This is a simple experiment which shows the current live subscriber count on YouTube for a user. The count displayed on YouTube is often incorrect because it doesn't update in real time. The count used on this experiment is taken directly from the API and hence is guaranteed to be accurate.
This page is super light and the follow up network requests are as minimal as possible.
You can directly bookmark the relevant page to directly jump to a specific user. Sharing features are built right into the web app.
YouTube Realtime showing YouTube Spotlight
Feel free to submit issues/pull request if you'd like to contribute.
I've been seeing a lot of copies of this project on the internet, please consider adding an attribution link if you are planning to deploy this project on your website. If you are a YouTuber, consider using a direct link for your channel instead of creating a new clone website. Thanks!
YouTube Realtime showing Justin Bieber
- Realtime Subscriber Count
- Easily compare subscriber counts for any two channels
- Aesthetically pleasing design and colors
- Easy channel selection
- Displays the video count of the user
- Shows total video views of the user
- Shows total comment count of the user
- Easy Sharing built in
- Embeds
- Immersive UI
- Simple custom URLs
Embedding the counter on your website is a cool way to display the real time count of your channel on your own website. The feature is built right into it, and is available on the website itself. You just need to copy the embed code and paste it as HTML code on your own website.
If you would like to support this project, please consider donating via PayPal or Instamojo (India) to keep this tool free!
YouTube Realtime Copyright (C) 2018 Akshat Mittal
You may freely modify the code for personal use. You are not allowed to redistribute the project without attribution and credits or prior permission. Commercial use without permission is prohibited.
This project uses a part of code from WrapPixel.
The project forks and code by default redirects back to this repo. You can view the instructions to modify the code here.