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353 lines (333 loc) · 15.1 KB

LeetCode Development Statistics

LeetCode is a online platform to help you enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, prepare for technical interviews, and practice your programming skills by solving coding questions. It has over 1,100 different problems, support for over 18 programming languages, and an active community that is always there to help you with the solutions you come up with. If your intention is to hone your coding skills, then this online platform is one of the best that you can use.

Quick implementations

Here are basic Markdown implementations of the LeetCode routes image rendering

    [Leetcode Profile Stats](<username>)

    [Leetcode Profile Badges](<username>)

    [Leetcode Profile Algorithms Completion](<username>)
    [Leetcode Profile Recent Algorithm Submissions](<username>)

    [Leetcode Profile Streak](<username>)

Advanced Image Implimentations:

        srcset="<api route, light themed>"
        media="(prefers-color-scheme: light), (prefers-color-scheme: no-preference)"
        srcset="<api route, dark themed>"
        media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
        src="<base api route>" 
        alt="GreenJ84's Leetcode Profile Stats"

Route Details

⚡ Leetcode Profile Stats ⚡

GreenJ84's Leetcode Profile Stats<username>
- This route provides the completion percentage, reputaion and contribution scores, total badges earned, and total stars earned. The stats are also compiled to provide an overall grade to the statistics provided.

All current parameters for this route are following:

  • Global API Parameters and descriptions are here
  • title:
     - This optional parameter allows for User's to provide a custom title to the SVG. Please provide the title in Snake_case with your prefered capitilzations. (Ex. GreenJ84's_WakaTime_Insights -> GreenJ84's WakaTime Insights)

  •    *** Please provide the color value for the following parameters as either a valid color name or HEX code. ***

  • textMain:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the main title of the modal.
  • ring:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the ring detail wrapping the overall letter grade score provided.
  • score:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the value of the overall letter grade score provided.
  • textSub:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for all of the titles of each profile statistics category.
  • icons:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for all the profile statistics category icons.
  • stats:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for all of the values of each profile statistics category.

⚡ Leetcode Profile Algorithms Completion ⚡

GreenJ84's Leetcode Profile Algorithm Completion<username>
- This route provides overall Leetcode completion of Leetcode Algorithms and a break down by question difficulty. It also provided the Leetcode ranking and acceptance percentage.

All current parameters for this route are following:

  • Global API Parameters and descriptions are here
  • title:
     - This optional parameter allows for User's to provide a custom title to the SVG. Please provide the title in Snake_case with your prefered capitilzations. (Ex. GreenJ84's_WakaTime_Insights -> GreenJ84's WakaTime Insights)

  •    *** Please provide the color value for the following parameters as either a valid color name or HEX code. ***

  • textMain:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the main title of the modal and the title of the modal's main statitstic, the acceptance percentage.
  • ring:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the ring detail wrapping the modal's main statitstic, the acceptance percentage.
  • score:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the value of the the modal's main statitstic, the acceptance percentage.
  • textSub:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for all of the titles of each questions level grouping and the total questions available for the group.
  • stats:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for all of the User's completed question totals for each questions level grouping.

⚡ Leetcode Profile Recent Algorithm Submissions ⚡

GreenJ84's Leetcode Profile Recent Algorithm Submissions<username>
- This route provides a list of latest 6 questions answered by the user on the leetcode platform. The language the question was completed in is also provided.

All current parameters for this route are following:

  • Global API Parameters and descriptions are here
  • title:
     - This optional parameter allows for User's to provide a custom title to the SVG. Please provide the title in Snake_case with your prefered capitilzations. (Ex. GreenJ84's_WakaTime_Insights -> GreenJ84's WakaTime Insights)

  •    *** Please provide the color value for the following parameters as either a valid color name or HEX code. ***

  • textMain:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the main title of the modal.
  • question:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the title of each of the recent questions listed.
  • sideStat:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for all of the names of the languages used to complete the corresponding questions.
  • textSub:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the sub-text within the modal (" - Completed in: ").

⚡ Leetcode Profile Streak ⚡

GreenJ84's Leetcode Profile Streak<username>
- This route provides details for the user's leetcode total activity. It provided the user's longest streak and the year it was achieved, the percentatge and actual platform completion stats, and the total activty on the platform both all time and within the current year.

All current parameters for this route are following:

  • Global API Parameters and descriptions are here
  • title:
     - This optional parameter allows for User's to provide a custom title to the SVG. Please provide the title in Snake_case with your prefered capitilzations. (Ex. GreenJ84's_WakaTime_Insights -> GreenJ84's WakaTime Insights)

  •    *** Please provide the color value for the following parameters as either a valid color name or HEX code. ***

  • textMain:
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the main title of the modal and the title of the modal's main, Longest Activity streak, statistic.
  • ring
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the ring detail wrapping the main, Longest Activity streak, statistic.
  • fire
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the fire detail that rests above the main, Longest Activity streak, statistic.
  • currStreak
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the value of modal's main, Longest Activity streak, statistic.
  • sideStat
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the title of the two side statistics, total development time and best development day statisctics.
  • textSub
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the title of the two side statistics, total active days and total platform completion statistics.
  • dates
     - This optional parameter allows for the User to provide a color for the sub-title of all the platform activity statistics (the dates, years, and question totals provided).


This API is meant to be a simple development statistics display for User's looking to attatch to personal profiles