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--- a/cookbooks/index.md
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@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ This section contains self-contained cookbooks on how to design different geodyn
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+Simple Subduction Model: 2D Chunk
+_Contributed by Magali Billen_
+This tutorial will present how to set up a subduction model structure intended for use
+in a mantle convection model. The model will use a 2D slice in a spherical chunk geometry.
+The model will consist of 3 features:
+1. An `oceanic plate` defining the overriding plate structure
+2. An `oceanic plate` defining the sinking plate structure (along the model surface)
+3. A `subducting plate` defining the subducted portion of the sinking plate (the slab)
+For each feature, we need to choose the geometry and we can define the temperature model
+and the composition model to delineate layers in the plates and slab.
+* All the files for this cookbook maybe downloaded from the
+[github cookbook page](https://github.com/GeodynamicWorldBuilder/WorldBuilder/tree/main/cookbooks/simple_subduction_2d_chunk)
+* It is may be helpful to read the
+[Simple Subduction 2D Cartesian](part:user_manual:chap:cookbooks:sec:simple_subduction_2d_cartesian)
+Cookbook before continuing with this cook.
+For this example, the full model domain is a 90 degree profile in longitude and 1000 km
+deep. The limits of the domain are chosen as 45 and 135 degrees, centered at 90 degrees.
+These limits are chosen in combination with the limits of the `cross section` parameter
+in World Builder file (see below). In the grid file, we choose a chunk geometry: in 3D,
+the chunk is a 3D section of a spherical shell. In 2D, the chunk is a great circle
+slice through a section of a spherical shell. We also indicate that there will be 2 compositions
+in addition to the temperature.
+The figure below shows how the longitude angle is measured in the 3D World Builder space.
+the longitude parameter increases counter clockwise, from the x = 0. This is the
+orientation that the output will appear if viewed in Paraview.
+```{figure} chunk_2d_coordinate_sketch.png
+:name: Chunk 2D geometry
+:alt: Orientation of longitude coordinate in 2D chunk slice and location of the grid data points.
+:align: center
+Orientation of longitude coordinate in 2D chunk slice and location of the grid data points.
+To visualize the output, using Paraview (or similar), we use two grid files
+a low resolution version (for quick checking) and a high resolution version (for careful
+checking of the details). The only parameters to change are the number of grid points
+in each location:
+::::{tab-item} Low resolution grid file
+:::{literalinclude} ../simple_chunk_2d_low_res.grid
+::::{tab-item} High resolution grid file
+:::{literalinclude} ../simple_chunk_2d_high_res.grid
+These figures illustrate how the temperature structure may look _wrong_ (discontinous)
+if the mesh is low resolution, but increasing the mesh resolution, it is clear that
+the temperature is smooth across a fine mesh.
+:::{tab-item} Slab with low resolution grid
+```{figure} chunk_2d_low_res_temperature.png
+:::{tab-item} Slab with high resolution grid
+```{figure} chunk_2d_high_res_temperature.png
+## Root model information
+In the root model section we need to indicate a spherical geometry (to agree with the
+spherical coordinate system of the chunk). We also choose the option 'depth method'
+option as "begin at end segment"
+(see [this page](part:user_manual:chap:concepts:sec:const_angle_spherical)) for more information
+The `cross section` parameter defines the start and end locations for the cross section at
+the surface of the model (z = 0). For this example, we choose to put the cross section at
+the equator (y/latitude = 0), and give the start and end points of the cross section in
+longitude as x = 0 and x = 180 degrees. As noted above, the start value of the `cross section`
+can shift where features appear within the grid.
+:::{tab-item} Root model information
+```{literalinclude} ../simple_subduction_2d_chunk.wb
+:language: json
+:lineno-start: 1
+:lines: 1-11
+:::{tab-item} Full File
+```{literalinclude} ../simple_subduction_2d_chunk.wb
+:language: json
+:lineno-start: 1
+The three images below show how changing only the starting value for the cross
+section shifts the position of the slab (no other values are changed; same grid file)
+Therefore, unless you have a specific reason, the `cross section` parameter should
+start at x = 0 (longitude). For the models with a shift start location,
+the temperature for the region beyond the sinking plate is filled in with the background
+adiabatic temperature gradient.
+::::{tab-item} Cross section: 0 to 180
+:::{figure} cross_section_0_180.png
+::::{tab-item} Cross section: 10 to 180
+:::{figure} cross_section_10_180.png
+::::{tab-item} Cross section: 30 to 180
+:::{figure} cross_section_30_180.png
+The other physical parameters are defined as reference values, which will be used by the
+feature temperature models if the values are not entered separately.
