A command line utility that enables you to automate backup and restore operations on cloud composer environments running on Google Cloud Platform. The tool performs two main operations: Backup and recovery on a given composer environment following several steps, as summarized in the next section.
python composer_br backup \
--composer_env="composer-env-name" \
--project_id="composer-project-id" \
--composer_env_location="composer-env-location" \
- Lookup the GKE cluster related to the target composer environment to backup and updates the local
with the appropriate credentials and endpoint information to point the localkubectl
at the specific Composer GKE cluster. - Identify and extract all details related to the target backup environment:
- Composer namespace name
- Airflow worker pod name
- Airflow worker pod ENV vars
- Airflow worker pod secrets (DB fernet encryption key, DB connection details)
- CloudSQL proxy IP
- Create a full dump of the postgres Airflow DB by connecting to the CloudSQL proxy
- Generate a backup sql file for the latest starting values of auto increment fields (sequence) based on the the postgres INFORMATION_SCHEMA of the Airflow DB
- Create a backup directory (based on the backup timestamp) on the Google Cloud Storage bucket
- Copy into the backup directory:
folder- Postgres DB dump SQL file
- Field sequences SQL file
- A serialized snapshot of the composer environment object
python composer_br restore \
--composer_env="target-composer-env-name" \
--project_id="target-composer-project-id" \
--composer_env_location="target-composer-env-location" \
--source_bucket="source-composer-backup-bucket" \
- Lookup the GKE cluster related to the target composer environment to import into and update kubeconfig with the approproiate credentials
- Extract the backup environment details from GCS bucket
- Import GCS dag and plugins folders to the target composer environment GCS
- Apply an import on the target postgres DB by importing the backup sql dump
- Apply an import on the postgres sequence file on the target
- Rotate the fernet key of the target environment against the backup fernet key
- Python 3.7+
- Apache Airflow 2
- Cloud Composer 1
Before installing the tool, the following dependencies need to be available on the machine issue the backup and recovery commands.
gcloud components install kubectl
Python build dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config python3.7-dev libpq-dev
Postgres Client
wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main" |sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-client-13
Note: You will need to make sure that the postgres client installed on the machine is the same version as that of the Postgres CloudSQL instance running. Make sure to specify the version as per the example above.
pip3 install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Before applying a backup or a restore on a given Airflow environment, please make sure all DAGs are turned off and not running or scheduled to run while the backup operation is taking place.
Restore operations need to happen on composer environments with exactly the same Airflow version. This limitation is mainly due to the fact that, even with minor Airflow versions there can be differences in the DB schema.
PRs related to adding features or fixing bugs for this tool are welcome and should follow the guidelines of the parent / host repository this tool is part of. At a minimum, all code contributed should be formatted to follow the Google python style guide for open source projects. The below checks can be run to ensure that along with the .pylintcr
file included in this project.
flake8 --exclude=.git,__pycache__,.env,env --select=E9,F,C
pylint composer_br/*
# Optional auto formatting
python3 -m yapf -i -r --style="google" composer_clone/*
Apache 2.0
This project is not an official Google project. It is not supported by Google and Google specifically disclaims all warranties as to its quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.