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Couchbase key mappings

YuriyZ edited this page Aug 21, 2019 · 23 revisions

Couchbase key mappings

Static rules:

  • objectClass -> oc

Dynamic rules:

We use _ as marker since luckily it's not used in current schema:

Drop prefix

  • gluu ->
    Example: gluuAttributeType -> attr_t
  • oxAuth ->
    Example: oxAuthAppType -> app_t, oxAuthLogoutSessionRequired -> logoutSessionRequired
  • ox -> \ Example oxIconUrl -> iconUrl
  • oxTrust ->

Shortcuts with markers

  • Group -> _g
    Example: gluuGroupVisibility -> _gVisibility
  • Client -> _c
    Example: oxAuthTrustedClient -> trusted_c
  • Type -> _t (we have a lot of Type, so keep it 2 chars shorter seems to worth it)
    Example oxAuthSubjectType -> subject_t
  • User -> _u
    Example oxAuthUserId -> _uId, oxAuthUserDN -> _uDN
  • Default -> _d
    Example : oxAuthDefaultAcrValues -> _dAcrValues

Shortcuts without markers

  • Configuration -> Conf
    Example: oxSmtpConfiguration -> smptConf
  • Application -> App \ Example : oxTrustConfApplication -> confApp
  • Request -> Req
  • Response -> Resp
    Example: oxAuthUserInfoEncryptedResponseAlg -> _uInfoEncrRespAlg
  • Attribute -> Attr
  • Authentication -> Authn
    Example: oxAuthAuthenticationTime -> authnTime, oxIDPAuthentication -> IDPAuthn
  • Authorization -> Authz
    Example: oxAuthSkipAuthorization -> skipAuthz
  • Encrypted -> Encr Example: oxAuthUserInfoEncryptedResponseAlg -> _uInfoEncrRespAlg
  • Signing -> Sig
    Example: oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg -> TokEndpointAuthSigAlg
  • ExpirationDate -> Exp
    Example: oxLinkExpirationDate -> oxLinkExp
  • Object -> Obj
    Example: oxAuthRequestObjectEncryptionAlg -> reqObjEncrAlg
  • Token -> Tok (it's not super nice but we use it a lot so we need to cut it but still need to read it clearly)
    Example oxAuthTokenType -> Tok_t, oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg -> TokEndpointAuthSigAlg
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