This is the repo for the GoodCollective protocol and dapp, use it to:
- Create pools for rewarding climate stewards
- Create Basic Income pools with dynamic members
You can clone the repo with git
git clone
install dependencies
yarn install
build all packages locally
yarn build
To start a local node with the deployed contracts:
cd packages/contracts yarn deploy
You can now import types,contracts and deployed addresses see
for example:import GoodCollectiveContracts from '@gooddollar/goodcollective-contracts/releases/deployment.json'; import { ProvableNFT, DirectPaymentsFactory, DirectPaymentsPool, } from '@gooddollar/goodcollective-contracts/typechain-types'; const registry = new ethers.Contract( GoodCollectiveContracts['31337'][0].contracts.DirectPaymentsFactory.address, GoodCollectiveContracts['31337'][0].contracts.DirectPaymentsFactory_Implementation.abi, localProvider ) as DirectPaymentsFactory;
- Using the sdk you can create a new DirectPaymentsPool and mint climate actions NFTs
- Upon minting the NFT the pool will distribute rewards according to the NFT data, if there's enough G$ balance in the pool.
- Users can also use superfluid G$ streams to support pools
import { GoodCollectiveSDK, PoolLimits, PoolSettings } from '@gooddollar/goodcollective-sdk';
const wallet = ethers.getSigner();
const readProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('');
const chainId = 44787;
sdk = new GoodCollectiveSDK(chainId, readProvider); //contracts data by chainId is read from @gooddollar/goodcollective-contracts/releases/deployment.json
const poolSettings: PoolSettings = {
manager: wallet.address,
membersValidator: <members validaor contract address or zero>//ethers.constants.AddressZero,
rewardPerEvent: [10],
validEvents: [1],
rewardToken: <rewards token address>
uniqunessValidator: <uniqueness validaor contract address or zero>//ethers.constants.
const poolLimits: PoolLimits = {
maxMemberPerDay: 1000,
maxMemberPerMonth: 10000,
maxTotalPerMonth: 100000,
const projectId = 'Detrash'; //the first pool created with a project id will also be the owner of the project id, and only their managers can open pools with same projectid
const projectAttributesIpfs = 'ipfs://<cid>'; //json file with project attributes
const pool = await sdk.createPool(wallet, projectId, projectAttributesIpfs, poolSettings, poolLimits);
// console.log(pool.address) // pool address
// console.log(await pool.settings()) // view the assigned nftType
If there are not enough funds in the pool, minting will revert, there's an option to passfalse
to mint without triggering the reward distribution. Later the reward can be claimed by callingclaim(uint256 nftId)
const assignedType = (await pool.settings()).nftType;
const toMint = {
nftType: assignedType,
nftUri: 'ipfs://test' + Math.random(),
version: 1,
events: [
eventUri: 'ipfs://event1',
subtype: 1,
contributers: [wallet.address],
timestamp: 1000000,
quantity: ethers.BigNumber.from(10),
const withClaim = true;
const nft = await sdk.mintNft(wallet, pool.address, recp.address, toMint, withClaim);
const tx = await nft.wait();
* Starts a new donation flow using Superfluid's core-sdk createFlow method.
* @param {ethers.Signer} signer - The signer object for the transaction.
* @param {string} poolAddress - The address of the pool contract.
* @param {string} flowRate - The flow rate for the new flow.
* @returns {Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction>} A promise that resolves to a transaction object when the operation is complete.
async supportFlow(signer: ethers.Signer, poolAddress: string, flowRate: string)
You can use supportFlowWithSWap to swap any token on uniswap (celo) to G$ and start a support stream.
User needs to firstapprove
the amount he wants to swap to the pool.
* Starts a new donation flow and executes a swap using uniswap v3 using Superfluid's core-sdk createFlow and host.callAppAction methods.
* @param {ethers.Signer} signer - The signer object for the transaction.
* @param {string} poolAddress - The address of the pool contract.
* @param {string} flowRate - The flow rate for the new flow.
* @param {SwapData} swap - The swap data object containing details of the swap.
* @returns {Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction>} A promise that resolves to a transaction object when the operation is complete.
async supportFlowWithSwap(signer: ethers.Signer, poolAddress: string, flowRate: string, swap: SwapData)
* Single donation using G$ ERC677
* Transfers tokens and calls onTokenTransfer function on the pool contract. ERC677
* @param {ethers.Signer} signer - The signer object for the transaction.
* @param {string} poolAddress - The address of the pool contract.
* @param {string} amount - The amount of tokens to transfer.
* @returns {Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction>} A promise that resolves to a transaction object when the operation is complete.
async supportSingleTransferAndCall(signer: ethers.Signer, poolAddress: string, amount: string)
* Single donation using superfluid batch call
* Executes a batch of operations including token approval and calling a function on the pool contract.
* @param {ethers.Signer} signer - The signer object for the transaction.
* @param {string} poolAddress - The address of the pool contract.
* @param {string} amount - The amount of tokens to transfer.
* @returns {Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction>} A promise that resolves to a transaction object when the operation is complete.
async supportSingleBatch(signer: ethers.Signer, poolAddress: string, amount: string)
struct NFTData {
uint32 nftType; // should be non zero, automatically assigned by the DirectPaymentFactory
uint16 version; // version should be updatd by the pool/nftType manager
string nftUri; // extra data related to nft that was minted (usually "proof of..."), or general data like the event types
EventData[] events; // list of climate action events that this nft represent
struct EventData {
uint16 subtype; // event type should be managed by the pool/nftType manager. type number to human readable should be supplied in the ipfs data of the nft or event
uint32 timestamp; // when event happened (unix timestamp, ie seconds)
uint256 quantity; // arbitrary quantity relevant to the event, used to calcualte the reward
string eventUri; //extra data related to event stored on ipfs or other external storage
address[] contributers; // reward will be split between the event contributers
The direct payments pool will send rewards per each event using the following formula:
eventIndex = find indexOf event.subtype in settings.validEvents
rewardPerContributer = settings.rewardsPerEvent[eventIndex] * event.quantity / contributers.length
The app is designed as a webapp but using react-native-web so it should also compile to native.
to run on ios/android follow the instructions for react-native to install ios/android development frameworks
cd packages/app
yarn web (or yarn android or yarn ios)
The directories that you'll use are:
Solidity contracts
React Native Web App
Typescript sdk to interact with the contracts
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