NodeJS v16.15
or greater- Serverless v3
npm install -g serverless@3
- Yarn (preferably latest version)
npm i -g yarn
- Java Runtime Engine (JRE)
or greater (used byserverless-dynamodb-local
Install dependencies
yarn install
install the dynamodb-local instance
cd backend && serverless dynamodb install
Configure the
variable underui/.env
(optional, by default is already pointed to the local serverless instance)ui/.env
Go back to the repo directory (
cd ..
) and run the project- For Unix & Unix-like systems
yarn dev
- Windows - Open two terminal tabs and run the following commands on each session (in order to run in parallel):
yarn ui
yarn backend
- Frontend:
yarn test:ui
- Backend (requires that the backend is running/deployed):
yarn test:backend
state App {
direction LR
state Frontend {
React --> Redux_RTK
Redux_RTK --> ServerlessFunctions
ServerlessFunctions --> Redux_RTK
state Backend {
ServerlessFunctions --> DynamoDB
DynamoDB --> ServerlessFunctions