RexChain - a Python - SQL based lightweight, cryptographically enabled, centralised blockchain implementation – Originally forked from NaiveChain and ported into Python, but no original code remains.
All the current implementations of blockchains are tightly coupled with the larger context and problems they (e.g. Bitcoin or Ethereum) are trying to solve. This leaves little room to implement different solutions. Especially source-code-wisely. This project is an attempt to provide a lightweight concise and simple implementation of a blockchain as possible, completely designed around electronic medical prescriptions.
From Wikipedia : Blockchain is a new database technology that maintains a continuously-growing list of records called blocks secured from tampering and revision. I encourage the reader to thoroughly understand the different key aspects of Blockchain technology form this article:
RexChain is focused on the specifics of cryptography (which can be linked to electronic identities) and immutability, achieved by Blocks that couple prescription's merkle trees and can verify integrity easily.
- HTTP interface to control the node
- At the moment it is a centralised chain of blocks, the block's merkle root can be anchored with Proof of Existence to any particular distributed Blockchain (in a similar way to Factom's white paper) (
- At the moment data is persisted in an SQL implementation
- Access to the database is enabled by Asymetric Cryptography
- Proof-of-work thourght Hashcash ( for to stop fake data from being created.
- Transactions: You can transfer data through Prescrypto Wallet [See more over Transactions concept in our wiki].
- Distributed version: This is step follow.
(set up node and mine 1 block)
vagrant up
get server running and start creating stuff
vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant/rexchain
$ python migrate
$ python loaddata ./fixtures/initial_data.json
$ python runserver [::]:8000
Wake Up Redis Worker
Open a new window console enter to ssh of vagrant and run these commands
$ cd /vagrant/rexchain
$ python rqworker high default low
curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/block
# Public Key is an binari exadecimal representation of publick_key made by rsa python library
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"diagnosis": "Diagnostico de Ojo Irritado",
"location": "México, CDMX",
"medic_cedula": "465713",
"medic_hospital": "Privado",
"medic_name": "Juan Alberto Torres García",
"medications": [
"instructions": "Artelac RDules",
"presentation": "DUSTALOX (KETOROLACO TROMETAMINA 5 mg / ml 1 SOL 5 ml)"
"patient_age": 29,
"patient_name": "Jesus",
"public_key": "63636f70795f7265670a5f7265636f6e7374727563746f720a70310a28637273612e6b65790a5075626c69634b65790a70320a635f5f6275696c74696e5f5f0a6f626a6563740a70330a4e745270340a284c373435313530383630343332393237323237393336343532383430323735313630383337373839333331383033363932383838383034323630323635393130383336383335353931353533323533343238353732343832333830373537333939343637313337383133363633313537303432363933373330313136353533373433333638333830333634393839383937363238373033343934394c0a4936353533370a74622e",
"timestamp": "2018-02-01T21:59:19.454752"
Use this to check for adherence to PEP 8 standards
To use the linter on your code, execute the following command on your console, the results will be shown directly on the console:
$ flake8