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323 lines (238 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

323 lines (238 loc) · 12.6 KB


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This gem crossmaps a checklist of scientific names to names from a data source in GN Resolver.

Checklist has to be in a CSV format.


This gem is compatible with Ruby versions higher or equal to 2.1.0


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gn_crossmap'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install gn_crossmap


Usage as a Web Application

see [gn_crossmap_web] project

Usage from command line

# to see help
crossmap --help

# to compare with default source (Catalogue of Life)
crossmap -i my_list.csv -o my_list_col.csv

# to compare with other source (Index Fungorum in this example)
crossmap -i my_list.csv -o my_list_if.csv -d 5

# to use standard intput and/or output
cat my_list.csv | crossmap -i - -o - > output

# to keep only taxonID (if given) from original input
# no original fields will be kept without taxonID
cat my_list.csv | crossmap -i my_list.csv -s

# to show classification from the source
cat my_list.csv | crossmap -i my_list.csv -w

Usage as Ruby Library (API description)

Compares an input list to a data source from GN Resolver and writes result into an output file.

opts = { input: input, output: output, data_source_id: 1 ,
         skip_original: true, alt_headers: [] }

input : (string) Either a path to a csv file with list of names, or "-" which designates STDIN

output : (string) Either a path to the output file, or "-" which designates STDOUT

data_source_id : (integer) id of a data source from GN resolver

skip_original : (boolean) if true only taxonID (if given) is preserved from original data. Otherwise all original data is preserved. If there is no taxonID, no original data will be preserved.

alt_headers : (array) empty array by default. If alt_headers are not empty they are used instead of the headers supplied with the file

resolver_url : URL to globalnames' resolver. Default is

with_classification : (boolean) if true, adds classification path to the output


Allows to set logger to a custom logger (default is STDERR)

Usage Example

require "gn_crossmap"

# If you want to change logger -- default Logging is to standard error

GnCrossmap.logger =

opts = { input: "path/to/input.csv", output: "path/to/output.csv,
         data_source_id: 5 , skip_original: true }"path/to/input.csv", "path/to/output.csv", 5, true)

# if you want to use alternative headers instead of ones supplied in a file

opts = { input: "path/to/input.csv", output: "path/to/output.csv,
         data_source_id: 5 , skip_original: true,
         alt_headers: %w(taxonId, scientificName, rank) }

If you want to get intermediate statistics for each resolution cycle use a block: do |stats|
  puts stats
  puts "Matches:"
  stats[:matches].each do |key, value|
    puts "#{GnCrossmap::MATCH_TYPES[key]}: #{value}"

To trigger termination of the resolution before it is completed do
  # do something and then return STOP string from the block

Intermediate stats format

Field Description
status current phase: (init, ingested
total_records total number of names in original list
ingestion_start time when the reading from csv started
ingestion_span time of intermediate checkpoint of reading csv
ingested_records number of ingested records at an intermediate checkpoint
resolution_start time when resolution of names started
resolution_stop time when resolution of names stopped
resolution_span time of intermediate checkpoint of resolving names
resolved_records number of names already processed
speed weighted speed average
current_speed speed of resolution for the last batch
matches Distribution of processed data by match type (see below)
errors First 0-10 errors found during the csv file processing

Match types

Match types dictionary can be accessed with GnCrossmap::MATCH_TYPES constant

Match code Match type
0 No match
1 Exact string match
2 Canonical form exact match
3 Canonical form fuzzy match
4 Partial canonical form match
5 Partial canonical form fuzzy match
6 Genus part match
7 Error in matching

Input file format

  • Comma Separated File with names of fields in first row.
  • Columns can be separated by tab, comma or semicolon
  • At least some columns should have recognizable fields

taxonID kingdom phylum class order family genus species subspecies variety form scientificNameAuthorship scientificName taxonRank

simplest Example -- only scientificName

Macrobiotus echinogenitus subsp. areolatus Murray, 1907

taxonID and scientificName Example

1;Macrobiotus echinogenitus subsp. areolatus Murray, 1907
taxonID scientificName
1 Animalia
2 Macrobiotus echinogenitus subsp. areolatus Murray, 1907

Rank Example

1;Macrobiotus echinogenitus f. areolatus Murray, 1907;form
taxonID scientificName taxonRank
1 Animalia kingdom
2 Macrobiotus echinogenitus subsp. areolatus Murray, 1907 subspecies

Family and Authorship Example

1;Macrobiotidae;Macrobiotus echinogenitus subsp. areolatus;Murray, 1907
taxonID family scientificName scientificNameAuthorship
1 Animalia
2 Macrobiotidae Macrobiotus echinogenitus Murray

Fine-grained Example

1;Animalia;;Tardigrada;;;Eutardigrada;;;;Parachela;;;Macrobiotoidea;Macrobiotidae;;;;Macrobiotus;;;harmsworthi;obscurus;;;Dastych, 1985
TaxonId kingdom subkingdom phylum subphylum superclass class subclass cohort superorder order suborder infraorder superfamily family subfamily tribe subtribe genus subgenus section species subspecies variety form ScientificNameAuthorship
136021 Animalia Pogonophora
136022 Animalia Pogonophora Frenulata Webb, 1969
565443 Animalia Tardigrada Eutardigrada Parachela Macrobiotoidea Macrobiotidae Macrobiotus harmsworthi obscurus Dastych, 1985

More examples can be found in spec/files directory

Output file format

Output includes following fields:

Field Description
classification classification path of the data source (if available)
editDistance for fuzzy-matching -- how many characters differ between checklist and data source name
matchSize number of returned matches for a name
matchType what kind of match it is
matchedCanonicalForm canonical form of the matched name
matchedRank corresponding rank from the data source
matchedScientificName name matched from the GN Reolver data source
rank rank from the source (if it was given/inferred)
scientificName name from the checklist
score heuristic score from 0 to 1 where 1 is a good match, 0.5 match requires further human investigation
taxonID original ID attached to a name in the checklist

Types of Matches

The output fomat returns 7 possible types of matches:

  1. Exact string match - The exact name was matched (but ignoring non-ascii characters)
  2. Exact match by canonical form of a name - The canonical form of the name (a version of a scientific name that contains complete versions of the latin words, but lacks insertions of subtaxa, annotations, or authority information) was matched
  3. Fuzzy match by canonical form - The canonical form gave a fuzzy (detecting lexical or spelling variations of a name using Tony Rees' algorithm TAXAMATCH) match
  4. Partial exact match by species part of canonical form - The canonical form returned a partial but exact match
  5. Partial fuzzy match by species part of canonical form - The canonical form returned a partial, fuzzy match
  6. Exact match by genus part of a canonical form - The genus part of the canonical form of the species name returned an exact match
  7. [Blank] - No match


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/gn_crossmap/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Author -- Dmitry Mozzherin

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Marine Biological Laboratory. See LICENSE for details.