement your FCC-hh study
-#### Technical workflow overview
+#### Overview
+The typical technical workflow of a FCC-hh study is illustrated above. We rely on the software tools provided by the [key4hep project](https://github.com/key4hep) - a common, turnkey software stack for future colliders.
+Commonly generators like [MadGraph](https://launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo) and [POWHEG](https://powhegbox.mib.infn.it/) are used for the generation of proton-proton collision events at energies ~ 100 TeV. **Info about the PDF sets**. Those events are then stored in the [LHE format](https://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0609017).
+Hadronization, particle decays and a fast detector simulation with `DELPHES` are then applied in one step, resulting in reconstructed events stored in the EDM4hep data model. The available `DELPHES` scenarios for FCC-hh and where to find them are described in more detail [below](#delphes-scenarios-for-FCC-hh-and-official-production-campaigns).
+To process the `EDM4hep` events we use the common `FCCAnalyses` framework, providing multi-threaded vectorial analysis tools using `ROOT`'s [RDataframe class](https://root.cern/doc/master/classROOT_1_1RDataFrame.html).
+The output of `FCCAnalyses` framework can either be another (flat) `ROOT` ntuple, or simple histograms, which can than be further used in the standard ways, e.g. with multi-variate analysis (MVA) libraries, and the final statistical interpretation with the `combine` statistics tool, from the `CMS` collaboration.
+More information, as well as hands-on examples, for every one of these steps are given in the [Quick Start Example](#quick-start-example) section below.
+### Delphes scenarios for FCC-hh and official production campaigns
#### Quick start example