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Releases: GlacioHack/geoutils


20 Mar 06:10
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This release corrects the packaging of non-Python files such as config.ini to facilitate conda releases.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3


20 Mar 05:56
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v0.1.3pre Pre-release

Pre-release to try to properly package the config.ini file in conda.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3pre


20 Mar 01:22
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This releases add a Raster.from_xarray() function to create a Raster from a Xarray data array and fixes nodata conversion in Raster.to_xarray(), re-works the Raster.to_points() into a modular and efficient Raster.to_pointcloud() in anticipation of a PointCloud class release, and adds logic to cast pixel interpretation in a raster depending on its "AREA_OR_POINT" metadata for both Raster-Raster and Raster-Point operations.
Additionally, a new Raster.get_mask() function now allows to read the nodata mask of the raster on disk without loading the array of values into memory (for example for efficient subsampling, but also other functionalities).

This releases also includes some small fixes and dependency management improvements.

What's Changed

  • Fix error checking colormap in by @adehecq in #510
  • Remove setuptools and setuptools_scm from requirements.txt by @rhugonnet in #512
  • Remove optional import for rioxarray by @rhugonnet in #514
  • Unfix geopandas and pandas version by @rhugonnet in #518
  • Add Raster.from_xarray() to create raster from a xr.DataArray by @rhugonnet in #521
  • Make Raster.to_pointcloud() modular and add Raster.get_mask() for memory-efficient operations requiring mask by @rhugonnet in #501
  • Add pixel interpretation and casting logic (AREA_OR_POINT raster metadata) and add new package-level config defaults by @rhugonnet in #509
  • Update release number to 0.1.2 by @rhugonnet in #524

Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2


09 Mar 02:10
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Some documentation fixes, bug fixes and more tests, in particular preventing default prefilter argument of scipy.map_coordinates from negatively affecting the Raster.interp_points() function in case of large amounts of nodata values.

What's Changed

  • Fix code lines in side-by-side examples of "About GeoUtils" by @rhugonnet in #493
  • Make interp_points robust to non-equal grids and impractical default SciPy arguments by @rhugonnet in #484
  • Fix nodata not appearing in representation of Raster by @rhugonnet in #497
  • Replace indexes into bands in documentation by @rhugonnet in #498
  • Update version number to 0.1.1 by @rhugonnet in #507

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1


14 Feb 11:55
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This is the first minor release of GeoUtils which contains all core features originally drafted, and is the result of more than 3 years of work! 🥳
The next planned minor releases will include point cloud support for easier point-raster analysis, an Xarray accessor, both in the works, and more! See the roadmap here:

⚠️ This release breaks the behaviour of a couple early-dev functions! ⚠️
Due to the early stages of previous functions, there is no warning for these changes, see the short guide to update your code below. In the future, deprecation warnings will be issued in advance before discontinuing a function name/behaviour.

This minor version also comes with a couple bug fixes and a lot of new tests to ensure the robustness of our functionalities!

Guide to update your code

  • Rename show() to plot() for both Raster, Vector and subclasses such as DEM in xDEM,
  • The operations .crop() and .shift() are not done inplace by default anymore, they now use the same logic as other functions (and default in Pandas or Xarray), to maintain inplace logic, replace to: raster = raster.crop() or specify raster.crop(inplace=True),
  • Several function arguments are renamed for consistency throughout the package and clarity, in particular dst_xxx arguments of reproject such as reproject(dst_res=) are all renamed to reproject(res=). You can find all argument names in the API:
  • New UserWarning are sometimes raised, in particular if your Raster.nodata is not defined or defined but with some values not masked in your array. Those warnings should give an indication as to how to silence them.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.17...v0.1.0


22 Dec 14:54
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This release fixes a recent bug preventing pip install from working.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.0.16...v0.0.17


22 Dec 12:33
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v0.0.17pre2 Pre-release

Pre-release to try fixing GitHub Actions

What's Changed

  • Force fetch depth of 0 for setup to work on Github Actions by @rhugonnet in #420

Full Changelog: v0.0.17pre1...v0.0.17pre2


22 Dec 11:57
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v0.0.17pre1 Pre-release

Pre-release to check if pip install is fixed

What's Changed

  • Fix pip install with setuptools-scm versioning by @rhugonnet in #419

Full Changelog: v0.0.16...v0.0.17pre1


29 Nov 00:01
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Bug fixes, documentation rendering and compatibility improvements.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.0.15...v0.0.16


25 Sep 07:20
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Short release to fix the package module definition for publishing on conda-forge.

What's Changed

  • Declare geoutils.raster sub-package explicitly by @rhugonnet in #404

Full Changelog: v0.0.14...v0.0.15