+### Feature Geometry, temperature and composition
+For each feature, we define the extent of that feature, a compositional layer and the
+temperature structure. For the compositional layer, we use a thickness of 100 km as
+a marker of the outline of the plate, and not to indicate an actual compositional structure.
+We also use two different compositional values: 0 for the overriding plate and 1 for the
+sinking plate and subducting plate.
+#### Oceanic Plates
+We will place the trench at the center of the profile at 90 degrees. Therefore,
+* Overriding plate extends from 90 to 135 degrees in longitude.
+* Sinking plate extends from 45 m to 90 degrees in longitude.
+In the z direction, the maximum depth of the plate is chosen to be deep enough to account
+for any changes in the plate temperature in depth. If too small a value is chosen, a
+sharp jump in temperature will be seen in the output,
+(see, for example, [Simple Subduction 2D Cartesian](part:user_manual:chap:cookbooks:sec:simple_subduction_2d_cartesian))
+For the temperature model we use the half space cooling model (appropriate for ages less
+than 80 my). The temperature of the oceanic plates is calculated from the plate age,
+which is based on the location of the ridge for that plate and the spreading velocity.
+For this model we place the ridge for the sinking plate at the edge of the box (x = 135 degrees).
+However, for the overriding plate, we place the location of the ridge outside the model domain area
+(x = 0 degrees): this shows how World Builder considers distance (i.e., distance to
+the ridge) on a full 3D sphere, even though we are only interested in the effect within
+the limits of the grid we define.
+To specify that the half space model should meet the background adiabatic temperature,
+we set `bottom temperature` to -1.
+:::{tab-item} Oceanic Plate information
+```{literalinclude} ../simple_subduction_2d_chunk.wb
+:language: json
+:lineno-start: 12
+:lines: 12-35
+:::{tab-item} Full File
+```{literalinclude} ../simple_subduction_2d_chunk.wb
+:language: json
+:lineno-start: 1
+#### Subducting Plate
+Here we first add the compositional layer to continue the layer from the sinking plate.
+For the slab, we choose segments of different lengths, some with constant dip angle
+and others with variable dip. We also illustrate that the slab geometry can be overturned
+bu increasing the angle beyond 90 degree. We keep the `thickness` and `top truncation`
+values constant. These parameters are illustrated in
+[Simple Subduction 2D Cartesian](part:user_manual:chap:cookbooks:sec:simple_subduction_2d_cartesian)).
+The last step is to define the temperature structure of the slab. For this we choose the
+temperature model `mass conserving` and the `half space model` option for `reference model name`.
+The temperature structure depends on the age of the plate at the trench and subducting plate velocity.
+The age of the plate at the trench is determined from the `ridge coordinates`, and subducting
+`plate velocity`. The slab continues to get older with depth based on the length along the
+slab surface and subducting plate velocity. For the mass conserving temperature model,
+heating up of the slab and cooling down of the surrounding mantle depends on age,
+subducting plate velocity and length of the slab. The parameter `min distance slab top`
+has the same role as `top truncation` and the parameter `max distance slab top` has the
+same role as `thickness`.
+:::{tab-item} Subducting Plate information
+```{literalinclude} ../simple_subduction_2d_chunk.wb
+:language: json
+:lineno-start: 36
+:lines: 36-62
+:::{tab-item} Full File
+```{literalinclude} ../simple_subduction_2d_chunk.wb
+:language: json
+:lineno-start: 1
+Three other paramaters control details of the temperature structure:
+* the rate of heating is different where the slab is in contact with the overriding plate
+versus when it is in direct contact with the mantle. This change is controlled by
+the `coupling depth` parameter.
+* the temperature of the forearc region depends on the duration of subduction and
+shielding of this region from the warmer mantle. The amount of additional cooling of the
+forearc is controlled by the `forearc cooling factor`. This is a unconstrained tuning
+parameter in this model. Typical values are in the range of 0-20.
+* the down-dip end of the slab needs to smoothly transition into the surrounding mantle.
+To achieve this, the `taper distance` indicates the distance at which to start linearly
+tapering the slab temperature into the background temperature.
+Final model figures:
+::::{tab-item} Full model domain
+:::{figure} chunk_2d_full_domain.png
+Contours show outline of overriding plate composition (white) and sinking plate and slab
+::::{tab-item} Center region of model domain
+:::{figure} chunk_2d_high_res_temperature_compositions.png
+Contours show outline of overriding plate composition (white) and sinking plate and slab
+::::{tab-item} Corner of model
+:::{figure} chunk_2d_high_res_ridge_corner.png
+Corner of model domain showing the ridge temperature structure for the sinking plate.
