The app focuses on helping the Gen-z who are interested in agriculture related activities and don't have any prior knowledge or experience. Our App uses ML model to predict the best crop you should sow in your crop based on the current environment situations of your area. There are lot of other features and we are continuously working on adding more useful features.
For demo Video and UI images visit: -
- Best Crop Prediction.
- Agriculture related latest inventions and announcements news feed.
- Weather related information.
- Retrofit2 and OkHttp3 - For Authentication,News and Loading Data from Ml Flask server.
- Volley - For fetching Weather Data and ML backend.
- Coil and Glide - Handling Images
- JetPack
- Recycler View
- Navigation
- LifeCycle
- RxJava
- Material UI
- We are going to implement more such useful ML models in th app.
- We will be adding a crop management and reminder system for better management of your fields and crops.
- UI/UX enhancement.
- We will be releasing the beta-version soon.
Android Studio Bumblebee or later SDK 21 or later
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