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Bibitem Parser

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The Bibitem parser takes a LaTeX bibitem as input and parses it to a Publication object. The parser has the following characteristics:

  • It parses the given information without any required fields. For instance, it reads the title of book in the following bibitem while it is missing other information such as author name and publisher.

    @"@book{, title = {Awesome Book}}"
  • The parser reads common LaTeX typeset used in bibitem such as accented letters (e.g., \"e).

  • Accounts for some common inconsistencies in bibitem. For instance volume = {{10}} while it should be volume = {10}, or doi={NA} while instead this field should not be given.

  • It comes with generic and concrete constructors, hence can use built-in models or use user-provided types. For instance:

    // Concrete
    var parser = new Parser();
    // Generic
    var parser = new Parser<Publication, Author, Keyword>(
      new PublicationConstructor(), 
      new AuthorConstructor(), 
      new KeywordConstructor());
    // For details, see examples below.
  • Accessible and modifiable regex pattern, custom attribute delimiter, custom keyword delimiter, and stop-words.


Example 1: Use concrete constructor

This is the simplest usage of the parser where it parses bibitem to built-in models.

using Genometric.BibitemParser;

// Sample input.
var bibitem = @"@ARTICLE{8468044, author={Jalili, Vahid}, title={Next Generation Indexing for Genomic Intervals}, year={2019}, doi={10.1109/TKDE.2018.2871031}}";

// Initialize the parser.
var parser = new Parser();

// Parse the sample bibitem.
bool status = parser.TryParse(bibitem, out Publication pub);

// Assert the parsed information.
Xunit.Assert.Contains(pub.Authors, a => a.FirstName == "Vahid" && a.LastName == "Jalili");
Xunit.Assert.Equal(pub.DOI, "10.1109/TKDE.2018.2871031");

Example 2: Parse into custom types

This example shows how to provide custom types to the parser. The provided types implement their respective interfaces, which are defined in this directory. See built-in models as example on how to implement custom types (e.g., the built-in Publication type).

using Genometric.BibitemParser;
using Genometric.BibitemParser.Model;
using Genometric.BibitemParser.Constructors;

// Sample input.
var bibitem = @"@ARTICLE{8468044, author={Jalili, Vahid}, title={Next Generation Indexing for Genomic Intervals}, year={2019}, doi={10.1109/TKDE.2018.2871031}}";

// Initialize the parser.
var parser = new Parser<Publication, Author, Keyword>(
    new PublicationConstructor(), 
    new AuthorConstructor(), 
    new KeywordConstructor());

// Parse the sample bibitem.
bool status = parser.TryParse(bibitem, out Publication pub);

// Assert the parsed information.
Xunit.Assert.Contains(pub.Authors, a => a.FirstName == "Vahid" && a.LastName == "Jalili");
Xunit.Assert.Equal(pub.DOI, "10.1109/TKDE.2018.2871031");