+#### Experimenting with the Model
+Recommendations for things to experiment with (only vary one parameter at a time):
+* Try changing the shape of the slab, by adjusting the dips or lengths of the slab.
+* Try change the location of one of the ridges.
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+# Simple slab in 2D chunk geometry
+# higher resolution grid to check slab temperature structure
+grid_type = chunk
+dim = 2
+compositions = 2
+# x: longitude, y: latitude, z: radius
+x_min = 45
+x_max = 135
+y_min = 0
+y_max = 0
+z_min = 5.371e6
+z_max = 6.371e6
+# grid properties
+n_cell_x = 900
+n_cell_z = 100
diff --git a/cookbooks/simple_subduction_2d_chunk/simple_chunk_2d_low_res.grid b/cookbooks/simple_subduction_2d_chunk/simple_chunk_2d_low_res.grid
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/cookbooks/simple_subduction_2d_chunk/simple_chunk_2d_low_res.grid
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Simple slab in 2D chunk geometry
+# Low resolution grid for quick testing
+grid_type = chunk
+dim = 2
+compositions = 2
+# x: longitude, y: latitude, z: radius
+x_min = 45
+x_max = 135
+y_min = 0
+y_max = 0
+z_min = 5.371e6
+z_max = 6.371e6
+# grid properties
+n_cell_x = 300
+n_cell_z = 50
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "version":"0.6",
+ "coordinate system":{"model":"spherical",
+ "depth method":"begin at end segment",
+ "radius":6371000.0},
+ "cross section":[[0,0],[180,0]],
+ "surface temperature":273, "potential mantle temperature":1573,
+ "thermal expansion coefficient":3.1e-5,
+ "specific heat":1000, "thermal diffusivity":1.0e-6,
+ "features":
+ [
+ {"model":"oceanic plate", "name":"Overriding",
+ "min depth":0, "max depth":300e3,
+ "coordinates" :[[0,-5],[0,5],[90,5],[90,-5]],
+ "temperature models":[{"model":"half space model",
+ "min depth":0, "max depth":300e3,
+ "top temperature":273, "bottom temperature":-1,
+ "spreading velocity":0.1,
+ "ridge coordinates":[[[0,-5],[0,5]]]
+ }],
+ "composition models":[
+ {"model":"uniform", "compositions":[0], "min depth":0, "max depth":100e3}]
+ },
+ {"model":"oceanic plate", "name":"Subducting",
+ "min depth":0, "max depth":300e3,
+ "coordinates" :[[90,-5],[90,5],[135,5],[135,-5]],
+ "temperature models":[ {"model":"half space model",
+ "min depth":0, "max depth":300e3,
+ "top temperature":273, "bottom temperature":-1,
+ "spreading velocity":0.05,
+ "ridge coordinates":[[[135,-5],[135,5]]]
+ }],
+ "composition models":[
+ {"model":"uniform", "compositions":[1], "min depth":0, "max depth":100e3}]
+ },
+ { "model":"subducting plate", "name":"Slab",
+ "coordinates":[[90,-5],[90,5]],
+ "dip point":[0,0], "max depth":1000e3,
+ "segments":[
+ {"length":200e3, "thickness":[300e3], "top truncation":[-100e3], "angle":[0,30]},
+ {"length":100e3, "thickness":[300e3], "top truncation":[-100e3], "angle":[30,50]},
+ {"length":200e3, "thickness":[300e3], "top truncation":[-100e3], "angle":[50,50]},
+ {"length":300e3, "thickness":[300e3], "top truncation":[-100e3], "angle":[50,10]},
+ {"length":100e3, "thickness":[300e3], "top truncation":[-100e3], "angle":[10,10]},
+ {"length":300e3, "thickness":[300e3], "top truncation":[-100e3], "angle":[10,150]},
+ {"length":200e3, "thickness":[300e3], "top truncation":[-100e3], "angle":[150,150]},
+ {"length":200e3, "thickness":[300e3], "top truncation":[-100e3], "angle":[150,90]},
+ {"length":100e3, "thickness":[300e3], "top truncation":[-100e3], "angle":[90,90]}
+ ],
+ "composition models":[
+ {"model":"uniform", "compositions":[1], "max distance slab top":100e3}],
+ "temperature models":[
+ {"model":"mass conserving",
+ "reference model name": "half space model",
+ "density":3300, "thermal conductivity":3.3,"adiabatic heating":true,
+ "plate velocity":0.05,
+ "ridge coordinates":[[[135,-5],[135,5]]],
+ "coupling depth":80e3,
+ "forearc cooling factor":10.0,
+ "taper distance":150e3,
+ "min distance slab top":-200e3, "max distance slab top":300e3}]
+ }
+ ]